• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,276 Views, 24 Comments

Fictionationality - Equestria - Spirit Guide

After over fifteen successful recruitment missions, a new world opens to the Republic.

  • ...

Live and Let Leave

It was minutes before dawn at Canterlot Castle, and it showed well. The royal guard, both day and night, stood in orderly rows across the courtyard and on the battlements, standing at attention. The two factions had been quickly organized for the special ceremony, which would be taking place momentously with the royal duty of the night making way for the day.

Princess Celestia stood in front of the main entrance to the castle. Spirit and Fang stood before her, their eye contact with the alicorn unwavering. Just a few hours earlier, Spirit had visited the Princess's personal dream realm and made the final arrangements to cap off his and Fang's visit to Canterlot. They were set to catch the morning train just a short while after the upcoming sunrise.

The castle doors swung open and out came Shining Armor and Echo Barrage. The two captains marched between the standing soldiers, around the dimensional duo and stood before the raised dais Celestia stood upon. At a signal from Shining, the royal guard as one stood at ease.

"A new threat has reared its head in our land," Shining began, his voice carrying through the courtyard. "Many of you have seen this for yourselves while others heard accounts, but you must all be aware and prepared to face this foe."

Shining gestured to Spirit and Fang. "These two gallant champions have traveled a long distance to Equestria and have shown us the way to defeat the manifestations of evil, which have no doubt spread throughout our land. With their valuable information and guidance, we shall combat the threat with efficiency the likes of which only the royal guard can employ."

"Spirit Guide has already given us a supply of imprisoning Seals designed to contain manifestations," Echo continued. "Patrols and scouting teams will be organized to search Equestria for manifestations and trap them before they do damage."

"And now," the two captains said in unison, "witness the power of our leaders, the Royal Alicorn Sisters!"

All eyes turned to Celestia, but the sun princess smiled and turned her head, her horn pointing instead to the balcony above. Princess Luna was hard to make out, but she looked quite regal in shiny black regalia, watching the crowd below turn to her. Taking in a breath, she looked at the moon shining above, reflecting its bright light in her eyes. Spirit projected his best positive feelings to the princess of the night, hoping she would receive them and act with confidence, but even before he started Luna went to work. Summoning her magic, she surrounded the moon in a bright blue aura and slowly began to draw it downwards. The stars in the sky brightened as the bright moon seemed to touch the balcony upon which Luna stood.

Princess Celestia made her move then, just as the moon was about to touch the horizon, summoning her own magic and lifting the sun into view behind her. The blinding circle of light brightned the sky, turning it from an enchanting dark blue night to a joyful cloudless dawn. The stars vanished in the brightness and the moon stepped down, giving way for the sun to begin the day anew.

The royal guard cheered and stomped their hooves. Fang breathed a column of fire fifteen feet into the air which released multicolored sparks like fireworks. Spirit held back and watched the spectacle, determined to have it imprinted in his mind forever along with the rest of his best memories collection. I guess not everyone's as fortunate as I, to get to see another who commands the sun and moon with ease.

When the sun was affixed in the heavens, Celestia gestured for Spirit to approach. The prophet walked toward the princess and turned to face the assembly. The ponies of the Canterlot royal guard looked at him with a mixture of expressions, mostly awe and anticipation but with a few concerned and disappointed looks too. That was to be expected; there would always be a few who would not be swayed, at least not immediately, by an outsider.

"Manifestations come in many forms, like subspecies of different animals. Some have different strengths which will go up against our own: brute strength against fortitude, deception against sheer will, illusions, trickery and many more. Only as a team will the best chance of success become apparent. A team allows individuals to combine their strengths and cover each others' weaknesses, creating one super efficient machine. I know that you, the royal guard, the greatest combat force of Equestria, can take these simple concepts and turn them into the greatest tools to victory.

"I have fought long and hard for worlds ranging in diversity and I will continue the fight here in Equestria. If we should cross paths on separate missions, Fang and I will not hesitate to help."

