• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,276 Views, 24 Comments

Fictionationality - Equestria - Spirit Guide

After over fifteen successful recruitment missions, a new world opens to the Republic.

  • ...

Picnic in the Park

Twilight finished wiping the counter-top. "Okay, the kitchen's tidy. Do we have everything?"

"Let's see," Spike said, consulting the picnic checklist. "Nine daisy sandwiches, three bottles of juice, four trays of hay fries, five plates of cookies, a couple of gemstones backup supplies, two books to read when bored, picnic blanket, cups and plates."

Spirit nodded. "Sounds like everything."

"Are you sure?" Twilight looked at the supplies in the wheelbarrow, eying the three-foot stack skeptically. "Maybe we should double-check the inventory, or get some more cookies, or how about—"

"Enough Twilight," Spirit begged, placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "Really, you have to take things down a notch. We have everything, and even if we don't, it's okay."

"But this picnic is so important! Your first lunch with new friends. Everything has to be perfect."

"You want proof?" Spike asked, waving the checklist at her. "We've got it all checked off. Twice."

Twilight took the long sheet of parchment from the dragon and carefully checked each item. Finally she looked satisfied. "Alright, we're good to go."

"Great. Spike, grab the cart. It's picnic time!" Spirit trotted over to the door, waiting patiently for Twilight and Spike before opening the door.

"You're really good with your hooves for somepony who's had them for exactly one day," Twilight noted as he shut the door behind them.

"Oh, I didn't seem to notice. It's not the weirdest transformation I've been through, although not having fingers does get confusing sometimes." They left the library behind and began the walk to the park. On the way they took a detour and stopped beside the crater Spirit and Fang had made the other night. It was roped off at its lip and ponies in various uniforms were running up and down the sides, armed with brushes and picks.

"What's going on here?" Spike wondered.

"Meteorologists," Twilight and Spirit said together, then stared at each other in surprise. They laughed a bit and Spirit explained further. "Meteorologists are people, or ponies, who study things in the atmosphere. They watch the skies for interesting weather patterns and flying objects and try to figure things out through their careful analysis."

They walked over to the crater lip, where a brown stallion in a tan coat looked over his notes on a folding table. "Excuse me, sir," Twilight said. "We couldn't help but notice your examining the crater and we were just wondering-"

"Did you find anything of interest?" Spirit finished for her.

The pony turned around. His face was full of excitement. "That's just it. This crater is unlike anything I've ever seen before! Most of the meteorite has melted into the crater walls, leaving only traces of iridium buried in the floor." The stallion shook his head, dirt flying off his hat. "But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Clay Mine."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spirit Guide and Spike. We're residents here in Ponyville."

"Pleasure to meet you. I myself am from Hoofington, though my team is a collection of ponies from all over Equestria. We get together whenever something big pops up."

"So your work is what brings you together," Spirit mused. "I like that."

"Me too." Twilight looked into the crater. "Is everything okay?"

Clay scratched his head. "Well, here's the thing: the meteor crashed into the ground, gaining the scientific title of 'meteorite', then simply vanished. Like I said before, there's still iridium, but it's too far down for us to reach just by digging."

"What's so great about iridium?" Spike asked quizzically.

A pegasus mare in a dusty jacket poked her head over the rim of the crater. "It's the second densest element and won't corrode even under temperatures of 2000 °C. Very little of it is found on the planet's surface, but its always found in meteors, which is why they're so valued."

"This is my assistant, Terra Firm," Clay explained, offering her a hoof-up. "We've known each other since we were foals."

Terra nodded. "Our parents took us to a fossil dig, if I recall correctly. Anyway Clay, we found something down there and I think you're very much going to like it."

"Be right there." Terra leapt back into the crater. "Sorry about that," Clay apologized. "Terra's a bit flighty and is easily excited. I wouldn't be surprised if she found a rusty horseshoe or something."

"Who knows?" Spirit said. "We'd best be off too. We have a picnic planned."

"Well don't let me stop you. maybe we'll see each other again. I like ponies with an eye for learning."

"Bye, Clay." The three friends took their wagon and left the crater as the meteorologist jumped inside. "He's crazy," Spike exclaimed.

Twilight shook her head. "He's just curious, Spike. He's interested in what makes these thing happen."

"Too bad we already know what happened." Spirit grinned. "Am I right?"

Spike chuckled. "Yeah, he'll never guess. Not in a thousand years."

