• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 1,777 Views, 5 Comments

Derealization - Wingman Jones

[Derealization- An alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems unreal.] Equestria is not always what it seems to be, especially if the darkness shows itself willingly to mortals, a crossover with Devil May Cry

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Formal Greetings

1,063 feet, that is the exact height of the massive stone monolith standing underground, the monolith was colored gray with numerous carvings on all sides, “The final gate is complete, progress is slower than I imagined but things are falling into place perfectly.” he walked onto the railing in front of him and viewed his creation, “What world did I visit again? I believe it was the one hidden deep withing the San Palomino Desert. Such sophisticated technology, but it was well worth the 30 years I have spent learning everything I could.” Diosus flew next to him and perched himself on the railings and screeched loudly,

“Diosus, my dear friend. I know how you absolutely despise the present form you are stuck in and how anxious you are of returning to the physical world. But you must never forget who was responsible for saving you from the Sin of Althopier.” Diosus turned his head away, “You should be w-w-w-wise next time, for you are in no position to q-q-q-q-question me.” hoof-steps were creeping up behind the two and the brown stallion smiled, “Your soldiers have been working very hard ever since we made the deal.” the hoof-steps stopped and he turned his head to look at her,

“We are just motivated is all, Agnus.” the way she spoke had an edge to it, as it her words can cut deep, and her voice vibrated and rang with an undertone of confidence and evil, “I must say, your species has an intriguing physiology. How the cells are linked with your magic is almost a cause for envy.”

“You flatter me, but flattery does not get us to our goal any faster.” she glared at him with malice, “Oh please not you too. How hard is it to understand that we need to be patient.”

“I have been patient long enough Agnus! All you have been doing is stalking these pathetic children and playing with your inventions! When will you actually show results! I did not agree to help you just so you can fool around while we risk getting caught by the very same ponies we're trying to destroy!” two swords with glowing lines along the sides swoop down and positioned themselves at her neck, she stood there undeterred and angry,

“Chrysalis, my dear. I cannot relate as to how you felt about the day you were defeated by Cadance and Shining Armor but I can relate to that drive of revenge we so commonly share. How it consumes us and reshapes us in a way almost nopony can begin to fathom, the only difference between us,” the swords inched closer to her neck, “is the length of time we have held on to it. With you it has only been one measly year. I on the other hoof have been carrying this d-d-destructive feeling for f-f-far longer than you have. Don't you think that I grow i-i-impatient to destroy them, to finally rid them from existence and usher in a new world born from blood and ash? I suggest you learn to be p-p-p-patient before you, how does that saying go again? Oh yes, l-l-l-l-lose your head.” the swords flew away and Chrysalis grew even angrier,

“Is the Ceremony even close to being finished.”

“Yes, but we still need a few things that are not quite ready themselves.”

“And what about the broken blade?” the stallion named Agnus laughed at the mention of this broken blade, “Do you still really expect to use that sword? You'll be lucky to even touch the hilt. Even if you could wield the sword it's beyond repair, even I couldn't accomplish such a task.”

“I will wield that dark blade! How dare you even question my power, I was able to beat Celestia!”

“With the help of Shining Armor's love, don't delude yourself. Without love all you are is a shapeshifting bug.” those words set the queen off, “A bug!?” her horn glowed and made a circle of green fire around Agnus, “Give me just one reason as to why I shouldn't kill you now!”

“Because I am the only one with the power to rid you of that flaw.” the flames died down a bit,


“This was part of our deal. In exchange for your resources and assistance I will give you a kingdom and power, and believe me when I say this power will transcend love. Once you go through the Ceremony you will no longer be shackled to dependence, but instead you will be fueled by your own soul.” Chrysalis seemed enticed by the promise of power, her horned dimmed and the flames were gone. Agnus then struck Chrysalis, it was enough for her to kneel,

“Th-th-th-this is the last ch-ch-chance you get. I may h-h-h-have made a d-d-deal with you but I will have no r-r-r-regrets in tearing you apart and f-f-f-find a new queen for y-y-y-your kind.” his tone was dark and unfeeling, his left eye gave off an eerie red glow. Chrysalis stood up and cleaned off the white blood on her chin, “After we've killed them, I will wage war on you.”

“I'll leave the front gates of the facility open for you and your soldiers.” she snarled and walked away, “Diosus.” the bird landed on his shoulder, “Remind me to kill her after the Dark Knight has returned.” the bird flew away and Agnus smiled viciously from the thoughts that sprang into his insane mind.


“So. Much. Hunger.” It's been 24 hours since we left that death trap filled with small horses and Alice and I are fucking starving, “I blame you for this.” Alice said,

“I'm not the one who fell face first into a magical fucking portal now am I?”

“You're the one who caught me super fucking late Mr. Best-reflexes-in-the-world!”

