• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,719 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

  • ...

E is for enemy

"I'm a pony," Will said as she stood in the darkness. "No, I'm not! I'm Will Vandom, I come from... Vanhoover? No! I-ARG!!!!!!”

"Poor, poor Will," Valtor said in her mind. "You have no idea who you are anymore, do you?"

"Yes I do! I'm a pegasus, I work with the guardians to protect the Veil. Me and my friends saved Equestria from dimensional threats!" Will argued, looking around for Valtor.

The black dragon appeared behind her, cupping her chin, "Is that so? Then why did you not know how to fly? Or what about Twilight Sparkle? You met her once didn't you?"


"Maybe I'm right, and Twilight is lying to you," Valtor chuckled as he vanished.

"Wait, get back here!" Demanded Will as the world around her began to vanish into white.

Will shot up in a bed to see a buttery yellow pegasus sitting next to her.

The pegasus flew up with a start,"You're awake!" She said with a smile.

"Oh, hey Fluttershy," Will said with a pant, before looking around her. "How long was I out?"

“You passed out for almost an hour, we were all worried,” Fluttershy said, patting Will’s forehead. “I decided to stay with you while the others helped with the city. Are you all right?”

Will nodded. She then looked to the capital city of the empire. The streets, though still being after the flames were quelled, were now cleansed of zombies, "Wow, things cleaned up quick once Valtor left. Where's Twilight?"

Fluttershy blushed,"It was the weirdest thing, once Valtor left all of the zombies just... disintegrated." She looked towards the door,"Twilight is discussing things with our friends. We wanted to wait until you got better before we got back to Ponyville."

"Thanks," Will said, getting out the bed slowly, trying to steady herself. "Besides I have something I need of her."

Fluttershy helped Will up,"What would that be?"

Will smiled softly at Fluttershy, "I need her to find out about some ponies in Vanhoover."

Outside, Dash flew in the air, her scowl becoming worse, "What did that Valtor jerk mean by, 'this wasn't the heart that he was looking for?' That is the only heart for miles!!"

Twilight looked up at her friend,"He was probably speaking figuratively." She looked back down as she said"If this wasn't the heart he was looking for, then why did he attack..."

"Maybe he was using it as a distraction?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, a distraction, but-"Twilight gasped,"We have to get back to Ponyville, now!"

Will stepped out of the hospital room, "Why?"

Twilight turned to Will,"Good, you're awake! Listen, I think Valtor's after the Elements!"

"But they're stuck back in the tree, how can he get to them?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"They were taken out once before, unless..." Twilight's eyes opened wide as she flapped her wings,"He's after the tree itself!" She grabbed Applejack in her magic,"Come on!"

Valtor stood before the tree of harmony, a slick smile on his snout, "Now, this must be the heart of worlds." a low chuckle came from deep within his throat as he gazed at the crystalline tree

A maniacal laughter filled the air as Valtor looked upon the tree,"Hey, aren't you the little drake who got beaten by those pretty little faeries?"

"Who's there?" Valtor demanded, looking around.

"My dear wizard, you didn't think you could come in here without facing any... chaotic resistance, did you?" The voice laughed again.

"Chaos?" Asked Valtor to himself before opening his eyes wide, "Discord? Are you on this plane?"

"Well, of course!" Discord popped out in front of Valtor,"After all, Harmony exists here." He looked at the tree behind him,"How are you doing?" He asked, not really expecting an answer from the tree.

The tree said nothing, only gleaming in response. Valtor took a knee and spread his wings as he bowed, "It is a pleasure. My servant told me all about you: a multiversal entity. Someone who can exist in many forms on many universes. I am honored." he then walked closer to the tree, "I came here mainly to-AHHHHHHHHHH!" he pulled his black claw away, sizzling. Turning his slitted eyes up to the tree, he watched as it’s glow seemed to taunt him.

"Honored!?" Discord beamed with pride, then he frowned,"I could've told you that was going to happen. But I didn't, you know why?" His face went to Valtor's,"Because you're not as smart as you think. You don't know everything, do you?

Valtor waved his hand, trying to ignore his pain, "There are many things that have passed me by in my learnings. You’re right, I do not know everything. Sadly." he looked away, a growl escaping his snout.

