• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,720 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

  • ...

H is for Heart

The train gave a mighty l urch as it pulled into the station, “Now arriving at Portland Port, all ponies departing please get off and/or change for the train leaving or Vanhoover."

"Vanhoover," Will sighed, knowing it as the place that she thought she was born. Where she thought her friends were, and slowly she lowered her head.

"Hey," Pinkie placed a hoof on Will's back. "We'll find them." She said with a big smile.

Slowly, the redhead looked to Pinkie, before smiling back softly, “I don’t know... what if I’m making them up. What if I’m not-”

“Hey, do you feel all warm inside when you think about them?” Pinkie interrupted, looking back into her friend’s eyes. As Will nodded, Pinkie giggled, “Then they’re real, and they’re out there waiting to see you again!”

“Come on you two!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she followed the other mares out of the train and into the station.

The small port town of Portland wasn’t very large in comparison to towns like Manehatten and Fillydelphia, but it was a port town that led to Aquastria and that made it special. The bearers and their two companions were entertained by the talk of the town. Amid its modest setting were the calls of fishmongers, ship builders, and captains. However, the eight’s destination took them to a small set of steps leading into the water.

"Now," Twilight said, as they got closer to the water,"The spell I am going to use is going to feel a little weird." She looked at Sunset and Will.

"Weird how?" Sunset asked.

"How does growing fins and gills sound?" Twilight looked at Sunset with a bit of a smirk.

"Wait what?" Will asked, shocked.

Twilight's horn glowed, enveloping the ponies in a bright light. For a few moments, the mares could feel a ticklish feeling traveling down their necks and legs,"There!"

“Wait, what?” Will looked over her body in shock, seeing the fins and gills on her body.

Sunset sighed, “Celestia never got around to teaching me this.”

“Trust me, I bet she would’ve, if given the chance,” Twilight nodded, before looking back at Fluttershy, “"Our ride, please." She said with a smile as they went into the water.

As she moved quickly into the water, Pinkie couldn't help but giggle, "This tickles as much a last time!"

Twilight turned to Fluttershy as they went in the water,”Fluttershy, our ride please.”

Will raised an eyebrow, "Our ride? What do you-"

Fluttershy noded, treading the water and letting out a small call. After a few moments a small whale appeared before the girls, leaving Will to look on in amazement. Quickly, they got onto the back of the whale and he began to travel through the murky depths. As they traveled, various amounts of sea life passed them by. Will, deciding to focus more on the group around her, looked at each mare in turn. For some reason, she began to feel something unique as she looked to them; be it a calming presence as she watched Fluttershy playing with a passing by fish or a hopeful feeling as she looked to Pinkie Pie. However, as she gazed past each mare, she saw Sunset as the yellow unicorn sat alone,
Now that I think about it, she’s like me... lost and far away from her friends. “So, do you miss your world?

Sunset turned to Will and sighed,"Yes, a lot." She looked down,"Even though I wasn't born there, I felt like it became my world!"

"Even though you don't deserve it." Mozenwrath said.

Sunset glowered at nothing.

Applejack looked to Sunset, "Y'all all right Sugarcube?"

Sunset shook her head,"Nothing... just nothing..."

"Probably just-" Dash stopped herself, letting out a growl instead.

Twilight frowned when she heard Dash growl,"Rainbow...”

"Stop!" A green sea-pony guard swam up and stopped in front of them and held out his spear,"Oh, it's just you, Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends! What are you doing here?"

"What's it to you?" Dash asked rudely.

"Um, we're here-" Will began, trying to figure what to say.

"We need to see King Leo." Twilight said, filling in for Will.

"Oh, is that all? Come, we'll take you to him!" The sea-pony said happily as he lead the eight through the massive gates of the city and into the town proper.

The difference between the shining city of captial of Aquestria vs Portalnd was immense. All throughout the city was the hustle and bustle of the normal city life with plenty of sea-ponies and merponies going about thier lives. Though they traveled well above the city on their floating whale, the eight mares could still watch in amazement at the bustling center. As they neared the massive and towering shapphire castle, Rarity looked and smiled at it, “It’s strange, but I can never get enough of the sheer magnificence of this palace.”

Looking down, Sunset smiled, “I remembered with Celestia showed me this place in a picture book once. I had always wanted to visit it and I thought about going here when I wa-”

Pinkie Pie then gave Sunset a quick hug, “Well, you’re here now! So, you now fulfilled a dream of yours!! Now you can remove this from your checklist!”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” Sunset chuckled.

Inside the throne room, a large lion-headed creature sat at a seashell throne,"Ah, the bearers of the elements. It is good to see you all again!" Leo said with a smile, bowing "and who are your two friends?"

Sunset gulped, looking at the massive size of the king "Oh, Celestia..."

"No, she is your princess. Who are you young lady?" Leo said with a laugh. He smiled at Sunset.

"S-Sunset Shimmer," Sunset stammered as she bowed,"This feels unreal. I've always heard of him, but I never thought I'd get the chance to meet him." She thought.

"I am Will Vandom," Will said, Feeling a sense of familarity as she stood before royalty. Instinctively she bowed before him.

"So, what brings you here?" Leo asked, stroking his mane.

Twilight looked up,"We're looking for a gate to the Heart of Worlds."

LEo gasped. He turned to his guards,"Leave us." When they did, Leo motioned for them to follow him to a large hallway,"Why are you looking for a thing like that?"

Will looked up, "A black dragon by the name of Valtor is hunting for it, and I think it might help me as well."

Leo shuddered,"Valtor." He looked at them,"He would be going straight for the gates" He sighed,"In order to access them, You must have the key. In order to get the key, you need to pass a challenge." He turned,"Find Squirk the Kraken in King Tydal's realm. He holds the key."

