• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 404 Views, 0 Comments

Immortality - ReubenHarvey

Follow Snowgleam Dust as he moves trough his life discovering himself and his friends and what he's meant to do. From the Manehattan stories, to the Ponyville Tales.

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Ponyville Tales - Chapter Four

Ditzy watched in stunned silence as Snow slipped past her hooves. Mere inches from grasp. Her heart sank as he vanished in the tree line below. LIstening to the cracking snapping branches as he fell. Then silence. Was that good? Or did that mean far worse things had happened below? She felt as if her world was moving in slow motion. She couldn’t bear to think Snow hurt. Or worse. The tragic possibilities racing through her mind as she swooped down below the tree line looking for signs of life.

“Snow!” She cried zipping to and fro. Desperately searching the area of his fall. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw next.

Far in the distance she spotted Snows familiar white fur, now offset by a steadily increasing flow of red. Rushing as fast as her wings could take her. Sliding into a holt by Snows side.

Snows body was near unrecognizable. His features torn and mangled. Broken bones leaving lumps and breaks in his skin. The tears and missing flesh, torn by the branches as he fell, leaving uncontrollable amounts of blood to leak forth from his body. The worst of it were the many thick branches stabbing into his body. The Thick blood oozing down them and dripping joining the puddle of blood forming under his still motionless body.

Ditzy couldn’t do anything but scream in horror. Tears streaming down her face as she fell down to the ground beside him. The shadows of local pegasi circling above brought to her from her wailing screams. Ditzys eyes shot to the sky. Yelling for help, begging and pleading with anypony who could hear her cries.

By the time Sunshine and Dinky had caught up. Emergency ponies had already arrived and were carting Snows limp and battered body onto the carriage. Sunshine quickly spun Dinky around to shield her from the horror of what she saw. Pulling Dinky close to her body as she began to cry. Watching as the carriage rolled away as fast as the drivers legs could haul them. Sunshines eyes Darted around helplessly searching for Ditzy. It was then she spotted the blooded mare sitting hollow by the side of the road. Face streaked with tears and fur matted with mostly dried blood.

“Dinky keep your eyes shut you hear! Not one peek until I say this is not a game. Its serious!” Dinky had began to cry. though she didn’t fully understand the situation she knew what she had seen a glimpse of was bad and it scared her how Sunshine was acting. But she listened to Sunshine dutifully as ordered, not opening her eyes once. Even as she was hauled upon Sunshines back she never even peeked. She only cried.

“I Want my mommy!”

On instinct Ditzy heard her foals cries and snapped out of her stupor meeting the solum looking Sunshine halfway in a sprint. Snatching up her foal and holding her tight. Both crying into each other. Sunshine dared not ask. She silently watched as Ditzy held Dinky in her arms. Dinkys eyes opening to meet her mothers.

“NO! no Dinky. Dont look at me. Keep your eyes closed. For mommy please.” Dinky caught another small glimpse at what her mother looked like before quickly slamming shut her eyes once more. The panic however clearly setting over her face. The foal now covered in small patches of Snows blood where it had rubbed off from the embrace.

“Are.. you okay Ditzy?” Sunshine finally cut in. “Are you hurt?”

“No i'm not its..” Ditzy broke down once more. Falling down around her daughter and sobbing silently into her hooves. Sunshine knew it was Snow. As much as she hated the thought of him hurt she knew it was him.

The day moved on slowly. The mares felt the days seconds tick away slower than any other. Ditzy, after washing Dinky and herself off, had left Dinky with her trusted friend and local Librarian, Twilight Sparkle. Fearing that the days events would be far too much for a foal to handle. Twilight was very surprised when a rather bloody Ditzy burst through her door demanding that she take care of Dinky while she was at the hospital. Originally Ditzy had no intention of even washing of the blood. She wanted to rush to Snows side. But with a bit of coxing from Sunshine and Twilight, she finally lamented and gave in. The argument that Snow would be in intensive care, that they wouldn’t even be able to see him rang true in her mind. As much as it hurt.

Explaining what had happened to Twilight and Sunshine left Ditzy feeling hollow once more. Even though Twilight had never once met Snow in anything more than a professional manner at the coffee house. She still felt gravely concerned, but shed tears more for the pain that her friends felt over the ordeal, than her own. Ditzys pain only worsened when she had to explain again what happened to Dinky. Only this time in a less graphic manner. When Dinky fell to tears begging her mother to tell her Snow was going to be okay; When Ditzy herself couldn’t answer. It all became very overwhelmingly clear just how dire the situation was.

