• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,777 Views, 5 Comments

Derealization - Wingman Jones

[Derealization- An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.] Equestria is not always what it seems to be, especially if the darkness shows itself willingly to mortals, a crossover with Devil May Cry

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Unexpected Outcome

This sucks, here I am stuck in a pony hospital wearing nothing but bandages and I'm getting yelled at by Morrison, “Where the hell are you!?” somehow my phone is able to get full reception in this dimension, “Sorry Morrison but Violet and I are out of the country at the moment.”

“Well you should scurry your asses home because your house burned down.”

“What!? How!?”

“Yeah, I came by to your house to check on you and instead I found a gigantic ball of fire. The Fire Department isn't sure what was the cause but they said it started in the basement. The fire was put out but everything in the house was destroyed.”

“Everything? Even...”

“The red mustang, yeah.”

“Could you hold?” I felt my eye twitch uncontrollably and I put the phone on my bed in a very calm manner, “RRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!” with all my strength I punched the entire wall off of the building with my demonic hoof. A guardpony came in, “Is everything all-”

“GET THE FUCK OUT!” he had the most terrified look on his face and he scrammed out the door, I grab my phone and speak through gritted teeth, “So what did you want?”

“Besides to tell you that you're homeless I wanted to assign you another job.”

“Find someone else!” I hung up the phone and I felt a migraine coming, “I hate my life.” I heard the door open and then a yelp of surprise, “Nero what the fuck happened!?” Violet said looking at where the wall used to be, “Violet sit down.” she sat on her haunches in front of me, “Morrison just called me.”

“We have reception here?”

“Not important! Morrison just told me that our house burned.”

“What!? How!?”

“Apparently the fire started in the basement.” she went eerily quiet, “Can you give me your pillow?” I hand her the pillow and she screamed into it. After a few minutes of chopping up my room she calmed down, “Great not only is my current outfit ruined but now all of my outfits are burned to a crisp.” she said as she placed Rebellion on her back “Fuck your clothes I spent three straight months doing absolutely nothing but fix that car and now it's just gone!”

“It's a good thing if you ask me.” I growled at her and she simply shrugged, “Maybe aunt Trish would let us stay with her until we can find another place.”

“If we manage to reach her, woman's hard to find.” I stood up allowing my muscles to wake up, “You wanna walk around? I'm still not used to walking on hooves.”

“Wait do you still have the ring?”

“Nope, I think I left it back...home.” I felt a bead of sweat form on my forehead, “Shit, you should bandage the hoof, you know so it won't freak out the other folks here.” she tossed me a roll of fresh bandages. We were out of the depressing hospital and decided to walk to the palace, “So you're telling me that this Princess Celestia is our aunt?”

“Yes Nero.”

“Our uncle was a horsefucker?” she punched me in the shoulder nearly dislocating it, “Our uncle was the best uncle in the universe, don't demote him with such a disgusting word.” she used her rare seriousness against me making me keep my mouth shut, “So where's your friend?”

“Bookworm and her friends went out to do volunteer work. I still feel bad for putting her through that hell.”

“It was her choice Violet what the hell could we possibly tell her? No?”

“I should have at least done something instead of going along for the ride. Last night I noticed something about her, the way she handled herself.”

“I'd say she was capable of holding out.”

“No like, she had done this kind of thing before.”


“Kill.” she suddenly went into deep thought. Behind us I was hearing what sounded like a stampede, “Violet! Nero!” I heard a familiar voice and when the both of us turned I see Twilight, Zecora, and the other mares running towards us, “What the hell?” before they could crash into us they skidded to a stop, “BadbadreallybadCallidusandPrincessCelestiaarefightingwitheachotherandIdon'tknowwhybutthisisreallybadbecausetheprincessneverlosttoanyponyandCalliduscouldendupworsethanhewasbeforesowegottagorightnow!”

