• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,778 Views, 5 Comments

Derealization - Wingman Jones

[Derealization- An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.] Equestria is not always what it seems to be, especially if the darkness shows itself willingly to mortals, a crossover with Devil May Cry

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The Help

The train ride home was very noisy, the cart was nearly full and since their wasn't anymore seats available ponies had to stand,

“Oh my, the train schedule must be very busy today...” there were three other ponies sitting where I was but I didn't know any of them so I just sat there quietly and watched as the tan desert turned slightly green, “I still have a long way to go, but at least I'll get there soon.”

I was coming back from Dodge Junction, now that I think about it most of these ponies are, today was the anniversary of the Dodge Junction Incident where everypony in the city just vanished without a trace, the Royal Guard did everything they could to try and explain what happened but couldn't find anything. My father and sister were some of the ponies who disappeared, I came to visit their graves and to pay my respects to the other ponies who disappeared,

“Daddy, Silver Harvest...I miss you both so much...” I looked down at the pendant that used to belong to my sister, the pendant was the insignia for the Order of the Sword, it was a strange insignia, it looked like a sword with a wing and horns at the handle,

“Why didn't you ever tell me? Did you thought that I would be ashamed?” I never knew my sister was a follower, I found out the day it happened, strangely I found it hanging on a tree in her personal sanctuary, nopony knew where it was except for us.

The train stopped and I was in Ponyville, “I'm home.” even the way out was crowded, “Sorry...excuse me...sorry...oh you can pass...sorry...” I kept bumping into everypony as they entered or exited the train. It took me about ten minutes to get out,

“At least everypony got to their train on time.” I thought about who I wanted to visit first, “Maybe I should try Rarity first.” today I wanted to learn how to talk to...stallions and I am hoping my friends would help overcome my fear, hoping. When I made it to Carousel Boutique I was glad to see that she was till open,

“Hello? Rarity” when I walked in I was greeted by something soft and fluffy rubbing against my leg, “Hello Opal.”

“Fluttershy is that you dear? Come in, come in! You came at the most perfect time, I am in the kitchen making some tea, would you like some?”

“Yes that sounds lovely Rarity.” I followed her voice into the kitchen and the smell of Earl Grey was in the air, “Sit darling, you look a bit exhausted.”

“Yes I am, I just boarded off the train.”

“Really? Where did you go?”

“Dodge Junction.” suddenly she went quiet and so did I,

“I'm sorry Fluttershy, I-I forgot that today-”

“It's okay Rarity, really.” she sipped her tea with a worried look on her face,

“Let's change the subject shall we?”

“Sure, I actually came here to talk to you about something.”

“Oh? And what would that be?” I felt my cheeks get hot and I found myself slumping in my chair,


“Well come on then darling, you know you can tell me anything.” she said with caring but curious eyes, they only made me feel more embarrassed,

“I-I...want to...know...*whispers* how to talk to stallions...”

“Could you say that last part a little louder for me please?”

“I want to know how to talk to stallions.” I said it very quickly but Rarity and I have been friends for some time and she can understand me when I speak fast.

“Why Fluttershy, that's wonderful! I am a bit surprised but I'm glad that you've decided to find yourself a good coltfriend.”

“Does that mean that you'll help?”

“But of course! Before I do though, might I ask who exactly are you interested in?” she gave a mischievous smile, “Um, I wouldn't say interested but more like-”

“A crush?”


“Then who is this pony that you have a crush on?” I didn't intend on her wanting to know, I just wanted her to give me some pointers or tips without knowing who he was,

“Uhh, I met him a few days ago.”


“I met him at the train station, he lives in Canterlot and-”

“Wait a minute.” she had this strange look of shock, “You don't mean him do you?” my cheeks were now burning and I slumped all the way down,

“You like him? Forgive me for saying this but that is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard.”


“Must I paint a picture? You're a timid, kind, caring, animal-loving pegasus while he is a reckless, calculating, gun-toting, cold-blooded killer. I have met him once and that was enough to know that he's not exactly the kind that is interested in courting a mare.”

“Maybe but-”

“And why do you like him? Don't tell me it's because he saved your life.”

“No, at least that's not the only reason why.”

“Then why do you like him?”

