• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 2,719 Views, 69 Comments

The Heart of Worlds - Alchemystudent

Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious Pegasus who is capable of controlling unicorn magic. Who is she and what is the heart of Worlds

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B is for breaking

A cyan pegasus walked back and forth between two guards with a scowl on her face, “What do ya mean you won’t let me see her? THAT GIRL TRIED TO KILL TWO OF MY FRIENDS!”

“That attitude, young lady, is why you are not allowed in here. Not until Celestia has had a few words with the suspect,” Swift Arrow said staring Dash straight in the eyes.

With a small growl, Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs and walked away to Pinkie’s room. While she did that, the suspect that she was mad at sat in the room, whimpering, “No, please, I don’t want to... AHHHH!”

“Shh, my former student, its all right,” Celestia said, putting a comforting hoof onto Sunset’s shoulder.

Sunset looked up at Celestia, eyes wide with fright, “Oh no! C-Celestia! I am so sorry for everything. I-I-I didn’t want to come back, I didn’t want to hurt anypony, I’m sorry for taking the crown, please-”

“Please, calm down Sunset,” Celestia pleaded.

After taking a few moments to breath, she looked up at her teacher, and smiled softly, “Even after all this time, and everything I did, you’re still willing to forgive me.”

Sunset’s eyes then widened in horror, “Wait, what about Pinkie? Is she...?”

“Pinkie Pie is all right; dazed and nursing a concussion, but she will live. I am quite curious as to why you are here, though. I was led to believe that you were staying in that world,” Celestia said, looking down at Shimmer.

“I was, but that changed. I will tell you everything once Twilight gets here,” Sunset said, looking down at the covers. After thinking for the moment she looked up to her former mentor, “But, what happened to that other mare? The one who blasted me?”

“After the fight, Twilight said she had left the Corner and ran off somewhere,” the white alicorn walked around to sit next to Sunset. “My guards are looking for her right now. Now, tell me something before Twilight gets back... why didn’t you come home?”

Sunset let out a small sigh before looking out the window, “I didn’t deserve to.”

Will laid against a tree, looking at her hooves in a mix of fear and wonder. The very idea that she could produce a bolt of lightning like a unicorn was both terrifying and exciting, “How could I do that? I’m not even on the weather patrol back home I-AHHHHH!”

“You have have been chosen to be the new guardians of the veil,” an old pony with a black mane said as she looked to the five mares at the table. “Irma, you have been gifted with the power over water. Taranee, you no longer need to fear fire for you can control it and to you Cornelia, you have power over Earth. As for my little Hay-Lin, you now control the might of air. All five of you will now have extraordinary abilities.”

“Wait,” a young pegasus said, “did you say five, grandma?”

The old pony turned to look at Will, “Yes, one will be there to bind the others in harmony.”

“W-who was that? Who-" she paused for a brief moment as she began to remember their faces. "My friends, Hay Lin, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia. But, who was that woman, what did she mean by guardains and bind them in harmony?"

“Mr. Huggles, come back!” A soft voice yelled, trying to call to small dormouse as it ran from the basket of a yellow pegasus.

Turning her head to the noise, Will watched as the dormouse ran up her foreleg, up her back, and onto the top of her head, “Mr. Huggles?”

“Oh, he’s so cute Matt,” Will said, holding the mouse and staring at him.

“His name is Mr. Huggles, I was hoping you could give him a good home.”

Will blinked a few times as the memory quickly faded, looking at the little mouse on her head, “Oh, hey there!”

“Oh, I am so sorry,” the butter colored pegasus said as she trotted up the hill, “Mr. Huggles normally doesn’t run away from me like this. He’s normally very calm and relaxed when I carry him here.”

“It’s ok,” Will said as the grey mouse slid down from her head and in between her forelegs where it curled up into a ball, asleep. “I think he likes me. The name’s Will, who are you?”

“F-Fluttershy,” she nervously said, looking down and away from the blue pegasus, “So, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you here alone by this tree?”

Will let out a sigh as she looked in the direction of Sugar Cube Corner, “ Earlier, I was with this mare named Twilight Sparkle at that little shop down there.

“Oh, were you down there when Sunset attacked?” Fluttershy asked.

“You heard?” Will asked, looking down and feeling bad about the fight.

“One of my friends, Rainbow Dash, told me about it,” Fluttershy said, a little smile on her face as she grabbed a basket of food, “I was just heading to the hospital to see if there was anything I could do to help. Why are you here?”

Will sighed, sorrowfully, “Because when that unicorn came in and attacked everypony, I... I somehow released this lighting bolt that struck her in the chest and this weird gem came out.” Will said, looking at her hooves in fear and then at the jewel around her neck, “I had to run away because I was afraid of what I was or if I would hurt anypony.”

