• Published 1st May 2014
  • 2,181 Views, 54 Comments

Unwanted - UniqueSKD

To be different from others, is to be seen as wrong in the eyes of others.

  • ...


By UniqueSKD
The greatest and most handsome Brony to ever grace God's Earth! Look upon my awesomeness!

The sky echoed with the booming roars of the thunderstorm, as bright flashes of light illuminated the dark heavens of the night. The rain fell like the tears of angels onto the world down below, their sorrows splashing on top of the homes and shelters of ponies sleeping soundly in their warm, comfy beds, dreaming of pleasant things and wild fantasies. The street lights provided the only source of light besides the occasional flash of thunder, and the fall of rain was enough to keep anypony from venturing out into the night lest they fell victim to the wet cold.

From out of the shadows of a nearby alleyway, one pony, a mare dressed in hood and cloak, and bearing a basket of sorts upon their back, was not deterred by the weather conditions presented on this night of Luna's design. Pulling the hood tightly over her head, she darted from out of the narrow passage, immediately hit by the relentless fall of rain. The pony ran forth, a task forged and branded into their mind, with a hellbent determination to accomplish its mission, regardless of the storm. The sound of hooves clip-clopping against the old and worn cobblestone roads, and splashing through a few puddles, added to the other sounds being made this night, though were drowned out by the volume of the storm and the rainfall combined.

Still, onward did the mare press on, now and then looking back over her shoulder, to check that her cargo, the basket upon her back, was still there, secured and safe from the rain. As the pony passed a street light, a sudden gust of wind extinguished the flame, and where there had been light, only darkness resided now, at least until the flash of lightning brightened the area, and revealing the hooded pony running along.

The mare, unnerved by the sounds and the weather, continued on her journey through the dimly lit street of the town, fighting through the rain, ignoring the booming of the furious heavens.

- - - - - - - - - -

The rain at least began to calm down now as the mare left the confines of the lifeless town behind her, trudging along a well-worn road towards a large building in the distance. Even from here, the pony could see that life was still awake and alive at this time, evidenced by the lights through the windows. Coming to a stop nearby a rickety wooden sign, she turned her head to examine the writing, but could not see in the dark. Fortunately, a somewhat quiet flash of light from above illuminated the sign long enough for the pony to see the writing clearly.

'Ponyville Orphanage - This Way', the sign read. The mare sighed heavily. This was the place.

The pony checked to see if the basket on its back was still secure. Confirming that it was, she carried along the road to the facility. A slight breeze blew, sending a slight shiver along the mare's spine, but quickly did she brush it off, as she came towards the doorsteps of the orphanage. A little roof stretched out above the front oak doors, giving the mare some shelter from the rain as she climbed up the steps. Taking a quick look around to make sure nopony was watching, the mare knelt down on the ground and unfastened the straps securing the basket on her back, and tilted to the side to allow the basket to slide off as gently as she could.

A light gray blanket covered the basket, something moving ever so slightly underneath. The mare pulled back the covers, revealing a little gray baby pegasus filly with a small blonde mane, eyes closed as she slept and dreamed peacefully. The mare couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight, while wondering how in the wide world of Equestria somepony as young as her could sleep through rain and thunder so easily.

The mare felt something wet running down her cheek, but brushed it off as a rain droplet, not wanting to believe it was a tear.

Covering the baby filly up again, the mare brought a hoof underneath her cloak and pulled out a small scroll. Placing the scroll next to the basket and the sleeping filly in it, the mare took one final look around, before leaning in close to the baby pony.

In a quiet voice, she whispered "I am sorry, my little muffin. Please, find it in yourself to forgive me."

Her voice was almost on the verge of breaking, and several drops of water stained the blanket. Quickly, the mare raised a hoof and knocked as loudly as she could on the oak doors, her knocking eliciting a response a few seconds later as she heard somepony call out "I'm coming, I'm coming!" from the other side.

Quickly, the mare turned around and raced down the steps, and into the night, though spared a moment to glance over her shoulder one last time.

The oak doors opened up, and a plump green unicorn with a long cyan mane and bright turquoise eyes stepped out into the cold night air, looking around for sign of a visitor, but seeing only the dark.

"Honestly, prank callers at this time of night?", the mare groaned. "I swear, some ponies just -"

She stopped when she noticed the basket laid at her hooves, her eyes showing surprise, which turned to a look of shock when she noticed something moving underneath the covers. Pulling back the blanket, the mare gasped as her eyes fell upon the sleeping filly within.

