• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,719 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

  • ...

M is for magificence

“Nobody?” What’s a nobody?” asked Sunset to herself as Mozenwrath’s words played in her head.

"Princess?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking at the hooded version of Celestia with a look of confusion on her face.

"Sugarcube? Something wrong? You look nervous," Applejack asked, looking at Sunset.

"N-nothing," Sunset shook her head,"It's just a little weird seeing her like this..."

"Queen, actually, and Celestia was a name I had long left." The cloaked pony said.

Trixie looked at the cloaked pony with an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I am no longer Celestia, I am Iaxselect." The pony said with a bow,"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for where the heart is so we can fix whatever this is," Rainbow Dash said.

As the two ponies continued their talk, Pinkie Pie began to feel her knee pinch, "Pinchy knee, pinchy knee," squeaked Pinkie Pie, beginning to look around her.

Sunset turned to Pinkie,"Pinchy knee?"

"Something scary about to happen," Pinkie whispered.

"Something scary?" Sunset asked, then she gulped as she looked at the cloaked version of her mother and mentor.

"The heart!?" Iaxselect had a smile on her muzzle as she came closer,"I think I may be able to help you with that." She pointed to the white fortress behind her,"Go to that fortress, and find the pedestals of the six. The six chosen must stand on them, and thus will allow a compass to appear to aid you." She looked at Rainbow,"There is no fixing this world, though, I'm afraid. It will never be completed."

"What do you mean, never completed?" Rarity asked.

Iaxselect turned and walked to one of the travelling shadows, and placed a hoof through it,"This world is a place where stories go to die, a place where ideas go incomplete. This are where ponies without hearts or souls go, because there is nowhere else for them."

"How is that, possible," Applejack said, looking at one of the shadows.

"How... sad," Fluttershy said, feeling a pang in her heart for the ponies. "Is there anything we can do ?"

"I'm afraid there is nothing you can do to give them hearts." Iaxselect said,"The multiverse is a wondrous thing, filled with mysteries you cannot comprehend. I must take my leave now." She disappeared in a portal of darkness.

At that moment, ghostly images of ponies began to surround the group, walking alongside them. Some of them held their heads in sorrow, while others smiled.

"Told you, something scary," Pinkie said, looking at the ghosts.

"Ok, yeah, that was just creepy," Rainbow Dash said, looking back up to the white castle. "So, guess we're heading up there?"

Twilight nodded,"We have nowhere else to go," She looked around, noticing that every other direction lead to stars,"Come on." She walked, and then gasped as she walked through a shadow.

"I can't wait to meet Bon-Bon..." A voice rang out.

"Lyra?" Trixie asked as she stuck out her hoof to feel the spirit.

"I hope Trixie is all right"

"Raindrops?" Trixie ase, pulling back.

Rainbow Dash backed into one, "Wha-"

"So we just use these little pokemon guys and then we can get you home Flutters," Dash said.

"Was that me?"

Another voice rang out, "Rainbow Dash, my little girl" Celestia's voice spoke as Dash bumped into another spirit.

Sunset looked around them as she touched another,"Come on, Sunset, you can't get anything done by being lazy..." Sunset blinked when she heard Twilight's voice.

"Twilight?" Applejack asked and then shuddered as she felt one walk by her.

"Applejack, dear, you need to be warm."

"Mom..." Applejack whispered

"Rarity, can me and big sis Rainbow Dash go and play?"

"Pinkie, you are a demon"

Rarity was a aghast by the voice, while Pinkie took a step back.

Fluttershy looked shocked as the spirit touched her, “Rainbow Dash, thank you, big sis.”

Will looked to the one she touched, wonder whatshe would hear.

You do not exist, Will Vandom!" A voice growled.

Will became pale at this, backing up and trembling, "N-no. But, I-I...”

"Will?" Twilight walked towards her,"It's probably talking about somepony else, okay?"

"How can you be so sure," the blue pegasus said, backing away from the stairs."My memories have not been clear, I haven't been able to remember anything and my friends may not even exist. How can you be so sure that I'm real?

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder,"Look, from what we've been hearing, these are just shadows of creatures from other worlds. And besides, you look pretty real to me, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll scan you with my magic."

"P-please," Will sai with a shudder.

Twilight used her magic to scan over Will, a light blue aura shined forth from the pegasus. As her magic went over Will’s body, Twilight could see an unusual black spot in her figure, "Well, you look normal to me.” she frowned at the spot,”I’ll check that later...”

"Look?" Will asked, but was hugged by Pinkie.

"Well, you feel real, you talk real, and you," she licked Will, "Taste real!!!! So, you must be real! Well, at least to me and everypony else. That's all that's important." with a giggle she then pressed her hoof to another image

"Is she alway this blunt?"

"We did it, we found our seventh sister. Welcome to the group, Sunny!"

"Sister?" Sunset blinked as the group stepped towards the white fortress.

"Hmmm, a world where the six of us are sisters... Ah think Ah ca get used to that," Applejack smiled.

"But, then who of us would be the oldest?" Rarity said as they walk up the steps to the fortress

Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"Well, it could be Applejack."

"What? Why not me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, Ah mean, you are kind of stubborn and hard headed and... what's with the snickering?" Applejack raised an eyebrow

The doors opened to a long white hallway that would lead to a large circular room. The large center made the place echo with their footsteps as they trotted in. Soon they entered the room with six large pedestals, "Anypony else feeling like this is too easy?" asked Rainbow Dash, looking up.

Sunset frowned,"Please don't say that."

"Well, I don't see anything that could be a trap." She then noticed something on the pedestals,"Those have our cutie marks on them!"

Dash looked around at the quietness of the room and yelled, "HEY TRAP!!!!"

Applejack jumped and held her hat, "Try that again sugarcube and Ah am punching yer wings off."

"Well, shall we go touch them, Twilight," Rarity asked.

Twilight nodded as she went to them,"What's the worst that could happen?"

As Twilight touches the pedestal, a light flashed, giving Twilight purple metal boots, a breastplate with a star on it, and a shiny purple helmet. Purple metal gleamed across her wings and electricity surged on her horn. An image of a purple alicorn absorbing magic through her chest showed through her eyes.

As Fluttershy touches the pedestal, a light flashed, causing vines to grow over her as a yellow leather armor appeared on her hooves, and a leather helm came on her head. Vines breathed on her wings. An image of a yellow alicorn using her boots to command the trees flashed through her eyes.

As Rainbow Dash touches the pedestal, lightning surged around her, causing a cyan suit of armor to come onto her, with rainbow boots and a plate of cyan on her breast. A helm of flowing rainbow energy adorned her head as lightning surged around her wings. An image of a cyan alicorn becoming lightning itself flashed through her eyes.

Applejack touched the pedestal, and a orange energy appeared as orange plate-mail appeared on her entire body. The mail seemed to breath as her helmet came onto her head. An image of an orange alicorn taking the brunt of several meteors without flinching came through her eyes.

Pinkie touched the pedestal and several streamers flowed around her body as pink armor appeared on her hooves. Balloons caused a piece of armor to appear on her barrel, and a pink helmet appeared on her head. An image of a pink alicorn ripping holes in the universe and then making chocolate rain flashed through her eyes.

Rarity touched the pedestal, and several diamond gleamed around her body as diamond armor appeared on her hooves. A plate of armor appeared on her chest as a single helm appeared, making her horn glitter. An image of a white alicorn creating diamonds out of thin air appeared before her eyes.

An opening appeared in the center of the room and a pillar rose, showing a small book

"My word, that was," Rarity stepped back to admire her armor.

"AWESOME!!!!!" Dash exclaimed thrusting her hoof into the air. "Look at this, it is so so... YEAH!!!"

Fluttershy looked at the breathing vines, and could only gasp in astonishment, while Pinkie Pie giggled up a storm, " Look at you! Look at this! Oh, and look at me! This is fantastic."

Applejack arched an eyebrow at the helmet, and then pulled out her hat and put it on to the helmet, "Better."

Trixie growled a little, "Next place we go to, better have something for the Great and Powerful Trixie. A little Faith Blade or something!"

Will shook her head and looked to the book in the center, "Twilight?"

Twilight gasped at her armor,"Amazing..." She turned to look at the others

Sunset shook her head at Trixie’s remark. Twilight noticed the word,'Forgiveness' on top of her head, as Sunset explained, "Sorry, I think these gifts are only meant for them."

Trixie growled, "Fine, but Trixie expects to have something from all of this."

Twilight saw the other’s elements on top of their heads. Each element blazed with their individual color, with the exception of Dash which was beginning to blur. She then went over to the book and opened it, and saw the Crystal Heart,"Heart of Love?" She flipped the page,"Heart of Nothingness, Heart of Happiness, and Heart of Despair." Each one was in the shape of a heart, but black, pink, and dark blue respectively.

Will looked over Twilight's shoulder and read the page, "Hearts? Like what we found back in the empire with Nyx?"

"So what? Each gate has its own heart to find?" Dahs asked, playing with the lightning that her new gear provided.

"Apparently, and from the descriptions here," She took the book and placed it in her saddlebags,"The Heart of Nothingness belongs to the World that Never Was. That could be talking about here! And it's supposed to be at the top of the Fortress of Nobodies."

“What about the other hearts?” asked Will.

“The heart of Despair seems to lie in the world of never ending night, while the heart of happiness is,” Twilight raised an eyebrow as she flipped to an empty page. “It... doesn’t say.”

“What?” asked Applejack.

“It’s just blank,” Twilight said, flipping back. “It just has information about two of the hearts. Like the one in the world of nobodies.”

"And we're in the middle of that, aint we?" Applejack asked, looking up.

"So why are we getting these cool weapons and armor in the past two worlds we went to?"

Twilight nodded, and then flipped the book,"I... don't see the reason. My only guess is that the Queens left these here for us, but that would mean that they could see into the future..."

"Then they would know about us," Applejack said, looking at her boots.

"Then how didn't they know about valtor, Will, and all of that other stuff?" Pinkie asked.

"Perhaps they didn't get all the information?" Twilight shook her head,"Or they couldn't stop it otherwise it might break time or something." She looked out the door,"In any case, we'd better go find the Heart.

The girls nodded, following Twilight out the door. They walked up a flight of stairs and towards a door marked with the Element's cutie marks. The marks glowed and opened the doors. The group walked in as several sounds of portals appeared behind them.

"Thank you for opening that for us." Twilight's voice came from behind them.

"You're welcome, Twilight," Pinkie said, then looked behind her. "Or is that another Twilight?”

"Uh, that wasn't me..." Twilight turned to see six black cloaked beings standing before them. One had diamonds on her cloak, another had a cowpony hat, and a third had colorful stripes adorning her cloak.

The pony with the colors bounced up and down,"Wow! Other Us! I have been waiting so long to meet them!"

Lixtwight, the mare who spoke with Twilight's voice shook her head,"Yes, Pinkxie, I know, and I rather you not talk with your other." She smiled at the Bearers,"We, for some reason, couldn't get through this door, so we had to wait until someponies like you opened it." She took off her hood to reveal Twilight's face,"Now, Pinkxie, get the Heart."