"I'm sure they'll come up with some explanation," Twilight said. They crossed the bridge and walked into the park. Other ponies were already there, enjoying a sunny afternoon either running around or in the shade of blossoming trees. The trio quickly found a nice spot underneath a large mulberry tree.

"I know this kind of tree," Spirit exclaimed, putting a hoof against the trunk. "They had these in the Wohl Rose Park."

"You have an entire park just for roses?" Twilight asked, spreading out the picnic blanket. "There are a lot of different species."

"I know, and they were grown in so many ways: climbing walls, trimmed and sculpted shrubs, roses with decorative fruit and entire bushes of roses. But the thing I liked best about that garden were the mulberry trees. While the rest of my friends were stuffing their faces on whatever we brought, I climbed up and spend the entire time eating ripe mulberries." Spirit sighed. "I sure do miss that place."

"Maybe you could relive the past and climb up this tree," Spike suggested, laying down a juice pitcher. "It's nice and strong, and there are a lot of hoofholds that'll make it easier to climb."

Spirit perked up and beamed at the dragon. "Idea with merit. Thanks, Spike." He carefully checked the trunk all over for a direct path of knots and branches and began to climb. Twilight was impressed by his skill: Spirit didn't falter and not a twig snapped as he made his way to a wide branch. He pulled himself up the last few inches and lay down on the bough. "Just like I remember," Spirit sighed, taking in the sweet scent of the ripe fruit around him.

"Don't come down yet," Twilight suggested. "You should enjoy yourself up there. Beside, you could just use your magic to help with lunch."

"Okay, thanks." Spirit lit his horn and levitated the plates of cookies out of the wagon and scattered them around the blanket. Spike plucked out the gems and Twilight magicked the cutlery out.

"That didn't take very long," Spike noted, reaching out for a cookie, only for Twilight to bat his claw away.

"Spike, we need to wait for everypony to get here first!"


"Teamwork is an amazing thing," Spirit said, looking for a good place to start picking. "It makes long, tedious jobs fly by faster than—"

WOOSH! The branches of the tree shook violently as a colorful blur shot past and Spirit held on tight to keep himself from falling. Rainbow Dash looped into the air, did a few barrel rolls and busted a cloud before coming in for a landing beside the tree, blowing away several cups and surprising Twilight and Spike.

"Omigosh, did you see how fast I was? That tree could barely stand up to me, and then I was like nnneeaoowww, and then I was all wooooo, and then it all just went—"


Something hit Rainbow on the head, cutting her off. "What the hay?" She rubbed her head and felt something sticky. There was bright-red juice in her mane. "What is this?" she asked Twilight.

"I think you made the tree angry," Twilight said, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, real funny Twi. Now seriously, what's going on here?"

"Why-ha-ha, why don't you let the tr-tree answer tha-ha-hat for you?" Spike chuckled.

"Come on, Spike. Trees can't talk."

Splat! Another overripe mulberry nailed Dashie on the head, soaking her multicolored mane. She fumed openly, not holding her anger back one bit, and kicked the trunk as hard as she could, screaming, "Take that, tree!"

The entire tree shuddered from its root to the crown, shaking the unicorn in its branches like a soda bottle. He quickly looked for more rotten ammo, plucking them off the tree and dropping them on the unsuspecting mare below. With every bulls-eye he scored on her head, she'd give the tree he was in another fierce buck. At one point, Rainbow delivered a barrage of blows against the trunk, knocking her hooves sore. She braced herself for another squishy mulberry to plop down on her but felt nothing. She eyed the tree trunk suspiciously, then made the mistake of looking up. A shower of overripe, putrid fruit rained down on the cyan pegasus who sat in its shade, staining her coat with their sweet juices. Spike burst out laughing at the sight of the drenched mare. Twilight regarded Rainbow Dash sympathetically, but smiled all the same.

Rainbow stumbled away from the tree, looking over her shoulder fearfully. "What was that?" she gasped at Twilight. "Angry tree spirits?"

"Nope, just a holy pony spirit," Twilight replied, looking up into the branches.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash spun around to face the tree. She heard a rustling above and looked up as well. Spirit dropped down from the high branch, landing on the ground with a light thud. In his mouth was a basket of fresh mulberries.

"Hey Rainbow," he said through the basket's handle. "Nishe timing. Wan' a muwberry?"

The pegasus just gaped at Spirit and slowly started pacing around him. He didn't look a bit worried and walked over to the picnic blanket, laying the basket down amongst the things they'd put out. He sat down, Twilight and Spike following his example. "You could just sit down and relax," Spirit called over to Rainbow. She gave him a wary look, glanced back at the tree, then joined them, sitting down beside the stallion.