Calmly, Fluttershy put a comforting hoof onto the shoulder of the blue pegasus, “Maybe you should’ve gone with Twilight to talk about this. She might be able to help you understand what happened to you.”

Will let out a small sigh, and then looked up at the yellow pegasus, “ Do you think she’ll really help a total stranger like me? We only just met.”

“I’d like to think so,” Fluttershy said, smiling softly as she sat with Will, “Twilight does like to help ponies who are in trouble, especially if they helped out one of her friends.”

Looking up at Fluttershy, and then back down to the little dormouse in her hooves, she smiled gently and looked back up at Fluttershy, “Alright, let’s do it.”

“What did you mean, ‘you didn’t deserve to?” Asked Twilight Sparkle as she walked into the room, just hearing the last bit of conversation, “I thought that the elements fixed you?”

Sunset let out a growl as she slammed her hoof against the bed, “You have no idea what they did to me. The elements are a balancing force when you think about it. When used, they balance out the bad with the good. A princess who demands eternal night is sent to a place with eternal sun and the light of the stars, the chaos god is put into perpetual stillness while unable to change a thing, and then a girl who wants total dominance and power is put into a body where she couldn’t do a thing with that power.” Tears flowing quickly from her eyes, she put her hooves to her eyes and began to cry.

“You didn’t have any control?” Twilight asked.

“NO! I didn’t,” Sunset sniffed, “you only saw a monster using my body to take control of those people. You saw a monster use all that power against you, while me? I was forced to sit on the sidelines in my own body!” Looking down at her hooves, she shook her head as if to remove the memory, “But, that wasn’t the worst of it. Try and imagine what it was like, wanting to be able to do something with the power that you had been given. That all you wanted to do was prove that you were worthy of being a princess by being able to take over something, even as small as a school. Then, imagine that you lose that control, that you could only watch as a demon version of you begins to pervert your desires. Can you imagine what it was like, no longer being in control? I was so disgusted with myself, I didn't want to come back.”

“So why did you come back?” Asked Twilight, sitting next to the yellow unicorn.

Sunset let out a soft sigh and looked out the window, “About a few months after you had left, I ha begun to try and redeem myself. I tried doing good around the school, and helping out our friends. Heck, I had even begun to look myself in the mirror again without wanting to break it. Then, one day while I was walking outside of school, he teleported right behind me.”

“Wait, magic doesn’t exist in that world!” Twilight objected.

Sunset furrowed her brow at Twilight, “I thought you were the most powerful unicorn on the planet. I thought you would’ve figured out that the only reason why you couldn’t use magic there was because you lacked the tools!” To empathise the point, Sunset flicked her hoof against Twilight’s horn.

“OW!” Twilight winced, rubbing her horn.

“Much like how you can’t farm without the proper tools, you can’t use magic without a place to focus,” Celestia said, beaming with pride at her former student.

“Correct, they use magic through their fingertips. It’s how I kept an eye on this world after all,” Sunset said, before continuing her story. “The man somehow knew everything about me: being an unicorn, my fight with Twilight, how I had all that power, what happened to the element, and everything else. He offered me a chance to have all that power back and to take revenge on you. He even tried to empathise with me, sweet talk me into being his weapon. Of course, I said no. I didn’t want to go back to being a cruel monster again, that was when he showed his trump card, your human friends.”

“What?!” Twilight yelled.

“He had them in a magical grip, with magical energy around their necks. He told me that if I refused, he would kill them one by one,” Sunset again teared up, “By this point, I had become so close with all five of them. I became their best friend and they mine and what’s more, I was worried for you.”

“Me?” Twilight asked.

“I had read somewhere that, according to multiversal theory, that killing an alternate counterpart might have an effect on the other selves. Some say the life force will transfer to the others and some say that the death might kill another version. I didn’t want to risk it, so I gave in. He branded me with his mark and sent me here with the intent to kill you.”

Celestia put a calming hoof onto Sunset’s shoulder, “Do you remember what the mark looked like?”

“No, I don’t” Sunset said, shaking her head sadly.

“I remember what it looked like, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, bringing out some paper and a pen. Quickly, she began to write down the weird V placed in a circle. “ It was shaped like this.”

Celestia’s eyes opened wide in shock as she looked at the symbol, “Twilight, this is...”

“Is what, Celestia?” Asked Twilight, concern and curiosity in her voice.

Celestia calmly shook her head as she put the paper under her wing, “It’s nothing, Twilight. Now-”

“Uh, excuse me?” interrupted Will as she opened the door, “the guards said you wanted to see me, your highness?”