Pinkxie nodded as she suddenly appeared in the center and grabbed a black heart in the center of the room.

The bearers took a step back as they saw the ones with cloaks. Pinkie Pie giggled, "Pinkxie, Lixtwight? I like their names and-" she was interrupted by the speed of Pinkxie as she ran and grabbed the heart.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing with the heart?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

Rarity looked on, "And where did you manage to get the idea for such horrible cloaks. Seriously, black is not very you."

"Wait, other...us?" Applejack asked.

The one with the diamonds scoff,"I know! I mean, I at least managed to vary mine, and I tried to modify the rest, but they won't let me!"

Pinkxie giggled,"It's ours now! We're going to-" Her muzzle was zipped up by Lixtwight. The pink mare happily ran away from the group and out of Dash’s range before she could make a move.

"We have plans for the Heart of Nothingness."

"What kind of plans?" Will asked.

"We ain't gonna say." The one in the hat said.

"We might tell you, if you catch us!" One flew in the air with cyan wings.

"Oh buck, not a stupid riddle!" Trixie moaned. "Space when you leave, so we must be at the spot where we left. Twilight, we need a time travel spell and..."

As Trixie began to ramble of ingredients, Applejack walked up to Twilight, "What do ya think she means.”

"I... am not sure..." Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"I think she's talking about the stars around the Pseudo-Ponyville for space. The spot where we left..."

"Great, I'm being reminded of Celestia's teachings..." Sunset frowned,"I wasn't very good at those, I prefered the more hooves-on ideas."

"So, I guess we better head out." Twilight said

Will began to think as well as the others left

"...and then we need to find a megaspell, which might risk decimating the timeline of this world and end up making all of us-Hey Wait up!" Trixie shouted as she followed the others.

They left the castle, only to find themselves separated by a black wave of energy. As their senses returned to each one of them, the bearers found themselves alone and in a place that was familiar to them.

Applejack walked through the empty orchard as five shadows began working on the trees.

Applejack began to look around frantically, quickly remembering the last time her friends were separated. Then, she noticed the five shadows, "Who..."

One of the shadows picked up a filly and placed her on his back as he began to walk home. He was wearing a hat similar to Applejack's.

"PA, MA!!!!" Applejack shouted

("Pa, did you see, Ah bucked 2 apples! All on mah own!" A little Applejack said as she hopped up to her dad.

"Did you really? Amazing, little apple," her father said snuggling her. "Maybe we should start putting her to the plow now. What do you think Big mac?"

"Nope," Big mac squeaked.

"But Ah can move things just as much a maw can." Applejack protested.)

Applejack reached out with her hoof, wanting to touch them again.

"Ah miss them a little myself." Applejack's voice leaned on a tree,”Do you?”

"With all of mah heart, " Applejack said, wiping a tear from her eye and then turning to look at her nobody. "You lost them too?"

"Of course Ah did. Ah'm, well, Ah was you." She took off her hood, and put her hat back on almost immediately.

"How was that possible?" Applejack asked as she walked to her nobody, and laid next to a tree, and pulled out a piece of grass to put in her teeth.

"Well, Lixtwight didn't explain it all too well, but what I understood was that, well," She looked at Applejack,"You went to a world full of Heartless, right?"

"Yep, and stopped a lot of evil us along the way," Applejack noded.

"Yeah, we're the result of those things." Applejack's nobody tipped her hat,"The name's Jackppaxle, and Ah'm your Nobody."

"Applejack, but guess ya already know that," the farmer said, looking at her nobody. "So, how did ya came to be?"

"Well, according to Iaxselect, we Nobodies are created when a pony with a strong heart becomes a heartless. So, Ah came from you, Lixtwight came from Twilight, Iaxselect came from Celestia, Naxul came from Luna, Pinkxie came from Pinkie, Trarixy from Rares, Fluttxerysh from Fluttershy, and Raixbown from Rainbow. Of course, when we came out, we didn't have names, we didn't even know where we were! Then a stallion came, and helped us out."

"A stallion? His name wouldn't be Valtor would it?" Applejack asked, putting her hooves behind her head.

Jackppaxle leaned back,"Ah don't rightly know. He never gave us his name, just told us that we were supposed to stay here and wait for ya'll."

"And here we are," Applejack said, leaning back. "So now what happens? Ah know Ah can win and you know you can win. But we are just two hard-headed ponies who really don’t like to give up."

Jackppaxle shook her head,"The thing is, Ah don't want to fight ya, because AHh'm not like the other nobodies."

"How so?" Applejack said. she pulled out an apple and handed it over.

The nobody took the apple and ate it,"Well, every nobody thinks that they don't have a heart, and they don't really like the idea that, well, ya'll are running around having lives we, supposedly, can't have! Ah don't see that though. Ah'm pretty sure Ah have a heart, and Ah don't mind seein' ya'll having these lives."

"Neither do Ah," Applejack said, smiling. "And that fact you want to live and be here, proves ya have a heart. The way ah see it, if you want to live you life to the fullest, then you have a heart. You are your own pony and ain't nopony gonna take that away from ya."

Hoofington revealed itself before Trixie as she stood on a stage, overlooking several shadows.

Luna's voice came over the crowd,"Trixie, isn't it nice to be home again?"

"Yes, it is. Trixie has longed to see the sights of her hometown once more, but why is she here?" Trixie asked

"You are here, because you are meant to be here." Luna's voice said.

Meant to be-" Trixie asked, looking at Luna. "What do you mean?"

A cloaked form appeared and laid a wing over Trixie,"You were meant to be on stage, and yet you forced yourself all around the world, because you had something to prove."

"To prove?" Trixie asked Luna. "Trixie is on her journeys because she wants to. Because Luna has sent her there! There is nothing to prove, because Trixie is already powerful!"

"Really? You mean you aren't feeling a little jealous of Twilight Sparkle?" 'Luna' said.

Trixie looked down, "A little. But Trixie thinks we have come to a... mutual trust."

"Really? A mutual trust? Do you believe that?" Luna's Nobody said.

Trixie looked at Luna, "Yes, she is. Twilight has told her before. Heck, Trixie has saved her twice... that has to count."

"Indeed? and you don't feel weak compared to her?" Naxul asked,"She will always be stronger than you."

"Not always," Trixie smiled. "Trixie won once."

"Once?" Naxul asked.

"Yes, once," Trixie smiled and her horn began to glow. Images began to play as she started her story. "Not too long ago, the princess was caught in a nightmare world. Trixie, with her friends, stormed into the nightmares to fight and free her mind. Trixie was alone in her world, but, she won. She used her method of defeating Twilight with her own flaws.”

"But that can only work once." Naxul said with a frown.

Trixie frowned, "Yes, her method to defeat Twilight is gone now. That just means that she will think up a new way. A better way that is flashier and more powerful than the other!!"

Naxul scoffed,"Such... willpower. I commend you, Trixie." She said as two rainbooms came overhead.

Trixie smiled, "I have a wonderful rival. An Trixie would never trade her for anything.

Shadow ponies pass by Rainbow Dash as Cloudsdale appeared before her. One group of shadows stood out, however: Two pegasi holding a small pegasus filly, looking at a Wonderbolts poster.

Rainbow Dash let out a growl as she shouted, "Girls! Where-" she stopped when she saw two shadows and a little filly. Walking closer, she began to hear

One day momma, I am going to be a Wonderbolt. Then I'll be so fast, no one will ever have to say goodbye!Rainbow Dash said, hopping around her parents.

"Interesting, isn't it?" Dash's own voice said from above.

Rainbow Dash looked up at her nobody, "What is? What do you mean?"
"How hopeful you used to be, until you let something happen to you." Her nobody landed next to her,"You won't tell them, will you?"

(Rainbow Dash shuddered,Don't do it, I'll... go with what you want”)

"Won't tell them what?" Rainbow Dash asked, growling lowly at her. "And what the buck are you talking about, am as hopeful as I have ever been."

"Don't lie to me, I smelled it when I saw you." the nobody, Raixbown, said,"You're hiding a piece of despair within you."

"No I'm not!" Rainbow Dash denied, growling, feeling the armor flare up. "I'm hiding anything, not from you, not from my friends, not anypony!" her magenta eyes began to glow red.

"It looks like you are!" Raixbown stepped back,"You're becoming a danger to your friends, and yourself!"

"Say that again," Rainbow ash growled, her eyes focusing on her nobody.

"You are dangerous, I see it in your eyes." Raixbown stepped back a bit,"I know you are going to attack me like an insane nut who can't acknowledge her own faults!"

"You want to see my faults, you want to know who I am!?" she yelled as she pounced at her nobody, her wings blazing lighting as she charged.

Raixbown grunted as she kicked Dash off,"You're only confirming my suspicions! You're making yourself out to be the bad pony!" Her hooves became electrified.
The nobody landed on a cloud, then got up,"Will you calm yourself? This is giving up!" She fired electricity at her.

(“Please... I'll do it.”

"Loyal to the end, and that is the chink in your armor,” An old voice said.)

Rainbow Dash said nothing, generating her own lighting bolt to block it. She then began to create her own tornado and kick it.

Raixbown flew into the tornado and began going in the opposite direction to dissipate it. She looked up and flew into Dash.

Rainbow Dash let out a grunt, and began to knee her nobody in the stomach, "I don't give up. You wanna see giving up?" Spinning around, she threw her counterpart into the ground.

"Oh, yeah!" She kicked her off and flew up,"That's giving up! How about I show you what real loyalty is?" She flew down, creating a cone around her.

"Go ahead, I perfected it, you nobody!" Dash growled flying up to create her own cone of air.

Rarity looked to the sounds of whimpering inside a small riverside home in Ponyville.

Rarity began to walk closer

Rarity looked at her old house, her eyebrow arched, "Home?"

The giggling became louder as soon as Rarity spoke.

“-nd then, I'll introduce her to the finer arts, and then make her famous and the-"

"Now, hold on there, little gal," Cookie said. "We just brought her home, now's not the time to start planning her entire life, don't ya know."

Magnum smiled as he patted Rarity, "Ah, the little gal is just excited to be having a little sister there. Just wait for her to start dressing her up in her little outfits."

"Oh, can I, Daddy?!")

Rarity felt some tears run down her cheeks.

"Stay away from that shadow, Other." Rarity's voice said.

"Why?" Rarity asked.

"You don't deserve her." Rarity's nobody appeared, her cloak shimmering.

"What do you mean? Of course I deserve Sweetie Belle," Rarity said, feeling insulted.

"I know how you treat her, your friends, and everyone else! It seems all you care about is yourself!"

"What are you talking about," Rarity said, looking shocked. "I have never thought about myself. I have alway tried to do things for them."

“Really?" Rarity's Nobody walked around,"It seems that all you think about is leaving this little pile of dirt to go to the big city, the wide, wonderful, clean, Canterlot!"

"Just because I have big dreams and aspirations to move up in the world, doesn't mean that I think little of my friends and family," Rarity said.

Trarixy scoffed,"Really? Or are you just justifying yourself?"

