• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,719 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

  • ...

V is for Valor

When the blinding flash of light faded from the portal, Twilight saw a land filled with pony skeletons and broken buildings. On all of the skeletons were remnants of golden jewelry with gems encrusted on them. Fluttershy let out a squeak of fear as she saw the skeletons. Trixie's eyes wandered in horror while Applejack walked up to one with jewellery, "Twilight, look at this."

Twilight took it and gasped in shock,"It's," She noticed the orange apple,"the Element of Honesty..." She looked around,"Are all these ponies former bearers?"

"It looks like it," Rainbow Dash said, looking at the bodies.

Rarity shuddered at seeing the Element of Generosity bound to a foal's corpse, "But, why leave them like this? Why not give them a proper burial?"

"A war?" Trixie asked her hoof to her chin, "Or a dumping ground."

Twilight scanned the fields,"Why are there so many?" She walked forward,"Where are we supposed to go!? There's nopony here!" She shouted up to the clouds.

A dark tendril slithered on the ground.

"Let me go do some checking around," Rainbow Dash said, flying up into the sky and taking off.

Applejack raised a hoof, "Rainbow! Be careful... "

"Something scary is going to happen, I can feel it," Pinkie said, shuddering.

Fluttershy let out a small shudder and a squeak, "Twilight, I don't like this. I can't even hear any animals.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy,"I know, it's... frightening." She noticed a screen on the ground attached to a skeleton's hoof. She walked over and tapped it, and then heard a voice.

"If you are hearing this, run. There is... something here. Something that defies... no. No please," Her voice screamed before cutting.

Rainbow would notice that the sky was filled with nothing but bleeding eyes. Voices carried on the wind




"That's... not a good sign," Applejack said.

"Anypony else see any other screens or something..." Will then walked up to the screen. "Hey buddy, wake up. How's it going," Will said, using her magic to zwp a small lighting change into the screen. "What's your name?"

"What is she doing?" Trixie asked.

"That's right, Will can talk to electronics!" Rarity said.

Pinkie thrusted her hooves into the air, "Thank you, previously-explained-powers-and-chekhov's-guns!!!"

"Ah!" The screen said,"Thank you. My name is Mr. Pip-Buck 4000." He gave a sigh,"My owner's dead, isn't she?"

Will nodded solemnly, "Yeah, she is... what happened here? Why all the bodies?"

"My master had a theory that these bodies are those that were attempting to find the last gate to the Heart of Worlds. That is what my master and her friends were doing." Mr. Pip said,"But then... something came. A... thing came and devoured them each, leaving nothing but bone. It was so horrible, they could not look at it without feeling pain."

"Did you manage to get a good look at it?" Will asked.

Rainbow Dash flew back, "Ok, I saw nothing for miles, except for eyes. And is she-"

"Talking to a computer, yes." Trixie nodded. "you know, Trixie is just a magician. She shouldn't be in these situations monthly!!"

"Yep, this is our life now." Twilight said with a frown. The Element Bearers would then feel a deep shiver down their spines.

"No... Celestia no..." Mr. Pip said,"Oh... I can't even..." He began to fizzle,"Dark, everything... RUN!" He screamed before shorting out.

"Twilight... did ya feel that?" Appejack said, her eyes wide.

"Feel what? Trixie feels nothing," Trixie asked.

"Ok, I normally don't say this, but I think we need to run!" Rainbow Dash said, looking around.

Will took off to the air, “Right." then she looked down at Mr. Pip "Night, buddy."

Twilight nodded as she ran. She looked back and saw a glimpse of a large being. This being had a mass of tendrils for a mane, while on it's head where several hooves in the shape of a horn. In place of it's eyes were mouths, while its long snout protruded out from its face. Its body had endlessly writhing tendrils, and some even had small faces screaming from it. Bones came out of its barrel, with eyes looking out at them. Its legs were pulsating black masses of several hooves. Twilight's eyes hurt at the sight.

"Right, that thing thing looks hideous," Rainbow Dash commented when she saw the sight, only to wince in pain.

Applejac narrowed her head as they ran, "Any plans, Twilight?"

"Well, we can't hit it if we can't look, so, everypony run to a safe place!" She looked up at a mostly intact tower,"There!"

The creature opened its maw of thousands of teeth, and screamed in several voices. Loud thumping noises came as the creature slowly made it' way towards them, every step making a screaming sound. It then spoke in many voices,"Baorark, cuka omd ba craomkad. Harv ka. Kerr Ma. Wrara ek kae kukkae."

"That'll work!" Rainbow Dash said, "Everypony pick a non-flyer!" she said, reaching down to grab Applejack.

Will followed suit, grabbing Pinkie Pie. Trixie pulled out Carpet and began to fly after them

Twilight picked up Rarity in her magic and flew up to the tower window, where the group crouched behind a wall.

The creature screamed as it stared at the tower. Waiting. It spoke,"Avodam, Baorark. Avodamad Baorark. Wros ok I? Wru ok I? Dea, Dea, DEA!"