At the mentioning, Fang drew two cards, unsheathing them into long swords which he swung impressively in a show of skill. Several of the doubtful faces among the guard melted into admiration. The rest of the negative expressions were quelled when Spirit sprang into the air, spread his front legs majestically and fired a mixture of light streaks, flashing flares and glowing spirals, followed by a physical display of transforming all the shining non-tangible shapes into a rain of spears, which fell into perfect formation around him.

Spirit landed in the center of his creation: a six-pointed star comprised of point-down spears. At once, the weapons all vanished, seemingly scattering like dust in the wind. "Fear not, ponies of Equestria," the prophet commanded. "Together, we shall win the day!"

The Canterlot royal guard burst out into a fresh round of applauding stomps and warcries. Not a single frown was seen, the entire troop riled up into an absolute state of determination and confidence. Content with his speech, Spirit stepped down and joined Fang, the dragon grinning from spine to spine.

"You mob stirrer, you," the dragon mocked, giving Spirit a quick brohug.

"As long as it's an organized, orderly, government-issued mob, I don't mind stirring them up," Spirit said.

"Is it even a mob if it's government-issued?"

This enigma was shelved when Shining Armor came forward and picked up where he and Echo Barrage left off. "In a few moments, we will begin organizing you all in preparation for our campaign against the manifestations. But first, it's time to see off our new friends as they return to their base of operation, and to their friends, in Ponyville. ATTENTION!"

The sound of several hundred left hooves stomping the ground echoed off the castle walls as the royal guard brought their legs together.

"Unicorns, present ARMS!"

Dozens of horns pierced the air as the magic-wielding members of the guard leaned their heads back, their natural implements pointing skyward.

"Honor rounds, FIRE!"

A volley of magic beams, spanning the entire visible light spectrum, whistled into the sky, filling the blue vastness of the heavens with every color and pattern imaginable. In Spirit's eyes, what he had done on his own just a minute ago paled considerably beside this accumulated masterpiece. Everypony present certainly seemed to think so, their eyes glued to the sky while their legs remained locked together. Even Celestia herself looked upon the lightshow with a look of glowing praise.

When the last spark of magic faded, senior officers began at once to organize the royal guard, leading various-sized units throughout the castle grounds. Within moments, Spirit and Fang were alone in the center of the courtyard. Princess Celestia stepped down from her platform towards them and said, "You two had best be off. You wouldn't want to miss your train."

"I never miss a train," Fang declared, flexing a muscle. "I either catch it, or stop it and then catch it."

"It's true," Spirit admitted with a wink to the princess, "but you're right. We should be going."

He glanced up once more at the tower balcony. The distant figure of Princess Luna had turned away, preparing to go back inside, but she caught Spirit's gaze and gave him a long wink before disappearing out of view with a sweep of her large blue wings. Spirit smiled, knowing that the night princess would slowly start to retake an active role in Equestria.

"It'll do her a world of good," he said, mostly to himself, "to rejoin Equestrian life as she might once have."

"It'll do the world some good having another super-powerful pony monarch fighting alongside us," Fang said, coming up behind Spirit and grasping his shoulders. "Besides, you'll be seeing her every night now, won't you?

"Maybe not every night, maybe not for the entire night. But I'll certainly be watching the dreamscape as she does."

Celestia smiled. "It will certainly be good for everypony to have the two of you protecting the realm of dreams from harm."

Shining Armor approached the duo and the princess, leaving the team of pegasi and bat ponies he'd just organized to take to the skies. "Time to make the train, boys," he told them. "Storm Runner and I will be your honor guard to the station."

"Echo would've come," Storm chimed in, landing from his leap down the ramparts, "but he wants to oversee the final formulation of the scout teams. I think he's trying to ensure maximum diversity among the groups. You know, mixing as much of the royal guard and the night guard as he can."