I didn't understand anything from what Pinkie said, “Callidus is fighting Princess Celestia!” Twilight yelled out, “I heard that they were talking for a bit then he said something that really pissed her off so she called him out to a fight! I gotta see this!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight scolded, “I don't know the details but we gotta stop them.” she grabbed Violet by the hoof and dragged her away and I chased after them, “Who cares if they're fighting?”

“In all honesty I don't care either, he can't kill her and she won't kill him. But if Twilight finds this wrong then I'll help her.” Violet turned around and expected me to just go with it, “Fine.” 'Damn I wanted to kick his ass.'

************(several minutes earlier)************

“Fight me with everything you have.”

“I don't plan to hold back.” I charged straight at her trying to fool her with a head on attack, right when she was about to side step I used the spear to poll vault myself over her and used one of the daggers to strike her in the head. She was quick and used her glowing claymore to block the blade, as soon as my feet touched the ground I lunged the spear forward and she nearly ran into it, before I could follow up I saw her sword coming and I twist myself around and felt her sword hit the shield on my back, I lunge forward again but she anticipated it and cut off the spear head.

I discard the spear and throw a dagger at her, she used her magic to stop it mid air giving me enough time to get close to her and attack, I swing one of the swords and she dodged it but then I grab the other sword and nearly stabbed her if she did use her wings to fly backwards. I charge at her again and our swords collided creating sparks, “I can see why you're so formidable.” I knock her sword away and started swinging, she kept dodging my swings but she was unknowingly backing herself into the crowd, she finally left an opening and kicked her right in the snout knocking off her helmet, “Princess!” one of the guards shouted, she skidded a few feet away and her nose was bleeding, I grab another dagger and throw it in her direction but I aimed between her forehooves, “Can I go now?”

“Not yet.” her horn glowed and I heard metal scraping the ground, I duck in time to dodged her sword, “I thank you for the warm up.” in a split second she closed the gap between us and I barley blocked her claymore sword in time. She was now attacking me with a barrage of attacks in such rapid motion that I was having trouble keeping up with her speed. I was now the one who was getting backed into the crowd which was helping me time her attacks, I timed when she was about to swing and I fall on my back and connected my foot to her chin.

'That move should have been obvious to anypony with her skill, what if...' I run to her keeping my self low and I slash upwards, she blocks every one of my strikes but I leg sweep her and she falls face first to the ground while I jump back to gain some distance, 'Like I thought, she can't defend herself when somepony fights low.' as soon as she stood up I change to a pony to shorten my height and I aim the swords high. She was having a bit of trouble, everytime she would block she would stumble a little, I swung the blade at her throat and she arched back but I used the other one to cut her font leg and she fell on her side, I drive the blade to her head but at the last second she vaporized into a cloud of magic and materialized behind me.

“Barely three minutes and you already figured out that I have trouble with low attacks.” I get into a bit of a shock when I notice the wound I inflicted was gone, “Since you have figured out my disadvantage I should try and figure out yours.” in lightning speed she thrusted her sword and I roll out of the way, before I could stop she was already inches in front of me and I backflip away from her blade which made a cut going from my cheek to my chin. I looked up and a ball of magic hit me in the throat, it felt like cold flames burning my neck, it was powerful enough to send me five feet away from her.

The crowd erupted into cheers and insults, I rub my neck as I stood and Celestia walked slowly towards me, “Aah so both your agility and reaction time decrease while in your pony form. I'm guessing this is the result from mainly using your human form to fight?” I ready the swords, “You're right.”

“But I too prefer if you fought me with everything you have.” I change back to a human, “Excellent.” I heard wings flapping and in a powerful stomp a midnight blue alicorn landed right between us, “ENOUGH!!!” she spoke in a very loud voice making my eardrums throb in pain since I was so close, “HOW DARE YOU ASSAULT THE ROYAL CROWN, AND THY OWN MOTHER NO LESS YOU GORMLESS, BARMY, SCANDALOUS BERK!!!” her eyes were glowing white with power and seething with fury, but the most it did was annoy me, “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ON YOUR BEHALF?!!!