It had been three hours since snow had been rushed into hospital. Sunshine and Ditzy begged the staff to let them see Snow, Begged for some news for something. All they could do was wait for news of his condition. Hope and pray he would be okay.

They watched the room endlessly, as ponies darted in and out of it for hours on end. Some far more blooded and exhausted than others. This only made it clear that Snow was in real danger. The pair wished there was something they could do. Anything that would make it all okay.

Finally the room fell silent. And doctors and nurses filed out of the room one by one each more blooded and exhausted than the last. The last of the doctors stood before the mares. eyes lowered and a sad expression on his face. as he lowered his hat to his chest. Speaking the words no friend no pony, ever wants to hear.

“Hes dead!?” It was all too much for Sunshine to understand. Too hard for her mind to follow. As she slipped into her own mumbled words of disbelief. Ditzy once again and for the last time ran to Snows side. Breaking down into tears hugging the lifeless body that lay before her. Cursing herself for not stopping him when she had the chance. For not confessing and begging him to stay. Now she would never get the chance. Now all she could do is cry. Lightly kissing his cheek, only to sob once more.


It had been A tough day for all ponies involved. Ditzy couldn’t hold her head up anymore she was so tired from crying. She was now alone in the main room of Twilights home slash library. Now closed due to the setting sun. Bringing its final close to the day. She could still hear the distant cries of her daughter upstairs.

When they returned Sunshine offered to explain to Dinky what had happened and Dinky, understandably wanted to deny it and refuse it. Twilight left to try help comfort her once she realised that Ditzy, for the moment, wanted nothing but to be alone. She wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for a week. She wished she had never even met Snow, then she would never have to feel this pain. Ditzy knew she couldn’t undo her feelings for the stallion though.

“Feelings~” She sighed heavily at the word. She'd never even get the chance to find out just how badly she felt for him. Or how he felt. Ditzy felt the sudden pang of sadness hit her heart once more. The realisation that Snow wasn’t there anymore weighing over her. She couldn’t cry anymore. “Oh no.”

Ditzy took up a quill and paper and began to write a letter. All the thoughts of feelings reminded her that there was one mare who needed to know. She was most likely the most special mare in snows life. And as hard as that was to think about the mare needed to know. But Ditzy hardly made it past dear Sketch Pad before she hit a wall. What exactly could she say to the poor mare? How do you explain that a pony who is a big part of your life, is just gone?

Ditzy decided on the only logical way to do it. And explain it logically, step by step.

Dear Sketch Pad

You do not know me formally. Although as I know Snow writes to you often about his life I assume you know my name at least. I am Ditzy Doo.

I don’t really know how to write this. First I want to say how sorry I am. I want nothing more than to tear up this letter and throw it away because I know how much it will hurt you. I really am sorry.

Snow was in an accident this morning. The doctors did everything they could. He died.

I wish there was an easier way to tell you. If only I had stopped him he wouldn’t have died. Its all my fault. Honestly I don’t know what else to say. The hospital will want me to do something about snows funeral arrangements soon. I know I don’t have the right but please, come to ponyville. I don’t know what to do.

Ditzy Doo.

Ditzy read the letter over and over. It felt so wrong. It read as if it were so uncaring so unsympathetic. But she didn’t know anyway else to do it. She couldn’t avoid the subject. And Sketch had the right to know. With that she folded the letter away into an envelope. Marked an address she knew well from Snows many many letters to the mare. And filed it away for sending.


When Sketch First received the letter She didn’t want to believe it. She wanted to play it off as some bad joke. She had only received snows last letter not long ago, and he was fine. He couldn't be dead. She almost started to write a reply to snow telling him about the awful joke. But Since stopped her. She didn’t cry. She didn’t hide away. She just decided firmly that it was a hoax. And that when she got to ponyville snow would be right there in his little coffee shop to greet her. Within an hour of receiving the letter she had packed a saddle bag. She didn’t need much. Just her bits for any expenses, a present for Snow, something she meant to give him next time they meet and the directions Snow had been sure to give her should she ever want to just drop in.

Given the date marked on the letter it had been a day since Snows supposed accident. And if this hoax had any credibility then the train couldn’t be moving any slower. Despite how sure Sketch was in the Hoax, She still felt that undeniable pang of doubt in her heart and mind. A piece of her wanted nothing more than to curl up and cry at the thoughts. But she couldn’t, just could not for any reason believe that Snow would die. The hour was late when the train finally rolled into ponyville. Sketch bolted of the train. Taking flight as soon as she had clearance enough to do so. A quick glance to the directions told her exactly where she needed to look. Given her aerial view of thing she could clearly point of Snows shop. Landing in front of it as quickly as she could she froze still. Thought racing through her mind giving her pause. “What if this isnt a hoax? What if he really is dead?”

