> Immortality > by ReubenHarvey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Immortality. So many have searched for it. For countless years many have strived towards it but only one, has ever reached it. I have seen and caused so much pain in the Last thousand years. Some would say Immortality is a blessing. The naivety of those who don't possess it. I too believed it to be a gift for the first few years. Being able to do and say whatever I wanted without thought of repercussion to my health, or to those in my path. I soon found out what a curse I had discovered, when many around me, friends, family, all withered away. I decided that it would be better humanity never received the fate I had foolishly strived for. I destroyed my creation, my discovery. I thought I was saving humanity, but instead I almost destroyed it. Given a few hundred years immortality is bound to be noticed. As history shows, humanity is a feeble race, fighting over one thing or another. Fighting for control over something they feel is theirs. As with many other things, land, seas, oil, money, I too became the object of war. The last great war. For almost one hundred years each nation captured or tried to capture me to discover my secrets, secrets that never left my lips. Each claimed they were trying to save humanity and too each I told the same “To live is to be human”. For the leaders of their respective nations this was insanity, but it holds a great meaning to me. Immortality robbed me of life. When one can never see an end, though you gain wisdom and clarity, you lose life, the reason for it. Finally one nation decided if they couldn't have me, no other nation should either. The great nuclear calamity fell upon earth and left it scared and broken, and though humanity survived to rise again in another hundred years, I saw the same pattern’s fighting and pain, destruction. Again and again I watched humanity destroy themselves and the planet with it. The earth does not have long left now. One thousand years of war has caused its premature end. Though the final pockets of humanity finally strive for freedom from war, I fear it may be too late. I wondered to myself in these past few years, “what will happen to me when the world ends, will I finally die, do I deserve to?” I chose to survive for humanity, in earth's final years I have shown my more educated mind to the final humans and together we have begun creation of a great door. In the last great city stands the construction of the door, this door will use earth final moments as power and connect to… somewhere new. Though I can never say for sure where people will be sent to once stepped through, humanity agrees that “to live is to be human” and have chosen to survive. I discovered a way to connect to other realities, universes of an infinite number, when I mastered the art of passing time in my many many years left to my thoughts. And though to explain it would take an amount of time I simply do not have, I can say that in its simplest of ways, the door leads you through to one of the many realities. You cannot control where you land or even if you land at all, but its better to live in hope, than to die in fear. In these final years I was made leader of the ghosts of humanity, of what remained. Although the position gave me very little power I chose to inspire the young to head forward to the final days, to the door. I know the thought of going into the unknown is a powerful fright. To stay behind is to surely die. All I ask is that if they make it, they spread the message of love, tolerance and ensure whomever they should meet knows of humanity. Though I guess that would truly make the human race immortal in the tales of time and the universe. Soon the final day came and the final city lined up waiting for the end, the beginning. While the world around them became hot lava, storms that spanned whole continents, the final city stood calmly waiting for the opening of the door. I made the final adjustments and the machine's inner workings whirred to life. While the door charged I turned to humanity and spoke the words. “To live is to be human” And as the same words echoed back to me from the very souls of the human race the door exploded into life. In a flash of purple and white the entire door light up and it was as if a crack in reality itself was opened, which I guess it was, the door stood there almost pushing the eyes of humanity away from it, with its unpleasant and out of this reality feel it gave off. I could see the hearts of the people waver at the sight, and so to give my people courage I raised my hand in the air, calling all eyes to me. Then I simply smiled and bowed. I turned to face the door. Took my final look at the worlds end, and stepped through. Though I never knew if humanity made it in after me. I still hear tales, once in a while, of the humans, the monsters with no fur, who destroyed themselves. Rumours and ghost stories told to put foals to sleep. > Manehatten Stories - Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehatten Stories - Chapter One The stallion awoke to the cold chill of the wind and the icy cold sting of the snow beneath him. Slowly he opened his eyes, blinded momentarily by the bouncing gleam of the suns light ricocheting of the soft snow. Stumbling he rose to hooves. At a first glance he found himself surrounded by snow, trees and a small lake beside him, the light snowfall around him making the distance look hazy.Conveniently the stallion was nestled beneath a large oak tree, avoiding the major snowfall. He sat down and taking a second to gather his thoughts. Suddenly shuddering he cried out “I, I don’t remember a thing.” raising a hoof examining it slightly. “not one damn thing!” The stallion yelled punching the snow, cutting the base of his hoof on a rock hidden beneath the soft powdery snow. This caused the stallion to pause, watching as the snow around his hoof slowly turned red. Limping slightly he walked to the frozen edge of the lake, leaving little blooded hoof prints as he stepped. Gently he snapped a piece of the thin ice away, allowing him to wash his aching hoof in the icy lake. He winched a little at the cold, watching as the blood washed away from his snow white fur. He realised that his wound was not as deep as it first appeared. It had already stopped bleeding once taken out of the lake. “Pfft.. All that blood for a tiny scratch. Honestly” the stallion spoke sarcastically. A soft voice from behind took the young stallion by surprise “are you okay sir?” The kind voice spoke The stallion spun revealing to his surprise a young light green mare, with wings atop her back. He was taken back in silence, her green eyes penetrated his soul, hidden behind hair soft as the snow and blond and bright as the sun, that fell to one side of her face, matching her tail perfectly. The whole scene took him by surprise and he just stood staring at her in a daze. The mare noticed the look he was giving her and giggled a little repeating her question adding “I noticed the blood and followed, are you okay sir?” The stallion found his heart melting to the sound of her voice, shaking away the thoughts he quickly replied “I, I am fine, see, just a scratch.” he said as he rose his hoof to eye level showing off what was the tiniest scratch ever. “All that blood for a tiny scratch honestly.?” She snickered “That's what I said” He laughed, a smile coming over his face. “So where, are you from” he cleverly asked hoping to reveal some information about his surroundings. The sudden question took the green mare by surprise. she took a step back worried that perhaps the stallion was some kind of creep. Cautiously she replied. “I'm not from round here if that's what your asking. Who are you anyway, why you out here?” The mare knew that if he tried anything she could employ her flight to escape, considering the distance they have between them. She slightly unfurled her wings ready in case of anything. The stallion was taken back. Not only did he not get any information of where he was he now had the issue of not having an answer to her questions.. His mind was brought back to his first memory, the snow gleam blinding him. “I'm snow, gleam.” He stammered out. “And I'm just lost is all” He said lowering his head, realising that he truly was lost. The mare relaxed a little, laughing “Lost? I didn't think a pony our age could even get lost these days, I'm Sketch Pad. So where you tying to find, maybe I can help you.” Sketch smiled as she extended as hoof, there was a slight pause “This would be the part where we shake hooves?“ The reason snow paused was because he was asking himself where do I go? where is there even to go.. after he pondered it he decided to just wing it. “I'm headed nowhere, I don’t exactly have any-place to go, its hard to explain but.. I guess I don’t have any-place.” “You’re homeless?” She replied with a little jump in her voice. “I prefer the term drifter, no no.. vagabond!!” Snow says with a little laugh. almost instantly he gets a little knock on the head from Sketch.. “This is no laughing matter!!” She yells grabbing some or his hair and throwing him in front of her “Come on.. Walk” “Wait what, where are we going..” Snow questioned as he was being forced to walk down the snowy path. “There’s a shelter not far from here it should take you in, help you get back on your feet and what not” Before Snow could protest he was cut of by Sketch “And don’t try to protest, what else are you gonna do freeze in the snow all night?” Snow realised she held a good point, its not like he actually had a plan, maybe this random act of kindness is exactly what he needs to get thing going. even if he didn't know where he's going yet. Time moved on and the two walked through the snowfall silently, to an onlooker it would almost seem as if the two were newly-weds enjoying a midnight stroll. Sensing the tension Snow tried to break the silence with talk. “Why are you helping me?” He asked. Not looking towards her. “I couldn't just leave you once I found out you had nothing, could I?” She said sighing a little “It wouldn't be very pony like of me now would it” Snow laughed a little “now I guess it wouldn't be would it” The pair arrived at the shelter not long after and found to their surprise that the shelter was full. Even its affiliate shelters were full for the night. They were told that “They would be extremely lucky to get a bed in Manehattan at this time” and that “He would just have to find somewhere else. sad as it is.” The pair moved to a near by bench and sat thinking, now what? Finally Sketch spoke up “Do you have friends in Manehattan?” She said turning to face him “Anyone you could stay with?” “None” Snow quietly replied. Although Snow was glad he knew where he was now it meant nothing to him, he still didn't know where he was, how he got there and now it dawned on him he was alone too. “No-one at all” He said, sadness showing in his words. “Then I guess its up to me.” she said with a smile. This statement caused Snow to look straight up, confusion and concern on his face. “I'm glad you feel responsible but you don’t even know me.. nor do I know you. How can you be so trusting?” snow began to cry.. annoyed and saddened by the fact he was right. Sad because being right meant pushing away the kindness he’s being given so freely. “Its because you say that, how you look. That's what makes me trust you. I can honestly see how much you need help. And I can tell how genuine you are too.” Sketch placed a hoof on his shoulder. “You don't have to accept my offer but if you do, my apartment here has a sofa and I can even hook up with some old contacts in Ponyville and here, see about getting you a job.?” Snow was overwhelmed, pulling Sketch into a hug crying into her shoulder. “why you gotta be so nice huh?” > Manehatten Stories - Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehatten Stories - Chapter Two Time moves on. It's been Almost two months since Snowgleam met Sketch Pad now. He found out shes a Traveling Artist, evident from her Cutie mark. A thick yellow pencil drawing a line, situated on her flank. Her job entailed her traveling from town to town, city to city, Drawing up masterpieces and the like and showcasing them for all to see. Though this didn't always go over well, it paid the bills. Currently she and him occupied a small 1 bed apartment above a Coffee house. Having a special talent was something that they didn’t have in common as Snow did not have a Cutie mark. He could never explain why he had no mark like her. He thought it may be a side effect of losing his memory, but that subject was not something the two often talked about. Not since the first few months. Sketch didn't push the subject as he always became hostile when she did. Currently he worked in the Coffee house below. This was thanks to Sketch being so persistent to him helping to make ends meet. He still wondered how she survived before he moved in. One benefit of having a home, as cramped as it was, was that he had the chance to actually see for himself what he looked like. Though he wasn't impressed with what he calls, the mop atop his head, he couldn't complain. Snowgleam Was a stallion unicorn with white fur and a grey mane, tipped at the end with black, matching his tail. Though he has tried to straighten his messy mane.. it never worked out. After a week he just gave in to the mess. He later bought a lovely Blue collar with a loop on the front so he could attach something to it if he wished. As well as a little black beaded hooflet which he wears on his right hoof. Sketch criticized him on his fashion choices before, but “I know what I want” is what she always got back. -- Snow struggled through the door of the apartment, six bags strung up in his mouth after a long day of work and shopping for food. He sets the food down in the kitchen and takes a look over to sketch who was in the adjoining main room, sitting in the the back corner by the window hard at work on another piece of art. “she probably didn’t even hear me come in” He thought to himself as he put the Food stuffs away in their proper places. “I'm home Sketch!” He shouted after sneaking up behind her. Causing her to almost fall off her stool. She span around slapping him in the face with her ponytail. “You! Dont do that, i’ve told you before.. I get real into my work” Sketch snapped with an amused yet slightly annoyed look. “You could at least lock the door..” He laughed as he took a seat on the sofa/bed, slumping into it, tired from work. “I could have been a burglar..” he sighed. “But you weren't” She laughed, spinning back round to go back to work. “You have a fun day downstairs?” She asked Knowing full well what his reply would be. “Same as every week, Boreing. But it pays the bills and buys food. How did you survive before me” He pointed at her and made a silly face. Without even