"We do know," Fang said plainly.

"It's a good thing to want," Spirit added.

"Then I wish you two the best." Celestia spread her wings majestically. "You have brought a great many things to Canterlot in a considerably short amount of time, yet above all else you were quick to make sure measures were taken to ensure as much safeguarding of the public as you were able."

"Less than what we'd be able to do at full power," Fang argued with a raised finger, "but your every praising word is appreciated."

The Princess smiled again. "You, Fang, have forced everyone around you to stay light on their hooves, never yielding in the face of self-consciousness and fear. You drove the members of the royal guard to work and improve on themselves, and even helped my sister and I to repair the weakened bond between us."

Fang looked up at her nonchalantly, a lazy smile splayed across his face. "Spirit helped."

"Indeed." Celestia turned to the prophet and a calming aura erupted from their powerful connecting gazes, felt by those nearby and compelling them to glance over. "Spirit Guide, you came to Equestria intending to unite our world with your own laced-together realm, accidentally bringing with you what could be one of the most serious threats Equestria has seen in quite some time."

Spirit continued to gaze at the princess of the sun, his expression blank except for a slight thoughtfulness to it. "As I've already mentioned," Celestia went on, "you strove to alert us of the manifestations' presence, and prepare and arm us against them. Now the royal guard of Canterlot is ready to take on the threat of the manifestations and hopefully prevent them from harming Equestria."

The prophet nodded politely. "Along the way, we learned together, you and I. Just as I had taken Twilight Sparkle as my prodigy, so you came under my wing in the ways of Equestrian lifestyle and magic. I taught you what I knew and you did the same in return. Now, despite all our prior knowledge, we are both wiser than we were before."

"It is true."

"I will now wish you farewell." Celestia walked up to Spirit and held out one wing behind them. "I wish you well on your journey back to Ponyville, on your endeavors, on your studies and discoveries of Equestria, on your encounters with manifestations and, above all else, on the time you will spend with your friends."

Spirit couldn't help but smile. Here was a sovereign who understood the world she ruled over and knew the true values that improve the lives of her subjects. Every audience with Princess Celestia only heightened his incredibly positive opinion of her and made him feel as though he could never praise her enough.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia," he said with good grace, bowing his head. "In turn, I wish you the best in your own ventures. The best in your rulings of the land, in your duties of the sun, in the campaigns of your soldiers and, most importantly, your time with your sister."

Celestia nearly glowed with a beaming joy. As it was, her white coat seemed to gleam in the morning sunlight. Hers and Spirit's joined auras only strengthened with their hopeful wishing and everypony in the courtyard was treated to a sudden surge of positivity. They probably would have stood there all day, soaking in happy therapy, until a sharp clap broke the cheery silence.

"Okay, that's it, wrap it up," Fang demanded, clapping twice more. "The train will only wait for us if I'm grabbing the caboose, which I can't do from here."

"Then I will delay you no longer. Farewell, Spirit Guide and Fang."

"Until we meet again, Princess."

Celestia turned toward the castle door, two white pegasi guards flanking her dutifully. Spirit, Fang, Shining and Storm turned in the other direction and headed for the open gates. The guardsponies across the courtyard and ramparts broke into another round of applause, their pawing and ground-clopping echoing off the walls. To cheers of farewell and a great many waves and hoofshakes, Spirit and Fang departed Canterlot Castle.

"What an experience," Fang stated in amazement, once shot of the gate. "I am not easily impressed, but this last morning has taken my breath away somewhat."

"Me too," Storm Runner said. "The royal guard sure has changed since you came along. I don't think I've ever seen such a—"

"No offence, save it, please. The Princess already gave us a rundown anyway."

"Oh, right." The pegasus lieutenant looked away, slightly flushed, while on Fang's other side Shining Armor stifled a chuckle. "Well, it is true, after all."