Slowly she walked up the the door. Its blinds were down and the closed sign in plain view. This didn’t bring much hope to her. But she knew it was late, maybe he was just in bed? She tried the door first. Shaking its handle over and over trying to will the door to unlock. Her clear worry and panic setting in. She took to banging on the door. Calling out his name. But there was no answer. No movement. No signs of life at all. It all became too much to bare and simply collapsed in front of his door. Giving in and crying silently in the night.

Ruby wasn’t sure of how long the mare had been in front of his workplace for. Be he wasn’t stupid. Though he had very little time to get to know his former boss, this was a small town and he knew full well what had happened. And now seeing an unknown mare crying by his door step. He didn’t need a fancy education too put the pieces of this puzzle together.

“Miss are you okay?”


If there was any doubt in Rubys mind before about her connection to Snowgleam, that doubt was gone. He could see the shock in her eyes, and the pain that hid behind them. He knew how intimidating his appearance could be. More so at night. Given his Jet black coat, wings, mane and tail. Paired with his deep red eyes it made for quite the menacing look. The fact that when out of work he also wore one gold and one silver earring in his right ear. It made him look quite the villain. He managed to offset his scary looks with actions and words however.

Even though Sketch backed away at first. Ruby pulled her into a tight embrace. She struggled against him for a moment. But she was to tired to fight anymore.

“I’m so sorry for your loss” Was all it took for her to break down completely. Finally realising he wasn’t hurting her. The stallion was trying to comfort her. The realisation of his words, her loss, hit her hard. She went rigid at first but the stallions embrace tightened and as he were squeezing the emotion out of her; She finally once more, broke down and cried wailing into the pegasi’s shoulder.

After lots of crying, hugging, followed by more crying and hugging, followed lastly by a short and awkward silence between the two. Ruby introduced himself, explaining his position in all this. How he was only Snows worker but knew a little about what had happened. He promised he would take her to see Sunshine, Although Sketch had asked to see Ditzy. Ruby knew enough to know that for now that was a bad idea. There was just one problem with that however. Neither pony knew where anypony lived in this town other than Snow.

Lamenting to the obvious. Ruby instead insisted on going to see a the pony named Twilight tomorrow. While he didn’t know the librarian personally, he did know from small town gossip, that she knew Ditzy. While this wasn’t who he wanted Sketch to see right away for obvious reasons, unknown to Sketch though. He also knew he didn’t really have a choice given the situation.

Knocking at the door of any ponies home at this time felt weird. He felt as if he were going to be shouted at. But he had promised to help Sketch who by this point had fallen silent and looked more to be following him on autopilot than anything. He knocked twice with his hoof hard. Waiting for some reply. Some sign of life from inside.

“Hello? I'm sorry to disturb you at such an hour, is anypony home?” He called as he knocked again. It was then that a light flicked on, its light shining brightly from the doors side windows. Hurried hoofsteps could be heard from behind the door. Quickly bolts and locks slid away out of sight and the door cracked open.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Ruby recognised the Lavender mare as Twilight Sparkle and knew he had to explain quickly. So as not to upset the clearly disgruntled mare more so. Twilight gave the pair an odd and inquizzitive look. While Rubys rather unique features gave her pause Sketches solum look was all it took to bring the sharp minded mare to attention. “Is everything okay?” She asked looking fully at Sketch Pad.

“I'm so sorry to disturb you miss Sparkle. My name is Ruby Rose. Its my understanding that you know Ditzy Doo correct?” The mention of Ditzys name brought twilight to attention. Nodding at Rubys question.

“Then I assume you know of, Snow?” Another nod.

“I'm sorry to have to put this on you, i just didn’t know where else to go, you were the only logical choice. This is Sketch Pad. Its my understanding she is, was, Snows friend. I'm afraid I don’t know all the details but I promised I’d get Miss Sketch here to somepony who does. I know it’s terribly late but-” Twilight held up a hoof in silence. She had heard more than enough to piece the rest together. Knowing all about Sketch Pad by now from what little Ditzy had told her. It was more than enough for her to trust the pegasis word.

“You had best both come in”


Ruby didn’t know how he allowed himself to get roped into staying over at twilights too. But something about a mare in distress called to his better nature and he simply couldn’t deny Sketchs pleas for him to stay. Given that Twilight had given it the okay and rolled out futons for the pair on the floor below. he couldn’t really even refuse.