"I don't have to prove myself to anypony," Rarity said with a huff. "A lady lets her actions speak for her. My friends know me for who I really am."

Trarixy thought for a moment,"I suppose you have a point." She pulled out a rapier,"But isn't your self-image important for work?"

Rarity brought out Vorpal, "Why yes, it is This is why I struggle to keep my image up."

"Well, then I admire that part of you!" She thrusted.

"Thank you, Aren't you like that?" Rarity asked, blocking the rapier.

"No, I'm not. Because I'm not you! I want to be you!" She shouted, swiping at Rarity,"You have a heart, real emotions, but I don't!"

Rarity blocked each shot and thrusted back with her own, thrusting and slashing, "Well, you are definitely not me. Because I would NEVER want to be exactly like another person. I tried that once, and it ended badly or me."

Things were drab and dreary as Pinkie looked upon a rock farm, where six shadows slowly stepped around the rocks.

"Girls, this is no time for hide and seek, there isn't enough stuff around to hide..." Pinkie stopped when she saw the shadows. Looking closely, she saw one of them having a familiar mane style, "M-maude? Mom, Dad, Inkie, Blinkie?"

The shadows began to leave one shadow behind,"Do you like them, other me?" Pinkxie said.

(Pinkie solemnly pusha rock, then squeaked when she felt something poke her. She began to whimper, and was ignored by her parents. Then she felt a pair of lips on her hoof, and smiled at Maude. Then her parents came back with some bandages, a teddy, and a hug from her sisters)

"I don't like them," Pinkie smiled. "I love them! Why, don't you love them?"

"Well, I kinda do, I kinda don't." Pinkxie said,"I've seen many worlds where our parents aren't very nice." She leaned in next to her.

"Not nice?" Pinkie asked her other self

"Yeah, for some reason, our parents are portrayed as mean!" Pinkie's nobody said.

"Well, they can be sourpusses," Pinkie giggled. "It's why I was always so close to Maude, she understood me the best."

"But, do you care about them? What do you say about them when they're not around?" Pinkxie said.

"That they need to lighten up sometimes," Pinkie aid. "I know they care about me, but..."

"But what?" Pinkxie leaned her head forward.

"Sometimes, they just don't get me. And I could feel lonely," Pinkie looked down

Pinkxie sat beside Pinkie,"Well, you are a little different, but that's what makes their raising of you so special!"

"I know, and I wouldn't trade them for anything," Pinkie smiled.

"And it's that idea that makes you, you!" Pinkxie gave her a cupcake.

"And then there's you. You are a me too, though a me with a silly name, but a me!" Pinkie giggled.

A big cloud home went beyond Fluttershy's eyes as Cloudsdale opened up, with several shadows trying to fly, but failing.

Fluttershy gasped and tried to fly up

The other shadows turned as they watched Fluttershy fly. Moans came from them.

(“Fluttershy Fluttershy can-"

"Now, don't you listen to them. No Firewing I know is a weak pegasus," said her mother.

Her brother smiled and hugged Fluttershy, "Just you watch sis, you are going to wow them!"

"H-how?" squeaked Fluttershy"

"By being better at something other than flying.")

Fluttershy tried to back away from the moans, "Why are you moaning?"

"They're jealous." Fluttershy's voice said.

"Of who?" Fluttershy asked, looking around as her nobody appeared.

"Of you." Fluttershy's nobody pointed a hoof towards them all,"Perhaps you haven't figured it out yet."

"Figured what out?" Fluttershy asked.

Fluttershy's nobody touched a shadow.

"I don't deserve these wings... I wish I was an Earth Pony..." Fluttershy's voice came out.

Fluttershy backed up, "Is that... me? But, why would I say these things?"

"Because you were a terrible flier." she looked down,"You even thought a couple of times that you should've been born an Earth Pony."

"You're right, I have," Fluttershy said. She looked up, "When my wings were taken from me, I was actually kind of happy. But..."

"But, you felt like something was missing?" Fluttershy's nobody said.

"Yes," Fluttershy nodded.

"That's... nice." Fluttershy's nobody smiled,"I wish I was more like you."

"You can be," Fluttershy said, putting her hoof onto her nobody's shoulder. "By realizing you don't want to be like me."

"But I do! Because I am you!" The nobody said, tears welling up in her eyes,"But I'm not real, just a fragment of a whole."

Twilight looked around her past home at Canterlot,"My... old library..." She looked and saw several unicorn shadows run pass her.

Lixtwight teleported behind Twilight,"Nice place, isn't it? At least, I thought it was. Not sure about you."

"Hey, I liked it here!" Twilight said.

"Then how come you've never once come back to clean it up, or sell it?" Lixtwight said.

“Because..." Twilight stopped herself as she looked away,"Because I never thought about it..."

"Of course. You've never thought about any of your family members, or the rest of your home!"Lixtwight said with a growl.

"I... I..." Twilight stammered.

"You don't care for anyone you met here! You don't even acknowledge your real mother, only Celestia! You don't even bother to contact your dear brother Shining Armor!" Lixtwight shouted, pointing a hoof at her.

Twilight looked down, her eyes going back and forth.

"Do you even remember the last time you spoke to your mom? And I'm not talking about Celly!" Lixtwight produced a white version of Equinox and pointed it at her,"All the things you do, and you hardly remember where you came from!" She thrusted, only to be blocked by Twilight's shield.

Twilight pulled out Equinox,"You're right, I should care about where I come from." She swung at her nobody.

Lixtwight gasped as she dodged an attack by Twilight,"I'm glad you realize it, but why are you still standing!?"

"Because I acknowledge my faults, and I don't let myself get discouraged by ponies like you who think they know me!" Twilight pushed her back with a shield spell.

Canterlot Castle showed itself around Sunset. Sunset gasped as she looked at a few unicorn shadows staying stagnant.

"Welcome home, Sunset." Iaxselect said as she stood on a throne. Her hood was removed showing her pink maned head.

Sunset looked around,"Iaxselect, why am I here? Where is everypony?"

"I am here to, well, I believe you need my help." Iaxselect began to walk towards her.

"You feel so lost, so alone, I can help alleviate that." She draped a wing over Sunset.

Sunset blinked,"But I have something to do..."

"You don't have to worry about them, they're safe, just like you are, my dear Sunset." Iaxselect said.

"Why are you doing this!?" Sunset stepped away,"You're not Celestia!"

Iaxselect frowned,"You're right, but I am trying to help you."

"You... you're trying to distract me aren't you?" Sunset said, backing away.

Iaxselect sighed,"I'm hurt, Sunset. You're treating me like I'm trying to hurt you."

"Yes, because I know you are!" Sunset yelled,"Like you usually do! You've never cared about me, you've never cared about what I wanted to learn, you were always busy and always... always..." Sunset's eyes widened.

Iaxselect laid a hoof to Sunset,"It's okay, Celestia still loves you."

Will was on a small, empty road, with a pathway leading to the Heart.

Will looked at the heart and smiled. She started to take the step, but stopped, "Wait, where is everypony else"

"There is nopony else." A voice said to Will.

"What do you mean? the others were right here?" Asked Will

"They never existed, they were all in your head!"

"No, that isn- you're wrong. You have to be!” Will screamed, “They are real!”

"No they aren't, you're lying to yourself!"

Will shook her head, "I'm not-right?"Why would they befriend me just because they met me. Why haven't they noticed me. Why haven't I told them of my problems.

"You want friends so badly that you made them up in your mind!"

"No, I-"

(Will sits alone in a park, looking at the school she once went to. Her friends admittance of who they are still hurt her deep inside, “They were only my friends because they felt pity for me”)


(Will looking around the fountain of her middle school and finding it empty.)

"That's right, sit there, and wh-"

"No!" A pegasus shadow ran past Will,"Will, you do exist!"

"Who?" Will asked as she saw the pegasus.

"Silly, don't you know?" She sent her hoof into Will.

Hay Lin took Will by the hand,"Come on, there's a really good rollercoaster over here!"

Hay Lin, I just-Whoa!

"H-Hay Lin?"

An earth pony stood in front of her, "Back away from her!"

(Ok, so you see this problem, Will are you asleep?” Taranee asked Will.)

"Stop! What are you doing!? You are supposed to be mindless, heartless shadows!"

An unicorn stepped forward, growling, "Who do you think we are?"

"Ok, so we have been to the dressers, the jewelry, the build a bear... Will are you ok? You look like you are tilting,” Cornelia asked.

A blue earth pony showed up, "We would never just let ourselves be sitting back while our friend is in trouble!"

(" Come on Will, just charge it up! I really need your lighting power!” Irma asked.)

"This... This is impossible!" The voice wailed

Hay Lin giggle, "No it isn't! We are always where we need to be!"

"In here," Irma pointed to the pendant on Will's neck.

"But-no, no, NO!" The voice raged,"This is impossible, you should be broken!"

"But I am you! Or I was you, or-" She shook her head, tears coming out,"I- I just want a heart like yours!" She yelled as the sound of two rainbooms echoed.

Rainbow Dash landed, looking at her nobody. She growled, but there was an uneasy calmness to her as she walked away.

Raixbown growled,"Don't walk away from me!!" She flew after, then she felt her hoof cracked.

"It's over," Dash said, no emotion in her voice

"You idiot! You have to tell Twilight! Trust her! Trust her!"She growled as she watched her hooves disappear,"No!" She shouted, willing the pieces back for a moment as she flew off.

Fluttershy gave her a hug, "No, you are... Shutterfly. You are real, because I can touch you. You are crying and you are sad. You feel like me. You cry and want to be with others like me because you feel alone. But you know that there are so many ponies who will be with you."

"Other ponies? With me..." She then whimpered,"But I don't have a heart..." Two rainbooms cried overhead.

Fluttershy looked up, "There's your heart. Your friends, they will be your heart." she then felt herself walking away.

Shutterfly smiled softly as she watched her other walk away, her body cracking.

Naxul smiled as her body began to grey out,"Good. It's that will that will help you in the next few days to come."

"Thank you. You know, Luna told Trixie how to use Twilight as a rival like she has been. It's helped Trixie a lot. When she felt weak... I have always told myself, don't fall, you can't disappoint Twilight now. You have to prove yourself. And somehow... I’ll win."

Naxul smiled as she faded,"Good."

"Exactly!" Jackppaxle smiled as she got up,"We should tell that to mah other friends!" She then heard something as she looked up and saw two sonic rainbooms.

Applejack smiled as she looked up, "You know, that mare has a way of putting things together, don't she?"

Jackppaxle looked at her hoof, and smiled sadly,"Well, Will won out." She let a tear go to her eye as her hoof began to gray out crack,"AJ, do me a favor and tell Twilight to do a magic check-up on Rainbow."

"Wait, what do ya mean? W-wait! Stop, don't go!" Applejack said, running over to her friend and hugging her. "Stop this. You don't have to die! Don't... stop!" tears began to flow from her eyes.

"Ah'm sorry, AJ." She smiled as pieces began to fall away,"But this is what happens when a Heart is activated. It's... reversing certain things, and that includes me." She leaned in,"But Ah'll be beside you, always..."