looking back at him she replied “No pulling faces, I managed.. remember it was cheaper to live alone even if I did go hungry once or twice.” “Ha, once or twice my eye. though I will admit, when you sell a piece it sells.” Snow was jealous of this fact. She had an amazing talent and when she sold her art it would always sell for a lot. And if he had his way the Bits would last for months.. He sadly does not get his way. luckily Sketch was not the kind of mare to use allot of things, or even eat much. Her money was mainly blown on art supplies, cans of the energy drinks she likes and manga that she reads at night. “Honestly, Its like the pony who picked me up of the streets isn't here with me sometimes.” Snow joked. rolling over onto his side, pulling his blanket down atop him tired from a full days work. Stressed he lets out a sigh, listening to Sketch Pad paint. After a short while the room falls silent. Snows ears twitch listening for sounds of life but before he notices he is taken by surprise. He’s flattened to the sofa by Sketch’s weight atop him. Before he can protest he is taken back by a sudden and short kiss to the cheek. Snow was frozen still confused and red faced. Sketch just giggled hopping of him and making her way to the bedroom, flicking the lights of as she went. “Goodnight snow” She said softly before shutting her door, the sound of a bolt locking heard clear as day, since Snow was still silently taken back. Frozen still. “I am confused!” He shouts.. Knowing full well he will get no reply. “And then you go do something like that” He says to himself pulling the sheets up over his head. Quietly he sang himself to sleep as he always has done since he was taken in. The morning rang through the window once again. Snow was awoken to the light of the sun on his face. Sitting up to the silence he slumped over putting his hoof to his face. “Not even the birds wake up this early” He moaned as he pulled himself of the sofa and moved to make a morning coffee. With incredible ease and skill he whipped up The best looking and tastiest coffee known to the planet. He sat sipping the coffee. A gleeful look on his face as he was happy that his time working in a coffee house was clearly not wasted. Snacking on an apple and thinking up what note to leave Sketch this morning. The nights events still playing in his mind. Still causing him to go a little red at the thought. To my favourite roommate You surely know how to confuse a stallion don’t ya. I was quite taken back there. I can honestly say I did not see it coming. I dont expect you to explain yourself, I am just happy you dont dislike me for being a little overly harsh with you yesterday. I was stressed from work. As always you lunch is in the fridge. And please for the love of celestia, please lock up after me as I leave. I know it means I have to knock to get in but I want you to be safe. Your thoroughly confused roommate Snow. Snow Set down the pen and left for work, heading down all nineteen steps and one door just to get there. Such a distance. His work started out same as it always would opening the shutters, setting out each and every chair and table. Putting the signe out to tell ponies they were open and setting up the coffee machine to be ready for customers. This process was almost always done alone as his boss only came in for the midday rush, and left shortly after. Though he worked primarily alone he didn't struggle as the coffee house was small it only comfortably seated around 20 ponies and most customers came for takeaway orders. though he usually had at least five to ten ponies seated he had quite allot of time to sit and relax. His usual customers would come in for the morning coffee and take their orders to the table sitting chatting to their friends they relaxed. Seeing this sometimes would make Snow jealous. Mostly because he Spends so much time working he never had a chance to make friends for himself. The only friend he knew kind of forced herself into his life. Not that he complained. He loved Sketch for being so great and kind to him. As usual during his off time, when no customers where hassling him. He sang to himself. He always sang to himself and always vocalised it. This was more because he easily spaced out and could quite quickly forget he had people to watch and listen to whatever he decided should be sang. Today he was thinking of Sketch and the kiss she planted on him. “Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul. And it's the only thing that I know. I swear it will get easier, Remember that with every piece of ya. And it's the only thing we take with us when we die” Snow sand leaning back in his chair tapping his hoof on the ground, swayed his head back and forth to the tune and rhythm of his own voice. Still singing he moved over to the coffee machine flipping a bit in the register as he passed it. Singing a little louder he he began to make himself a coffee dancing a little, swishing his tail back and forth to the rhythm. “And if you hurt me That's okay baby, only words bleed. Inside these pages you just hold me. And I won’t ever let you go, Wait for me to come home” He sat back down humming as he drank his coffee. Opening his eyes and realising he was being watched by the customers. Though all but one went back to their drinks. One of the elderly customers looked at him and smiled. She stood and slowly walked off, back to her own business. Snow moved to clean her table and realised there was a tip, Five bits. As he took the bits and placed them in his bag behind the counter. He noticed there was a note underneath, it simply read. “Service with a song” and had a smiley face drawn on it. He laughed and stashed it with his tip. The rest of the day moved on without event and as always his boss arrived in the last five minutes of work to collect the bits and pay him for the day. And as always Snow rushed out the door slinging his bag over himself and headed for the shops for the last few essential things. > Manehattan Stories - Chapter Three. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehattan Stories - Chapter Three. Sketch awoke to the sound of the front door shutting behind her roommate Snow leaving for his work day. She propped herself up, wiping away the sleep from her eyes. With a little struggle she pulled herself out of bed, popping her hair back in a ponytail with one of her thousand black bobbles. She then headed for the door, releasing the lock was on. This made her remember the nights events. She wasn't sure why she did that really. It was one of those spur of the moment, moments. She headed the kitchen, A little red faced from the night before. Smelling the Fresh coffee and pouring what was left for herself. She sat at the counter reading today's note with her coffee. To my favourite roommate You surely know how to confuse a stallion don’t ya. I was quite taken back there. I can honestly say I did not see it coming. I dont expect you to explain yourself, I am just happy you dont dislike me for being a little overly harsh with you yesterday. I was stressed from work. As always you lunch is in the fridge. And please for the love of celestia, please lock up after me as I leave. I know it means I have to knock to get in but I want you to be safe. Your thoroughly confused roommate Snow. The note from Snow managed to Make her smile, laugh, get a red face and be a little annoyed, then right back round to smiling and laughing, all in one go. She lifted herself up from the chair setting her empty cup to one side and made a move for her art easel. Sketchs days had the same rhythm and slow momentum to them almost every day. She always woke up to Snow leaving and always used what coffee he left for her in the pot, though he would never admit to doing so. Sketch loved how thoughtful he was sometimes. She knew he was a pain as well, nagging about this or that. But honestly she felt better with him around, he brought new life and happiness to her days. When she had met Snow, that brisk winters night. She knew he was different from the offset. She to this day, does not know why she brought him into her life so quickly. She does not however regret it. In the first few weeks of them living together she learnt a lot about him, or rather the opposite. That He knew nothing of his past. Even the name he gave “Snowgleam” was a fake, something he admitted to doing because he was scared of her thinking him a freak. Eventually she got him tested and treated. The doctors were stumped as to why he lost his memory nor did they know anyway of retrieving it. Sketch was surprised however by Snows reaction to this news. Though he was sad to not know who he was, He said. “I know who I am now” This, he explained was his way of saying he will live for the moment and make sure he can be the best he can be. After this they never really spoke of his lack of a past. She avoided the subject because she knew it upset Snow and did not like him when he became aggravated. She knew he was holding something back but never pushed for the same reason’s. She wanted him to tell her when he was ready. He was always so honest about everything else, so to hold back something that made him so angry and so sad. Sometimes she would catch a distant look in his eyes. A look that she knew was the deepest of sadness. A look she hated. Sketch knew that it must be big. She knew in the back of her mind that something had to be done to cheer him up. But the fact he never spoke about it made things difficult. She came to the conclusion that she would bring him the best first hartswarmings present ever and since the event was not far away she knew saving money for it was a priority. Something she wasn’t the best at at times, more so now Snow had made money easier to come by. Sketch sat down at her art easel and began to paint her emotions on the canvas. A mad mix of reds blues and greens. All splashing together on the canvas. Sketch often let her work speak for her emotions. Today's print was her feelings of annoyance at Snows silence and the confusion between the two, showing more annoyance as she knew she caused it the night before. This led the way to the deepest of reds colouring the pages blank spots. Before she knew it hours had past and her work on this one at least. Was complete. She took a stand and steped back to view her work. Pleased she lifted it up and placed it in her room to dry. Turning round and catching her reflection in the mirror caused a laugh. she was head to hooves. Painted. She was impressed, thinking out loud. “I look so good i could hang myself in an art gallery” Laughing more so at her own jokes as she gathered up her towel and headed for the shower. Pulling the curtain and flipping the tap’s on she let the water flow for a moment before stepping in. She enjoyed the feel of the water against her back. The warmth always relaxed her. Gleefully she hummed a tune she had picked up from One of Snows many habits, Singing aloud, And began to was her worries and more importantly the paint, away. After the Shower Sketch walked into the main room a towel thrown over her back and dripping wet. Not unusual for her to do after a good shower. She liked to dry naturally. This brought her a few laughs however once snow moved in. She wasn't sure why the sight made him so red faced and embarrassed but every time she showered he would always be unable to look at her or talk to her properly without being thoroughly embarrassed. Sketch enjoyed this and would always tease him when he was so vulnerable. An easy feat as just by sitting close to him she could see him freeze up with embarrassment, and occasionally she would even poke him in the ribs a little, a place she knew he was tremendously ticklish. The reason for this, aside from enjoying him in a totally helpless state, was that she enjoyed his laugh. She made her way to the fridge and gathered the lunch Snow always left for her. With a smile she bit into the most delicious snacks on the planet. While eating away she thought up on ways she could get snow to be more truthfully happy. And on what gift to get him. Eventually she decided that a walk would clear her mind. And having dried out enough to be seen in public she made up her mane and headed out, locking the door behind her. When she made it downstairs she headed out the apartment building and turned left. Before she could take a step she heard something very familiar. The sweet songbird voice of her roommate, Singing about love of all things. She pinned herself to the shops wall and peeked round the corner to take a look at this. She was amazed at how confident he was, singing like that in front of so many customers. She went quiet red faced at his next move. He danced his way to the coffee machine and began to shake his hips and swish his tail to his own music. She caught eyes with an elderly mare that she knew from a store a ways down the road, who was sat bopping her head left and right to Snows tune. Sketch quickly darted past The coffee house and hoped Snow wouldn't embarrass himself any more. Taking a moment to pause and letting out a breath as to ease her quickly reddening face. A tap to shoulder made her freeze. Turning her head she saw the elderly mare smiling back at her. “Hello dear, nice to see you out today.” She said as the two began to walk “Hello miss Bass. You looked like you were enjoying that.” Sketch replied. Looking away a little trying to shield her reddening face once more. “Yes his voice always moves me each time I hear it. Although I think it moved you more so?” Miss Bass joked as the pair began to walk. “Oh, no. I often hear him sing at home but, to hear he does it in public and.. and to dance like that! Its embarrassing for me.” Sketch explained swaying her head in frustration and yet laughing at the thought of Snows dancing. “The two of you are together? Oh you must let me play the music at your wedding dear!” Miss Bass’s sudden outburst made Sketch freeze. After a moment she jumped back. “!What!! we’re just roommates.. I don't.. Noo!” sketch shouted Flailing her arms in objection. This just made Miss Bass laugh as she turned into her music store. “Your voice says one thing, but your face red as a beetroot says another! Goodbye miss Pad and think about it.” Miss Bass said as she waved off Sketch before shutting the door to her store. Sketch shook off the thoughts Miss Bass had planted in her head. She never thought of Snow that way, at least.. not often. She wondered if Snow thought like this sometimes.. Especially considering his choice of music today. Again Sketch shook her head and the thoughts and red face away. Pushing them deep deep down, never to suffice. Ever. She liked Snow yes. But didn't want to date him let alone marry him. He was snow. He was. Okay so she didn't know quite what he was to her. But he was Snow. She couldn't date Snow. After a while of browsing several stores and vendors