• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,778 Views, 5 Comments

Derealization - Wingman Jones

[Derealization- An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.] Equestria is not always what it seems to be, especially if the darkness shows itself willingly to mortals, a crossover with Devil May Cry

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Old Flame

“Hurry up Twilight! We're going to be late for the party!”

“Calm down Spike I'm almost done.” I grabbed the last of my notes and neatly put them in my saddlebag, “All done.” I put it on and head downstairs to meet Spike,

“What took you so long?”

“Sorry Spike, I was getting all of my notes from when Nero came.”

“Why? We're going to a party not a science convention.”

“I know but my research isn't complete and I could use some help, besides Violet needs to know. I've been wanting to tell her but she's been so busy lately I never have the chance, I'm hoping she will be here tonight that's why I'm bringing my notes.”

“Why can't you just tell her?”

“She might not believe me, I can hardly believe it. I'm bringing them just in case.”

“If you say so.” Spike held the door open for me and we headed to Sugarcube Corner with Spike on my back. When we got there it was jam packed with ponies and even though we were only a few meters away we could hear the music coming from inside, “Looks like Pinkie threw a huge one!”

“You're right, she outdid herself this time.”

“So who are the ponies again?” my horned glowed and Pinkie's invitation appeared, I liked how she made them look, “Howdy Doody and Sparkly Stuff.”

“Weird names, you think they're gonna be weird?”

“Don't judge yet Spike, I'm pretty sure they'll be nice and interesting ponies.” Spike jumped off to open the door, when he opened it I saw bright flashing colors that might be causing me to go into an epileptic seizure and music so loud it hurt my ears and I felt the wubs push against my face. After a few seconds I got used to the atmosphere and I see Spike run into the crowd of dancing ponies, “Twilight!” I look up and see the party mare herself on top of the mirror ball, “What took you so long! And why the saddlebags!?” the music was so loud we had to shout, “I needed to collect some notes of mine! Have you seen Violet!? I need to talk to her!” she jumped down gracefully.

“Yeah, she should be by the food table! But I don't think she's in the mood to talk!”


“She's not having any fun at my party, plus she and her brother are mad at each other! Ooh Twister!” she ran off to her party games and I made my way to Violet. It took some maneuvering and a dash of violence to make to the other side of the dance floor, “Where is she?” I see her right next to the punch bowl and she beckons me to come over, “Bookworm!” we hugged, “I'm so sorry about not visiting you! It's been a really long week and I just couldn't find the time!”

“It's okay Violet I understand! Listen I need to talk to you!”

“About what?!”

“It's too loud! We should talk outside!” she grabs me by the hoof and acts as my guide. We went out through the back door and made sure there weren't any eavesdroppers, “What did you wanna talk about?”

“I wanted to ask you for a favor. Why isn't Nero with you?”

“Ugh don't even mention him.” her eyes averted mine and she puts on this aggressive demeanor, “What happened between the two of you?”

“Just him being a total piece of shit. Look I don't wanna talk about our issues right now, why is he even important?”

“The day I asked him to come by my home I did a few experiments. I needed to know if Nero and Callidus are somehow connected, didn't you find it strange how both of them lost their memories?”

“To be honest I didn't really care, I was just glad he was alive. I didn't think too much on the whole amnesia thing.”

“Well now you have to care because I have proof that the two of them having amnesia was no coincidence.” I showed her two MRI scans of both Nero and Callidus, I had to ask Princess Celestia for a copy, “The one to your left is Nero's” with lightning speed she took the photo from my magic and compared it to Callidus's, “Nero's missing parts of his brain too? How is that even possible?”

“He's not just missing parts, he's missing the exact same parts as Callidus.”

“But how? Nero hasn't been in Equestria in over ten years how can he and Callidus be missing gray matter? Both of them were in different dimensions for God's sake.”

“I know but that's not all, there were traces of magic within Nero's brain.” her expression looked as if I told her I cut Nero's head open, “I didn't actually had to preform surgery, I discovered it with a basic spell nurses use to find anything out of the ordinary. I asked Princess Celestia for Callidus's medical chart and it stated they also discovered traces of magic but they ruled it out as a side effect from his amulet. I want to make sure if it really is just a side effect because if it isn't then it means they have some form of magical ailment.”

