• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 403 Views, 0 Comments

Immortality - ReubenHarvey

Follow Snowgleam Dust as he moves trough his life discovering himself and his friends and what he's meant to do. From the Manehattan stories, to the Ponyville Tales.

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Manehattan Stories - Chapter Three.

Manehattan Stories - Chapter Three.

Sketch awoke to the sound of the front door shutting behind her roommate Snow leaving for his work day. She propped herself up, wiping away the sleep from her eyes. With a little struggle she pulled herself out of bed, popping her hair back in a ponytail with one of her thousand black bobbles. She then headed for the door, releasing the lock was on. This made her remember the nights events. She wasn't sure why she did that really. It was one of those spur of the moment, moments. She headed the kitchen, A little red faced from the night before. Smelling the Fresh coffee and pouring what was left for herself. She sat at the counter reading today's note with her coffee.

To my favourite roommate

You surely know how to confuse a stallion don’t ya. I was quite taken back there. I can honestly say I did not see it coming. I dont expect you to explain yourself, I am just happy you dont dislike me for being a little overly harsh with you yesterday. I was stressed from work.

As always you lunch is in the fridge. And please for the love of celestia, please lock up after me as I leave. I know it means I have to knock to get in but I want you to be safe.

Your thoroughly confused roommate Snow.

The note from Snow managed to Make her smile, laugh, get a red face and be a little annoyed, then right back round to smiling and laughing, all in one go. She lifted herself up from the chair setting her empty cup to one side and made a move for her art easel. Sketchs days had the same rhythm and slow momentum to them almost every day. She always woke up to Snow leaving and always used what coffee he left for her in the pot, though he would never admit to doing so. Sketch loved how thoughtful he was sometimes. She knew he was a pain as well, nagging about this or that. But honestly she felt better with him around, he brought new life and happiness to her days.
When she had met Snow, that brisk winters night. She knew he was different from the offset. She to this day, does not know why she brought him into her life so quickly. She does not however regret it. In the first few weeks of them living together she learnt a lot about him, or rather the opposite. That He knew nothing of his past. Even the name he gave “Snowgleam” was a fake, something he admitted to doing because he was scared of her thinking him a freak. Eventually she got him tested and treated. The doctors were stumped as to why he lost his memory nor did they know anyway of retrieving it. Sketch was surprised however by Snows reaction to this news. Though he was sad to not know who he was, He said.

“I know who I am now”

This, he explained was his way of saying he will live for the moment and make sure he can be the best he can be. After this they never really spoke of his lack of a past. She avoided the subject because she knew it upset Snow and did not like him when he became aggravated. She knew he was holding something back but never pushed for the same reason’s. She wanted him to tell her when he was ready. He was always so honest about everything else, so to hold back something that made him so angry and so sad. Sometimes she would catch a distant look in his eyes. A look that she knew was the deepest of sadness. A look she hated. Sketch knew that it must be big.

She knew in the back of her mind that something had to be done to cheer him up. But the fact he never spoke about it made things difficult. She came to the conclusion that she would bring him the best first hartswarmings present ever and since the event was not far away she knew saving money for it was a priority. Something she wasn’t the best at at times, more so now Snow had made money easier to come by.
Sketch sat down at her art easel and began to paint her emotions on the canvas. A mad mix of reds blues and greens. All splashing together on the canvas. Sketch often let her work speak for her emotions. Today's print was her feelings of annoyance at Snows silence and the confusion between the two, showing more annoyance as she knew she caused it the night before. This led the way to the deepest of reds colouring the pages blank spots. Before she knew it hours had past and her work on this one at least. Was complete. She took a stand and steped back to view her work. Pleased she lifted it up and placed it in her room to dry. Turning round and catching her reflection in the mirror caused a laugh. she was head to hooves. Painted. She was impressed, thinking out loud.