"So," Rainbow began, "that was you up there?"

"Yep. I like mulberry trees. They bring back memories."

"Uh, sure. And also, sorry for almost knocking you out of the tree. I didn't know you were there and I wouldn't have flown by like that if I knew."

"Apology accepted."

Spike was getting impatient. "Where is everypony?"

"Right over there, Spike." Twilight pointed to the other side of the park, where Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Fang were just crossing the bridge. Applejack was pulling a cart loaded with a variety of apple snacks and foods, and Fang and Pinkie were each carrying baskets of freshly baked cupcakes. They all hurried over to the mulberry tree and quickly settled down, adding their own grub to the picnic.

"Now can we eat?" Spike whined. "Please."

Fang laid out the last cupcake on the blanket. "Yes Spike. Let's eat."

They started their picnic, taking whatever pleased them the most. After demolishing several apple fritters and at least a dozen cupcakes, Fang's eyes fell upon the basket of mulberries. His eyes sparkled and his arms fell freely to his sides. Spirit noticed his friend's focused gaze and nudged the fruit towards the dragon with his magic. "Go on, Fang. Your favorite."

Fang continued to stare at the mulberries, causing Twilight and the others to stop eating and watch him. Without warning, Fang slammed his face into the basket, scarfing down the fruit as fast as he can. When the basket was empty except for a small amount of pulp, juice and seeds, the green dragon shot into the air, flew around the picnicking ponies and crashed down next to Spirit . His eyes were spinning and his tongue hung out of his mouth. "Where," he said slowly, "did you find those?"

Spirit glanced worriedly at Twilight, who shrugged back at him. The other mares were eyeing Fang curiously but Spike was watching the older dragon with a look of admiration. Oh well, Spirit figured, what the hell. "In the tree, of course." He pointed up.

Fang's bright-green eyes followed the black hoof towards the tree they were sheltering under. He jumped to his feet, took to the air and sped up the tree, the others losing sight of him among the leaves. They began to hear loud chewing coming from inside the tree while seeds and juice littered the grass near its base.

"His class used to have picnics in the Wohl Rose Park too," Spirit explained to the bewildered-looking ponies and the fascinated dragon. "He's even more mulberry-crazy than me."

"Let's not spoil his fun, all right?" Rarity asked of the others, who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm more interested in hearing more about you, Spirit," Rainbow Dash said, fanning herself with her wings.

"It sure would be nice if ya could tell us a little more about yourself," Applejack agreed.

"I wanna know how you met Fang!" Pinkie exclaimed. "He's a great cook!"

"I really liked how you calmed down the boa," Fluttershy said quietly from beside the stallion. "Maybe you could tell me how you did it?"

"Whoa, slow down everypony," Spirit cried, raising his hooves in front of him, the universal sign for 'stop'. "Let's take it slow. Rainbow Dash, you want to know where I'm from, and Applejack," he added, "I did promise I'd tell you all. Sit back, this could take a while."

The ponies settled down, each of them eager to hear his story. Fang was still feasting in the tree, but Spike had found a spot next to Twilight, who was giving Spirit her undivided attention as he began to reveal.

"Twilight and Spike, you already know we came from another world, that we're part of a huge ever-growing community and that we fight evil manifestations, but there's more. Back when I was a perfectly normal human being, just trying to live my life the way I should, I always tried to make the best of things and help others with their problems. I excelled in my studies and was popular among the other students, but what I yearned for was service. Morning, afternoon and evening, I'd join the others of my age to pray, to give thanks to the one who made us all. We believe that the universe was created by a single, all-powerful all-knowing entity who gives us all that is good in the world. My life continued without a hitch, everything was just fine..." His voice drifted off, the formerly cheery picnic atmosphere disappearing and being replaced by a cold feeling. "Until my family was killed."

Everypony gasped. Fluttershy was trembling so violently that Rarity had to hold her tight. Twilight was shocked. "Spirit," she whispered, "you never told us that."

"I've decided to tell you only now. At first I wasn't going to share it, but now I feel like you girls deserve the truth."

"You mean to tell us that you have no family left whatsoever?" Rarity said quietly.


"Oy!" came a shout from the mulberry tree above them. Fang tumbled out of the branches and landed on Spirit's back, who didn't even turn a hair at the sudden contact. "What does that make me? What does that make the rest of the Republicans? What does that make Dad?"

