• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 404 Views, 0 Comments

Immortality - ReubenHarvey

Follow Snowgleam Dust as he moves trough his life discovering himself and his friends and what he's meant to do. From the Manehattan stories, to the Ponyville Tales.

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Immortality. So many have searched for it. For countless years many have strived towards it but only one, has ever reached it.
I have seen and caused so much pain in the Last thousand years.

Some would say Immortality is a blessing. The naivety of those who don't possess it. I too believed it to be a gift for the first few years. Being able to do and say whatever I wanted without thought of repercussion to my health, or to those in my path. I soon found out what a curse I had discovered, when many around me, friends, family, all withered away. I decided that it would be better humanity never received the fate I had foolishly strived for. I destroyed my creation, my discovery. I thought I was saving humanity, but instead I almost destroyed it.

Given a few hundred years immortality is bound to be noticed.

As history shows, humanity is a feeble race, fighting over one thing or another. Fighting for control over something they feel is theirs. As with many other things, land, seas, oil, money, I too became the object of war. The last great war. For almost one hundred years each nation captured or tried to capture me to discover my secrets, secrets that never left my lips. Each claimed they were trying to save humanity and too each I told the same “To live is to be human”. For the leaders of their respective nations this was insanity, but it holds a great meaning to me. Immortality robbed me of life. When one can never see an end, though you gain wisdom and clarity, you lose life, the reason for it.

Finally one nation decided if they couldn't have me, no other nation should either. The great nuclear calamity fell upon earth and left it scared and broken, and though humanity survived to rise again in another hundred years, I saw the same pattern’s fighting and pain, destruction. Again and again I watched humanity destroy themselves and the planet with it.

The earth does not have long left now. One thousand years of war has caused its premature end. Though the final pockets of humanity finally strive for freedom from war, I fear it may be too late.

I wondered to myself in these past few years, “what will happen to me when the world ends, will I finally die, do I deserve to?”
I chose to survive for humanity, in earth's final years I have shown my more educated mind to the final humans and together we have begun creation of a great door. In the last great city stands the construction of the door, this door will use earth final moments as power and connect to… somewhere new. Though I can never say for sure where people will be sent to once stepped through, humanity agrees that “to live is to be human” and have chosen to survive.

I discovered a way to connect to other realities, universes of an infinite number, when I mastered the art of passing time in my many many years left to my thoughts. And though to explain it would take an amount of time I simply do not have, I can say that in its simplest of ways, the door leads you through to one of the many realities. You cannot control where you land or even if you land at all, but its better to live in hope, than to die in fear.

In these final years I was made leader of the ghosts of humanity, of what remained. Although the position gave me very little power I chose to inspire the young to head forward to the final days, to the door. I know the thought of going into the unknown is a powerful fright. To stay behind is to surely die. All I ask is that if they make it, they spread the message of love, tolerance and ensure whomever they should meet knows of humanity.

Though I guess that would truly make the human race immortal in the tales of time and the universe.

Soon the final day came and the final city lined up waiting for the end, the beginning. While the world around them became hot lava, storms that spanned whole continents, the final city stood calmly waiting for the opening of the door. I made the final adjustments and the machine's inner workings whirred to life. While the door charged I turned to humanity and spoke the words. “To live is to be human” And as the same words echoed back to me from the very souls of the human race the door exploded into life. In a flash of purple and white the entire door light up and it was as if a crack in reality itself was opened, which I guess it was, the door stood there almost pushing the eyes of humanity away from it, with its unpleasant and out of this reality feel it gave off.
I could see the hearts of the people waver at the sight, and so to give my people courage I raised my hand in the air, calling all eyes to me. Then I simply smiled and bowed.
I turned to face the door. Took my final look at the worlds end, and stepped through. Though I never knew if humanity made it in after me. I still hear tales, once in a while, of the humans, the monsters with no fur, who destroyed themselves.

Rumours and ghost stories told to put foals to sleep.

Author's Note:

Shorter than i expected it to be. But still a joy to write.

If you spot anything or have any ideas for improvements please don't hesitate to speak up.