“You know damn well this thing only works when I'm in a fight you demonic anus!” right now we were on some dirt path, a few hours ago we sneaked onto a train headed for wherever the hell it took us and once again we were lost, “Why is everything horse related in this world?” she asked,

“I don't know but at least the names are more easier to remember than in our world.” after we left the um...Crystal Empire, we took off all of our clothing and Alice turned back to normal, well normal-ish. On the way here we asked a horse where we were and my God it took us hours to learn everything. We are in a place called Equestria, another horse related thing, the country is filled with pastel colored ponies and they are ruled by princesses that are not only immortal but can control the sun and moon and all that crazy shit. Right now they are on the brink of war with another country called Minyochnaed. I forgot how many years ago it was so I'll just say along time ago these two were good buddies, then the princess's guards got into it with a couple of minotaurs and what do you know someone ends up dead.

They didn't like that so they made laws to keep every non-minyochean out of the country out of paranoia and hate, kind of stupid. Then a domino effect happens blah blah blah now they are close to war. On a different note Equestria has a law known as the Chronilus Doctrine, any demon spotted is to be killed on sight and anyone caught working with demons is considered a traitor and will be put to death, and that's not the crazy part; rumor has it the princess has two demons working for her, but that's only rumor though, a lot of them said they were just very skilled knights, then I saw something pop out of the ground, “What world?” we flipped our shit when we saw this pink poofy haired pony dig out from the ground,

“Holy sweet mother of fuck where the hell did you come from!?”

“Gee mister you sure do have a potty mouth.” she shook her head and removed the dirt stuck in her hair.

“Ihaven'theardthatmuchcursingsinceMr. Cakeburned32dozensofcinnamonbuns! Ohandthattimewhen NeroandCalliduswerefighting!Whydoyoucurseanyway?Isitfun?IwannatryIwannatry!” she took a huge breath but I covered her mouth, “I'll ask again. Where did you come from?”

“Well duh! Today I was really curious about worms so I found one and asked what did it do all day so I followed it and followed it and turns out they just dig! I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you!” we stared at her blankly,

“Hold on just a second! Who are you?” my heart sank to my ass, I needed to lie and quick, “Uh, we are new to this town! We just moved out of our parents home and now we're looking for a place to stay.” I smiled very cheesy like, “You dumbass, she'll never fall for that!.”

“That must be so cool! I still remember when I first moved out! My parents were crying and I was crying too but my sisters were all 'we'll miss you' and at first it was scary but then I got used to it and now I love it! Wait so you're saying the both of you are new to Ponyville?” after thinking how retarded she must be I said yes. Suddenly she started shaking uncontrollably and made this weird wriggling smile, her hair and tail were twitching and she was bouncing slightly, “Are you ok-”

“YIIIIIIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!” she ran circles around us in a speed that made me think she was on meth, “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!TWONEWPONIESNOTONEBUTTWO!!!!SOMUCHTODOANDIHAVEALLNIGHTTOPLANAHUGEPARTY!!!!!BUTFIRST!!!” she vanished into dust and returned with all kind of instruments strapped to her, what happened next blew my mind,

“Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you, welcome welcome welcome, I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome, I say hip hip hurray, welcome welcome welcome to Ponyville today!” she then brought this gold plated...thing and said thing shot cookie dough at us and blew out confetti, we wiped some off our eyes,

“What the hell was that-”

“Yeah! Fuck logic!” I don't why but covering me in unbaked cookies won me over, “I'm glad you liked it mister! Usually ponies get mad or grossed out! You're the first to like it! Since you two need a place to stay you can come over to Mr and Mrs Cakes!”

“Fine, but can we get some food? I'm hungry.” Alice whined.

When we arrived I told myself to get mental help because this house, restaurant thing was made entirely of pastries, “If she tries to eat us, remember to push her in the oven.”

“Duly noted.” we whispered to each other, inside the store was occupied by two other horses, “Mr and Mrs. Cake! I brought over some new friends, they just came to Ponyville!” one was cleaning some pans while the other was inside an oven,

“Well hello,Carrot dear! We have guests!” what followed was a thud and a groan,

“Ow! That smarts! Nice to meet you two, this is my wife Cup Cake and I'm Carrot Cake.” I remembered that the names are also a bit weird, “Hi, I'm...Howdy Doody and this is Sparkly Stuff.” I bring her in a hug because I knew she was gonna talk shit, “We just moved out of our parents home so now we are looking for a place to stay.”

“Wow, this must be a big step for the two of you.”


“So what made you move out here with your big brother?” Carrot asked, “Mom and dad weren't exactly the supportive type, so I moved out here with him to encourage him to pursue his dream of becoming a male model for mare's shoes.” she smiled sweetly, “You dick.”

“Oh...then why is your cutiemark of three bullets?”