"Aw, poor dragon!" Discord said in a mocking tone. He gave a wide grin,"At least you admit something, except that you still don't realize your other major flaws."

The black dragon walked next to Discord, "Other flaws? What flaws?" he growled that last word.

"Oh, yes! You think you're great, yet you've been defeated! You're a master, yet you've always been a pawn, even now!" Discord grinned,"You are also very prideful, even compared to me. But that's all I’ve got to say. Be grateful, Twilight, Guardian." Discord said as he looked beyond Valtor.

"I AM NOT A PAWN!" he yelled, wanting to burn Discord for the affront, but stopped when he heard hoofsteps

"Oh, Will, Twilight, a pleasure to see you and your friends arrive to the tree. However, I am afraid that this isn't the heart I am looking for either, but a very powerful magical source nonetheless," the black dragon smiled, opening a portal and began to walk into it.

Twilight growled as she reached the spot where Valtor left,"Darn it!" She looked up at Discord,"What did you mean?"

Discord smiled,"You girls figure it out. I have other matters to attend to. First, don't you have something to ask Twilight, Will?" He said, before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

"Not the heart..." Will looked down at the crystal around her neck. She then turned to look at Twilight, "Twilight, I need you to look up some ponies in Vanhoover by the names of Irma Lair, Taranee Cook, Cornelia Hale, and Hay Lin."

Twilight nodded and turned to walk out of the cave,"Be grateful... he must've been giving us a clue..." She said as they walked out of the cave.

"What clue?" Rainbow asked, throwing her hooves in the air. "This is Discord! His clue is probably something that leads to nowhere!"

"Rainbow, you know that's not true! Discord can be helpful, when he tries to be," Fluttershy argued.

Rainbow only scoffed as the group walked out of the forest. Her magenta eyes looked towards the hospital, "Isn't she out, yet?" she growled.

Will stood at the back of the group, wobbling a little as a voice rang in her head,

"The heart...

Rarity turned to Will,"Something wrong?" She asked.

"No, I’m fine," Will said, giving a small shake of her head as the voice said again,

"The heart... You are the possessor of...

Twilight looked at the hospital building,"Why don't you girls check on Pinkie, while I do a little research?"

The girls nodded, while Dash gave a huff, "Love too, but can't. I have some jobs that need to be done. See ya!"

"What's gotten into her?" Applejack asked.

Rarity flipped her mane, "She's just being her usual self!" she scoffed.

"I'll go check on her," Fluttershy said,”I’m worried

"I am going with Twilight," Will said, getting re-oriented.

As Rarity and Applejack entered the hospital, they found that the mood was a little lighter than is expected of a hospital. At the desk, a little mare with black mane sa,t looking at a photo, "Oh! Hello. And what brings you two to the hospital?" she said as she watched the duo enter.

"My, everything here's chipper." Rarity said.

"We're here for our friend, Pinkie Pie." Applejack answered the mare at the desk.

Nite Nurse smiled, "Sure, she is in room 303. I trust you know the way."

AJ and Rarity nodded as they went towards room 303. As the two mares walked in, they could see on Pinkie's bed a mare with a sheet covering her body.

Rarity gasped,"Pinkie!" She and Applejack ran to the sheet,"Oh, my poor, dear old friend! I can't believe you're gone!" She said in an over dramatic tone.

The pony under the blanket spoke, "Me neither. Maybe if they gave me some cake or something sweet, I wouldn't be gone."

Applejack teared up,"Alright, I've got some pie here with me right now!" she said, producing a piece of apple pie from her saddlebags.

"At last! Can you believe those silly nurses have me on a diet in here? They keep saying 'need to watch your sugar' or ' need to eat a balanced meal'. I am keeping balanced!" she said, throwing her hooves in the air. Hungrily, she took the pie and forced the entire thing into her mouth.

Applejack chuckled,"They must not be used to you yet."

"Yeth, anth teff are a buff of grumffy a buff of gumfy panfffs," Pinkie said through her food.

Rarity used her magic to wipe some of the crumbs off, "Pinkie, please, swallow."

"Pinkie, they're only looking out for ya," AJ said.