“Stand down sister.” Celestia said to the other alicorn, “Celestia why on Earth are allowing your own child to treat you with such disrespect and aggression? He's lucky he is your son for I would obliterate him if he were some commoner.”

“Luna I told him to fight me.”

"What!?” she looked at the both of us wide-eyed, “Sister why would you fight your own son?”

“I made a wager with him that requires the two of us to duel and he accepted, just like a true warrior.” she had so much pride in her eyes as she said that, “There has to be some other way to-”

“There is no other way!” the blue alicorn backed away in fear, “Stand aside sister, I will not lose him again.” the alicorn looked like she was in pain and flew away.

Determination was written all over her face and she readied her sword, 'How many daggers do I have left?' I only had three left and I remembered Persuasion and Reason, 'I can't use them yet since there are soldiers surrounding us. If I can get her out of this crowd I might just have a chance at defeating her.' I grab a dagger and threw it at her and she cut it in half.

She charged at me and I dodged it and ran straight into the crowd and they moved out of the way in fear. When I was far enough from the crowd Celestia flew to where I was and casted a spell creating a magic bubble around her, “You made that too obvious.” right when she said that I drew out Persuasion and shot one round next to her head and the bullet pierced through her magic bubble. Before she could be shocked I drew out Reason and continuously fired at her until the bubble was shredded to pieces, “How-”

“These are not regular guns Celestia.” I fired two more shots at her and she used her sword to deflect them but the bullets shattered her claymore. She turned into a cloud of magic again and slithered her way towards me but I shot one of the edges, I heard a shriek of pain and she materialized back into an alicorn, “Enchanted bullets.” I holster Reason and wield a sword instead. Her sword magically restored itself and I blocked her attack with the finger guard and before I could pull the trigger I felt a blast of telekinesis push seven feet away from her, it was strong enough to break another rib. I quickly jump on my feet and shot at her but every bullet I fired missed because she was successfully evading all of them, she was within striking distance and we swing our blades at the same time.

I saw the blade just scratch her collarbone and hers would've cut my head clean off if I didn't duck a little lower, I saw an opening and used the butt of Persuasion to hit her right on her temple. She backed away from me and wobbled as she did, I took the chance and assaulted her with a barrage of attacks that she was having a hard time parrying, she telegraphed an overhead chop and I punch her in the snout again. She walked backwards and was drifting in and out of consciousness, I readied myself to attack but her horn glowed and the blade of my sword broke,

“What the fuck?” her horn was still glowing and she shot a thick stream of magic at me which I dodged easily and it destroyed the entire wall behind me, “I apologize for that, I didn't mean for it to be so powerful but it's hard for me to control my magic when I get angry.” her eyes were as sharp as daggers when she looked at me, I aimed Persuasion at her and with her supernatural speed she knocked it out of my hand and tackled me to the ground, she held my arms down with her magic which felt like vices and started punching me in the face with her armored-covered hooves, 'For royalty she's not afraid to get physical.' the more she punched the more pissed off I was getting, after a few more hits she stopped, “Do you surrender?” she got off of me allowing my legs to move, “I'd rather say clench your jaw.”

“Wha-” I one swift motion I use both of my legs to kick her under her chin and caused her to release me. I jump to my feet and use the shield on my back to beat her, she swung her sword but I blocked it and hit her even harder making her head snap violently to her right, 'Keep her busy, don't give her a chance to use her magic.' I brought down the shield on her head creating a large gash and she kneeled to the floor, “Callidus stop!” I stopped hitting her and I look to where my name was called and I see everypony from last night looking at me terrified except for Zecora and Violet who just watched undeterred.