“I'm guessing this is the part where you ask me the favor.”

“Violet I need you to convince Callidus to let me examine him.”

“Why not ask Zecora, he's not exactly used to me yet.” her expression changed again and this time it was a very depressed look, “I did and she's on board, but I need you in case he needs more convincing. Please Violet I could be on the verge of discovering something unheard of, I might even be able to reverse whatever it is they have.” I noticed her eyes glimmer a bit,

“Can you really?”

“I might but I need more data.”

“I'll do whatever I can.”

“Perfect, just tell him to come by the library.”

“Hey Bookworm, let me ask you something.”

“What is it?”

She looked uncomfortable, she was fidgeting and her eyes kept moving from side to side,

“Did you ever kill somepony before?” my heart raced and the synapses in my brain froze to a stop until, “Whoa! Where did that question come from!?” I screamed, “Sorry but it's been bugging me. When we were on that train I saw how well you and some of the others handled yourselves, a little too well. It was almost as if-”

“I've done it before?” I cut her off, “No I didn't kill somepony before, but I was taught how to use a gun at a young age. My brother taught me how when he was in the academy. You already know about the economic collapse from ten years ago right?”

“Yeah, Celestia told me about it. It happened right after the attack.”

“During that period crime in Equestria soared so my brother thought it would be a good idea to teach my parents and I how to defend ourselves. I never needed to use those lessons until the day of the invasion.”

“Then what explains the others like Applejack and Rainbow Dash?”

“I don't know but I think it's better left unknown.” there was a bit of an awkward silence after that, “Say Bookworm, you have any plans tomorrow?”

“Aside from cleaning and reorganizing the library I don't have anything planned.”

“Awesome, I have the next day off so how about we try and do something fun tomorrow?” naturally I smiled with glee, I get to spend some time with my long time friend, “That's sounds wonderful Violet.”

“Tomorrow it is, until then wanna see if we can get into a dance battle?”

“Would I! I don't mean to brag but I'm a pretty good dancer.” I said with all of my pride, “Hmm maybe you can show me some moves?”

“Why don't I show you on the dance floor?” I say with a wry smile, “Oh you want to get into a dance battle with me? Then let's dance!” she grabs me by the hoof and we run inside laughing.

******(The Everfree Forest)******

I was still processing how she was still alive, “By the way I just love the new look. White looks good on you and not to mention that you're an alicorn! That took me by surprise. I'll admit it's a little weird but what can you do about genes?”

“How are you even alive!” she fully materialized, she was wearing this strange billowy cloak that almost resembles smoke and on her head she wore this strange bird-like mask with a strange hat, strange because the rim of it moves on it's own,

“After you left me to burn I still had some fight left, it was hard to breathe and my skin peeled, it was a good day. So do you like it? I just got this hat from a Faustus demon not too long ago.”

“So it was you who destroyed the base.”

“Oh yeah that was me, I wanted to cut my losses so it had to go. I was going to rebuild it but somepony had to take away my gold.” she referred to me, “That's not why I'm here though, besides funds are the least of my worries. I'm just here to take something back.”

“If it's me then I'm going to blow your head off.”

“Of course it's you! Why else would I have the best doctors and scientists in the world modify my body to bond with this.” she motioned to her cloak, “With this thing along with my newly enhanced body it's fair to say I'm unstoppable.” I fire off a shot but she leaned her head and I missed,

“What the hell?”

“Like I said, newly enhanced body. This is how it's gonna go down, I'm going to take you back whether you like it or not and we can do this either the easy way or the hard way. You know what I'll choose for you.” suddenly her cloak came to life and it made this 12' ft barrier around us, I was trapped, “This is so nopony would interrupt us.” I fired even more rounds but she dissipated, “This is the first time I've seen you use guns, they make you look sexy.” I heard her behind me.