“I...am actually really good at making bullets. I used to work in a metal shop but I still felt a bit off, one thing led to another and here I am.” “What the fuck am I saying? You're gonna pay for this.”

“Well that is...very kind of you to support your brother to find his real self.” Cup Cake said uncomfortably, “We're off to bed, help yourselves to whatever you like and the bathroom is down the hall. You two can share Pinkie's room.”

“Yay! A sleepover!” she ran up the stairs and the two followed suit finally leaving us alone, “A male model for mare's shoes are fucking kidding me!? Really!?”

“You're the one who called me 'Sparkly Stuff', you made me sound like a stripper!”

“Cup Cake sounds like a stripper name too and you don't see her complaining.” I walked behind the counter and went to the kitchen,

“Besides why do we even need aliases? It's not like they know who we are.”

“But our names sound a bit more unique, unique enough for them to find us since probably not many ponies are named 'Gideon' or 'Alice'.” I find the fridge and take out some cheesecake and a gallon of milk , “Great, now I have to go by Sparkly Stuff.”

“Hey thanks to you now I have to pretend I'm a male model.” I give one slice to her and pour her a glass, “Finally something edible.” then Pinkie ran back to us, “And we are ready for some sleep! Ooh cheesecake!” she pushed Alice aside and ate the whole damn cake like a pill,

“You gonna eat that?” she asked Alice who gave her a glare and moved her cheesecake closer, “It's been a while since we've eaten.”

“So Howdy Doody, since you want to be a model I know somepony who can help.”

“Do you now.”

“Yup, her name's Rarity and she owns a boutique, she knows a lot of ponies that can help you! I'll have her over so you can meet her!”

“That sounds great.”

“See big bro, you're on your way!” she is really enjoying it, well two can play at this game, “By any chance do you have diapers?”

“Tons! Mr and Mrs Cake have two adorable babies!”

“Good, Sparkly needs a diaper before bed.” Alice almost choked on her cheesecake, “Really? Why?”

“She has a very weak bladder, especially before bed, if she doesn't have a diaper on the whole bakery will smell like asparagus tomorrow. Oh and she has this back condition so she has to sleep on the floor so it won't hurt her.” Alice's look makes me want to bust out laughing,

“Aww it's okay Sparkly, you're just a late bloomer.” Pinkie hugged her and I saw her eyes glow for a bit, this shit was too funny. After we've eaten we get set up for bed, and Alice is in a diaper,

“I wish I didn't left my phone, this is priceless!” she walks up to me and whispers, “If word gets out, I will break every bone in your body until they poke out of your skin.” she says as she climbs under her little part of the floor while I climb into my comfortable blow up mattress, “G'night everypony!”

“Good night Pinkie.”

“Night.” was all she said as she balled herself up,

“Let's see what tomorrow brings.”

*******(The Next Day)*******

“Are you almost done?”

“How dare you! After suffering such a tragedy you should be lucky she is still in one piece. A mare of her taste requires time, so you must bear with it.”

“What she said!” was Violet's response, we are in Rarity's boutique for some new clothes, what was just a quick drop in turned into a shopping spree. Remembering how all of her clothes burned and because of how she hated the uniforms we're forced to wear Rarity offered to replace her entire wardrobe,

“I love this outfit! How does it look? Don't answer, I know I look good.” she said wearing yet another outfit,

“And look good you do! It's wonderful that you love my work, but isn't it time I take your measurements for your new uniform?” Violet stopped mid-pose, “Oh yeah! Nero you wanna go first?”

“Nope.” my legs felt a bit numb so I took the chance to walk out, “Find me when you're done.” I walked out the door before she could cuss at me. Outside waiting were our bodyguards Cuddle Springs and Haymaker, both asleep sitting up on the walls, “Have a nice nap.” it was still morning and all I had to eat was one lousy muffin and black coffee,

“I need a meal, I miss bacon.” I wasn't exactly hungry but I wish I had something better. A shadow blocks the sun for a second and I look up, “Is that...” it was a gold carriage like ours and I saw it head for that forest we came from ans soon other carriages stuffed with full grown trees followed, “Oh yeah, it's him.” my guess was Callidus was on his way to replant the trees we destroyed, knowing Violet I had some time to finally get the message straight.

When I made it I saw how barren it looked from the last time I saw it, “Not even grass.” I hide behind a tree and see Callidus talking to some fat guy, “Be careful out here, there are a lot of wild things out here you don't want to meet.”

“I'll be fine Mr. Elbowgrease.”

“I'll come get you when it's lunch, I'll be at the mayor's office if you need anything.” he walked away and the soldiers manning the carriages flew away. He started digging holes and I came out,

“No babysitter for the day?” he turned around and already he frowned, “What the fuck do you want?”

“I was expecting a 'hell' out of that sentence. How's 70 years of hard labor working out?”