Sketch had fallen asleep not long after Twilight went back upstairs, with the promise of talking and sorting it out tomorrow. Ruby would have slept too, however he was now more awake than ever. It wasn’t so much as being under a futon with a mare that bothered him. He wasn’t a shy Stallion, and he knew that given the circumstances one night wasn’t exactly the end of the world. However the fact that Sketch had taken to hugging him like an oversized teddy put him off greatly. He knew she was asleep and he knew she didn’t mean anything by the gesture. In Fact given her clear and present pains. He hardly even blamed her from wanting something, even subconsciously, to hug the pain away. Its not like he wasn’t a hugger. Ruby enjoyed a hug and even offered them when needed. Its just this was very different to his usual hugs. For one, he was almost always the giver. To be receiving one was an awkward feeling. Another and more prominent reason however, was the fact that he was lay on his side. Sketch was tucked tightly in behind him her head resting in the crook of his back between his wings. Her front hoof resting over him pulling into his chest and hugging him tightly. This didn’t bother him too much, it was the way her hips tightly folded around his own hind quarters that was keeping him up. Given the Position he could feel every, bit of Sketchs body, and the warmth it gave off. When she put herself in the position biting his lip was all he could do to stave off flailing in embarrassment and waking the poor mare. Something despite his growing discomfort, he did not want to do. He just hoped he would not fall asleep.

Rubys wish did not come true.

He awoke the morning after to the sounds of hoofsteps clattering down wooden stairs. A sudden gasp at what he could only assume was at him and Sketch.. Ruby and Sketch during the night hd somehow become a mess of tangled hooves and limbs. And while Ruby really wanted to get up he couldn’t. Sketch had found her way to using him as a whole body pillow and was pinning him down to the mat, Still snoring away.

“This is not what it looks like” Ruby whispered to the lavender hooves that came into view. Followed shortly by twilight crouching to meet her face with his.

“And what does this.. Look like?” Twilight whispers back. Making small motions with her head to indicate all of the pair.

“She’s a hugger it would seem.. Shes upset and i am not about to say not to a mare in need.. But.. the fact while we were both asleep, we ended up.. like this. I dont want to have her wake up and freak out..” Ruby gulps waiting for the inevitable freak out from twilight. But instead he was greeted with a soft lavender glow encapsulating both him and Sketch, softly lifting her of his body and dragging him out from under her. Placing her softly back atop the mat and tucking her softly into the sheets. Barely even causing her to stir.

“Thank you I..” Ruby was stopped by Twilights hoof. Silencing him with a shake of her head.

“You don’t need to say a thing. I can see that what you say is the truth. From the very look on you face.” She says as she leads him into the kitchen away from there sleeping companion.

“I understand you don’t know Sketch all that well. I’m correct in saying you only met last night infact. When you brought her here she did look awfully distraught. You promised her you would find one of Snows other friends right, like Sunshine; but brought her here when you realised you didn’t know where any of them lived?”

Ruby nodded his head slowly at the mairs brilliant deductions. He could see she was well learned; and was willing to look at a situation from all its angles before making an assumption. This he was glad for.

“Yeah all true. I had heard about Ditzy, I know she isn’t doing well and i know she’s your friend. I was worried that bringing Sketch to her might make this all worse for the both of them. But in all honesty i don’t know what the right move is. Aside from when i am at work, i'm not exactly a social stallion. I just did what felt right.” This startled Twilight somewhat. Seeing a pony who cares for not only the ones in front of him but for those around him that he hadn't even met. It wasn’t a trait all ponies carried, at least not so openly and on the surface.

“You sound like you care a great deal for others.” Twilight spoke softly as she placed a hoof over the Stallion. “You can relax now. Sunshine is taking care of Ditzy, and i dont think she will come here today at least. Shes doing a lot better though. And I will take care of Sketch now, Try and help her to come to terms with everything. Ditzy explained more than enough to me. I can fill in the details for Sketch when she wakes up.”

Ruby sat down leaning into the hoof Twilight had placed over him, saddened by the situation he had found himself in. Slowly he lent his head against Twilights side. The mare was startled, frozen still at first. But after a moment she relaxed, letting Ruby rest silently against her chest.

Silent minutes passed. As time moved on Twilight moved to hugging the solum stallion. She didn’t quite understand why he was so sad but on her word as a good and decent pony she couldn’t let it go un-noticed.

After more silent minutes passed Ruby finally spoke up.

“ It doesn't seem fair for me to leave all this to you.”

“You care a great deal. I know. But honestly Sketch and I need some time alone, You have done your part. Now i'm not forcing you to leave sure. I just think you have things to get back to surly. And I dont want to keep you from them.”