“I look so good i could hang myself in an art gallery” Laughing more so at her own jokes as she gathered up her towel and headed for the shower. Pulling the curtain and flipping the tap’s on she let the water flow for a moment before stepping in. She enjoyed the feel of the water against her back. The warmth always relaxed her. Gleefully she hummed a tune she had picked up from One of Snows many habits, Singing aloud, And began to was her worries and more importantly the paint, away.

After the Shower Sketch walked into the main room a towel thrown over her back and dripping wet. Not unusual for her to do after a good shower. She liked to dry naturally. This brought her a few laughs however once snow moved in. She wasn't sure why the sight made him so red faced and embarrassed but every time she showered he would always be unable to look at her or talk to her properly without being thoroughly embarrassed. Sketch enjoyed this and would always tease him when he was so vulnerable. An easy feat as just by sitting close to him she could see him freeze up with embarrassment, and occasionally she would even poke him in the ribs a little, a place she knew he was tremendously ticklish. The reason for this, aside from enjoying him in a totally helpless state, was that she enjoyed his laugh.

She made her way to the fridge and gathered the lunch Snow always left for her. With a smile she bit into the most delicious snacks on the planet. While eating away she thought up on ways she could get snow to be more truthfully happy. And on what gift to get him. Eventually she decided that a walk would clear her mind. And having dried out enough to be seen in public she made up her mane and headed out, locking the door behind her.

When she made it downstairs she headed out the apartment building and turned left. Before she could take a step she heard something very familiar. The sweet songbird voice of her roommate, Singing about love of all things. She pinned herself to the shops wall and peeked round the corner to take a look at this. She was amazed at how confident he was, singing like that in front of so many customers. She went quiet red faced at his next move. He danced his way to the coffee machine and began to shake his hips and swish his tail to his own music. She caught eyes with an elderly mare that she knew from a store a ways down the road, who was sat bopping her head left and right to Snows tune. Sketch quickly darted past The coffee house and hoped Snow wouldn't embarrass himself any more. Taking a moment to pause and letting out a breath as to ease her quickly reddening face.

A tap to shoulder made her freeze. Turning her head she saw the elderly mare smiling back at her.

“Hello dear, nice to see you out today.” She said as the two began to walk

“Hello miss Bass. You looked like you were enjoying that.” Sketch replied. Looking away a little trying to shield her reddening face once more.

“Yes his voice always moves me each time I hear it. Although I think it moved you more so?” Miss Bass joked as the pair began to walk.

“Oh, no. I often hear him sing at home but, to hear he does it in public and.. and to dance like that! Its embarrassing for me.” Sketch explained swaying her head in frustration and yet laughing at the thought of Snows dancing.

“The two of you are together? Oh you must let me play the music at your wedding dear!” Miss Bass’s sudden outburst made Sketch freeze. After a moment she jumped back.

“!What!! we’re just roommates.. I don't.. Noo!” sketch shouted Flailing her arms in objection. This just made Miss Bass laugh as she turned into her music store.

“Your voice says one thing, but your face red as a beetroot says another! Goodbye miss Pad and think about it.” Miss Bass said as she waved off Sketch before shutting the door to her store.

Sketch shook off the thoughts Miss Bass had planted in her head. She never thought of Snow that way, at least.. not often. She wondered if Snow thought like this sometimes.. Especially considering his choice of music today. Again Sketch shook her head and the thoughts and red face away. Pushing them deep deep down, never to suffice. Ever. She liked Snow yes. But didn't want to date him let alone marry him. He was snow. He was. Okay so she didn't know quite what he was to her. But he was Snow. She couldn't date Snow.

After a while of browsing several stores and vendors Sketch gave up and headed home. She wanted to get back before he finished as he wouldn't be able to get in. She arrived back at the apartment block quickly and Snow was still hard at work. Not wanting to get into any more awkward situations she slipped past him and went up stairs to home. Unlocking the door and falling on the sofa. To sleep.

Author's Note:

That was a quick chapter. I think i spotted all the Grammatical errors but if not Just drop a message. :)

As always Proof readers and all ideas are welcome.