"No, No NO DAMN IT!!!" Applejack yelled as she began to cry. "Just like ma and pa."

Pinkxie giggled,"Our names are kind of silly! But that's what the Mystery Stallion did!" She then looked up as two rainbooms came overhead.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Hey Dashie!" then her eyes went wide as she began to walk away from her nobody.

Pinkxie blinked,"Where are you going, silly?" She then looked at her cracking hoof,"Uh-oh."

Pinkie whispered as she looked behind her, "Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Pinkxie smiled,"Thanks..." She said as she disappeared.

Sunset sniffled,"What about you? Do you love anyone?"

Iaxselect smiled,"I do, and I hope they understand what me and my sister have begun to understand."

“What’s that?” Sunset asked as two rainbooms went over head.

Iaxselect smiled,"I think she's won. Go, congratulate her."

Sunset looked up,"You're just going to let me-" She gasped,"Your body!" She watched as the nobody began to crack.

Sunset cried,"Please don't do this! Please don't leave me!"

Iaxselect smiled as her body began to turn to dust,"I'll never leave you..."

Sunset began to sob as she took the dust and began to try and piece the nobody back together.

Trixie walked next to Sunset, and then placed a hoof onto her should, "Trixie is... sorry."

“She... she was so much like her....” Sunset curled up into a ball and began to sob.

"I know, I know," Trixie said, hugging Sunset.

"But I do know you! Every waking hour, I resent you for having something I couldn't have!" Lixtwight shouted.

"And that would be?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow."

"A heart." Lixtwight said, as two rainbooms came overhead.

Twilight took a step back,"A heart? Well, you act like you have one." She looked at her nobody,"You don't need to be exactly like me," Then she gasped as she watched Lixtwight get up, the nobody's body slowing graying out.

Lixtwight gasped,"No, I don't want to go!"

Twilight ran to her nobody,"Tell me what's happening so I could reverse it!"

Lixtwight frowned as she watched herself disappear,"Idiot... there's nothing you can do..." She sobbed as her eyes went.

Twilight's hoof fell as she watched the nobody fall,"Twilight!" She heard as she turned to see the Rainbow Dash nobody fly to her,"Something's wrong with Dash! You need to-" She shouted before her body disappeared.

Twilight looked down and a tear fell across her face as she got up and walked towards the heart.

"You do have one, a beautifully unique one, you don't need to be me to prove that," Rarity said.

Trarixy stopped and sobbed,"But..." Her body began to crack.

"Wait, what's happening?" Rarity asked as he watched other self crack. "No, don't do this darling."

"I... can't stop it. I-I'm sorry, I don't know what to do!" Trarixy began to fade away.

Rarity could only watch on in shock, and whimpered in cold silence.

Taranee helped Will up, "She' not broken and he will never be broken."

"But I don't know if you-"

"Look, we may not exist in that world ,r all of your memorie are in your head," Irma said looking into Will's eyes "But look into your heart and tell me, what do you know i realy."

"That I-"

("I am Will, please to meet you Twilight"

" Get me off of this bird!!"

"We are all here for you)

"Stop, stop, stop!" The voice faded as the path to the Heart opened to the sound of two rainbooms. It shined, waiting for Will to come.

Will smiled, and flew to the heart, her heart glowing bright as she heard the heart. Taking her heart she placed it onto it and her eyes glowed white.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie put their weapons on to the heart and their worlds faded.

Twilight blinked as she looked around a void.

"Where is everyone!" Twilight shouted.

“Welcome, scion of magic, and bearer of the heart," A lighter voice boomed from the heavens. "Have you been brought for the door to the Heart of Worlds?"

Will found herself in a white void, "Twilight? Anypony?" she yelled, but stopped when she heard the voice. "Where is everypony?"

The voice said nothing, but instead, Irma appeared, "Hello, Fake."

Pinkie Pie tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder, "Flutters, hey Flutters! We're here!!!!"

"Oh! Hello Pinkie," the yellow pegasus said with a smile. She then looked around the white void. "W-where is everypony?"

"I don't know, but look at this void!" Pinkie squealed as she ran as far as she cloud. Once she was nothing more than a speck in the distance, she yelled, "You could run for miles!!!!!"

"Uh, Pinkie-eeep!" Fluttershy said as she wa suddenly met with a pink face.

"We have got to bring Rainbow Dash here and see how far she can go!!!" Pinkie giggled as she bounced back.

The voice chuckled as his light voice began to speak, "Laughter, Kindness... it is good to have two strong sources of light in the test."

"HEY!!!!! Hi Mr. Voice!!" Pinkie waved to the sky. "But you got it wrong, my name isn't Laughter, it’s Pinkie Pie. And this is Fluttershy!"

"Hello," Fluttershy said, trying to hide from the booming voice behind Pinkie.

"Hahahahahaha!" laughed the voice. "How interesting. Laughter and Kindness found their bearers in two ponies who are the most opposite of each other. How peculiar friendship is."

"Thanks," Pinkie said, giving Fluttershy a hug. "Speaking of which, where are our other friends?"

"They are beginning their tests. The ones which you will have to help them with. You must help them pass each one, no matter how hard it is," the voice said, his tone becoming more serious.

"And, what if we," Fluttershy gulped, "Fail?"

"Then the fate that fell your nobodies, will befall them," for emphasis, he showed an image in their heads of Will and Twilight crumbling into dust.

Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth, "No."

"But, you can't do that," Pinkie whimpered.

"What's more, your memories, your friends memories, and her friends memories of them will be wiped from your minds. You will forget everything you have done together, every experience that you have had together, and the world will forget that they had ever existed. Whenever someone asks you, you will only draw a blank. There won't even be an empty feeling where there spots in your hearts lay, or an empty chair in a throne room that was once occupied," the voice boomed.

"Silly voice, Twilight doesn't have a castle," Pinkie said.

If a voice could smirk, he would, "Regardless, fail... and you will leave here never knowing that they existed."

Fluttershy trembled at the thought, while Pinkie Pie bounced and saluted, "Don't worry sir, we'll do this test lickety split!!"

"Good, because it is starting..."

Thorny vines appeared from the white void and surrounded Twilight. Then a fiery circle appeared before her, with a hoof slowly emerging, "Hello Twilight," the voice chuckled. "Shall we talk?" a horn with holes in it appeared as she slowly arose.

"What's going on? What do you-" Twilight was interrupted by the vines and the ring of fire. She turned towards the voice with a glare.

Slowly the body appeared from the ring of fire, "Hello, Twilight. Shall we discuss your friends’ failures?"

"W-what are we supposed to do?" asked Fluttershy as she turned and saw the ring of vines. Inside, she saw Twilight, standing in front of Chrysalis. She gasped when she saw the queen’s horn glow a soft green. "Oh no."

"Help her, help your friend," the voice said. He then made Will appear in the distance.

"Fake, Irma, I have been through this, I'm-" Will was interrupted by the auburn earth pony's remark.

"You're A Will, from A Equestria. How can you be so sure that you are who you say you are. You've seen that there are multiple versions of ponies," Irma said, walking up to Will and pulling her mane. "You could be just a Will who is a nobody, taken the heart from the real Will of this universe and is taking her place."

Twilight blinked,"Failures!?" She glared at Chrysalis,"What are you talking about!?"

Fluttershy flew to the ring of vines and tried to fly over it. She gasped when the vines began to raise higher and higher. The higher she went, the more the vines vines to meet her altitude. With a defeated moan, she laned back down and looked to her side, sighing at the lost of her wingblades. Taking another look at the vines, she reached out a hoof to touch the thorns, and pulled back when it pricked her. She looked down at the drop of blood that pooled from the point, "Will you walk through the fire and the vines to help Twilight?"

Fluttershy said nothing, instead took another step forward. Her first scream went unheard, despite of how loud it was.

"Why, the failures of their lives of course," Chrysalis said. "Now, I know you six have gotten over what they did at the wedding. Focusing on me, brilliant, saying that I am the bigger picture, you're right. And I know how you six had a sickening and sad forgiving talk with each other in the hotel before you went back to the reception. I know all of this. But, I want to talk about how they fail as ponies, as heroes, and as friends." her horn glowed softly. "Let's start with Applejack, how long do you think she's gonna live?"

"Laughter, you must help Will," the voice said.

Twilight took a step back,"Applejack? Well, I guess she should be live to be around as old as Granny Smith, at about 90 or so."

"Wrong, her element is a pure conflict with her personality. She has to lie in order to hide her pain and misery. That mare will take on the pain and the anguish of everypony. She will never tell you the pain she has because it will be her responsibility and hers alone. She has 10 year at most with the way she acts. Of course, that is nothing to say of Rainbow Dash, how long until she goes away with the Wonderbolts or something else. You know, I bet she is still angry at you for so many things you have done. They all are, but we are focusing on their failures right now."

Fluttershy let out another scream of pain as she felt a thorn stab into her leg, while her wing got entangled in another vine. Whimpering and struggling, she pulled out the feathered limb from the vine. For a few moments, she looked behind her, and then turned her head forward, taking another step.

Pinkie Pie walked to the two, listening to their talk, "Hey Will! Remember what we said, you're you! You're the you that we know, and that is what is-"

Will did not hear Pinkie, just the sound of IRma yelling at her.

"The ponies know you, and you might think that is enough. But, you know what? That isn't the truth. All you are is just a little pegasus with a gem, that is all the facts you have right now. That groups of guardians you've seen, they are just versions of a group the might have a connection with you."

"What!?" Twilight shook her head,"That's wrong, AJ keeps a lot of stuff bottled up, but I know we've been helping her keep her pride in check! And Rainbow Dash probably doesn't care about whatever I've done! I know she'll go away to the Wonderbolts, but we can still see each other!"

"Do you really believe that?" Chrysalis asked. "Do you really believe that she puts away her anger so easily. That is like thinking Rarity will give up being so vain that she ignores the basics of life or Pinkie won't be such an insufferable twit who hurts more than she helps. Did you see her actions? How she gets? that pink pony is a menace. You are logical, you must see it like that."

Fluttershy took slow step after slow step, wincing at every thorn and vine that cut into her body. A painful gasp escaped her lips as she felt another thorn slice across her cheek. She let out a painful hiss as another fine cut into her wing, this one burning with acid.

"Rarity is not vain! And Pinkie, while she has her annoying moments, does help a lot!" Twilight shouted.

"All those defenses, and for what? Ponies that will die on you? Run on you? You say that failing their elements make them more like normal onies, and I say that is their failures. They are wrong, but you... you are right. Well, except that you have had everything taken from you. But you have always been a blank slate," chuckled Chrysalis, her horn glowing more.

Fluttershy let out another scream and then began to gag as the vines wrapped themselves around her throat. With a growl she began to push herself further breaking through the vines as she could feel the warm blood trickle down her body.

Pinkie could only listen as she watched Will collapse to her knees at the insults from Irma, "Hmmmm, she has an interesting point but..."

