• Published 27th Oct 2011
  • 1,557 Views, 9 Comments

Fallout Equestria: To be an Immortal - Lunafan1k

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Ember watched in horror as the Elder Mare was brutally tortured and ripped apart over, and over again, each time she died she would stare at him with her empty eyes sockets, and scream. Her scream pierced into his very soul, shattering his heart. The screaming grew louder as Ember tried to run, but no matter how far he went she kept getting closer. As he tried to run faster, the more it felt like he was running at the bottom of the ocean, water slowing his movement, pressing him from all sides as the Elder grabbed him and began to violently tear him apart.

The shaking escalated violently, the screaming still piercing his mind. “Wake up, damn it!” Opening his eyes, he slowly regained his senses, realizing it was him screaming, and the shaking, Acura’s attempt to rouse him.

“Um…” Ember panted, winded from the nightmare, “Sorry.” He smiled sheepishly to Kaleen, then to Acura, standing over him with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s alright.” Kaleen said calmingly, gently Nuzzling Ember. “I couldn’t sleep either. I noticed you were sweating and writhing around, but when I tried to shake you awake you started screaming.” She said, a worried look in her eyes.

“What did you see?” Ethstar asked, “Dreams are the gateway to the subconscious, its mostly symbolism meant to warn or encourage the dreamer. Sometimes they are visions, in your case, but I hardly doubt my life in the Realm of the Gods should be so terrifying.”

“Ok…” Ember said reluctantly, not wanting to willingly recall the quickly fading nightmare. “Well… at first it was the death of the Elder, in gruesome, vivid detail. But after she… You know…” Ember trailed off, the vision reliving itself in his mind’s eye.

“Died?” Acura offered, not realizing Embers sudden horrifying flashback, “After she died?”

“What?” Ember looked around, shook his head. “Yea, after she died, her eyes, I mean, what was left of them, looked at me. Looked though me. Then she started screaming, so horrifying, like my soul was shattering.” Ember turned his gaze towards Ethstar, still not really aware of his surroundings as he recalled the vivid dream. “She began to walk towards me, still screaming. I tried to run but I couldn't get away, felt like running through water. She soon caught me and was eating me when I woke up.” Ember finished, a single tear falling to the dry earth.

Ethstar closed his eyes, breaking down just what the dream had entailed, before stating, “Well, on the surface of the dream we can all see that you are emotionally shaken about the death of the Elder, as well as the events surrounding her death.” Everyone nodded, waiting for him to continue. “However, on a deeper level, its a message. You don’t want to run away from danger, but you don’t want to see the consequences of that danger, be it harm to you, a loved one, companion, even an enemy. But more importantly you must learn how to handle it. Find a resolve as strong as like steel, allowing you to do what must be done. You have one, you said it yourself yesterday facing the alicorn, do you remember?”

Ember raised a hoof to his muzzle, thinking back to the day before, he was in a blind rage facing the alicorn, until Ethstar told him to search his heart for his reason to fight. It was then he realized he wasn’t trying to kill the alicorn just because it was an enemy, but to protect Kaleen and her family out of love, and the alicorn’s death was the method to achieve that goal.

“I swore to protect my love, Kaleen.” Ember stated matter of factually, planting a gentle kiss on a blushing Kaleen, a blush forming on his muzzle as well. They stayed like that for a moment, existing only to each other. They reluctantly broke away, gazing into each others eyes.

“Well.” Ethstar cleared his throat, bringing the conversation back on track. “Don’t bottle it up either.” Continued Ethstar as though there were no interruptions. “Running from your feelings will result in the same anguish as was described in your dream, eating you alive, slowly, until you are nothing more than an empty shell.”

Ember nodded in acknowledgement, turning to his saddlebags to begin the day.


Later that morning, the group had gathered on the outskirts of the caravan, and were making final preparations to leave. They began going through their saddlebags one last time, making sure they did’t forget anything they need.

Acura had scavenged the best parts from the weapons she had gathered the night before, creating a custom combat shotgun, sawed off shotgun, the long range high power sniper rifle that annihilated Ethstar’s head the day before, as well as a standard range rife. The remaining space of her saddlebags were filled to burst with ammo, most of which could be traded to a merchant later.