When I turned around she struck me in the gut, the punch itself threw me across the field and into the other end of the barrier. When I touched it I felt it tear at my back, “AAAAGGH!!!!” when I fell I looked over and my entire back was bare and bleeding, then I violently cough up blood,

“Wanna see my guns?” when I drew my gun she fired a bullet into my side, “I was always a fan of the revolver, sure it only holds six rounds but they do have a lot of power.” she grazed me deeply so along with the pain in my abdomen it was going to be painful to move. I try to shoot at her again but this time she just stood there as the bullets went through her,

“C'mon Callidus, you've already tried that.” she disappeared and in that same second she grabbed my throat and lifted me up, “Is it just me or did you get softer since the last time we met?” my feet couldn't find the ground, “Is this really the same pony who beat me and escaped the strongest fortress in the world?” I wrapped my legs around her arm and snap it. She lets go and I took the chance to shoot her in the head,

“You were never smart with your money.” she stood still for a few seconds then she fell over. When I got up the pain in my stomach forced me to hunch over, “Shit she got me good.” but then I heard something gurgle,

“*gurgle* HahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I was in shock, the top part of her skull is completely destroyed and here she is, laughing, “I actually made a good investment.” she levitated herself, then right before my eyes I saw her head regenerate and her arm snap in place, “Is that fear in your eyes?” I forced myself out of my trance,

“I don't care what you did to yourself, I will kill you and make sure you stay dead.”

“Aww how sweet. Here's the secret” she reaches behind her and shows me a vial with odd, white liquid inside. She tosses it to me, I examine it but then my vision goes black and I feel myself get knocked off my feet. I hit the ground with my torn back and I hold my face with both of my hands,

“These are some nice guns, custom ones too.” when I let go my nose was broken, the glass vial turned into shards that cut into my skin and I spat out some teeth, “What are these weird markings? They're all over the magazine and the inside of the barrel. ” I see her taking apart my guns, “Wait are these Ziranian symbols? Sorry it's just that I don't know that much about Zira. You should tell me all about that place on the way back to Minyochnaed.” she then crushed them in her hands and threw them aside, “What a waste of a perfectly good mask, at least the hat is okay.” she said as she took off her mask and donned the hat. Her face was horrifically scarred, her teeth were bare, she had strands of thin hair and all there was were muscles, no fur whatsoever,

“Alright let's get to it.” she jumped up and aimed at me with her hoof, I rolled out of the way but she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and stood me up, “Where's the passion!? That fire I saw in that prison!? Fight back!” I grab her head and give her a sharp knee to the gut,

“My stomach is holding me back, I need to end this quickly.” I then grab her arm and I roll over her back and I felt her arm break and dislocate. Next I forcefully twist her neck and jam my thumbs into her eyes,

“Argh! Hahahaha now there's the Callidus I know.” with her head backwards and her vision gone I grab one of her revolvers and empty the gun into her, three in the chest and three in the head. Only 2/3 of her head remained but she was still moving so I tackle her and resort to my paperclip as a weapon,

“Pierce only the muscle.” I jammed it straight at her neck and repeated the action over and over, keeping both my mouth and eyes closed because of all the blood.

When it was enough I used my bare hands to rip her neck apart, I didn't like what I was doing but it was either this or suffer whatever scenario she has in her head. It was taking a long time to get to the spine because she was regenerating faster than I could rip her apart, after a while I finally I got to the twisted spine. I grab the bumpy object firmly and break it, I grab her severed head and threw it as hard as I could, which wasn't far.

Her body stopped moving and it was surrounded by dark red blood and large pieces of muscle tissue, my hands trembled even more, this was the most savage thing I have ever done in my life and I did very horrible acts of violence,

“Did it do it?” the barrier was dissolving. I got up and wiped off some blood and muscle and limped away, “Zecora will not believe this.” then out of nowhere the barrier reappeared and it cut off half of my left foot,

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!RRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!” I held my foot and screamed so loud my ears were ringing. When I tried to stand something pierced the corner of my eye, “AAARRRGH GODDAMMIT!!!” I realize it was my paperclip, it made moving my eye a torture method. When I looked up I saw the headless form of Khiva reach for her head and place it back on,

“So rough. I love it rough.” her head was fully regenerated and she smiled at me maliciously, “Oh the wonders of science!” she walked towards me and I try to stand so I can at least fight, but she was faster and stomped on my forearm, breaking it,

“Aww you got something stuck in your eye? Let me help you.” she turned me on my back and got on top of me, holding down my left arm with her leg, she held my head still and got a firm grip on my right eye.