"Indeed," Shining agreed, having regained his composure. "I look forward to seeing what else might come of the night guard's new openness to others."

Spirit glanced back once more at the slowly shrinking castle. "Only good things, I hope."

They arrived in the plaza where Spirit had encountered the magician Trixie and sent her away for some much-needed relaxation. The place now bustled with a sense of market day, common-folk Canterlot ponies going from store to store to get their needs, with a sprinkling of the high-society mixed among them. Being with the higher-ups of the Canterlot military force, Spirit and Fang managed to get through the moderately thick crowds with ease, shoppers quickly making way for Shining and Storm.

From the plaza they continued down the main street, waved at Clay Mine and Terra Firm greeting a tour group to the museum, and turned off at the edge of the city toward the Canterlot train station. The Friendship Express, a shiny pink engine with half a dozen brightly-colored cars behind it, had pulled in and ponies were climbing aboard. Spirit and Fang had already obtained tickets at the castle so they strode past the ticket booth and stopped on the platform.

"Well, this is goodbye for now," Spirit said, addressing the white stallions. "We thank you for everything that you've done for us."

"And that is everything, from arranging meetings and organizing troops to painstakingly escorting us across town to the train station," Fang added.

The Friendship Express let forth a mighty whistle and a uniformed pony began pacing the station, calling "All aboard for Ponyville! All aboard!"

"All Aboard is certainly working it today," Shining Armor remarked.

"His work's looking so good," Fang said, "we might miss the train if we don't hurry."

"We'd best get on board then." Spirit shifted his saddlebags on his shoulders and turned around to face their escort. "Thank you both very much again."

"You're quite welcome," Storm answered with a bright smile.

Shining clapped Spirit on the shoulder. "And we hope to see you again."

"Looking forward to it."

Spirit and Fang headed for the train car and were about to step on when they heard someone cry "WAIT!" Turning back around, they saw none other than Captain Echo Barrage himself, looking quite out of breath and being supported on both sides by Shining and Storm.

"What is it?" Spirit leapt away from the train and approached the bat pony, while Fang leaned against the door. "Is there an emergency back at the castle?"

"No," Echo panted. He held out a sealed scroll. "Unless this counts as an emergency. One final note from the Royal Sisters."

What could be so important that they send it at the last minute? Spirit wondered, levitating the scroll. On top of that, why not just send it to Fang through the fire-sending spell?


The train screamed out its last whistle and the doors started to close. Fang grunted, holding his door open even though the train had started to move. "Read later! Get on board now!"

"Thanks again, everpony!" Spirit turned tail and pursued the train as it pulled out of the station. Fang held out his arm for the prophet but couldn't quite reach. Tucking the emergency scroll into his bag, Spirit teleported himself into the train car. Seeing his friend aboard, Fang shrugged, slammed the car door and stuck his head out the window.

"Good luck on your missions!" he shouted to the guard ponies. "Don't let the manifestations get to you!"

Spirit joined the dragon at the windows. "Trust in each other! Friendship is magic!"

"Good luck yourselves!" Storm hollered back.

"Say hi to Twily for me!"


The train made its first turn and began its journey down Canterlot Mountain. Spirit and Fang found themselves some seats and settled down. "Aaah, love a good train," Fang sighed, leaning his head back on his arms. "We should travel like this all the time."

"Even up sheer cliffs?" Spirit challenged, looking out the window at the grey crags of the mountain.

Fang beat his chest toughly. "We could do it, no problem. Now how about that letter?"

"Yeah." Spirit pulled out the hastily-given scroll and opened it up. Inside was a script he now recognized as Luna's.

"Dear Spirit Guide
The comparably little time we had spent together has been some of the best in my life. Thanks to you, I am able to rejoin Equestria as I once had, with my duties as moon-raiser and dreamkeeper returned to me in confidence. No doubt you have been heaped with gratitude, but I would like to give mine as well.
My sister and I know that you have been staying at her student Twilight Sparkle's accommodation at the Ponyville Golden Oak Library. After everything we have experienced together, we believe you and Fang are deserving of your own home here in Equestria, to do with as you please. As such, by order of the Royal Alicorn Sisters, you are hereby granted lodging in Number 13 Stirrup Street.