“Leave me alone.” he went back to digging, “Got a lot of trees here. Maybe you should run away while you still have the chance, you know before anything bad happens.” I put a lot of emphasis on the word 'bad'. He staked the shovel to the ground and walked towards me, “What is your problem?”

“My problem,” I went in his face, “is how much of an ungrateful, emotionless piece of shit you are.” he swung but I ducked and flung him over, “Truth hurts don't it?” he stood up fast,

“I should have killed you when you were unconscious.”

“Oh and that's just the start. Violet, my sister, even after you tried to kill her she still thought of you as family and saved your life. It's not the fact that you didn't say thank you afterward but the fact that you even tried to hurt her and have the balls to not even look at her because she has a little demon in her, that doesn't sit right with me.”

“That's surprising, you actually care for her.”

“Don't get smart on me fuckface. I may not have known her for that long but she's my only family and I would give anything to make sure she's safe, which brings me to my next point. After how many years? 10? After almost a decade you finally meet your own mom and what do you do? Reject her like poison.” he was getting mad quick, his nose twitched, “She spends the last five years trying to bring you home and from what I heard she took your little disappearing act very hard. Since you came back she's fed you, housed you, hell she even protected you from extradition for some serious shit and you walked away with only 70 years of hard labor. I know about the punishments those two countries give to murderers and she just gave you a slap on the wrist. After all that you still don't even think of her as a friend let alone a mother.” his pupils were the size of pinpoints.

“You're lucky to even have a mother, I never even knew mine beside her name and to this day I wish I've met that woman, and to see you taking Celestia for granted just pisses me off.” he got me right on the nose. The force was enough to make me bleed,

“You're not exactly a saint yourself you ignorant fuck.” he changed and gives me a strong kick to the chest, “Don't pretend you have a heart just because you have a sister because you and I both know you don't. With the whole Order of The Sword ordeal going on you couldn't give less a shit about what happens to this world no matter who it affects be it Celestia or those citizens down in Ponyville. Sure I don't consider Celestia my mother and I don't care about those ponies I just mentioned but I will not let them go through literal hell. You know what those things are like and you would still let them experience that!?” I was still trying to breathe, “You have no grounds to be talking down to me like that, especially since you're only looking after yourself.” that got me mad. I turn human and catch my breath,

“I'm done talking.”

“So am I.” right before I can land a punch a loud crack rang out,

“I've had it with this crap.” it was Violet in her human form and wearing her new clothes, it was a half jacket with purple trimmings and a black vest complete with black pants and knee high boots, “Ever since we got here you two have been trying to slit each others throats. Obviously you two will never get along again so the two of you decide right now when to settle this!” she yelled.

We looked at each other with anger, “How about tonight, right here. No one to interrupt us and no one to hold us back.”

“Fine by me.”

“Good, after this is settled I don't want anymore shit from either of you, understand!” Callidus walked off without another word, “See you tonight asshole.” she grabs me by the hair and drags me away. We change to ponies and we were headed back to Rarity's, “Nero we need to talk.”

“What is it?”

“Do you really care for me?”

“You heard that?”

“Answer the question.”

“Of course I do.”

“Then why are you acting like such an ass?” again she uses her rare seriousness, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Callidus has a point, you are a selfish asshole.”

“Hey woah who put a stick up your ass?”

“Nero I'm not fucking kidding, ever since we came here all you thought about was going home, but that doesn't bug me. What bugs me is how I am trying so hard to fix the remnants of our family and you just get in the way. I've been catching up with Aunt Celestia I've been spending time with Luna, I finally get along with Zecora and now I'm trying to get Callidus to trust us so he can open up and you put me back in square one by always picking a fight with him! The more you mess with him the more he drives the rest of us away. Can't you even a least pretend to make an effort? I can't believe you're still that same punk I found at the police station.”

“That's not true.”

“Really? Then why do you care so little about our family? Why are you still thinking about your needs? Why are you willing to let this world die?” I was stunned right there, “Remember the stories you told me? About the city you were living in and how the people didn't help you, not even their police? Looks like they rubbed off on you.”

“Hold on Violet-”

“Shut it, I know you lost your memories so you have no emotional ties with this place but I do and I want to save it. If you don't want to save this world for me then I guess you really don't care about me at all, Jason. I'll ask Celestia if the portal home is open.” she flew away, she called me by my old name, “Goddamn it, I really fucked up this time.”

I was on my way to rarity's when Fleur's carriage landed in front of me, “What is it now?”

“Oh good you're still you. Where's Violet?” she asked while getting out, “She's gone.”