"Oh my Celestia! Who in Equestria would leave a foal on such a cold night?", the mare said aloud. The little filly stirred, and turning over onto its back, it opened its eyes, revealing a pair of bright yellow orbs, the appearance of which struck the mare as both odd and intriguing, for they stared back at her cross-eyed.

The filly stared at the mare in the doorway for a few seconds, before smiling and giggling lightly, throwing its hooves up to her, as if asking to be picked up. The mare, warmed by such a cute little act, ignited her magic to levitate the little foal out of the basket and onto her back, making sure to drape the blanket over the filly as well.

"You poor little dear. Come along with me. Let's get you inside and warm, shall we?", the mare asked the filly, who responded with an adorable laugh. The mare smiled, before noticing the scroll of paper. Unfolding the paper with her hooves, the mare read the message written upon the parchment.

Her name is Derpy

Please take care of her

May Celestia forgive me

The mare looked back at the filly, who smiled back at her. Taking another look at the message, the mare rolled it up, and turned around to go back inside.

"Come along, little one", the mare said with a warm smile. "I'll take of you, dear."

As the doors were closed again, the rainfall began to clear away, reduced to only a few drops here and there, before stopping completely. High above, Luna's moon shone brightly, seemingly casting all of its light down onto the orphanage, and the little special child who had been taken in this night.

Author's Note:

Yeah, not a brilliant piece of work, but I hope someone thinks it's alright.

Comments ( 54 )

Holy shitballs... Nice job, Perv. I really did enjoy this one.

Her mom will forever look back on that day thinking of what she could have had and what she truly lost while Derpy grows up to be the mailmare she is at present with little or no memory of the one who had asked to be forgiven.:ajsleepy:

Wow, quite the nice story you have here, Unique. Bravo!

*Claps* Beautiful. *Curls into a ball and cries*

:fluttershysad: Just OMGOSH! The humanity! :fluttercry: I need to sit down now, curl up in a ball and think about how I can move on with my life.

4323532 I hope you noticed I'm following you now.

Because I appreciated your comment a lot. Thanks for sparing time to view my crap, sir or madam.

Wouldn't it technically be Celestia's night? I'm pretty sure Luna would be trapped in the moon at the moment.

4324225 I...believe you have a very good point there. Very observant, aren't you?

You might be a threat to the success of my future stories.

Chuck Norris, deal with this one. I'm getting a sandwich.

4324282 rarity: chuck nouris oh how adorable graves dear please help this getilmen learn some maners :raritywink:
graves: im too old for this

if you don't get my joke read this
you'll thank me for introducing you to the awesomeness that is the journey of graves :trollestia:

while sad this is a great origin for derpy it just fits perfectly :pinkiesad2:

A moving little story, with just enough feels to pleasantly stir the soul. I could see everything in the scene unfolding in my mind in perfect detail as I read, which isn't easy for me to often do. Major props for that!

I hereby bequeath to you a moustache in honor of your fantastic story, my good brony! :moustache:

4337079 Wow. I never expect my stories to have an effect like that on folk. You're probably just being polite, but it works for me. XD

I thank you very much for giving my story a chance and a view, I am very grateful. I'll give you a Follower since I like doing nice things for other people and BECAUSE I F**KING CAN! YOU GOT THAT?

Sorry. Don't you hate it when your inner demons REVEAL THEMSELVES TO PATHETIC MORTALS LIKE YOURSELF? ALL YA'LL MOTHERF**KERS SHALL BURN IN THE ice cream for everyone who read my story!

Also, please check out my YouTube channel if you ever need a cheer-me-up. I'm sure to have something there to make you laugh, and I always appreciate new ideas and critics.

Anyways, you take care of yourself, and once more, thank you again for viewing and commenting here, friend.

SEE YOU IN HELL, MORTAL! I meant another time. Stop it, inner demons!

- UniqueSKD
Your favorite random Brony fool!


Happy to be of help! I'll have to check out your YouTube channel. Oh, thanks for following, too! :derpytongue2:

P. S. I see dead people! :pinkiecrazy:

4341886 I see dead people too.

They're in the closet. I put them there. XD


I think we're going to get along splendidly. :twilightsmile:

4342404 Glad to hear it, mate! Remember - there is no shame in being yourself. Unless your true self is a pedophile or a psycho-bonkers nutcase murderer, in which case that's where problems often come to surface. Yeah...