At that moment I felt something cut into both of my thighs and a beam of magic went through my stomach, it didn't disintegrate anything but it was excruciating, my stomach felt as if it were collapsing in on itself and my spine felt as if it were trying to gnaw it's way out of my body. The beam disappeared and I couldn't move my legs, she vanished and in a fraction of a second my entire left arm was covered in cuts, 'She's even faster now than she was last night.' in an instant my right arm was covered in cuts rendering me immobile. My legs finally gave out and I fall to the ground, I see her tower over me and she raises her claymore, “Princess Celestia wait!” she brought it down and she buried it next to my head, I tried my best to move my arms and legs but they didn't move an inch, I lost, “Your real name is Aether.” the other ponies began to cheer for Celestia, “Hold still.” a bright light engulfed the both of us and all of our injuries were healed, “What were you thinking!” I see everypony walk towards me, my focus stays on Twilight because she was the only one who looked as if she were ready to kill me, “Twilight please calm down, I was the one who told him to fight.”

“But Princess Celestia did you have to?”

“Yes, he didn't want to stay here so I made a bet with him.”

“Sister!” above us I saw the same alicorn from earlier flying towards us, “She has arrived.”

“Oh and just in time too! Aether come with us, there is somepony I would like you to meet.”

“Don't call me that.”

“Okay then Callidus come with us.”


“Fine what?” she smirked at me, she was really milking it, “Fine...mother.” I thought I was gonna have an aneurism, “What!?” everypony except Twilight, Violet and Nero exclaimed. I was inside the palace following my “mother” and her sister to where ever I was being led to, “Callidus, I need to know a few things. Why did you kill all of those soldiers in Minyochnaed?” I stopped walking and the both of them waited for my answer, “They didn't give us a choice, at the time it was either be docile and suffer whatever scenario they had in mind or fight and live.” they looked at me then at each other, “Alright.”

“Alright? That's all you have to say?”

“You said it yourself that you had no choice, we've been faced with those choices before so we know what it's like, and for that we believe you. You can explain everything tomorrow when the prime minister comes.” they looked at me with such sympathy, I only had that given to me by two ponies in my life, “But did you have to burn down the military base?” the blue alicorn asked, “Where I come from we don't believe in burials, we think that's disrespectful to the dead since they decompose and become food for the maggots so we cremate them instead.”

“Earlier you told me that some of my guards tried to kill you, do you have any proof?” I raised my head and showed them the scar I have on my neck making them gasp, “A few years ago one of them saw me and immediately fired, the bullet got my jugular. I thought for sure I was gonna die but eventually the bleeding stopped and I miraculously survived.”

“One last thing, are you involved with the Dodge Junction Incident?” my brain exploded into memories of corpses, gunfire, and screams. I felt my hoof slightly pick itself up an inch trying to reach for my gun and cram a bullet into my skull just to stop myself from remembering those horrific images, I lowered my hoof and forced myself to stop remembering, “No.” Celestia narrowed her eyes a little indicating she knew I was lying, “I believe you.” she said and we resumed walking. At the end of a corridor we were walking in were two large wooden doors engraved with Celestia's cutiemark, “Prepare yourself.”

She opened the door and a light pink blur tackled me and pulled me into a hug, “Aether! I missed you soooo much! Look at how tall you got!” she squeezed even tighter and I heard my back crack, loudly, “Let...me...go...” I wheezed out as I tried to wriggle my way out of her death grip, “Oh.” she let go and I take in large gulps of air, “Why the fuck did you hug me?” she looked embarrassed, “Sorry I forgot that you have amnesia. I'm Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but everypony just calls me Cadance, I'm your cousin.” she was a light pink alicorn with beautifully multicolored wings but she was different, I wasn't afraid of her at all unlike Celestia, “So when do we start?”

“Start what?”

“Last night when you were in the hospital I did a thorough check on you to see if there was anything magically wrong since you are missing both your horn and wings. What I found was a curse, and a powerful one, it is repressing all of your alicorn blood and it's originating from that amulet.” she referred to the amulet I was still wearing, “You think this is the problem?” 'Then again it magically comes back to me whenever I lose it...'

“Where did you get that?”

“I don't know, it was with me when I was found.”