Sketch gave up and headed home. She wanted to get back before he finished as he wouldn't be able to get in. She arrived back at the apartment block quickly and Snow was still hard at work. Not wanting to get into any more awkward situations she slipped past him and went up stairs to home. Unlocking the door and falling on the sofa. To sleep. > Manehattan Stories - Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehattan Stories - Chapter Four Many days had passed since Sketch’s outburst of emotion in the night. The two ponies had not spoken of it and tried to pretend that nothing happened. Though they still would catch each other's eyes and be embarrassed, both instantly remembering the kiss. Snow felt particularly tortured as Sketch, still much to his protest, would step out the shower dripping wet. Though in recent days, he found she didn't mess with him as much. Though he liked the relaxation this caused, he couldn’t help but feel he had done something. That something was missing. It was a slow weekend morning and Snow for once slept in. He was over worked and all danced out from the week. Sketch for once woke up to no coffee. Though seeing Snows sleeping face made up for it. She sat down on a chair adjacent to the sofabed Snow was currently conked out on. Bringing a pad and pencil to her as she sat, she began to sketch out Snow’s sleepy figure on the sofa. Completely sprawled out on his back, his messy hair flat out against the pillow and a thin square sheet covering his belly and.. unmentionables.. Though all four of his legs were pointed up in the sky, he would occasionally would twitch while he dreamed away. He slept there mouth open and occasionally snoring. This made Sketch giggle, though she quickly stifled it away so as not to wake her subject up. She enjoyed drawing his features, as Sketch hadn't noticed how slender he was, but while he was slender he did have quite the muscular tone and figure, quite becoming of a young stallion. She started from the top of his front legs and moved back towards his rear. Her face flushed a little at the thought of what was beneath the sheet, and with that though came a internal head slapping for thinking such a thing. She tried to sketch the rear end a little quicker as to avoid anymore unmentionable thoughts. Finally she worked on his tail, which was falling over the side of the sofa. She then held up the sketch against the subject and gave a nod. “Perfect,” she whispered, placing it on the arm of the sofa and moving ninja like to the kitchen to grab a small glass of water. After finishing up the water, Sketch lent on the back of the chair, looking down on Snow with a maniacal look upon her face. With a slight short laugh she quickly jabbed Snow in the ribs, his one weakness. With that he awoke suddenly and quickly, flailing around some before falling to the floor shocked and surprised. He was face down on the floor with his flank pointed up in the air, confused as to how he got there. The overwhelming laughter coming from Sketch was a clear and present indicator as to how he became so helpless. “Well good morning to you too, Sketch,” Snow mumbled out through the floor, before raising himself back into an upright position. Sketch at this point was unreachable, completely immobilized from laughter, Snow hopping up on the sofa grabbed a pillow and looked down on her before throwing it at her face. Laughing, he ran to the bathroom followed quickly by Sketch, who had grabbed the pillow behind her. He quickly locked himself in. “Morning, Snow!” Sketch yelled through the door. “There’s a gift for you on the counter!” “If that’s a trick to get me to come out, you lose. Imma shower so I hope you don’t need to pee.” He laughed loudly before switching the taps on and hopping in the shower. After his shower he stepped out and dried himself off before coming out of the door. He half expected Sketch to bash him with a pillow or be hiding behind something, waiting to pounce out and make him jump. But she was nowhere to be seen. Snow slowly checked out her usual hiding spots and even poked his head in her room. A place he had not tread in due to Sketch not wanting him to see her room and, as she put it, “private stuff” He didn’t get much time to view the room though because as soon as he began to open the door a pillow dropped out of the sky. Once again Sketch was laughing on the floor. Turns out she had employed that one thing she has over him: wings. She had cleverly hid above him waiting to strike. She was rather pleased with herself for thinking this up, but far more pleased because Snow didn’t realise. “So that was your gift then?” Snow gestured looking back at Sketch who was currently pulling herself together. “No, no. Its over there, like I said” Sketch said, pointing at the counter. Snow cautiously walked past her and to the counter. His face became incredibly flushed upon seeing a sketch of himself sleeping in a rather uncouth position. Sketch just sat facing him with a large smile. “You know what though, it’s such a good sketch I'm thinking of painting it up and selling it,” Sketch says, the obvious seriousness in her voice. Snow makes motions to screw it up and trash it, but before he can she retorts with “Already committed it to memory, hun. So no luck.” Hanging his head low, he just pins it to the fridge.. He knew he couldn't trash it anyway. He would never be so cruel. Almost every weekend played out like this, with the two playing practical jokes on the other and generally having fun until the night’s end, when they would wind down, Snow reading one of his books, sitting back in the sofa with Sketch leaning back against him, sprawled out across the rest of the sofa and reading her manga. This chain of events had become ever more favourable with the pair, and though at first this position was embarrassing, they now had sat like this for so long that being so close to each other, in a non-romantic way, was perfectly normal for the pair. Again, to an onlooker the two would look as if they had been together for years. Sketch’s mind was brought back to the kiss she planted on him all those days ago as she yawned, looking up at his dark blue eyes. Though he hadn't noticed he was being watched at all, being so engrossed in his book. She rolled over and slid off the sofa, patting Snow on the head before she waved goodnight, receiving a wave back from Snow. And like that, without one word between the two, the night ended. > Manehattan Stories - Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehattan Stories - Chapter Five While Snow was spending his final day at work, Sketch had set to work. Hearth’s Warming Eve was upon the pair. The apartment was now littered with decorations and tinsel, strung from wall to wall. The normally empty fireplace now burning hot and two stockings hanging from each end, lovingly named. Left being Snow’s and right being Sketch’s. Hearth’s Warming was something Sketch enjoyed and now having somepony special to spend it with meant she would finally have a reason to go all out. When Snow left this morning the apartment looked bleak and average. Sketch had seen to it that when her Snow returned it would be a complete change, a view of absolute warmth, home and serenity.  All that was left was to lay down the fake snow on the floor and arrange the presents. They each had two. Sketch was quite sure Snow knew what one was. As a large thin square from an artist kinda screams art! She hoped however that he hadn't guessed the other one. It was a small box neatly wrapped in pink paper and tied with a bow. Sketch was also equally excited to see what Snow had got her. One of his gifts to her was a small thin rectangular box, she guessed it was some sort of scented candle or something. The other gift made her the most excited it wasn’t much larger than the other but it had a note tied to the top. Snow made her promise not to look at it till he was there. This made her hope that it was some kind of big news or something that she absolutely had to know. Sketch over the course of the day had to tare herself away from the note. Knowing she had to wait. but each time she would liger more and more, longer still. Just staring at it. Almost as if she were trying to see through its folds  to the words inside. Night fell upon the streets. Sketch knew Snow would be coming up stairs any moment. The tension from not knowing tearing at her mind. Finally she caved. Snatching up the letter with her teeth and unfolding it. She lay it out on the counter to read.         “Dear Snowgleam The request placed on the appartment and open space below, made by one Bitter Pots of Manehattan, in your name has been approved. The request to turn the empty space below into a coffee house has been approved. Upon your arrival you will find the coffee house in full working order as per Miss Pots request. Your new apartment will also be fully furnished upon request. Please find enclosed the key to your new shop located at. 67 Ashvail lane                  Ponyville -Equestria” The was a key Tapped inside underneath. Seeing this made Sketchs heart sink. “He’s leaving?” She whispered out through tears. Standing there still and frozen. As if her whole world had stopped. “Sketch?” Sketch was pulled out of her trance by Snows concerned voice from behind. “I wanted to-” Sketch cut him off. Angrily hitting him in the face with a hoof. She was no longer crying so much as, furiously leaking angry tears. “Why wouldn't you tell me something like this!” She yelled. Throwing the letter at him. “What!? were you just going to announce it like it wasnt a big deal! And.. On Hearth’s Warming!! Are you bucking insane!” Sketch had begun to pace back and forth, only stopping to flail her hooves at him or to wipe away some tears. Snow had began to get aggravated. Reason number one; Sketch had opened the letter. An event that he wanted to be around for, for obvious reasons. And Reason number two; She was right, he had planned on springing it on her. “Its not like I wanted to! I wasn’t given enough time. My boss only offered me the job last week!” Snow shouted back. Getting pushed to the sofa by Sketch shortly after. “And you said yes! Are you crazy?” Sketch said tearing up more and more. “And thats a load of manure! not enough time. You could have told me then and there.” She collapses on the seat next to him. curling up and crying into her hooves. “I didn’t want to upset you, I didn’t know how to tell you” Snow said tearing up himself. “You still could have said something” Sketch whispered through her tear soaked hooves. Snow reached over and pulled her down to rest upon his chest. She resisted at first, but upon spotting his tear filled face gave in and sobbed, clinging to his fur. The pair remained silently crying, clinging each other for a while. Eventually Sketchs muffled voice rang through his fur. “When do you leave?” “The tickets Miss pots ordered are for tomorrow” Snow said. Solem and sadness showing in his shallow quiet voice. Sketch didn’t reply, she only pushed him down. Sliding in behind him on the thin sofa and wrapping her hooves around his chest. Pulling the blanket over the two. Sketch began crying softly into his mane. Her sadness echoing through Snow, filling him with grief and regret. The two lay there for hours on end. Deep into the night. Snow had begun to think that Sketch had drifted into sleep, much like he was beginning to. This was until a sleepy voice whispered from behind him. “Snow. You promise we will write each other every day?” Sketch whispered softly hoping he wasn't asleep. Snow turned onto his back, keeping Sketch wrapped around him. Only moving her head, so it now rested on his chest. Allowing him to see her. “Every day” He nodded. placing his hoof on hers. “And I can come visit whenever I want?”  Sketch whispered. Tiredness catching up to her. “Always” He softly replied. Placing his hoof on her sleepy face and leaning in, kissing her softly on the forehead. With that he could hear Sketchs relaxed sigh and watched as she fell asleep wrapped around him. He was not long to follow. Hearth’s Warming fell upon the city of Manehattan. A joyous occasion for all but two ponies. The pair did not say much when they awoke. There was no smiles or happy passing of gifts. Only the saddened faces of two ponies walking through the empty morning. One pulling a small cart of bags and carefully placed. Two gifts, still wrapped. Lay upon the top of the bags. Neither of the two said a word on the longest walk to the station. Nor did they say a word as they awaited the arrival of the Ponyville express. Time ticked life away and before the pair knew the sounds of the soon arriving train came echoing across the station. It rounded the corner and screeched to a hault. “Now boarding, All the way to Ponyville! All aboard whos comin’ aboard!” The conductor yelled. Though his words only fell upon the two ponies as they were the only attendees. He watched as the pair teary eyed once more, embraced each other for a long goodbye. The two held on tight to each other, never wanting to let go. Sketch crying into Snows shoulder. As the conductor gave the final signal for the final boarding call. Snow pushed away from Sketch but kept a hoof on her shoulder. Looking straight into her eyes. “I’m going to miss having you around” Snow spoke softly and slowly. He leaned in, kissing her gently on the lips. Though only for a moment, this felt like an eternity to each pony. Before Sketch knew it he was gone. She watched dazed as he sat down in the window seat looking out at her with saddened eyes. She cried as the Wheels began to turn. Taking her first kiss with it. And just like that Snow was gone > Ponyville Tales - Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Tales - Chapter One The journey to Ponyville was long and tiring, it wasn’t until late into the afternoon that the unicorn arrived.Though Snow was lost in thought, not noticing the stop until the conductor tapped him on the shoulder. “Miss her that much huh?” He asked bringing Snow out of his daydreams of a mare he couldn’t have. “Heh.. that obvious huh?” Snow replied, taking a stand and heading for the luggage compartment to pull out his cart. The conductor hot on his heels, intent on keeping conversation with his only customer going so as to ease his boredom for the day. As well as to sate his curiosity on what transpired hours before upon the Manehatten boarding platform. “So why would you leave a hot mare like her, On Hearth's warming of all days?” He asked. Helping Snow to buckle up to his luggage cart. Spotting a somber look on his patrons face. “New job” Snow replied monotone and saddened by the memory of leaving Sketch behind.”Manager of the Coffee Pots Coffee House Ponyville branch.” Snow continued Pulling hard on the rains slowly launching his cart into a sluggish movement onto the platform. “Maybe next time we refuel