Dash let out a bout of laughter as she heared the name, "SQUIRK?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" she doubled over in pure laughter. Pinkie let out a few giggles as well, while Rarity looked on in pure disgust. Twilight face-hoofed at the name. Applejack snickered a bit while Sunset was stunned.

Leo sighed,"Yes, I know, the name is silly. But you have to find him." He looked out the window,"My guards will lead you to the capital, but no further."

Will stepped forward, "And then what do we do?

"Ask Tydal where..." He sighed,"Squirk is. Be warned, though, Squirk can be difficult to work with." He shouted,"Guards! Take these ponies to Adalantis!"

"Thank you, sire," Will bowed, while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash continued laughing.

"Yes sir!" Wave runner said, swimming up next to the group.

Sunblaster smiled as she sailed up next to the group, "It’s a shame you are going to leave so soon. We were about to perform the song of our people." the yellow sea pony said, a bright smile gracing her lips as she led the group out of the throne room and towards the city gates.

Leo laughed,"No need to be so formal! Call me Leo!" He looked at his guard,"Well, you could sing it to them while you are leading them there."

Sunset blinked,"Song of your people?"

"No," Mozenwrath said,"No, please!"

The two seaponies looke to eahc other and smiled

As they walked to the border of the capital, the girls couldn't help but sing along

Call upon the sea ponies...

Mozenwrath was screaming all the way to the capital. Sunset just smiled as she sang along.

It is said that the capital of Tauros is one of the bigger manufacturing centers in the world. That one could not go five feet without encountering a smithie or minotaurs selling hand crated wares. Sadly, due to a combination of the smoke from the furnaces and the shouts of various minotaurs selling self-help books, a sight like a pony sized dragon flying through the sky went unnoticed.

Up above the city, the black dragon Valtor flew through the air while coasting on the hot updrafts coming from the furnances below. With a sot landing, he stood next to his servant as she held onto her staff for support, “Problems, sire?”

“The bearers,” said Valtor, hooking his wings together to form a makeshift cape. “They are not here as I was expecting them to.”

“And that is a problem sire?” asked the old pony, her white mane going over her eyes. “Now we have time to look for the gate on our own.”

“It’s not that simple,” Valtor sighed as he looked on. “I was hoping for the bearers to lead me to the key and the gate so I can deduce what I am looking for. Without that, I am flying blind.”

The old mare nodded, and looked to the heart on her staff, “I see, then you could beat them to the Heart of Worlds by simple deduction.”

“You know me too well,” Valtor smiled. “Can you locate them through your heart?”

“If only I could,” the old mare said, shaking her head, “But you know what you said. If we put a tracking spell onto Will, it would be troubling for us if the bearers find it.”

Valtor sighed, lightly scratching the stone of the rooftop with his claws, “Sadly, that means we have to play the wai...” he paused as he saw a young calf with his mother walking the streets.

Valtor, come, it is time for your lessons,” the fairy in black said as she led the young Valtor down a hallway.

Valtor looked up from his book and smiled, “Yes, mother.”

“First, recite to me the five mana pools,” the fairy said, holding her staff.

“Red for destruction, Blue for control, Green for subjugation, Black for power, and white for weakness,” Valtor recited expertly.

The fairy chuckled, “Good, my son. You have become more proficent as you have grown.”

“Thank you mother,” Valtor said.

“...Tell me, servant, have you a family?” Valtor asked, looking at the mother and son.

“Yes, a grandfather and a father,” she said, her voice solomn. “It was thanks to them, that I realized how the only way we can truly be happy in this world is if someone takes control and brings it order. A lesson I wished my son had learned.”

Slowly, Valtor stood up to his full height, “For me, I had a mother. She trained me, cared or me, and made me feel like I could do anything. Then, when I was at the precipice of death, she abandoned me when I was about to have everything.” Reaching out wiht his right hand, a chuckle came from his throat as he made it glow, “You know, I think I know of how to have some fun while we wait for the arrival of the bearers.”

“Is that wise, sire?” Servant asked, looking at her master.

“Motivation, my dear servant. Movitation for the bearers to find the key,” Valtor chuckled as he walked away.

The servant just shook her head and looked to the heart adorning her staff, “Oh, Princess, I do hope you will enjoy your trip to Aquestria. I have heard that those who seek that key face hell. Hmmm, and it seems that your four friends’ journies have also begun. But, my huntress, where is she?”

After a few short hours of travel across the ocean pleans, the seaponies guided Twilight and to others to the city gates. At the entrance, two capricorns held up spears in thei tail,"Halt-" They then took a look at Twilight,"Princess!" The bowed.

Twilight shook her head and waved a hoof,"Please, no bowing." She looked at them,"We're here to see Tydal."

"Very well." one capricorn turned to the other,"Tell the king that Princess Twilight is here to see him."

A capricorn with a yellow mustach bowed and swam off. As the half-horse half fish swam off, Will looked up at the shining city that laid out beore her, "Wow, gorgeous, Cornelia would've loved this!" The various buldings made out of coral all gave the city a rainbow colored glow.

Twilight nodded,"I know." She sighed,"I'm so glad I get to come here."

"I remember when this was a small city," Mozenwrath began,"I was still an apprentice when I came here and saw Tydal for the first time."

It did not take long for the capricorn to return, "Lord Tydal says he will see you."

Twilight nodded as she and her group followed the capricorn through the streets of the city and towards the towering blood red castle. After exchaning greetings with the castle guards, the group was allowed into the castle proper. Entering the waiting hall of the majestic throne room, they were captivate by the large sapphires that highlight the halls, all reflecting the colors of the coral around them, “Oh my word! Look at all of this. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to live in castle made out of these beautiful crystals.” Rarity said, her eyes twinkling

Twilight smiled a little, “It does look nice, and so majestic, but I think this place would be a little intimidating for me to live in.”