Twilight shook her head as she began to kneel down,"Blank? N-no, they will never turn on me. They are not their elements, I-I know I'm not always right."

"Tell me, are you angry with me right now?" a sword appeared at Twilight's side. "Because you know I'm right, I'm the one who is representing your failures, your rage. You know that your friends are easily beaten. Each one is a pathetic weak mess."

"Yes, I am very angry with you," She looked at the sword at her side, and began to think.

"Then you know what you should do, because I am going to kill you," Chrysalis raised her blade and struck at Twilight.

Twilight blocked the blade, and glared at Chrysalis. She fired a bolt of magic from her horn.

Fluttershy opened her eyes wide at the fight, struggling through the vines as each one cut deeper into her flesh. The vines began to catch on fire as she started to cough.

Twilight swung her sword at Chrysalis with a scream of rage.

Chrysalis screamed as the blade cut deep and fell to the ground, awaiting the final blow. Just before Twilight could raise her sword, Fluttershy jumped on top of the bug queen, "Twilight, stop!!!! Please, don't kill her."

Twilight stepped back a little, her eyes losing their anger,"Fluttershy!?" She looked at Chrysalis, and looked at her bloodied sword,"Oh Celestia..."

"You know that there is better way than killing, that everypony needs a chance... even her. An even if they can't change," Fluttershy sighed, "It should be a last resort." weakly, Fluttershy began to fix the wounds of the bug queen, and she looked to Twilight, "Help."

Twilight looked at Chrysalis and threw her sword away in disgust,"You're right, I wasn't thinking straight. " She said with a smile as she knelt down and used her magic on Chrysalis.

As Chrysalis was being treated, her body slowly changed, to Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus let out a gasp, "Wh-" she froze as she looked down at herself laying on the ground as Twilight helped herself.

"You were kind to an enemy, because you never know when one might become a friend," the voice said.

"WILL!" Pinkie shouted, trying to be heard,

"That will not work, her friend is too busy drowning out your voice with her fears," the voice said.

"But she isn't her friend! She knows that, right?" Pinkie said, looking over her shoulder.

Will's heart began to glow as she heard Pinkie's whisper, "She's right."

"What?" Irma asked.

"You aren't my friend," Will said, getting up. "You may look alike her, but Irma-

("Yeah, it looks bad, why do you think I am joking. It helps get my mind off the bad.)


(Come on, cheer up, you can do this. You outsmarted Nerissa!)


(I don't care how bad it looks, I won't lose the faith that I can kick your can.)

"She would treat my fear like a joke. She would laugh it off and make me do the same. She would look at me like a new playmate, that is who she is,"

"How can you be so sure? You might-"

"I don't know if I am Will, or some alternate reality Will or just some pony with her body. But I can feel in my heart that I have four friends who mean the world to me, that would never leave me. I WILL see them one day, and if I am just some fake... then I will make friends with them. That is what Irma has taught me, to always have hope," Will smiled.

Twilight chuckled as she looked at Fluttershy,"Thank you”

Fluttershy smiled as she felt her wounds begin to heal, and then turned to hear the sound of hoofsteps. Looking behind Twilight she spotted Will flying to them. As Will laned, she looked to the two mares, "Where's Pinkie." at that question, everything with dark for a few moments.

"Do you know Laughter's strength?" the voice asked.

"Well of course!" Pinkie said, and as she began to talk, a blue light began to shine in the darkness, guiding the three ponies. "Being laughter is all about laughing at those dark moments and making you smile. It about looking at a really bad day and laughing at it, knowing you can make it better. It's looking at an accident or your fear and laughing about how silly it was. Then smiling about a brand new day. It’s why I always like acting silly, because somepony has to brighten," the pink pony then went over to Twilight, Will and Fluttershy and hugged them tightly, "their day...even if it doesn't always work

The white shown a bright star as a dark green unicorn appeared with a little bubble po. As she looked at Twilight and the others, she gasped, "Oh wow! I was hoping I was going to meet the bearer of Laughter again. and now I did! Please to meet you all!" Fizzy jumped up and down in excitement with her soda pop cutie mark showing

Twilight blinked,"Again!?"

"Well, I met the alicorn of laughter so yes, I meet Laughter again/ OH, isn’t spirit and time travel so much fun? You meet so many ponies! Like I was telling Wind Whistler... I forgot." she sighed.

Twilight blinked at the mare,"Oh, Celestia..." She shook her head. She then grinned,"So, is there anything interesting you can tell me about way back when you were alive!?"

Will looked on, "But first, why did Pinkie and Fluttershy take the same test?"

"Because, because... oooooh how did Windy put it. She relayed the message that Mimic said," her eyes popped up, "OH! now I know. Because Kindness and Laughter are connected! A kind laugh born of happiness is easier to have than one out of meanness. And when you are kind you have an easier time of laughing. As for interesting tales... Uh, let's see. OH! There was a time when I was making this extra large bubble and trapped Windy in it. She rolled around for ages in there, and then there was this-

Twilight opened her eyes wide in anticipation for more stories about a long time legend, even if they're a little weird.

"-Then I didn't know that soda was supposed to be used that way, live and learn..."


"-Then Firefly threatened to kill me if I ever tried to mix those two again. I said I was sorry, but no she got all huffy


"The Big Brother ponies looked so scared when I had rounded them up in my little bubble, you’d have thought I was going to do something nasty to them-


"And that was the first time I ever wondered if Paradise's head was going to explode. I did my calculations and I was pretty sur-


"I thought Gusty was going to kill everypony by that point!"

"Wow, history is so fascinating!" Twilight squeed.

"This is history?" mouthed Will. Fluttershy noded while Pinkie Pie brought out marshmallows

"I feel like I should ask something..." Twilight's logical side then kicked in,"Wait, you said that Mimic gave that message out? Could she see the future or something?"

"Well, my memory's a little fizzy," said Fizzy.

"I get it!" Pinkie giggled.

"But sort of. It all started back when Mimic was having another one her spells, she got them a lot and we hoped that this would pass like the rest. It didn't this time, it just got worse. Our doctor didn't know what to do. That was when she started to tell us about how the Heart was in danger of 'the darkness without heart and body, the one of the past who corrupts while bringing the two toned sun to light, the one who will black out worlds." Fizzy shed a tear. "She kept shaking, couldn't catch her breath, and wouldn't eat. She told us to seek out the queens of harmony and warn them. She picked me, Wind Whistler, Gusty, and Truly to go out. We thought that it might have been Mirage, or that black dragon that had been growing in the east."

Twilight's mind began to go over the details,,"The one who will black out worlds... the one of the past who corrupts..." She then gasped,"Black Dragon!? You couldn't be talking about Valtor!?"

"Valtor? Was that what his name was? I think it was him, but we never saw him in our time," Fizzy said. "The alicorns only saw a black spot in the multiverse, something that was beneath their notice. They," she smiled softly, "Wanted to focus on saving Mimic first. I'm glad they did, because that was when the planning started. I guess that's why they left their weapons and armor behind. for the next bearers."

"Planning?" Twilight asked.

"Yep but I wasn't there," Fizzy calmly kicked a rock, "I was busy with the Flutter Ponies and the Minotaurs. One of them was nice enough to give me the shoes that helped save Mimic and made her ultra strong, like really powerful. Then she told us to..., and then we....You know, I completely forgot that part. But it was really special because we all did it together and Queen Majesty knighted us with this huge knife."

Twilight gave a heavy sigh,"Okay, I'll ask another spirit about that later..." She looked around,"Are we done?"

"Ye, I think soon you should wake back up in the world," Fizzy noded and gave the four a hug. "I'm sorry this is the only chance we get to talk to one another."

Pinkie hugged Fizzy tightly, "It’s ok. Who knows, maybe next vision we and see all of you!

Twilight hugged Fizzy as well,"Don't worry, I'm sure there'll be another way..." She gave a knowing smile.

"I hope so. Oh, almost forgot," Fizzy said. "They told me to let you in on a little more of the prophecy. They said it’s what helped them a little.

Twin students of the sun will bring the heart
To love, despair, nothingness, and happiness
The gates of wind, water, and earth will open fire
Faith will stand where Forgiveness falls

And I think something else. It led them to the gates, and told them to give you their armor." Fizzy said as the world went white.


Fizzy looked up and smiled at the minotaur "We need to talk, I think you have some problems.”

“And you think you can fix everything?” The king asked

“Yep,” Fizzy smiled


Twilight awoke,"More and more, the pieces seem to come together..." She said to herself.

"You're awake! Thank heavens," Rarity said with a smile.

"What do ya mean, the pieces are coming together?" Aplejack aked.

"I've learned a little more about this prophecy." Twilight said as she got up,"Apparently the alicorns saw some sort of black spot in the multiverse and left the armors here for us. Also how the twin students of the sun will bring the heart to Despair, Nothing, Happiness, and Love. The gates of Earth, Air, and Water will open up Fire." She looked around,"Where's Sunset?"

"I am dreadfully sorry Twilight, none of us have seen her," Rarity said.

"Who cares, probably ran off upset that she didn't get a chance to kill our nobodies," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy admonished, looking stern. "You shouldn't think that about ponies."

"Awww, don't be a louse Dashie," Pinkie said, hopping up to Rainbow Dash.

"Look, all I'm saying is that she probably saw her nobody die and-" Dash then looked around. "Where's Trixie?"

Twilight stared at Rainbow for a few seconds, the sight of what Dash's nobody told her still fresh in her mind..."Let's go look for them." She trotted off. Nearby, they could hear the soft sounds of crying.

"Sunset, I," Trixie sighed, and then turned to look at the incoming septet. "What Trixie means is...” She shook her head as she got up,” your friends are here." with that, the blue mare walked to them. "You should talk to her, she has been like this ever since..."

"Ah get it sugarcube," Applejack said. She then looked at Trixie, "Are you alright?"

"Of course! Trixie was no where near as close to Luna as someponies might get with their mentors. Trixie is fine and she will be! She is the Great and Powerful one after all," Trixie said, walking away.

Twilight watched as Trixie walked by,"You're sure? We can still help."

"Of course Trixie is fine," Trixie chuckled. "She has no need of help from anypony, unlike Sunset. She will be waiting nearby while you help out the lesser powerful unicorn."

Rarity looked to Twilight, "You know she's lying.”

Twilight nodded,"Yeah. I just wish she'd open up." She walked over to Sunset and put a wing over her.

Sunset gasped,"Why couldn't I save her... I was always afraid... afraid that she would leave me just like my mom..." she sobbed.

"Sunset, dear, I don't think Celestia would ever do that to you," Rarity said, putting a hoof onto Sunset's shoulder.

Applejack walked to Sunset, and took off her hat. She then put her hat onto Sunset's head before looking at her friend in the eyes, "Ah remember, when mah Ma died. It was right after Paw died making a delivery run. When that happened, Ah was so afraid that Ah would lose Big Mac that I wouldn't let him go. Ah was so afraid that Ah would never see him again, so... Ah can understand Sunset." She smiled at her. "But, Celestia isn't like yer mom. She wouldn't leave you."