Twilight winced at the sounds,"My Celestia." Her utterance of the word caused a scream to emanate, hurting her even more,"Argh!"

"Twilight!" Fluttershy said, putting up a shield with her armor.

"I want to know how we can fight it," Rainbow Dash growled.

"Why were there so many bearers," Will asked. "What would bearers want with the Heart of Worlds and the last Heart? The only reason why we've been hunting it is because we need to stop Valtor."

Rarity began to walk along the perimeter of the room she was in. Trixie soon followed her.

Applejack walked up to the shield, still unable to see the monster, "What the buck is it even saying?"

Twilight got up and shook her head,"I don't know, and that frightens me."

Rarity would see a brown decorated door, that had a light coming from the bottom.

"Hmmm, a door," Rarity said, looking at it.

Trixie walked to it, "Open it?"

"No,no, dear. Not yet." she then put her ear to the door to listen for any sound.

"Think the other worlds were dealing with something just as bad as Valtor and that's why they needed the heart of worlds?" Applejack asked.

The sound of rustling paper and mad laughter came from the door,"Yes, yes, that's it, maybe that's how we win..." It sounded like Twilight's voice.

"Perhaps." Twilight said,"It makes me shudder to think about what's happening to their worlds now."

"Twilight?" Rarity whispered, "Twilight, I think there is someone behind this door," Rarity said, waving to Twilight.

Twilight nodded as she went to the door, when it suddenly opened to reveal a unicorn Twilight. However, her mane was bloodied, her eyes bleeding black and her mouth in a wide grin. Bits of her coat were charred and her cutie mark had faded,"Hello! You must be my new hallucinations! Hi!"

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered in horror as she looked at the pony.

Pinkie, a smile still somehow plastered on her face, waved, "HI! Yeah, we're a bunch of your hallucinations! Who is the big scary thing of unknown horror down below?"

"And what happened to you?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, I don't know, that thing's what killed my friends and made me go mad!" Mad Twilight chuckled,"I haven't decided a name for it in case it gains more power!" She beckoned them inside,"Come, I'll show you my library!" Black blood came from her lips.

"I don't know, should we?" Asked Applejack.

Rainbow Dash, one eye light purple nodded, "It is the only way to solve what's going on."

Twilight nodded,"Besides, it's not like she's going to kill us or anything!"

Mad Twilight shook her head,"Oh, no! How could I kill figneutons of my imagnining!" She laughed maniacally.

"Are you native to this world?" Will asked.

"Nope-alope! Like you," Twilight said, coming over to a table with a book marked,"Elements of Harmony,"I came from another universe ravaged by a monster known as Sombra, but I failed!" She laughed,"It's really funny know that I think about it, oh wait." She suddenly shouted,"NO IT ISN'T!"

Twilight looked at the book,"Hammer of Life: Lachesis, Spear of Faith: Dolos?" She said, looking at one page.

"Artefacts?" Wil ased as the names passed through her ears.

Rainbow Dash looked to the insane Twilight, "But, when how did you get like that?"

Twilight nodded,"It says something about special weapons, but not much else."

"I looked into it too much, unfortunately." Mad Twilight said,"Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned, don't look into a horror too long! You'll get nutty!" She fell onto the floor and began to roll around, giggling.

Twilight looked up, and noticed a blue spear hanging from a wall with Trixie's cutie mark,"Hmm."

Pinkie happily joined in with the rolling maniac," Wow, this is fun!"

"Pinkie!" applejack said, to which Pinkie sighed and got up. As a frown creased her face, Applejack said, "You know she's...."

"I know, I was hoping she would be a little happier," Pinkie said.

"My cutie mark?" Trixie said, looking at the spear. "Hmph, impressive spear."

The Spear glowed as Trixie neared it

A vision appeared in Trixie's mind, of a blue alicorn mare using the spear to take lightning and send it back at her opponents,"Dolos."

A smile crossed Trixie's lips as she shouted, "Bout freaking time!!!" glowing her horn, she pulled her spear to her. "Oh, how Trixie had been waiting for you sweetie"

"Uh, Twilight, are you sure we should be letting her have that thing?" Rainbow Dash asked as Trixie hugged the weapon and placed it on her back.

Twilight shrugged,"Let her, she's been waiting for a long time to have something like that." She looked at the book,"That's the Spear of Faith, where's the Hammer of Life?"

A shimmering sound came to Will's ear.

Will turned towards the shimmering, "What? she began to take a few more steps to the sound.

As she walked, four shadows walked beside her, wielding laser blades:One of earth, one of fire, one of water, and one of air. In front of her, an armored figure walked. The shimmering got louder as a hammer came into view, electricity coming off of it.

"Will?" whispered each of the voices as she reached out and grabbed her hammer in her hoof.

