• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 349 Views, 6 Comments

Gentic Jigsaw - Dynomation

Genes the building blocks of life, and like lego can be moved to create something knew, to skilled hand that takes a few minutes. But to a pony with magic a few seconds.

  • ...


The last time Fluttershy heard the word 'Futtock' was when her oldest brother said when he was either in trouble or hurt himself, but anyone could have learnt that word! But why did this well fox-pony know the word? In fact how did a dog speak in the first place, wait didn`t that timbre wolf? Dog? speak?!

Fluttershy shock her head to clear her thoughts, the fox creature was court in mid stride off the sofa, his large black claws hitting the floor with a 'rat-a-tat-tat' his large green eyes looked into Fluttershy`s eyes.

His animalistic side was obviously frozen due to well the stare Fluttershy was giving him, his pony side on the other hand was resisting, finally giving in he sat back on the sofa, almost like he was preparing for something.

"What do you think your doing? Your hurt, you need to rest! I don`t care if you can speak! Your resting till you`ve healed!"

The left eye of the hybrid twitched slightly "Seriously? Your going to keep me here? Yeah you an what army?" he asked, almost to whined her up, which she stared back at him, he seem to be regaining control of the animalistic half of himself and began to resist slightly.

Then Angel hopped onto the couch and started to squeak at Fluttershy about him smelling similar to her, the fox/pony gave a odd look, it was like worry but it had the look of 'I`m not bothered' as well.

"Could you repeat that Angel?" asked the shy Pegasus, only to Angel squeak a very peculiar sentence.

"What do you mean, how does he smell like him?" more squeaks in annoyance.

The hybrid coughed getting the attention back "Err, do you guys want something to eat, I`m kinder hungry so..." he spoke looking at the kitchen, Fluttershy simple looked at him "But you wouldn`t know where any off the food is kept"

"I`m half fox, I got a nose for this sort of thing!" he said smiling pointing to his large wet nose. With a smile he asked "So what do you want?"

"Just some tea please, that is you can make tea, not that I don`t think you can make it well it just I never seen a fox make tea before" she was cut off by one of his paws being raised "I lived in Trottingham for 5 years, I can make tea, but that ice stuff... yeack" he said putting a paw in his mouth mimicking vomiting.

Actual thinking about it, he did have a Trottish accent, strange but what was he doing here, about 500 miles away from Trottingham?

Pacing off into the kitchen, the creak of cupboards and a kettle was heard not even a 'no not here' was heard like he knew where everything was. He`s head poked out the door and said
"By the way I didn`t catch your name"
"Fluttershy" she replied
"Well the folks round Trottingham called me Fox" he said with a small smile, the kettle whistled and he`s head disappeared.

He reappeared a few minutes later with a tray in his mouth, placing it down on the coffee table he sat like a dog, instead of a cup he had a large dog bowl, often used for the bears full of tea, lapping it up.

He yelped as he shot back "Youch yI yburnt ymy yongue" he stated.

"You what?" asked Fluttershy in confusion, a his tongue glowed green as his tongue looked like it was on fire? it healed in a matter of seconds.

"My tongue, I burnt my tongue" he said causally, Fluttershy looked in disbelief, why did his tongue glow? Why was he a talking fox-pony? Well theirs only one way to find out answers!

Hopefully he wouldn`t be to cross. "Excess me for asking but... what are you exactly? I mean you not have to if you not want to but I was curious and hope I didn`t offend you by"

The hybrid smile a sad smile "Naah, I`m not offended, in fact I think this is the nicest anypony ever been to me, normally it, WHAM hit me over the head with the frying pan, well anyways I am a ... mutant?-he looked to Fluttershy who had a look of confusion on her face, shacking his head he continued -I was a pony but then a fox bit me, then a massive magic blocking bomb exploded combining my DNA with a fox hair, a few day in hospital later I changed into this- he said smiling pointing to his canine/equine body-But hay you know, if yah going to work on a bomb that takes away magic your probably going to be blown up by the mafia"

Fluttershy looked at him for a moment "Did you know a pony name Radio Wave?" she asked, her brother died due to something like that, she wondered who caused the explosion, she got a answer, a really good answer.

"What my boss Radio Wave, yeah I knew him, great guy, so you must be Fluttershy his little sister? I mean I never heard of 2 ponies sharing a name before, but he did talk about her a lot, he said she was the bravest pony he knew" she said

The was her brothers word alright, only he`d say something like that, sure other ponies had said that but not like the way her brother did, sure Radio Wave was braver than any other pony she knew.

Angel squeak like made at her say something on the lines of 'You idiot, he is you brother! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DASIY, HE`S RADIO WAVE!!!!'

The squeak got the attention of both off them, Fox was quick to response in foxish? "You little rabid rabbit, she doesn`t need to know that her only surviving family member is a freak like me so shut you rabbit hole before I bite you ruddy face off!"

Unfotunatly for Fox Fluttershy spoke foxish fluently, well she spoke most animal languages fluently, and she understood every word, and fainted on the spot.

Fox looked at Angel "I hate you"

Then he heard a voice form the door "Hey Fluttershy you in?" asked a brash and young voice, sounded like a filly.

"Futtock" he whispered under his breath guest what he needed.

Deep in the vacuum of space floated a large bronze pyramid. With golden flames firing from the base, the large bronze bricks where tinted black, with ancient hieroglyphics running along the sides.

Inside the pryimad green light flashed as a army of demonic looking jackals all in bronze and gold armour milled about checking dials and gages on various control panels. All of the jackals were about 6 feet in height all sporting short swords with a curve in the middle, making it look like a 'c' only less curved.

Then a giant lanky jackal appeared, every bone showing in his body, his nose missing well the flesh part of his nose, or any muscle, it was a skeleton with flesh.

One of the smaller jackals bowed to the larger jackal "Sir we`ve found Thoth`s experiment again, What are your orders Lord Anubis?"

Anubis smiled "You know my orders, we will bring ture death to his presoius experiments, but first I must find my daughter before the purge can begin, send in the devourers I want to asses is experiment, I will contact you when I want to start the purge"

The smaller one saluted "As you wish" he said walking off. Anubis glowed green a reformed into a burning skull and flew out as a swam of locus and disappeared into space.

Fox looked out the window, finding a small orange filly with a mess purple mane and tail, waiting patiently at the door, with a scooter next to her. Well at least she wore a helmet.


Author's Note:

Ooh Equestria is a big science experiment from an ancient Egyptian god? Yeah that plot line sound crap, well I`m sticking with it.

Anyway who`s Anubis daughter? Guess in the comments if you want to.

Well anyways, I got an interesting next chapter awaits!