"That's just it..." Sunset sniffled,"I've seen Celestia hurt before, and I always, always clinged to her, afraid that she would die on me..."

"You've seen her hurt before?" Rarity asked.

"I've seen her trying to stop a monster. She came back with so many..." She cried,"I saw the doctor, and I couldn't look at her."

Twilight leaned in to her,"I know. Celestia does a lot of things for us, that we have taken for granted. Though I can't imagine your pain. I would've just lost a mentor, but you would’ve lost a mother."

"Ah can," Applejack said. "It's like a black hole that you can never get it out of. You do something amazing and you and to tell her, and you find out that you can't anymore. You just want to say, 'Hey Mom, look at what I did." "Mom, there was something frightening, help" "I love you, Momma." Applejack began to choke back a sob. : Ah know why you're afraid, Ah just wish Ah could tell you that it would be ok. But it won't, it'll always hurt. But you know what will help with it?" she then offered a hoof. Aj looked down, " you’re always afraid to leave your eyes on her, because you are afraid that one day you'll wake up and she'll be gone. Right?"

Sunset sniffled as she looked up at Applejack's face, and then took her hoof.Applejack's hoof was soon joined by a white one, a pink one, a blue one, and a purple one. Sunset shakily placed a hoof on theirs. Rainbow Dash watched from one of the buildings, her wings drooping for a moment. Timidly, she reached out, placing her hoof where she knew the others were. Then she felt a twitch, and pulled away, "I'm sorry." she whispered.

"Darling, if the worst were to ever happen," she looked into Sunset's eyes, "We'll be there for you. Always."

A tear came to Pinkie's eyes, "Yeah, if you need a shoulder to cry on, or hoof to hold."

"All of us," Will then hugged her friend.

Rainbow Dash smiled softly as she landed behind Sunset, and then placed her hoof, though it was shaking, she then looked into Sunset's eyes, "I-I-I'll come for you, just say it."

As the others began to comfort Sunset, Fluttershy looked at Trixie and flew over to her, "Trixie..."

"I said I'm fine!" Trixie denied. "I know that wasn't Luna, I-I know that she isn't her mentor, the one who finally did w-what nopony else did and gave me a chance," she then took her hat and held it down. She began to sniff, " I mean, sure... Luna was only the princess who saw Trixie' show and thought, 'she had potential' while everypony else saw a washed up showmare who had no chance. But, I have no connection with THAT Luna, because, she isn't my Luna."

Fluttershy then walked over to Trixie and hugged her.

Trixie tried to pull away from Fluttershy, but began to feel her tears beginning to break, "Sunset, she lost a mother figure, what have I lost but an image of a mare who never lost faith in me. The only mare who had ANY faith in her after she lost her grandpa. I...." Trixie whimpered.

" I remember this one day, I had a mission and I failed. I messed up and I thought this was it, she was going to hate me. But then, she came to the hospital with a grin I didn't know he had and said to me, 'You once again reassured my faith in you.’" Trixie finally broke down and cried into Fluttershy's shoulder, "No pony has ever had faith in me before! Not my mom, my sister, nopony!!!! And here is this mare who just saw me fail hard, say she had faith in me. Why? I'm nothing compared to her, you, or anypony!!! But, she had faith in... in... me." She sniffled,”So, why should my problems be a big one. Sunset is scared for her mother, and I just watched Luna fade before my eyes. I tried to put on a brave face, because... because,"

"You're afraid?" Flutterhsy whispered.

"YES!!!" Trixie cried harder and harder now, her tears falling into Fluttershy's shoulder. "Afraid of failure, afraid losing her, an you and...."

"Shhhh, it's alright," Fluttershy said."Want to talk to them and say it," Fluttershy sked.

Trixie shook her head, "I can't. They... this is Sunset's moment, I-"

Fluttershy pulled Trixie's hoof as Trixie continued, "I shouldn’t be there. I'll just take it away from her."

Rarity placed a hoof onto Trixie's should "No...you won't."

"And you know I'll always be with you, sis." Twilight said with a smile. She looked at Trixie and waved her over."

Timidly, Trixie walked over to her circle of friends. She took a shuddering breath, "I... that is Trixie is," she said trying to get back into her performer mode, trying to hide her face again.

Twilight pulled her into the hug using her magic.

"What did I ever do without you?" Sunset said as she leaned into the hug.

"Pray you don't ever have to find out," Applejack said, holding them close.

"Live a boring life," Rarity said, looking at each one.

"Not having friends I feel like myself with," Pinkie said.

"Not feeling complete?" Dash smirked.

"Being not alone?" Fluttershy said.

"Feeling stronger," Will said.

"Knowing that there is somepony who believes in you," Trixie said, looking at Twilight.

"Or having anyone to hold you up." Twilight finished.

They said nothing as they held each other there for a few more moments, letting their friendship warm them and keep out the nothingness of the world. The bleakness, the darkness, and the sorrow of the stories and the ponies that were incomplete felt insignificant to the love that they were sharing at that moment. Each one felt a warmth they could never describe, one that kept them going throughout their journey. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, the warm feeling at odds with the blackness forming in her heart. Applejack nuzzled her head against the others, and Pinkie held hers against them, not wanting to let go.

The heart glowed a little, as if signifying that the test was over, and that in the end, the stories and ponies that were incomplete would end happily. Somewhere across the multiverse, a new story began, and six mares, who were once nobodies to others, began a long journey of friendship.

A bright doorway opened behind them.

Rainbow Dash asked, "Ready to go?"

"I want to stay like th for a bit longer, I like it like this." Will wmiled.

Twilight smiled,"Me too..."

After a few moments, the girls walked through the bright light. As they stepped into the room where Erebus once was, they could a faint sound, like screaming, "You girls hear that?"

Twilight looked at all of them,"Let's check it out!" She said as she ran towards the screaming.

As they ran outside, they saw the Great Forest Spirit stumble, in front of the large god, was Valtor, who had a blade pointed at his throat, "Ah, Princess, so good to see you." the black dragon bowed

"Valtor! Let him go!" Twilight shouted, her horn glowing.

“What is that fool doing!?” Mozenwrath growled.

"No, I think not," the black dragon said, walking before the nine. "See, I was beginning to think that you had forgotten about me. That I have been ranking low on your radar. I couldn't stand that, it's just not proper," he then looked to the great spirit. "So I decided to leave a reminder, AFTER I was done seeing the next light. And..." he smiled as the light shot up.

The light hit the constellation of Fizzy, hitting her cutie mark. This made the light that hit Truly to brightened a little, moving to another point. Elsewhere the third light began to shine, glowing a bit brighter.

"I must thank you. Soon, you will open the third gate, and with that, the location of the fourth, which will lead to the Heart of Worlds," Valtor chuckled.

Dash growled, "And we'll stop you!"

"Yes, I assume you will. Especially in your new armor," he smiled. "But, I think you might enjoy this. After all Will, isn't your favorite movie Journey Through Fairyland?"

"What do you mea-" Will gasped as Valtor sliced through the spirit's head.

"You are foolish, dragon!" Mozenwrath growled,"That's not going to be good!"

Twilight gasped,"Oh, no!"

The sun seemed to be eclipsed by the transformation as the great spirit became a black decaying blob. As it rose, everything it began to touch decay and desecrate, his tentacles eroding all it touched. It began to howl and moan.

“You annoyance! If that thing kills us, you’d lose your way to the Heart!” Mozenwrath yelled.

"Sunset, this is a good sight, is it not? Must remind you of the home you lost, the one you can never go to again. After all, you used your magic to break the portal, and sealed yourself here, adieu." with a bow, he disappeared.

Sunset took a step back in fear,"No..."

"It's okay, we can stop this." Mozenwrath said,"Give me a minute and I'll tell you."

"I leave you nine for a few minutes!" Discord shouted as he teleported and scooped the group up in a giant baseball mitt and carried them up in the air where several flutter ponies were flying with Erebus.

"Discord!" the nine shouted.

"Thanks," Flutershy smiled at her friend as she looked at the lumbering once-spirit. His black tentacles touching everything it could grab.

"Twilight, we need a plan. Now!" Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash looked at the Flutter Ponies and then back up at Discord, "Yeah, because our best choices for plans are you, bacon-hair, and nutty!"

Twilight's eyes darted back and forth,"Darn it,"

"Do you see the head anywhere, Sunset!?" Mozenwrath said immediately.

Sunset looked down and back to Rainbow,"Do you remember if he took the head anywhere?"

"Darn it? Darn it is not good Twilight! There is very little good things associated with Darn it!" Dash said, and then looked at Sunset with a growl. "No, I don't remember!"

"Oh, I think he left it back down there!" Pinkie said, pointing down from the baseball mitt.

"If I don’t figure something out fast enough!" Twilight said,"At the rate it’s going, it looks like it could cover the entire country in an hour, the continent in five hours, and the world in half a day!"

Sunset looked down at the head,"Somepony needs to grab it”

Dash, while no-one was looking, pushed Sunset

"Wh-" Sunset screamed as she fell.

“You fool!” Mozenwrath shouted towards to whoever pushed them.

"Sunset!" Twilight shouted as she tried to fly off the mitt.

Applejack grabbed Twilight by the tail, "Twilight, No!"

"I have to save her! Let me go!" Twilight shouted.

Applejack held fast, "You ain't thinking right now. If you go, you are gonna get dragged in! You won't be able to save her like that!" she then looked into the eyes of Twilight, and saw the same type of eyes that she would have if Applebloom was in trouble, "We can't stop you, can we?"

Twilight glared at Applejack,"The answer is no, now let me go!" Se shouted, her horn glowing.

"Fine!" Applejack growled, letting go of Twilight, "But don't come crying to us if we can't save you!!"

Twilight flew down to the beast, her horn glowing a pitch white as she went into the creature.

“Stupid Bucking-" Applejack growled and adjusted her hat, "Wait up!"

"No you aren't!" Rarity said, putting her hoof on to Applejack's shoulder. As the orange mare frowned, Rarity smiled back, "Not without us."

Applejack smiled as she leapt, followed by Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Will. Rainbow Dash held out her hoof, something holding her back, and then shook her head as a light shone from her armor and a Rainbow flashed in her eyes. She leapt after them. Trixie watched in horror, and then shook her head, "Discord, do Trixie a favor, and don’t tell the world that she is about to die doing something stupid." she then leapt, "WHY DOES TRIXIE HANG OUT WITH YOU SUICIDAL PONIESS!!!!"

Discord leaned back, filing his nails,"Sure, have fun!"

"You're just going to let them go!?" Rosedust shouted.

"Yes." Discord looked up and gave a smile.

Sunset blinked, hearing the faint echo from before repeat in her head, "Hurt?"

"So much hurt. Creatures hurt so much, can't forgive," hundreds of eyes looked to her. "You!"

"You have caused so much, hurt. Why do you forgive, why should forgive?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Sunset said, then she felt pain in her head.

“Sunset!? Listen, what you’re-” Mozenwrath’s voice was cut off.

"Hurt, Suffering"


"I... I..." Sunset fell to her knees, a headache going through her mind,"I'm, I can't- But all that..."

