• Member Since 16th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2020

Ssendam the Masked

My mask protects me from gas and Internet gnomes. What's your mask?


I'm dead.
Nothing I could have done to prevent my own death.
And yet... and yet, my killer is somewhere else. The little parasite was far, far away form my grasp.
I don't want justice. The Nightmare already got that.
No, I want REVENGE.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 23 )

Good sir, you have my attention with this description.

"Wit that" the only thing I found wrong, kudos to you for a nice set up of atmosphere. I look forward to the rest of this story with intrigue, anticipation and a box of cereal.


This is good

Awesome start! One thing that bugged me though:

"So, my BLSFF is going off with Spike?

What does BLSFF stand for? Best Little Sister Friend Forever? I think it ought to be "LSBFF."

4363374 Best Lesbian Slut Fuck Forever, obviously.

4363397 How on Earth did I miss that?

:pinkiehappy: yes this reeks of shenanigans

MOAR!!! GLaDOS demands it!:flutterrage:



4367253 Author: "Don't tell me what to do!" *Cancels story*

more please :scootangel:

Now THIS I like, this is a great take on the "ghostly human in Equestria" idea in my opinion. Grammar's great, the story flows nicely, and you've built up the character of John really well. especially loving the punny chapter titles too. :pinkiehappy: In all honesty, I've tried to find something I didn't like about it, so this is more like a critique than a massive gushing of praise, but equally in all honesty I couldn't find anything to complain about. Well done, sir, I shall be watching this with great anticipation of what is to come.

Nice. I wait for the next chapter, whilst writing my own fic and listening to classical music. I somehow have a bad feeling.

Huh...you know, this Mourning guy reminds me a little bit of someone...

And that is how you make an evil villain scared. That or showing them an image board on 4chan.

"Opium Pen"


Neat. I now wait for you to release the next chapter. Should really get to working on my own fic(s).

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


This is pretty good story, shame it's dead.

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