The Hammer charged her body with electricity,"Lachesis." In her mind, a vision of a woman standing in front of four girls held a hammer in her hand, shouting,"Guardians Unite!" Transforming them.


A ringing went in Servant's ear, and a bit of electricity went through her horn.

Servant winced, "Ah, what?"

"Problems?" Valtor ased.

"Nothing sire, just...memories," Servant said.


Will walked away with the hammer in hoof, "What... was that?" she asked herself.

"So, we got two weapons. How are we going to use them to take out the big guy don’t there?" Rainbow Dash asked, "If we can?"

Twilight sat back and sighed, ignoring Mad Twilight's screams of,"You can't! You're stuck here forever!"

Twilight looked at them,"Well, it appears that it would be too dangerous for us to fight it. We can't look at, or hear it. But those two aren't Element Bearers, they can stand it." She looked at Trixie,"But I can't ask you two to go out there and fight it."

Trixie spun her spear in her music, "You Don't need to. The Great and Powerful Trixie will be able to fight the monster off and help you. But first, sign this-" she then handed a paper that read

'I, Twilight Sparkle, hereby admit that there is at least one monster that I need the Great and Powerful Trixie's help to fight. I submit that in spite of my awesome power, Trixie is still second to me and thus is the most powerful unicorn on the planet. Her skills in the realms of magic are so amazing that she can handle beasts that I, Twilight Sparkle, cannot.


"Just a formality." Trixie gave a smile

"How long have you carried that?" Applejack asked.

Twilight blinked,"I... but how- you couldn't have-" She shook her head and took the piece of paper,"Alright, I'll sign this..." she began to rewrite some bits

"I, Twilight Sparkle, despite some of my limits, am still more awesome than Trixie. While she is the most powerful unicorn on the planet, being an Alicorn, I'm still stronger. So, ha, ha.

Trixie shrugged, "Fair enough. Trixie will take it. Come Will, we have a monster to vanquish!"

"Right," Will said, taking flight.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "You realize there'll be no living with her now right?"

Twilight sighed,"Don't worry, I know of a few ways to keep her calm." she gave a chuckle.


The creature looked down at Trixie and Will as they came out of the tower, the eyes in its rib cage studied them closely.

"Eyes... in the rib cage?" Trixie asked, shuddering lightly."

"You act like that is the most horrifying aspect of the monster," Will said, lighting coursing through her hammer and wings.

Trixie shook her head, "Not at all."

Several pieces of bone came out of the creature's body, causing it to bleed. Sounds of screaming children were heard as the blood fell to the ground. The bones turned into sickles and struck at them.

Trixie spun her spear and slammed it into the ground, trying to block the syckels, "Now this... this is the creepy part!"

"Got it," Will said taking off and throwing her lighting bammer at the horn of the monster.

Jumping away from the spear, Trixie ran to the side of the beast and began to thrust her spear repeatedly at it, trying to cut at the legs.

The horn twitched and screamed in shock. Wails of children came out as the legs were sliced into. Tears fell from the legs, causing the creature to turn it's head at Trixie. It's mouthed eyes shot out teeth at her.

Trixie let out a gasp of horror and braced for the hit, but Will used the hammer and lighting bolts from ti to block the beam. Moving quickly the blue pegasus began to slam the monster against the neck. Moving arway, she folded her ears to try and block out the screams.

Trixie, now recovered, aimed her spear and stabbed at the leg once more, thrusting her blade hard into it.

The blood poured from the leg, dripping down to Trixie before lashing out at her.

The creature pulled back it's neck in pain, revealing a pulsating red orb in it's throat.

Trixie screaming pain as the blood lashed at her, cutting her leg deeply. Will flew down, but Trixie pushed her away with magic. With a slight nudge, she pointed toward the red orb and cloaked Will. Trixie then ran in front of the monster and began to limp away stabbing at the blood and right leg of the beast.

The creature tumbled as its other leg was hit. The leg then began to unfurl as it began to laugh in a million voices. Its orb pulsated faster.

Cloaked, Will struck against the red orb with the power of her lighting. Trixie began to shake her head, trying to get the laughter out of her head.

The creature stopped as the orb was hit. It turned a bright white as the creature began to shudder. There was a bright light, and in place of the creature, was an alicorn. The alicorn looked at will, the white orb glowing on it's horn. Its eyes began to bleed, and its mouth cut into a smile. It began to laugh maniacally, showing bloody teeth, as it shot several beams at Will.

Will let out a gasp and started to fly around the beams, trying to dodge. One of the beams managed to clip her wing and sent her crashing into the ground. Trixie went to help her up and fired a fire rocked into the aliro cnrs eyes. Charging the spread with her hammer's electricity, Trixie flung her spear at the orb

The creature cried the sounds of birthing mares as the orb was hit. The thing stepped back as the orb shook a bit, turning a brown color. A bright flash appeared, changing the thing into a platinum dragon. The brown orb in its center was covered by bloody scales in a second. The creature's head split into three, the separate parts turning into a separate head as the creature screamed in pain. It looked down and fired a black flame at them.