“Don’t worry sugarcube, if ya ever wound up in a castle like this, we promise to help ya fix it up,” Applejack said, patting Twilight on the back.

As Fluttershy looked at the large mammals and other sea life swim overhead, she noticed Sunset standing next to her, “OH! I, um sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s ok, Fluttershy,” Sunset smiled as she looked at the coral. “It’s so unreal, being here. I always thought that it was going to be me here with Celestia, not here with-”

“Friends?” Giggled Pinkie as she skipped ahead of them.

Sunset nodded, giving out a little sigh before being nuzzled by Fluttershy, “You know, I didn’t expect you to become this friendly. I almost killed your friend over there. Aren’t you afraid?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “No, you just look like you need a shoulder. A pony to care for you.”

Sunset smiled and was about to reply when a female capricorn shouted, “Presenting, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria along with party: Lady Rarity Belle, Lady Rainbow Danger Miriam Dash, Lady Abigail Jacqueline III, Lady Fluttershy Firewing, Lady Pinkamena Diane Pie. Along with them, two memembers of thier party: Madame Sunset Amber Shimmer and Will Vandom.”

“How does she know our names?” asked Sunset.

The female capricorn looked to the young unicorn with a smile, “Our mages scanned your names as you walked into the room,” she bowed to the mares as they walked into the throne room. They bowed to it’s occupant

"Hello, Princess Twilight." A large green Capricorn sat on the throne,"What are you here for?"

"We need to find," Twilight sighed,"Squirk, your majesty."

Tydal snickered,"Why?"

Will looked up at the capricorn, unbelieving at what she was seeing, "Because he, has a clue t help us find a key to a gate."

Tydal frowned,"A gate?" He looked down at all of them, then noticed Will's necklace,"You will find him in the Lost Trench. I will lead you to him." He said as he got off of the throne.

"Lost Trench? Oh great," Dash snarkily responded wiht a roll of her eyes. "Let me guess, next is the pit of eternal torment."

"My pendant? Why was he looking at this thing?," Will said, looking down at her pendant. Carefully she held it up to her eyes and smiled softly at it, feeling a little warm at its sight.

Tydal led them down a dark passage way,"Be careful," He snickered."Squirk, can be difficult."

"Why, is he going to-"

"Rainbow DASH!" Shouted Rarity before Dash could make a vulgar comment. The ponies all turned to the loud rumble.

"Who dares enter my domain!?" A loud voice rumbled.A large squishy tentacled form came out a crevice,"I am Squirk!" the large squid shouted, then stopped, as if he was waiting for something.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Will, and Rainbow Dash all fell to the grond laughing their tails off. Rairtyy just looked on and shook her head, "How vulgar!

Twilight facehoofed again.

Squirk nodded,"That's what I was waiting for."

Tydal smirked,"These ponies need your key."

"My key!?" He looked at them all and laughed,"These ponies don't look like much! Are you sure they will be able to handle it?"

Rainbow Dash stopped her laughing, "Hey, are you saying we look puny to you? At least I don't have a name that sounds like when I-"

"Rainbow!" Rarity shouted with a glare, stopping Dash in her tracks.

"Yes, I'm very aware of what my name means." Squirk said with a roll of his eyes,"What makes you worthy of gaining my key?"

"Well, they are the Elements of Harmony." Tydal said.

"They are!?" Squirk's eyes bulged,"Hehe, well, I can't just give you the key, you have to go through my trench first. Be careful though, very few ponies have gone through and survived."

"I've survived. I can guide you through." Mozenwrath said.

"I don't trust you." Sunset thought.

"You don't have a choice." Mozenwrath responded.

Fluttershy floated over to Squirk, patting his head,"It’s ok, I think it is a very respectable name." she then flew off to follow her friends as they walked towards the trench that lay behind Squirk.

"Go through a trench? HA! Easy," Dash chuckled.

"Uh, Rainbow?" Twilight said,"Whenever you say that, it usually leads to bad things."

Mozenwrath began to laugh,"Oh, she's so dead!"

As they neared the entrance of the trench, Rainbow Dah looked to Twilight, "Name one time!"

"Remember that one time we had to go in a cave and you said it'd be easy? Balrog attack. Fixing Cadance's table? Giant Impossible Fire Ants. Going up a tree?" Twilight shuddered,"A naga. Possum sitting for Luna? Got us cleaning the whole palace for three days."

Will laughed at this, her mind having small visions of her best friends in weird situations. She could see some of them winding up wet, or covered in mud. She stopped for a bit," Ok, how did fixing Cadence's table and a tree lead to ants and a naga?"

"And cleaning a palace just for possum sitting?" Sunset asked, arching an eyebrow.

Twilight turned and just shook her head,"It would take too long to explain..."

As they entered the trench, Pinkie Pie giggled, “Let’s just say, it was a fun experience!”

AS they continued, Mozenwrath's voice said,"Heat bubble trap, right in front of Rarity." Sunset pushed Rarity away as bubbles flew up from the ground and burnt the ceiling.

"OOF! Thank you Sunset, but how did you know about that?" Rarity said, getting up to watch the scalding bubbles burst.

"Instinct." Mozenwrath said.

"Instinct, I learned a lot from Celestia." Sunset said with a nervous chuckle.

Applejack arched an eyebrow at this, and then shook her head. Dash flew ahead a little, smirking, "See, its nothing. Just a few traps here and there."