"But they've been really grumpy. Like sometimes, they'll scream or rant at other ponies. There was a colt in here that almost started to cry because of one of them. Of course, after I was done talking to them, they were nicer again," Pinkie giggled. "So, what has been going on outside?"

Applejack blinked and looked at Rarity,"Well," She looked back at Pinkie,"A lot of ponies have been... mean outside too."

"Really?" Pinkie asked, her ears drooping. "That's so sad. Don't worry! I'll be out soon and I can make everypony happy again!!"

"Yeah, cuz the world needs a healthy Pinkie Pie," AJ said with a smile.

"And we need you, dear," Rarity said, hugging Pinkie.

As Dash flew in the air, she looked over her shoulder to see Fluttershy flying behind her, "What do you want, Fluttershy?"

"Um, well, you've been acting really strange lately." Fluttershy said, landing on a small cloud.

"Strange?!" Dash yelled, glaring into Fluttershy's blue eyes, "and how the buck have I been strange? Hmm?"

"Eep!" Fluttershy shrunk back into the cloud.

"I haven't been acting strange in the least! If anything-" she stopped herself, as if she held back some inner rage. "Look, I'm fine, really. Just annoyed that we couldn't find Valtor. Now, just let me GO!"

"But, Rainbow, y-you've been acting so mean!" Fluttershy said, weakly.

"No, I haven’t!" Dash Argued, " I have just been acting normally. I-this is about Pinkie, look, the mare can take anything and come out like roses. That is just how she is. Now, do me a favor and just go home!"

"But you need me!" Fluttershy yelled, a worried look crossing her features.

Dash had her back to Fluttershy, growling softly to herself as she held up a hoof. Then she looked at it and shook her head, lowering it slowly, "You're right, maybe I just need some rest. Thanks Flutters," she said, turning around hugging her tightly. A soft smile crosses her lips, "How about I check up on Pinkie tomorrow, while I get some rest today. Ok?"

Fluttershy hugged her back,"That would be great."

Rainbow Dash nodded and flew off to her home. As she landed, she punched at her cloud walls as hard as she could, growling to herself, "Stupid Fluttershy! Stupid Pinkie Pie! I don't need to check up on any of them! They were just messing me up! We could've had that guy by now if we didn't have them! Maybe it would be better if they,” Rainbow blinked,” what am I saying? What was I thinking!" Dash said, shaking her head. Taking a quick look outside, she decided to take another flight out of her home.

At the Library, Will followed Twilight in, looking at the small crystal around her neck. Softly, the pink gem glowed, a little dimmer now that it had left the side of the Tree of Harmony. Slowly, she began to rub the crystal in her hoof, trying to see if it would spark her memory.

Twilight looked up towards the second floor as she trotted,"Spike! I'm going do a little research, could you please send a request for some census forms from Vanhoover?"

"Sure thing, Twilight!" Spike said from upstairs.

Will walked around the library, the amulet around her neck glowing softly. Her mind began to think back to what Valtor had said, trying to shake of her sense of doubt and fear, "I live here. I was born here, I helped mom with foaling my brother. Wasn't I-"

"Will, this is your new baby brother!" Will’s mother smiled at her.

"I warn ya Will, little sibs can be trouble." A light blue earth pony with auburn hair smiled.

"Hey, I am a little sibling!" Taranee, a black woman argued.

"Sorry Taranee." Irma blushed, now a pony once more.

Will stumbled back a little, the image of her friends changing between a pony and a human rapidly. In her tumble she knocked a book off its shelf and onto her head.

Twilight turned to the sound of the book hitting a pony,"You alright!?" She said as she ran over to Will, and picked the book up in her magic.

Will stumbled for a bit before nodding, then reading the book' title, "The Power of a Heart by Wise Sage. Twilight, I think this is the right book!"

Twilight looked at the book, and then opened it's pages.

"The heart" the book read "Is the source of magical energy within a dimension. Although it’s usually seen taking the form of a gem, it has also been known to be a person or an object that is linked with that dimension's core virtue. Held by only a few, the Heart is meant to be guarded in secret or protected by that world's champion."

As Will listened to Twilight read the book, her mind began to fill with memories of her standing with four other humans and/or ponies, watching others get hearts.