Still, glad to have you on board! Time some time when you can to view some of my other Followers! I got some great people, including - drum roll, please - the one and only RainbowBob! Also included are Akumokagetsu and Manes and Dreamscape and Pizzy1334, just to name a few of the many talented folk I am very honored and lucky to have as Followers. Please, do get to know some of my minions. You might find that they can offer some useful help if you only ask!

Take care till we speak again, amigo!


Thank you! I'll do that, you take care as well! :pinkiehappy:

I hope that you don't mind Unique, but I did a fanfic reading for your story. I'm not the best reader in the whole world, but I wanted to read a story and I absolutely loved this story very much. I can't send you a link at the moment due to computer being a pest. It's on youtube under [CrystalFeatherMyths- read by Crystal Feather] Unwanted by Unique SKD.

4430260 Send me that link now.

And I don't care how you sound, friend. You forget that I am grateful and appreciative of anything you and the rest of you awesome guys and gals do for me. How many people do you think besides the more popular Bronies get this kind of honor? I don't think it is a lot.

I look forward to your reading!

4430331 OK, here it is. And I appreciate it! :heart:

4432718 Your voice...is beautiful...sniff, sniff...and so was the reading...

Without sounding like I'm trying to flatter you or anything, your voice did the story reading justice...thank you, Crystalfeather...just...thank you...

4434685 You're welcome. Thanks for brightening my day today. :pinkiehappy:

4436766 Me brightening your day? Shut up, it is YOU who brightened my day.

Actually, we'll just say we brightened each other's day, shall we? :)

4437007 Yes. That works! :pinkiehappy: This morning I was like :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: But then the afternoon came and I was like :pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2::flutterrage::trixieshiftright:

Wow. Powerful, yet understated. :fluttercry: Although unnecessary, I think an epilogue of sorts might be called for. (Maybe Derpy recalling her childhood in the orphanage with a touching scene with Dinky)

4574863 Hmm...well it is a very good idea, and one worth considering. My writing swagger, however, doesn't just happen when I want it to. If I write a story, it is only on my imagination's time, not mine. But the idea sounds good. If my imaginative writing frame of mind decides it wants to make another story, I'll give it a go. Thanks friend, and thanks again for sparing some of your time to read this. I am not the greatest writer there is, but if even one person enjoys anything I do, it is worth every second spent doing it. Have a great day, sir/madam, and be safe and healthy in the light of the sun and the moon, wherever in the world you may be!

4574880 My friend, you and I are but kindred spirits. (In my case though, my imagination works all the time. Like Pinkie minus the crazy :pinkiehappy:) And, while you may not be the best writer, you are better than most. Indeed, twas a pleasure. (I slip into the archaic from time to time :twilightblush:)

4574898 It does matter not as to what otherworldly dimensions of the written art you might delve deep into when answering the response of an entity separate from thyself, for I still yet express a particular gladness, a gratitude, if you will, for your precious time, spent like age-old common currency, so that you might respond to one such as I and make conversation, dialect communication, between two strange souls.

Yes. I too often slip into archaic myself. Except I don't know what the hell I just said. XD

4574966 :rainbowlaugh: Oh yeah, I think you and I will get along famously.

4574988 I think I got a friend in you
I think I got a friend in you
I think I just got, a brand new pal
I don't know yet if it's a dude or gal
But who cares? Because after a while,
I'll have a brand new friend in you.

Lyrics by UniqueSKD. Most definitely NOT using the Toy Story theme...(eyes shift left and right suspiciously)

Awww, Derpylicious!:derpyderp2:

Not as good as some of your others, but very enjoyable! I always liked the thought of Derpy as an orphan. I think that's why she adopted Sparkler... At least in my head canon...

4437092 Right now i'm like:ajsleepy::ajsleepy: later i will hopefully be :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

4958696 Well I did get :pinkiesmile: but at one point I was :pinkiecrazy:

4647433 Sorry for the late reply, but I never did thank you for that honest comment. Pardon my rudeness, and um...thank you!

4975282 Oh, don't worry! I enjoyed it!

Could have used some more detail and exposition, but, not bad....

I love how you narrated this story. Nice job on it! :twilightsmile:

5294143 The emotion! Oh my god! I made myself cry a river! Le sob! Le cry! :)

I am glad you liked it. Story writing is not my strongest skill, but I like to contribute to this community any way I can.

Right in the feels! This made me tear up :applecry: but you did an awesome job!

I promised myself I wouldn't cry *Tries very hard to hold back tears*

5980430 Here, friend. (passes a handkerchief)

Could you excuse me for a sec?

*walks away*

6741698 Are you okay, sir/madam?

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