“Shame I heard she was getting a new outfit and I wanted to see it. Anyway while I was at a photo-shoot something new appeared.” she ordered the guards to take something out of the carriage, “We found these not far from the Crystal Empire.” they were clothes, human clothes, I can tell because that jacket was real leather not that fake leather ponies use, “We didn't think much of it, that is until it made a strange noise.” she dug into it's pocket and pulls out a phone,

“Well shit they are from the human world.” she handed me the phone, “Whoever this guy is he has a shit carrier.” Virgin Mobile, he's either desperate or broke. I pushed the button and I saw a selfie of the guy as his wallpaper and a pin passcode, “What is that thing anyway?” she asked, “It's a device that allows you to talk to people from far away distances. You only found one phone?”

“That's the only one.” she says. I change to my normal self because I needed my fingers for this, I did this little trick for breaking into phones and in just seconds I was in, “Unlocked it, let's see who this guy is.” I open his gallery and see his selfies, each one has a dead demon in them, “Okay let's see wha-oh my God!” the next picture was a dick pic, it made me drop the phone,

“What did you see?” Fleur was about to pick up the phone, “Don't pick it up!” I yell causing her to look confused, I pick it up without looking and push home, “Let's look at his contacts.” I scroll through his very small list and found one that's very surprising, complete with picture, “Morrison!? No way he knows this guy? I'm calling him.”

“Calling who?” I shush Fleur when it started ringing. Soon someone picked up, “Did things go smoothly?”

“Surprise Morrison.”

“What the- Nero!? How...What...how did you get his phone!?”

“Morrison who is this guy?” he let out this huge sigh, “What did he do this time?”

“Let's just say he and his partner are in deep.”

“Alice too! Goddamn it those two!”

“Calm down Morrison. So was this the 'find someone else' guy?”

“Yeah, what do you want with him?”

“Violet and I just wanna talk.”

“You mean beat the shit out of him then leave him to die.”

“More or less, who the hell are they?”

“The man actually goes by many aliases, but he mainly uses 'Gideon'. He was a U.S. Marine a good some years back, mobile infantry.”

“Ah this guy was at the frontlines.”

“And he used to be a Staff Sergeant.”

“So what happened?”

“Well the reports say his whole base was ambushed by Al Qaeda, but he says different. He was the only survivor of the attack and he claims they were attacked by monsters. That messed him up good, it even turned his hair gray.”


“Cut the crap you already know it was demons. After his testimony they figured he was mentally unstable so they discharged him and slapped him with one count desertion. Just to add insult to injury they sent him to an insane asylum, he spent six years there. He came out worse than before.”

“That could explain some things.”

“Later on he escaped and made a name for himself, well names. During his time he studied all he could about hell, demons, and black magic. Trust me when I say he's an expert on the occult, he knows things I don't. Mix these with military training and you have one hell of a devil hunter.”

“He's that good since you're praising him so?”

“Oh how much I've missed that sarcasm. Nero don't underestimate this guy, he's a little off but far from amateur. He goes by a lot of nick names, and I mean a lot. The Enforcer, Cutthroat Mike, The Hell Hound, 6,000 Man Army, The Beast from the East, The Idle Hand, God's Mistake, The Grin, and his most famous one, Pontius Pilate.”

“The guy who put Jesus on the cross?”

“I'm not so sure why either, nicknames aside he has skill. I've seen this man in action and he is one quick son of a bitch.” he said, “That's one what about the girl?”

“There's not much about Alice, but you should know she's a Kitsune Hybrid.”


“That's right and she's a special one too. Her generation is immune to all forms of magic.”

“Immune to magic huh.”

“But that's all I have on her, I don't know much else. She just kinda came with Gideon. She's no push over either, she's small but fierce.”

“So you don't have any more useful info I could use?”

“Gideon loves movies.”

“How does that help?”

“You might find him in a movie theater. Where the hell are you guys anyway?”

“Gotta go.” he yelled but I hung up, “I'm still trying to figure out how the hell we even have reception from another dimension.”

“Who were you talking to just now?” Fleur asks, “Our other boss, like you but less rich and more male.” she rolls her eyes at me,

“Now that you have this thing does it make finding them easier?”

“Definitely, I'll spot them a mile away.”

“Good to hear, I must go I still need to finish my photo-shoot.” she hops in the carriage and flies off, “Bye.” I say sarcastically. When I walked in Rarity asked me to turn human to take measurements, “Hold still please, I must get everything right.”

“Whatever.” after a minute she finishes and runs off, “Why the bored face Nero?” Pinkie says startling me, “This is a habit with you isn't it?”

“That and this!” she sticks this pink envelope on my nose, “I wish I could stay and chat but I still have 226 invitations to give, bye!” she then nose dives straight into a flower vase. I dump the flowers and look inside,

“How the fuck can she even do that!?” I open the envelope and it turns into a smiley face with it's tongue rolled out, on the tongue was writing, “You are invited to a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' to celebrate our new friends Howdy Doody and Sparkly Stuff. Sparkly Stuff? Sounds like a stripper name.” I thought about the names and noticed how strange they were even for Equines, “Looks like I'm going to that party.”