An old woman held up her staff, standing in a throne room, "Now, I have the Heart of Meridian!"

"The Heart of Mana," a man in a black cloak chuckled as he held a young woman by the throat.

An old pony with a balding mane lead Will through a small cave to where a beacon of light shown, several crests flew by, "Behold, young guardians, the Heart of the Digital World."

"The Heart is usually hidden to all but a few.” Inside of the book were images of a jolly roger, a compass, a black heart, and a mushroom, each Heart unique in its own way, "Each Heart of a world has its own ability. Detection, protection, light, and there are even some hearts that bind others. No Heart is stronger than the other, the only difference is in the wielder and the Heart’s energy source."

"Does it say anything about our world's heart?" Will asked

"We'll see..." Twilight said.

Canterlot Castle...

Celestia sighed as she watched the yellow unicorn studying like a mad mare, "Oh Sunset... I think your time in the other world has done you good." Slowly she turned and began to walk away from the library entrance. As she walked, she looked to her side at the shadows, "Questions, my dear Luna?"

"You always seem to know where I am, Sister." Luna said as she appeared from the shadows with a pout. She looked back at Sunset,"What are we going to do about her, sister?"

"You haven't been able to trick me since our father was able to fly you on his back," Celestia giggled. She then turned her head back, "I do not know. I had her search for a cure in order to give her a job to do. But I know deep down she only wishes to find a way back to her world." A sigh escaped the white alicorn's lips. "She is much like Twilight in that regard, both won't stop to find an answer to a problem, even if it seems impossible."

Luna looked back at Sunset,"Are you sure we can't find another way to send her back?"

Celestia sighed, "The mirror is broken. I've been to the empire and Cadence has told me about it. It also seems that we are cut off from other dimensions as well. Starswirl mirror is dead at this moment, and try as I might, I cannot use my magic to try and leave this dimension. It is as if we have been cut off."

"Cut off!?" Luna growled as she stomped her hoof,"It must be Valtor's doing!"

In the shadows, next to a gargoyle, sat a black dragon statue, unseen and unheared by others. Slowly, he let out a small chuckle and snuck into the library and watched Sunset, "Now, my lady Sunset. Please tell mewhat you have discovered," he whispered to himself, trying to find a hiding place.

You think you're great, yet you've been defeated! You're a master, yet you've always been a pawn, even now!"

"Not a pawn," Valtor growled to himself, clenching his claw.

Sunset shoved another book in the 'read' section,"Come on! Do any of these books have anything on the plague!?" She put her head down on the table.

A white unicorn walked behind Sunset and bumped into her, "Oh, sorry. I hope I wasn't bothering you."

Sunset turned to the unicorn,"No, you weren't bothering anyone,"She muttered,"I wasn't making progress anyway..."

"Don't be like that!" Pinkie placed her hands on the desk,"I bet the answer is where you least expect it!"

"Pinkie, that doesn't help." Sunset said

"Would it help if I gave you my calculator?" Pinkie brought out her overtly pink device.

"This is a History paper, not a Math paper." Sunset frowned.

"Would it help if I brought Twilight from the other dimension!?"

"It hasn't been thirty moons yet." Sunset said

"Well, darn! How could I help if you're so picky!" Pinkie said, still grinning, as she hit the table, causing the book to flip it’s pages

"Pinkie, tha-that's exactly the page I need!"Sunset looked at the book, and gave a small giggle.

"Pinkie Pie, you know how to cure a good amount of frustration." Sunset said, laying her head down with a smile. Then she blinked,"Wait, frustration? Pinkie? No, that-that can't be it! But the Hate Plague is magical in nature..." She beamed as she grabbed the unicorn behind her,"I have to tell Twilight my hypothesis!"

The unicorn stumbled back as she was shaken by Sunset, "Oo-okay!"

The doors to the library quickly closed, "Care to tell me, too?" Valtor asked, stepping behind the unicorn, and looking at Sunset. "Ah, so this is you in unicorn form, how beautiful."

Sunset glared at Valtor. She looked down at the unicorn,"Run." She said as she grabbed her pen, and ran towards the Humor section of the library.