at ponyville I will pop in for a coffee then” The conductor said. Smiling as he waved of his only patron for the day. And sighing as he reboarded alone. Snow only stopped for a moment, looking round at closed doors, empty vendor stands and hauntingly empty streets. Sighing slightly at the setting sun. Wondering if a certain somepony was watching the same sunset. He reached into his saddle bag to retrieve the map, showing directions to his store, as well as other localities that shared his street. Like the music store two doors down. Or flower shop over the road and further down the same side the mail office. There were also other larger stores like a clothes boutique across town a library and a sweet shop. He was rather unimpressed at the small town he was left in. This only made him regret accepting the job offer even more so. Almost as much as watching Sketches face as the train rolled away made him regret ever thinking of boarding the train. Snow Cried lightly as he walked the empty streets towards his new home. It was a nice enough place from the outside. It gave a warm and welcoming feel. With its freshly painted sign hanging above the door. To the painted windows that read the coffee houses name. As well as the large banner strung across the stores front that read. “Coffee Pots Coffee House. Grand opening, tomorrow at 7.” Snow pulled out his key and let himself in. The inside was larger than his previous store, It looked as if it could seat 50 plus ponies easily. The tables were dotted around each neatly decorated and placed. Larger  circular tables in the center of the room dotted about for the groups of ponies. And towards the back were smaller square tables for the couples who like to sit close as well as the counter and coffee machines strung up on the left hand side of the far wall. Adjoining to the door which snow assumed was the way upstairs to his abode. There were also two large booths on the right side which had comfortable padded seats on either side of their large rectangular table. And neatly stacked to the edge, just off from the door were metallic tables and chairs neatly folded away ready to be put outside for more guests. After taking a brief moment to take in the surroundings of his new homes workspace. Snow moved towards the counter to head upstairs. Spotting two resumes on the side with a note on top just before heading up. Snow stops to read. “Dear snow         these are the resumes of your two new workers I hand picked them myself on my trip down earlier in the week to oversee the final stages of the store. I gave them a quick run down of procedure and instructed them in the operating of the machines and till. Though they may be green the mare picked it up rather quickly and should be a good worker bee. The young stallion seemed disinterested so I ask you to keep your eye on him, if he seems of no use, you have my permission to fire and rehire. The same applies to all the staff. But you already know this as I didn’t make you ponyville managing chief for nothing. I hope the timing of your move wasn't to much of a bother and that you enjoy your work here in Ponyville. Sincerely Miss pots         P.S I did request your apartment to be furnished as you asked and everything should be in order.” After reading the note along with memorising the two works that would be under his rule. Snow opened the door to his abode and began the climb up stairs. Upon reaching the second floor Snow was surprised to see that there was another flight of stairs at the back bending round over the hall. He decided to investigate that after looking in each of the 3 rooms on this level. Two doors to his right and one to his left. He started with the door on his left. This lead to a shared Kitchen and main living space much like the old apartment he used to share only larger. To his right was the kitchen, a counter separating the main space and the kitchen. To his left the main space. This had a Large lounge chair that sat adjacent to the counter and facing the window as well as a single arm chair to its right that faced the back wall and a fireplace. The only thing snow thought was missing was the Art easel that should be sat by the window, this had been replaced with a small coffee table that had flowers arranged on it. Saddened by the thought of a vacant Sketch, Snow decided to move onto the next room. He started with the first of the two doors on the right, the one closest to the stairs he came up. This was a simple bathroom that house a walk-in shower and a large corner bath. aswell as a toilet and sink. Not overwhelmed by the amazingness of this room he moved on. Finally on this floor was the last room. This was a Neat and simple bedroom, I housed a double bed in its center, which was pushed  up against the backwall under a window. On either side of the bed were bedside tables, one for each pony who would share a side of the same bed. To the right of the room was the final object, this being a cupboard for any clothes a pony may feel they need. Shutting the door on that room snow headed for the final mystery of the home. Stepping up each step of the second floor staircase slowly, he reached what was another and considerably larger bedroom. The staircase came up its center, a banister protecting ponies from falling in. On snows left was a long wall cupboard that spanned the entire slanted side of the roof. On the right the room and roof had been boxed out and much like before a double bed with tables either side was situated under the window. The only other added feature was that close to the stairs was a bookcase and chair. Snow was pleasantly surprised by this fact he had so much space. Though realising he had no-one to spend it with made him just want to sleep. So in order to reach this goal he set out unpacking his stuff and tidying it away, coming across the unopened gifts from Sketch and setting them aside for another time, not wanting to upset him self more. Just as he began to wind down laying on his attic room bed his thoughts turned to the last night he and Sketch spent together. The promise he made to write every day, repeating in his head. over and over. Finally he sat up pulling a pencil and paper out of the draw. “Dear Sketch         I am sorry for kissing you like I did. I dont know what I was thinking. I'm all moved in and the new store looks great. The apartment is less apartment than it is an actual house. Its so large. and empty. The main living space isnt so much different to the old place. I miss having your art cluttered around though. I miss you. It has not even been a day and I miss you. This empty house doesn't feel like home without you in it. I know before long I will have new friends and won’t be so alone. But the distance between us, its so great, I hope keeping our friendship alive is possible. I never want to lose you ever. I don’t want to regret making the decision to move here. But the longer i'm appart from you the harder it is just to close my eyes without seeing how sad you were that night. I just hope and pray I didn't make a huge mistake. Sadly missing your smile Snowgleam”  Snows letter had a few dry watermarks on it from tears he didnt even realise he shed. Carefully folding it up and marking the postage address on it. He walked to the mail office with a somber look and posted it into outgoing mail. He finally returned home locking up and laying his head down, wanting to sleep. Wishing his day would end and that his regrets would lesson some come morning light. > Ponyville Tales - Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Tales - Chapter Two Morning rolled upon Snow, its bright light beaming down upon him. Snow pulled himself out of bed.Heading down the first flight of stairs for the bathroom and his morning routine. Once he was freshened up he clipped on his new black fitted apron that read Manager on it above the Coffee Pots logo and headed down to the store to open up and set up for the grand opening. Once down he unlocked the door and before him were two young ponies that he recognised from their resumes as his new employees. The first a young mare by the name of Petal Rose. She was obvious the younger or the two, and small for an earth pony. Her coat was a light pink and her mane a flushed Rose red matching her tail. She greeted snow with a nervous smile locking her purple eyes on his for a moment. The older stallion, a pegasus, went by the name Blue Skies. He apart from the wings, was much like Snow in height and build. Blues coat was a light grey and in complete contrast his mane was the brightest of shiny aqua blues matching his tail and eyes. Though he smiled and greeted Snow with a half hearted “hello” Snow could tell he was less than pleased about being here. “Look alive you two, your aprons are set out on the counter put them on and get to work helping me set up these chairs ready for seven.” Snow barked orders like a pro given that it was his first time in a position like this. Following the pair as they grabbed their aprons and quickly pinned them on. Watching them almost as if he were timing them, testing them on their speed and performance. As they began to set up tables outside Snow continued. “Once we are done out here i'm taking you both inside and i want you to both show me how to use the machines and the till” Snow said quite assertively. Gaining a nod and a chagrin from the two worker bee’s. Once he had tested the two he quickly summarized that while Blue was better with a till & Petal had the know-how with the coffee making processes. “Petal, you and I will be working the machines today. That puts you Blue on the Cash register, Both are equally important jobs and must be done with the utmost of care. I am also going to work the floor today taking drinks to those who have to wait as well as sit down orders. However don’t get too comfortable you two because tomorrow your roles will be reversed. So pay attention to each other and watch how its done.” Snows Final announcement made the pairs faces go from nervous smiles to worried ones. “And finally” Snows words bringing the two to attention. “Relax. While i expect you both to work hard it’s okay to get stuck and confused, and if you do take a breath and try again. And if you are still stuck just give me a wave and i will correct you. I dont expect you both to get it perfect on the first day.” Snows final word let sighs of relief out of the pair. He then motioned them over to the coffee machine where Snow had prepared three delicious coffees to drink before the opening, now only minutes away. Once the trio had finished up he had them follow him outside where a crowd of ponies had began to form. This sight even made Snow a little nervous. He lined up himself and his workers in front of the store and gave a smile to the crowd. Before he could speak up he was blinded by a flash of light. He had his picture taken. “For the cover of the town paper” he was told. Thinking to himself “I guess a new store is big news in a small town” Snow then stepped forward and Greeted the crowd. “Mares and Gentlecolts. I am proud to welcome you to the Ponyville branch of The Coffee Pots Coffee house. If you could form an orderly queue and please be patient. I would like to now officially open the store.” With that he flipped the sign to open gaining a small cheer, and he and his employees stepped inside, each taking their positions. It was a very busy morning rush and the three were working harder than they knew was possible. Snow was amazed at how many ponies could fit in one town, let alone his store. There were a few slip-ups from his employees. Petal making the wrong order and Blue Ringing up a total bill of one thousand bits. However each time The two made a mistake they took Snows advice, took in a breath and relaxed. Apologising for there mistake and correcting it, without need of calling for Snow once. This gave Snow some much needed confidence in his employees abilities. While working he noticed many ponies congratulating his employees of their new found jobs more so Petal than Blue. However a very fast talking pink mare gave him a large hug and said things too fast for the average pony to understand. The same mare as well as many others tried to welcome Snow to town and start up conversations. But each time he passed them over and explained he was too busy to talk. He felt bad for being so rude but he just couldn't handle making friends right now, too much work and to many off feelings from the move. The opening rush lasted well into the afternoon. and it wasn't until a few hours from closing time that things started to die down enough for the three ponies to relax. It was then that Snow began to do his trademarked sing and dance as he makes a coffee routine. Gaining a few odd looks from his customers. However Snow was far less embarrassed about this as he had been doing it absent-mindedly for months back in Manehattan, and had gotten used to the odd song and dance with an audience now. He in fact didn't even notice them any more. With a little spin Snow hits his chair at a two seater table near the counter and leans back sipping his coffee. not spilling a drop in the process, still humming to himself. This process earned him applause from only one pony who was watching for two reasons; one, most of his customers were dumbfounded or unimpressed by this act of insanity & the only mare to notice was a grey and yellow mare. Who once she had finished looking at him in awe slid over to his table with purpose and introduced herself. “Hey. I am Ditzy Doo. But most ponies call me Derpy on account of the eyes.” Ditzy explained pointing a hoof at her head, before extending it out in friendship. This took Snow by surprise. After taking a seconed to pause and stair at the mare he took in a breath and taking her hoof, introducing himself. “Names Snowgleam, Ditzy. Its nice to finally get to talk to some pony.” Snow said as he shook her hoof. “You’re new in town right. The manager?” Ditzy said cocking her head slightly. “What gave me away?” Snow laughed. “Your apron says manager.Plus I haven't seen you before. Although I feel like i know you already. You haven't even been here two days and you’re already sending mail. And before you ask I am the mail mare.” She said laughing at his half confused face. “So whos the mare?” Ditzy asked “W_What makes you think its a mare?” Snow said unconvincingly, falling over his own words. “I read your mail” Ditzy said with the straightest face possible for a wall eyed mare. Taking the poor snow once again back in shock. However Snow being a little quicker than the average stallion. Soon came to a relaxing conclusion. “Hang on a minuet. If you read my mail, then you would know who the mare is already. right?” Snow said slyly figuring out her trick. “So it is a mare then. I thought it would be, no pony sends that much mail unless its for love” Ditzy said laughing at