Morning came and Alice and I thought it would be a good idea to try and find a job, “Where can we work at anyways?”

“We can't work at the bakery, at least not with her always on our asses.” we were hiding out in Pinkie's room, she left this morning for something I already forgot, “Maybe we can work on a farm? From what I'm hearing our kind specializes in farming.”

“Our 'kind'?”

“You know, earth ponies.”


“We're the things without horns or wings okay.”

“I don't wanna work at a farm, too dirty and too much of a hassle.”

“Dude you rip open demons and get constantly covered in their guts.”

“But I like doing that, and farm work is just gross and repetitive.”

“My God you're so complicated.”

“Can't we work at a spa? Or go to one?”

“We are not going to a spa.”

“Why!? My back hurts because of you!” she whined,

“It's not my fault, cross me and you'll trip.”

“That doesn't even make any sense.”

“Point is fuck with me and I fuck with you.”

“Ugh, you're such a loser.”

“And you're a brat.”

“Old timer.”


“Ass face.”


“Dick head!”

“Cunt brain!” we then heard knocking, “Is everything okay?” it was Mrs. Cake,

“It's cool, we just found a spider and tried to kill it.” I say, “Oh...okay, if you need anything just give us a shout.” she walked away and we stare at each other, “Nice going dingus, we were almost caught.”

“If it weren't for my wits we would be.”

“What wits?” I growled and held my head, “*inhale* I'm going to look for a job.”

“I'm coming too.”

“What about your back?”

“That's why we're going to the spa.” I face hoof and walk out.

We cut through a local flea market, “I'm starting to like this place. No pollution, no loud city noises, just simple talking and haggling.”

“I hate it, it's too colorful.”

“At least give this place a chance.” thanks to me not paying attention someone bumped into me and he fell, “My bad buddy, you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm okay.” it was one of those armored ponies, I think they were called the Royal Guard or something. This guy was a blue unicorn with a a yellow and red mane, even though he's a horse he's kinda cute, “Need help with those?” he was picking up all these scrolls on the ground, “No I got it.”

“Do you know where the nearest spa is?”

“Dude really?”

“There's one a few blocks from here.”


“We're not going to a spa, end of discussion! Sorry we just moved here and she had a rough night, by any chance do you know who's hiring?”

“Sorry, I'm not from around here either. I would tell you to join the Royal Guard but you look like the kind who hates military.” smart too, “Where are you from?”

“Canterlot, and it's hectic. Sorry but I gotta go.” I step in his way, “What's the rush?”

“Let's just say my boss needs me.”

“What's your name?”


“Nice to meet you. I'm Howdy Doody and this is Sparkly Stuff.”

“I'd leave now if I were you.” dammit, she caught on, “Excuse me?”

“She's just worried we'll get your fired or something.” I glance at her and give her a mean ass stare, “Sure whatever.”

“Anyway have you been here before?”

“Yeah, I was stationed here not too long ago.”

“Good, since we don't know the area why don't you show us around?”

“I don't think-”

“C'mon you can show us on the way to your boss.” he thought about it, “I don't see why not.” I give him my best smile and we head off.

“So what does Ironsight do?” my eyes accidentally land on his ass, a little lacking but still good, “I don't do much, just regular paperwork and the occasional training of troops.”

“And?” I pressured, “Sometimes I kill some demons.”

“Any good?” Alice pipes up, “Somewhat, I still have a long way to go though.” Alice scoffs,

“Don't mind her. Hey since you're in the Royal Guard I was wondering if you could answer some questions.”

“I can try.”

“Are the princesses really immortal?”

“Yeah, why would you even question that?”

“Just a question, I've never met them in person before.”

“Of course they are.”

“Okay then how about this, is it true she has demons working for her.” his eyes went big for a second but then gives me this skeptical look, “Of course not, all demons are to be killed on sight. You must be referring to the elite knights, they're not demons but they can fight like them, and they don't work for her they're her family and they only work if they are really needed which is rare.”


“Are they really that good?”

“The best.”

“Hmm.” Alice has this complex, if she hears someone is better than her at something she wants to beat them then show off how amazing she is, “What about that one guy, Prince Aether right? Does he do stuff like that?”

“It's Prince Callidus and no he doesn't, not anymore. The new prince does not waste his time with dangerous matters like demon hunting.”

“Not from what I heard.” he turns to me, “Oh yeah I also heard he can actually take on a whole horde, and I heard he doesn’t just off demons. I heard he's a killer, and a good one, wanted by two countries for murder, destroyed an entire prison along with exposing some corruption within the military, and he even took some of your guys out didn't he?” he looks ahead this time,

“That was just a misunderstanding, he was protecting himself and nothing else. Now he's just a stay at home prince” “Sure, you ever meet him?” “No, but I would like to.” he's good at lying.

