• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 349 Views, 6 Comments

Gentic Jigsaw - Dynomation

Genes the building blocks of life, and like lego can be moved to create something knew, to skilled hand that takes a few minutes. But to a pony with magic a few seconds.

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Mutant vs Alicorn

Princess Luna

Luna rushed the fox like creature, both crashed through a window, and with a skilled throw Fox was thrown against a large tree.

Luna clicked her joints, it had been a long time since a monster had threaten one of her subjects and was able to teach it a lesson, her way!

Fox got up groggily, healing quicky only a few minor cut nothing like a broken bone, than Celestia, a broken limb and he would have to reveal his party trick.

"Couldn`t we talk about this over tea?" he asked, his disguise was disintegrating, half his face was already back to the orange of his nature, Luna only glared at him, she begin to charge her horn.

Fluttershy and Scootaloo, looked out the window, Scootaloo looked in awe as Luna fired the black lighting at the werepony, he dodged them with a series of dog style tricks, rolling, sitting and laying down.

"Hold still! Your only tiring yourself out lycan!" she shouted at the beast, which stopped, green eyes looking onto Luna`s, Luna sore her chance firing another bolt of arcane magic at the beast it yelped.

She`d sored a direct hit on his back leg, and due to the force the bone had almost shattered, hoppling to his feet he almost gave a death glare to the princess, A large crack and the broken leg was healed.

"Your majesty, I can take more punishment than you can. I like to call this my part trick, any magic fired or used againsty me well... let say it like medicine, I use it to heal myself" he smiled the trump card, always worked against the creeps he`d fought.

So why was she laughing?

"Well it seems melee combat it is!" stated Luna drawing a sword form the shadows, Fox ears fell back as his eyes shrank, "Me an my big mouth"

Luna charged, almost like she enjoyed every second of it, Firing her sword a few inches way from the beast head, he flipped up over the sword, claws digging into a tree, she smiled, his orange coat seeping through the coffee over his body, Luna retrieved the sword, form the ground with a swipe it cut through the tree Fox was on.

Jumping of the tree Fox used to large pieces of bark as guards against the sword, the metal sword cut through the bark with easy, jumping back onto his hind paws he black claws shone slightly, a feral growl coming from him like a wild animal.

Fluttershy couldn`t take her eyes off the sense in front of her, Princess Luna was attack her brother, and he wasn`t able to do anything.

Fox looked a Fluttershy, he had made a promise the night their parents died 'She`ll never be alone again'

Luna sword came down, just as it was about to collide with the lycan it melted? holding up the melted sword blade she growled, disregarding it she looked over to the beast. She had no choose, take a shot with the most powerful arcane spell she knew.

As the massive bolt of black energy fired across the sky it was stopped by a jet of green flame? fire cannot counter magic, and fire was never green unless it was magical, so where did it come from.

A harsh growl echoed from the smoke as a green glow lit up the smoke field, the creature had turned into a blacken skeleton with green fire flickering around the burnt bones.

Luna took a step back, as the fire stopped around the creature flesh returned to the bones, with the orange and white fur coming back. On it hind legs stood it cutie mark, a mark each of the captured crime lords had described.

"Now as I have your attention your majesty I have a question, WHY`D YOU SHOT ME!" he bellowed at her, she replied in the royal canterlot voice


A scream echoed from inside the cottage, stopping both of them, Fox didn`t hesitate running at the cottage, and jumping through the broken window. Luna followed him.

Both of them looked around, the door had been smashed in, and large claw marks littered the room. Fox smelt the place, Luna looked around for anything to help.

Fox got a scent, neither of them said a word to each other, as Fox lead the way through the woods following the trail of destruction.

Ammit or the Soul Eater, the right paw monster to Anubis, was dragging the God of the Dead, daughter and one other to him, sure it wasn`t the easiest thing to do, both of them being able to fly, but she got them, thankfully both of them weren`t sinner, in fact she hadn`t met a single sinner so far in this world, Well she`d only meet the two of them , and by 'met' chase them and put them in a rug, but you know details.

Stopping in a clearing were he supposed to meet Anubis she sat down, her large crocodile jaws still firmly clamped around the rug, with a lions paw on the other end of the rug she lay down. He be here soon enough.

