• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,719 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

  • ...

N is for Necromancer

Under the light of the moon, Rainbow Dash watched as Sunset and Trixie rested alongside one another. Carefully, she began to step forward with a rock in hoof, "What are ya doing?" said a voice behind her

"Oh, Hey!" Rainbow Dash said, turning to look at Applejack. "I was just skipping rocks."

"At Sunset?" Applejack asked, eyebrow arched as Dash dropped the rock. "You know Rainbow, you've been acting pretty weird since we've left home. Ah've seen you fly out of the palace for no reason, you been getting more aggressive, and now-"

Rainbow Dash growed, interrupting Applejack, "I told you, I'm fine. I'm only more aggressive because we've been traveling with Bacon over there. You know she almost killed Pinkie Pie."

"Ah thought you got over that. It wasn't her fault and you know it sugrcube," Applejack said. "And it's rather odd you are still mad with her but you are pretty chummy with Luna."

Rainbow Dash back up against the tree, trying to avoid the bearer of honesty's gaze, "I can't tell you."

"Can't or won't?" Applejack asked.

"You tell them, and you will die. Then the plague will hit them,” a voice echoed in Dash’s mind.

Dash pulled her fist away, "Can't. Just can't."

"Dash, we're all here for you," Applejack placed her hooves onto her friend's shoulder and smiled softly. "Heck, you can just tell me and Ah'll take it for ya."

"Aj, -I-" Dash looked into her friend's eyes,and then turned her head away. "Promise me-"

"Promise what?"

"That if I start to go off the deep end, that if I start doing something that may hurt any of the others. Stop me," Rainbow Dash said. "I don't care what you have to do, just stop me."

"Sugarcube, what is wrong?" Applejack asked,looking worried as Rainbow Dash began to walk away.

"I can't say. I just need to know that...somepony's got their back," Rainbow ash said. "And don't tell Twilight. Ok?"

Remember, Mirage's mindspell? The one she used to split Twilight’s mind seven ways?” the voice echoed.


Imagine one that will do its job wuicker and more efficently” the voice chuckled.

"Don't Tell her ok-" Before she flew off, Applejack hugged her.

"Take care of yourself. Don't go trying anything foolhardy ok, or I will hurt you," Applejack said, holding her friend.

"Still trust me?" Dash asked.

"With my life Sugarcube," Applejack smiled as she went to bed, taking one last sad look at Rainbow as she flew away.

Rainbow then felt a surge on the back of her neck, causing her to fall to the ground. A figure walked up to her, horn glowing. The figure touched her horn to Rainbow’s neck.

Twilight tapped the chess piece forward,"And that's all I know."

Luna looked at her as the dream books flew by them,"Street Rat's Legacy... I'm afraid I don't know anything about that. My sister might."

"Shall we go to her dream and ask her?" Twilight asked, placing her knight on a space.

Luna knocked the rainbow colored knight over,"Perhaps, but I'm afraid of interrupting it. She tends to have... sad dreams." She got up, several doors flowing past her before stopping at a single white door.

As the massive doors began to open, they could hear voices,” "Congratulations Miss Sparkle, you graduated with honors!" said the headmaster.

"You hear that big sis?" Twilight smiled as she hugged Sunset.

Celestia sat back in her chair in her dream, smiling softly to herself, "If only." She then chuckled when her daughters ran to her side, curled up and fell asleep under her with a yawn. At the sound of the approaching alicorns, the solar diarch looked up, "Luna, Twilight, what are you two doing here?"

Twilight gasped at the sight,"Aw, that's sweet." She looked up at Celestia,"Celestia, I've found out a little more about Sunshine. Apparently she was looking for an item called Street Rat's Legacy, do you know anything about it?"

"Street rat's legacy?" Celestia put a hoof to her chin. "I can remember it faintly from my mother. She told me how, in the final days of the Street Rat's life, he brought a gem to his country. He said it was meant to be used when the first sun was in its darkest moments. Other that, nothing."

"First sun?" Twilight put a hoof to her chin.

"Sister, why can't these prophecies ever be specific!?" Luna said with a frown.

"Because,then everyone could solve them," Celestia said. "I wish I could know more, but as they say in Saddle Arabia, such is lost in the sands of time."

"Sands of Time... are you sure that's not a real place?" Twilight asked.

"I do not believe so. I think it's an ancient Saddle Arabian saying," Celestia said.

Twilight grumbled to herself,"Mark that off the list..." She looked at Celestia,"Do you know anything about the Queens of Harmony? Or at least do you know any creature that can bring back the dead?"

“Wait, our world has bogs of eternal stench, fire swamps, and the lands of killer flowers, but no sands of time!?” Luna asked.

"Well, I do not know why that is. The ambassadors simply laughed when I asked them, "Celestia said. Looking to Twilight she said, "The queens were long gone before I was born, Twilight. But as for the necromancer. There is one I have heard about.

"Really? Tell me more." Twilight said

"There was a necromancer, back in Saddle Arabia, known as Mozenwrath. He ruled an area of the country known as the black sands," Celestia began and looked to Luna. "Luna, dear, mind using your magic for some effect?"

Luna nodded as she used her magic to create some scenes. Her horn began to glow brighter as she started to change the world around them to match Celestia’s words. Around Twilight, she was surrounded by black sand, "Nopony knew where he came from, only that he took power from a sorcerer at a young age. He took charge of the black sands and used the dead as his slaves." Around Twilight, undead ponies began to walk around her. The scene then changed to a stallion with a glove over his right hoof. "But this was not enough for him. He made frequent attempts to grab for even stronger magic. He even had the nerve to try and take my sun away.

"What!? How did he even manage to do that?" Twilight gasped.

"A mystic set of statues that led to an ancient shield," Celestia said simply, then watched as her imagery chained to a little Celestia holding her stuffed sun in fear, "Luna, Could you not show that again?"

Luna giggled,"Sorry, couldn't resist! But you're so cute!"

"An ancient shield, wow..." Twilight said. She frowned a little,"Not what I was looking for, but thank you, Celestia."

Celestia looked at Luna and smiled, as she changed the dream to-

"Fawthew, the sweeper has awaken! she has tawen the sun as her fiwst victim," Luna said, standing on top of a sleeping Celestia.

"You are welcome, my little Twilight," Celestia nuzzled Twilight. She then looked at Twilight, "How is Sunset?"

“Tia!" Luna exclaimed,"Oh, you are so having the cake nightmare tonight..."

"Sunset's... doing okay. Speaking of that." Twilight immediately hugged Celestia tightly,"Don't ever leave."

Celestia stuck her tongue out at the little sister, and then felt Twilight's warm body against her. Celestia smiled softly, and returned the hug holding Twilight tightly, "I could say the same to the two of you. Give Sunset my love.

"I... will." Twilight sniffled before letting go and turning back to the door. Luna then suddenly hugged her sister.

Celestia hugged Luna back, and began to breathe softly, "And don't you ever leave me again. Luna."

"I'll never leave your side, ever." She nuzzled her sister.

Celestia's sun began to rise slowly out of the horizon, hitting Rarity in the eyes, "Ugh, I wish I brought my eye covers," she mumbled to herself as she felt something warm and soft next to her.Turning to her right, she found herself looking into the eyes of Applejack, "Wha-"

"Morning Darling," Applejack said with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"No you two didn't. I mean, I have never heard anypony be so loud like you two,," Rainbow Dash said as she landed next to the group with a wet mane.

"WHAT?!" Rarity shot up in shock and fear

Discord was laying under her with a wide grin,"You were real good, baby."

"AHHH!" Rarity shrieked as she ran off into a nearby bathroom.

Will walked by Discord, "You had to escalate that didn't you?"

“Worth it for the look on her face!" Discord laughed.

“Don't be rude Discord," reprimanded Fluttershy as she flew in with some tea. She smiled at Twilight, "Oh morning, Twilight. Rosedust offered all of us some tea."

Discord gave a sigh,"Yes, Fluttershy..."

Twilight finished combing her hair,"Great!" She levitated the tea over to herself

A flutter pony with a teal mane flew in, "Queen Rosedust wishes to deliver you whatever meal you desire and," she took one look at Discor, "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?”

Discord grinned at her,"Well, I heard that there was a party, some skim milk was involved, and, then I passed out on the air."

“You know what," the teal Flutterpony waist with a shake of her head. "There is an old Flutterpony saying, never ask an Dragoniquis. Anyway, what do you desire, miladies?"

Rarity walked out of the pool of water that served as a bath, “Miladies? Oh you are a charmer. I would love to have some-"

As Rarity began her o, P Pinkie Pie bounce in, "Hey, has anypony seen Sunset or trixie?

Twilight looked around, and then spotted the two leaning on each other,"Oh, they're snuggling!"

Trixie let out a snort as she woke up and looked at Sunset. She then heard Twilight and glared at her, "Trixie does not snuggle!"

Sunset woke up,"Who's snogging who?" she groaned.

"Yoiu were snogging Trixie," Rainbow Dash. "You two were so cute."

Fluttershy nodded, "Very adorable."

Sunset stepped away with a blush,"We were just sleeping together- I mean, just cuddling- I mean- there is no way out of this, is there?"

“Nope, no way Bacon Hair!" Rainbow Dash laughed as she flew to the Flutterpony. "Cider plus all of the fruit you got. I am kind of hungry."

"Trixie will have," Trixie began, "A cucumber salad with peanut butter on the lettuce, mixed with hot peppers, catsup, chili powder, cheese, dandelion, applesauce, and a light jelly glaze."

Sunset blinked at Trixie,"What is all that? Can you even eat that?"

"Oh please, that is a light snack for the Great and Powerful Trixie," Trixie said with a smirk.

Will looked as Pinkie Pie was writing on her hoof, “ Should I worried it looks like Pinkie is taking notes?"

Twilight shook her head,"Yes, you should be very worried..."

The teal flutterpony flew off, while Will shook her head and looked to her friends, "So, where to next?"

"First, Ah want to head back to Taros," Applejack said.

"We're backtracking? Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, Buddy kind of wants me to bring him back his four horseshoes," Applejack said.

“Why?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, tell me so I have someone to kill when I take Sunset's body." Mozenwrath said.

"Well, he said we wanted to make something for me. It's kind of a gift for making these satchels we got, "Applejack said.

“Okay- wait," Twilight looked at Applejack,"You met a god!? Where!?"

"Back in Taros," Applejack said.

"In Taros, without anypony noticing..." Twilight said,"But he's a god, he should've noticeable!"

"Yeah, weirdest thing. He said that he prefers to be behind a furnace and at a forge then ruling like Celestia."

"That's..." Twilight blinked,"That's pretty understandable." she gave a nod

"Understandable? The guy has the power to craft awesome armor and he just wants to sit behind a forge all day?" Dash grumbled.

"Well, he could be humble," Twilight looked at Dash,"He probably doesn't want to live a royal life, and only to be a normal blacksmith, well, as normal as he can be."

Rainbow Dash let out a chickle, "I don't know, if it was me I would be having a giant billboard announcing how awesome I am."

"Hmmm," Rarity heard the comment and put down on a notepad (Billboards, Canterlot Carousel)"She does have a point Twilight, why not announce to the world where you are?

"Because then everypony in the world would come just to see him, and not his work. Imagine if everypony just came to my house not to rent books, but just for photo ops. It would get pretty tiring after a while." Twilight said.

"I can see, it would be horrible for me as well," Rarity nodded.

As the food came in, Pinkie Pie happily jumped to her friends, "So as soon as we are done, we move out?"

Twilight nodded as the mares finished eating.