snows dumbstruck face. “She tricked me, i thought i was being cleaver figuring her out and i ended up giving it away all by my self.” Snow thought to himself facehoofing hard. “Ughh, okay you got me it is a mare. But we, we aren't in love.” Snow says looking away guilt on his heart for the way he left things. “Really? You message her a lot. But i wont press, we have only just met after all.” Ditzy said, in an attempt to remove the uneasy atmosphere. “Thanks” Snow smiled a little again. The two chatted away and laughed.. Snow really felt he had made a friend here in his new home. Even after snow felt he should return to work, Ditzy stayed and kept him company for a while chatting and laughing at his dance moves. She made Snow comfortable, and even though they had just met he knew they would be friends. As the end of the day came around snow waved of his last customers and finally his friend. Ditzy insisted that she come again tomorrow and the next day for coffee. Though snow insisted that perhaps she not stay quite so long the next time round. The two became fast friends over the next few weeks. For every letter that snow sent Ditzy would become more and more curious about what it was exactly, the two could talk about if it wasn't a distant love. She became so curious in fact that she attempted several forms of bribary to try and pry the secrets out of her new friend. In the first few days it came in the form of and array of muffins. But when that tasty torture failed, Ditzy did something more terrifying than ever. She used her own daughters sweet and innocence to try and bribe the young stallion into confessing. To no avail however.No matter the cuteness the conversations of Snows past were to remain that way. In the past. Though Snow had been in ponyville for many weeks now he hadn’t had a chance to go out and make friends, though he had seen and met so many ponies, he rarely had the chance to actually talk to them, nor did they often want to talk to him. After all to them Snow was just a manager, there to serve and provide tasty treats and coffees. But despite how lonely this made him feel Ditzy made him feel better. She always knew what to say to cheer him up. She infact had come up with a way to solve his problems. A way that would mean he could keep his job but have the time to go out and see the town he lived in. Meet some ponies. Outsourcing. With a bit of tweaking in the work rotor and some clever jiggery pokery with the way customers orders were handled. He managed to create 4 free days in a row where he could be free to do what he pleased. Without working his employees to death in the meantime. And come tomorrow his first free day would be upon him. The concept of free time threw Snow off. Even as he lay his head down to sleep he just couldn't figure out what he would do. Before he moved his free time would be spent with Sketch, but now he was alone. How would he spend his time if he's alone. If only he knew what tomorrow would bring him maybe he would have stayed in bed. Perhaps made a different choice. one that would have lead him down a different path. Morning came. Shining its cruel light through Snows window once more. Again as per the norm for him now. He rose and headed for the bathroom, for his morning routine. It wasn't until he opened up the store he realised that it was his day off. Letting in his employees and helping set up for the morning rush, Snow pondered what one does with a day of. Even as the customers started to roll in snow just sat at his usual table drinking coffee. unsure of himself and what his future should be. he didn't get much chance to ponder however. because with a white and green flash he was knocked over. a creamed muffin landing squarely in between his eyes. “Oh my gosh i am so sorry” an unknown voice said, a little giggle in her. “You can keep the muffin though.” the voice laughed. > Ponyville Tales - Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Tales - Chapter Three. “Oh my gosh i am so sorry” An unknown voice said, a little giggle in her. “You can keep the muffin though.” The voice laughed. “You alright?” Snow took the muffin and placed it on his table, Casting a glare at the mare still on the ground giggling away. He was going to snap and bark how she should be more careful. But seeing the smile and glee in the mares yellow eyes washed all that away. The mare was a white pony, with a coat much brighter than snows. Her main and tail were a vibrant Yellow. It was wavy and curled and looked very regal. Snow could tell she was a little shorter than him but for a mare she was tall. Despite the fact she was still lying on the ground. Her current position making snow blush and yet praise whatever he could praise that her tail was protecting her modesty as well as his mind and sanity. To save himself from becoming lost in lewd thoughts of a stranger, regardless of her looks. Snow extended a hoof to help her up. “I am fine. You need a hoof?” The mare without a word grabbed his hoof and pulled herself upright, almost pulling snow back down to the floor. “Thanks for the hoof. I am Sunshine Alixia Rose” The Odd new mare said moving over to sit at snows table. Whipping up a menu. “No please, sit.” Snow said sarcastically sitting down in his seat opposite his new companion. Taking a bite out of the muffin that assaulted him not moments ago. He couldn't be too mad she had just given him a muffin. Even if he technically had only baked them this morning. “I was about to enjoy the house coffee if you want a drink. I would recommend that one its quite delicious.” Snow said to his new guest gleefully. Since the house coffee was a coffee of his own making, a secret mixture of special secret flavours blended together to create the most perfect coffee possible. He was rather happy to boast and offer it to any pony, at any chance he had. He was rather proud of it. “Well, alright i will have that. Might as well start there” Sunshine said setting down the menu watching in surprise at Snow as he signalled to Blue and Petal in such a way, that they knew exactly what he wanted without them even needing to come over. “You are a regular then? considering you can just order like that” “If you don’t mind me asking, what did you mean start there?” Snow asked, ignoring her question and focusing on the oddness in the mares words. A little concerned for his business. Sunshine leaned in and began to whisper. “Don’t tell anypony who works here but I am on a secret mission. I work for a near by cafe and i wanted to test out the competition ya see” she said darting her eyes around to make sure no other pony heard her. Snow laughed a little on the inside. “Is that so? Wow” Snow said feigning interest and intrigue. “Is it really a big competitor though? I mean the only food w.. uhh they serve is muffins and other small odds and ends. ya know snacks.” He said, flicking the last bite of the muffin in the air and snapping his jaws shut over it for added effect. Sunshine was taken back for a moment. Pondering Snows obvious point as if it were actual, new, news to her ears. “Alright so you may be right but, they might become a real competitor.” Sunshine clearly didn't believe her own words now, she was just trying to save face. Snow couldn’t help but laugh at that. At that moment Blue rolled up and placed the drinks on the table with an “order up boss” before returning to work without even asking for pay. Sunshine was rather dumbstruck. She couldn’t understand why they wouldn't ask for bits. Or how any parent could name a foal boss. “So is that your name then Boss? Its a funny one i'm sorry to say.” Sunshine said reaching in and pulling her cup closer to her, taking in the warmth it gave of and the strong scents it gave flittering into her very soul. “Actually my name is Snowgleam. But Boss is my title. That'll be two bits please.” Snow gleam smiled holding out his hoof. Doing his very best to remain as stoic as possible. If Sunshines jaw had dropped any lower it would have hit the table. This brought Snow far more glee than it should have. Sunshine was first tentative to believe he was the actual manager the real boss. But after taking a look at the employees who were watching and giggling to themselves at Sunshines reaction to the news. It confirmed her doubts and she gave in. sliding the bits over to him. A massive blush and drooped ears now shaping her face. “Thanks” Snow said placing the money to one side. giggling to himself a little as he did. “I'm sorry. I'm not really here on a secret mission. i just wanted to have a real reason for being here and sampling everything. the coffee always smells so good when i walk by it reminds me of canterlot. and then when you asked i got embarrassed and made up the mission to sound cool because you're so cu..” Sunshine caught her speedy rambling and froze still, the slow realisation of what she had almost said, setting in. Although snow had caught it. He didn’t let it show. He wasn’t about to embarrass a mare who thought he was cute. Unless she didn’t like his coffee, then he would embarrass away. Plus she seemed harmless enough. The pair sat in silence for a while after that. Snow silently sipped away at his coffee, watching Sunshine sit motionless and red faced. The poor mare was so embarrassed that she hadn't even touched her coffee since. It took Snow clearing his throat to bring her out of her head. Quick as lightning she grabbed then now lukewarm coffee and downed it in one big swig. only coughing lightly eyes widening at the tasty sensation that hit her. “Oh. MY. GOSH!” Sunshine began flailing around gleefully. “the taste, it was just.. so wow.” Sunshine looked like she melted away in the last of her words. slowly slumping over, her eyes closed and a contented grin on her face. Letting herself just rest flat on the table sighing. So no embarrassment for Sunshine then. Snow thought to himself. Smiling down at her. “Good then?” Sunshine didn't even bother to answer him. She just quickly hopped over to the counter and demanded for another. Blue seemed rather startled by her viger. Luckily for him Snow came over quickly and slid in behind the counter. “Its alright Blue. I got this one.” “Same again please good sir” Sunshine said bouncing in place. She stopped bouncing when she began to stare away in awe, watching Snow work as if he was part of the machines and bottles he was quickly darting between. Her eyes widened at the the white foamy drink that was slid in front of her, instantly however, she was confused. “This is?” “Something unique. Not for sale just yet i need to test it on ponies” he said bringing his own cup to his lips. pausing as she stared at it cautiously. Tentatively she brought the cup to her lips. Taking a small sip and letting the flavours sink in and dance along her tongue. Snow had paused by this point, he hadn't even taken a sip of his own by this point. the tension looming over him. It felt like the entire room had gone away that there was only him, her and the coffee. His swallowed waiting for Sunshine to say something to move to do something. He had to know what she thought. It was tearing him up. Finally she opened her eyes and met them with his. “White chocolate?” slowly unsure, snow nods in reply. “And caramel coffee?” “Yeah” Snow says scratching the back of his head.. “Its bad isn't it?” “NO!” Sunshines voice was so loud she started to call attention of the other patrons in the shop. “No, its really good. Its like, its like its a sweat, i would totally want this as a pudding its so thick and creamy and yet so soooo good.” Taking a sip of his own he confirmed it was indeed thick. “Too thick. It was supposed to be soft and creamy like drinking the foam of a latte but its too thick.” Snow looked a little downtrodden after his first sip. a perfect as the flavour was the drink in his eyes was too thick. It was like drinking a warm coffee and white chocolate milkshake. A soft hoof placed under his chin warmed him up however. Slowly lifting his face to meet the eyes and warm gleeful smile of sunshine. “Its perfect” She said softly. “Really it is. I love it, if it weren't so caffeinated i'd suggest it as a treat for the foals too.” Snow pondered this for a moment. moving away from the hoof that was still under his chin and pacing slightly. “I guess, I could make a decaffeinated version. I’d have to switch out some of the ingredients too, got to make up for the flavour change. And I’d need a pony to test it on too. Preferably a filly or a mare.” “Got a thing for mares and fillies?” Sunshine added laughing at snows slight blush. “Its nothing like that. I just find mares and fillies are more honest when it comes to the way things taste.” Snow said pointedly. Staring at the mare. “I can bet twenty bits you have your cutie mark in coffee making then huh?” Sunshine giggled out. more to herself than anything else. She gave pause though. When she realised snow had frozen still a sad look on his face. “What? whats the matter?” she said following his pointed gaze, leading her to nothing but an empty counter top. “You’d lose that bet.” Snow said snapping back into reality and putting on a smile. He knew that their antics had gained them a few looks from the other patrons but he vowed to himself that he didn't care about it. About any of it. Slowly he turned his body just enough to show his empty flank. “See” The sad slow movements of his body betrayed the happy tone of his voice. As hard as he tried to hide it even from himself. It bothered him that it wasn’t there. Even more so every day he went without it. Sunshine gulped hard at this. She could see his pain and wanted to do everything to do to help him. But he was despite the laughed they had shared a stranger. She knew their was only one thing for it. “Friends?” “Wait.. what?” --- It had been close to Three months since Snow had left Sketch on that train platform. He wrote her every day at first. But days had now turned into one letter a week. The letters had even began to thin out. He Had told sketch about his new friends Ditzy and her daughter, told sketch about Sunshine. In the three months that Snow had known Sunshine and Ditzy. They had inspired him to create many new creations in his work. Ditzys daughter Dinky especially liked the chocolate coffees that Snow made just for her, as she saw it anyway. Snow was always adamant that the caffeine be removed for the foal, but more so for the parents of the foals. Because no pony likes a super hyper foal. There was enough sugar and chocolate in there drinks as it was. he legitimately feared what adding caffeine would create. Snow had taken quite the shine to Dinky and Her mother. He would be more often than not found wandering town with the pair. Usually seen playing silly games with Dinky. Now Snow had promoted Petal to assistant manager, as well as hiring another member of staff, a completely black furred stallion pegasus with