****(Outside of the Everfree Forest)****

“I can't believe I'm doing this.” I was getting a headache just thinking it, it began after Rarity said it would take a while for my clothes to get done, which was weird because she finished Violet's in the same hour she measured her. I was on my way to see Callidus, not to fight like we planned but...to try and patch things up with him. When I was going to the party I kept thinking about the fight I just had with Violet, I tried to stay focused on just finding those two people but all I could think about was the last thing she said,

“If you don't want to save this world for me then I guess you really don't care about me at all, Jason.” it's amazing how it took just one word to get me to apologize to that emo douche and that pisses me off. Just because I am trying to make things right doesn't mean I'm starting to come around. I don't belong in this world and there is nothing in this doomed world worth sticking around for, but because Violet genuinely loves everything and everyone here and is obviously willing to die for it that makes me obligated to keep her happy by staying, even if it means putting up with Callidus, horse puns and extremely friendly ponies and absolutely no meat of any kind,

“There you are.” I turned around and see Haymaker, he was having trouble carrying this big metallic case, well it was more like dragging, “Why do you have Red Queen?”

“Miss Lee *pant* requested that I *pant* deliver your weapons.” I took the case away from him with only a hoof,

“Why did she tell you to give me my stuff?”

“She thought you might have a misunderstanding with the fugitives. I thought you would be at the party but I saw you come here and did my best to catch up.”

“I doubt I will need them but thanks anyway.” I open the case and place Red Queen on my back, “How can you lift it with such ease? It must weigh almost 500lbs.”

“Demon blood helps.” then we heard screaming.

The scream was loud and chilling, as if someone was being attacked, “Looks like I will need them.” I change human and ran towards the scream. In short time I made it to this weird barrier made of smoke, “What the hell is that?” Haymaker caught up and was just as surprised,

“What is that thing?” then I heard even more screaming,

“Wait, Callidus!?”

“The prince is in there!?” the scream sounded male and when I looked around I saw the newly planted trees, “Haymaker, go back to Ponyville and tell Violet to come to the Forest.”

“What are you going to do?” I unwrap my right arm,

“To see what's behind door number one.” the giant spectral hand appeared and I slam the palm down onto the barrier, “Today Haymaker!” he was standing there amazed at my hand so I had to snap him out of it. The barrier was strong so I had to use a lot of force just to see inside,

“And who the hell are you?” I saw this weird shadow thing with a fucked up face right on top of Callidus who looked like mangled shit, I gave my arm one last push and it was enough for me to jump through. Once inside I took a swing at the thing but it dodged me,

“I'm the guy who is taking over for that guy.” I noticed the thing rolling something in it's hand, that something was an eye. When I turned back I saw Callidus missing half a foot and an eye, “What happened here?”

“We were having a grand time catching up until you showed up, barely a minute and already I don't like you. Nice arm though, maybe I'll take it once he and me are done.”

“Nero just run, if you fight her you'll lose!” he was attempting to stand with his one good arm but he just dropped back down on his knee,

“Can't do that.”

“Nero you fucking idiot just run and tell them what happened!”

“Hey I'm trying to save you dumbass, the least you could do is just sit there and shut up.” he snarled and I look back at the thing,

“You think you can beat me? Please if he couldn't handle me what chance do you have?” I stake Red Queen by my side and flex the claws on my demon hand, “I was able to go through your barrier, something he obviously couldn't do. Now imagine what I can do to you?”


“Hey you dance better than half of these chumps.” I said trying to make Bookworm feel better after getting booed at for her dancing,

“It's nice of you to say that, but it's obvious I'm a terrible dancer.” I laugh and wrap her in a hug, “If you want I can teach you how to dance.”

“That would be nice.” the music and lights suddenly stopped and everypony was looking in the same direction,

“Miss Violet, Miss Violet!” I recognized that voice and ran to it, “Haymaker chill out I'm right here.”

“Miss Violet you need to get to the Everfree Forest immediately.”

“What, why?”

“I'm afraid something has happened to the prince. I don't know his condition, Nero ordered me to run here before I could see if he was okay.”

“What's going on?” Cuddle Springs came with a party hat still on her head. I needed a second to process everything he said,

“Bookworm.” she snapped to attention, “Write a letter to Celestia, tell her about the situation and tell everypony to go home.” without hesitation she ran off, “Haymaker, what's Ironsight's condition?”

“I didn't see him there.”