The servant watched as Valtor flew towards her, landing on his feet and wrapping his wings across his chest, "That was foolish, my lord. Now they will expect outside help and will be on their toes."

"I know," Valtor said, leaning against a wall.

"Then why?" Servant asked.

Valtor sighed and looked up at the sky, "For proof."

"Proof, sire?"

"That I am still my own man. I have vowed to never be under the thumb of anyone again. My mother, the witches, they all have betrayed me and left me to die!" he growled as he punched the wall. Valtor then sighed. "So today, I decided to prove that I am my own man."

"Why do you need proof, milord?" asked Servant.

"Because, ever since this whole adventure started, I have been taking your suggestions. The times we went to the different worlds to set up the trials necessary for the other guardians to grab the hearts. The trials we set up to break the hunter, all of those were based on your suggestions. The only time I have had any control, was when I had the ability to search the huntress's past and to use what I could find to break her." Valtor said, clenching his fist.

"Sire surely you don't think that I am taking over your role? I only brought you back to serve you, not to command you," Servant said, shaking her head and holding up her hoof in defense.

"Never crossed my mind, Servant," Valtor smiled as he held the old pony's hoof. "You have been my most trusted friend through this adventure. But I know somepony is controlling me, and doing this will show that no one controls me. I am Valtor, of the Black Flame, the Black Dragon of Domino, and I will not be controlled."

Servant smiled, "That is the spirit, my lord. So, shall we wait here in Saddle Arabia or head forward?"

"Let's' go, I wait to see what Twilight will figure out about who is controlling who," Valtor said.


The nine ponies began to walk through the forest, their stomachs full and minds recharged. The sound of the forest gave their journey some much needed life and energy. The group listened to the birds sing and felt the warm energy of the forest flow by them, while Twilight kept ahead of the group and led them on.

Twilight looked at a map,"Okay, if we take the train east..."

"Again!?" Sunset said,"But last time was so... fast...."

"Ah, you'll be fine Bacon-Hair!" Dash said, patting Sunset on the back.

Applejack looked to Twilight, Hey, Twi, just how fast did those Riders of Ramone go?"

"Approximately 90 mph. Trust me, I know, I blacked out at one point." She looked at Applejack,"Why?"

"Well, Ah was thinking, they might have traveled days in mere seconds to get here," Applejack said.

Rarity let out a gasp, "Which means we could be walking for weeks!" she then began to swoon onto Applejack's side as they walked out of the forest.

Will gulped, and then looked to her heart, "Um, I think I have an idea."

Twilight looked at Will,"And that would be?"

Sunset shrugged,"We could teleport."

"Well, I was thinking about what happened with Erebus. How my heart opened a portal to that amusement park world," Will looked down at her gem. "I was thinking... maybe I could try and open a portal to Taros."

"Well, try it." Twilight said,"I mean, what's the worst that could happ- I'm going to be quiet about that."

The glares from the group said it all as Will held out her gem to the air. Closing her eyes, she began to draw the heart along the air like a zipper, creating a blue light. As she did this, Servant smiled softly to herself in the distance, chuckling softly. Slowly , the portal opened wide, revealing Taros, "IT worked!" Will shouted, and wavered slightly.

"Oh my, are you ok?" asked Fluttershy.

"Y-yeah, just that took a lot out me for some reason," Will said, looking down at the heart, which was now dull and pink.

Twilight looked at Will with a frown,"Still," She panted,"We're saving that for emergencies if you feel tired after each use.

Will nodded, "Right. Thanks Twilight." slowly they all stepped through the portal and landed softly back on the other side.

Twilight looked around,"Alright, now let's find Buddy!" She said, a gleam in her eyes.

"Right, so let's see," Applejack said, looking around. "Now, where did Ah leav-"

"WELCOME PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND KNIGHTS," Buddy shouted from his forge as he bowed to the passing group. "Bearer of Honesty, it pleases me that you have brought friends with you."

Applejack nodded to the bulky Minotaur, "Yep, and even brought ya the horseshoes."

"Thank you, they needed to be displayed for her highness. Dear Princess, please give these to Celestia when you see her.

Twilight nodded vigorously,"Thank you sir, and I just want to say that it's a great pleasure to meet someone like you!" Using her magic, she guided the horseshoes back into Applejack’s sack.

"Oh, sure, show them before I acquire them..." Mozenwrath said with a laugh.

"It is my pleasure to meet the one who now holds friendship in her grip. As well as the other bearers. I am even impressed that you have brought guest. " Slowly he walked to Will, Trixie, and Sunset. "Hmmm," he mused as he glowered at them.

Sunset gulped,"Uh, hi?"

"Interesting, I did not believe that Forgiveness would find a kindred spirit in this age, nor Faith," he said, looking at Trixie. "Two equal virtues, making a journey as one.

“Forgiveness?" Sunset blinked,"What do you mean? How do you know?”

“Forgiveness, and Faith. Two old friends who used to join the Queens of Harmony during the times of the alicorns. Ha, they were good fighters, but could get on my nerves. As for how I knew... you have the scent of her," Buddy walked to a staff. "Honesty, take this."

Applejack watched as the staff flew to her, and quickly she grabbed the staff. It was a green staff, wrapped in vines with runes written on it, "Uh, thanks but Ah'm much more of a-"

"Keep it, it is a gift. Weapons have more than one use you know," Buddy said.

Twilight looked at Buddy,"Speaking of the Queens, lately I've been getting visions of them, do you know why?"

"I am a smith, Magic. I may take the five pools and use them as my quench, and I may use the stones that made the font of magic as my hammer and anvil, but I do not know much about magic. Maybe the items you have gathered are linking you to the queens to see the past," Buddy smiled as he looked at Rarity, who was admiring the armor. "You are intrigued, Generosity?"

"Oh, yes! I adore the craftsmanship you put into your work!" Rarity gasped in awe.

"Thank you. I made the armors and weapons for the queens personally, which is why I am glad to see them used," Buddy smiled.

“No, thank you for creating these." Twilight said with a bow

"The worst thing for a blacksmith, is to see their equipment being unused," Buddy said, taking a seat, "It was a pleasure meeting you, now good luck on your journey!”

Sunset looked down as they left, deep in thought.

Will looked at Sunset as she looked down and walked up next to her, "Something on your mind?"

"I... was just thinking about the forest spirit..." She frowned.

"I'm betting you're tired of having your mind messed with, aren't you?" Mozenwrath said.

"I think he's fine." Fluttershy sai. "He didn't look troubled when he left. U-unless you were thinking about something else."

"Uh, yeah, I was, but I... don't want to talk about it..." Sunset then began to think,'That was horrible, all those things it showed me...'

"Are you sure Sunset? We have plenty of time before Twilight finds our way to the train station through the maze," Rarity said, overhearing Trixie shouting.

"Why would they base their cities in a maze? How do they expect any living creature to find their way through a city? Did they want to get lost," Trixie yelled, throwing her hooves into the air.

"Hey, it's a part of their culture!" Twilight said as she flew in the air,"Besides, we get to see so many interesting bits, like that statue of their fifth king!"

Trixie mumbled under breath, "That Trixie is pretty sure she had seen twice."

"No, I... am fine." Sunset frowned. ignoring Trixie and Twilight’s conversation

"Ok, but remember when you feel ready, we are all here for you," Rarity said with a sigh as she walked a little bit a head.

Pinkie bounced to Sunset and put a hat on top of her head, "Happy Hat! Now, come one, we only have to more gates to go!"

Sunset nodded,"Yeah, that's a plus..."

"Hey, sugarcube? Are you sure you're gonna be ok with leaving your wagon behind?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, don't worry," Trixie smiled. "That is only Trixie's temporary base, Luna has given Trixie many more like it."

"There!" Twilight said, jotting down on her makeshift map,"We should be near the train station.

A large blue Minotaur with a long curly mustache walked to the princess,"Alright," he whispered in a voice lower than Fluttershy, "Where are you ponies heading?"

"Saddle Arabia, sir," Twilight said, straining her ears a little. The minotaur then let them onto the train

Twilight gulped,"This won't be fun..." She held on to the seat.

Sunset whimpered as she did the same.

“Here we go!" Dash said excitedly, while Fluttershy held onto her friend tightly.

"Applejack, if we don't make it, you have always been-"

"I know Rare, I know," Applejack said as she held her friend tightly.

Will gulped, "I never even got to see my friends again."

As the minotaur slowly stretched his arm back, Trixie arched an eyebrow, "What is your problem? this is just a train."

Twilight turned to Trixie with a scared look and shook her head.

"What is with that shaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Sweet Merciful Luna, Cadence, Buddy, Twilight, Celestia, and anyone else I missed, what the total and utter AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Trixie screamed as the train broke the sound barrier upon being hit by the Minotaur.

Dash pumped the air as train sped along, "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"Why must they pick such a horrid way of travel?" Rarity asked as she tried to hold onto the seat.

"Please tell me when it's... over?" Fluttershy said as the train slowed down to a halt.

Twilight's eyes were closed,"I... hope it is..." She opened one eye as the train stopped.

There was a sound of hoofbeats against ground from the outside. Taking a quick look, Will raised an eyebrow, "What are they-"

Her answer came as the Saddle Arabians locked the engine with giant boards. Then other horses began to link the boards with their comrades. Taking deep breaths the horses began to run ahead, speeding down the tracks at a similar pace to a normal train.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief,"Thank Celestia." She got up,"Now that things have calmed down, I'm going to get some coffee!" She walked into a different car.

Sunset was passed out.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy squeaked, flying to Sunset and flapping her wings, "Are you ok? Twilight, bring some water with you."

Rarity held a hoof to her chest as she panted, while AJ rolled her eyes at a grumbling Rainbow Dash. Trixie was helped up by Will, "Remind Trixie to NEVER take another train."

"Ok," Will chuckled.

Sunset's eyes fluttered open,"Tell me it's over..."

"Yeah, it’s over," Dash sighed as she walked away. "I'm just sorry though."

Sunset looked at Rainbow,"For what?"

"That the train wrecked Sunset. We're all dead," Dash walked away slowly, "Now we must go to our final resting spot. Fare well."

"Rainbow!" AJ admonished.

Rainbow would feel a small shock inside of her head.

Sunset smirked as her horn glowed.

"Nice shot," Aj nudged Sunset.

"Yep we're done and these nice saddle arabians are pulling us along!" Pinkie said.

A minotaur at the front sighed as he read, "Yeah, it’s a nice train ride to Saddle Arabia, except for the weekly train robbery."

"Weekly," Rarity said.

"Train," Trixie added.

"Robbery?" said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, wouldn't worry too much,' the minotaur said. "It only happens on Fridays."

Sunset's eyes opened wide,"And today is...?"

"Friday," the minotaur said, going back to his paper, not noticing the wide eyes of the eight ponies.

In the dining car, several cloaked equines began to mill around.

Sunset looked behind her,"Twilight, please hurry up!" her horn began to glow.

Twilight hummed to herself as she walked to the counter, not noticing the cloaked figures mulling around,"One cup of coffee and a bottle of water, please?"

A short round figure in a cloak shouted, "Hold on, dear ponies! For you are about to be robbed by the greatest thief in the history of Saddle Arabia."

"Ninth ma’am, you just got promoted after the candy robbery last month," said a tall cloaked figure, rolling her eyes under the hood.

"NINTH! Which, as we all know, is still better than ten! Ninth best thief in the history of Saddle Arabia! The marauder of the many sands, the taker of the cherries, the ultimate kumquat, and the descendant of the greatest thief in the seven deserts Abyiss Malaise! Yes, fear for you are" the thief did not notice that the car runner still worked on making Twilight her coffee. As she tried to jump onto the table, she made feeble attempts at jumping, "Have, help."