The unicorn nodded, running away. Using her magic to force open the library doors, she ran out towards the throne room. Valtor turned and walked towards Sunset, "Why do you run, Sunset? All I want to do is talk," he said, walking down the Humor section, but looked to History. " What about histories? What about myths? What about a certain Heart?"

Sunset touched a few books in the Humor section,"Sorry, there's somepony more important than the Heart! By the way, I love your new look!" Sunset said, running down another section.

"Why thank you, my dear," Valtor took a moment to bow as he walked down the aisles. "But who is more important than the heart?”

"My friend!" Sunset said, grinding her pen along the floor as she galloped off.

“Your friend? Surely you mean Twilight’s friend, you are just a replacement,” The black dragon continued his slow walk, a grin coming on to his face as he saw the pen lines, "Oh my dearest Sunset, what are you trying to do? You know full well that your magic is inferior to mine."

Sunset shrugged off his insult, focusing on her task, "You know what? You're right. I mean, I couldn't possibly stand up to such a magnificent creature such as you!" Sunset said in a mocking tone as she ran to the Science section, and looked at a window,"Unless, I show my true power to you, then you might have a problem."

"True power?" Valtor belted out a laugh, "Child, I was born before Celestia and Luna! I was there when the very kingdom you stand in was founded! I watched the defeat of Discord, and I was sealed away long before Luna was ever Nightmare Moon. I am far older than what you give me credit for, so no power you possess is a match for me."

"I do have the power to keep you talking!" Sunset's voice said. The symbols on the ground glowed as Sunset kept talking,"I left this library a long time ago."She laughed as a few books in the humor section teleported away.

Sunset ran through the streets, her horn glowing,"Come on, Twi! Please figure this out!"

"WHAT?!" Valtor growled as she slammed his fist against the History section. "OH well, at least I found my book. I was going to have her find it for me and take it, but... having this will do. Now, my little book, tell me your secrets." I have maybe two minutes before Sunset can get the princesses on my tail. I better find the page quickly, or...

A sword flew towards Valtor's face, as a midnight blue alicorn glared at him,"Valtor, you son of nitch!"

"Nadir, a blade that I have not seen in ages," the black dragon smirked as he moved to the side letting the sword hit the bookcase and spear some books. "Princess Luna! Does you mother Queen Terra or Princess Celestia know that you use such rude language on nobles?" Drat! I was hoping to find what I needed before the princesses get here. " Tell me, have the years been kind to you?"

"You are no noble, monster!" Luna shouted, her horn charging Nadir with lighting and swinging it at Valtor.

Valtor ducked under the blade, wincing at the pain from the sword nicking his wing, "But I am a noble. Raised by the fairy queen with black heart, and taught the ways of nobility by a horned king, I am the dragon of black night. I am just as noble as you are, Nightmare!" he added, lunging at Luna to swipe at her with his claws. (Thirteen seconds to set up a teleport spell, `10 seconds to think of a place to go that I have been to in this world. Need time!)

Luna stepped to the side, wincing as the claws hit her cheek,"I'm no longer a Nightmare! Although, I'm tempted to become yours!" Luna sent a wave of telekinetic force at Valtor.

Valtor grunted as he was slammed into some of the bookshelves, "(ten seconds are done, now need a location) I am honored, princess. but I do believe I have other appointments."

Luna gasped, as she realized what Valtor meant,"Don't you run from me!" she ran at him, her horn glowing.

"Oh but I will, fair Princess," Valtor said, opening a portal behind him. "Ta-ta, Night Queen!" he began walking into the portal.

Luna growled in frustration as she fired a lightning bolt at Valtor.

Valtor let out a laugh as he entered the portal. The bolt harmlessly striking the ground. Celestia landed next to Luna, using her magic to fix parts of the library, "Where do you think he went, Luna?"

Luna frowned,"He could be anywhere he's been before! How could we find him now!?" She looked around in anger

Celestia shook her head, "I have no idea, but I am glad that Sunset was able to tell us about him when you did." the princess of the sun said as she turned and began nuzzling Sunset.

Valtor landed at a castle in the Everfree, 'The Castle of the Two Sisters. Not my best choice for an escape, but it will have do."