Pinkie nodded, skipping right behind the cyan mare. Twilight, meanwhile, looked at Sunset, placing a hoof onto her chin in thought,'Sunset's been acting weird lately.' Before turning around and following the leading Rainbow Dash.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Hey, you think Sunset is a little bit...loopy?"

"Yeah, a bit." Twilight said, walking near AJ,"I just wish I knew what was going on..."

That was when large teeth chomped at Rainbow Dash, “YIP!" Dash shouted, flying back to stay with the group.

A large shark bared down on the pegasus, gnashing its large teeth as she retreated. Fluttershy saw the shark and flew up to it, staring it down, “Now see here: She is not to be eaten, she is my friend! Now, you go back home and find some regular food, now young man.”

The shark sniffled then cried back to its home. As the large fish ran away crying, Rainbow Dash growled, "Oh come on! What's next, a water dragon?"

"Yes." A large sea-green dragon said as he appeared.

With a growl and a sneer, Rainbow Dash yelled, “Oh come on!” she then bucked the dragon in the face.

The dragon rubbed his snout,"Really?" He shot out a stream of bubbles at them.

"Careful, those things burn," Mozenwrath said.

"Keep away! Those bubbles burn!" Sunset said.

"Oh come on, what kind of bubbles-YIPE!" Dash yelled, feeling the heat from one of the bubbles wizz past her and burning her left shoulder a little. Before another set of bubbles could hit her, she banked left to let the next set of bubbles past her and burn the ground.

Twilight blinked,"Amazing! The beast is properly evolved to defend itself underwater! The heat bubbles..." She began.

"Great, could we get rid of this thing before she bores me?" Mozenwrath snarled,"If I have to hear anymore of this..."

Rarity gasped as she felt some gems in the seawalls, "Oh, that is interesting." With a smile,the white unicorn pulled out the diamond shard and began to wave it in front of the dragon, "Does mr. dragon want gems? Then go" and then tossed them into the distace.

The dragon barked like a dog as he chased the gem. His wings beating in the water like a bird. A smirk came to the mare’s face as she turned around nd followed her friends further along the trench.The group continued to walk when they came across a large wall of spikes, with no door in sight, "What on earth?" Rarity asked, looking at the giant wall. Stepping towards the massive wall, she ran her hoof along the sharp spike, "ouch, these things are razor sharp."

"Who put this here?" Asked Will.

Twilight looked at the wall,"For that matter, how do we get pass here?" She looked along the wall. All the spikes looked a bit rusted, except for one,"Oh, of course!" She grinned as she laid a hoof on the pristine looking spike, causing the wall to rise up,"Any sort of metal underwater would be corroded, so if this is the only spike that was normal looking, it must mean that it had to have been kept up by someone to keep the switch working!"

As the wall rose up, the mares began to walk through the portal. However, as Rainbow passed through, her flying began to become slower and her breathing a little shallower, "W-what's going on?"

"Maybe, we are just getting tired," Fluttershy said, before sighing, "But really, what's the point. I just drag you all down anyway. I’m so weak..."

"What's wrong with you guys?" Will asked, watching the ponies before her collapse. Each mare’s breathing became shallow, the bodies slowly greying as they laid down, and their eyes became black.

“Hey, sugarcube?” Applejack walked over to Dash,”What’s wrong?”

Dash turned away from Applejack, "What do you care? Haven't you been watching me? I've been getting myself nearly killed because I jump ahead!! I’m an idiot, a mare who can’t even handle saying goodbye!"

"I'm too much, I just..." Pinkie whimpered and ell down.

"Why am I even here?" Whispered Rarity.

AJ looked at Pinkie,"Ah'd never thought Pinkie would feel bad!" She looked at the group, then she looked at Dash,"C'mon Dash, ya may get a little bit reckless at times, but that's part of who ya are! Heck, sometimes if ya weren't here, we'd be dead!"

"OH yeah, how?" Rainbow Dash demanded, glaring a hole into Applejack.

"Well, if you hadn't kept that dragon away, his bubbles would've hurt one of the others. Look, Ah know we can get into some fights, but you know... there’s no pony Ah would rather have at my back. You just go ahead of the group because you can’t stand to lose anypony."

"I'm just a fashionista, not an adventurer, not a hero. Why am I here?" Rarity whimpered.

The orange mare looked at Rarity,"Oh c'mon Rares! You're not just a fashionista! You're a wonderful friend who would give up anything to protect those she cares about! Most ponies like you would run and hide, you are willing to give everything. That says hero to me!"

Will walked towards Twilight and Sunset, "Why is everypony actin-"

"Don't worry Nami, we'll ind her,"said a voice in the shadows.

"Cornelia?" Asked Will as she walked towards a glowing portal.

"I'm worthless!" Cried Rarity.

“Now, none of that!” Applejack said, glaring into Rarity’s eyes. “ You are selfless, and we always need a gal who is willing to give everything she has to help. You are a great gal, both to Sweetie Belle and all o us.”

Fluttershy remained silent while Pinkie had begen to collasp to the ground, not moving an saying anything. Twilight just looked ahwad, "Why did I deserve anything?"

"You better just leave now, no telling when a new threat will just cauuse me to go evil again." Sunset whimpered.

Will touched the shimmer portal, and was presented wiht a vison of her friend, now human, rubbing the back of a orange haired young woman, "Who-"

"And even when it seems like everything is against you, and the others aren't there? I promise, I will hold the pain for you. I will hold your burden. I'll do all I can to protect you."

"C-Cornelia, I-" the vison then changed to show her and her friend now as ponies, standing in front of a large castle.

"Corny, look, I know that my plans aen't alway-"

A hug interrupted her, "Look, I know I disagree wth you, and I think I can plan better than you. But, even with that in mind, I will always be there to support you, to hold your burdens. That is who I am. I am-"

"My pillar-" she then blinked out of existance and back into the trench.