Acura was also privy to a small pistol, her new prized possession. (She sleeps with it cradled to her chest like a newborn foal, don’t tell anypony!) The pistol was magically enchanted to fire stored energy, radiation, or taint, whatever seemed to be within at least fifteen yards. The energy cell was constantly charging, even when being fired. If ever it was fired too much, in a few moments it would be recharged and ready to unleash another barrage of energy blasts.

She had taken it for a test drive earlier that morning, testing its limits. If she fired a single round at a rate of two shots per second, the charge would last a good five minutes. On full automatic, quite impressive to say the least, she could fire about a thousand blasts before the charge gave out and powered down the weapon so it could recharge. She was also impressed that she could quicken the charge and make it last longer if she fed it even a little bit of her own energy.

Kaleen had raided the medical tent, the stockpile of potions and bandages enough to heal a mortally wounded army back to full health before lunch. She also brought along several anatomy and medical books, one herb book titled Supernaturals, and the Wasteland Survival Guide to finish the collection. She carried all the items in a pair of yellow steel boxes with pink butterflies on the sides.

Ember had gathered enough food them to eat healthily for about four days, depending on running into any wildlife or trader or any place to scavenge for food. Ember’s other bag was stuffed full, the contents softly clanking against itself as he placed it on the ground before the others, gathered in a circle at the edge of the caravan.

“Whats in that bag?” asked Ethstar, pointing at the overstuffed bag on the ground.

Ember beamed, “Bottle caps!” He said, opening the top to reveal the truth of the statement. “My entire life savings! I’ve been saving enough so I could move into Ten-pony Tower and begin another life, away from the danger and start a family.”

Ethstar raised his eyebrow in a quizzing gaze, opening his mouth to speak but was cut off as Kaleen asked, “What do you mean? You have more than plenty! This is enough for half the caravan to move in.”

“I just couldn't leave, Kaleen.” Ember said with a hint of sadness, “I didn’t know it then, but I couldn't just leave without you, and I still yearn for adventure myself. I just dont think Imo ready to restart my life right now.”

“WAIT.” Ethstar said, stopping the conversation so he could ask his two bits worth. “What exactly is the use of round pieces of plastic?”

“What do you mean?” The three said in unison, like they were just asked the most absurd question they have ever heard.

Ethstar motioned for them to elaborate, “We use it as a trade medium,” Acura stated flatly, “Like if I wanted a gun with a trade value at 40 caps, I could trade some ammo for 40 caps, and use those caps to trade for the pistol.” Acura finished.

Ethstar let the realization sink in before exclaiming, “Your joking. Right? Caps? As currency? Random bits of plastic found in the wilderness?”

The trio looked at each other, then to Ethstar, and nodded in unison, still not understanding just what, exactly, Ethstar was so confused by.

“Wow, things have changed. Know what? I’m not going to question it. Its not my place to question why this system was established the way it was, so I’m just going to go with the flow.” Ethstar said, giving in to the absurdness of the economy.

The group began to gather up their things, ready to depart, when Acura asked, “Wait, Ethstar, you gave your weapon, the Omega Sword, to Ember, won’t you need a gun or another weapon to fight?”

The group halted what they were doing to look at Ethstar, the same question on their faces. “You needn't worry. I can just cast a defensive barrier to protect me from anything, and I pack one hell of a punch.” He turned and punched a nearby bolder with all his strength, sending a shockwave through the air as fist met stone, the bolder remained solid. Ethstar’s fingers, hand, wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, and several upper ribs shattered as the stone should have, the skin torn apart from the sheer shockwave.

Ethstar collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain, coughing up blood and bile, earning horrified gasps from the unexpected weakness of the gods mortal body. Kaleen’s mind whirled, this kind of injury was far beyond her medical skills, even with all the potions in the Wastelands, this injury would not heal. There was nothing she could do, just hold Ethstar’s head as he screamed in pain.

Eventually, Ethstars screams became whimpers, then struggling gasps, as Ethstar died again in Kaleen’s hooves. They each hung their head in mourning, tears beginning to run down their muzzles, Acura looking away.

Oh stop that. Your being foalish, I’m immortal remember? I just have to re-build the body. One sec.

The three looked at the body, realization surfacing on their faces. Ethstar’s body once again dissolved into a black mist with glowing yellow cat eyes, then reformed the shape of Ethstar before shattering outward revealing a perfectly healthy biped.

“Ok, so it would seem my mortal body is unable to stand the direct shock of my amazing combat prowess. I need a weapon.” Ethstar stated as he walked briskly back to the center of the caravan. The trio could only shake their heads in bewilderment.