"Yes mam," droned the tall shadow as she picked up the fat pony and put her on the table.

Dramatically, the round pony threw off her cloak in sequence with the other robbers, "Dank Corridors!"

"Here you go princess, and goodbye," squeaked the runner as he hid, handing Twilight her coffee.

“Thank you-" Twilight said, then watched in horror as the cloak hit her cup and caused it to fall to the ground. She looked down with a neutral expression. Her eyes slowly turned to Dank and glowered. She snorted, her eyes began to glow for a bit,"Excuse me, Miss Corridors, would you mind waiting, just for a bit?" she asked.

"Do YOU mind? I am trying to handle a robbery here," Dank said, looking at Twilight insulted. "Now, why don't you go and cower in the corner while the master thief accomplishes her goal."

"Uh, ma’am?" Have raised a hoof.

"Don't uh me! I have a robbery to accomplish.”

"No," Twilight began to seethe before calming herself, barely,"You see, I didn't get my daily dose of coffee. The Flutter Ponies don't have coffee, unfortunately, so I needed that cup. I don't know what WE'LL DO if I don't have my coffee." Her voice began to get a bit louder as her hair singed.

"Well, little missy," Dank said, plucking Twilight's nose, "I don't care. So how about you take your caffeine addiction elsewhere!"

"Brilliant idea ma’am, antagonize Equestria's newest princess," Have rolled her eyes.

"Princess, I don't see any princess. All I see is a purple unicorn with wings and..." her eye widened in horror

Twilight's eye twitched as her nose was plucked,"You know, normally, I don't like throwing my title around," her eyes glanced at the scared ponies,"but in this case..." Her eyes went white and her mane and tail crackled as her magic grabbed every thief possible.

Sunset blinked as a bandit came through the door, only to scream horribly as he was dragged back.


"Um, all of them?" Dank said before looking into her white eyes. "Look I can say that I am a brave mare, so let me be the first to say-MURDER MY MEN BUT SPARE ME!!! I haven’t pray to any gods in a while but I am pretty positive that I wet them by now."

"Yes, that will appease the Element of Magic," Have said

Twilight chuckled a very loud chuckle,"THERE'S NO GETTING OUT OF THIS, KNAVE! NOW, PRAY!" Twilight carefully opened the windows, and chucked the bandits out.

"Mudder." muttered Dank before she was thrown out with her men.

The keeper smiled as he handed Twilight a new cup, "Wow, I have never seen anyone throw out a robber that fast before."

"That's what happens when I don't get my caffeine." she smiled at the keeper,"Thank you, and I'll pay for any damages these guys caused."

Sunset raised an eyebrow as she watched several specks flying towards the distance,"What in Celestia's name?"

“Oh, maybe somepony is practicing their baseball game!" Pinkie said, looking out the window.

"Or maybe we are looking at bugs," Trixie said.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Hey Twilight, any idea what those specks could be?"

Twilight took a sip of her coffee as she sat down,"I don't know, birds probably." she shrugged.

Soon the grasslands of Taros gave way to the sands of Saddle Arabia. As the train slowly traveled along the rails, the sand passed by the metal giant like a sea passing by a boat. The mares inside would lean against the window, staring at the roving dunes and the passing by small animals. Occasionally, they would pass by the statue of a young Saddle Arabian horse looking out, "Hey, what is that?" Pinkie asked.

A mare looked at Pinkie, "Those are sand markers. The son of Street Rat had those installed millennia ago to help guide lost caravans. Of course with the invention of trains, those are mainly relics. But they helped to established the Saddle Arabian trade system.

Twilight gasped in awe,"So wonderful!"

"Of course, I remember Rough Diamond. I never got to talk to him, being dead and all, but he was always the more economic-focused and more like a sultan than his sister." Mozenwrath said.

"Maybe if we're lucky we’ll see the monument to Street Rat's daughter," the mare said. "She was something special. It was she that was said to help banish Mirage from this land forever."

Twilight smiled a bit sadly,"She wasn't totally successful, unfortunately." She muttered under her breath.

"Look mommy, there it is!" said a little arabian pegasus foal as she pointed out a statue of a mare riding on a carpet to the sky.

Mozenwrath chuckled,"Oh, yes, her. Jade was a daddy's girl if I ever saw one. She kept up fighting monsters long after her dad died. Speaking of the rug, whatever happened to that thing?"

Trixie patted Twilight's shoulder and hugged her.

As the train passed the statue, Applejack looked to the mare, "What is up with that rug she's riding?"

"That was her father's. It's said that he would fly to so many places on it, sadly it's been lost to the sands of time," the mare said, taking her foal down the train.

Twilight frowned,"Aw, I wanted to see it. I guess it went the way of the genies as well." She sighed.

"Please don't mention him!" Mozenwrath growled,"That guy got on my nerves!"

The train continued to roll along the tracks, passing by some small towns and a giant canyon as it sped towards its destination. Through most of the day and night it passed by the desert in a slow path until in the afternoon it passed through the canyon to it's final destination. At the end of the tracks, the train neared the capital city, "Now approaching Agrabah!" The conductor yelled as the train went into the station.

Over the millennia, the city had changed. No more was it a large city with small stone houses, but a bustling city with ponies everywhere mingling and talking. Throughout the large expanse, ponies could be heard talking and hawking their wares. There were ponies in the streets as far as the eye could see.

"Agrabah, it's been too long..." Mozenwrath said with a hint of disgust.

Twilight looked at the bustling city,"Wow! I've always wanted to see this place!" She looked at the others,"What do you want to do first!?

"Ah have no idea," Applejack said in awe.

"I'd like to check the library, and see if they have anything on the key!" Twilight said as she ran off.

As Twilight ran off, she took Rainbow Dash in her magic,"You're coming with me, Rainbow!"

"Wait, why?" Rainbow shouted as she was dragged away.

As Rarity stepped off the platform, she began to squee, "Oh think about it: The silks, the spices, the gems! Who knows what we will find out here. Come along girls!"

"Look, Rarity, Ah think we bought enough back in-"

"Apple seeds, rare seeds!" shouted a saddle arabian.

"Then again..."

"Come on Flutters!" Pinkie squealed as she took Fluttershy by the hoof.

Will hovered and shouted to Twilight, "Twilight, do you have a place you want to meet?"

"Yeah, we'll meet near the front of the palace!" Twilight said with a grin. She winked at Rainbow,"Come on, we need to spend more time together!"

"Trixie will continue her investigations," Trixie said as she walked.

“Fine, but they better have some awesome books there!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Twilight grinned,"Of course they will! Imagine," She said as the library came into view,"all those spells, artifacts, and history!"

Sunset looked towards a museum,"I'd like to check out that museum."

Will chuckled and flew next to Sunset, "Mind if I come with?"

Sunset nodded,"Sure." She frowned a little.

“Hours of boredom, coughing n dust, oh yeah...a blast," Dash rolled her eyes as they stepped into the library.

The librarian, a light green arabian horse with a black mane looked and smiled, "OH! Equestrians! I am so excited to see you both," she said, jumping to the two Equestrians. "I mean, you are like the second and third ones I saw this morning."

“Second and third?" Twilight asked, using a hoof to hold Rainbow close.

"Oh yes, there was this cute little yellow mare with bacon hair passed by here a hour ago. She went in and checked out some really nice books," the green arabian smiled.

"Think Sunny has a twin?" Rainbow Dash asked

Twilight's eyes widened,"Do you know what she checked out? Do you know if she went anywhere!?"

"Well, I don't know where she went, but I do know what she looked up," she smiled and bounded out of the main room and back with a short stack of books. "’Ancient gems’, 'heroes of the past', 'the power of Djinn's’, and my favorite 'Street Rat and Legacy."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Great, more reading and more waiting around."

Twilight grinned,"I know!" She grabbed Rainbow's tail,"Come on, let's go to that table over there!" Her horn glowed a bright red and she winced a little.

“Fine!" Rainbow Dash growled a little , but as she picked up the books, she saw Twilight wince. "Twilight, something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong," Twilight said with a shake of her head,"I just didn't get much sleep."

As Dash picked up the books, her eyes glowed a bit purple, giving her a strange urge to read them thoroughly.

"Ok," Dash said with a smile, putting down the power of Djinns and began to read through it. Her eyes locking into the book with fierce determination.Rainbow Dash continued to look through the book not knowing why her mind was focused on reading each page.

Twilight looked up at Dash while she read Ancient Jewels,"Enjoying yourself?"

"Heck yes," Dash said enthusiastically.

"Great!" Twilight said. She looked up and took a book titled,'Shadow Spells,' and placed it on the table,"I knew you'd have fun!"

"I know, it’s a shock!" Dash exclaimed.

"Uh-huh," Twilight hugged Dash,"It's a little weird though." She walked back to her spot, dropping a mathematical equation along the way.

Dash squeaked at the hug, "Twilight, are you ok? What do you mean weird?" she looked at the equation and her mind began to decipher it.

Twilight looked at Dash and shook her head,"Nothing, erm, I think we'd better check these books out and find a place to stay for a while."

"Ice cream time!" squeaked the librarian as she ran past the table with two bowls of ice cream. Then ran back to the desk.

Twilight blinked. She grabbed the bowl,"How did she...?"

"Who cares, ice cream!" Dash said with a smile.

"But, how and when," She sighed,"Oh well." Twilight began to eat the ice cream

The green librarian smiled as she handed some drinks before reading a comic labeled 'Space Queen vs. Cosmos'

"Are you sure you are all right?" Will asked, looking at the frowning Sunset.

Sunset said nothing as she looked towards the museum and looked at the statues in front. "You're tired, aren't you? Tired of everything going against you, things manipulating you and forcing things out of your hooves. The Elements, Valtor, The Spirit, all forced you to see and do things you didn't want. I could help with that. Give me your body, and I'll make it all better." Mozenwrath said.

"... I will be." Sunset snarled.

"Wow," Will said, looking at the statues in awe. "I wonder what they are?"

"Well, my dear friend," said a raspy voice. Behind them stood a short arabian with a turban, "These are some of the statues of the previous sultans of the past, leading up to the current."

Sunset turned to the voice,"Wow," She looked at the statues,

"And there's even the crazy old man." Mozenwrath said.

Sunset walked into the museum, and looked at the artifacts,"Look at all this, so many memories. Oh, is that Mechanikles' spider machine?" Mozenwrath said

"Tell, my dear," said the peddler to Sunset, "would you like to see the Street Rat exhibit?"

Sunset nodded,"Yes, of course!"

"Right, I want to see what my mortal foe has in this exhibit of yours." Mozenwrath said

A light Blue arabian smiled at the two ponies, "Ah, and Welcome to the Street Rat exhibit. Oh, I bet you can't wait to see what awesome things are in here. Whoa, Bacon and a jewel bearer, sweet!" he said leading the two mares in side.

"Again with the bacon!" Sunset yelled in her mind.

"Not another blue thing. I've had enough of those..." Mozenwrath shuddered.

"First we begin the journey at the gaining of his best tool the lamp, it was a fun advenute-

"Oh,no! He's going through his entire story! Excuse me, I'm going to sleep in your subconscious for a while!" Mozenwrath said.

Will listened to the story with great enthusiasm, looking from painting to statue.

Sunset marveled as she listened to the story.

"And this," the blue stallion said, "is the picture known as the dark forces. Here you can see all of Street Rat's powerful foes: Abiss Malaise, Mechanikles, Mirage, and here in the middle, is Mozenrath.