"C'mon." Applejack went to Twilight and picked her up,"You've always been there when a friend needed help. You earned those wings." She went to Fluttershy,"You've never backed down, even when you're scared. Fluttershy, sometimes Ah think yer braver than all of us combine!" She went to Sunset,"Ya ain't going to go evil again, because we'll be there to help ya, no matter where we are! And Pinkie...you’re a freak. But ya are also the most hopeful of all of us,you've always kept a smile on our faces! We'd be all depressed without you around!" She looked ahead,"Now c'mon, we have a job to do!"

Each mare looked beaten and drained, a glimmer of life still bearly in their hearts. As Applejack’s words flowed into their minds, each mare could feel a strange sensation overtake them, as if Applejack’s words were reigniting the energy in their hearts.

"You're right," Rainbow Dash said, slowly standing up, walking to her friend. "Besides, if I get too reckless, I know I can count on ya."

"Am I really that brave?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack nodded,"Yer here, ain't ya?"

"Always there," Whispered Rarity to herself. “Always willing to give her all.”

Pinkie smiled, and then laughed a little, "I don't know why I was being mopey."

Sunset slowy tried to get up, shaking her head free of the influence tha the area was having on her.

"It must have been this area's trap," Twilight said, getting up, and looked at Applejack,"Thank you, Applejack." She said as she hugged her friend.

"Not the way I did it, but it worked." Mozenwrath chuckled,"Almost makes me sad to split these six up, they’re perfect for each other."

The group continued on until Twilight stepped on a rock, causing several beams to appear in front of her.

Dash could only smirk as she saw the beams flowing widely and out of control. In the distance she could see a small button just ahead of her, and in her mind, a small beat began to play in her head, "Oh yeah, now we're talking!”

Sunset arched an eyebrow, "What's going on?" she asked, looking around as the lights flashed around the area rythmically.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who’s hearing that!" Mozenwrath said.

"My image song, it plays in my head when I'm about to be AWESOME!!" Dash cheered as she flew into the beams, swooping up when two beams went horizontally at her. Twisting her body into a corkscrew, she flew in between beams that went vertical, followed by four that tried a checkered formation. The next few beams came at her in a repeated formation according to the strange beat, wich Dash began to fly zig zag through it.

Laughing at the obsticle course she had been put on, Rainbow Dash flew up and under and around a series of more beam. Steadily, as if the song became faster, the beams began to increase their tem. Dash just smirked and began to increasee her own speed, soon coming across the button. The beams stopped as Dash pressed the button. The group congratulated Dash, then continued on until they came to a large door, with a large crab in front.

The crab coughed,"This is the last stretch. Tell me a joke and I will let you pass."

The five mare all smiled and turned to Pinkie Pie, who had a big grin on her face. Stepping forward with mighty strides, the pink mare took a deep breath, "So Celestia one day stood before three animals and asked them to bring her the item that best represents their cultures and she would bestoe on them a specail gift. Well, the three races :The bunny, the pony, and the deer all left and the next day brought out their gifts. The pony brought a rainbow colored gem and told her ‘This represents unity and friendship.’

Celestia said, ‘Then I grant you bonds that will last evermore.’

The deer brought out a tree, ‘This represents our strenght and courage. Our wisdom and long life.’

Celestia said, ‘Then I will grant you solace and peace evermore.’

The bunny then hopped to Celestia and brought out a calculator. Confused, Celestia looked to the calculator and noticed that it had only three buttons: a 2, a multiply button, and an equals sign.

Celestia said, ‘Then I will grant you a vasectomy, so you will multiply nevermore.’”

The crab snickered, before falling over laughing as the door behind him opened to reveal a statue holding a rainbow colored sea-shell

"Whoa," was all Rainbow could say as she stared at the statue.

Will turned to the crab, "Is that-

The crab laughed,"Yeah, that's the key!"

Twilight walked up to the key and looked around.

"Are there any surprises?" Sunset asked.

"No, this is it." Mozenwrath answered back.

Twilight used her magic to pick up the key and then she and the other Element Bearers were blinded by a flash of light.

"Friendship!" was the next thing Twilight heard. She found her and her friends sitting in a large castle on thrones. Twililght blinked as she noticed an alicorn running up to her,"Who...?"

"Friendship, there's an Earth Pony in the city!" The light blue alicorn said.

"Friendship?" Twilight asked, she looked behind her and noticed her friends were also alicorns, with flowing manes and glowing eyes. She craned her head a little in order to see the cutie marks but was unable to see what they looked like.

"... are you alright your majesty?" The alicorn said.

Twilight blinked, before turning to him"Let us see this Earth Pony," Twilight said,"But first give us your name."

"Me? But I've been your messenger-oh!" He grinned,"This is a test! My name is Speed, and I've been the messenger of the Six Queens of Harmony for two thousand years." He said, before turning,"Come!"

Twilight looked at the others and blinked,"This is getting weird." She said as the group headed towards the earth pony.

A white earth pony walked through the emerald city, her eyes looking on in amazement, "Why, I do declare, this is the most amazing city I done ever been to! So lovely and pretty. Now, where is that little ol’ castle of the alicorns? OH! There we are!" slowly she walked, still amazed by the sight.

Twilight looked down as she and the other five went to her

"Oh my, I wasn't expecting you six to be so... large and beautiful, just who does your manes?" Asked the earth pony before gasping, "Oh, I am sorry, where are my manners. My name is Truly Love, of Paradise Estate."

Loyalty chuckled and whispered to Friendship, "Great, one of those. Are they making earth ponies smaller or is it just me?"

