• Member Since 5th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 24th, 2018


In the end, I hope you had the time of your life.


In an alternate universe. During the attack on the Crystal Empire by King Sombra. Spike is falling to his death, in trying to save everyone. But... he dose not die. Instead Spike is taken to a dark void. Were Sombra temps Spike with what he most desires... Will Spike give into his greed, his desire, or his lust? Or will Spike NOT give into Sombras temptation.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Thank ya jesus! finally, more people who think that spike is the most badass character in fimfiction and could rape the world with training/power. you need to turn this into a full fanfiction. mine starts out much differently, but i see potential in both of us. onwards glory hounds of spikes awesome ness,:flutterrage: Now!!!

Well I loved this you dont find very many of these storys out there so it was a unique story to say the least and really good I hope to read more storys of this genre:pinkiesmile:

This is very interestimg.

Didn't see that coming. :pinkiesad2: That was awesome!

Best story ever. What do you think, pewds?

Pewds: Ten out if ten. Brofist points.

You heard pewds. Brofist.

is it sad to say that I could really see something like this happening just cause of the way spike gets mistreated on the show

7042585 that would be VERY interesting, and i could see it happening too...

This is amazing I wish it was a story ongoing

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