“You want to meet a murderer?”

“He's not a murderer, he's a hero with no one on his side.”


“I know he's done some bad things, unforgivable even. Killing members of the Royal Guard? Who wouldn't hate him? But he was just thinking about survival, those guys he killed were trying to kill him too, he shouldn't be blamed for that.”

“But he's killed griffons and minotaurs too. That makes him a hero?” Alice asks, “His story is a long and complicated one. I don't think he's a hero because of that, it's because of the many lives he's saved. Before he was found he was known as the Killer Cloak, a mysterious creature who killed demons then disappears. Whenever a city or village was under attack by demons he would show up and save it. It's amazing how ponies forget that and it's sad how little ponies appreciate it, especially since we've tried to kill him every time he shows, he did all that without even asking for a thank you.” he starts showing glints I his eyes, “When I heard of him I admired him, nopony would do what he did. He's brave, cunning, and selfless, he's everything I want to be.” I was losing him,

“So you're like a big fan of his?”

“Huge!” he didn't even hesitate, “I have every photo of his sightings and I have a collection of bullet shells from his gun.” he realized what he said and blushed, “Please don't tell anypony.”

“My lips are sealed.”

“Weirdo.” I glare at Alice, “I also heard something...odd.”

“Like what?”

“I heard he could turn into a human.” he hesitated for a moment, I want to know if there are any humans here, “Evidence says he can.”

“Are there more like him?”

“No, he's the only one.” now I wanted to meet this prince dude.

He stops in front of this creepy looking forest, “It was nice talking to you but this is where I leave.”

“Hold on, don't tell me you're actually going in that fucker? That's how most stories end with 'and he was never heard from again'.” seriously that forest looked like it had all kinds of scary stuff,

“Trust me, I'll be fine.” he was beginning to walk into it, “L-let us at least accompany you.”

“Sorry, too dangerous for citizens.”


“I'm sorry to do this to you but if you follow me I will have to arrest you.” I sit down, “Fine.”

“Maybe I'll see you around.” he waves bye and walks into the forest, “You're following him aren't you?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Ugh you're so disgusting. He's not even the same species.”

“Actually we technically are.”

“He's a horse you freak! How do you find a horse attractive?”

“Like this.” I walk into it, “What am I suppose to do!?”

“Go to that spa you wanted!”

“I don't know where it is!”

“Figure it out!” she cusses at me nonstop and I keep walking until she fades out. In just minutes I found him and stalk him slowly, “Now where are you going?” ahead I see this huge clearing with some dude digging holes,

“Who's that?” Ironsight walks toward him and I walk closer to take a look, “Oh hello!” Ironsight was talking to this black coated guy and holy crap was he hot, “I got what you asked for.”

“Were you under suspicion?”

“Not at all.”

“What about Celestia?”

“She wasn't around.”

“Wait is he...the prince?”

“Wandering eyes can be deadly, especially while standing idly.” before I can scream she has something covering my face, “You should pay attention brother, we have a watcher.” as soon as she said that the black stallion rushed over,

“Howdy Doody!?” Ironsight shouted, “You know him?”

“I just met him today.”

“And you told him I was here?”

“No! I swear!” I muffled through whatever is covering my mouth, “Let him talk.”

“*gasp* He's your biggest fan.” Ironsight had this look of betrayal, “I thought it would ease the tension.” suddenly my head is forcefully turned to face him, “Who are you?”

“Hi my name is Howdy Doody and I just moved here yesterday.”

“How did you know I was here?”

“I didn't, Ironsight and I were just having small talk until he mentioned he needed to be somewhere so I followed him and here I am!” I raised my arms in the air and made them uncomfortable.

“So how much did you hear?” I knew they were up to something but I wanted to be on their good side, especially his, “Hear what?” the prince took a deep sigh,

“You're free to go.” the mare behind me steps aside and reveals herself to be a zebra, “For what I did I apologize, we must be kept away from public eyes.” she rhymed,

“Do you always rhyme?” she nodded yes, “Leave.” the prince said,

“Damn who put a stick up your ass?”

“You should do what he says.” Ironsight warns, “Oh and thanks for telling him my secret.” he glares at me,

“Oh c'mon he doesn't even care.”

“Let's escort you back.”

“Does that mean you're done for today?”

“No, we still have things to discuss.”

“Aw man, fine take me back.” he led me out of the forest until, “There you are mister last stop!” it was Pinkie, she just appeared out of nowhere and stuck a envelope on his face,

“What's this?”

“An invitation silly! For a party! And not just any party, a party for two new ponies! And one is standing right next to you!” she pulled me by my head and faced me towards Ironsight, “Aren't you going to give Zecora and Callidus one?”