Trixie grabbed Will in her magic and jumped out the way of the beam. Looking at the skeletons, she fired at them with her magic, causing them to stand up and take the shot. Then she looked at Trixie, who nodded, Trixie lifted Will and launched her at the dragon, hitting the scales with her hammer, when the scales shatter, Trixie threw her spear at the orb.

The dragon screamed in their friend's voices. A bright flash occured as the orb turned blue.

In it's place was a filly about half their size. She wore a crooked crown and a bloodied necklace. She was crying tears of black blood as she pointed to her orb on her chest. She wailed constantly.

The screamed caused them to both hit the ground. When they got up, they saw the filly, "It's... crying?" Trixie said.

"Why? It' been trying to kill us through most of the fight..."Will whispered.

"Yes, and now it's pointing to the orb. Why?" Trixie asked. She then looked ot Will. "Will, Trixie is going to have to trust you. That hammer of yours, it’s supposed to be life, correct?"

"Yes, why-Trixie!" Will shouted as she watched Trixie run to the filly and began to pull on the orb with her magic and hooves.

"Child, Trixie knows you are in a lot of pain, but please... calm down!" Trixie grunted, wincing in pain. "How about if Trixie tells you a story?."

Her horn blazing bright, images began to fly around her and the filly, while Will began to look around in panic. Then she began to pick up her hammer and sent lighting into Trixie as she began her story.

The filly screamed, but as the lightning coursed through the orb, she began to smile.

"Once there was a little filly who desired to be the best, to prove herself as the greatest thing on the planet. But, at a cost. It made her very lonely," the images showed a little filly playing on stage, looking around and seeing no pony around. "'This is ok!' the filly thought. 'I am fine with being alone! I am the best' so she proved it again and again. Until one day, a mare beat her and showed her that she was not the best. This made the filly mad."

The image showed a little mare with a hat and a cape growling at a bear and a unicorn, only to be pushed aside.

"Then a goddess came.She told the little filly that being the best was not always the way, that you could become great with ponie by her side. So she sent her on a quest," the images showed the filly with a hat and cape walking to six magres and saving them from a cat, and then with five mares at her side, "to save the day by beating an evil dream demon. This filly learned, that she was the best now, because she wasn't alone."

With a smile, Trixie looked at Will, "This mare also went to help another filly who was lost. Her memories were fading from her. But, she wanted to show her that her friends will be connected by something bigger... their heart's/" Trixie then showed five hearts surrounding a pegasus.

The filly smiled as the orb changed to have lightning bolts in it. A bright flash emanated from her.

In her place was a creature that had a minotaur's left hoof, a Gorilla's right leg, a long green body, a hawk's left talon, a tiger's right paw, a horse head with a single fang, long white hair, mismatched eyes, a goat's horn, and a Longhorn's horn.

The female draconequus cracked her neck,"Wow, thanks! I don't know what I would've done if I was that thing for much longer!"

Twilight watched the thing with wide eyes,"What?!"

Rainbow flew above her,"What."

Applejack held her hat,"What?"

Rarity held her mane,"My word."

Pinkie blinked,"Ok, when I'm confused, that's bad."

Fluttershy's eyes widened,"I don't have anything to say right now..."

Mad Twilight blinked,"Huh, that very circumstance seemed to have restored my sanity just enough for me to go: What the Buck!?"

Will raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"Trixie is too weak to ask... what." Trixie said fainting

The draconequus held her claw out,"Oh, sorry! I didn't introduce myself! My name's Paradox!"

Pinkie Pie bounced up, "Hi, Doxy!!

Applejack held up a hoof, "Ok, what in the hay?”

Twilight stammered and shook her head as she and the rest of the group went down to her,"Yeah, what happened?"

Paradox leaned back on a cloud,"Well, let's start at the beginning. I work for the Omniversal Macrocosm to help fix mistakes in universes. I'm meant to stop worlds from going out of balance, getting destroyed, etc, etc. I also frequent going here to help give the Heart of Happiness to those who have found the other three gates to the Heart of Worlds. You see," She snapped her fingers, turning the world into a large golden palace,"This was meant to be your multiverse's guardian world, but something, I don't know which, corrupted it, and me as well. That something fed me the Heart of Happiness and turned me into that thing."

Rainbow Dash growled, "You're a freaking draconequus, how can you not know?'

"Wait," Will said," You mean, thi wa supposed to be this world's Kandrakar?”

"Well, Dashie," Paradox appeared beside the pegasus,"Draconequi are not omniscient!" She looked at Will,"Yes, this was Equestria's Kandrakar."

"No, they're annoying," grumbled Rainbow Dash

"Amazing," Will said, looking awestruck at the castle. "I hope I can show the others this one days: Irma, Cornelia, Hay Lin, and Taranee. It's funny... Kandrakar and them seem to be the only things I can remember any more." she let out a little sniff.