"I meant 'blood family'," Spirit said calmly. "I'm sorry if you got offended by that, Fang, and I definitely meant no offense to our friends or our Father." He laid his head down on his hooves. "Do you know what it's like not to have a home to go to when something goes wrong? Not to have someone waiting with open arms for you when you come through the door?"

"No I don't, and neither do you." He clambered off Spirit's back and turned the pony's head so that he was looking him in the eye. "It's true that the terrorists killed you parents and siblings, but you can't forget me. After your training, you ran into me, we learned about each other in familiar territory and you relived moments of your previous life. Since that moment, we were family. And it only got better! We started a new family, a group of amazing people and beings from countless other universes. We played, we laughed, we cried, we fought, yet no matter what we did, we did it together. We're your family Spirit, and we always will be."

Spirit looked at his dragon friend in silence. His head rotated slowly as he looked at his other friends around him. Fluttershy and Rarity were moved by Fang's words and tears were streaming down their smiling, relieved faces. Applejack and Pinkie were not quite as affected, but they too shed a tear. Rainbow was doing her best to hide her feelings, but couldn't help but sniff sadly. Twilight, on the other hoof, had embraced the green dragon's speech completely, having taken in the information and adding it to what she already knew of her new friends, finally understanding. Spike, however, just gaped at Fang in confusion.

"Thanks, Fang," Spirit said at last, "for reminding me. I'd forgotten about the importance of one's view and what it could mean, and because of that, I reverted back to my mourning mind."

"That cannot be good for your mental well-being," Rarity commented.

Fang shrugged. "True, but we all have our moments where we just can't help but sink into misery."

"Okaaay," Rainbow exclaimed, "not that this isn't the greatest story ever, do you think maybe you could keep going?"

"Yeah, sorry." Spirit cleared his throat and continued. "After the funeral, I mourned my family for a week. Typically, our tradition states that one who mourns a family member stays at home for a week, friends coming over to visit, and spends the rest of the year not attending birthdays, wedding or any kind of joyous celebration."

"That sounds really really hard and sad," Pinkie said, frowning.

"It's not easy," Spirit admitted. "I myself almost went insane on the last day of the week. But then an amazing thing happened. I was approached by the One who created all that exists, all that we know."

"You mean a god?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, that is exactly right. In my world, there are many different groups who believe in a creator. They believe in different commandments and laws, usually opposing each others' beliefs. But let's steer away from what might become a religious argument and get back to my story. G-d revealed himself to me, granting me powers beyond that of any mortal creature. Since the dawn of creation there has always been a prophet, a holy individual who may speak with G-d at most any time, to learn what has to be done to help the nation. Up until about 2000 years ago there was always a prophet around, but then they just stopped."

Applejack was puzzled. "What d'ya mean by 'just stopped.'"

"People no longer had the power of prophecy and couldn't commune with the Lord," Fang explained.


"The world was full of sinners and nopony was worthy of taking up the position. Yet for some reason, G-d chose me, out of all the modern-day living people, to take up the mantle of the prophets of old. Along with my powers, he gave me a mission and a wish. My job would be to watch the world and protect those in need and oppose those who would control the weak."

"What about the wish?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Ah, the wish." Spirit closed his eyes and tilted his head upwards. A breeze blew through the mulberry tree, blowing the sweet scent of ripe fruit around the ponies and the dragons. "Ever since I was young, I had a dream. A seemingly impossible fantasy. I wished to create a community made up of all the special people and beings I knew and heard of. For a normal teen, this was impossible. But with my new-found powers, I realized that my dream would finally come true."

"And that's when he met me!" Fang declared happily.

"Not exactly," Spirit corrected. "It was one week before I saw Fang for the first time, back when he was just an ordinary kid. I was lucky enough to stumble across him, for he had the same dreams as me."

"And that made us an unstoppable team!"

"That doesn't really make any sense," Rainbow pointed out. "I mean, how does having the same dreams make you guys stronger?"

Spirit raised an eyebrow at the pegasus. "Come now Rainbow Dash. You and the others have wielded the Elements of Harmony. You should know that like-minded ponies can increase their strength. We in the Republic have proven this time and time again, foiling all attempts to destroy us."

"Sounds like you go through that kind of thing every day," Pinkie cried cheerfully.

"Not quite every day," Fang admitted, reaching for another cupcake, "but we certainly wish they'd try to kill us less."

"So let me get this straight," Applejack said. "You spend yer time fightin' dark evil things that go around causin' trouble, and travel to other worlds in giant rocks, like the one that crashed outside o' Ponyville?"

