• Published 24th Jun 2014
  • 1,498 Views, 76 Comments

Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra. - trahzo

The 4th and probably final volume of The Pimp Spike's Swag series.

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Ch.12: Sunset's Friends Episode 4: The Melodious Theater!

"...Ngh!" Veetrix was feeling extreme pain in his head!

"Captain Veetrix, are you okay?"


*In his head!*

"Veetrix, here, take my Beast Ganon Final Smash!"

"Also, here, take my Bowser Bomb Technique!"

Then the voices in his head stopped, and he then felt like shit

"Luna, please heal me again!"

"Fine. (What happened?)"


"Next is...Watermelody! Ooh, I think we got ourselves a brand new Watermelon Pony, sorry Blossomforth, now begin the story!"

Again, Spike had just left the Hospital

"If this keeps up, there will be a rut!" Spike joked. So he went home to lay down on his bed, and read his scripts.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"It's open!"

Then the door opened to reveal Watermelody.

"Hey Spike."

"Oh, hey Watermelody."

"What's that you got there Spike?"

"Oh, just a few of my Scripts I've written myself."

"Ooh, you've written a few Scripts? Lemme see! I was in the Drama club back in Canterlot High."

"Sure, here you go!"

"Ooh, this one's good." Then she took another one. "This one's good too!"

She read through all of his plays, such as The Boy Who Cried Velociraptor, Paper Sonic the 1000 Year painting, Big Time Flush, Hi Mule Musical, etc. etc.

"All of these are great Spike, how come you never had these published to the Ponyville Theater?"

"They don't care who I'm connected to, unless I'm 21 or over, the ponies at that theater still see me as a kid, so that's why I never had these published!"

"Well, let's show 'em what a boy your age can do! You have the money for a big production now right?"

"Yeah you're right! Hey, Shaggy Fur!"

"Yes Prince Spike?"

"Get the staff! Time for a play!"

"Yes sir!"

So Spike and Watermelody got to work on choosing which play they should act out, until they finally agreed on one! They hired actors & actresses, they made posters, they hired ponies to sell concessions, hired a young teenage colt to sell tickets, hired Applebloom to make sets, had Scootaloo on organizing the dancers, and Sweetie Belle on the singers! Soon,all their efforts would be put to the test later, on this night! The more they planned, the more they realized they were made for each other.

"Spike, how're you feeling?"

"Nervous as Tartarus!"

"Oh, well here, let's rub noses for luck!" Their lips were so close.

"Thanks, but don't worry, I'll just count to 10, and I'll be just fine! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! There, now I'm fine, ready to go out there and make a great show of it?"

"Yes, I will not let you down Spike!" Then She kissed his forehead, which caused him to shiver! But like last time, it was a good kind of shiver!

Watermelody went out there and showed the audience how amazing she was as an actress in the play: Pon, Ponn, and Ponny's Big Picture Show! Where she played Pazz! As Spike watched, he felt a twinge of jealousy as Watermelody and the Stallion playing Tevin were doing the big romantic scene, but calmed down after she threw his bike at the tree. Oh, and just so you know, there's actually this one student in my Highschool named Tevin

"You did great!"

"Thanks Spike!"

"Much better than rehearsal!"

"Thanks! So...I wont be back in a while."

"Wanna fool around?"

"Fuck yeah!"

So then sex happened under the stage as the play went on! But since this doesn't have the sex tag, I will not be describing it! I'll just say that they had sex! Thankfully, Spike had a chance to climax before Watermelody had to return for the next scene! Soon, the play ended, and everypony, no literally everypony gave standing ovations! Clapping, cheering, whistling, clopping! Yeah, there were a few weirdos in the audience clopping instead of clapping.

"Get out there Spike, they love your play!"

After the clapping stopped, Pony Peter Griffin got into a last clap contest with Pony Cleveland. Spike entered stage right.

"Thank you everypony, it means so much to me that you love my play! So, Silver Script & Written Script, what do you jerks think of my scripts now?"

The both of them were speechless, which caused everypony to laugh.

"Good. all of this took so much time, but i put a-lotta love and heart into making this play a success! Now everypony, give a rousing round of applause for the pony who assisted me the most on this! Watermelody!"

Then as everpony clapped, it then stopped as Blossom forth jumped onto stage.

"Watermelody? More like stealing my title as watermelon pony! Hold still as I kick your flank, you rip-off!" Then she jumped at her!

"Again? Come-on!" Then the audience laughed again. 'No, this sin't part of the play, are there cops & doctors in the house?!"

"Wow, beat-up in front of the whole of Ponyville, Trixie wouldn't like that to happen to her, then again I embarrassed myself twice. Now get Trixie the next letter!"


"What's taking those guys so long? Eh, guess I can take a little nap." Deezutra said to himself

Then the train with the 5 arrived and they didn't even notice Shogun Deezutra as they walked by him, to meet-up with Trahzo!

"Next step, have Pinkie, Pinkamena, and Surprise touch each other." Said Fatboi.

"Wait, wont that cause some sort of paradox?" Asked Black Kirin.

"Maybe, but we must do what Trahzo says!"

"But where's Surpr..."

"Surprise!" The said mare shouted.

"Aah! Dammit, don't scare me like that!"

"Don't be such a crybaby, besides, I brought all of the subscribers with me, and they're all itching for a fight."

"Oh, here it says that all of the Subscribers except Wild Flower have to guard the house!"

"What's Wild Flower suppose to do?" Asked Pinkamena

"...hug Trahzo."

Then everyone fell over like in anime, when someone says something stupid enough!

Author's Note:

Since Spike wrote a play in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, I was just thinking that maybe he's written more, but not a lot of people liked them!