• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2023


Not really big on fanfic writing, but when I'm in the mood I'll jot something down from time to time. I'd much rather frequent sites like YouTube, DeviantArt, and Facebook


Many years ago, Scootaloo was the daughter to a loving mother and father.

Many years ago, Scootaloo witnessed the death of her parents at the tip of a blade, wielded by a most horrific being.

Years onward, Scootaloo searched for the monster that killed her beloved family.

Many years later, Scootaloo finally found him.

Today, she stood face to face with the creature that called itself, 'Human'...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Story image made by myself in Photoshop CS3. I know it's not brilliant, but they say you shouldn't 'judge a book by its cover', right? Anyway, whoever and wherever you are, I hope you'll find this story worthwhile, and I hope you will take care of yourselves. It's dangerous out there in the world, so don't go alone.

Ah, twas' a fun game back then, indeed...

- UniqueSKD,
(The Brony Fool)

P.S - Please also check out my Followers and their stories too, would you? I also have a YouTube channel of the same name that has some funny content that should amuse you also if you wouldn't mind checking that out as well, sometime?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

4026257 I trust you read the Author's Note? XD I'll do the next chapter soon. Promise.

I, we, me, us, are all living walking nightmares, our feet treading upon the earth, our footsteps a trail of poison and destruction."

I know it's meant to be an inclusion of all humans, but really, you didn't need to add the "me" and "us". It's a bit redundant. Keeping it at "I, we," would have been fine.

That being said, did anyone else imagine this in anime form? I was honestly picturing an anime character while I was reading this. Somewhere along the lines of Zangetsu from Bleach.

One - Humanity...kinda is redundant.

Two - You son of a bitch, the 'anime' was my original intent! XD Now that you've said it, I kinda see my story in the form of an anime now. Cool...

Hey, you fucker! You better clean that vomit up before someone slips in that shit!

I hit the read later, I'll read it and tell you what I thought! Did you get the image I PMed you?:applejackunsure:

Typical pretentious misanthropy. Nothing to see here.


4030615 I would hope not! What sort of mother would call their kid a 'fucker'? XD

4030505 I don't know...I seem to have gained some dislikes from the public...I wouldn't want to annoy anyone else with my awful writing...

Ah, fuck it! If I annoy someone, I annoy someone! Simple and plain.

Anyways, am I following you yet? No? Well, I better correct that right away, friend! Thanks for giving a little of your time to read my awful shit. It is very much appreciated!

4030746 Hey, hey, s'all good, mate. Lots of people in the world has called me a 'fucker', most of the time simply because I have ADHD, and other times just for the sake of calling me a name.

Don't worry about it, mate. You're entitled to your opinions of my story, I wouldn't deny you the freedom of mind and speech. Just so long as you have a reason to dislike it, that's all I'd really ask for.

I'm not the greatest writer in the world, and I don't and won't claim to be. I just try my best and hope that at least one person will like my crap.

So, no ill feelings or grudges against you, mate. We're cool. Just please don't go spreading stuff like that on other people's stories, okay?

Okay. Peace out to ya, friend. Have a follow, on the house!

Well, since you asked so nicely, I wont. Here, have a like and a favorite to compensate.

4030807 Well, if you want to, that's fine. But please don't do so out of pity, or feel as though you owe me for something. You were just voicing your dislike, though you could have put it a little more...simpler, to be honest. I seriously am not like those writers who bitches if people don't like their stuff - we all have our own tastes and preferences in material, right? You might not like this story, but other people might, so whether you didn't like it or not would have been irrelevant to me.

But since you've changed your mind, you have my thanks and gratitude. I hope we can put this behind us and try to be friends, or at least be on better terms with one another.

Can we do this, friend?

4030991 Great to hear, mate! I hope you've got some good stories for me to read! I'll check out your content tomorrow. I'm British, so its midnight over here at my end.

I'll just leave you with this and bid you a good day or night, wherever you are, mate!

Straight from the UniqueSKD YouTube channel! If you have a YouTube account, send me a link to it in a PM and I'll up your Subscribers count for ya!

Well, at least you take things in stride, I can respect that.

4031261 Well, I've no right to tell other people what they have to like and dislike. I mean, if people don't like this story, then that's their choice. I'm not going to grovel and beg them to change their minds, because they are entitled to their preferences and tastes in writing material. So long as they dislike my material fairly and without the intent to cause trouble, I'm not bothered at all if my shit gets favored or not.

Besides, every dislike only gives me a reason to try and improve my work. I'm not the best writer in the world, and I doubt I ever will be. But while there is at least ONE person who thinks I'm worth the time and energy to check out, that's all that matters to me.

Complaining about people not liking your stuff won't solve the matter. It's pointless. You just have to take the bad with the good, and try again next time, and give it all of your very best.

Wouldn't you agree with me on this?

Yeah, of course. Wasn't the writing itself that irked me, your style is competent and clear. Genre, I suppose, the whole "zomg humens r teh ebil" shtick. I can't get behind it. But I could've just moved on instead of leaving a shitty comment. It didn't really succeed in anything, other than making me look like an ass.

Props to your patience, guy.

4033724 No, no, no, it's really honestly okay. I mean, yes you COULD have moved on, but you didn't. The fact that you at least gave the story a chance is decent enough of you. Nah it's all cool between us, brother-from-a-different-mother. XD We're cool.

And patience has nothing to do with it. I just accept whatever I get. I know there's hundred and hundreds of people on this site who can write better stuff than my crap, but it doesn't keep me from trying my best.

That's all we can do, isn't it? We just have to try our best, and if we fail, we can hold our heads up high knowing we can walk away without regret. So no your comment doesn't bother me. I still appreciate that you gave my story the benefit of the doubt, so you have my thanks and gratitude for that. Cheers to you, and I hope you have a good day or evening, wherever in the world you are.

And a good 24-hour interval to you, sir!
(But I'm on the East coast of the states, so it's noon as I write this).

4033807 Thanks, friend. Have a video to laugh at. And yes - That guy IS me.

Yeah, don't ask. Just smile, nod your head, and accept what you just saw. XD

Anyway, power to you, mate!I'm off to work on my next animation for my channel! Peace!

I think that the ratio of almost 1-4 is a good indication that we liked it, and want more....

4033881 That actually is some really good dancing.I can't say I dance well.At least you can.

*raises eyebrow*
Those goggles are questionably shiny. Like tin-foil.

Wishing for tinfoil.

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