“When we first met I thought that he was going to harm us because of the stories I heard, but then when he took that wound in the shoulder for me I felt...something.” Rarity cocked her head a little,

“It was like a little peek into his past, I felt a lot of, pain, and sadness. I even felt a lot of fear, not for himself but for me, I even felt hatred and anger from him. Then I felt something that I thought was comforting, something warm, like deep down he cares about protecting us despite how he acts on the outside, and I want to be apart of that warmth for some reason I don't even know.” Rarity leaned a bit on the table.

“I don't know how I was able to feel those emotions, in fact I only experienced this with him, but when did I knew those stories weren't true. He's not cold-blooded like most ponies say he is, he's just walled himself away from others. Which is understandable, he's been through a lot in his life and I think that would make anypony seem uncaring. What I want to do is reach out to him and show him that not everypony is mean, he needs somepony to understand his pain and all I want to do is take that all away and see what kind of pony he really is, and hopefully he can let everypony feel that same warmth I felt.” she nodded as to show she understood,

“I still think that it's bizarre, but if you believe you can do what you said then I will do my best to help you win his heart.”

“Really?” she nodded yes, “Oh thank you Rarity!” I reached over and hugged her without knowing. When I let go I blushed even more,

“Come along darling, first you need to learn the basics.” she grabbed my hoof and dragged me out of the kitchen. We were in her room, she had me standing in front of a mirror, “We need to improve your posture. When conversing, you must always make eye contact with the pony, it shows that you have their full, undivided attention and that you are listening to what they're saying.” she said as she raised my head up,

“Next, you must stand upright like a proper lady, you must show poise and balance, it shows how confident you are in yourself and like mares, stallions like ponies with self-confidence.” she pushed my front legs a little more together to make myself look a little taller, “Perfect, now-” she dragged me and sat me in front of a mannequin, “I need to know what you need help with. Pretend this mannequin is Callidus and try to strike up a conversation with him.”

“You want me to talk to a mannequin?”

“Just pretend Fluttershy.” she urged, I looked at the mannequin and I found no problem with it,

“Hello Call-” then I started imagining the mannequin as him and I froze. He was standing there with the most cruel and judgmental stare, looking down at me as he got taller and taller and the world around us got dark, “*whimper*”

I backed away from him and I sank to the floor and closed my eyes, “Fluttershy!” when I looked up I saw Rarity, she helped me up and dusted me off, “What happened dear? You were doing so well just a second ago.”

“I-I'm sorry, i-it's just that...maybe I should go home...”

“Don't give up so easily, relationships are tricky and they require hard work, and that's what makes them so worth it in the end. Didn't you say you wanted to see what he really is like?” she gave me a caring smile and I returned it with my own,

“I do.”

“Then let's get to work.” she placed me in front of the mannequin again, “Now, try again. Take your time if you need to.” when I looked at it I imagined Callidus again, I closed my eyes when he started looking scary for the second time,

“Don't freak out, don't remember the pain and anger. Remember that warm feeling.” when I opened my eyes Callidus was looking normal, “I remember his eyes pretty well...” the eyes this Callidus had were dull and lifeless, exactly how the real Callidus has them, “You can do this.”

“*inhales* Hello Callidus, is everything okay?”

“Perfect! Now try asking him out.” that one was going to be a little more harder, I felt my hooves get weak when I stared into his imaginary eyes,

“Uhh...I-I was w-wondering...i-i-if you're n-not too busy-”

“Stop right there.”

I was relieved when she told me to stop, “First off you need to speak more clearly, don't stammer through your words or else it would ruin your chances, if you need take the time to collect yourself. Secondly, you need to be a little more firm than that darling. Don't say “if you're not too busy” because it will make you seem a little desperate, just ask outright.” she gestured to the mannequin and I took a deep breath,

“Okay, make eye contact, poise and balance, relax, speak clearly and be firm.” “Callidus, I-I was wondering i-i-if you...would like...to come to my house s-sometime.”

“Well done Fluttershy, you stilled stammered but at least you said it loudly. Just some practice and you're on your way. But for the future, maybe you should suggest something else other than going to your house.” I nodded,

“Are you ready for your next lesson?”

“Yes, I think.”

“Are you sure?” she arched an eyebrow and looked at me curiously,

“Um, so what's the next lesson?”

“Flirting.” my eyelids open wide and I felt my limbs lock in place, “It's not so bad, flirting is a very helpful tool that many ponies use, but if you feel if you're not ready then I understand.”

“No, I said that I was ready and I am, sort of...”