Will then stopped and gasped as another memory came to her head.

“Wow! A queen now, guess we’ll have to start bowing to you every time we meet,” Cornelia said, chuckling as they walked behind a young yellow mare with long blonde hair.

“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” the mare said, smiling, “if anything, we should be bowing to all five of you for all that you did for Meridian.”

Will smiled as she bowed to her friend, “Yeah, but we still want to respect you, as a ruler.”

“Even if we did all the work,” muttered Irma under her breath.

Almost immediately upon seeing the princess, Will respectfully bowed, “Thank you Will. But there is no need to be so...”Celestia stopped herself as she looked at the jewel around Will’s neck, “Oh my goodness. Will, may I ask if I can take the jewel with me back to Canterlot? I wish to examine it a little more closely.”

Will looked down at her necklace, its soft pink glow almost seeming to tell her that it was alright, “Uh, sure.”

Lighting up her horn, Celestia took the necklace away from the red head and put it behind her wing, “Thank you, Will. Now, as for you Sunset.”

“I am ready for whatever punishment you have, Princess,” Sunset said, defeatedly.

“It seems that you are stuck here until we can find a way to open a new portal and, since your crime fell into Twilight’s realm, I leave it to her to decide your ultimate fate.”

At this, Twilight became a little flustered, “M-Me?” Regaining her composure, she turned to Sunset, “Well, seeing that you did attack me and might use your skills to attack again, I have no choice but to put you under house arrest for the time being. Will, you are welcome to stay with her. I will go to my friends and tell them of the news as well.” With that, Twilight walked out the door and to Pinkie’s room.

As Will watched the alicorn leave the room, she turned to the yellow unicorn, “So, you’re stuck too, huh?”

“Not exactly,” Sunset said, looking out the window at the setting sun, “I actually come from here, but I have been in another world for so long that this one... just feels alien to me now.” Chuckling, she looked at the young guardian, “You seem rather calm to be around a pony who just tried to kill you and a friend of yours.”

Will smiled as a memory came to her

A man with wavy black hair looked at Will, “Hey Will? Thanks for, you know, not being too mad about the whole, ‘trying to kill you thing;’

Will chuckled as she thought of her boyfriend, “What can I say, I have a thing for forgiving people... even if they are bad.”

Sunset chuckled as she looked at Will, “Thanks.”

Within the majestic halls of Canterlot Castle, Celestia sat in her private chambers and held the mystical gem before her in her magic, “Amazing, to think that the heart of Kandrakar would wind up here in Equestria, and on that pony of all things.”

“SISTER? We must talk about a certain Phoenix of yours and how he is treating my little,” a dark blue alicorn said as she walked into the room, only to be silenced by the sight of the glowing pink gem in front of her sister. “By our father and mother! Is that...?”

“Yes, Luna. It is,” Celestia said with a smile.

“Oh my goodness. They have picked new guardians already? Who are they? Where are they? Is it one of Twilight’s friends? Oh won’t they be excited to know of the destiny that they have before them,” Luna squeed excitedly, prancing about.

Celestia held up a white hoof to calm her sister down, “I am afraid that the chosen guardian is not one of Twilight’s friends, nor is it anybody that we know. Apparently, the heart has already chosen its new wielder, and the four other guardians have already been chosen.”

Luna looked a little disappointed as she sat next to her sister and began to grumble to herself, “At the very least, those idiots back in Kandrakar could tell us when they have chosen the new guardians of the veil. So, why did you take it from the owner, sister?”

“Merely to examine the adventures that this guardian may have had, and why has she come to our world without the other four. And where are the other guardians?” Celestia said, using her magic to peer inside the gem.

“You expect foul play, Celestia?” Luna asked, looking at her sister, “Has that happened before?”

The white alicorn shot her eyes up in remembrance, thinking back to a long time ago, “N-No, never. But it is odd that one guardian has arrived here, and the other four are not present. Almost as if someone wants to keep her away from the others. What is more, is this.”

Luna watched as the small parchment floated over to her, taking a long look at the sip of paper with the image of a V inscribed on a circle, “Tia... this is.”

“I know, the mark of the dark dragon, his mark,” Celestia said, looking back at the gem.

“But he is dead, sister! You and I have both been to his final battle ground and you and I both know that there is no coming back from that battle,” Luna said, sitting next to her sister.

“I know, and that is what terrifies me,” Celestia said, looking solemnly at the glowing gem before her.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Zoltanthemagificent for the edits.

And lets have a huge round of applause for my guard OC-Swift Arrow! Or, Scootaloo's dad in this and a few other fics.

Also, yes...there is more to this crossover than what it seems.