“What do you-nevermind, Haymaker you find Ironsight and Cuddle Springs you find Zecora. When you find them get to the forest asap!” I sprinted out of the now dying party,

“Wait! What about your sword!” Cuddle Springs yells out, “No time!” I ran faster, “What happened to Callidus? And why is Nero there? Probably because of that stupid fight. But then why did he tell Haymaker to get help? Fuck I need to get there.” I flew over the tree line and spotted something weird.

******(The Everfree Forest)******

Ten minutes passed and I was having a hard time trying to cut this psychotic bitch, “Just stay fucking still!” I was about to cut her in half but she just separates her torso from her legs,

“Happy?” she throws a punch but with my right hand I catch it and spin her over me, “Now I am!” I heard her arm make popping sounds and with the spectral hand I bring her down hard,

“Now you have to stay still,” she tried to jump up but my giant fist punched her back down, “or it's gonna really hurt.” I hammered her another two times until she turned to smoke and kicked the shit out of me. I fall hard and I roll out of the way of her bullets and stop when her guns click,

“Oops, forgot to reload.” she said. I rub my chin to relieve some soreness,

“Too bad for you.” I rev Red Queen and launch myself like a missile, she barely had time to turn to smoke and she got a large searing cut on her chest,

“I'm surprised you lasted longer than him.”

“That's because I'm not him.” I rev her again but she dodges it and uppercuts my throat. I drop Red Queen and cough like crazy, “Oh honey, just because you last longer doesn't mean you're better than my Callidus.” she says lovingly,

“You are really crazy.” I wheeze. She was running to me and I prepared my self for another attack but then I saw Violet swoop down and kick this monstrous bitch like a soccer ball.

She rolled and skidded until she hit her own barrier, “Oh my God Callidus!” she immediately ran to him when she saw him, “Don't move. Just lay on your side.” she voice cracked slightly, “What happened your eye?”

“Thanks to you it's now all over my elbow.” we look towards her, she was scraping off what's left of Callidus's eye off her elbow, it kinda made me cringe, “Great, now I can't make the necklace I wanted.” the air around Violet distorted from pure rage, “You owe me a new ey-” I didn't even see it. In what I guess is a millisecond Violet drove her arm straight through her,

“You bitch!” she then pulls out her arm by tearing off half of the minotaur's torso. She then threw her up into the air and sent four shockwaves of energy from her fingers and cut the minotaur into pieces, it rained red for a few seconds and the remains fell with a splat,

“Nero, protect Callidus.”

“Violet I think she's dead enough.”

“No she's not.” she reaches out and shoots lighting at the severed remains, “Her heart is still beating.” she keeps on frying up the chunks but then the barrier somehow grabs her and holds her down, “Violet!” I tried to cut her free but the barrier soon holds me down too. We looked over at the pieces to see them get put back together, “What the fuck is she!?” I yell while trying to break free. She is somewhat regenerated because she still has a lot of open wounds, Violet breaks free and takes aim,

“I like your style,” she says as she cracks her neck in place, “but I'm not that into mares, not anymore at least.” without looking Violet shoots the barrier off of me, “Ugh I hate threesomes.” she says annoyingly, “But I did come all this way so maybe just this once.” she then takes out two tiny glass tubes.

“I'm curious as to what would happen if I overdosed.” that's when I saw needle points at those tube's ends and she stabs them into her neck. The whitish liquid consciously injects itself into her and she starts to convulse, “Maybe I should have quadrupled the dosage, cause I feel amazing!” both her cloak and the barrier surged with power and all of her wounds were gone in a second, “I noticed I didn't introduce myself. My name is Khiva.”

“Wait, that crazy soldier from Callidus's testimony?” I pointed out,

“So he told you guys about me? I'm touched.” she cracks her neck again along with her knuckles, “Let me show you two real power.” I won't lie, she's a tough one,

“Hmph, last guy who said that ended up eating my boot for dinner.” I taunt. Before Khiva could attack someone yelled something out,

Catena Confractus!” and just like that the barrier was destroyed in a flash of yellow light,

“What the fuck!?” Khiva sounded legitimately pissed. Turns out it was Zecora with all three bodyguards, all ready to kill,

“I'm not happy to see, Khiva standing before me.” Zecora was holding that weird book with one of those shadows,