deep red eyes complete with a black mane and tail. With this he was able to secure every afternoon off. Switching his roster so he worked every day save the weekend, but only working until noon. He was unsure about his new staff member Ruby Roses menacing appearance at first. However once the scary stallion opened his mouth to speak his immediate happy and caring voice put snows worries at ease. Allowing him time to focus on his friends. Although Ditzy never said it, she was happy that Dinky finally had a stallion to look up too. And having Snow and Sunshine around so often made her job as a mother easier of a task. It was Dinky who first noticed Snows lack of a cutie mark. And once Dinky noticed almost every other foal in the park they were in, as well as their parents, noticed too. With Sunshine and Ditzys help, Snow barely managed to escape almost being entered into some strange cutiemarkless cult. Seeing that he wouldn’t be able to pass off the looks he was being given again, and that he and the girls were now friends. He took a dive and gave in. Explaining everything that he remembered. As well as everything about him and sketch. Given that his memory didn’t go back much before his arrival in ponyville. It didn't take to long. He only left out the negative feelings he had, much like how he didn’t tell sketch. He knew in his heart that it would only worry the mares and he didn’t want that. Even if the rage and sadness building up inside him made him want to scream and lash out. He never once does. For fear of losing or worse, hurting his friends. His friends took this in a varying amount of ways. Sunshine was concerned, she saw right away that even though he said otherwise being cutiemarkless and having no memory, no way of identifying himself, hurt snow. Far more than his words spoke. She had a talent for being able to read a ponies body language like this. Afterall she wouldn’t be a very reliable head shrink if she couldn't. Evidenced by the yellow rose with a notepad and pen resting on it. Snow thought this was both relaxing and serious at the same time an odd contrast. Dinky was sad for Sketch. She felt like she was left out of all the fun that the three were now having. Snow gave the filly a tight hug for that one. And made the mental note to tell Sketch that it’s about darn time she visits. Ditzy on the other hoof. Was a mad mixture of sad for Snow, and ecstatic she finally knew what all the letters were about. Once she had finally decided on comforting Snow and letting rest toes sill impulsis she decided that a welcome picnic would be the best. Since they had never actually held anything to properly welcome Snow, He just sort of blended in. -- The day was a bright and sunny one. It wasn’t a bad way to start of a weekend far as Snow was concerned. He had awoken super early this morning so that he could make the journey to the spot he picked out for the picnic. It was an isolated patch of grass atop a tall winding path that lead to the tip of the hill. Walking the inclines of the windy path to the top, would probably take a pony around ten minutes to complete and just getting to the foot of the hill from ponyville added another twenty minutes to the trip. Distance however, was not the reason Snow had awoken so early. He had already planned on making the journey to the top for his own reasons. He wanted to see the sky high view of the town he now lived in. More importantly though, It had taken him well over a week to complete the surprise he had strapped to his back, and having a picnic as an excuse to unveil and use it for the first time atop the hill was as good as any. Scary as it was. It excited Snow grately. Biting the straps, Snow let the long thin box slid of him carefully and set it to rest on the ground just of the side of the paths end. The Box itself was a little longer than Snow in length and width And no thicker than a table top. He lay back on the grass resting his head on the box. Watching the clouds roll by. He was finally genuinely happy for once. He didn’t have anything bad happening in his life. Not when he took a step back to see. Sure he lacked a few things to make him feel complete. Not having his cutie mark had always played on his mind. The feeling of being incomplete because of it’s absence and because of the absence of memories hurt Snow deeper than any cut could. But having friends to take his mind of it. And the excitement of his first test of his new contraption. Made life just that little bit easier to bare. Heck it even made it fun. Snow lay there patiently waiting for his friends to make the journey up the hill. They weren’t due for a while though. So he let his mind wander while picking out shapley clouds rolling by in the sky. The world slowly turned black around him. Then as quick as lightning his world changed for the worse. The grass quickly turning into dry cracked ground expanding as far as the eye could see in all directions. Giant metal structures bust from the ground. While the sky burst into flashes of light. Explosions of thunder rattling his very bones. The ground began to shake and crack open beneath him. Hot magma bursting from its seems. Storms swirled around him. Snow could not help but see, think he was alone in hell and he couldn’t escape it. He never could. He never can. “YOU NEVER WILL!” Snow had heard this voice a many times. It came from nowhere and everywhere. He could never escape its laughing. He could run as far as he could to escape. His world never changed. His world never got better and that voice was always there. Telling him he is wrong. Curling up to hide didn’t help either. Slamming his eyes shut and willing away the very image of the world around him as best he could, It was all he could do to survive. “Why do you hide” the voice rang “why do you cry” the voice spoke Snow always hated the voice. It didn’t seem to care it seemed more like it was mocking him. He hated how familiar it was to him and yet he couldn’t place it. Every time he heard it he would just refuse its words. He couldnt, wouldnt let it talk. Even if it sometimes offered him a way out of hell. “Snow?” “Snooow!” A voice sang from the heavens. Splitting the sky open in a bright flash of white light. Snow slowly sat up. Meeting his groggy gaze with Sunshines smiling teeth and pearly yellow eyes. “Hay.” She laughed bopping him on the head with a hoof before helping him sit up. Snow always hated that dream. It always felt so real. Even the voice did. He hated how he could never make it stop. How almost every night it was the same. He hated most of all that as much as he wanted to call it a nightmare. He couldnt. It didn’t seem to fit right. He hated that he didn’t know why. Sunshine was giving him a few funny looks. More so the box than him. Snow after bringing his mind back into the land of the conscious ponies. Explained that it was a surprise for after the picnic and that no, she could not have a sneak peek. It wasn't long until the other to picnic party members arrived, sporting goodies much like sunshine had brought. Snow felt guilty that he didn’t bring foods. But it was the box or snacks. And he really wanted the box. Luckily Ditzy and Dinky had brought enough for all the ponies in ponyville. And insisted that it was to share, much like sunshine insisted to share her assorted drinks too. The four laughed and played the morning away all the while, three of them at least, wondering what was hidden away inside the box. Snow had to pry away curious hooves more than once. He didn’t mind though. “Alright girls. The time is finally here.” Snow said Slowly standing. Beginning to stretch his limbs one by one. “Dinky, Sunshine you can open the box. But be careful” “Well what about me?” Ditzy asked while watching the other girls squee and rush over to the box. “I have a special task for you” Snow said meticulously testing each muscle and limb. “I need you to catch me if i fall, I trust you can do that?” “Fall?” Snow didn’t reply. He simply turned to look at Sunshine and Dinky as the began to pull the Long black board with wheels out of the box. “Thats a really odd food tray.” Dinky said, with a twist of the head. “Its big enough for a pony” “Very close actually dinky” Snow said Sliding up to the board and carefully nudging it to the top of the hill. “Its meant for a pony” “What is it?” Sunshine asked. Poking it and letting it roll forward a little before Snow stopped it with a hoof. “I think i get it” Ditzy said, Slowly unfurling her wings with a gulp “This could go very wrong” “Thats why i have you” Snow said with a wink. He slowly lined up the board testing its functions and checking it silently. Ditzy was silently waiting for the world to go mad. She had tried to talk Snow out of this when he first came up with the idea a month ago. She didn’t know he had gone ahead and made it. She was so wrapped up in trying to think of a way to talk the stallion out of it that she missed the fact he had taken a few steps back from the board. Ready to pounce on it. Dinky gasped. The realization of what Snow was about to do snapping into place. She joined Sunshine in bouncing around excitedly. “GO!” And with that Snow lept forward onto the board. Its wheels moving forward under him. Positioning himself in a crouched and lowered position he leaned into the curve of the hills edge. And with that He began to pick up speed. Faster and faster the board carried him down the path. Within seconds he hit the first turn at speed. Almost as if on instinct he leaned his body left. The board beneath him tilting but the wheels staying flat to the ground. He arced around the bed, body almost on the ground, Straightening him and the board out of the corner and resuming leaning forward. The sudden Shout snapped Ditzy out of her daze and she watched in horror as Snow disappeared over the edge. Panicked she took of running and lept into the sky. By the time she had the wind underneath her wings Snow had already hit the first corner. She Whizzed forward expecting him to hit the paths edge and be thrown of. But was taken back by his sudden grace and ease as he glided effortlessly round the bend. She hurried quickly to catch up to his side Trying her hardest to catch up to his ever increasing speeds. Just as she reached him he hit another bend. Arcing her body matching his movements the pair flew around the corner in sync. In that moment it was like time slowed down. She could see the smile beaming of Snows face as she matched herself with him. Giggling she Put everything she had into flying ahead of him almost racing him to the paths distant bottom. Hitting bend after bend arcing with Snow quickly catching up behind now matching her movements. Its a moment like this that brought complete bliss to Snow. The sheer perfection and beauty in the moment. He wanted it to last forever. Sadly he knew that wouldn’t last. As soon as Ditzy suddenly braked hard and he whipped past her he knew it was over. Ditzy was so happy at the moment. But as soon as she spotted the two colts walking up the path she knew once again, this was truly a bad idea. She watched in horror as Snow quickly whipped the board to the side, narrowly avoiding the two now petrified colts. Rushing to try and catch him before his wheels hit the edge of the path. She was within a hairs length when it happened. Snows wheels met the grass fast and hard. Digging into the soft dirt and flipping him like a catapult through the air. Launching him high into the air like a flailing rocket. He watched as he went over the edge of the hill. Falling fast towards the trees below. Tucking himself up and waiting for impact was all he could do. And with one massive flash of pain. His world went dark. > Ponyville Tales - Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ditzy watched in stunned silence as Snow slipped past her hooves. Mere inches from grasp. Her heart sank as he vanished in the tree line below. LIstening to the cracking snapping branches as he fell. Then silence. Was that good? Or did that mean far worse things had happened below? She felt as if her world was moving in slow motion. She couldn’t bear to think Snow hurt. Or worse. The tragic possibilities racing through her mind as she swooped down below the tree line looking for signs of life. “Snow!” She cried zipping to and fro. Desperately searching the area of his fall. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw next. Far in the distance she spotted Snows familiar white fur, now offset by a steadily increasing flow of red. Rushing as fast as her wings could take her. Sliding into a holt by Snows side. Snows body was near unrecognizable. His features torn and mangled. Broken bones leaving lumps and breaks in his skin. The tears and missing flesh, torn by the branches as he fell, leaving uncontrollable amounts of blood to leak forth from his body. The worst of it were the many thick branches stabbing into his body. The Thick blood oozing down them and dripping joining the puddle of blood forming under his still motionless body. Ditzy couldn’t do anything but scream in horror. Tears streaming down her face as she fell down to the ground beside him. The shadows of local pegasi circling above brought to her from her wailing screams. Ditzys eyes shot to the sky. Yelling for help, begging and pleading with anypony who could hear her cries. By the time Sunshine and Dinky had caught up. Emergency ponies had already arrived and were carting Snows limp and battered body onto the carriage. Sunshine quickly spun Dinky around to shield her from the horror of what she saw. Pulling Dinky close to her body as she began to cry. Watching as the carriage rolled away as fast as the drivers legs could haul them. Sunshines eyes Darted around helplessly searching for Ditzy. It was then she spotted the blooded mare sitting hollow by the side of the road. Face streaked with tears and fur matted with mostly dried blood. “Dinky keep your eyes shut you hear! Not one peek until I say this is not a game. Its serious!” Dinky had began to cry. though she didn’t fully understand the situation she knew what she had seen a glimpse of was bad and it scared her how Sunshine was acting. But she listened to Sunshine dutifully as ordered, not opening her eyes once. Even as she was hauled upon Sunshines back she never even peeked. She only cried. “I Want my mommy!” On instinct Ditzy heard her foals cries and snapped out of her stupor meeting the solum looking Sunshine halfway in a sprint. Snatching up her foal and holding her tight. Both crying into each other. Sunshine dared not ask. She silently watched as Ditzy held Dinky in her arms. Dinkys eyes opening to meet her mothers. “NO! no Dinky. Dont look at me. Keep your eyes closed. For mommy please.” Dinky caught another small glimpse at what her mother looked like before quickly slamming shut her eyes once more. The panic however clearly setting over her face. The