"Wow," Sunset said,"But Mirage, she makes me feel uneasy."

"Me too. Hey, they got my good side again!" Mozenwrath chuckled

When the two mare looked up, they had found the stallion gone, and then just as suddenly, he reappeared again "-and that is why you should run from genie hunters," the blue stallion said, now wearing a 'I heart Equestria t-shirt'

“How did you change the shirt when you left for the bathroom," Will asked.

"Oh, needed a change," smiled the stallion. "Now, walk this way to some of the elemental beings he fought." with that, he walked under a hat and began to shuffle off. Two hats fell onto Sunset and Will
Sunset blinked as she felt the hat,"Does this guy act a little weird to you?" She looked at Will.

"Oh, please don't tell me..." Mozenwrath shuddered.

"No, not at all," giggled Will as they walked into the elemental room.

"Now, some of these are actually artefacts. Like this," the stallion pointed to a wooden necklace, "Is a replica given to the museum to represent the amulet of the rainbow griffon Thundara."

"Wow, Thundara, I've heard of her." Sunset said in amazement.

"You have?" Will asked.

"Yeah, she was said to be able to control the weather with just a flick of her wrist." Sunset said.

"And this is the glass that was said to melt the ice giant, back when he covered all of Agrabah in snow," said the blue arabian as he walked on.

"Ah, yes, I remember laughing as I saw the citizens in shock." Mozenwrath chuckled.

"Of course all of these pieces represent some of the highlights of the fights with Street Rat's best foes, except Moze... we didn't think about him," winked the blue stallion.

Sunset blinked,"What?"

"What do you mean you don't think about me!?" Mozenwrath yelled,"I'm way more important than all of these hacks!"

The stallion chuckled, "Just kidding, the 'great' Mozenwrath was one of the worst foes of Street Rat. Second to Mirage, who had forced him through many trials. Mozenwrath on the other hoof, matched him in many aspects... except charm."

“What!? I'm a thousand times more charming than that Street Rat!" Mozenwrath growled

As the stallion led them further down the path, Will whispered, "I think I'm starting to see what you mean. Look at his shirt, when we passed by earlier it said 'I luv Equestrians', then 'Sonata is my waifu', and now 'Mozenwrath is a dipstick, and dies his mane."

Sunset blinked,"Wait, does he know...?" She thought.

Mozenwrath growled,"I do not dye my mane!"

"Are you a dipstick then?" Sunset thought.

"No, I- ARGH! I'm going to rip you to shreds, you time-warping idiot!"

"As a matter of fact, it was a fight with Mozenwrath, that was one of the hero's last quests," the stallion smiled, his shirt now reading 'me and my buddy'.

“Okay, seriously, how are you changing shirts so quickly!" Sunset asked,"But, also, what was his last quest like?"

The stallion got up close, and whispered, "MAGIC!" he said throwing his hooves to the side. Smiling he walked down to a circular room, "Well, it apparently was very hush hush. He didn't even let his wife and kids know about it. But what I heard, was that he had heard rumors about Mozenwrath finding an ancient artifact that would've led him to one of the most magical realms in the multiverse, Kandrakar. Street Rat never did trust his daughter to fight Mozenwrath, something about he was to smart for her. So one night, he left on his own with the only two friends that could still fight.

Sunset raised an eyebrow,"My goodness..." She frowned,"The Genie and the carpet. What happened next?"

The blue stallion smiled softly as he led them to a case, "The hero followed the trail of Mozenwrath over a long time and past a lot of old friends and foes. It was like Mozey wanted Street Rat to have one last farewell before he killed him. Soon Street Rat trailed him to an old cave."

“That old, old cave." Mozenwrath said,"Our final battle, and he got me by surprise...”

"Mozey was a cocky little twerp, he thought he had everything in hand, but Street Rat won through skill and intelligence and being his usual heroic self," he said, sticking a tongue out at nothing.

"Quit mocking me, you blue simpleton!" Mozenwrath said.

"If he knows, why isn't he doing anything?" Sunset thought.

The stallion smiled, and winked as if to say 'wouldn't you like to know', "This led to the biggest mystery of the Street Rat's life. Street Rat's legacy," he pulled open the case to show a glass ball. "This isn't the crystal of course, no one knows what it looks like. But this is what one person who saw it think it looks like."

"What is it supposed to do, and whatever happened to the glove?" Will asked.

"The glove has vanished," The stallion said.

“What!?" Sunset gasped.

"Yep. Street Rat knew he couldn't destroy it, so he left it for his Genie to take care of. Sadly, Genie couldn't destroy it either, so it;s still in that cave," he stallion said.

"And the cave's gone isn't it." Sunset said.

"Well the genie did his best to hide it. He wanted to make sure no one found it," the stallions said.

"But what if somepony needed to find it to save the world or something?" Sunset asked.

"Of course, because he will let you find it for that reason." Mozenwrath rolled his eyes.

"Well, I heard the map is located in the palace, you wouldn't go there, would you?"

"Hmm, well, we do know a princess that could get us there..." Sunset muttered.

The stallion then winked, "Maybe she could also help with a little problem of yours."

Sunset frowned at him,”Just who are you anyway?”

The stallion smiled as he seemed to disappear, "A friend like you never had before."

Will opened her mouth, but then heard another stallion rush in, "Sorry, was a little late." the red stallion said. "I am ready to guide... oh, I suppose you didn't need it."

Trixie walked down the street, hearing all of the vendors and hawkers selling their wares, "Note to self, perform here later when I have the tim-" she stopped herself when she saw a red and yellow tail duck down an alley. eyebrow arched, she ran down it, only to come to a dead end.

Trixie ran out from the alleyway, growling. She never did like it when someone else tricked her, and her nostrils flared n rage. Looking to her left, her purple eyes narrowed in determination as she saw the red tail run down the street.

Trixie raced down the street, passing by the various arabians that were walking by. After a few minutes of running, she caught her down one alley way, and leapt to pounce at her quarry. Only to be blinded by a flash, "Ok, that mare is good. Whoever she is, Trixie is going to catch her," the unicorn said as she took a few steps and then backed up when she saw that she was on a tall rooftop. "What the? How did Trixie? When? OH, I am going to kill her!" Trixie said, turning around to walk the opposite direction.

Trixie let out a groan as she began to walk, trying to gain her bearings. So focused on her attempt to get off the rooftop, she did not notice her slow descent, until she was back on the ground. As she stepped back onto the ground, she looked over her shoulder for what lifted her down to the ground, only to see a purple carpet with yellow tassels lying on the ground. Trixie shook her head at the odd occurrence and began to walk through the city.

Pinkie ran by Trixie, Fluttershy in tow, "Where is he?"

"Where is who?" asked Trixie.

"The guy who brushed Fluttershy's mane! There was some weird blurry thing that brushed her mane while we were looking at the fuzzy animal exhibit," Pinkie said, looking back and forth.

Trixie continued to trot with Pinkie and Fluttershy as they looked through the various stalls and vendors, "Ok, play this by Trixie again?"

"Well, I was playing around with the monkeys while Fluttershy was talking to the tigers, " Pinkie began as she looked under the stalls. "When I turned around, looking at some piglets when 'whoosh!' I tuned and a purple blur buzzed around Fluttershy and left her mane a mess!"

"It kind of tickled and it wasn't a really big deal," Fluttershy whispered.

"Nonetheless, no pony pranks Flutters under my eyes!" Pinkie said, looking around.

"Odd, Trixie stood on something purple not too long ago, a carpet," Trixie said.

"Ahhh," a blue arabian stallion with a saxaphone said, blowing into it to make some music. "You are talking about the little prankster. He always appears around this time of year."

"Prankster?" asked Trixie.

"Yep," the blue stallion said, blowing a smoke ring. "Some say, its an imp. Others say it's a spirit mad at Street rat, while others say it's a friendly little spirit."

"OH, I remember him the last time I came here," a Yak said, smiling. "My ancestors told me that if I ever wanted to have some fun, head to Agrabah. It's an Odiferous tradition. One time, I was here and I heard my daughter giggling and saw her playing with a purple thing with little yellow tassels. It was cute."

Fluttershy smiled, "So, it's actually friendly?"

"Then why did it mess with her mane?" asked Pinkie.

"Because it's a little prankster," said the blue stallion, before pulling out a pair of drums from nowhere. "Just listen to the arabians and you will hear stories of being saved or being cheered up around this time of year."

"Why this time?" Trixie asked.

"Because, it's one of the five days important to him," the blue stallion said, looking down at the ground.

"One of the five, what do you-" Tricie began to ask, but stood back when she saw him gone.

"Ok, mysterious arabians, rugs, and a pony who looks like Sunset running around the town. What is up with this city?" Trixie asked.

"Ooh, maybe it-" Pinkie began.

Trixie rolled her eyes, "No, it's not some weird ancient draconequus that Valtor awok just to mess with us."

As Pinkie deflated, Fluttershy piped in, "Maybe, it’s Sunset's mother? Or not, forget I said anything."

"That is what Trixie is thinking as well, come on. There isn't a moment to..." Trixie paused as she felt her mane. Eyes widening, she gasped, "Where did my hat go?"

As if in answer, the pointed hat fell onto Trixie's head. Then a purple blur flew in circles around her before flying off. Growling, Trixie ran after it, followed by Pinkie and Flutters

Rarity walked up from the street of one of the vendors, a smile on her face and a song in her heart.

I parachuted down the Trot Majal
I ran along Celestia's wall
I made Nightmare Moon fall
But who was with me through it all

She looked over her shoulder behind her, "Come on Applejack." Rarity arched her eyebrow, "Well, come on"

"Nopony." Applejack grumbled.

"Oh don't be like that, dear," Rarity said as she walked to a stall, "You love the hard work."

"Yeah, but," she grunted as Rarity helped to adjust the mountain or bags and cases that were on the farmer's back. "I didn't think you would have me carry all your shopping! Ah just was going to carry your new clothes and the seeds Ah bought. But you bought dang near the whole stores."

"Not all of it, just enough to help with some new designs I came up with," Rarity said, looking at one of the silk sheets.

"And you ain't using your magic why?" Applejack asked.

Rarity scoffed, "Applejack, I am appalled! You are insinuating that I want to use my telekinesis for such a simple task? We are on a mission here! What if, during the quest, we encounter another barbaric monster or a creature and I run out of mana when we need it the most. Why, I could lead to the death of all our friends because I ran out of magic at a crucial moment."

"Didn't we just buy mana potions?" Applejack asked.

"That stuff tastes like bile, I would never touch it!" Rarity exclaimed.

"And how are ya going to get it home?" Applejack asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Oh, what should I do," Rarity swooned. "If only I had a pegasus friend capable of traveling at mach 7 and could actually carry heavy objects. What shall I do?"

“Think Rainbow Dash would actually agree?" Applejack asked.

"I have my ways," Rarity grinned. She looked at one of the silk cloths, and then let out a gasp as she watched it crumble, "What? But, it shouldn't...i s this counterfeit?" she said, not noticing the purple blur that destroyed the cloth.

"Well, I-"

Rarity interrupted her with a hoof, "Tut! I have never been so insulted!"

"Stupid purple thing," grumbled the mare as the two walked away.

As they walked, they quickly ran into Trixie and the others, "Trixie, what is going on?"

"Tell Trixie, have you seen a purple blur lately?" Trixie asked.

"No, why?"

"Because apparently its been playing tricks, and Trixie wants to pay it back for," she let out a gasp as she was spun around and her cape was put on her head. "That!" she yelled, feeling herself again hatless.

"Looks like somepony got your hat," Applejack said, chuckling.