Twilight put a hoof on Will's shoulder,"It's okay, once we get to the bottom of this, we'll find a way to get your memories back." She looked back at the orb,"Come on, we have to do the test."

Paradox patted Dash on the head,"Aw, you know you love us!"

Rainbow Dash grumbled and shook her head as Will walked to the orb. The redheaded pegasus smiled, "You know, it’s kind of nice to be able to do this for once without worrying about you guys in the middle of a fight."

"Thank goodness these tests happen in a blink of an eye, otherwise we would be wondering how come nopony attacked you while you were under!" Pinkie Pie giggled.

Rainbow Dash's eyes went blank as she joined Will in touching the orb.

Twilight did the same as she touched the orb.


A voice slowly boomed out across the white void, "Bearer of Loyalty, Bearer of Magic, and Guardian. Welcome to your final test."

Rainbow Dash looked around, "Ok, so what is it?" she asked, cocking her head side to side. "The girls all told me about your other tests. You made Fluttershy walk through thrones to teach Twilight about kindness, had Applejack pick the real her, Pinkie Pie fought depression, and Rarity was about to sacrifice herself. So what is it? Choosing between my friends and country? Ha! Fat chance, I pick them any day, ideals? Ha! I already picked them over who I am. So what is it?"

"You are confident," chuckled the voice lowly.

"Because I know I am going to beat this," Dash smirked.

"We'll see, your test will come soon enough,"

Rainbow Dash walked in front of Twilight Sparkle, 'Oh look gals, it's little miss perfect."

"The paranoid kiss up," applejack said.

Pinkie Pie smirked, "The one who'll break down if she fails."

"Why is she even on this journey?" Rarity asked, "Why not go hme, fake princess."

Will looked at Taranee as the brown earth pony walked to her, "Taranee, am I glad to see-AHHH!" she screamed as fire burned her legs. "W-what?"

"Hand over the heart, Will," Irma said.

Rainbow Dash saw from her side of the veil, Twilight's eyes and Will's eyes being turned white, "What is going on?"

"The test..."The voice said.

Twilight looked around her,"Everypony, wh-what are you saying?"

"I think you know exactly what I'm saying," Rainbow Dash said, pressing her forehoof to Twilight's chest, "You are a paranoid, overthinking, bookworm! I'm surprised you made it this far without trying to overanalyze something."

"No, it's going to be worst, she's gonna have a freakout. But, that can be expected," Applejack said. "She never earned those things, they were given to her by the princess."

"Fake princess, fake princess," Fluttershy mocked.

"I wonder, what is her title anyway? Princess of Friendship, ha! Pinkie earned that more than she did. And without having as many mistakes in her repertoire. How many time have you made a mistake... Sparkle? She still hates me, I bet," Trixie said, blowing on her hoof.

Will flew back only to get hit by a tornado, "Tsk, and here I thought she was a tough cookie. Oh cry and cry."

Rainbow Dash could see tears in their eyes, "What are you doing to them! You're hurting them!"

"No, I'm not a fake, I did earn this title, I did!" Twilight said, beginning to curl up.

"Oh, now she's starting to cry about it. And how did she ever earn the title," Applejack growled sinisterly.

"It helps that she never had a dream," Rarity said shrugging her shoulders.

Will flew out of the way of a rock, "Did you ever think we actually cared? We would've been fine without you. Even with a different bearer."

"Then stop the test," the voice said.

"Fine I will!" I dash said, only to get punched in the face. When she looked up, she saw Applejack smiling. "No, not this!"

"Let's dance... sugarcube," Applejack said.

"B-b-but I did have a dream, didn't I..." Twilight shook her head several times,"Please stop."

"Oh sure you did," Pinkie chuckled, "That was just to sit around in your library and read and read. Even Fluttershy had more of a dream than you!"

"Girls, please no, don't-" Will whimpered getting hit by a tornado.

Hay Lin sneered, "Don't what? Abandon you? Leave you with your boy toy? Stop caring? Ha! You are just means to an end."

Dash fell back as Pinkie hit her with a cannon, "Come on Dashie, fight. Give up. You've given up on us before."

"Oh, that old chestnut? Heh," Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Already went through that with Twilight. You are gonna have to try harder to get me to-AHHHH!"

Rarity pulled back a bloodied blade as she glared at Rainbow Dash, "Fight and win. You can't save them other wise."

"No, I try, I really do..." Twilight shook her head.

"Bet she is going to do what Mirage thought she would one day," Sunset said, smiling, "Turn evil and try to kill us all. All the while blaming us or throwing each one of us under the bridge because she's never made a mistake."

A light pink mare with a little star cutie mark laughed, "No, she is just going to abandon them all and run away."

"That's what she does. Cry and run away. That or blame everypony else without think about her mistakes. How can she be a princess when she makes mistakes?" Rainbow Dash taunted.

A water orb lifted above Will's head, "So, are you gonna run or fight?"

