• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 5,745 Views, 377 Comments

Equestria encounter - Diomedes

A young space marine finds himself stranded on a strange world with a very strange populace.

Comments ( 63 )

2054972 Glad you enjoyed it!:twilightsmile:

*suspicious glare* ... Something tells me... This isn't the last we've actually seen of *character's cencored name*...

Name: Quick Write
Race Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Mane color: black
Mane Length :short
Tail color :black
Coat :grey
Cutie Mark: two red pencils in an x
Special Talent :Writing and poetry

Name:Iron Hooves
Race: Earth Pony
Gender Male
Mane: shaved
Tail: cropped color: black
Coat: Brown
Cutiemark: A Black shield
Special Talent: Blacksmith
Build: slightly bigger than Macintosh

This ending made me sad

and scoot's DAD!?

oh god:fluttercry:

poor luna and poor celestia

2055819 Who're you talking about? I don't mind whoever you say :twilightsmile:

2056663 Will need a bio at least a couple of paragraphs long for each character, need to know what I'd be working with in the story. Thanks :pinkiehappy:

2056685 Sorry to say it'll get a fair bit darker in the next fic. Really shovelling in the grimdark at this point:twilightsheepish:


oh man

normally i dont mind grimdark as long as doesent include this like family

2057013 Ultimately 40k grimdark steers well away from such a theme, but in book form that can get a tad repetative. So I thought to really hit home with the tragedies that happen. Sorry it's so heartbreaking but I knew the old 'everyone's dying and victory is growing less likely' card would get stail :applejackunsure:

Shipping too? Oh well.

Anyway, this has been a fun read. Looking forward to the sequel.

Thanks for the brilliant story.

Fantastic story man, I really enjoyed every moment fo it. :twilightsmile:

OC : lightning Strike
Race: Pegasus
Gender: male
mane color: black and yellow
coat color: oxblood red
cutie mark:lightning bolt
special talent extremely fast bursts of speed
fighting technique (if needed): getting and getting out with the least amount of damage possible
personality: a bit cocky, party guy
build: obviously a thin build with toned muscles


2060205 Wouldn't mind hearing some background fluff as well, thanks :pinkiesmile:

2057614 Every fic has at least a drizzle of shipping in it :trollestia: Thanks for reading :yay:

2063190 Yeah... I know. You're welcome by the way.

2063186 ok im probably missing something obvious but background fluff?

2064029 Background head-canon/ information

2064379 aw shit background info uh
ok well first i gotta know how faar in the future is the sequel gonna be?

2064436 2 years from the end of the last chapter

2064445 alright soooo how bout this
He lsot his family ( ma, pa, little sis) in the chaos attack leading him into depression and to forget that all he became a party goer to "drown his sorrows"

any other background info you can just add as you see fit

2064445 wait a sec i just noticed something YOU DIDNT REFERENCE WALDO!!!!!!!!!!

2064465 The emo is strong with this OC. Looking for a bit more of a diverse character, at least a couple paragraphs worth of background. Plus Equis is the chapter world of 2 space marine chapters, no invasions have occured.

2222357 The pony characters are anthro, and I'm not going to bother with an editor for now. If I get more frequent complaints about incorrect grammar then I will consider it.

2394677 In 'Horus Rising' space marines are said to smell quite bad after all the time they spend in the field. I can't imagine they find much time to shower while on duty.

I feel Ajax earned the rites to be entombed in a Dreadnought. Or do you not have them in this AU? :trixieshiftright:

2488098 I do, but his head was struck from his body, so he is very much the DEAD kind of dead. Dreadnoughts are those who at least still have their central nervous system intact.

Loved this story first time I read it, first thought the marine chapter were the 1d4chan home brew reasonable marines.

BUT then learnt you wrote this as a noble bright story which made it even better. :raritystarry:

2777818 The Codex Astartes designates Primus level daemon threats as 'Meanus-Weanus'.

2958693 I'm terrible, can't even remember what part that's from :facehoof: Thanks either way :twilightsmile:

3199101 For the record, I noticed that AFTER I named them. :rainbowlaugh:

3550693 Damn, my scheme hath been uprooted XD

Oh it's just beautiful! :rainbowkiss:

3754403 Many thanks ^^ Future stories will hopefully be better quality

3770484 I believe this is down to their mobility and overall quickness to respond to something (see Space Marine game for example). The task of quelling upstart rebellions isn't exactly fitting, but it's either respond to it right away with marines or wait a whole half a year for a guard regiment to swing its fat ass around to deal with it. This amount of time wasted could give a rebellion more than enough time to twist into something much more gribbly and demonic.
So all in all, using marines for such menial tasks really is down to 'Better safe than sorry'.

3770761 This entire fic is a little outdated and subsequently filled with helium ¬¬ I take a much more solid, slightly grittier approach in my more recent stories, so do forgive me if the cheese builds up in this one ><

3771131 Try to remember this Imperium isn't all about blowing shit up and breaking everything else, so expect them to think things through and retreat every now and then.

Astartes skin is little more than human skin. It can change pigmentation, sweat fire-proof gel and is tough, but you could still cut a marine open given a sharp blade (anything higher grade than a kitchen knife). Just because blades in 40k are mono-molecular doesn't mean that's the only thing that can hurt marines, it just means a guaranteed kill for each swing.

3771373 You really do have the whole 'Humans are superior' theme about you, don't you?


This is why humans are still superior. Humans simply never give up, regardless of how hopeless things become.

.....This couldn't be further from the truth considering this particular circumstance......

I've seen him in the group, what do you expect? 40k stories will attract these people like Mosquitos to light. Seriously, you are like the only full time 40k fan I know that doesn't believe in the whole human superiority vibe. (I don't consider myself a full time fan. So yeah.) I didn't even expect your Imperium to be nice when I first found out about them.


OC .
name: Alhardir Hiti. Or norse for violent flame
race: Pegasus
occupation: Smith
Mindset: attentive, determined, and nigh impenetrable through psychological attacks.
Attitude: violent, cold, and overall the best longsword fighter under the princesses command.
Family: one of the fire brothers
military occupation for imperium: close quarters fighter. Good with a revolver.
also on a side note. Send me a link for that sequel

4252123 Was there ever any doubt? :trixieshiftright:

What would you have your Captain do?

You're probably going to be sent into the Eye of Terror to retrieve Luna's soul and butcher everything in your way.

'A split second after her collision Celestia's enormous rump slammed into the side of Luna's helmet, damn near crushing it.' :pinkiegasp:
How much cake has she been eating!!:rainbowlaugh:

5189002 All.......All of the cake ><


6620019 This was something I really wanted to give a go a while back, and actually write out a couple of chapters for. However it quickly became apparent that in all reality the chemistry of the idea just doesn't sit right, it really was just too much of a predictable and unbalanced story. Unfortunately I will not be re-writing it in all likelihood, and I am currently just looking to expand my own 40k AU. Sorry if this is a disappointment.

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