"There it goes!" Pinkie shouted, pointing to Trixie's hat flying away.

"After it!"

Twilight blinked as she saw her friends run past the window,"What are they doing?" She grinned and turned to Dash,"Come on, it's probably something dangerous!"

The green mare smiled, "Bye, have fun storming the bad guy fortress!" she then bought out a hoof puppet, "Think they got a chance?"

"It'll take a miracle," the hoof puppet said.

The mare then began to walk away, adjusting her nametag that read 'Hi my name is Eden.'

Rainbow Dash flew alongside the girls, "Ok, so why are we running?"

"Something took Trixie's hat!" Trixie said as she ran.

Applejack panted, "Ah can't believe we are getting worked up over her hat!"

"Up there!" Pinkie Pie said as she bounced on some of the tarps after the flying hat. The purple blur flew back and spun Pinkie around before taking off.

Rairty gasped, "My word that thing is fast."

"Am I the only one who is wondering why the two magic users aren’t using MAGIC?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Excuse me, Dashie, but it's a little hard to get a hold of something going that fast!" Twilight's horn glowed as she attempted to grab the thing.

“Let me try!" Dash said, flying off towards the flying blur. Only to get spun around like a top as the object flew off. Trixie looked ahead and made some steps.

"Princesses first!" Trixie said.

"Sure thing, Trix!"Twilight nodded as she charged her horn to try and grab the thing.

The carpet manage to fly just ahead, and into a small hut. As the bearers walked in, they found an old ramshackle home, big enough for one person. The window offered a perfect view of the palace in the distance. All around was various nicknacks including, "My hat!" Trixie cheered, putting it back n with a flourish.

"What is this place, besides filthy," Rarity said, kicking aside a broken vase. Looking up she saw a purple carpet with yellow assals that caught her eye.

" The place must’ve been here for ages," Applejack said, walking around. "Think this place was ever lived in?"

"I don't know, but whoever lived her last had a remarkable taste in furniture," Rarity said, placing her hoof onto the carpet, which twitched at her touch. She took a step back in shock, and tapped again and watched in shock as it twitched. "I-I-I think that the carpet is alive."

Fluttershy walked close to the carpet and touched it, as he hoof near it the purple rug move a little. She squeaked and hid behind Rainbow Dash, "Twilight that carpet-"

Twilight walked up to it,"Is it a magic carpet!?" She gave a grin.

Carpet let out a jump, and flew from the wall to flitter around Twilight before landing back on the ground and bowing to the princess. Pinkie bounced forward, "Wait, are you the purple blur?"

The carpet nodded enthusiastically, as if to say 'yes. I like playing around this time of year."

"I like him," Pinkie said, smiling.

"Wow! I wonder who owned you?" Twilight asked. She looked around,"Sounds like you've been all alone this time."

Carpet nodded slowly, and moved as if to sigh. It kicked a little rock around in a solemn way. Fluttershy walked to it, "Did you lose your owner? Who was he?"

"Oh, you poor thing!" Twilight said, then she stopped,"Your owner... he wouldn't be Street Rat, would he?"

The carpet nodded. Trixie looked shocked, "But, how? Street Rat was millennia ago and-" she paused as it flew around her. "Will you cut that out?"

"I think it likes you," Fluttershy said.

Twilight chuckled," Well, it's magic, so something kept it in good condition. Hey little guy, do you anything about a key to the Heart of Worlds?"

The carpet nodded, and was about to help, when a voice rang out, "What are you seven doing here?" asked a yellow mare with red and yellow hair with greying streaks.

Twilight turned and gasped,"Um, we followed this carpet here-" She blinked,"Sunset?"

Sunset looked around the crowd,"Uh, excuse me, have you see a purple alicorn run by here?"

"Yes, we saw her run that way," one stallion said, pointing to a nearby loft.

The mare opened her eyes wide, "My daughter, you know of her? You met her-" she then noticed the wings. "Oh Sweet Celestia, Princess! I am so sorry."

"Wait, daughter?" Twilight gasped,"Sunshine!" She smiled.

"Sunshine!?" A voice came from behind Sunset's mother. Sunset ran at her, and punched her across the room,"Where've you been!?"

Slowly Sunshine got up, "S-sunset? My daughter, oh Celestia." tears began to flow down her face as she knelt down on the ground, "I deserved that, and I know I did. I am sorry, but please understand it was to protect you."

"Protect me!?" Sunset yelled,"I practically went insane, trying to learn magic, living in fear for my own mother figure, and then feeling betrayed by said mother figure, all so you could protect me!? From what!?" she stomped her hooves.

She whispered one name, "Mozenwrath."

Sunset stopped seething for a minute,"What? Mozenwrath?"

"I agree, what?" Mozenwrath blinked.

"What does he have to do with anything?" Twilight asked.

“I read of a curse on our family, one that leads to darkness," she then showed off her flank, her cutie mark of a mostly red sun covering a yellow sphere. " Our family has always been one of balance, light and dark, good and evil. Great power that can be used for a great good and a great evil. When Sunset was born, I performed a divination to see what her destiny was, and what I saw... scared me."

"Scared you?" Trixie asked.

"Correction, it horrified me!" she said, looking out the window. "I saw her becoming a demon, and worse. I saw the cure on our family coming to light. There is something in our mana pool that makes us a doorway for a spirit like Mozenwrath to come inside.To invade our bodies and use it. I was scared that he would use Sunset as his vessal."

Sunset blinked,"And... that's why you came here..." She looked down.

"Have you found anything else?" Twilight shot a quick glance at Sunset.

"Only that the way to help remove this curse and Mozenwrath from our world is to find Street Rat's legacy. This was the last place I could find any clues," Sunshine say looking down, and then to Sunset. "Sunset, I am so sorry, I needed to know you were safe. So I gave you to the one pony I trusted above all others."

Sunset frowned,"... What I really needed was you." She said, walking away,"I believe the clue is in the palace. Let's talk to the sultan."

Twilight shook her head. She looked at Sunshine,"Give her time." She said, before following.

Sunshine nodded, sighing as she followed the princess. As Trixie followed the other bearers, carpet began to follow her, "What do you think you're doing? Trixie does not-"

"I think he likes you, don't you?" Will said, rubbing Carpet's back.

Trixie rolled her eyes at this.

Rainbow Dash flew over the heads of the alicorn and unicorn, "I agree, it would be quite beneficial."

Twilight grinned,"Oh, come on, Trix, don't you think having a magic carpet would be totally radical?" She covered her mouth,"Did I really just say that? I must be losing my mind..." She frowned a little.

Applejack arched an eyebrow, "Uh, sugarcube? Are you ok?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Dash,"Uh, we're fine, just fine." she smiled a little,'Everything is just fine.' She said as Sunset led them to the castle.

“Halt!" said a palace guard, looking down at the ten ponies, "What brings you here-Princess!" he then began to bow to Twilight Sparkle.

"We're here to see the sultan to discuss something important." Twilight said.

"The guard nodded, "Yes, of course, walk this way." he then led them into the large throne room. Ahead of them, a tiny little bird like creature with a turban step into the room.

"Ahem," squeaked the little creature.

Applejack arched an eyebrow at this, "What type of bird is that?"

"I don't know, I have never seen one before," Fluttershy said.

Trixie had a confused look on her face, "A imp?"

"A what?"

“An imp." Twilight said,"A little bird creature that hangs around Saddle Arabia." She looked at it,"What are you doing here?"

A memory flashed in Rainbow's head,

"Pwincess, what's an imp?" A little cyan and rainbow maned unicorn filly asked Celestia

"I work here, I announce the ponies coming in and help organize construction efforts," the imp, Totafaire, said. "Presenting, her royal majesty Princess Twilight Sparkle and company, Lady Dash, Lady Applejack, Lady Rarity, Lady Fluttershy, Lady Pinkie Pie, Lady Sunset Shimmer, and three guests."

"Trixie is regulated to guest?" She grumbled.

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow at the memory, "What was that?"

Twilight shrugged,”Guess you’re just not as important as us.”

Trixie was taken aback at that comment and raised her hoof to object, Dash put a hoof onto her shoulder, "It’s ok, she wa just kidding."

Twilight looked at the sultan,”We’re here for the Heart of Worlds, do you know anything about it, and this mystical cave?”

"The Heart of Worlds?" said the green arabian, she shuddered a little. " It is a legendary place, and the key that you are searching for is not to be messed with. Why are you looking for it”

"Well, we kinda need it to save the world." Twilight said,"Ever heard of Valtor?"

“Valtor, the black dragon?" asked the sultan. "I have heard of him, but I thought he was only a legend. Is he looking for the heart of worlds?"

Twilight nodded,"Yes, which means we need that map you have."

The sultan sighed, "It's in the treasury, but I should warn you... the journey won't be pleasant. I have no idea what lies back there or what you will face."

“So," Twilight gave a smirk,"Basically you're telling us to be careful of random dangers? Awesome!" She trotted over to the treasury.

Sunset shook her head,"The dangers can't be worse than we normally face."

“Must you be so forthright?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. "We are going to need a plan when we get there."

Sunset looked at Rainbow with a wide eyed stare,"Did... you just say that?"

"Oh, come on!" Twilight grinned,"We don't need that much of a plan!" She opened the doors of the treasury.

Applejack walked to Twilight as they stood in the gold covered treasury, "You ok? That was kind of out of the normal for you."

"Oh my," Rarity said, looking at the various gems that littered the room. "Will you look at all of these wonderful gems!"

"How are we going to find the map in all of this?" Asked Fluttershy.

Will flew to the top of the room, "Give me a few minutes."

Twilight looked at Applejack,"What do you mean? I'm not acting weird!" She immediately turned around.

Sunset looked around, her face scrunched up in thought,

"Apparently it was destiny that I ended up with you. And here I thought I picked you because you were less stable then Twilight." Mozenwrath said.

"Well, you just liked like Rainbow for a second. You wanted to rush headlong into a scene and Rainbow," Applejack said as Rainbow Dash began to babble on about a scroll she found. "Well, look."

"Hmmm, if I was a map playing hide and seek, where would I hide?" Pinkie asked.

"Huh," Twilight chuckled. She turned to Applejack,"Well, if it keeps happening? Just... try to ignore it, please?" her face went serious for a moment,"Especially for Rainbow Dash." She smirked as she used her magic,"Now come on, we have a map to find!"

Applejack nodded and winked at Twilight, turning to look for the map.

Sunshine looked at Sunset and sighed, turning to look at the piles of coins. Her eyes widened as she saw a scroll enveloped by a blue aura, "I think I found it!"

Sunset turned and went to the scroll,"What's this blue aura?" She asked as she attempted pick it up with her magic.

The orb exploded in a sparkle of light and levitated to Sunset. As it floated in front of her, a line of text appeared, one that wa only visible to Mozenrath and Sunset, 'If you hurt whoever you are possessing, I will find you. Remember, you have never won-SR'

"Are you sure that's the map?" Pinkie asked looking over Sunset's shoulder. "It's blank."

As Sunset looked on, lines and locations began to appear on the map, invisible to the others.

“Please, Street Rat, how can you possibly find me? For once, I will win." Mozenwrath said.

"It seems... that only I can read the map." Sunset said.

Sunshine stepped back and looked away with a frown, while Rainbow Dash smiled, "Intriguing! It's like it’s working on a mental spell-frame keyed in on a spell. Maybe it works on a dna charm or a positive energy flow."

"Well, thank goodness I went shopping earlier," Rarity smiled. "Now we can be prepared for the journey."

"Awesome!" Twilight said,"But why does it work with you? What, I'm not awesome enough for it?" She frowned.