"Lies, Betrayal"

Sunset's heart began to sink, she toppled over in pain, “Oh Celestia, please. Not this one, not this-”

"Hurt, pain. Can't forgive!"

"I... I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know-" Sunset curled into a fetal position.

"Hate, HATE, HATE!!!!"

"Why, how can anyone forgive this"

"I... I.." Sunset whimpered as she curled into a fetal position.

"Because she has friends!" Twilight's voice shouted. A purple hoof smashed through the muck

An orange light began shine, whispering 'Honesty'

(Applejack smiled, taking Sunset by the hand to her farm "Come on Sunset, Ah need ya for this."

"Bt I-"

"No buts)

"There ya are Sunset!" Applejack said, punching through, and then straightening her hat.


A yellow light began to blaze, "Kindness"

(I can't believe Twilight expects us to forgive-where's Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy walks to Sunset, carrying a towel)

"Twilight, Sunset!" Fluttershy said, pushing aside the muck.

"Generousity" a white light shown.

("Oh that will never- Hold still Sunset."

"Why are you having me stand for your dress."

"My dress? Sunset, this is yours...")

Rarity stepped through the muck, feeling it stick to her boots, "I thought we would never find you.”

"WHy forgive?"

A pink light began to shimmer "Laughter"

("But I-"


"But there's"


"You are going to force me to enjoy this birthday aren't you?"


Pinkie Pie bounced in, followed by Rainbow Dash as a faint voice tried to speak ,"Loyalty"

("Leave her alone!" )

"Friends, how forgive, so much hate.”

(Sunset took Twilight's shoulder,"Come on, let's go back to bed. We'll find my mom when we get to Tauros."

Twilight frowned,"You're starting to sound like my big brother. Never letting me stay up to study." she muttered)

“Magic!”Twilight forced her way through to grab Sunset with her magic

Sunset felt tears come to her eyes as the seven glowed bright.

Twilight looked up,"There's just as much love, you just need to see it!

("so, you know now about her."

"Yes, and Trixie has no worries. Sparkle does that, and she trust in her rival's judgement._)


Trixie ran in, Will following. The blue mare smiled as she watched the seven beginning to glow.

"Forgive? Love, Friendship?"

An inner light began to glow brightly in Sunset, forming into a shadowy golden tiara with her cutie mark inside it.Sunset looked around them,"Yes, all of that, all of this, is the reason why I can be forgiven!"

"Do you, forgive me?"

Sunset blinked at the question,"For what?"

"For the devastation, almost taking you away."

"You were attacked, I understand. I forgive you." Sunset said, putting the shadowy tiara on.

"Thank you"

A bright light shone, and the blackness vanished. Soon, the nine found themselves standing back in the village, the world restored. The Great Forest Spirit smiled, and blew a soft kiss to the nine mares. Turning he walked back into the woods. Trixie cheered, "We won and... Discord... you told the world that Trixie died doing something stupid, didn't you?"

.Discord had a funeral veil over his head, and a bouquet of flowers,"Well, I was going to!" He said as he threw the flowers away, and stomped off in frustration.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. She then frowned,"It doesn't make sense..."

"It's discord, it doesn't," Rainbow Dash said, before being interrupted.

"What doesn't, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head,"No, Discord's never made sense." Twilight looked at them,"Why would Valtor attack now? Couldn't he have waited to show up?"

"Ah don't know sugarcube," Applejack said.

Rarity looked at the passing-by spirit, "Maybe he wanted to hurt us or discourage us?"
“Because he probably knows about me, and did that just to screw my plan over!” Mozenwrath said.

"But all that did was make us realize that he's watching us, that we're the key to finding the heart!" Twilight gasped,"What he said, that's his flaw! He's arrogant!" She turned to the group,"Even though his plan was to lay low, he couldn't stand the idea of being forgotten! But if he can't do a simple plan like this..." She thought for a moment,"Then there is something bigger behind him..." She muttered.

“But then, who could possibly have the power to control somedragon with that much power?" Rarity asked, looking at Twilight inquisitively.

"I don't know, but it'd have to be a very old wizard or something..." Twilight gave a thoughtful look.

"Great, just bucking great," Rainbow Dash yelled, throing her hooves up in the air. "Bad enough we are looking for a gateway to a heart of a world and facing down evil versions of us, facing off against a pony sized dragon monster, and now there is someone ever badder than that in the wings!!! Why doesn't the world send an evil necromancer at us?"

"Give it time..." Mozenwrath said with a chuckle.

"Don't give the universe ideas, Rainbow." Twilight's look lingered on Dash for a second.

Will shook her head at Dash's comment, "You got to admit, it’s pretty arrogant. But now, he has us figuring out who the stallion behind the dragon is. probably even trying to see if he's in control or not, if he really is under control."

"The thing is, was that his or her plan? Did they want Valtor to go out of his way to try and hurt us?" Twilight asked,'I guess my suspicions were correct.' she thought

Before Will could say anymore, Pinkie interjected, "Hey, what's Trixie doing."

Trixie, upon seeing the gathered Flutter Ponies looking at the gathered group of bearers, stepped onto a small fountain, "Fair ponyfolk! Raise your voices proudly for your savors, for the wondrous and heroic feats of the marvelous ponies behind me! The heroic and brave Princess Twilight and her knights!!!" Trixie shouted.

"Knights?" Applejack asked, looking to Twilight.

"Long have they traveled through the world of Harmonia to come and right the wrongs of the past, and protect the equines under their vision. Though they were on a quest to protect the Heart of Worlds from the machinations of a malevolent malicious miscreant, they did not find it beneath their notice to save you in your time of need!!!"

"Should we stop her?" asked Will.

The flutter ponies cheered.

Twilight gulped,"Trixie..." She nudged her.

Trixie looked over her shoulder, and then winked "What?" she whispered under her breath.

"What are you doing!?" Twilight said through her teeth.

"These Flutter Ponies have almost lost their homes, their lives, and their world. They need the chance to see who has saved them and to thank their heroes. No problem with a little hero worship," Trixie smirked. The show mare began to form an illusion of darkness around the eight other mares. "Behold! You saviors and heroes!!! Rainbow Dash, Knight of Speed!"

Rainbow Dash smirked as a spotlight came upon her.

"Rarity, Knight of Fabulosity," Trixie blasted the area with light, and shown Rarity. The white unicorn flipped her mane in response. "Applejack, Knight of the Land!" Trixie shouted, showing the orange mare, who blushed and grinned a bit. "Fluttershy, Knight of the Forest!" Fluttershy hid behind Pinkie when the light shone on her, "Pinkie Pie, Knight of the Smile!" Pinkie bounced up and down in the light. "They are led by PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE! Conqueror of nightmares, Foe of Chaos, Liberator of the Empire, the Fear of Mirage, the Harbinger of Light!" and then she looked at Sunset.

Twilight gave a sheepish grin,"I think you're laying it on a little thick..." She whispered.

"No such thing!" Rainbow Dash said, taking in the spotlight.

Sunset gulped as the spotlight came on her,"Uh-oh."

"Joined with her, are myself and these two wanderers," Trixie leapt in with the group of three. "We are her loyal vassals! Will, who is the bearer of a magical jewel that she must take to a distant realm to protect it from harm! Myself, I am the bard of their story, the one who will tell you all of their magnificence of their adventure. This is why our third vassal is here!" She pointed to Sunset Shimmer, "Former student of Princess Celestia! She came from a far off world to help protect her younger counterpart, to guide her as she was once guided herself by the sun. She brought the light of the sun with her to help our beloved princess.

Sunset blinked at the praise,"Uh, thank you..."

Twilight blushed furiously,"This is getting embarrassing...."

"Praise your saviors, for we will be moving soon to find the monster who did this to the great forest spirit. Led by the twin students of the sun and her brave knights, we will put down any threat!" Trixie shouted as fireworks began to shoot around them

The Flutter Ponies cheered and clapped their hooves together.

Pinkie Pie brought out her party cannon and smiled. Rainbow Dash smirked, "Well,the guy is going to be waiting for us to get to the other hearts anyway."

"Oh boy," Applejack said, holding her hat down.

Twilight's eyes widened,"Here we go..."


All at once, the Flutter Ponies village was covered in streamers, balloons, and a banner marked "thank you". The Pink mare leaped from the fountain and pulled one of the flutter ponies into a hug and began to dance. Rainbow Dash looked to Twilight, "Should we even ask?"

Twilight looked at Dash,"No, no we shouldn't."

Lily squealed,"This is so amazing!" she said as she flew around

Rarity walked down to the other mares and began to chat up with the party goers. Fluttershy flew to some of the tree tops and began to talk with some of the birds. Will looked on in shock and looked to Sunset, "Could look at this? It’s amazing.

Rarity walked down to the other mares and began to chat up with the. Fluttershy flew to some of the treetops and began to talk with some of the birds. Will looked on in shock and looked to Sunset, "Could you look at this? It's amazing.” She looked around,"How does she, I mean, they do remember that they were being attacked by an eldritch abomination right?" Will aske

“That's the power of Pinkie, she seems to make you forget your problems for a little while..." Sunset gave a sad smile. The spirit’s words still rang in her head.

“Hello,” Mozenwrath said, as if something had just caught his eye.

"Hey, what's with that frown?" Pinkie asked, bouncing to Sunset.

"Nothing, just nothing..." Sunset said, seeing the human Pinkie for a few seconds.

"Ok, but if you get depressed, there is a pony over there who is offering happy juice!" Pinkie squeaked as she hiccupped.

Rarity looked to one of the Flutter Ponies, "So your wings they are-"

"Yes, fragile, but you should see how they look in the sunlight."

"I have no doubt about that dear" Rarity replied.

Rainbow Dash found a cloud to land on and chose to watch the fun from above

“Happy juice?" Sunset asked.

Twilight looked over one of the other Flutter Ponies,"So, what's your culture like!? I mean, I've heard of you, but I never thought I'd get to see one of you! I didn't get a chance to ask all of this before but..."

Will sniffed the cup, "I think it's booze," she said looking at Sunset. Then she smiled softly, "Don't worry, you'll see them again.

"I can’t believe I did that, she could've died!" Dash shouted to herself, looking at her hoof. "So what? she's..."

Sunset frowned,” I don’t know if I believe that.”

"Why not?" Will asked.

"I..." Sunset shook her head,"My memory's still a little fuzzy, but Valtor said something about what happened to my world." She stopped herself as she lingered on the phrase 'my world'

Will sighed, and looked down, "I know about having a fuzzy memory. But for some reason, I feel like we'll both find our way back. Or at the very least, I can get you back."

"Or I'll get you back." Sunset looked at Will with a smile.

Will gave Sunset a hoof bump, before watching back at the party.

Up in the clouds Rainbow Dash sighed, watching the party with a forlorn look. She sighed a little, a desire to join with them burning through her heart. Slowly she reached out a hoof, but pulled it back the moment she remembered that it was her who pushed Sunset. She growled and turned to lay back onto the cloud, "Stupid-"

"Hey Rainbow!" Applejack called, "The party is really picking up, what are ya doing up there?"