“Morning!” Ethstar called to the owner of the trailer housing the weapons used by the caravan’s guards, “I’m wondering if I might purchase a weapon before I depart?”

“Morning to you friend!” The owner, Gunpowder, a grey stallion with a red mane and a barrel of TNT for a cutie mark, called back to Ethstar, “What are you talking about? You? Purchase? You saved all our lives, and as thanks I’ll let you pick a weapon of choice!”

“You flatter me, sir.” Ethstar said, looking at the various assortments of weapons lining the walls of the trailer. Ethstar was quite impressed with the variety of the selection, ranging from crude spears to magic rifles.

“Oh, you don’t wan’t any of that sir,” Said Gunpowder. Ethstar turned to question why he was suddenly not allowed to have his pick of merchandise like he was promised. As Ethstar locked his eyes on what Gunpowder was presenting to him, he dropped the argument.

Propped against Gunpowder, was the most beautify crafted battle axe he had lain eyes on. It had a four foot long pole, intricately crafted and etched with magical runes all along its length, ending with a brilliant red gem in the shape of an apple. The pole was attached to a massive, curved blade, serrated into massive teeth like that of a dragon on the top, and a fine blade extending to the lower half, sharp enough to slice a hair dropped onto it. On the reverse side of the axe head was a huge block of steel, one square foot, with massive spikes protruding from the otherwise flat surface, also resembling dragon teeth. Centered between the two halves was another gem, this one green and in the shape of a maple leaf.

“They named it the Dragon Bane. This baby was meant as an accessory for the Steel Rangers, much like the grenade and missile launchers are, but this was a prototype, never put into production, they couldn't figure out the proper size to weight ratio, or thats what was passed down to me. This weapon is the pinnacle of magical close combat weapons, and has been passed down though my family for generations. My ancestor was one of the top engineers working directly under the Minister of Technology herself, Applejack, and was the one who designed it.” Gunpowder explained. “This weapon is infused with earth-based magic. I don’t know what its potential is, but I want you to have this as my thanks, and on behalf of the caravan as well.”

Ethstar was completely speechless. This turn of events was far too much to be a mere coincidence. Without hesitation Ethstar picked up Dragon Bane, its incredible weight fit comfortably with his Godly strength, the length more than perfect for his form. “Well, why don’t we go find out?” Ethstar said with a wide grin.

Turning, he headed for the edge of the caravan where the others were waiting patiently, Gunpowder following at his heels. Once he arrived the others oohed and ahhed at the beautiful battle axe. Ethstar looked out to the wasteland, and with mighty strength he raised the hammer end far above his head, and smashed it into the ground in front of him with all his strength.

The magic in Dragon Bane reacted to the ground, causing a row of spikes a foot wide, four feet tall, and thirty feet long to shoot up. Looking at the devastation, Ethstar was quite impressed. He raised the axe again, this time so the axe end would strike the earth.

With another mighty swing Ethstar brought the axe down in the same place. The magic this time split the earth, opening a narrow, deep slice in the ground. Looking to the boulder he killed himself with his last attempt to show his power, he positioned himself thirty feet away, and swung at the ground again. The effect was the same, however, when the slash reached the bolder, it too was rendered in half.

Smiling with pure joy, Ethstar turned to Gunpowder, “I’ll take it!”

Gunpowder smiled back, “Oh wonderful! I’m so glad I could be of service! Oh before I forget, it will never rust and never dull, but regardless please take care of her!”

“You have my word.” Ethstar motioned for everyone to gather their things, and with their final goodbyes, they trotted and walked out into the mid-morning sunlight.

Comments ( 6 )

Interesting concept, i'll be tracking this.

#2 · Nov 5th, 2011 · · ·

Greetings my friend. I am interested third party and I noticed the posting of this story. May I suggest you look into this document?

and this link


I assure you that it will b worth your time.

Keep it going your is truly unique while still staying in the fallout universe please keep the story going.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

damn it this is fine! it doesnt seem thrown together at all!

1554339 heh, really? This was before I played any fallout game and was solely an offshoot of the original Fallout Equestria. It was also my first time writing fiction and due to lack of feedback from Equestria Daily I decided to cancel the fic.

1556521 you could have probably gotten them to canterlot through probably 5 or 6 events and then get 'im to fix the princesses

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