Sunset raised an eyebrow at the response from Twilight. She looked at Sunshine,"Do you know something?" She frowned.

"I think so, tell me... have you been hearing voices or felt a presence within you as of late?" Sunshine asked.

"Uh," Sunset gulped,"I don't think I can answer that question."

"And why not?" Trixie asked.

"Something you're not telling us?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash flew next to Sunset, "Girls, it's probably just the reverberations from Valtor's spell. I wouldn't worry about it. It’s like my mom always said, 'Plan for the future, but trust in your friends for now.'" she then smiled at Sunset as she flew off.

Sunset blinked,"That... was pretty profound."

"Unless she just can't tell us." Twilight said with a frown. She winced as her horn glowed red for a bit,"I'm following Rainbow Dash." She walked out

“Firefly never said anything like that," Fluttershy whispered as they walked out of the palace.

Rainbow Dash took to the air, smiling, " Hey Twilight, think we should stock up a little before going out. That desert's going to be killer."

Twilight looked up,"Oh, come on, I'm sure Rarity already did that," SHe looked at the white unicorn,"Tell me you did, I really want to get there!"

“Well, I bought some covering for the heat, and some beautiful looking water caskets for us all, and Applejack bought some food for us," Rarity said, looking back at Applejack.

"Yeah, that I carried," the farmer said with a roll of her eyes.

"So, we are good to go!" Pinkie cheered.

As Trixie walked, she felt a nudging from her left. Looking back at Carpet, she rolled her head, "Trixie supposed you want to come along with us. Well, look you little thing, Trixi will not-Whoa!" she yelped as she was lifted by Carpet.

Aw, it wants to fly us!" Sunset said with a smile,"I'd like to ride, provided it isn't too fast." She blinked as Twilight flew up with an enthusiastic woop.

Carpet nodded and took the six ponies

Onto its back and began to fly. Pinkie Pie immediately began to cheer, "WHOOOO! This is great.

Rarity dangled her hooves over the edge of carpet, "I agree, a lot nicer than the riders that we met a few days ago."

Sunset nodded as she took out the map, and began to give directions.

Twilight looked around as she flew,"Wow, nothing but sand for miles!"

The map read, 'beware of the mechanical claw.' Pinkie Pie looked at the map as Sunset read it out, "What do you think that me-Whooooa!" she squealed when three mechanical claws appeared from the sand.

When Rainbow looks upon the monstrosities, her eyes glowed purple, showing the best angles of attack.

Twilight brought out Equinox, her eyes glowing magenta as her muscles tensed.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she began to put on the wingblades for her armor and began to fly, striking the monstrous claws. Applejack soared nearby, striking against the center of the claws, causing the beast to shake violently.

Twilight flew up,"I hope that's a good thing..." She frowned as the beast shook.

Sunset looked down and fired a magic bolt into it.

:Well, that's one obstacle, anything else?" Sunset panted as she looked at her map.

Past the wolf and the roc' was the next part of the map. As they flew along the desert gorun, they had to close their eyes as two fierce tornadoes began to blow fiercely.

"The wolf and the-" Sunset gasped as the tornadoes blew.

Twilight looked the tornadoes and flew up, her eyes glowing magenta again as she attempted to fly around them in the opposite direction.

Rainbow Dash followed, but was shocked when she was cut by the white tornado. Tilting up, she began to fly over head, hearing a strange sound, "Twi, wait!"

Twilight stopped,"What!?"

“These tornadoes, they aren't natural-" Dash began, but heard below.

"Stop it, stop this right now," Fluttershy shouted as much as she could.

"What?" Asked Rainbow as she hovered next to Fluttershy.

"Them, they need to stop fighting before they kill one another," Fluttershy said.

"They?" Trixie yelled to be heard.

"Listen," Fluttershy said.

Twilight blinked as she and Sunset attempted to listen.

At first, it was the large howl of the winds as the two tornadoes continues to spin at one another, but over time, a new noise was heard. One sound was a windy howl, like a wolf's, while the other was a bird cry, "A hawk?" Dash asked.

"No, it's different somehow. It’s like a screech and less of a caw," Fluttershy said. "And then there is a wolf."

Mozenwrath smiled at this, as he whispered one name in Sunset's head, 'Sirocco, its name is Sirrocco."

"Sirocco?" Sunset looked to one of the tornado,"Sirocco!"

The white tornado stopped for a moment, turning into a wolf. It turned and glared its red eyes at Sunset and ran to her. Panting, it gave her a quick lick and smiled, (Hello, my faithful pet, it’s been a while) Mozenwrath smiled. (Whisper its order to head home, I'll have need of my pet for later)

the golden tornado died down, and landing in front of the bearers was a giant hawk like creature with a serpent tongue, "Ok, Twilight, what the buck is that thing?"

"A roc," Trixie said, looking on with shock, "Luna mentioned seeing them before."

"A what?" Dash asked.

"I know rocks, and that is not a rock," Pinkie added.

Sunset gasped,"Uh, head home, you'll be needed later." she told the wolf

"A weather bird." Twilight said,"They're really massive, I'm surprised Rainbow doesn't know what it was considering she's a weather mare and all."

Rainbow Dash flew up to it, and began to pet it, "Hey, I fell asleep during that part of history class. It’s not like all of this history will be important to me later."

"What about the reserve exams?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Eh, I'll get to it," Dash shrugged.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she flew up to it,"So why were these two fighting?"

"Yeah, why, Mozenwrath," Sunset thought.

Fluttershy flew up to the bird, "The Wolf wanted to fight it. It seemed to have wanted to do it in order to hold somepony back from coming further."

I think that means us." Twilight said, then grinned,"Cool."

"I think I'm not liking this one bit." Sunset muttered.

After giving the roc a clean bill of health, Fluttershy took her place alongside carpet as it took off. Sunshine sighed as she looked ahead, "No coincidences."

"What was that?" Will asked.

"I said, no coincidences, a rule in science," Sunshine said, pushing her greying mane back. "Sirocco, that machine, and whatever is next... It's almost like Mozenwrath was running a gauntlet to see who was worthy of working with him when he finished street rat."

Twilight smirked,"Well, if he were alive, he'd be in for a rude awakening, because why would we work for him?”

"No,I mean the monster would work for him after they had killed the street rat," she said. "He was trying to wear him down before the kill and then take whoever was left as his own soldiers."

"So, we're his personal recruiting team?" Dash asked.

“Oh, that's nice, I'm so glad we could be helpful to him." Sunset muttered.

"You're welcome!" Mozenwrath chuckled.

Will growled, "I can't believe he's using us like this."

"So, what's," Pinkie began, but suddenly her voice became monotone, "Next?"

"Pinkie?" Applejack began, "Is something wrong, dear?" she said, her voice now older.

Rainbow Dash flew back, "Applejack? You just got-owd! Hey! What?" she noticed her younger body

The note on the page read, "Time will meet you again."

Sunset blinked,"Time will meet you again, like, what!?" she said, suddenly a teenager.

Sunshine, now a young adult, looked up, "Wait, I think I read about this."

"WAHHHHHHHH!" cried baby Trixie as she crawled over to Sunset, who now became a teen.

"What did you hear, sweetie, "asked an older Fluttershy, her flying having to be supported by Rainbow Dash.

Sunset put a hoof on Trixie,"Like, you have!? Like, how do we totally reverse this?"

Sunshine frowned,”There should be a gem that messes with time, somewhere.”

"Where do we find this gem, though," An elderly Twilight said, pushing up her glasses.

"Like, what it look like?" Sunset frowned as she felt her braces.

Little Rarity began to concentrate, "I think I almost," she grunted as she felt Fluttershy's closeness, enhancing her powers. Her horn glowed brighter and she looked to the ground, "Thew!"

"Good," Old Twilight said, before coughing,"Oh, no..." She said. She used her magic, causing her to wince.

"Like, what's the deal?" Teen Sunset asked.

"My magic..." She crumpled down to Carpet,"I think it's working against my old body: Pretty much, My magic's too strong for my body now." She winced as she breathed heavily.

Teen Sunset frowned,"Well, don't have a cow, I'll, like, totally handle this!" She turned and used her magic to disrupt the gem.

The gem glowed brightly before shattering,returning the timeline and the ponies to normal. Rainbow Dash flew to Twilight, "Hey, are you ok?"

Twilight gasped,"Yeah, just fine, I just have to remind myself to buy magic dampening pills when I'm 70." She said.

Sunset felt her teeth,"I'm normal again!" She jumped for joy

Sunshine smiled, “You were so adorable when you were younger."

"Ah had no idea you wore braces, sugarcube," Applejack said.

Sunset frowned at Sunshine's comment, and then turned to Applejack with a blush,"Well, it's not something I'd like to think about..."

"Oh come on, give," Dash said, flying to Sunset. "I mean-

("Momesjty, do I really need to wear these?" asked the rainbow maned unicorn.

"Yes, my faithful student," Celestia said, as smoke rose from her flank. "I think when we train in battle spells, this will be for the best. We do not want to hurt the passerbys.")

"I used to wear glasses to help with my aim," Dash said.

"What do you mean by aim, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked.

"Well, when I hit targets of course."

Sunset blinked,"Hit them with what?"

Twilight immediately changed the subject,"So what's next on the map?"

The next point on the map, 'Rider of the storm."

Dash looked up as the clouds began to darken, "UH oh. Twilight, I think this is bad."

"Why is the sky so-" a loud boom followed by laugh made Fluttershy get close to Sunset.

"Why, hello there," a female voice boomed.

Twilight looked around at the clouds,"Who's there!?"

A giant snake-like bird fell from the dark sky, his body black and charred. From the hole that he created, an earth pony with a dark purple coat slowly lowered herself on the cloud, "Well, Valtor was right. You were making good time. And as for my name," the mare laughed, throwing her wild purple mane back. "The name is Stormy, Valtor sends his regards."

Twilight growled,"Well, tell Valtor that he can take his regards and shove them!" she fired a bolt towards Stormy.

Stormy dodged, bobbing out of the way of the bolt, "Ohh, testy."

"Wait, you met Valtor? Where are my friends? What happened to my mind," yelled Will as she threw a bolt of lighting at Stormy.

The witch smiled, "Oh you don't know? Well they are right now-" she winced at the pain as a bolt went through her mind.

(No, my soldier, you shouldn't spoil the surprise)

"Who said they exits. You are just a little mare with wings who is in too big over her head!”

Sunset growled,"Don't start!" She yelled, sending a magic ray from her horn at her.

Twilight teleported behind Stormy and kicked her in the head.

Stormy let out a gasp as she fell from the cloud, spinning around to create a blizzard to hit Twilight with. Letting out and yell, she felt the beam from Sunset hitting her in the back. With a roar she threw a lightning bolt at the carpet, only to watch it blocked by Fluttershy's wings blade.

Twilight gasped as she used a barrier to block the blizzard.

Sunset charged up her horn to send a few magic bolts at Stormy

Focusing on the lighting, Fluttershy redirected to Rainbow, who took into body and flew at high speed to repeatedly hit Stormy. Getting onto a new cloud, Stormy tried to unleash a thunder head, but a hail of diamonds distracted her from firing.

Twilight teleported under her cloud and kicked up into her stomach.

Stormy was sent flying into the cloud cover, and Will quickly followed. As she broke through, she found nothing there.


Stormy shook her head as she found herself in a void, "What? Where am I?"

"That is what we would like to know," said a female voice. "I was stuck in prison wondering how I was going to break us out when I woke up here."

"Icy, Darcy!" cheered Stormy as she ran to her sisters sides. "You're ok!"