foal now covered in small patches of Snows blood where it had rubbed off from the embrace. “Are.. you okay Ditzy?” Sunshine finally cut in. “Are you hurt?” “No i'm not its..” Ditzy broke down once more. Falling down around her daughter and sobbing silently into her hooves. Sunshine knew it was Snow. As much as she hated the thought of him hurt she knew it was him. The day moved on slowly. The mares felt the days seconds tick away slower than any other. Ditzy, after washing Dinky and herself off, had left Dinky with her trusted friend and local Librarian, Twilight Sparkle. Fearing that the days events would be far too much for a foal to handle. Twilight was very surprised when a rather bloody Ditzy burst through her door demanding that she take care of Dinky while she was at the hospital. Originally Ditzy had no intention of even washing of the blood. She wanted to rush to Snows side. But with a bit of coxing from Sunshine and Twilight, she finally lamented and gave in. The argument that Snow would be in intensive care, that they wouldn’t even be able to see him rang true in her mind. As much as it hurt. Explaining what had happened to Twilight and Sunshine left Ditzy feeling hollow once more. Even though Twilight had never once met Snow in anything more than a professional manner at the coffee house. She still felt gravely concerned, but shed tears more for the pain that her friends felt over the ordeal, than her own. Ditzys pain only worsened when she had to explain again what happened to Dinky. Only this time in a less graphic manner. When Dinky fell to tears begging her mother to tell her Snow was going to be okay; When Ditzy herself couldn’t answer. It all became very overwhelmingly clear just how dire the situation was. It had been three hours since snow had been rushed into hospital. Sunshine and Ditzy begged the staff to let them see Snow, Begged for some news for something. All they could do was wait for news of his condition. Hope and pray he would be okay. They watched the room endlessly, as ponies darted in and out of it for hours on end. Some far more blooded and exhausted than others. This only made it clear that Snow was in real danger. The pair wished there was something they could do. Anything that would make it all okay. Finally the room fell silent. And doctors and nurses filed out of the room one by one each more blooded and exhausted than the last. The last of the doctors stood before the mares. eyes lowered and a sad expression on his face. as he lowered his hat to his chest. Speaking the words no friend no pony, ever wants to hear. “Hes dead!?” It was all too much for Sunshine to understand. Too hard for her mind to follow. As she slipped into her own mumbled words of disbelief. Ditzy once again and for the last time ran to Snows side. Breaking down into tears hugging the lifeless body that lay before her. Cursing herself for not stopping him when she had the chance. For not confessing and begging him to stay. Now she would never get the chance. Now all she could do is cry. Lightly kissing his cheek, only to sob once more. -- It had been A tough day for all ponies involved. Ditzy couldn’t hold her head up anymore she was so tired from crying. She was now alone in the main room of Twilights home slash library. Now closed due to the setting sun. Bringing its final close to the day. She could still hear the distant cries of her daughter upstairs. When they returned Sunshine offered to explain to Dinky what had happened and Dinky, understandably wanted to deny it and refuse it. Twilight left to try help comfort her once she realised that Ditzy, for the moment, wanted nothing but to be alone. She wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for a week. She wished she had never even met Snow, then she would never have to feel this pain. Ditzy knew she couldn’t undo her feelings for the stallion though. “Feelings~” She sighed heavily at the word. She'd never even get the chance to find out just how badly she felt for him. Or how he felt. Ditzy felt the sudden pang of sadness hit her heart once more. The realisation that Snow wasn’t there anymore weighing over her. She couldn’t cry anymore. “Oh no.” Ditzy took up a quill and paper and began to write a letter. All the thoughts of feelings reminded her that there was one mare who needed to know. She was most likely the most special mare in snows life. And as hard as that was to think about the mare needed to know. But Ditzy hardly made it past dear Sketch Pad before she hit a wall. What exactly could she say to the poor mare? How do you explain that a pony who is a big part of your life, is just gone? Ditzy decided on the only logical way to do it. And explain it logically, step by step. Dear Sketch Pad You do not know me formally. Although as I know Snow writes to you often about his life I assume you know my name at least. I am Ditzy Doo. I don’t really know how to write this. First I want to say how sorry I am. I want nothing more than to tear up this letter and throw it away because I know how much it will hurt you. I really am sorry. Snow was in an accident this morning. The doctors did everything they could. He died. I wish there was an easier way to tell you. If only I had stopped him he wouldn’t have died. Its all my fault. Honestly I don’t know what else to say. The hospital will want me to do something about snows funeral arrangements soon. I know I don’t have the right but please, come to ponyville. I don’t know what to do. Ditzy Doo. Ditzy read the letter over and over. It felt so wrong. It read as if it were so uncaring so unsympathetic. But she didn’t know anyway else to do it. She couldn’t avoid the subject. And Sketch had the right to know. With that she folded the letter away into an envelope. Marked an address she knew well from Snows many many letters to the mare. And filed it away for sending. --- When Sketch First received the letter She didn’t want to believe it. She wanted to play it off as some bad joke. She had only received snows last letter not long ago, and he was fine. He couldn't be dead. She almost started to write a reply to snow telling him about the awful joke. But Since stopped her. She didn’t cry. She didn’t hide away. She just decided firmly that it was a hoax. And that when she got to ponyville snow would be right there in his little coffee shop to greet her. Within an hour of receiving the letter she had packed a saddle bag. She didn’t need much. Just her bits for any expenses, a present for Snow, something she meant to give him next time they meet and the directions Snow had been sure to give her should she ever want to just drop in. Given the date marked on the letter it had been a day since Snows supposed accident. And if this hoax had any credibility then the train couldn’t be moving any slower. Despite how sure Sketch was in the Hoax, She still felt that undeniable pang of doubt in her heart and mind. A piece of her wanted nothing more than to curl up and cry at the thoughts. But she couldn’t, just could not for any reason believe that Snow would die. The hour was late when the train finally rolled into ponyville. Sketch bolted of the train. Taking flight as soon as she had clearance enough to do so. A quick glance to the directions told her exactly where she needed to look. Given her aerial view of thing she could clearly point of Snows shop. Landing in front of it as quickly as she could she froze still. Thought racing through her mind giving her pause. “What if this isnt a hoax? What if he really is dead?” Slowly she walked up the the door. Its blinds were down and the closed sign in plain view. This didn’t bring much hope to her. But she knew it was late, maybe he was just in bed? She tried the door first. Shaking its handle over and over trying to will the door to unlock. Her clear worry and panic setting in. She took to banging on the door. Calling out his name. But there was no answer. No movement. No signs of life at all. It all became too much to bare and simply collapsed in front of his door. Giving in and crying silently in the night. Ruby wasn’t sure of how long the mare had been in front of his workplace for. Be he wasn’t stupid. Though he had very little time to get to know his former boss, this was a small town and he knew full well what had happened. And now seeing an unknown mare crying by his door step. He didn’t need a fancy education too put the pieces of this puzzle together. “Miss are you okay?” “Snow!?” If there was any doubt in Rubys mind before about her connection to Snowgleam, that doubt was gone. He could see the shock in her eyes, and the pain that hid behind them. He knew how intimidating his appearance could be. More so at night. Given his Jet black coat, wings, mane and tail. Paired with his deep red eyes it made for quite the menacing look. The fact that when out of work he also wore one gold and one silver earring in his right ear. It made him look quite the villain. He managed to offset his scary looks with actions and words however. Even though Sketch backed away at first. Ruby pulled her into a tight embrace. She struggled against him for a moment. But she was to tired to fight anymore. “I’m so sorry for your loss” Was all it took for her to break down completely. Finally realising he wasn’t hurting her. The stallion was trying to comfort her. The realisation of his words, her loss, hit her hard. She went rigid at first but the stallions embrace tightened and as he were squeezing the emotion out of her; She finally once more, broke down and cried wailing into the pegasi’s shoulder. After lots of crying, hugging, followed by more crying and hugging, followed lastly by a short and awkward silence between the two. Ruby introduced himself, explaining his position in all this. How he was only Snows worker but knew a little about what had happened. He promised he would take her to see Sunshine, Although Sketch had asked to see Ditzy. Ruby knew enough to know that for now that was a bad idea. There was just one problem with that however. Neither pony knew where anypony lived in this town other than Snow. Lamenting to the obvious. Ruby instead insisted on going to see a the pony named Twilight tomorrow. While he didn’t know the librarian personally, he did know from small town gossip, that she knew Ditzy. While this wasn’t who he wanted Sketch to see right away for obvious reasons, unknown to Sketch though. He also knew he didn’t really have a choice given the situation. Knocking at the door of any ponies home at this time felt weird. He felt as if he were going to be shouted at. But he had promised to help Sketch who by this point had fallen silent and looked more to be following him on autopilot than anything. He knocked twice with his hoof hard. Waiting for some reply. Some sign of life from inside. “Hello? I'm sorry to disturb you at such an hour, is anypony home?” He called as he knocked again. It was then that a light flicked on, its light shining brightly from the doors side windows. Hurried hoofsteps could be heard from behind the door. Quickly bolts and locks slid away out of sight and the door cracked open. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” Ruby recognised the Lavender mare as Twilight Sparkle and knew he had to explain quickly. So as not to upset the clearly disgruntled mare more so. Twilight gave the pair an odd and inquizzitive look. While Rubys rather unique features gave her pause Sketches solum look was all it took to bring the sharp minded mare to attention. “Is everything okay?” She asked looking fully at Sketch Pad. “I'm so sorry to disturb you miss Sparkle. My name is Ruby Rose. Its my understanding that you know Ditzy Doo correct?” The mention of Ditzys name brought twilight to attention. Nodding at Rubys question. “Then I assume you know of, Snow?” Another nod. “I'm sorry to have to put this on you, i just didn’t know where else to go, you were the only logical choice. This is Sketch Pad. Its my understanding she is, was, Snows friend. I'm afraid I don’t know all the details but I promised I’d get Miss Sketch here to somepony who does. I know it’s terribly late but-” Twilight held up a hoof in silence. She had heard more than enough to piece the rest together. Knowing all about Sketch Pad by now from what little Ditzy had told her. It was more than enough for her to trust the pegasis word. “You had best both come in” -- Ruby didn’t know how he allowed himself to get roped into staying over at twilights too. But something about a mare in distress called to his better nature and he simply couldn’t deny Sketchs pleas for him to stay. Given that Twilight had given it the okay and rolled out futons for the pair on the floor below. he couldn’t really even refuse. Sketch had fallen asleep not long after Twilight went back upstairs, with the promise of talking and sorting it out tomorrow. Ruby would have slept too, however he was now more awake than ever. It wasn’t so much as being under a futon with a mare that bothered him. He wasn’t a shy Stallion, and he knew that given the circumstances one night wasn’t exactly the end of the world. However the fact that Sketch had taken to hugging him like an oversized teddy put him off greatly. He knew she was asleep and he knew she didn’t mean anything by the gesture. In Fact given her clear and present pains. He hardly even blamed her from wanting something, even subconsciously, to hug the pain away. Its not like he wasn’t a hugger. Ruby enjoyed a hug and even offered them when needed. Its just this was very different to his usual hugs. For one, he was almost always the giver. To be receiving one was an awkward feeling. Another and more prominent reason however, was the fact that he was lay on his side. Sketch was tucked tightly in behind him her head resting in the crook of his back between his wings. Her front hoof resting over him pulling into his chest and hugging him tightly. This didn’t bother him too much, it was the way her hips tightly folded around his own hind quarters that was keeping him up. Given the Position he could feel every, bit of Sketchs body, and the warmth it gave off. When she put herself in the position biting his lip was all he could do to stave off flailing in embarrassment and waking the poor mare. Something despite his growing discomfort, he did not want to do. He just hoped he would not fall asleep. Rubys wish did not come true. He awoke the morning after to the sounds of hoofsteps clattering down wooden stairs. A sudden gasp at what he could only assume was at him and Sketch.. Ruby and Sketch during the night hd somehow become a mess of tangled hooves and limbs. And while Ruby really wanted to get up he couldn’t. Sketch had found her way to using him as a whole body pillow and was pinning him down to the mat, Still snoring away. “This is not what it looks like” Ruby whispered to the lavender hooves that came into view. Followed shortly by