• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 349 Views, 6 Comments

Gentic Jigsaw - Dynomation

Genes the building blocks of life, and like lego can be moved to create something knew, to skilled hand that takes a few minutes. But to a pony with magic a few seconds.

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The Plan

Princess Luna
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash

Fox placed Zecora`s hood over his head "Remember, make a big ruckus as possible" he said to the lunar alicorn, she smiled and nodded, as she left the Everfree forest. 'All part of the plan' the canine thought to himself, he`d not steped paw in town in daylight for a long time and know he`d have to create a town wide panic, no problem.... hopefully?

Fluttershy, Zecora and Scootaloo all entered town together, away from the Everfree forest, so there where far enough away from the in sewing chaos. The plan was so simple yet so complex. That was always a mark of a scientist or a madpony, but 'He`d always been a bit of that' thought Fluttershy as knocked on the door off Twilight new home, the safest place in Ponyville. And was the best place to hide Scootaloo from Anubis.
"Fluttershy? Zecora? Scootaloo? What are you 3 doing here? Everponies been worried sick about you Scootaloo! She rubbed the back of her head. "...Yeah I`ve had a weird day, found out who my Dad was, he`s not a cool a guy as I was hoping, listen he might have the slight possibility of being a homicidal maniac, so an we come in?" she asked, Spike just moved to the side, a dumbfounded expression on he`s face.

Princess Luna emerged from the shadows, with the hooded Fox following her, somehow they would have to create a kafuffle big enough and long enough to atrached Anubis and his entourage, and long enough for Fox to build a bomb, not a lot could do that, but first everypony must be in there houses or in a safe place.

"Citizens of Ponyville, return to your homes, a beast of the foulest of intentions is on it way as I speak!" the was the sound of a made scrabble then only 3 ponies other than Luna and Fox. The of the council of friendship. Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

"Luna get them away from here, I`ll destract Anubis, Ok?" Luna grumbled "Fox don`t was your time, you can`t stand up to him, you`ll kill yourself" Fox just raised an eyebrow "I already survived a nuclear explosion, I`ll be fine, trust me" He turned and sprinted away, "Alright change of plans" Luna stated to herself.

Fox ditched the hood, as he sprinted to the top of the town hall, he`d have to use some flame to attach the attention away from Luna. Firing a jet of green radioactive flame at the sky. All the ponies in there houses held there breath as the jet of fire exploded in the sky.
Luna looked slightly impressed at the jet of green fire "Changelings?" a voice called next to her, "It could be a really angry Spike, or his had a bit to much hot sauce" said Pinkie, Rainbow just looked ticked "No! I think it the thing that needs a flank flailing!" she was about to take off when a voice echoed behind her, it sounded like fingernails on a black board.
"No, I believe your dear princess through it was me she was refuring to. Wasn`t it princess?"

Spike blinked as he let the information sink in "So your Dad, is that God of Death, and your her mother?" he asked looking between Fluttershy and Scootaloo, they both nodded, Spike just blink, then looked at Zecora "So how are you involved with this?" Zecora just smiled and shrugged, she wasn`t to sure herself but she`d would do anything to help a friend.
Then Spike looked thoughtful for a moment "Wait your basically a combination of death and kindness, how does that work, 'I will kill you kindly'?" Spike got a harsh look from Fluttershy, he just smiled slightly, kicking his foot.

A green light flickered in the sky, bright enough to obscure the sun, the town was bathed in a green glow, then it stopped, as they looked for the source they found the orange spec on the town hall spire, it was pointing at something in the market, his voice barely reaching their ears. "I`m the one who should be dead, so come and finish the job!"

Fluttershy and Scootaloo looked panicked "That not the plan, he was supposed to build the magic nullifying bomb, not fight Anubis!" Spike looked at the x-element of kindness "Bomb?"

Comments ( 1 )


First video that comes to mind when I think of writers who are failing and not even trying to make something good. Or dont have the abilities necessary to do so, but keeps writing anyways. Ignore the piles of money and replace the background with a small messy room and its pretty accurate.

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