"Nothing! I just want to chill, it's been a busy day and I want to relax," Rainbow Dash said, laying on her back.

Applejack sighed and walked away, "What is wrong with her?"

Lily creeped up next to Dash,"Are you sure!?"

Dash jumped up, "Ah! when did you get here?"

"Two years after my big sister!" Lily said with a grin.

Dash scoffed, "What are you doing up here? I am trying to relax." she then looked over her shoulder at the part below.

"Well, you look lonely." Lily said.

"I'm not lonely, what makes you think that I'm lonely. Do I look lonely to you?" Dash asked.

"Well, you're all alone and without your friends. They're all having fun down there and it disappoints me that you're not with them."

"Why do you care if I'm not with them. And they are doing fine without me," Dash said, turning away.

"Because... I want friends to stay together." Lily said.

Applejack walked to Twilight, "Hey Twilight? Think something is up with Dash?"

Twilight had a scroll in her mouth and several pieces of paper in her saddlebags,"Hold on," She took the scroll out and placed it on a table, then began to write,"Yeah, she has been acting really weird lately. There was something her nobody was trying to tell me..."

Dash smiled softly, "But, it's just..." she looked down at the party. and then she smiled a little bit at seeing the fun her friends were having.

"Go ahead, join them." Lily said with a smile.

"How did her nobody know the something was wrong with her, though..." Twilight muttered,"But I intend to look her over, just in case...”

At that point, Rainbow Dash flew over head Twilight's head, flipping her mane, "Come on egg head, stop looking over those notes and get to partying! We just saved another town and I feel like drinking some flutter ponies under the table!"

Twilight yelped as Dash flew by her. Her look lingered on her for a minute,"Yeah, I'll get to partying..."

Trixie took another drink and walked over to Fluttershy, "Hey Fluttershy, could you come over here, mah cherie?"

"Um, yes, Trixie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Mon cher Fluttershy, pensez-vous ou Crépuscule Coucher de soleil seront dérange si je leur demande pour une nuit de folie ce soir?," Trixie asked.

"Um... no?" Fluttershy said, not understanding what the blue mare said.

"Ah, thank ya. Ya'll are the cutest little thing, non?" Trixie said, stumbling over to Twilight. "Oh, Twilight, could you come over here and bring that cute little petite Sunset with you!"

Twilight turned to Trixie with a raised eyebrow,"Uh sure..."

Sunset blinked,"Wait, I don't think I want this!" she said as she walked to her.

"Aw, mon dear Sunny. Don't you know, you want his cute," Trixie said. "See, Lulamoon just wants to know L'un de vous bien jeunes juments souhaitez rejoindre Lulamoon pour un temps chaud sous la lune ce soir. Là, elle peut vous montrer les voies de plaisir que Pinkie innocent a même pas pensé.

Sunset cocked her head,"What?"

"Lulamoon! She's doesn't need to go with you for a hot time!" Twilight said.

"You speak Prench!?" Sunset gasped.

"Yeah, I had to for my lessons with the Princess." Twilight said with a nod.

Sunset frowned,”I fell asleep through those classes...”

"Oh, then you perhaps? My dear sweetie little rival?" Lulamoon smiled, "Peut-être qu'ensemble, nous pouvons appeler des mentors les uns des autres dans les langues que vous avez même pas appris. Comme Minbari, oh nous pourrions crier ensemble. Mais non?" she then kissed Twilight's cheek before skipping off, "Oh Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash? Où êtes-vous mon petit poney de l'amour arc en ciel?"

Twilight blushed furiously,"That was awkward."

"What just happened?" Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"Lulamoon, and she just said some," she coughed,"embarrassing things, and called Rainbow her love rainbow."

Will came rushing by, "Girls did you know if Trixie drinks too much she becomes slightly... amorous?"

"I noticed..." Sunset said with a frown.

"She also starts speaking Prench." Twilight said

Pinkie bounced by the alicorn and unicorn, "Hey girls, do you know what Pinkie, je me demande ce que comme votre goût de la tarte? Allons-nous savoir? means? Fluttershy kind of blushed and hid behind her mane when she heard it."

Rarity looke on in shock and walked away slowly, "So, Rosedust... just how do you get your wings to sparkle like that?"

Applejack ran a hoof along of of the bigger trees, "Just how the heck do they make their trees so big without earth ponies?"

Twilight's eyes opened wide,"Pinkie, you really don't want to know..." She shook her head. She looked at the clueless Sunset and whispered in her ear, causing the unicorn to blush furiously.

Rosedust looked behind her,"Oh, they're normally like that when ponies get to my age."

Lily flew up to AJ,"Oh, we use Flutter Magic!" for emphasis, she fluttered her wings.

"really? They are quite mangif-"

Pinkie interrupted, a glass in one hoof as she laid on top of Rarity "Sooooo, now that we saved you from the spirit and all. Are you going to visit some of the other lands now?huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh?"

"Flutter Magic?" Applejack asked.

"HAHA!" Rainbow Dash laughed a she watched Trixie.

"Rainbow, it isn't funny," Fluttershy said, watching as well.

Wiping a tear from her eyes Dash replied, "I think she has toasted almost everything under Luna's moon, Flutters. Of course it's funny."

"Et here's to Raindrops, et here's to awesome Sunset, et Sunsets! et here's to... non, es stupido!Et here's to... to... to passing out!" and then she fell onto the table, grabbing and snuggling the nearest pony. In this case, it was sunset, "Teddy."

Rosedust chuckled at Pinkie,"Perhaps, it'll be difficult to get my ponies used to the outside world though."

Lily nodded,"We concentrate on our wings and flap them a lot, and that gets some growth into the trees!"

Sunset's eyes opened wide,"Help." She whimpered.

"Aw, it'll be easy, all we need is to have at least somepony to go out and say hi...and I know whoooo!" Squealed Pinkie as she ran off.

Rainbow Dash laughed, "No way bacon hair! It ain't a real celebration unless someone is drunk in another ponies arms tonight!"

Rosedust blinked,"I wonder who's she's talking about..." She cocked her head,"And how is she so fast?"

Sunset gave a mock glare to Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie pushed Lilly to Rosedust, "One ambassador coming up." her ear then twitched as she heard something that RD said. A smile came across her lips as she ran away in a puff of dust.

Rainbow Dash laughed and blew a raspberry at Sunset, "Hey, rules are rules. You know that you should-"

"Um, Dashie," fluttershy said, tapping Rainbow Dash's shoulder as she noticed a pink tail inching her way closer.

"Dun Dun,"

"I mean, seriously, Bacon, don't they have wild parties in the human world?" Dash asked. "I remember how-"

"Dashie," Fluttershy mummered as the pink tail came closer.

"Dun Dun, Dun dun,"

"Not now Flutters. How me and Gilda went to this wild party and she somehow wounded up in bed wit-"

"Dashie!" Fluttershy said, backing away slowly as the tail crept closer and closer.

"Dundundundundundudnudnundundundundunddundundundundund," the tail said as it neared its victim.

"Not now Fluttershy! Anyway, she was in bed with a minotaur and a-"

"GLOMP SHARK!" Yelled Pinkie Pie as she leapt from the table and hugged Dash tightly. Before letting out a yawn and muttering, "Dashie."

"Gak! Twilight, Help me!" Rainbow Dash said, struggling against the sleeping pink pony

Lily blinked,"What!? Me!?" She looked at Rosedust, who gave her a smile.

"Hello, Ambassador Lily." The queen said.

Twilight shook her head,"Sorry, Rainbow, you said it yourself:No party is complete without anypony sleeping in another's arms."

Rainbow Dash glowered at Twilight, "Revenge, I will have my revenge!!"

Twilight chuckled,"Okay, I'll keep one eye open." She forced a smile suddenly.

Soon the party passed on into the night, and soon everypony feel where they slept.

Sunset, having managed to get out of Trixie’s grip, walked to a clearing.

Trixie woke up and totted to the small clearing, "Hey, Sunset... can we talk?"

Sunset traced the ground with her hoof. The spirit’s voice still ringing in her head,”More manipulations... more outside forces making me feel weak, making me feel powerless! First my own Mother, then Celestia, then the Elements, then Valtor, and finally this!” She jumped when she heard Trixie's voice,"Shouldn't you be asleep?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but Trixi-I just wanted to get this off my chest," Trixie took a deep breath. "I'm so-sorry for assaulting you back in Tauros.

Sunset blinked,"Really? It's okay, you were just a little jealous." She frowned,"Unless there's something more."

"Yes," Trixie walked around Sunset. "I had always thought, I was the best kind of rival for Twilight. That it was me who could beat her. Heck, I thought I could achieve greatness by one day winning in a fair fight," she then sighed. "Then you came along, and were just so much better at it. You had a past that connected you to her, you had power equal to her, you could match her qualitie I never could. And me, I was just a magician with a giant ego who thought she was the best. I just felt... pointless. Like I didn’t matter. I just felt... like I didn't matter," Trixie sighed.

Sunset got up and placed a hoof on Trixie's shoulder,"I don't know, you have one thing I don't."

"What?" Trixie asked.

“Sheer determination. I don't know how you got this far, even knowing that Twilight is stronger than you, yet you still kept on going”

A bit of Trixie's confidence came to her smile as she looked into Sunset's eyes, "Really?"

"Really, I mean, who else has the will to go into darkness to save a friend?"

Trixie sighed, "We weren't friends at the time. It was just a mission that I took because Luna sent me there. I didn't really start to become friends with them until I started to help them get home."

"Really? Just a mission?" Sunset said,"Are you sure that there wasn't something else?"

"Ok, so maybe since it was a few months after the alicorn amulet, Trixie decided to prove something to Twilight. I wanted to show off what I could do now. Then, when I saw her, and hung around her... Yeah, I did want to help out. I wanted to use my magic for somepony," Trixie smiled. "You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I think I know what you mean." Sunset said with a smile.

"You know, I think we have something in common," Trixie smiled back

"Yeah, we do." Sunset said.

"Twilight changed us for the better, "Trixie chuckled as she leaned onto Sunset's should and began to fall asleep.

Sunset smiled as she leaned herself on Trixie's head, a soft smile on her lips as she began to fall asleep.

“More machinations, more people trying to hurt you and your friends,” Mozenwrath whispered in Sunset’s ear,”Allow me to make it better...”

Author's Note:

Thanks for Zolt.

Did you make it down here? Good! You can make it past a 17000 word epic. My gosh, I didn't think I could ever do it, but...there you are.

Notes: I had some scenes during the spirit section where I had Sunset be confronted by nightmares of her sins. Highlights include, forcing a student into suicide, breaking up a couple, and breaking a pair of brothers. I wanted to do it to show Sunset as the opposite of Twilight and focus on her personal demons. Then my fellow writer objected because he thought that it made Sunset truely unforgivable.

There was a joke about Trixie riffing on Roleplayer in French, but that was wiped.

If glomp shark isn't a thing yet, it should be.

Oh, and you didn't think Valtor was going to let you forget him yet.