"Yeah, we are," sighed Darcy. "But I have no idea how or why-"

"I have something to do with that," whispered a calm soothing voice. "I have need of the three of you. Tell me, how would you like to get revenge?"

"I say," Icy smiled. "Where do I sign up?"


Will flew back down, "She's gone."

Twilight panted,"Well, that was surprisingly easy."

"All of these have been too easy," Applejack said, looking up at Twilight from the carpet. "Twilight, I don't like it. Something ain’t right."

"We, Mozenwrath didn't want Street Rat dead by the time he got here. He probably set these trials to be easy on purpose," Sunshine said.

"I concur, Twilight ," Rainbow Dash said, looking at the alicorn. "It has been too easy. I fear for the next task."

Sunset gulped,"I'm pretty sure Mozy probably expected Street Rat to handle himself..." She looked at the map.‘Before you and I meet, dream a little dream of me.' she read.

"Now what in tarnation does that mean?" Applejack asked as Trixie put a hoof to her chin.

"Maybe he is going to try and use a sleep spell?" Fluttershy asked.

"Dream, a gauntlet of Street Rat's foes..." Trixie began to think to herself.

Pinkie Pie bounced up to look ahead, "Oh, maybe the Street Rat faced off against a sleep monster."

"I have studied much of Street Rat's history, and I know that to be untrue," Sunshine said.

"Dream?" Rainbow Dash said, then her eyes went wide in time with Trixie's.

Twilight's eyes widened,"N-


"Sunset? Sunset? Wake up my little one," Celestia called, nudging the sleeping alicorn.

A little filly giggled, "Sunny is a sleepy head."

Sunset shook her head,"Celestia?" She looked at the filly,"Where am I?"

"You're home, silly," giggled the purple unicorn as she snugged to Sunset's leg. "Home with me forever."

"Now, Twilight. You know that is unfair. Sunset has responsibilities back home. Much like you have school," Celestia reprimanded her youngest daughter.

"Yes, Mom," Twilight said. Then, she looked up with a smiled, "Momejesty, after I finish studying, can I go play with the other crusaders?"

"Yes dear," Celestia then looked at Sunset, "You are in Canterlot, my dearest. You came because you wanted to study up on a spell for Applejack. You must have fallen asleep."

"But..." Sunset looked around, then she noticed her wings,"But, we were in Saddle Arabia! Sunshine, everyone, this..." She shook her head as she looked at a mirror and saw Mozenwrath staring at her.

"You are overworked my dearest," Celestia said, draping a wing over Sunset's body. "Come with me. You must tell me about your friends."
Sunset shook her head,"But."

"This isn't real, Sunset," Mozenwrath said,

"This isn't real, this is a dream isn't it?" She said, gulping,"But it feels real..."

"Whatever do you mean sunset? This is as real as you want it to be," Celestia said plainly. "You have friends, you have a life, and you are surrounded by love. No one knows about your crimes, you are loved."

"Wait, how do you know about my crimes?" Sunset asked.

"You know," Celestia winked at Sunset. Leaning in, she whispered "That time you stole from the cookie jar." Giggling she walked ahead. "Come, your Aunt Luna is waiting.

"Aunt Luna?" Sunset said. She got up.

"You fool! Don't follow her!" Mozenwrath shouted

"Shut up, I'm going to enjoy myself." Sunset growled.


"Applejack! Come home, you are working too much," Gala called from the house.

"Alright Maw!" Applejack answered back, running to the house, looking at all of the apples that she had bucked. "Paw, ain't Big mac back yet?"

"Nope, he is still with that little school marm," said the stallion as he walked with his daughter. "She is going to be Missus Apple soon enough. Wait and see."

"Ewww, Paw," grumbled Applebloom, a blurry cutie mark on her flank. "That's my teacher you're talking about."

"Ok, then let's talk about that little filly you are hanging out with," snarked Rambo.

Running into the house in response, Applebloom called out, "MAW!"

Applejack chuckled as she leaned against the door.


This is just a thriller
Thriller night!

Sweetie Belle shouted, striking a pose as the lights went down. Standing just off to the side, Rarity began to stomp her hooves, "Brava! I say Brava!"

"Rarity!" Squeaked Sweetie Belle as she ran to her big sister and hugged her tightly. "I though-"

"Nonsense," Rarity said, running her hoof through her sister's mane, "I would not miss my little sister's command performance for the princesses for all of the world. Especially when she is wearing my dress."

"Our dress," said a blue unicorn with an orange mane. Next to her, an earth pony with a blue mane smiled as she looked to Rarity.

"Did we do good?" asked Coco.

"Of course. I expect nothing less from the Manehatten branch of my empire. You make the world shine, Coco," Rarity smiled.


There were days when ponies did battle, when ponies were angry, and were upset with one another. But that was not today, today was a day of fun and laughs. Pinkie Pie couldn't help but smile as everypony began to laugh, sing, and dance with one another. Skipping, she waved hello to a centaur with a red face and a light pink unicorn with a blue mane. Looking around, she saw Valtor with a big grin and a saucer of cupcakes.


Fluttershy sighed as she laid back in her cottage. Her animals were cared for, Discord was playing with her friends, and the world seemed to be a calm place once more.


"And the winner," shouted the announcer. "Rainbow Dash!"

"Was there any doubt?" Rainbow Dash smirked, turning to look at her little sister. "Huh Scoots."

"Nope, big sis!" Cheered her little sister as she hugged her leg.


Will stood on a balcony, listening to the party. It was the second one that her parents had that month, and she was a little tired, "Something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing Matt," Will said, leaning onto the shoulder of a tall winged stallion with long black mane. "I just didn't think mom and dad would have another party so soon."

"Well, it’s not everyday that they find out their only daughter is expecting the same time that they are," Matt said, nuzzling his wife.

"Mmmmm, yeah," Will sighed. She then looked up, "How are the others?"

"Fine, they miss you. They love you, like I do," Matt said.


"I love you, Mommy," sighed Sunset as she snuggled into Sunshine's legs.


Trixie sighed as she waved goodbye to her seven friends, glad that the gave her a ride home. As she opened the door to her wagon, she was taken back by a shout of, "Congratulations!"

Trixie shook her head as she saw the two blue unicorns in front of her, "Mother? Checker? You... you came!"

Hazel Lulamoon nodded as she nuzzled her youngest daughter, "fg course I did. I wouldn't miss my little girl's most special night."

"You were wonderful little sister," Checker monarch smiled as she nuzzled her little sister. "You made me proud."

"Jealous?" smirked Trixie.

Checker shook her head, "Never."


Twilight awoke inside the dream realm, a symbol glowing on her chest,"Not again..." She looked around,"Alright, time to find one of their doors..."

Twilight's horn glowed, eight strings flew from it. The closest string was a dark blue string leading to a door with a wand cutie mark. As Twilight neared, she could hear an echo, "Are you sure? This isn't like before, they are happy.”

"..." Twilight growled,"Are they? Why should I let them have fake happiness!?" she walked closer to Trixie's door.

“Be my guest," the voice echoed.


The door opened slowly, revealing the wagon and Trixie partying with her mother and sister. Trixie turned her head to look at Twilight, "Sparkle?" her eyes then widened, before shaking her head, "No, no no no. Please...n ot this. Don't tell me that his is just a dream."

Twilight sighed as she walked up to Trixie,"I... am sorry." She placed a hoof on Trixie's shoulder.

Trixie's eyes displayed a multitude of emotions at once, but she quickly put her hat over her eyes, and said "Let's go. Trixie needs to...she needs to, she then leaned into Twilight's shoulder, "She's not even here and she knows how to hurt me!"

Twilight gave Trixie a hug, and then led her out the door

Looking back at the doors, Trixie turned ot her rival, "Ok, so how do you want to divide this up. I get Will and Sunshine and you get your friends?"

Twilight nodded,"And we stop at Sunset." She said, heading off towards Applejack's dream.

Trixie nodded, opening Sunshine's door, "You, don't need to tell me... this is a dream. I didn't think it would be this simple to wipe away years." Sunshine said with a sigh as she walked out of her door.

Trixie ran over to Will's door.


Applejack began to eat her next meal when she heard the door, "Oh, howdy Twilight! What brings you here?"

“Applejack..." Twilight gulped as she saw her friend's parents,"This..." She choked a bit,"This isn't real."

Applejack chuckled, "Wha-what do you mean, Twilight? Of course this is real! Mom and Dad are Alive, Applebloom has her cutie mark, and..

Twilight immediately put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder,"Applejack, think! You've been through this kind of thing, it... it isn't real. Think, notice Apple Bloom's 'Cutie Mark.' It's blurry, why can't you see it clearly?"

Well, that's simple. It's because...because," Applejack paused, and then furrowed her brow. "Let's go Twilight. Ah need to work out some aggression."

Twilight nodded as she led Applejack out, and headed towards Fluttershy's door.

Fluttershy let out a soft yawn a she turned to the two approaching mares, "Oh, hello Applejack and Twilight. Isn't today a wonderful day?"

“Fluttershy," Twilight gave a heavy sigh,"This... isn't real."

"What? No, it has to be real, look," Fluttershy said, pointing outside. "Everything is so calm and peaceful. Nothing bad is really happening, and no monsters are out. It has to be."

Applejack shook her head, "Sorry, sugarcube."

“Fluttershy,"Twilight walked up to her,"This is all a fabrication, just a illusion made to keep you happy."

"But," Fluttershy stopped and then looked behind her. Letting out a sigh, she turned to Applejack and Twilight. "It wouldn't be that easy, would it?"

"You know the world can be a bad place sugar, would you really want nothing bad," Applejack asked.

"No. Ok Twilight, let's go," Fluttershy said.

Twilight sniffled,"I'm sorry." She said as she led them out, and towards Rarity's door.

Fluttershy said nothing, opening the door for Twilight. When they entered, they could hear the ballet music of a grand gala, where all of the others were dancing. Rarity twirled by them, leaving the foreleg of a stallion ," Oh girls! You wouldn't believe the evening I had. Sweetie Belle and friends-"

"Rarity," Applejack said.

"-and then there was Spike with that Mina dragon,"

"Rarity," Applejack said again.

"And then there was Shining Armor and Cadence's son who just asked me-"

Twilight frowned, her eyes glowing magenta for a second as she slapped Rarity,"Get a hold of yourself, mare!"

"Oof!" Rarity exclaimed. "Twilight, why on earth did you do that for?"

"Because you were losing yourself Rare," Applejack said, lowering her hat over her eyes. "You're in a dream."

"Applejack, dear, what do you mean? I have everything I could want, the dreams of my friends have been made real, and..." she began to look behind her. "Odd, but I don't see Sunset here. She should be here, as well."

"Rarity, if this was a world where you helped everypony, why isn't she here," asked Fluttershy.

A depressed sigh escaped her lips, "Because I haven't spent nearly enough time with her to know everything about her wants."

Twilight shook her head,"And you won't get to know her, if you stay here."

Your right," Rarity said, her look of determination coming back to her. "Let's go."

Trixie opened the door to Will's dream, and then stepped back in horror, "What on Earth?'

Will slowly turned her head to look at Trixie, "Trixie, you're here. Isn't this wonderful? I found my friends and family!"

Trixie shook her head, looking at all of the blank faces, "Will... they're blank."

"No they're not," Will shook. "I know what my friends look like. I know my own parent's faces, I can dream of who they are!"

"Will, Trixie is-"

"I know this is just a dream!" Will shouted. "I just wanted to...to...”

Trixie hugged her friend, "I know, I know. Let's go."

