• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 349 Views, 6 Comments

Gentic Jigsaw - Dynomation

Genes the building blocks of life, and like lego can be moved to create something knew, to skilled hand that takes a few minutes. But to a pony with magic a few seconds.

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A quiet walk home

Fluttershy got up, it was dawn and the birds in the Everfree were chirping and singing merrily, Fluttershy was much happier then yesterday today would be a good day. A quiet walk home and then and nit under a large tree or in her cottage, in her cottage away from prying eyes.

Stretching Fluttershy got up, and left the bed she`d used neat and tidy, leaving a note for the still sleeping Zecora she left. Fluttershy didn`t want Zecora doing anything else for her, especially after last night, Zecora had been far to kind with her and she`d only insisted on making her breakfast something Fluttershy couldn`t refuse so going before she was awake was the only thing for the shy pony to do.

Walking along she hummed along with the birds. Walking the game trail she closed her eyes and smiled, morning was the only time she didn`t have to worry about any monsters lurching in the shadows.

She stopped as she realized the forest had become dead silent, nothing seem to move or breath, she was by herself. A growl echoed through the forest and up her spine. A pare of pupil-less eyes appeared in the tree line, their blood red glow froze her on the spot.

She began to hyperventilate, her quick shallow breaths drew the creature in closer. It wooden mussel and head came through the trees, it had a short bull-dog like face, with a massive set of upwards pointing fangs on either side of it face, their were position so the tips made it look like the dog had pupils. The large Timbre-dog barked at her, green saliva spewing from it jaws.

Fluttershy instincts started to kick in but it was too late, as she hooves began to ran the dog charged, Fluttershy was flung back into a tree.

The dogs licked it`s lips, it lunged at her going for the kill teeth sharp and ready to go. Fluttershy quivered for the final blow, which never came.

Standing in front of her was a pair of orange legs, with white toes and black claws a bristle brush tail attached to the rest of the creature.

Looking up Fluttershy found a creature holding open the jaws of the Timbre-dog. With 3 claws stuck deeply into the wooden dogs jaws. "Move!" shouted the creature it canine head looking at Fluttershy, she got up and began to fly away. From the brawl.

The creature flung the Timbre dog into the trees, going down to all fours it growl. green eyes fixing on the red eyes of the dog. The dog pounced, the creature dived out the way, with it trailing foot, scratching the dogs face, leaving 3 slash marks on the dogs face. It shock it head to rid itself of the pain in it face.

The sun glinted through the trees, when it hit the dog something metal shone in the light, something star shaped was struck into the dogs shoulder. The green eyes of the creature locked onto it target, galloping across the short distance it used it jaws to grab the metal star, a green liquid started flowing from the wound. The dog began to try and shack the small 5 and a half foot creature off itself. With a powerful swip of a paw, the orange creature was rocket into a large tree. The tree collapsed onto the creature.

Fluttershy eyes shrank, as the dog turn to her, it smiled licking it lips, it spoke with broken and slurred equestrian "Me hungry...you look tasty... me eat you!" it barked jumping for Fluttershy.

Before the dog to her something tackled Fluttershy out of the way, as the dog collided with a tree that broke in half the creature that was supposed to be swashed under a tree was pushing her along with it`s mussel. "Come move, that trees not going to hold it forever!" it stated. Fluttershy started to gallop with the creature with the creature galloping next to her.

The dog burst from the trees, barking at them. The orange creature turned and throw the metal star at the monster, it landed dead centre, the dog collapsed, with green fluid leaking from it`s shoulder chest and face. Fluttershy didn`t stop neither did the creature, but it returned to the shadows of the forest. Or so it through

Fluttershy stopped a with a solid buck it the creature in the face knocking it out. It face landed on the dirt path.

Fluttershy looked at it "Oh my" she whispered.

Luna was in the dream scape. One of her favourite places, every dream and though was passed through here, and Luna could see all of it.

Luna then felt the presence of a nightmare being dreamt, looking into the nightmare to see if she could help, it surprised her as were the dreamer was, near the Everfree forest.

Looking into the dream she found a waste land, and soft padding foot steps, then everything was consoled by a blinding flash of light. Followed by a mushroom shaped cloud, with red light glowing throughout it, making it look like a sentient being. Then the seneray changed to a small dark room, then a frying pan nearly hit Luna in the head. Dodging it Luna looked for the dreamer, she could only help them if she knew how`s mind she was in.

The scenery changed again to a funeral, Luna was know in a graveyard near Trottingham, with a small tombstone and a coffin being lowered into the ground. Off all the many face their one stuck out to her, the element of Kindness Fluttershy? Why was she in this ponies' dreams.

Then something cast a shadow over her, before she could look at the caster she was removed from the dream by the pony waking up, the only thing she could she was orange.

Luna snapped back into reality, breathing heavily, that only happen when instead of a dream she was in someone was reliving memories in their dream.
"What poor soul could this happen to?" she asked herself.

Fluttershy had left the creature for a moment, to fetch a ice-pack for the bruise all over it`s body. As she placed the ice pack on it`s head, she backed away and sat down in an arm chair. Opposite the creature, from what she could tell it was a fox, a red fox, but the only thing was it was at least twice the size of a regular fox, with only 3 claws instead of the regular 4, and it had a cutie mark? only ponies and zebras had cutie marks.

It had fox head with a radiation symbol in the centre, with black and green conflicted with the orange of its coat.

It green eyes fluttered open and it sat up, with one straight and one crochet ear on it head, with tuff on fur where a ponies mane would be, with 2 tuffs also being on it checks. It pupils locked onto Fluttershy both of them looked at each other.

"Futtock" it said looking at Fluttershy

Princess Luna

Author's Note:

Second chapter, check! Start the ridicules complete plot!