Dash flew away from Rarity's strike and readie a punch, only to stop an inch from Fluttershy, "Who are ya aiming at?"

"No, I-" Dash flew in another direction.

"You never could," Fluttershy chuckled, "Hit me."

"I won't fight them!"

"No..." Twilight shook her head,"No..." She looked down and looked up at them,"I'm not going to turn evil, I'm not what you think I am!"

"You are, it's what you do," said Rainbow Dash plainly. "Always jumping to conclusions, always wanting to jump down the wrong trail. For a genius, you don't think very often,"

"Will backed up into a corner, "No, please...no."

Dash backed up, "I know you all want to kill me...

"Let's go girls," said Pinkie Pie, "Let the fake Princess stew." there was a blade next to Twilight that appeared."

"...and I know that sometimes, we mess up. We get mad, or hate each other. But, if you think I would ever raise a hoof against my friends or run away...

Will shivered, a knife appeared next to her.

"THEN YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL!" Dash yelled as she flew out from the position she was in, creating a sonic rainboom as she flew to Twilight.

Twilight's magic picked up the sword, her face never leaving the ground.

Dash touched Twilight, "Twilight, please, tell me you ain't letting those guys get to you. Please tell me that you aren't going to abandon all of us. I know you, you're better than this. You wouldn't abandon a friend anymore than I would you. So what if we said some bad things, so what if we made mistakes, " Dash grunted as she held Twilight close, "You're the one who thinks we should try and fix them. That's why you didn't give up on me even though I can be the world's biggest idiot, and why I will never give up on you. Even if we hate each other, even if you became Tirek himself... I would be by your side. And you would stand by me."

Twilight stopped, and began to chuckled,"Aw, you do have a soft side." She threw the sword to the ground, shattering it.

Dash turned away, "Only a little. And I only let a few ponies see it." she then turned to Will, "Come on Will, do let them get to you. Are you really going to abandon everything now!?"

Twilight went over to Will,"Will, don't abandon your friends! Sure, they act like jerks sometimes, but who doesn't? Real friends stick with you, no matter what happens, and you should do the same."

Will blinked away the tears, and then looked to Twilight, "T-thank you."

"You have chosen to stay your hoof, even though your friends were against you.Your loyalty to them is admirable, showing that you would stand next to them, even when it seems that all are against you.""

Dash brushed her nose, "Hey, I never leave anyone hanging. I couldn't just up and deck any of my friends, at least not right away."

"Yes, and that is one of your more admirable traits," Wind Whistler said, fading into existence.

Twilight immediately hugged Wind Whistler,"Yay!"

Wind Whistler, trying her best to keep her emotions in check, smiled as she hugged Twilight, "Oh Twilight, I am so glad that you made it this far. Confidently, I was a little worried that this final test would be very harrowing for you. There are some loyalty bearers who respond with the hoof first."

Dash noticed her stare, "And what is that look supposed to be?"

"Nothing," Wind Whistler said, shaking her head.

"So..." Twilight said,"All the other ponies gave this nice little speech, what about you?"

"Well, I was thinking that, perhaps you would be curious as to what happened to me and the others, and how I was able to set this defense up," smiled Wind Whistler. "I think Dash may already know what it means to be loyal, even when it seems that all are against you. Much like you do.

"Oh, yes, I want to know everything about your defenses!" Twilight said, her eyes twinkling.

Rainbow Dash shot forward, "Me too!" Her tail wagged.

"After we awoken as guardians, Mimic was well enough to tell us why those four spots were chosen. It seems the Queens knew of their time was coming to an end and needed to make sure that their titles were in good hooves. So she and I took mental... impressions of the each of us at those points in our journeys and put them into the portals. Luckily, you told me of the worlds you visited so I could guide Mimic to the different locations and put the impressions.

Twilight blinked,"Wait, if it was I who told you the locations in the first place, then who started it? Who told you first? Oh, I hate time travel..."

"Maybe there's a world where a young human girl started it, or perhaps the loop started it because I had a plan all along. The world is full of many possibilities."

"So what happened next?" Will asked.

"After Mimic went to each world and found each of the hearts, she put the spirits within. Then we went home. She didn’t tell us about the tests in the real world, only that she used our energy to form each one. I guess she used ones that would've driven even the Queens to their breaking points."

Twilight smirked,"Well, that shows our awesomeness, doesn't it?" She said, a cyan shadow behind her.

"Indeed," Rainbow Dash nodded, the violet shadow hovering. "Though, do you know who did the voices?"

"It was not me, and I know it wasn't Mimic. She just said it was a surprise."

"A surprise?" Twilight scratched her head,"Great, that's going to be on my mind all day!"

"On any note, you may go,” Wind Whistler smiled as the portal opened.

From beyond the line of sight of their heroes, two alicorns watched, "You were too rough, Titan." said the green one with auburn hair

"I had to be, Terra, they were getting too good at solving my trials." said the black one with white hair.