"Uh, it's just you, Loyalty." Twilight said, guessing at her name. She looked down at Truly,"How did you get her, Truly?" Twilight thought,'Wasn't she in one of the legends? Am I in the past?'

"Well, my friend Mimic gave me this here magical charm that lets me travel to a place in my head," with that, Truly brought out a small amulet that had a bird on it. "The girl has been really pushing herself to get us all where we need to go."

Twilight blinked,"May I see that?" She said, using her horn to detect the kind of magic on the charm,"Why did you need to come here?" She asked.

"Well, that is kind of an interesting story," Truly chuckled. "Mimic had been getting some visions about something about the Heart of Worlds. She said she didn't know what it was but, she said we needed to go and investigate it and maybe talk to the queens of harmony about it."

Twilight gasped.

"Darling, you realize how dangerous it is to talk about the Heart of Worlds?" the mare that Twilight assumed was Generosity said.

"Can we see Mimic? Perhaps we can make sense of her visions," A mare Twilight guessed to be Honesty said.

"Further more," Twilight said,"You said 'us', who are the others?"

"Mah little ol friends: Wind Whistler, Fizzy, and Gusty. No, we haven’t heard how dangerous it is, we never even heard of a thang until today. We knew of the heart of our world, but not the Heart of Worlds. Mimic is at home, trying to make sense of it all. Ah think this little talisman can take you there, if y'all want," she said.

"I think we should go there," Twilight said, taking the talisman in her magic, causing a blinding flash of light.

Truely closed her eyes at the blinding flash of light, before looking back at the sea, "Now for mah part." With a mighty sigh she continued her walk.

"Twilight?" Twilight heard faintly Applejack say,"You okay?"

Twilight blinked and shook her head,"What happened?"

"You spaced out for a bit," Sunset trotted over to her,"We were getting worried."

Pinkie Pie leapt in, "Yeah! Your eyes were all glowy and there was this light all around you like a giantnormus hearth’s warming tree!"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"Yeah, I was having some sort of weird vision, where I was controlling the body of an alicorn named Friendship, who was part of the so-called Queens of Harmony. The other virtues, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, and Generosity were there as well, but they all looked like alicorn versions of you." She looked at the group,"How long was I out?"

Rainbow Dash looked down, a tear in her eyes, "For two months Twilight. We thought you were dead."

Twilight gasped,"Oh, no! And you've been staying by my side this whole time!?"

"Y-yes, and by the way, Sunset and Rarity fell for each other and got married in the meantime," Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash!" Shouted Rarity as Rainbow Dash began to laugh uncontrollably.

Twilight blinked, then frowned at Rainbow,"Well, if you want to be that way about it, I guess I won't tell you about the alicorn of speed I saw in my vision."

"Wait, the what? G-go back to that last one!" Rainbow pleaded.

Will watched this and began to laugh slowly to herself and stood next to Sunset, " Guess some things don't change, huh? Friends like that always know how to tease each other."

Sunset smiled as she watched them,"No, they don't." She chuckled to herself.

"Alicorn of speed, personal messenger to the Queens, but you don't want to hear anything about that!" Twilight said, turning her head away.

"Oh come on! Yeah I do, I want to know all about it! How fast was she? Could she break the speed barrier, was she anything like me? Come on!!!"

"Oh, okay," Twilight turned with a smile,"Well, I didn't get to see his speed, but I saw his cutie-mark of a lightning bolt."

"AW SWEET!" Dash smiled, making a note to try and top him next.

"So, what do we do with that there shell? If it’s supposed to be a key or gate, how are we supposed to open it?" Applejack said.

"For that matter, where is the gate?" Rarity asked.

Twilight looked at the shell,"Maybe we should ask Tydal when we get out."

The crab from earlier went up to them,"I'll take you out of here."

“Why thank you, darling,” Rarity said with a polite bow, enjoying the gentle crab’s manners. Each mare got onto his back and he quickly began to travel out of the trench. As they did, Will did not notice that her pendant began to glow softly with a low pink glow.

The group walked out of the entrance, where Squirk was being tied up by another crab.

Squirk squirmed,"I tell ya, I wasn't drunk! The whale just got in my way!"

"Yeah, tell it to the judge." The crab said.

The girls looked on with a raised eyebrow, "What?"

Tydal just gave a shrug,"While you were gone, these crabnasties appeared and arrested," He smirked a bit,"Squirk."

Twilight sighed,"Well, while that's going on,"

"Help me!" Squirk yelled," I'm being oppressed!"

"You have the right to remain silent," The crabnasty began.

"Where's the gate?" She asked.

Tydal pointed west,"At the Stone of Truly, near the base."

"Where's the stone of Truly?" asked Applejack.

"I'll lead you half-way there, but I could go no furthur. After I take you, you must traverse the Bed of Rememberence, and follow the Stone Turtle to the Gate." Tydal remarked, walking the group forward along the seabed.

"Oh, a bed? That sounds lovely," Fluttershy smiled.

"Great, a stone turtle," Dash rolled her eyes.

"Why can't you go any farther?" Will asked.

Tydal looked at them solemnly,"I have lived a long, terrible life, so I cannot bear to see the Bed of Remembrance, for it would show me the horrors I have committed in the past. You eight, however, would not endure that. The Bed would show you happy memories, sad times and your sins."

Sunset gasped,"Our sins?"

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder,"You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"No, I came this far, I'm not abandoning you now!" Sunset looked at Twilight with determination.

Will looked down, "Wonder what it would show me?"

Pinkie hopped to Sunset, smiling at her, "Don't be so frowny downy Sunny! If you have any bad memories, we'll cheer you up!!"

For once, Rainbow Dash had no snarky thing to say, she just began to fly, "So, let’s go."