"We get a house now too? Sweet!"

"Hold up, there's more."

"We feel this is a meager compensation for your many accomplishments, which are sure to increase and entitle you to even more. As for now, this letter has enclosed to it a gift for you and Fang.

“Does she mean these?” Fang asked, holding up two shiny golden sheets. “It says ’Grand Galloping Gala’. What’s that?”

”They are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, an annual ball held in Canterlot Castle to celebrate the completion of the capital. It is our wish, mine and my sister’s, for you two to be present at this special event. Perhaps, we could even add something of yours to the celebration.

“Add what? Octavia’s probably going to be playing there already, so there’s no point in me joining the orchestra for the night.”

“I’m sure the Princess wouldn’t have penned that in if she didn’t have something in mind,” Spirit assured.

“All the same, now I’ll never be able to stop thinking about it!” Fang pulled on his spine frills in frustration. “Anything we do from now until then could have something to do with it!”

“Calm down, Fang. Let’s just finish the letter.”

”In conclusion, we hope that all this will enrich your time spent in Equestria, and once again, we thank you for everything you've done for us.

Your friend
Princess Luna🌙"

Fang rested his head on his arm. "How does one pronounce '🌙'?"

"I just did, and so did you," Spirit insisted, rolling up the scroll, smiling from ear to ear. "This is great news. Having a place to stay at Twilight's in the library was good, but having our own base of operations will be several times better."

"Yeah. We'll be able to decorate it to our tastes."

The letter from the Princess came down on the dragon's head. "Think bigger, Fang. If we have our own place, we could do more than just paint it. We could host events, house a collection, and even have—

"A synagogue."

Prayer services were important to Spirit and Fang; communal services held great significance in their lives and they would try to conduct as many as possible. No matter what world they ended up in, they were usually able to return to their synagogue in the Republic and had no need to establish a set position for prayer anywhere else. But now they were in a land they were still learning about, with no way of knowing when they would be able to return home.

"Having a special place to pray would certainly take a weight off of my shoulders," Fang said, clasping his hands together under his chin. "Now I'll really have to consider the decor."

"Just imagine it, Fang," Spirit proposed, shutting his eyes. "A home for prayer established in this magical land."

"Imagined it." Fang waved his hand once over the prophet's face, his eyes opening in response. "I don't know what kind of effect a synagogue could have on Equestria, but by golly, we're going to find out. After all!" he continued, leaning his head out the window to enjoy the breeze, "nearly everything in this world is magic, and it just wants to spill out of you!"

Spirit looked at his best friend and hearkened to his words. It was true, every part of Equestria they've been to felt permeated with magic. Every resident of Ponyville and Canterlot was consciously or unconsciously connected to it, and the magic could emerge from within them at a moment's notice. This was the power that turned common air into music, and a simple intercity locomotive ride into a dance number.

Each turn of the Friendship Express's wheels laid down the beat, the smoke coming out of the smokestack in even puffs. Spirit and Fang beat the table, feeling the music flowing around them, letting the words spill out of them as they came.

Come on and ride the train
Step on board, take your ticket
No two are the same
You'll soon be goin' for a ride
There's nowhere to run, no place to hide
You're riding, riding, riding on the train

Now you're looking at your ticket, overjoyed by what it means
On your way back to your friends, the thought is so serene
The trials that you've had to face have left you worn and beat
But the friendship that's inside you keeps you standing on your feet

The music began to fill the passenger car, everypony present lifting their heads to feel the song. Several ponies leapt up from their seats and joined Spirit and Fang in song, as the Friendship Express continued down Canterlot Mountain to Equestria below.