“My, my, my, this must be some crush.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because you're here wanting to know how to court a stallion. A few weeks ago you would've ran for the hills at just the suggestion of meeting stallions.” I gave her a sheepish smile.

“When flirting, it must be clean and positive. It should be dropped as subtle hints to the pony you are flirting with or else you seem a bit...let's just say unladylike. It can be anything from how they dress, their personality, or their looks. And most importantly, keep it casual. Would you like an example?” I nodded my head yes,

“Pay close attention.” she stood in front of the mannequin,

“Good evening darling, how has you're day been going so far? Oh my what muscles you have, clearly you take very good care of yourself.” she turns to me, “Like that deary, and if he flirts in return then it means that he has taken interest in you and would very much like to spend more time with you.” I nodded my head yes. I tried to remember everything that she is teaching me, even if some of it is embarrassing,

“Would you like to try dear.” and even though she is helping me through every step of the way, I still have a long way to go.


Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, that's all I've been doing ever since my unit has been disbanded,

“This is so boring. Why did I get stuck with being a desk jockey?” I was in a recruiting center for the Royal Guard in Fillydelphia, I was in a tiny office to push applications through, which I can say is bullshit, “I was one of the top five in my class! I scored near perfect scores in marksmanship and took advanced hoof-to-hoof combat.”

“Ironsight!” I looked up from my desk and I spot my C.O. and I spring up from my seat and salute her, “Yes Lieutenant Blaze Front!”

“You got a Royal Summons to meet Princess Celestia. Pack your things, the carriage will be here at 1800.” she tossed me a scroll branded with the Royal Symbol,

“A Royal Summons?” I opened it and it read,

Dear Ironsight,

How are you? Is the office treating you okay? I deeply apologize for assigning you there

but since every other position was filled in the military I was forced to put you in recruitment.

Fortunately for you a position opened up that requires a pony of your skills, recently we have

unearthed new information regarding the Order of the Sword which revealed them to be responsible for the invasion not too long ago. As you also know two amulets have been stolen during the invasion, the reason they stole them is because they want to use them for very a

nefarious purpose, these amulets are very powerful and since they have them they are also very

dangerous. Now they want something else and they are targeting three ponies very close to me

to get it, what it is they want we don't know but because of this I am assigning you and two other ponies to be their bodyguards. I know, this sounds something not fit for you but this organization is a very ruthless one and I only picked the very best of ponies that I know I can entrust my life to. To simply put it, I trust you three the most out of everypony in my Royal Guard and that is my reason for choosing you. A carriage will be there shortly to transport you to Canterlot, once you arrive we will discuss about who you will be protecting and any further details I couldn't write down for sake of security.


Princess Celestia

“This is some pretty heavy stuff...” I felt a bead of sweat form of my head along with the unrelenting sense of dread, “She even said she trusts me with her life...crap. I've been under heavy fire before but this is on a completely different scale.”


“WUAAAAAAHHH!!!” the Lieutenant scared me and I fell off my chair and everything on my desk was flying in the air. Before I could even get up she was already inside looking like she was about to explode, “Ironsight...” she hissed through clenched teeth,

“Uh, yes ma'am?”

“CLEAN UP THIS GODDAMN MESS AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BUILDING OR SO HELP ME I WILL REPLACE YOUR CUTIEMARK WITH MY HORSESHOE PRINTS ONCE I'M DONE KICKING YOUR ASS!!!” she walked out and slammed the door, I couldn't hear right because of the loud ringing in my ears,

“Yes...ma'am.” well, at least I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.

The ride to Canterlot was less than favorable, the ponies who were steering the carriage happened to be the very same ponies I hated during my time at the Academy for the Royal Guard, they kept making sharp turns just to make me fall, they pretended to be unconscious and let the entire carriage fall and they kept purposely spitting in the air because it would hit me. I would've taken them out but considering my circumstances I just held it in,

“Stupid Gilded Wing and Razorwind with their stupid wings.” then they did a rough landing causing me to fall out of the carriage, “You stupid assholes! I could've broken my neck you dumb mother-”

“Ahem.” when I turned around I saw both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing behind me and then I heard them fly off snickering as they did, “Wuah! Your Highnesses! My deepest apologies!” I bowed while sweating bullets,

“Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!”