“I already did! Now that the invitations have been sent now I can get everything together!” she pulls out some huge clock, “And I only have eight hours to spare! See ya!” she then sped off,

“Wait, where's Sparkly Stuff?”

“Good question, and I have an idea where. Wanna come with?”

“Sorry, gotta go.” he did a 180 and walked away, “Still cute.” I headed for the one place she's been bitching about since this morning.

I asked random ponies where one was and when I got inside I find her covered in some kind of mud, “Oh hey Howdy, back from 'spelunking'?” she asked as she lifted up one of her cucumbers, “Not today Sparkly.”

“Serves you right, you just left me alone for some ass.” she said it in a really laid back tone, probably because of the massage she was getting, “Well you were supposed to be my wingman so we're both at fault.”

“So you leave me all alone out there and in a village I'm not familiar with? What if I was kidnapped or something?” that made me laugh so hard I snorted which earned me a lot of mean looks from the spa people, “C'mon Sparkly, you found your way to the spa didn't you?”

“With the help from strangers who might have been pedophiles, by the way I need you to pay these ponies.” suddenly I felt two ponies behind me, “That' will be 85 bits.” I turned around slowly,

“Funny thing we just moved here and, we don't have any money.” soon the two of us were thrown out, “And don't come back without any bits!” she slammed the door and we were spitting dirt out of our mouths, “Why did you come without any bites or whatever? That's the whole point of a job!”

“I knew I was gonna get kicked out, I just wanted to see how far I would get before I was caught.” she got up and stretched, “*moan* That massage did the trick.”

“Good now you can work.”

“*groan* Fine, I got what I wanted anyway.” I placed a hoof under my chin and went into deep thought, “Where can we work?”

“Hey Gid.” she grabbed my shoulder and pointed at a nearby store, “It has a help wanted sign.”

“Awesome, let's get ourselves a job!” I say with raised hooves yet again,

“Yay.” she says with no emotion, “I like your enthusiasm!”

********(Several Hours Later)********

When it got dark the forest somehow looked more menacing and even darker than the night sky, “Callidus what are you still doing out here? It's getting late.”

“Don't worry I've only got a few more trees left.”

“You planted all the trees already? If you weren't a prince I'd hire you on the spot.”

“Thank you.”

“Listen since you've only got a few left I'll help you.”

“That won't be necessary.”

“It's fine, besides you've been a hard worker ever since I assigned you your first job.” he grabbed my shovel and dug the hole for me, “Now help me with that tree.” he grabbed one side of the tree while I grabbed the other and we moved it into the hole, “Hey Callidus can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” he sat down and looked me dead in the eye, “Do you still hunt demons?” Celestia told all of us including Twilight and her friends to keep the demon hunting a secret, in case we ran into more of their spies,

“Not anymore.” he scoffed, “That's just a damn shame.” I gave him a confused look,

“I will admit, when I first heard of you I hated your guts. What you did to those poor souls is unforgivable, no amount of hard labor will ever change that. But eventually I've heard of your good side and quite frankly, it's pretty damn heroic, I mean the monsters you've face would've demolished whole cities and you took them out like if it was a pest infestation. It didn't change my opinion of you until the day of your trial. After reading about what you've been through, that changed my tune. If I went through that I would've lost my mind.” I looked away at the last word.

“So, and this is a shot in the dark, I thought why would a pony who has been through the most horrible of situations be willing to saves lives instead of turning out evil? Is it a death wish? Revenge? Then I figured it out, hope.” I looked at him through the corners of my eyes, “You still had hope, not for yourself but for the ponies around you. You hoped one day, everypony can breathe easily without having to look over their shoulder, to be free from the fear that we've been living in for who knows how long. These demons have more influence than we think, they can shape a pony's mind with just a word which is probably what happened in that prison, and you don't want anypony else to experience what you have been through. At least that's why I thought you killed those bastards.” five years ago he would've been spot on, too bad that's not it anymore, “But when I look at you now, I see no hope. Is that why you stopped? You lost hope? Let me tell you, don't let those demons take what is yours, sure that dream seems impossible but with you, I know it can happen.” I smiled,

“You surprise me Mr. Elbowgrease, I never took you for a wise pony.”

“Blame my father, he was a psychologist.” we share a small laugh. Suddenly I felt uneasy, as if something bad is about to happen, “Run.”

“What's wrong.”

“Leave now!” I shout and he runs. I change form and ready my guns, I stay quiet until I hear hoof-steps coming from the forest, “Show yourself! You're caught you don't have the element of surprise anymore!”

“Oh I highly doubt that dear.” that voice, it made my blood freeze and my legs lock in place, “It can't be.” a branch snapped and I aimed my guns at a smokey figure,

“My, my you've grown to be a handsome stallion. How long has it been? Five years, oh where did the time go?” the smoke materialized and I gripped my guns tighter,