"It wasn't my idea to use meteors," Spirit muttered, looking pointedly at Fang.

The dragon shrugged. "Hey, we got here, didn't we?"

"Yes," Spirit agreed, "but it cost us our human forms." Using his magic, he conjured a revolving 3D image of his human body in the middle of the picnic blanket. The sudden appearance of the tall figure in its black cloak frightened the ponies. Even Rainbow Dash cringed.

"Whoa Nelly!" yelled Applejack, falling backwards. "What the hay is that?"

"That is what I once looked like." Spirit shut off his magic and the image vanished. The other ponies calmed down and resumed their sitting positions. "Most of the Republicans are human, but we have a variety of members: we've got animals, celestials, infernals, demons, aliens, monsters—"

"M-monsters?" Fluttershy squeaked fearfully beside him.

Spirit looked down at the butter-yellow pegasus. He ran a gentle hoof along her back. "Don't worry Fluttershy. They're called monsters, but they're all different. Some are scary. Some are odd. But a lot of them are really cute, like this guy." He conjured another image, this time a smaller one. It was a chubby yellow rodent with a lightning bolt-shaped tail. On its cheeks were two red circles and the tips of its ears were black.

Fluttershy gasped, this time with joy. "Oh, it's just so cute!" She reached for the image, but her hoof went right through it. "Oh." She pulled back sadly.

"It's just an illusion, Fluttershy," Twilight informed her, "but you're right. it is cute."

"Simply adorable," Rarity sighed.

"Mighty cute indeed," agreed Applejack.

"EEEEEEEEEEEH!" Pinkie squealed. "That's one of the most cutorable things I've ever seen!"

"It's a mouse," Spike noted.

"An electric mouse," Fang corrected him. "This is just one of the monsters who visit and live in the Fictional Republic. Although I really don't know why they call them 'monsters'." He groped around the bottom of the cupcake basket, as he had been for the last few minutes.

"Eew, Fang," Rarity chided, taking notice of his actions. "Take one, don't touch them all. Nopony wants to eat a cupcake someone else has touched."

"I can't," he told her, suddenly realizing something. "My claw is stuck."

"How could it get stuck at the bottom of a pile of cupcakes?" Twilight and Spirit asked together incredulously.

"How should I know?"

"Lemme help," Spike offered. He stood up and wrapped his arms around Fang's waist and pulled. The two dragons tugged as hard as they could, grunting all the while, but Fang's claw remained stuck.

Suddenly, Pinkie had an idea. "Why don't we just eat around Fang's claw?" Without asking anypony's opinion, the pink mare shoved her head into the basket, wolfing down the remaining cupcakes. She licked the icing off the sides and inhaled any sprinkles that fell off, leaving the basket clean and shiny and freeing Fang's claw.

"Thanks Pinkie," he said, flexing his fingers. Turning around, he grasped Spike's shoulder and said "Thanks for the help."

"I didn't really do anything," Spike mumbled softly.

Fang bent down so that their eyes were level. "Sometimes, what's more important is the effort and willingness rather than the results." He looked back at the cupcake basket, noticing something new. "So that's what I got stuck on," he called out to everypony, pointing downwards. They all leaned in and looked into the basket. On the bottom was a black smear.

"What is that?" Applejack asked.

"Whatever it is, it looks filthy!" Rarity cried.

Spirit frowned. He dismissed the mirage mouse with a wave of his hoof. "It doesn't look like much, but maybe..." He gasped and took a step back, firing a sphere of condensed air from his horn over the basket where it exploded, sending the six mares and both dragons scooting backwards.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Rainbow yelled at Spirit.

"Don't go near that thing," the stallion warned. "It's not what you think it is."

Twilight squinted at the basket, trying to get another look at the smear without getting too close. "Well, what is it? And why is whatever it is just sitting there?"

"Methinks it needs a little persuasion," Fang snickered, his sharp teeth showing through his grin. He inched closer to the basket, opened his mouth and blasted the woven container with searing flames. The thin strips of wood lit instantly, and the entire basket burned to ashes in no time at all. The small pile of black dust quivered as if it were being blown by the wind.

"Do piles of ashes usually move by themselves?" Spike asked Twilight, shaking slightly.

"No." She glanced over at Spirit, who was watching the fiery powder intensely. "Spirit, what is that?"

The stallion didn't move, but his eyes rolled in their sockets until they were looking directly at Twilight.

"A manifestation."