“Long time no see! I was just ready to skin these two! But now that you and those guys are here I'm afraid I have to go. Waste of perfectly good medicine. Don't worry though, I'll come back some time, until then.” she turns into smoke and attacks Violet and me. We block them but it was just so she could get to Callidus, she picks him up by the nape of his neck forcing the rest of us to stand still,

“I need some assurance to know he won't run away from me,” she then stabs his back with her bare hand and Callidus screams his head off, “ever again.” I didn't need to look back to know they had shocked looks on their faces. She drops him and she disappears into the forest, laughing. All of them run towards him and did their best to stop the bleeding, Zecora and Violet were the first to try,

“That's way too much blood.”

******(Several hours later)******

I don't know how long all of us were in the waiting room but it felt like an eternity, “Violet I know how hard this is but the most we can do is hope he's okay.” Violet's face was stained with dried tears, she stopped crying an hour ago,

“I know but he was so pale when we got here. And when he tried to move...just to see him so weak like that.” she looked down,

“Tonight he will not perish, because he is my brother Callidus.” Zecora said trying her best to keep composure. Everypony was here, Nero, Violet, Zecora, the soldiers, even all of my friends came to support both Violet and Zecora,

“So he's messed up that bad?” Rainbow Dash whispered, “Seems so. Just look at those two, they're devastated.” I hated seeing her like this, just hours ago we were having the time of our lives, and things just took a turn for the worst so suddenly,

“Who did it?”

“I don't know, but whoever did this to Callidus is extremely dangerous. It scares me.”

“I bet, he'll be fine right? I mean from the stories we've heard this should be nothing to him, he'll bounce back in no time.” her positive attitude made a small smile on Violet. The doors flung open and both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked in,

“Where is he?” she said rapidly,

“He's still undergoing surgery.” Violet answers,

“What happened to him?”

“He was attacked while he was replanting trees in the forest.” Nero says,

“By who?” I sank a little in my seat, this was the first time I've heard Celestia use anger in her voice, it sounded terrifying compared to her usual gentle tone,

“Khiva.” Zecora finishes. The both of them almost gasped but the rest of us did,

“But Callidus said she perished back in Minyochnaed.” Luna mentioned,

“She survived the fire, and now she's stronger than ever.” Zecora said. My friends and I were having a hard time believing what she said, if Khiva really is in Equestria then we are in serious danger.

“And where were you when this happened?” she look towards who I believe is Ironsight,

“I-I-I...” she walked closer to him, her pupils retracted in size when she looked at him,

“The Blame should be on both of us, he was ordered to help me with my alchemy by Callidus. If I knew she were here, she would go through pain very severe.” Zecora looked at her in the eye. Celestia calmed down a bit but still seemed angry,

“Even so, Ironsight you have failed to fulfill your duties as Callidus's protector. I specifically told you to follow him at all times, even if he did tell you to go someplace else it was expected of you to watch over him. You leave me no choice, you are suspended from your duties.”


“Your highness please be reasonable.”

“You're right princess.” both of the guards were shocked at what he said. Ironsight looked crushed, “If I was there like I was suppose to this whole thing could have been prevented. I'm so sorry I let this happen.” he removed his helmet and proceeded to walk out with his head hung low. Soon after the doctor came out fresh from surgery,

“Oh you're here, I was just about to contact you your highness.”

“How is he?” Violet was the first to ask and all of us waited for an answer,

“His condition isn't like anything we've ever encountered before, surviving so many injuries at once is a miracle in it itself. The most critical injury was the most difficult, his spine. The wound was deep and we did our best to stop the bleeding, we were successful but we discovered something in his blood system.” I had this deep sense of dread, I was scared of what he was going to say next and prayed it wouldn't be what I had in mind,

“It is of magical origin but this magic is unlike anything we've seen before, it's conscious. It is spreading all over his body and is eating away at his bone and muscle tissue. It is also destroying his immune system thus eliminating any chance of fighting off this strange affliction. We used everything we know and nothing has worked and his condition has only gotten worse in the past few hours. I'm sorry your highness but I'm afraid his time is short.” I felt the weight of that last sentence, I could only imagine what they're feeling.

