> Hazing > by Sir Hat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia sat around her throne room as the guard changed shifts. The new graduates taking their places, all in the new uniforms. Human and pony alike were encased in a tight fitting modern outfit in stunning gold and white. Celestia was pleased with the crisp movements and elegant look of her new guards. She sat back and settled in as the guards took their positions. She watched a particularly well endowed guard take position at her right side. Celestia found herself a bit bashful as she realized she was staring at one of her guards butts. Her mind shot back to what Luna had said about her experiences with a human, blushing a little as she remembered how detailed Luna had been. She realized once again that she had returned her gaze to her servants rear. She took a deep breath and stared down the hall as her usual griping subjects walked towards her. She tried her best not to look back to her guard as her subject approached. Before too long the subject was in front of her, complaining loudly about foals in their garden. Celestia nodded lazily, only half listening as she tried to sneak glances at her guard. "Thank you Princess." the disgruntled pony bowed softly before trotting off. "Huh?" Celestia swung her head back to where the pony had stood and took a moment to collect herself. "What did they want?" The guard at her left turned around with a bit of a cynical gaze. "You said you'd sort out the kids messing with his garden." he turned around fully and relaxed his posture. "Are you feeling alright ma'am?" Celestia turned back to the right guard and stared at them, overtly looking them up and down as she felt herself grow uneased. "I'm...not feeling well. Can you hold the other court appointments?" The guard popped an eyebrow as he looked to the right guard. "Uh huh...I'll go...make sure you're left alone." he gave a final knowing nod before starting off towards the door, waving away an angry looking man with a ball. Celestia thanked the fates as she took a deep breath and stood up. She wasn't exactly great with the younger generations, let alone humans. Her usual yearly moment with a partner was planned far in advanced and usually rather disappointing. But these human's presented new opportunities, and with a bit of Luna's coaching she thought she might be able to do it. She stepped off her throne and trotted silently to her right guards behind. She felt her heart jump as her guard shifted, flexing their buttocks as Celestia grew hot. Celestia let out a nervous shudder as she stifled a moan. She stared up at the ceiling and took a few steps forward. Celestia shifted her gaze to the floor and stopped when she spotted her guard's heels. She looked up, taking a long look at the guard's rear before staring at the back of their head. "Guard, keep at attention!" Celestia demanded as she stomped her hoof. The guard snapped to attention, heels clicking together as they stood tall. Celestia steadied herself and, with a tremble in her voice, drew a long breath across the guards head. A sweet smell filled Celestia's nose as she tried not to groan like a petty mare in heat. She pressed her neck against the guard's back and nuzzled their neck. "I have a question...do you think I'd make a good mare friend?" The guard took a hard swallow and finally spoke up. "Ma'am...I'm not a--" the guard stopped talking as Celestia nipped their ear. "Ma'am, I'm a women." she spun around and removed her hat. Celestia froze as she found herself face to face with a chestnut brown beauty. Her mind went blank as she realized she was hitting on a member of the same sex the whole time. Her experiences with Luna and a few drunken nights long ago had colored her opinion of lesbianism a shady gray. In a flash her mouth wrote a check her mind was unable to process. "I asked a question. I'd appreciate and answer." The guard grew flustered as she was faced with a horrid question, the answer to which might impact her job. "Ma'am, I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer that." "You could be." Celestia cooed as she walked past the guard and wrapped her tail around the guard's body. "I think you'd make a good mare friend." The guard grew a bit annoyed at being harassed and turned away. "I'm going to have to ask you to stop before I am forced to file a complaint." Celestia jumped back with an offended gasp. "File a complaint!? I just...I wanted to--" "Guardswomen Acco, you are relieved, report to the barrack immediately." The