“It's alright Ironsight, we saw what they did and believe me they will be punished.” I exhaled a breath of relief and I followed them inside the palace. We entered the throne room and in the center I saw two other guards, one a pegasus mare and the other an earth pony stallion, I remember them from my days in the academy. I stood next to them and the princesses started the briefing,

“As all of you know, you are here because you are to be assigned as bodyguards. By doing so means that you will now report to me about anything from now on, this also means that you are not allowed to reveal anything from this job to anypony else. If so then you will be severely punished.” I tried to swallow the lump that formed in my throat.

The mare, Cuddle Springs, raised her hoof, “This must be serious, do you really think this organization is that dangerous?”

“These ponies were able to infiltrate our palace, destroy our wards, begin a full scale war and steal from the Canterlot Safe which is impenetrable and accomplished them in a span of one night. We cannot take this lightly.” Luna answered,

“What do they want to do?”

“Open the door to the Demon World.” I’ve known these guys for years, hell I even drink with them from time to time, and I've never seen them this terrified in my life and we had to fight a Hydra once and they fought it off like nothing,

“We are doing everything we can to cease their plans, this is where all of you come in.” Celestia said,

“So who are we protecting anyway?” asked Haymaker, the earth pony, “You can come in now.” the doors opened and my mind almost exploded into pieces. Walking through those doors were the very same ponies who save the city from certain destruction,

“We know this may seem strange Ironsight but since they were able to do everything what my sister said, I had to think about their safety.”

“Wait, so the Order of the Sword wants something from them?” I asked still staring at them,

“As I said before, you are not allowed to reveal anything about this to anypony else. This includes who you're protecting, where they live, where you live, what they do and what happens to them.” Celestia explained,

“And from now on you will have to follow them everywhere as they go, which includes whatever jobs they may be performing.”

“Maybe that's going a little far, don't you think?” the pony with the bandaged hoof said, “I mean do these guys even have experience in demon hunting?”

“Did he say demon hunting?”

“These three have some experience but all of you can teach them on the job, right?” all of them did their own little shrug,

“I almost forgot to mention, we are starting a new branch within the military. This particular branch's main focus is primarily on demon eradication, since it's just starting out I only have four members at the moment.”

“So these ponies are your members?” Cuddle Springs asked.

“Yup.” the mare with bat wings said,

“But there's only three of you.”

“The fourth is currently on her way to Los Pegasus, she won't be back until tomorrow.” Celestia explained,

“Hold on, how come only these three need protection?”

“The Order of the Sword won't waste their time on her, so far all we know is they are focusing only on us. Even if they do try something I will know.” Callidus said with eyes as sharp as knives,

“He can sure be...scary.”

“Since you are going to be working alongside them, you will have to help them.”

“So we're demon hunters now?” I felt a chill along my spine when Haymaker made that realization,

“Yes. The batpony is Violet.” she waved at us with a friendly smile,

“The unicorn is her twin brother Nero.” the dark blue unicorn just bluntly said, “Hey.” I kept staring at his bandaged hoof, if I remember correctly he has a magical limb,

“And all of you already know Prince Aether, or just Callidus.” he stood there expressionless,

“These will be your bodyguards, Cuddle Springs.” she did a small wave,

“Haymaker.” all he did was raise his head a little more,

“And Ironsight.” all three looked at me, “Hi.”

“Now that we are done with formalities, Cuddle Springs you will be Violet's bodyguard. Haymaker, you will be Nero's. And Ironsight, you will be Callidus's since you've met before.”

“Wait, Callidus!” suddenly a scroll appeared in front of the princess and she read it,

“Hmm what odd timing, Miss Lee has reported to have found the last demon within Canterlot, and she says it's a crafty one. I'm guessing all three of you will go?”

“Count me out, I'm headed to Ponyville to meet Twilight, something about asking me questions.”

“So just the two of you then.”

“Just tell us where to go and we'll take care of it.” Violet said a bit enthusiastically,

“The address is in the scroll, if you need assistance don't hesitate to run back here.”

“Relax, we won't need it.”

“As for you two, help them as much as you can.”

“Can we at least retreat?”

“Good luck.” the princesses left to their royal duties and Callidus walked up to me,

“How experienced are you?” I started sweating again, “Uh, I killed a Marionette before, but I was in a team that day.”

“Try not to die.” he warned,

“You know what the recruitment center sounds pretty good right now.”

Author's Note:

Tada! I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and I wish everyone a happy New Year, bye!!!