Sunset backed away a bit from the nuzzle,"Yeah," She looked at the place where Valtor left,"What kind of book did he want anyway?"

Celestia walked to the history books, "Maybe there is a clue here. Luna, did you see what book he held in his hand before you came to fight him?"

Luna thought for a moment,"I saw it, but I didn't see the title."

Celestia picked up some of the history books and handed them to Sunset, "I think you might be able to find it, dearest Sunset."

Sunset nodded as she went to search the books.

Twilight rubbed her hoof along the side of the books when she heard a *pop*. She looked up and opened her mouth wide in shock as she watched several books fall on top of her.

Spike shook his head as he walked by,"I swear, you're like a magnet for these kinds of situations!"

"Are you all right?" Will asked, trying to help Twilight with the pile of books.

A purple hoof popped out of the books, followed by a head,"I'm fine," Twilight shook her head,"I think my head's building a resistance to this, unless that's the concussion talking." She used her magic to pick up the books,"The Science of Comedy? Laughter: The Best Cure? The Hitchpony's Guide to the Galaxy?" She went through the pile of books,"These are all based around comedy. Why would somepony send me this?" She then noticed markings written in ink on the bindings,"Three. Point. One. Four? What does pi have to do with comedy?"

Will looked over the books, "Maybe whoever sent you these wanted dessert? Wait... pie?"

Twilight frowned at her,"Pi is a num-" Twilight stopped before she could correct Will,"Comedy? Pie? Pinkie Pie!" Twilight said with a grin,"Of course! That's why Valtor had Sunset go after Pinkie!" Twilight grabbed Will,"The Plague is magical in nature, so the cure itself must also be magical! That was Doctor D. H. Filliams' theorem on medical magic! So, the plague must require the Element of Laughter!" She then frowned,"But Pinkie's still in the hospital..." Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"How do we get Pinkie to cure the plague..." She looked to her left and saw a mega-phone,"That's it!"

"What is it?" Will asked.

"First, we need to head to the KCOLT radio station!" Twilight said as she went towards the door,"Spike, hold down the fort!"

"Right!" Will said, flying after Twilight.

Spike gave a salute as Twilight left.

Twilight ran to the station, hearing Vinyl's voice over the waves,"Hello, and welcome to the Vinyl Scratch! I'm afraid Octy can't be here right now-"

"I will end you!" shouted a voice

"She's kinda tied up at the moment."

"DJ!" Twilight shouted as she entered the room, and looked at the tied up Octavia.”What in the -?”

Will looked on in shock as she walked into the room, "Ok, so what happened here?"

Vinyl grinned as she turned to watch the two enter,"Well, lookie here! Fillies and Gentlecolts, The illustrious Princess Twilight Sparkle has made an unexpected guest appearance!" She pointed at Octavia,"In case you missed it, Princess, Octy here got angrier than usual, and then attacked me!"

"I'll kill you!" Octavia shouted.

"Love ya too, Tavi." Vinyl smiled at the normally refined earth pony, she turned to the alicorn,"What brings you here?"

"I need you and your crew over to the Ponyville Hospital!" Twilight said, running into the booth and pointed at Octavia,"We have a cure for this!"

"Good, I'm getting tired of Octy's love songs." Vinyl said.

"Die!!!" Octavia frothed at the mouth.

Will couldn't help but chuckle as she she thought of two of her friends with a similar relationship, “They must be really close friends normally. No way they would put up with each other like this.”

Vinyl dragged Octavia by the rope while she and her crew followed Twiligh to the hospital.t,"Well, this shouldn't take long!"

Twilight looked at the DJ after explaining the hate plague,"I thought you would be the first one to get infected with the Hate Plague."

"Nah, I'm too zen for that!" DJPON-3 said with a grin.

"You overzealous pain in the flank!" Octy ranted

"Uh, Vinyl, be careful. Some of the equipment hopes that you guys make up soon. They don't like it when you fight for real." Will said.

Vinyl blinked as she pulled down her shades,"Whoa, you can talk to my equipment? That's cool!" She smiled, a toothy grin.

“Yeah, it’s kind of weird,” Will said, trying to figure out why.

Twilight headed up to the front desk,"Excuse me, we need to see Pinkie Pie."