left guard boomed as he walked back and handed Acco a slip of paper. A series of salutes later and Celestia found herself staring at Acco's ass as she walked away. "Get some...." The left guard mumbled as he leaned against the princess' rigid neck. "How bad do you want that?" Celestia craned her neck forward as Acco left her view. "I...mare friend...." The left guard cracked a wide, devious smile. "Fifty bit bonus and a half bit raise." Celestia snapped back to reality. "I'm sorry!?" The left guard walked in front of the flustered royal and pinched her cheek. "You want that girl don't you. You were practically slobbering over her. So...fifty bits and a half bit raise and I'll make it happen." Celestia narrowed her eyes and leaned head to head with the upstart guard. "Are you blackmailing me?" The left guard stepped back. "No, I'm offering my amazing services to convince her and deliver a hot piece of ass to your bedroom. All for just fifty bits." Celestia glared at the guardsman. "I could turn you in for attempted extortion you know." The left guard cracked an even more hard smile. "Tell me you don't want a night with her." Celestia froze in her angered stance. The two stood off before Celestia levitated a notepad off her throne. "Sixty bits and no raise. And it has to be consensual!" "Consent won't be a problem...seventy five." "Seventy." Celestia said with a deep sense of authority in her voice. "Seventy five and I'll have her fresh out of the spa." Celestia wrote down the number and held it for the guard. "Eighty, spa, and a length of hemp rope." The left guard popped upright. "Kinky. Deal." he took the note and stuck it in his hat. "Sunday night meet me in the grand hall." Celestia nodded nervously. "What's your name?" The guard let out a rough cough. "I think you know me...." Celestia's eyes shot wide as she realized who the left guard was. "Hat are you supposed to be here?! Should you be--" "Shhh, let me worry about everything, you go get ready with all your little toys and stuff." The left guard wandered off, leaving Celestia to attend to herself for the rest of the day. She decided to end the day early and let the night have a few extra hours. ~Three Days Later~ Celestia paced nervously in the grand hall. A loud clicking catching her attention as she spotted Hat. The two met each other and made the final exchange. "There's your rope, Acco's in your room waiting for you." Celestia nervously placed the rope around her horn and took a deep breath. "Hat...does this make me a pervert?" Hat looked up and down at the rope. "Naw...I mean...yeah, but who gives a crap, you're a princess you can have what you want." Celestia gave an unconvinced look at hat. "That doesn't really help." Hat hung his arm over Celestia's head. "Look, it's all set up and at this point you're gonna disappoint a lovely brown haired girl if you wait any longer. Now go, and get the fuck in there. Get. In. There." Celestia shook free of Hat and started walking away. She felt incredibly nervous as she started off towards her own bedroom. A feeling she hadn't relived since her first time. Each step seemed to echo through the halls as she climbed the stairs of her spire. Stopping only as she reached her door. She collected herself and stepped inside. Acco stood in the center of the room, clad in a pair of lacy panties. She took a deep breath and walked over to the royal. "Well...I'm here." Celestia found herself completely lost as she stared at her potential partner's smooth skin. "Yes...yes you are." Celestia felt her mouth water as Acco shifted, stretching her already tight body even further. "I brought...rope...." Acco took a step back. "Why!? I agreed to one night, not some...whatever this is." Celestia looked at the rope around her neck. "It's for fun. Please, most loyal subject?" Celestia asked with as personable a grin as possible. Acco crossed her arms and struck an annoyed pose. "Look I said I'd give it a shot, see if it would work out. But this is weird enough already without the rope." Celestia shook her head and walked to meet her. "What is so strange about this?" Acco looked up at the tall royal. "Well...for starters you're about the size of a real horse. You're a lot older than me. Oh, and you brought rope to a date." Celestia levitated the rope off her neck and tossed it aside. "I'm not that--" she stood next to her mate, finding herself a full foot taller than her. "...I have this problem every time I try this. But I'm not that old!" Acco cleared her throat. "I'm twenty six...I have to