“He's currently being treated with the best doctors and medicine to make his time all the more comfortable. I will check if you can see him.” the doctor left and we fell silent, not one word was spoken,

“He's...dying?” Pinkie wasn't used to that word, just hearing her say it out loud seemed foreign,

“Oh my God.” Violet said quietly as new tears formed,

“No, no that can't be...” Zecora's demeanor shattered and she began to cry. The doctor came back,

“You can see him now.” the first pony to walk was Princess Celestia, she didn't say one word and she hid her eyes, the rest of us followed in silence. When we got to Callidus's room the doctor urged us inside but Celestia hesitated, her shoulders trembled and her head hung lower than before. Luna places a hoof on her shoulder and they look at each other without saying a word. After a minute the doctor opens the door and we see Callidus on his bed covered in bloody bandages and hooked up to a lot of the hospital's machinery,

“So many...machines.” Celestia said clearly horrified,

“Those machines help filter his blood. The strange magic decomposes blood cells at an alarming rate so this is what we had to do in order to reduce the pain.” all of these machines and the most they could do was reduce the pain, it was heartbreaking, “I'll give you some privacy.” the doctor left and we turned our attention towards Callidus,

“Is he awake?” Celestia asked,

“I...am.” Callidus said it so weakly. Zecora, Violet, and Celestia walked towards his side, “Where's..Zecora?”

“I'm right here.” Zecora holds his hand as he tries to turn his head, she was picking at the floor for an unknown reason, “I'll be here until the end.” more tears flowed from her eyes,

“Callidus.” Violet walks to the other side of the bed, “Even though you're not the same Callidus from before, I'm happy I was able to see you again.” Violet holds his other hand and cries even more, tears were beginning to form in my eyes, “I just wish I got here sooner.”

“It's fine.” his response threw us off, “It couldn't be helped.” at that moment I saw something in Violet snap, her eyes filled with panic,

“I can't do this! Not again! Zecora for God's sake can't you do anything to save him!?” she pleaded with Zecora,

“I-I don't believe so, I have never heard of anything like this.” Zecora said without rhyming,

“What about that book? It has to have some kind of spell to cure him, right?”

“That book was made for war not medicine. If it did wouldn't you think I would've preformed it by now.” she countered, her tone worried me, it sounded like she was breaking down,

“The Elements.” Violet said, “What if we used the Elements of Harmony!” she ran up to me, “They could cure him, right? They worked on Nightmare Moon so they should work on whatever is killing him.” Violet is one of the most bravest ponies I know, seeing her so desperate was out of character,

“She's right.” Celestia finally said something, “The Elements of Harmony can banish everything evil and impure. If we use them now they will save him. Twilight, I am asking you not as your princess or your mentor but as a mother, please save him.” she said with tears I've never seen before. I felt someone's hoof on me, when I turned around it was Rainbow Dash, her and the other were giving me reassuring looks,

“We got this princess.” Rainbow said,

“Okay girls, let's go!” we were ready to gather the Elements until,

“Stop!” we froze. The one who spoke was Callidus, “Just stop.” he looks at us with his only sharp eye, “I don't want to be saved.” it stunned all of us silent,

“W-what are you saying?” Violet looked pale,

“Brother don't please, not like this!” Zecora begged,

“Zecora what is he saying.”

“I'm saying I want to die.” everypony in the room was shocked, Celestia's lower jaw trembled.

Callidus somehow found the strength to sit up and face everypony, “I've been wanting to die for a while now. I didn't do it myself because that would be too easy for somepony like me, if anything dying this way is more than fitting. Even if I had any shred of will to live look at me, I can barely move my own fingers.”

“I don't care if you're just a head in a fucking pickle jar, we're not letting you die!” Violet exclaimed, “So you've been through some rough patches, everypony goes through them. Callidus for God's sake think about what you're saying. You're asking for way too much, this is your life.”

“Exactly, it's my life. I fought for it numerous times so I get to decide whether or not I want to continue living it and I'm deciding I've had enough. I just want everything to stop.”

“Callidus, look at me.” Zecora didn't seemed as surprised like the rest of us, “Remember the promise you made? You said you'll never leave me alone as long as you lived. Brother I know you're dying but...but...please don't.” she chips her hoof on the floor, “I don't care about your reason for dying, we can get through this just like before.”