"Room 303," night nurse said, pointing to the elevator.

Twilight and her group went up towards the room, where AJ and Rarity were about to leave.

"Hey Twi-" Applejack was about to say before she and the white unicorn were pushed back into the room.

"No time to talk, girls!" Twilight said as she walked into the room,"Pinkie!" She said as she went to the pink mare,"How are you feeling?"

"Super!" Pinkie squealed, looking at her friends, "The nurse said I can leave tomorrow and...” she looked at Vinyl and her crew,” Ooh, what are we partying for?"

Twilight grinned,"Well, we're trying to cure a very bad case of meanness."

"I'll murder you in your sleep!" Octavia shouted.

"Basically, we want you to sing." Twilight said, glaring at the earth pony.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Twilight, you got it!!" grabbing the microphone in her hooves. She watched as Vinyl gave the signal.

"Why didn't she ask any questions about why?" Will asked.

"It's Pinkie, she doesn't need a reason to sing," Applejack smirked.

The song played loudly through the radio of Vinyl's equipment, sending the waves of music through every radio that was tuned in. Everywhere that Pinkie's voice was heard, ponies that were once filled with rage now found themselves quelled of their anger. The mark of Valtor, once prominent on a lot of ponies bodies were now fading into nothingness. From within the castle of the two sister's, Valtor watched Pinkie's healing music flow, " Well played, Sunset. Well played. Although, I consider this a small victory. The information to the Heart of Worlds on the other hand...is now mine. Surely this castle will have the information I require.”

The music continued to flow from Ponyville to the city of Canterlot and beyond, curing the ponies of the hate plague. Celestia, watching her former students look through the books of history, could only sigh as she felt the healing wave course through the palace, "You do me proud, my faithful students...."

Octavia shook her head as she went to normal,"Vinyl," She looked at the ropes,"Is this another one of your games?" She blinked as Vinyl gave her a big hug.

"Shut up and hug me!" the DJ said. She picked up the microphone,"And that was the Element of Laughter herself, Fillies and Gentlecolts! Now do your fav DJ a favor and hug the next pony you see!"

"OK!" Pinkie Pie giggled as she hugged all of her friends that were in the room.

Valtor walked through the old library, "Now, by my mother's good grace, I might be able to read some history in peace."

"Heart of Worlds?" A raspy voice called out to Valtor,"You have high aspirations, don't you, Drake?"

"Who's there?! Discord?" Valtor asked, turning his head at the noise.

"No, but I would like to meet him one day." Te raspy voice said,"I'd rather not speak my name, it would give too much away. Instead, I'd like to help you."

Valtor closed a book, "I seem to be getting a lot of 'help' lately, but I am listening, how can you help me get to what I want?"

"Well, first, I need to know why you want the Heart of Worlds so badly." The voice said.

"When I was resurrected by my servant, she gave me the history of the hearts. She told me about their magical power and how strong they would make a person," Valtor opened his dragon fist and looked at his palm. "But, then she told me of a heart that is connected to the very multiverse itself. The heart that is connected to all worlds. The person who can lay claim to such a heart would become the most powerful mage in the multiverse. Worlds would fall before him and none would stand against him. If I were to gain that heart, I would never fall again. I would never be betrayed by my mentor again as I am slain by a faerie and used as a puppet to test my other half!"

With that, he slammed his fist against the stone wall hard, "The owner of that heart... would finally stand on top of it all." a low growl escaped his lips as he pulled his claw away, looking at the mark.

"Ah, I know betrayal all too well." The voice growled,"You are ambitious, I like that. Allow me to give you a little bit of advice: Celestia would not place the location of a piece of the Heart of Worlds in an obvious, unprotected location such as this."

" Then where could it be? I have checked the crystal archives and I know that fool Sombra would not have the location," Valtor asked, looking for the voice.

"Try looking for something that Celestia holds precious. And look for specific wording. A heart can mean many things after all." The voice chuckled.

Valtor walked to a nearby chair and sat down, "Something she holds precious..."

Author's Note:

TYhanks to Zoltanthemagificent for the editing.

Why yes, I am a Disney fan and I want to read the chronicles of Prydain so badly.