Twilight opened Pinkie's dream door

As the door opened, Pinkie Pie tackle glomped her best friend, "Twilight! That dream was so awesome, I need to share it! I mean, there was so many ideas in there that I am going to pop!”

"Pinkie, didn’t you want that world?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie shook her head, "Well, I did... at first. I mean, who wouldn't want a world where we are all laughing, smiling, and giggling and having fun. Why wouldn't I love it when the world is one big party and nobody is mean and angry. But-"

"But what?" Applejack asked.

"When I thought about it, no I wouldn't. Because, then you aren't yourself," Pinkie giggled. "I want genuine smiles, I want ponies to laugh because they are happy."

Twilight smiled,"Thank you, Pinkie," She said as her hoof touched Rainbow Dash's

The door opened to the sound of a roaring crowd, Rainbow Dash flew down to her friends, "Hey girls! Did ya catch the awesome show?"

"Uh, no Rainbow, as a matter of fact," Twilight frowned at the crowd,"We've got to take you out of this dream..."

"Wait, what? Applejack, tell me she's," Rainbow Dash looked to Applejack, who shook her head. "OH, BUCKING MIRAGE!"

"Ah know sugarcube, Ah know," Applejack said, nodding.

"So, who's left?"

“Sunset." Twilight said, she opened the door, and walked towards Sunset's door. As she went through, a barrier would stop the others from coming in.

Twilight looked behind her in shock,

"Hello, Twilight." Sunset said, looking at a door to the throne room of Canterlot.

Twilight turned and blinked at Sunset's alicorn form,"Sunset, what is this..."

"A life I always wanted, a life I should've had, a life I needed, if only ponies had paid attention to what I wanted!" Sunset said, turning towards Twilight,"I felt ignored sometimes, felt so alone, I felt like I needed more power to get Celestia, or find my mother," She teared up,"I wanted a sister, and I wanted a family." She looked away,"I screwed that up, didn't I?"

Twilight walked over to Sunset,"You can start again, Sunset, but you don't need fake happiness."

"... I know." Sunset sniffled,"But I'll get it again..." She muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing..." She said as they left.

The girls all hugged Sunset as she came out, and the world began to dimmed, "Ah Twilight, I am a little shocked to see you here." a familiar feline voice spoke.

Twilight swung her sword in the direction of the voice,"Mirage!" She yelled.

"Oh, don't bother looking for me, dear," Mirage chuckled.

"Ah want to find you, and beat you so hard that nopony ever has to see your bucking face again in anyverse," Applejack growled.

"Such language," Mirage chuckled. "As I said, I am not here. I am busy destroying the lives of another set of bearers in another universe. This is just an echo of me that I left for you to find. Well, Street Rat, but you coming in was a nice benefit. I have to say, I am glad to see that you got out of my dreams."

"An echo, huh!? And how about you let us out of this world, Mirage!" Twilight growled, her horn glowing a bright red as her coat went a little darker.

This went unnoticed by the bearers as they searched for the feline, "Don't worry, I will. Oh, When you get to the chamber, it's' going to be fun." she chuckled.

After a flash of light, the ponies would find themselves in front of a large set of doors. Behind them, a set of undead ponies began to shamble away.

Twilight blinked,"How?" She looked behind them at the undead ponies shambling away,"They must've done that while we were asleep." She frowned as she turned to the double doors.

Sunset walked to them,"Well, what are we waiting for..." She used her hooves to open them.

The doors slowly opened, presenting a large sandy room. Burn marks, shattered vases, and torn rags littered the area. All around them, signs of a final battle were evident, "Can't say much for the decor."

"The genie must have put a sealing spell here," Sunshine said.

Rainbow Dash flew around the circular room, "So, where is the glove?"

"Look!" Pinkie said, pointing to a throne sitting at the back of the room, where a blue glove rested.

Sunset's eyes opened wide, she stared as she saw the glove was still attached to a unicorn skeleton, with a dagger in it's chest.

Twilight walked up to it, and made a face in disgust,"Ew, I'd hate to do this to a corpse."

"That's okay, I'm not using it." Mozenwrath said in Sunset's head.

Twilight pulled the glove off and her eyes went white.

Twilight blinked,"This isn't Friendship's body!" She thought as she felt her hoof encased in a glove. She was indeed tall, but she noticed that the body she was in was more masculine,"Who-" The body she was in looked up to see a stallion in a purple vest and a fez with a greying mane and a beard. Her body coughed,

Street Rat's pirceing black eyes, looked at Moenwrath, "You hve a back up plan, you always do."

Of course... I do." Mozenwrath said with another cough,"I will not die, today. I will survive, I always do. While you will die old and feeble, I will stay alive." Twilight felt his horn glow for a split second.

"I might one day,but" Street Rat chuckled. "You can bet, I will find a way to stop you, I always will." he then turned away from his old foe, walking to the door. With a sigh, he muttered, "Jas is right, I am getting too old for this."

Mozenwrath's eyes dashed over to an eel creature,"Xerxes, sleep. I will return, in a new body. I may have to wait centuries, but I will return..." His eyes closed as Twilight felt herself fly away from the body. Several years flew by before her eyes, until stopping at a yellow unicorn,"There, that's the one."

Sunset watched,"Alright, do it if you must." She thought.

Mozenwrath smiled, slowly, Sunset walked over to the center, and screamed as her horn glowed green, and her once yellow streaks turned black.

'Sunset' laughed with a deeper voice,"Finally!"

Rainbow dash landed next to Fluttershy, "What's going on with Sunset?"

'Sunset' walked up to Twilight and smiled,"Perfect, she isn't even aware of me." She said as she grabbed the glove and put it on, feeling energy course through her,"It fits just like it used to!"

Applejack ran to Sunset, "Hey, what y'all think yer doing!"

Mozenwrath shot a beam of magic at Applejack,"I'm taking back what's mine!" She shouted, her eyes glowing,"Now, can I have the horseshoes, please?"

"APPLEJACK!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew at Sunset.

"Why should Ah give them to you? Who are you? You ain't Sunset!" Applejack asked

"Oh, I don't have to introduce myself, do I?" She looked at Sunshine. She put up a barrier around Rainbow Dash,"Honestly, I was in her mind for a week, I know how headstrong and stupid you can be, Rainbow Dash."

"No, No...GET OUT OF MY DAUGHTER YOU MONSTER!" Shouted Sunshine.

"Mozenwrath?" shuddered Fluttershy.

"Hey!" Dash yelled as she began to kick at the barrier.

Mozenwrath turned and teleported the bubble with Dash inside away,"One down," She turned to Sunshine,"Sorry, but your daughter did this willingly." She looked at Applejack and used her magic to trap her hooves.

Applejack struggled, and Rarity raced behind him with Vorpal drawn, but hesitated as she looked at Sunset, "No..."

"Hold on," Fluttershy said as she flew to Applejack to help her out.

Pinkie Pie pulled out her cannon, "Liar! Why would she do that?"

Mozenwrath pulled up her hoof and fired several bolts at Rarity from it,"She just got tired of being manipulated. After all, the Elements forced her to change, the Spirit showed her horrible things, Celestia wasn't attentive enough," She smirked as she lifted the horseshoes from Applejack's saddle bags,"And dear old Mommy didn't care for her." She put the shoes on.

Sunshine shuddered, "No, it wasn't... I failed."

as Sunshine whimpered, Applejack struggled to move. Rarity tried to block the bolts as Pinkie fired her party cannon, "But, the Elements were trying to help her!" Fluttershy argued.

“Help her!? They forced her to see what she has wrought, they forced her to be powerless, they forced her to change her mind." Mozenwrath said. He put up a shield to block the confetti as he used his horn to teleport Applejack away,"Ironic, isn't it? You left your daughter to protect her, and all you did was make her more vulnerable."

"And what did you do to Rainbow Dash!" Screamed Pinkie

Once free, Applejack ran to Mozenwrath, with all of the attention to pinch her, "Just get out of mah friend's body!"

"Twilight, wake up, we need you!" Fluttershy said to Twilight, shaking her.

"I sent her to a place where she won't use her abilities to hinder me. The same place I will send you all." Her horn glowed as she teleported Applejack just before she punched her. She turned to Pinkie,"I'll enjoy this, you kind of annoyed me." She fired a bolt at Pinkie

"Hey! I don’t anno-" Pinkie began, but was sent away. Fluttershy trembled, but stood her ground a she flew at Mozenwrath. "Give my friends back!"

A faint shimmer could be seen near Twilight, "How the buck do you get out of this stupid vision thing?"

Mozenwrath closed her eyes,"Kind Fluttershy, I shan't look at your eyes, for I fear the Stare." She fired a beam at the pegasus. She looked over at the shimmer,"Don't bother, Magician, that spell's near impossible to break." She turned to Rarity and fired a beam at her.

“Flutter-" Rarity screamed as she was beamed away.

"(BUCK!)" Trixie whispered. "So, what are you going to do to the great and powerful Trixie? Send her away as well, leaving you to kill Twilight and Sunshine?”

Mozenwrath smirked as she walked towards the showpony,"Yes, I will send you away, as for the other things, that depends on Sunshine's actions," She fired a beam at Trixie

"What do you mean-" Trixie began, but her voice was silenced by the beam.

"What do you mean, by my actions?" asked Sunshine.

Mozenwrath turned to Sunshine,"Well, are you going to fight me? Try to stop me? I know you want to save your poor daughter," She smiled.

"I... can't." Sunshine said , bowing down. "I failed in protecting her, I failed in being a mother, and I am not strong enough to beat you."

"Oh, poor thing." Mozenwrath chuckled, her horn glowing,"Alright, then cower, and watch as I take your li-" A purple beam smashed into her.

Twilight got up, her mane flowing and her eyes completely white,"Let. Her. Go!" She said, her horn charging for another blast.

"Oh, no. I was hoping you'd be out for longer." Mozenwrath frowned,"Oh well. I don't want to fight you, not here, so bye!" She teleported away.

Twilight growled, then she shuddered as she looked at Sunshine,"What did he do to my friends?" A tear fell from her pure white eyes.

Will flew right behind Mozenwrath, causing her hooves to crackle, but Sunshine shook her head. Nodding, the blue mare flew up into the rafters and hid.

Will quietly whispered o herself, "I have never saw Twilight like this."

Twilight growled,"Sunshine, help Will find them!" She glared at her,"I'll talk to you, later!" She walked out of the cave, and screamed, magic flowing off of her, causing magic to ripple across the sands.

Mozenwrath walked towards Agrabah, using her horn to summon mumluks, and then stopped and turned to see a bright light in the distance.

Luna gasped,"Sister, you feel that!?" She looked at a light in the distance.

Celestia nodded, "Oh, my faithful student...nwhat has happened to you."

In the Everfree Forest, a cloaked figure chuckled,"Oh, that power... this'll be interesting.." He put a red hand to his chin.

"Ugghm" Cadence winced, holding her her stomach as she backed a few steps.

"Cadey!" Shining yelled as he went to Cadence's side, leaving behind his plans for a scavenger hunt. "What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

Cadence wearily shook her head, "No, I just felt a power surge of magic. Like somepony just tampered with a harmonic source and is causing a magical feedback."

"No," Shining's eyes went wide in horror as he looked tot eh bright like, "Twily."

Somewhere, in Manehatten, Valtor sits in a cafe and drinks a bit of soda. Turning his head to look towards the light, he arched an eyebrow, "Servant, what is that light?"

"Oh, nothing my lord, just a player moving her particular piece forward," Chuckling lowly, the servant whispered (What are you going to do, bearer?)

Author's Note:

If you can get all of the Aladdin references, you get a cookie.