Tydal lead the group to a large desert like area, one that streched for miles, "Here it is. I must go, but I will be here when you return. Be safe, young ones." He said as he left.

"Well, what are we waitng for, let’s get moving!" Dash smirked as she flew on ahead.

"Rainbow, wait!" Twilight shouted.

As they walked along the sea bed, they could hear voices,

" You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here."

Rarity smiled as she watched some of her memories appear before her, "My word-"

"Rarity, this is your little sister," a light pink unicorn said, showing a small little white unicorn at her side

Fluttershy blushed as Rarity asked her, "OH, um, I like to come to this spa once in a while."

"You five really are the best friends a girl could ever have." Rarity said, hugging her friends tightly.

Pinkie Pie giggled as she looked on.

"Are you surprised, are you? I saw you and thought that you didn't have any friends and must be so sad." Pinkie said, looking at the surprised purple unicorn.

“I know you’re upset, that’s why I gave you a cupcake!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner,” Mr. Cake said.

"I just wanted verypony to love my favorite older sister." Pinkie said to the light grey earth pony, before hugging her.

"Sunset, welcome to your first day of classes." Celestia said, strolling into the majestic hall.

"Oh, is this a mother's day gift?" Celestia said to a young Sunset, smiling.

"Today, is your birthday, because this was the day you appeared on my doorstep," Celestia said, smiling.

Sunset sniffled at the memories of Celestia,"Oh, Celestia..."

"Of course the monsters aren't going to get me, they're too afraid you, big brother!" Little Twilight's voice echoed.

"That moment, I realized that you all, are my friends!" Twilight said triumphantly.

"Friendship isn't easy, but it is sure worth fighting for!"

A few tears came to Applejack's eyes as she looked at the pictures in front o her, "Oh...Ma."

"This is your job, you are in charge of helping the house now." An orange earth pony said to young Applejack.

"Ah'll watch the farm, just like you pa!" Applejack said, a big grin on her face.

"Don't worry ya head, sugacube, we'll be by your side no matter what. We're bonded by something that nopony can break." Applejack said, putting a hoof onto Twilight’s shoulder.

Fluttershy smiled softly," Oh I love this memory."

"You have to give it to my number one flyer." Rainbow Dash said, nudging over her shoulder

"You must be my little angel." Flutterhsy said to the shiverin little bunny.

"I won't breank a promise Discord." Fluttershy said, looking up at the draconiquis.

A yellow unicorn looked down at her young foal, "My precious Sunset..." but quickly, the image faded away.

Sunset reached for the image,”Of course, you leave me again...” She stomped her hoof.

Will turned, and walked to one image "This is my memory, but.. .why is it so blurry?" she asked, seeing it split into two. The same scene but shown in different styles.

"I don't know, should we even be friends? I mean, all we have in common is this little job we do, and then-"

"We'll figure out what's next later!" Giggled the pegasus/human.

"Yeah, I mean, it would be boring if we knew what we liked right out the bat, the discovery is half the fun," said the auburn earth pony/human.

A brown earth pony smiled, "Well, I am willing to find out."

"Some more than others," said a blonde unicorn.

“Yeah, but you’re you,” Rainbow dash said.

“ I am going to be the fastest ever, so no matter where you go, I’ll be by your side in an instant,” Rainbow Dash squeaked to her best friend.

"Ok, I admit it, I love this book," Dash said.

Dash smirked, "Ok, so I wass little overboard on that memory."

Twilight walked over to Will, seeing the blurry images in front of the pegasus, "It seems even the magic in this place can't show your memory." She then felt a shiver down her spine. She turned and saw a cat woman standing in front of her. On instinct, she fired at it

The cat woman laughed, "What is the matter dear Twilight? Still angry at the past?"

"Shut up Mirage!" Twilight shouted, firing from her horn again.

"Twilight?" Sunset put a hoof on her friend's shoulder,"It's okay, she's not..." She looked up and saw a demon woman above her,"No..."

The demon looked down at Sunset, saying nothing but looking down with a sneer. In her eyes, all of Sunset's crimes were on full display. Every person she hurt, every life she broken, and every crime she had ever done flown back into her mind.

“Yeah, he was, and he loved every moment o it,”

“It was Pinkie Pie after all.”

“Look, those kids never loved you.”

“Oh please, don’t fight, I might have use for all o you.”

“S-S-stop, please,” Sunset said, falling to her knees as more images flodded her mind.

I am going to use these students as cannon fodder while I go after Celestia and wrangle the life from her body,” Sunset said, as the crown sat upon her head.

Rainbow Dash smiled at the image of her standing up for Fluttershy, and her first meeting with Twilight, when she saw an image of an old mare, smirking "Don't tell them, remember."

The cyan mare growled and attacked, only to watch it fade, and replaced with an image of an older mare leaving, "No, don't!" Then a few more images flew by her.

"Just go! I don’t need you here, Fluttershy!” Yelled Rainbow Dash.

“What does this MAre-Do-Well got that I don’t got. No, don’t leave me alone!” Whimpered Dash. “Why did you do this?”

“ Sorry Scoots, I have to leave for a while, see ya,” Dash said flying away.

"Aw shoot," Applejack said, watching as the image of two unicorns appeared, which she bucked.

"GO AWAY!" Yelled Rarity as she looked down at her little sister.

"You are all the worst! I give my everythng and now you abandon me?" Yelled Rarity.

“Oh, Spikey, just let me have the book,” Rarity chuckled madly.

"Oh my," Rarity sai, walking away from her memory, and then saw a face she hoped not to see again, "Suri" the unicorn growled a little and got ready to fire a shot.

Fluttershy backed away a little as she saw the rage filled her roaring and bumped into Pinkie. The pink earth pony shuddered as she looked to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy,y-you aren't mad at me right?"