“Whatever this device is it is beyond one alicorn's abilities. That is why we brought Cadance here to help us break the curse.” the blue alicorn explained, “*sigh* What do I have to do?” Celestia just positioned me at the center of the room, “Just stay still.” all of them surrounded me and each of their horns glowed. I was hearing a low humming sound coming from their horns and I felt an overwhelming sense of relaxation, soon their eyes were glowing green with a purple and black haze smoking out of the corner of their eyes and their magic auras were merging with one another.

After making a perfect circle made of black magic a snake-like thing came from each of them and started to envelop me beginning with my hooves, at first I tried to get them off me but then they became oddly soothing, 'What is this?' I was slowly being swallowed by something made from the very essence of madness, I could feel the hatred in myself being mixed with the typhoon of sadism that is the black magic making my body lose all sense of touch, it was pure bliss. The black magic was now up to my neck only increasing the pleasure, 'Am I...enjoying this...' once it reached my ears I was sent into such an intense feeling of euphoria that I lost myself in it and forgot where I was.

I was now fully covered by this weird thing and when I opened my eyes I saw and exact copy of myself just a few feet away from me, instead of panicking I just stared in amazement, “Not this way.” he smiled, “*crack*” I looked down and my amulet glowed furiously blinding me. My eyes were now truly open and I saw all of the magic from their horns come to me, 'A rebound!?' the magic shot back at them in a giant explosion strong enough to launch them to the walls and shatter the windows in the room, “Holy shit.” when I sat on my haunches I felt an extra set of appendages on my back move on their own.

When I turn around I see a pair of wings tipped with white and gold feathers, “No.” I reach a hoof to my forehead and found something smooth and hard instead, “Do you believe me now?” I turn to Celestia who was smiling at me, “Yeah, I do...” in all honesty this was a bit too much to take in, I mean shapeshifting was fine by me but to find out I'm an alicorn was...I can't even describe it, “That spell required a lot more than I thought it would.” the blue alicorn said, I took a good look at Celestia and her sister and noticed their manes stopped flowing, they became lifeless and dull,

“This is intriguing, whoever put that curse on you knew a lot more than us.” Celestia said. The now unhinged door was being examined by Ironsight who was standing at the doorframe, “Princess is everything-Callidus?” he stared at my now visible wings and I felt a sense of dread, “Everything is fine Ironsight, you may return to your duties.”

“But Princess there is something you need to know. During shift change I found two of our guards murdered outside of the Canterlot Safe.” Celestia's eyes narrowed, “Do you know who the culprit is?”

“No but the Canterlot Safe was opened somehow and we have confirmed the suspect took something of unknown value.”

“What was stolen?”

“Two blood red amulets.”


A smokey black bird flew to a nearby cliff which has a clear view of all of Canterlot, on top was a hooded pony just standing and watching the busy city below, “Oh Canterlot, how many years has it been since I last seen your illustrious beauty?” the bird landed on the pony's shoulder and held out two amulets embedded with rubies in it's mouth, “Excellent work Diosus. Would you please clean yourself up you have blood all over myself.” the bird only screeched in response, “Be patient, we have only just begun. Besides we need to wait for the right moment, the prince did just return.” the bird screeched again.

“Don't underestimate him, since I have no knowledge on him he will be considered a threat to us until proven useless.” the pony grabbed the amulets and attached them together. He held both of the amulets above his head to let Celestia's sun reflect on them, “How extraordinary! To think that these insignificant jewels have so much potential, these Diosus are the keys to open the realm of God! Once he is freed he will purge this universe into oblivion and reconstruct an entirely new utopia! But before then there is work that must be done.” the pony walked away from the city.

“So did you dispose of the bodies?” the bird screeched, “Of course you didn't, why should I expect you to clean after yourself. Well it'll be a nice surprise for Celestia now won't it? Didn't I tell you my informant was a trustworthy fellow? And how nice it was of him to just let us learn about her new and more potent wards. Now if he would just do what I had instructed him to do I would allow him to join our ranks, if he did it would make things much easier.” a blue portal appeared in front of him and he vanished with the wind.