Come on and ride the train
The doors are closed, the whistle's blowin'
Now you must remain
The locomotive's on a roll
Just some things you can't control
You're riding, riding, riding on the train

Fang plopped himself down in a seat beside a stallion dressed for travel, who promptly returned the dragon's smile upon sighting him.

So you ask another passenger "How have things been for you?"
He says "Thank you, son. It's been nice. Hope you're doing well too
The journey we are taking is a lengthy one indeed
But if we stand together then we only can succeed"

The beat of the music only became more catchy, compelling half the passengers up from their seats to join. Spirit led most of them through the carriages, while Fang clambered onto the top and lead a team of daredevil passengers along the roofs of the cars.

Then you take a walk all through the train
Each boxcar one by one
Most are filled with ponies sayin', "this rides just for fun.
Why think about tomorrow when you've got today instead
Sit back, enjoy the view
There's miles and miles of rail ahead"

Ride the train, ohhh ride the train,
come on everypony, ride the train
Ride the train, ohhh ride the train,
come on everpony, ride the train

The song-enchanted ponies continued down the train to the very last car, the caboose, where several of the railway employees were resting.

But one car seems so different, inhabited by few
Who say there is no time to waste
We're only passing through
Our destination for today is the town of Ponyville

"And, unless I'm much mistaken, it's just over that hill!" Fang sang out, poking his head through the caboose window.

Spirit joined his friend, looking out the side of the end of the train into the distance. Indeed, as they crested a grassy hill, Ponyville came into view like a sunrise. Just as their friends had promised, but still much to Spirit's surprise, the town looked perfect and whole, as though the parasprite plague had never happened. Every thatched roof was complete, every wall in view unmarred. The entire town sparkled pleasantly in the early morning light, calling the interdimensional travelers home.

Home. Yes, that's what Ponyville will be for us.

Drop the sentiment. Let's finish the song.

Their longing dropped with their goal in view, Spirit and Fang led their entourage all through the train, the blessed magic that was music worming its way into the soul of every passenger, calling upon their collective voices to sing out as one. Even the train itself didn't go unaffected, the engine and cars bouncing to the beat up and down on the rails as they chugged on, on their way to Ponyville station.

You'll soon be goin' for a ride
There's nowhere to run, no place to hide
You're riding, riding, riding on the—
You're riding, riding, riding on the—


"Next up, Ponyville station!"

The blaring train whistle and conductor's call became the last notes as the song ended, the music fading from everypony's hearing. The passengers bound for Ponyville headed for the doors, while the rest all returned to their seats, every face a bright smile. Fang and Spirit looked out the door windows as the train pulled into the station and already they could see more smiling faces, waiting for them.

The Princesses might have sent a letter. Twilight could have been keeping track of the dates. It was even likely that Pinkie felt them coming and planned it all in spare minutes. Whichever it was resulted in the welcoming committee that now stood at the train station. A "Welcome Home" banner with all the trimmings dominated in front of the station roof, balloons and streamers stretched from here to there festively. A trolley of cupcakes and other sweets, expanded into a full-size buffet table, stood in the center of the platform. And, of course, friends galore gathered to greet the homecomers.

When the doors first opened, it was hard to tell whether Pinkie rushed Fang, or the other way around, but the two besties collided and rolled around the platform in a tight hug. Once the crowds had parted enough, Twilight bounded ahead of the rest, enveloping Spirit in heartwarming physical friendship. Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh and a whole host of others came forward, eager to welcome back to their returned friends with a wave, a word, a shake or a hug.

I've been to many worlds in my time in this role, Spirit said with his mind, directing his thoughts to the heavens, and I have made many, many friends. But for the first time on this long journey, I feel that I belong. It will be temporary, unlike the impression we will no doubt leave on the ponies and creatures of this land, but this is one of the greatest worlds we've ended up in, and it will no doubt continue to prove so time and time again.

Thank you

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