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie, remembering the event that she was referring to, "Never. You were only trying to show how silly I was being and trying to show me the worst. You were being you... I can never fault you for that." With that, the yellow pegasus hugged her dear friend.

Will began to tremble as she heard a sinister laugh from off in the distance.

The woman in black smiled, "You can never escape me, Will. Your greatest failure, the one that almost got the ones you loved killed. The gallent hero..."

Shivering, Will backed up in fear, "N-nno. Who are you."

An olden pony, holding a staf smiled, "I'm you. The one you fear of becoming because of that small trinket."

"Come on, the princess needs us." Twilight turned to see a sight she had hoped to never see again.

"You have a lot to think about." the echo of Celestia said, walking way.

The five other bearers left Twilight alone, while Rainbow Dash flew back a little, "Guys, no...don't leave me."

Sunset went down in fear,"No, no, no."

Twilight began to tear up,"Not again, don't leave me."

"Twilight, it looks like you did it again!" Celestia's happy voice echoed.

Twilight's ear perked up at this,"Celestia?" She turned and saw Celestia looking at a little Twilight.

"Yay! What's the next spell, Princess!?" the filly said, hopping up and down.

"Patience, my dear. Come, you must be tired." Celestia said, walking away towards a rock. Twilight followed.

"Ah want to protect her against Diamond, Ah want to punch that little filly so much, but Ah can't. He has the money and can ruin us," Applejack said in the dream.

The real Applejack stepped back, watching her faults hit her hard. She then put her hat over her eyes and growled.

Turning her green eyes to Twilight, she looked ahead, "That's it girls, follow her lead. All of these bad memories, all of these mistakes we done? They're nothing more than distractions!" Stepping forward slowly, each stride seemed to be in defiance of the bad memories,"Yeah we had plenty of bad memories in our time-"

"Oh, I failed them," Rainbow Dash whimpered as she fell to the ground, shivering.

"But, that was in our past. We can't forget all of our good memories too!" Applejack said, looking to Rainbow Dash.

"Get the buck away from her!"

"You mess with one of us, ya mess wiht all of us."

"We hurt each other, and we'll do it again one day. But, we make up for it, and we'll come out better than ever for it!"

"We've got a whole lifetime of friendship and love behind us. We won't let a little thing like this beat us," she then turned to look at Twilight and smiled, "Right?"

"Ah love ya, little sis."

Twilight turned, wiped a tear, then nodded as she continued on.

Sunset watched as Applejack gave her speech. She then saw the human Applejack before her. She got up and walked behind Twilight.

"And don't forget, we're right there with ya to help with the bad memories," Applejack said, hugging both Twilight an Sunset.

"I may like winning, but I love them way more,"

"Yeah," Dash smiled as she walked behind Sunset an Twilight, "My faults are just gonna help make me more awesome!"

A human Dash appeared for Sunset, holding out her hand.

"I live to help and make things more lovely. I will be there."

Rarity wiped a tear falling rom her eyes, before looking ahead. Pinkie Pie took Fluttershy by a hoof and led her ahead.

So I act a little goofy, I alway want to bring a smile to anypony’s face,”

“I may be scared, but I wont let them down!”

In front of Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stood with their hands holding out.

Applejack kept walking ," And i fyou have any problems, put them on me, I'll be there to hold them all up."

Will felt a familar tug on her heart, as if seven lights were pulling her away...

"...I don't deserve you girls,"

"You do, don't think otherwise." IRma said.

"Yeah, or else we'll hug you until you realize it." Hay Lin smiled.

Twilight looked at Applejack,”AJ, you are not going to put all our problems on yourself, we’re going to shoulder the burden with you.”

Applejack chuckled, a warm smile on her face as she put a hoof onto twilight's back, "Of course."

Will walked forward slowly, the inner light she had glowing a little more brightly

The group soon walked in front of a large stone turtle.

Twilight looked behind her,"Okay, I am so teleporting us back. Everypony agreed?"

"Agreed!!" Said the girls in unison.

Twilight looked at the large structure,”How is this going to lead us to the gate?”

“Hmm?” The turtle started to move,”Oh, I have visitors.”

“Wow! It’s a talking stone turtle!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Fascinating, what exactly are you?” Twilight asked.

“I am a golem, created specifically to protect the gate. I assume that is what you are here for?” The turtle’s head laid down to look into the group’s eyes.

Twilight nodded,”Yes, we came to get the Heart of Worlds before Valtor could get to it. So who created you?”

“I... don’t remember.” The turtle cocked it’s head,”But Valtor is a name I fear. Come, I’ll take you to the gate.”

The group soon rode on the Turtle’s back to a large rock with a whiteearth pony etched onto it.

Twilight walked up to the Earth Pony image,"Truly," She said, rubbing the etched figure. Suddenly, the sea shell came out of her saddle bags and glowed, causing the stone to shimmer. A gate appeared on the front.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, "So, who's first?"

Twilight looked at all of them,"I think I'd better take a look inside." She said, before turning and opening the door.

The door opened to a decayed wasteland, with various crystal buildings scattered across the area.

"Oh, my word!" Rarity exclaimed.

"What happened here?" Asked Will

Twilight stepped through it,"That's what I want to know."

Mozenwrath growled,"I sense Heartless in the area."

"Heartless?" Sunset thought.

A small shadow then began to follow them.

Author's Note:

Thanks for Zoltan on his assistance and editing.

Yes, the heartless just showed up. Yes, I just realized how much Kingdom hearts has affected me through the course of coming up with these adventures. Also, can anypony figure out who the villian is that is training Valtor?

Now stayed tuned...next chapter brings a special guest that none of you will see coming.

Yes, Tydal is owned by Defender222