Twilight gave Wind Whistler one last hug before going away.

As Will opened her eyes, she found Fluttershy and the others sharing tea and s’mores, "Um, what is going on here?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "That is what I want to know."

Paradox chuckled,"Well, we got bored, so we decided to have a small picnic while we wait for you!"

"But..but..." Dash began, trying to figure it out.

Pinkie giggled, "Just relax, you girls had a tough test."

Twilight sighed,"She's right, let's go have some tea." she said, sitting down.

"Paradox," Will said, taking her spot with the others. "You said you sometimes come here to give the Heart of Happiness to those who opened the other gates, that means there were others hunting for the Heart of Worlds like us. Why? Why were they hunting for the heart of worlds and what were the ponies like?"

"Oh yes, please," Rainbow Dash said, smiling.

"Well," Paradox made a couch appear and leaned on it,"Some come here to gain the power to stop evil from corrupting their worlds. Some come to take over their worlds, all with such different personalities and outlooks, it's hard to describe them all."

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "Can't even imagine a bearer who would want to take over her world."

"What is going to happen to the ponies that died here?" Fluttershy asked.

Paradox smiled,"The good news is that now that this place is restored, the ponies who died here will start to come back to life. However, that will take a long time. But, since alternate universes work on a different time scale, they will go back to exactly the time they left."

Fluttershy smiled as she sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. Rarity took a small bite of her cake, "This world is very nice, when it’s not covered in death and a monster."

"Ah bet that thing is what it’s like for a Draconequus to go Nightmare," Applejack said, drinking her tea.

Rainbow Dash flew up a little as Trixie began to stir, "I would love to check this place out... if we weren't busy."

"Ugh, did we win, are we alive?" Trixie asked, her eyes opening, "and Twilight, do Trixie a favor. If she EVER tries to do something so suicidally heroic like that... stop her. Freeze her or something but stop her."

Twilight chuckled,"Trixie, I don't think I could stop you if I tried." she said as she shook her head.

Paradox thought for a moment,"Well, there's not too much to see, and only an hour has passed in your world right now..."

"An hour!" Dash shouted," We got to get moving, who know what Vitro has done while we were gone and-"

"Sugarcube, calm down, We don't know where the gate to the Heart of Worlds is, and neither does he. So, let’s go before anything else does happen.” Applejack said, holding Rainbow’s tail in her mouth.

Paradox smirked,"And that's your advantage: I do know where the Heart of Worlds is located." She floated above them,"Just remember your origins, and it will be there."

"What in tarnation does that mean," Applejack asked.

Trixie looked on with wide eyes and screamed, "AHHHHHH! Another Luna damnable riddle!!! Trixie swears the next one she hears is going to get a whoopin!!!"

Twilight thought for a moment,"Remember our origins..." She gasped,"I know where we need to go!"

Paradox grinned,"Great!" She snapped her fingers, making a gate appear,"Here ya go."

"Let’s go," Rainbow Dash said, walking through the portal.

Sunset looked at the light and nodded, looking at a letter with Twilight's cutie mark,"They need me."


Valtor smiled, "It's time, let’s see where the little group is heading!

"Alright everypony, go home." Twilight said, turning to them as they left the doorway

“Excuse me for asking my dear," Rarity asked, "But, what do you mean?"

"Yeah, why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Trixie's ears drooped, “Great, Trixie now has to walk all the way back to Hoofington!" Then she looked at Carpet, "Or not.”

Twilight gave out the previous keys,"Paradox said go back to your origins, basically, go to your parent’s home." She looked at Will,"Me and Will are going to Canterlot, and then I'm going to use a spell on her Heart. That may activate the other keys where you all are." She looked at Trixie,"You don't have to go anywhere, though."

Applejack nodded, "All right Twilight. Ah trust ya."

"Trixie will meet you when you find the location," Trixie nodded.

Will took flight, holding her heart, " Do you think this will work?"

Twilight flew alongside her,"If not, then we're all doomed to die a horrible death." She smiled"No pressure."

"Sure, no pressure," Will chuckled as she flew off to Canterlot and landed near a house in the middle of a long street.

Twilight walked up and accidentally knocked on Night Light’s nose as he opened the door,”Oops! Sorry, Dad!”

Night Light rubbed his nose with a chuckled,”I deserved that. Your mother and I saw you two flying in, and I guess I kinda got a little excited.”

Will took a step forward,”Um, hello, Mr. Sparkle.”

“Ah, one of Twilight’s friends, come on in, all of Twilight’s friends are welcome in our home.” Night Light led them inside, where the smell of freshly baked cookies entered Will’s nostrils.

Twilight gave an excited,”Mmm, Mom, do you always have to make cookies, just in case I just so happen to drop by?”

A white unicorn mare came out, holding a batch of cookies,”Of course, wouldn’t want you to come here hungry.” Velvet looked at Will,”I always make enough for Twilight’s friends as well.”