twilight crouching to meet her face with his. “And what does this.. Look like?” Twilight whispers back. Making small motions with her head to indicate all of the pair. “She’s a hugger it would seem.. Shes upset and i am not about to say not to a mare in need.. But.. the fact while we were both asleep, we ended up.. like this. I dont want to have her wake up and freak out..” Ruby gulps waiting for the inevitable freak out from twilight. But instead he was greeted with a soft lavender glow encapsulating both him and Sketch, softly lifting her of his body and dragging him out from under her. Placing her softly back atop the mat and tucking her softly into the sheets. Barely even causing her to stir. “Thank you I..” Ruby was stopped by Twilights hoof. Silencing him with a shake of her head. “You don’t need to say a thing. I can see that what you say is the truth. From the very look on you face.” She says as she leads him into the kitchen away from there sleeping companion. “I understand you don’t know Sketch all that well. I’m correct in saying you only met last night infact. When you brought her here she did look awfully distraught. You promised her you would find one of Snows other friends right, like Sunshine; but brought her here when you realised you didn’t know where any of them lived?” Ruby nodded his head slowly at the mairs brilliant deductions. He could see she was well learned; and was willing to look at a situation from all its angles before making an assumption. This he was glad for. “Yeah all true. I had heard about Ditzy, I know she isn’t doing well and i know she’s your friend. I was worried that bringing Sketch to her might make this all worse for the both of them. But in all honesty i don’t know what the right move is. Aside from when i am at work, i'm not exactly a social stallion. I just did what felt right.” This startled Twilight somewhat. Seeing a pony who cares for not only the ones in front of him but for those around him that he hadn't even met. It wasn’t a trait all ponies carried, at least not so openly and on the surface. “You sound like you care a great deal for others.” Twilight spoke softly as she placed a hoof over the Stallion. “You can relax now. Sunshine is taking care of Ditzy, and i dont think she will come here today at least. Shes doing a lot better though. And I will take care of Sketch now, Try and help her to come to terms with everything. Ditzy explained more than enough to me. I can fill in the details for Sketch when she wakes up.” Ruby sat down leaning into the hoof Twilight had placed over him, saddened by the situation he had found himself in. Slowly he lent his head against Twilights side. The mare was startled, frozen still at first. But after a moment she relaxed, letting Ruby rest silently against her chest. Silent minutes passed. As time moved on Twilight moved to hugging the solum stallion. She didn’t quite understand why he was so sad but on her word as a good and decent pony she couldn’t let it go un-noticed. After more silent minutes passed Ruby finally spoke up. “ It doesn't seem fair for me to leave all this to you.” “You care a great deal. I know. But honestly Sketch and I need some time alone, You have done your part. Now i'm not forcing you to leave sure. I just think you have things to get back to surly. And I dont want to keep you from them.” Twilight was right on some parts. Ruby had done his part and gotten Sketch to a pony who knows, and cares. And while his work was understandably closed for the time being. He did have to water his plants. It all didnt seem that important given the situation but Ruby knew that the girls needed space. “You’re Twilight. I should give you two mares some space. I will be back later this week to return the book i borrowed from you. Maybe you could fill me in on some of the details then?” “Sure” Twilight spoke as she hugged Ruby tightly before letting him go. Escorting him to the door as silently as possible, giving him one last wave before closing it softly behind him. Twilight didn’t exactly want to wake the mare sleeping on her floor. She had gotten up earlier than usual to ensure she was up before her housemate and Number one ,Spike the Dragon. She knew he would be very surprised to find anypony asleep on the floor of the library. So as to soften the blow she made sure she was up first. She also didn’t want to have any customers Stumbling in during the open hours. Choosing today to not flip the sign to open as her normal morning routine would dictate. It did feel all kinds of strange for twilight to have to break routine. But then having a grieving sleeping pony on the floor of your library can break all kinds of things. Twilight made her way once more, carefully around the sleeping pony to the kitchen, She knew Spike would be up soon but wanted to use this rare chance to make her own breakfast. With the meal silently in place, resting against the tabletop in the library. Twilight took her place and began to eat as quietly as she could. Holding a newspaper in her magical grasp, reading as she did. She was halfway done with her morning meal as she heard the familiar sound of claws taping against the wooden surface of the stairs. She turned her eyes to meet Spikes own and motioned him to be silent. Pointing out with a nod of her head to the snoozing pony below. Without word Spike slipped past Sketch with a confused glance and entered the kitchen. A few moments later he returned and took a place opposite Twilight, giving her a confused look as he took a bit out of his meal. All Twilight had to say was “She’s a friend of snows” For the young Dragon to fully understand all he had to. He cast a saddened glance at the poor sleeping mare, before continuing his silent meal. Sketch awoke to the sounds of clinking plates in the distance. Her eyes blurry and confused to their surroundings. She slowly sat up taking in everything around her with a slow yawn. Turning letting the blanket fall of her side she met eyes with the purple mare from the night before. Quickly her mind began to flash back filling in the blanks of her sleepy unfocused mind. Very quickly she began to realise her worst nightmare was her reality. She stood quickly backing away from the lavender mare. Her eyes darting around the room trying to find her only solace from the pain. Ruby Rose was nowhere in sight.. While Sketch silently began to panic Twilight stepped up beside her. Softly trying to relax her. She realised her mistake as soon as Sketches Panicked face began to show. Ruby Rose was the only pony she knew in ponyville no matter how brief their interaction was. Even if Twilight knew who Sketch was Sketch did not know Twilight. “Relax Sketch” Twilights soft words gave Sketch pause. Turning her head to the ground below Twilights hooves. “I promise we will get this all sorted out.” Sketch just slumped to the ground giving into the hardships, collapsing under the weight of it all. Silently she closed her eyes. Shutting out the world, wishing it away. -- The world unfortunately for those who suffer a loss, continues to move whether you want it to or not. The week had drawn to a close. Snows funeral was a small one. Held in Ponyvilles small graveyard. Adding one more grave to its lot. Sketch and Ditzy both huddled into Rubys side each silently sobbing into their new found friend. Sunshine stood silently with Twilight, holding onto a somber looking Dinky, whom felt as if this is all to grown up for her, wishing that it could go back to the way it was when her mommy smiled. When she had Snow to play with. The Six watched as the earth slowly filled the hole over their friend. Each adding an Lilly to the grave once all was done. One by one taking a moment to linger over the grave whispering their silent goodbyes. Moving on to Snows wake in his former coffee shop. Snows grave had many visits over the coming weeks some ponies whom wished they had got to know him and others whom had known him for the short time he had been in ponyville. Snows visits dwindled and ceased in the month thereafter. His grave growing cold and seemingly abandoned. Acting as a painful reminder of the past. -- One year to the day saw Snows first visitor in a long time. The white colt planted a single lily in his grave before seemingly disappearing as quickly as he came upon hearing distant voices. More visitors for snow on the anniversary. Sketch and Ditzy Looked upon the singly lily with a cold calculating look. Before adding their own to either side of it and each laying beside his grave talking to it and filling him in on all the things he’s been missing out on. As the day grew to its end the pair took one last look at the grave and the unknown lily planted in between their own. As the setting sun began to cast the longest shadow over his grave. Unable to bare the pain of seeing his grave for any longer than what felt necessary the pair took their leave. Unknown to them, leaving was a wise decision. Had they prolonged their stay they would have been witness to what stirred and clawed at the earth beneath their hooves. > Ponyville Tales - Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness spread out in all directions. There was nothing. No matter where snow tried to look he saw nothing. Heard nothing felt nothing. Snow couldn’t even curl up to hide away. He had nothing to curl up with. His whole self had gone. There was nothing but black. “Are you just going to roll over and die?” A light sprung up in the distance. “Do I have to do everything?” Snow knew the voice. Was he dreaming? He couldn’t tell. Then memories flicking over him literally playing themselves out all around him. He watched as his flailing body flew into the tree tops. Saw every tear and laceration that the branches gave him as his body ripped through them. He watched in horror as his body cracked when it impacted the side of a tree trunk. Falling lifelessly, hitting the ground hard. He had no words. The slow leaking body, strewn with holes, tears and pierced with branches made him want to throw up. It couldn’t be him. He couldn’t die! He had so many plans, a whole future to live out. Snow couldn’t accept it. But deep inside he knew it was him. Watching as Ditzy fell to tears beside him. Shouting out at the distance for help. He watched on lifelessly as he was carried away. As many ponies hurried around him in a darkened room. Watching as they removed all the branches that impaled him. Sewed up his wounds; cleaned up his blood. “HA! you really are pathetic. Look what you have done to all those poor ponies. How sad they are. Thats all your fault you know.” The voice spoke louder and clearer than ever. “It is my fault” Snow watched as the sheet was pulled over him and he was left alone in the cold dark room. He couldn’t feel the embrace of his friend when she gave it. He listened to the cries of his friends as they gathered around his lifeless body as it was lowered into the ground. buried forever. He knew he was dead. He couldn’t do anything about it could he? “Why?” he finally asked from the darkness. “why can i see this if i'm dead?” “A good question” “And what are you!” Snow yelled out “You don’t seem like you actually care. You seem like you are enjoying all this!” Snow listened, his mental facial features turning to rage as the voice laughed away in his head. ”You really don’t get it do you” The voice laughed once more “I’M YOU!!” The laughing bellowed out over Snows entirety. It couldn’t be. The feeling of malice and hatred washing over him. He knew that this thing, the thing that claimed to be him was the source of it all. As if sensing Snows doubt the memories of Snows hatred at his friends flashed to life. How silently he hated them all for having the things he couldn't get. How he could never face up to his feelings for sketch and asked for the job to run away from her. How he lied everyday saying he was happy. Throwing a face of happiness on so convincing that even he himself began to believe it. “Its over now, i know inside” As snow spoke the memories went back to black. “Was i good pony? Was I mad pony?” Snow began to let go of himself willing himself to die. Willing it all to end. “Its such a fine line between a good pony and-” “Do you really think, that I would ever let you go? Do you think I'd ever set you free?” With that voice Snow suddenly felt life flitter back into his broken body. He watched as he took the back seat in his own mind unable to move his own hooves and yet watching, feeling them move slowly. One by one feeling his bones cracking into place and his cold hard muscles twitching to life as he lay against the cold hard wood of the coffin. Unable to do anything but look out, but feel, as his body moved without his command. “If you did, I'm sad to say, It simply isn't so. You will never get away from me!” “All that you are Is a voice in my mind! I close my eyes and you'll disappear!” “I'm what you face when you look deep inside! Long as you live, I will still be here!” “All that this Is the end of a nightmare! All that you are is a dying scream!” Snow yelled trying to fight this take over, willing himself back to death “By the end of tonight, I shall end this demonic dream!” “This is not a dream, my friend - And it will never end! This one is the nightmare that goes on!” The voice snapped back the words leaving Snows own lips “I am here to stay, No matter what you may pretend - And I'll flourish, long after you're gone!” “Soon I will die, And my silence will hide you!” Snow barked back laughing knowing he had to die.. he had to be dead. That he could win over his head. This voice was part of him, and he can control it. “You cannot choose but to lose control.” “You can't control me! I live deep inside you! Each day you'll feel me devour your soul!” “I don't need YOU to survive, as you need me! I'll become whole as we dance with death! And I'll rejoice as we breathe our final breath! “I'll live inside you forever!” As the voice cried out from snows own lips it burst a hoof forward cracking the lid of the coffin! “No!” “And I know that, now and forever. You will never be able to separate yourself from I!” The voice began to move snows body clawing away at the lid. Dirt pouring through the whole his body made in it. “Can't you see It's over now? It's time to die!” Snow begged. Fighting his own body trying to will some control back over himself. “No, not I! Only you will die!” “If I die. You die too!” “You'll die in me I'll be you!” “NO!” Snow fought with himself but to no avail. He knew he was trapped inside his own body watching it fight its way through endless dirt as it clawed its way to the surface. “Damn you! Set me free!” “Can't you see You are me?” “No! Deep inside-!” “I am you! You are I!” “No - Never!” “Yes, forever!” “Damn you. Why cant you just leave us and let us rot in here forever!” Snows hoof bust through the ground hitting open air once more. “Now its my turn!”