“'Before' is the reason.” Zecora couldn't find anything else to say,

“Callidus.” Celestia grabbed his attention, “I know you don't see me as anything other than the monarch of a country, in fact I think you still see me as an enemy. But when I see you I don't see the murderer or the Killer Cloak. All I see is my son, the very same son I gave life to.” she gritted her teeth, “I have raised you, tutored you, played with you, scolded you, tucked you into bed and read you stories and comforted you whenever you had a nightmare. For the past five years I cherished those memories, they were all I had left of you. When you came back I was so excited to create new memories for us, it didn't turn out like I wanted but they are pleasant either way, however...”

Celestia tried to control her sobbing, “I don't want this to be my last memory of you, especially when we have the means to save you! Callidus please just reconsider, whatever it is that's causing you to feel this way I can help, but I can't if you won't let me. I'm begging you, live. I want to know the new you, I want us to create new memories that we can both cherish and...and...I want to be your mother again.” I saw a slight glow in Callidus's eye.

He was hesitant but he reaches out his right hand to try and grab her hoof but before she could grab his hand he suddenly grabs onto the railings of his bed and coughs up murky red blood. Applejack ran out the room to find a doctor since she was closest to the door. He lets go of the railing and let's his head roll to one side, his eye closes and we hear the flat tone,

“Callidus? Callidus!?” Violet grabs onto his body and shakes him. She goes hysterical and tries to give him CPR but Nero holds back the screaming devil hunter, “Let go of me! He still has a chance! I said let go dammit!” Nero holds her until she breaks down and cries into his shoulder. Zecora rests her forehead on his hand and cries. Princess Celestia didn't move at all, she just stood there in a stupor looking at what used to be Callidus, even with Luna trying to snap her out she still didn't move, not even blink, she just stared at him with a dark face. Applejack came with the doctor,

“How is he?” she asked, I felt my own tears fall and I gestured no, she removes her hat and bows her head. I looked at the others and see them crying for them as well, even Rainbow Dash. I go towards Violet to try and comfort her, but she ignores me and continues to cry on Nero's shoulder.

I take one last look at him and I confirmed it was true, Callidus was dead.


There it goes again, that feeling of pure bliss. Everything was dark but I was feeling so good I didn't care, “I was in the hospital right?” the madness, the euphoria, and the hatred were once again mingling inside but instead of solid ground I felt as if I was floating,

“Why was I in the hospital?” I opened my eyes and I saw black smoke eating my limbs, “Where did these come from? Wait, I got them from a fight didn't I? Who did I fight? Did I win?” the smoke soon ate my torso and is now eating my head,

“But why can't I remember the fight? Or where I was before? Who...am I?” before it could finish this bright light scares off the smoke and I get my body back,

“Endure with me...” the white light takes the form of a hand and reaches for me,

“It's so pretty.” I felt my mind gradually slipping as I stared at the light. I try and grab it but the smoke violently grabs hold of my arm, I screamed in pain and the hand quickly holds my other arm,

“Endure with me.” both of them pull at me hard and I feel like I'm about to be ripped,

“Enough!” suddenly this blue light destroys the smoke and forces the hand to let go and then I felt myself fall. I hit ground but when I looked up I saw this blue specter holding a staff, “Listen carefully for my time is short. Death must not meet with you in this early road of yours. We were never to meet until you have achieved your full potential but seeing as how you were I was forced to intervene this once. If you allow recklessness to cloud your judgment it will only bring about more woe than you could ever imagine. And remember this warning for if you ever encounter it I will have no means of stopping you, resist the temptations of the flaming ash, for it will only hasten your fate into oblivion.” he then taps my forehead and I vanish.

In that same instance I quickly sit up and remove the blanket covering me. I screamed in pain scaring off the nurses in my room. Out of shock I roll off my bed and hit the floor, I take out the needles and I crawl away until I felt the need to throw up. I opened my mouth and out came this black and red slime, the smell was foul and it had the consistency of jelly.

After a few minutes I puked out this 7” tall pile of sludge, it moved for five second before dying completely. I wanted to move away from it but my legs wouldn't move so I relied on my arms and bed to get away, I sat upright on one of the machines and I felt myself begin to drift back into sleep.

The last things I saw were doctors and nurses rushing inside only to have half of them run out because of the slime. I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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