• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 11,527 Views, 47 Comments

Hazing - Sir Hat

After some prodding from Luna, Celestia decides to join the trend and spend a night with a human guard.

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Comments ( 26 )

So I take it they're not going to be an item?

4138659 doesnt seem like it technically she didnt want it to happen but she never stopped it either so its not rape

You bastard. I've only known you for a short time and you've already hit popular and featured a number of times. Impressive...

Eh- How I view it: Pity sex taken farther than she expected.

That's not how rape works. She very clearly said "no," meaning that Celestia was most definitely raping her.

4138767 Again, not gonna get into a whole debate about if it's rape or not. I'll leave that for the scholars to decide. But I view it as reluctant pity sex.


It didn't matter that she didn't say no. It didn't matter that she ended up liking it. It didn't matter that she didn't try to stop it, she was bound and gagged before she knew what was happening. What matters is that she did not give consent, and Celestia carried on anyway. In this scenario, Celestia is a rapist, and continued behavior like this will more likely than not leave a trail of traumatized people in her wake.


Back me up here.

I agree with you entirely, it is most definitely rape.

What does that mean?

4138824 i thank you for explaining that to me i guess i had misinterpreted the plot behind the story i thought this was just a fun little write that didnt have a moral and so for that i am sorry, rape is bad and not okay


Unless you're being sarcastic, no, this story doesn't have a moral. Rape stories are fine to write and enjoy, they just need to be marked as such. :ajbemused:


At least put Dubcon next to Light Bondage in the description.

It means I didn't write it as rape. I wrote it as pity sex, followed by a sudden roping. Everything up until the rope was implied okay but I can see the rope being an issue.

And what I meant is, it's not my prerogative to start a shit storm about "What is technically rape or not" That's really not why I'm here.

I'm gonna be reasonable here and respond to that with a

If you drugged some random girl off the street, she wouldn't put up any fight at all either, her body would even respond to sexual stimulus even when she's unconscious, but that is obviously STILL RAPE!

Consider this a warning, not a threat.

Don't argue about this shit here. I've seen it before and it exploded into a shit storm. You can argue all you want but I won't have y'all debating in the comments section. I'm not against the discussion, I'm against having it here.

Don't shit where you eat is the easiest way to think about it.

Sorry? It's been done so I can't do much now.

My opinion: It's a fanfic. The people here are more butthurt than even Acco.

Truly Verily:eeyup:

*laughs* Dude! I love this story... You could say Tia lost control, and that is hilarious!
Anyways, no one got seriously hurt... I would love to read a social interaction based sequel on this one... you get what I mean... do you? :trollestia:

4140422 Her Majesty Is a sunbro?...Now I've seen everything

There are also versions of her as Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight, but they were not safe for Wuna.

This is glorious!

4144658 I wish I had this to post on my last fan fic. some people just take things to seriously.

4140435 dude who cares it made for an interesting story now didn't it I for one enjoyed it but my taste in lit. is different I'll agree with that its the whole "I'm going to bring my morals stand aganced a work of fiction that is meant to entertain" that doesn't sit well. Hat keep it up you are one of my favorite authors on this site. VIVA LA VI SIR HAT!


dude who cares

People who have been raped care. People who are rapists care. People who care about either of those two groups care.

5598677 not really. Trust me they probly have better things to do then try and advocate for themselves on a fan fiction site. plus what part of fictional can you not understand, I mean you chose to read it like every body else but instead of just not reading it again you chose to shove yourself into the proverbial backwards thinking box. Do I think rape is OK? No. But do I think airing those views on a fictional story with fictional characters is kinda nonsensical so let's agree to disagree.

5599155 If you want to change peoples views on something, you go to where the people with those views are, that's just simple logic. Thus, since I desire to change the views of people who view rape as entertainment,(fictional or not you idiot) I am here, and many other places.

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