• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 38,780 Views, 6,228 Comments

It Never Really Ends - DoktorSigma

When a human in Equestria attempts suicide, the ponies who shunned him are forced to care for him in Ponyville Hospital.

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Comments ( 85 )

Is finally complete.

Now to see where we go next, for as they say “It Never Really Ends” :trollestia:

It’s officially over.

Wow! The amount of relief I have at seeing this end! This was a wonderful, long read! :rainbowlaugh:

I kind've liked the second ending better. It felt like a pretty good way to wrap up Jason's story after everything he's been through. No offense, but this ending felt like an anticlimactic copout compared to the first two. That aside, this was a very interesting story and I would love to see more of your work in the future. Until then, have a good day/evening and stay safe out there.

When you have waited for years, and it finally happens. Honestly, I was half expecting him to go into a blood rage, show everyone what a monster really looks like when their only other alternative is death. I was hoping for Celestia or Luna to dish out some punishments, but I'll take it.


Honestly, I feel ambivalent about this.

In large part, I think this is because Discord got away with it. He revealed himself — if only to the audience — to be a psychopath and a coward, and he got away with everything. He got away with torturing everyone around him, he got away with making Jason twist in the wind because he thought it was funny, and he got away — and will likely continue getting away — with using Fluttershy.

It’s finally finished after what…7 to 8 years. Fucking A that was a journey. I myself liked the second ending the most. I feel it fit him very well the first one was just disappointing and sad while this one was very anticlimactic however..the second one was juuuuust right.

I really want to see an epilog for Ponyville, in regards to the second ending.
It was a good way of ending it. Jason's life is Ok now.
Not good, but.... Ok. Bareable. Bittersweet even, in some way.

The first one could become a new potential side-story, if someone wants to do it. (with DoktorSigma's blessing of course.)
But at this point, it might just be beating a dead horse.

So a bad ending, a good ending, and a joke ending.

Welp, I actually didn’t separate like that but you can say that too.

Yeah, I just wanted to leave it like that. I was actually writing a different ending with a different talk between Jason and Discord but I changed my mind afterwards. Maybe I’ll share that too someday.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

I had such thing in my mind but I was afraid it might turn into another story or rather a chapter. So instead I left it to readers to imagine how things would have turned out for Ponyville.

There is also the fact that this story is unique in regard of going through what 4 authors including you? Certainly made it interesting to see the slight differences between all of you.

Yeah I was thinking the same. First MisterBlonde wrote the “Ending” then Vlad started the sequel, “It Never Really Ends,” Live Wire 03 continued writing it and finally I finished it. Heck, it took 7 years and 4 authors for this to come to an end. Regardless, I enjoyed it all. I hope you too. :twilightsmile:

Ya it was an enjoyable read that’s for sure.

This story was a hell of a roller coaster ride. The 3 endings were all great in their own ways.

Thanks a lot for your interest, hopefully I’ll be writing different fictions in the future. :twilightsheepish:

I can respect that. It's been quite the journey.
Thank you for your contribution.


but I would have liked to see the reaction of Twi to find out that humans do not eat anything intelligent

Holy fuck I didn't notice the updates to this thing. Jesus I read this ages ago, was edgy as fuck from what I remembered but enjoyable enough.

Welp here we are again!

spoilers I guess

I'm gonna preface this by saying I understand this went through 3 different authors with the final one only being responsible for the ending. My criticisms here are more directed towards chapters 1-39, though I do think that 40 and the endings could use a little more work too. Just not as much work as 1-39.

In my opinion the whole story could use a rewrite. I read the entire thing start to finish today and while I generally understood what the story was trying to do, the direction of it still felt confused and muddled. Some twists, like Discord disguising as Celestia, felt more like a slap in the face than a natural twist and either weren't explained enough, or at all, to really make sense. This also applies to other plot points in the story too.

Like what was the point of the cloak? Why build it up as an evil artifact with spooky powers only for it to seemingly not matter in the end? What the hell did Discord want? Was this a story where Discord wasn't actually reformed or was he still reformed but just wanting to poorly teach a lesson because he's chaotic dumb? He said he wanted to help Jason then pushes him to suicide? Was he trying to turn him into a monster or teach him a lesson? Was Jason a gambit by Discord to weaken the EoH? What the hell is happening? Why is Jason doing Y after just doing X? etc... So many of the characters' actions don't hold up if you think about them.

A few more things I'll note is the ending is too abrupt for anything other than "he fucking dies"(or is in a permacoma), to make a natural end. Even then, an epilogue chapter that addresses those types of questions I brought up would help a lot in my opinion.

It'd also help if the good ending was drawn out a little longer so it's not just emotional whiplash from the previous chapters kicking Jason to rock bottom to everything being fine months later. Brief snapshots of Jason's progress between rock bottom and being fine might work.

So yeah, having read from start to finish, I'm left with more questions than answers and still don't understand what the point was supposed to be.

I hope this didn't come across as mean or anything. These are just my thoughts on the story. Normally I'd just lurk and go on to the next fic but seeing as the ending was published today, relatively speaking, I felt like leaving some feedback. I just hope it comes across as constructive and not too rambly since I'm up late.

Well, since the story was exchanged between three writers and the story itself was built upon this “come and go” theme that we all kinda experienced through reading it, I wanted to stick with that while writing. About Discord, he actually had no actual purpose for his actions, he says that creating disorder his job and he does exactly that. Not a villain, not a companion, just someone who tries to ruin everything. It was like a re-imagining of his character. And as Jason knew all the characters before he came, he doesn’t judge him.

And it's all good, I don't have any problems with criticism. :twilightsmile:

👎Terrible ending! 🖕✌🖕

Comment posted by DoktorSigma deleted Oct 3rd, 2021

Well uhm, the thing is, this is the sequel.

yes, sequel the sequel bro

What a shit ending. Not a single one of them was even remotely satisfactory.

Uhm, write one yourself?

11001893 A story or an ending?

An ending. It’s a free platform, go on and write one.

Hmm nah, that’d be overdone. Maybe another ending.

Honestly, I don’t think so. They didn’t seem to care about him all that much.

Not even one slight bit of constructive criticism?

Wow, what an asshole. At least tell him what was "terrible" about it.

Also, what's up with the freaking emojis?

i suppose this is the one ending that explains all the weird bollocks that happened, and technically, it's the happiest one. the most true to the title, as well, i suppose. it never really ends, not when it never began in the first place.

I feel like that this song would make for a better outdo song.

Hmm, nice song honestly. I kinda used “Stayin Alive” because Vlad also used that song in a previous chapter though.

Yeah, I kinda tried to make an assumption about the author's (Vlad's) mentality while he was writing the story (and deciding not to end it). So it was like a reference to the first writer.

I am thankful to you for finishing this fic.

It wasn’t the best ending(s) in the world, but it was and ending which is better than it not having a real ending.

I cannot imagine how hard it was to try and finish a story that was a sequel to a one shot, that got transferred writers twice!

So while I might say its not the best, at least you did your best and I thank you for that.

I’d like to thank you for your interest and honest opinion. :twilightsmile:


That’s all it is btw, my opinion, but the FACT is you finished off a story that has changed creative minds THREE times!

That takes effort and dedication, take pride in what you have done!

Thanks! Will do. 😄

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