Zecora found the place were the strange prints ended, to a large 5-6ft tall creature, with a crocodiles jaws, with the upper body of a lion and the rear end of a hippo, it lay next to a rug with it jaws clamped over one end and the other having a large paw over it.

Sneaking up to the creature would be easy, but finding out why it had Fluttershy`s rug not so much. Keeping very still she listen.

"Let us out lizard lips!" came the voice of Scootaloo from inside the rug, now Zecora had to act, a beast like this could kill her easily, the beast shifted a paw to where it`s mouth was, "Not so fast Anubis jr. Your father wants to talk to you"

Scootaloo wings buzzed like an angry swarm of bees, as she and Fluttershy struggled in the rug, both of them struggling for different reasons. Fluttershy just wanted to escape claustrophobia setting in. Scootaloo wanted to get out to see this so called 'dad' of hers.

Zecora got a cold chill running down her back, Zecora didn`t know why but she could feel death lingering close by, she had to get that rug.

A green fog encompassed Ammit, she hated fog, stadding up she looked around to see where the fog was coming from.

Zecora put a small knife to the rug, cutting a hole big enough for Scootaloo and Fluttershy? to escape from the rug, all three of them ran to the tree line as the fog cleared.

Anubis, walked into the clearing, he sore Ammit with a rug, which had a hole in it, the 8 foot tall decaying jackel pony roared in outrage at the Devourer "Ammit you let them get away!" she stumbled back out of fear, landing on her hippo hind quarters, "I had them a minute ago, I swear, then this fog came and then it was know!" she spluttered.

Anubis growled, his gold headpiece glinting in the sun "Fine, but not fail me again, know you know what my daughter looks like, FINE HER!" he bellowed at Ammit, running back along the trail of destruction she`d left earlier.

Anubis yellow eyes glowed green as his disappeared as sand in the breeze.

Zecora looked at Scootaloo, she had a look of fear sprealled across her face "My dads a dog?" she asked both the mares next to her.

"So your Fluttershy`s brother?" asked the astounded lunar princess. Her and Fox had started to speak after about a minute or 2, but some of the things he said where strange

"Yeah before the mutation through we had more family resemblance" he said looking at the prints in the ground.

Then the sound of thundering hooves echoed as a strange crocodile snouted, lion torsoed, hippo bummed creature galloped at them. Luna flew into the air as Fox readied his claws.

As the creature got within jumping distance Fox leapt, claws digging into the head of the monster, it came crashing down onto it side. Fox removed his claws from the creatures head grabbing it by the through "Tell me where my sister is now!" his other paw raised ready to strike.

Luna landed behind Fox, both off them looking at the 6 foot monster, it spoke "Which one do you mean, Anubis`s daughter or the other one?" Fox growls intensified.

Luna took a step back in surprise a she sore something, a large 8ft jackal pony standing a few feet away from the demon, large golden head and neck pieces.

Fox noticed as well, releasing the monster, she ran back to the jackal, it spoke "I am surprised, this world to greatest hopes and both of you are monsters, I know both of you inside and out Princess Luna and Radiowave,- he paused, suddenly appearing in front of both of them, both them where sent flying into the trees,-Next time we meet both of you shall die"

Anubis and the monster disappeared into a swarm of locus, Fox and Luna both stood up.

"Ok, I don`t like this! Who was that? What was that? And how does he know us?" he asked Luna, Luna thought.

"When I was a filly my father told me stories, one of them was about the god of the dead, Anubis, he was described exactly like that jackal pony"

Fox gave an odd look "Right ok, so the god of the dead is looking for his daughter, and kidnaps Fluttershy and Scoo-" both of them looked at each other

"We have to find them both NOW!" she said taking flight down the trail with Fox galloping after her.

Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Zecora all galloped down the path of destruction, they had to get to a safe place, and only the princesses could protect Scootaloo from the monsters looking for her.

Then they sore Princess Luna flying towards them, she landed and all of them came to a halt, Fluttershy looked like she`d seen a ghost but then the sound of galloping paws echoed as Fox appeared, halting over the hill painting.

Both Luna and Fox looked at the small Pegasus filly in worry "Kid, your dads the god of the dead you know that right?"

Author's Note:

Anubis is Scootaloo`s father!
Yeah I`m not doing that scene.

Right now to good bits and more reveals of hidden pasts.