Will nodded as she took a cookie,”Thanks, Mrs. Sparkle.”

“Honey, Mrs. Sparkle was my Mom, call me Velvet.” Velvet gave a wink.

Will chuckled,”Okay, Velvet.”

Twilight nodded as she munched on a cookie,”I wish I could say I was just visiting, but-”

“I know, I know,” Velvet said,”You have a mission to complete.”

Night Light sighed,”We’re kind of used to that. Your room’s upstairs, sweetie.”

“Thanks!” Twilight said, giving both a kiss on the cheek before running up the stairs.

Twilight sat in the middle of her childhood room with Will, touching her horn to Will’s heart.

Rarity slowly opened the door to her parent’s home, only to be met with a shout of,”Rarity!” and a little white blur that grabbed her barrel.

Rarity rubbed Sweetie’s head,”Hello, Sweetie Belle,”

“Oh, my stars!” Pearl came out of the living room, smiling at Rarity,”Dearie, what brings you to our house?”

Rarity held Mozenwrath’s glove in her hoof,”Well, I have to activate this for Twilight.”

“Oh,” Magnum said, looking up from his hat,”Saving the world business!”

“Yes, saving the world business,”Rarity gave a sigh as she went up to the attic and placed the glove down.

Sweetie followed,”Can I watch?”

“Just don’t touch anything, and if it makes any weird noises, run.” Rarity said simply as she put her horn to the thing, causing it to glow.

Pinkie Pie took the two horseshoes up to her farm as she knocked on the door. She was then greeted by a grey earth pony with a neutral expression,”Hi, Maude! You visiting too!?”

Maude nodded,”Yes. Let me guess, saving the world business?”

Pinkie gave several nods,”Uh-huh! I have to take these up to find the Heart of Worlds!”

An angry voice yelled from inside the house,”Don’t make too much noise while you’re doing that!”

“I won’t, Limey!”Pinkie rolled her eyes as she skipped up the stairs, horseshoes in hoof.

Applejack trotted up the stairs to her room, tipping her hat to the spirits of her parents before entering with the rainbow sea-shell in hoof.

Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith looked from behind her,”That thang’s not gonna explode, is it?” the youngest asked.

“Nah.” AJ shook her head,”Ah hope.” She said before the shell glowed.

Fluttershy took the other two horseshoes up to her home, quietly tip-toeing in so not to surprise her easily frightened parents. She walked up to her old room only to hear the sound of,”Hey, Flutterbutter!”

Fluttershy felt a pang of something she only felt when seeing her younger brother: Annoyance,”Zephyr, I would appreciate it if you keep quiet. You know how Mom and Dad can get!”

Zephyr put his hoof around her,”Aw, come on, Sis! I just saw you after a long time! I want to see what brings you here!?”

“Saving the world business, and I’d be glad if you’d,” She turned and glared at him,”Be quiet, because if you mess this up, I will be very cross!” She went into her room, where the horseshoes glowed.

Each beam collided as one, pushing back the clouds to reveal the constellation of Mimic. The brightest star on the body glowed faintly and shone down on a particular spot.

Twilight gasped as she saw the location,"The Castle of the Two Sisters..." She looked at Will,"Let's go!"

Valtor watched the lights from within the everfree, "So I was right! I WAS FREAKING RIGHT THAT IT WAS NEAR THE TREE OF HARMONY?? GAHHHHH!”

Servant put a hoof onto Valtor's shoulder, "It is all right, my lord, we have made it this far. Now the gate is open and we can make our way to the castle before the others. We will have time to secure the heart and maybe lay some presents for the bearers."

"True," Valtor smiled as he nodded and looked to the nearby castle. "And the Guardian's friends are so far away."

"They are in an alternate world as we speak, facing off against immense odds; however, I think it is something those four can handle."

Twilight and Will landed in front of the bridge and began to walk to the Castle. Applejack tipped her hat as she walked next to them. Rainbow Dash flew down and smirked as she walked beside them. Trixie appeared in a puff of lightning and walked beside Twilight. Fluttershy fluttered down next to them, and softly stepped forward. Rarity flipped her mane as she sashayed down with them. A puff of confetti came out from the side and Pinkie Pie hopped next to them.

Applejack smirked as she looked at the castle, "Hard to believe we came back here after we left the Elements, huh?"

"I don't know, I don't think they had ever truly left us," Rarity said. "This journey and everything we've been though: Mirage, the tests, the worlds. Don't they just tell you something?"

"Yeah," Dash smiled at Twilight, "We never needed any gems to remind us that we are the elements."

"We just needed to be here together," Pinkie said.

The group continued to walked to the castle, across the bridge and into the doors, "Um, anypony worry that this might be easy?" Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight rolled her eyes,"Oh, yes, saying that won't get us into trouble."

Author's Note:

Thanks zolt.

Rainbow's test was fun to come up with, I wanted to touch on something that Dash hadn't really been through before