Twilight was right on some parts. Ruby had done his part and gotten Sketch to a pony who knows, and cares. And while his work was understandably closed for the time being. He did have to water his plants. It all didnt seem that important given the situation but Ruby knew that the girls needed space.

“You’re Twilight. I should give you two mares some space. I will be back later this week to return the book i borrowed from you. Maybe you could fill me in on some of the details then?”
“Sure” Twilight spoke as she hugged Ruby tightly before letting him go. Escorting him to the door as silently as possible, giving him one last wave before closing it softly behind him.

Twilight didn’t exactly want to wake the mare sleeping on her floor. She had gotten up earlier than usual to ensure she was up before her housemate and Number one ,Spike the Dragon. She knew he would be very surprised to find anypony asleep on the floor of the library. So as to soften the blow she made sure she was up first. She also didn’t want to have any customers Stumbling in during the open hours. Choosing today to not flip the sign to open as her normal morning routine would dictate. It did feel all kinds of strange for twilight to have to break routine. But then having a grieving sleeping pony on the floor of your library can break all kinds of things.

Twilight made her way once more, carefully around the sleeping pony to the kitchen, She knew Spike would be up soon but wanted to use this rare chance to make her own breakfast. With the meal silently in place, resting against the tabletop in the library. Twilight took her place and began to eat as quietly as she could. Holding a newspaper in her magical grasp, reading as she did. She was halfway done with her morning meal as she heard the familiar sound of claws taping against the wooden surface of the stairs. She turned her eyes to meet Spikes own and motioned him to be silent. Pointing out with a nod of her head to the snoozing pony below. Without word Spike slipped past Sketch with a confused glance and entered the kitchen. A few moments later he returned and took a place opposite Twilight, giving her a confused look as he took a bit out of his meal. All Twilight had to say was “She’s a friend of snows” For the young Dragon to fully understand all he had to. He cast a saddened glance at the poor sleeping mare, before continuing his silent meal.

Sketch awoke to the sounds of clinking plates in the distance. Her eyes blurry and confused to their surroundings. She slowly sat up taking in everything around her with a slow yawn. Turning letting the blanket fall of her side she met eyes with the purple mare from the night before. Quickly her mind began to flash back filling in the blanks of her sleepy unfocused mind. Very quickly she began to realise her worst nightmare was her reality. She stood quickly backing away from the lavender mare. Her eyes darting around the room trying to find her only solace from the pain. Ruby Rose was nowhere in sight..

While Sketch silently began to panic Twilight stepped up beside her. Softly trying to relax her. She realised her mistake as soon as Sketches Panicked face began to show. Ruby Rose was the only pony she knew in ponyville no matter how brief their interaction was. Even if Twilight knew who Sketch was Sketch did not know Twilight.

“Relax Sketch” Twilights soft words gave Sketch pause. Turning her head to the ground below Twilights hooves. “I promise we will get this all sorted out.”

Sketch just slumped to the ground giving into the hardships, collapsing under the weight of it all. Silently she closed her eyes. Shutting out the world, wishing it away.


The world unfortunately for those who suffer a loss, continues to move whether you want it to or not.

The week had drawn to a close. Snows funeral was a small one. Held in Ponyvilles small graveyard. Adding one more grave to its lot. Sketch and Ditzy both huddled into Rubys side each silently sobbing into their new found friend. Sunshine stood silently with Twilight, holding onto a somber looking Dinky, whom felt as if this is all to grown up for her, wishing that it could go back to the way it was when her mommy smiled. When she had Snow to play with.

The Six watched as the earth slowly filled the hole over their friend. Each adding an Lilly to the grave once all was done. One by one taking a moment to linger over the grave whispering their silent goodbyes. Moving on to Snows wake in his former coffee shop.

Snows grave had many visits over the coming weeks some ponies whom wished they had got to know him and others whom had known him for the short time he had been in ponyville.

Snows visits dwindled and ceased in the month thereafter. His grave growing cold and seemingly abandoned. Acting as a painful reminder of the past.


One year to the day saw Snows first visitor in a long time. The white colt planted a single lily in his grave before seemingly disappearing as quickly as he came upon hearing distant voices.

More visitors for snow on the anniversary. Sketch and Ditzy Looked upon the singly lily with a cold calculating look. Before adding their own to either side of it and each laying beside his grave talking to it and filling him in on all the things he’s been missing out on. As the day grew to its end the pair took one last look at the grave and the unknown lily planted in between their own. As the setting sun began to cast the longest shadow over his grave.

Unable to bare the pain of seeing his grave for any longer than what felt necessary the pair took their leave.

Unknown to them, leaving was a wise decision. Had they prolonged their stay they would have been witness to what stirred and clawed at the earth beneath their hooves.