worry about getting to work on time every day. What do you have to do?" "I...have to raise the sun...." "And how old are you?" Celestia lowered her head. "I don't want to talk about it." Acco uncrossed her arms and looked towards the door. "Should I just go?" Celestia let out a deep sigh. "Just go...." she flung the doors open with her magic and sauntered sadly to her bed. "This never happened...nothing ever happens." Celestia laid her chin down across a large cushion as Acco stood in the doorway. She watched the royal bury her face under a trio of covers and sulk. Acco grew nervous as she watched the mare roll onto her side and stop moving. "Are you gonna be alright?" she asked as she walked over to the dour princess. "Princess?" "Just go, you don't want to be here and I don't want to make you." Celestia groaned under the covers. "Just go." Acco let out a long huff. "Really? You're really doing this?" She quickly sat next to the royal and rubbed her back. "Guild tripping me is kinda lame you know." Celestia pulled herself out of the covers. "I'm not guilting anypon- one...anyone. I'm not going to force you to stay, I never intended to make you feel uncomfortable." Acco rubbed her neck as she scooted closer to Celestia. "Well you sniffed me out of no where...so that was kinda weird." Celestia grew bashful as Acco continued to list her awkward advances. "It's not like I'm trying to act like that! I thought you were a colt for nearly an hour!" Acco let her worried face transform into an angered one. "Really, do I look manly?" Celestia swung her head, eventually letting it fall against Acco's. "I don't handle the guard, but Shining only ever hired stallions. What do you want me to expect?" Acco roll her eyes and leaned against Celestia's neck, evening out the push. "So you thought I was a man. Then why didn't you back off when you found out? You into girls?" Celestia let out a soft laugh. "I was in too deep." Celestia shifted slightly against her guard, staring down her bra as she grew more bold. "So...you're still here." Acco let out a soft sigh as Celestia nipped at her collarbone. "Against my better judgement...stop it...." Acco eeked out, nearly moaning as Celestia gave her neck a soft kiss followed by a nip. Celestia quickly took hold of her chance and licked Acco's neck from her collar to her jaw. Acco let out a rattly moan as Celestia finished her oral assault with a hardy press into the crook of Acco's neck. "You taste nice." Celestia cooed as Acco practically melted against her newly assertive mate. Celestia drew a long breath across Acco's hair. "You smell nice too." Acco quickly found herself out maneuvered as she was nuzzled into submission. Celestia stood over Acco's limp body as she continued to lick and tease, eventually ending in a soft kiss that quickly turned into a rather one sided french kiss. Celestia forced her tongue into Acco's mouth, occupying her mind and giving Celestia ample time to undress the chestnut haired girl. Acco felt hazy as Celestia's large, flat tongue roamed her mouth and abused her own weaker tongue. Celestia had all but claimed Acco as the kiss broke, leaving Acco winded and a bit dazed. "I don- taste...." Acco wiped her lips, clearing them off of excess spit. Celestia stepped back, letting her kiss down Acco's body until planting a final on her bellybutton and stepping off. Celestia mused on the smooth texture of her human mate. The usual coat of her subjects grew tiresome after so long and the soft skinned girl in front of her was a welcome change. In one swift movement Acco was flipped over and found her ankles and knees bound together. Celestia's magic turning the one rope into three and gently binding the dazed girl. Ass held high in the air Celestia tied Acco's hands together behind her thighs, trapping her in place and framing her backside beautifully. "Ma'am!?" Acco called out nervously as she realized how fast she had gone from independent to bound. Celestia ignored her guard's calls and simply admired the round beauty in front of her. Unlike the usual plot she was used to she found her mates muscular buttock and slightly exposed holes to be highly appealing. Celestia felt a deep hunger grow inside her as sat and stared at her mate's backside, inching closer and closer before finally latching on to her mate's ass and giving it a decent bite. "Jesus, calm down!" Acco yelped as Celestia's teeth dug ever so slightly into her ass. Celestia shook her head left and right, pulling Acco's flesh along with it. After a bit more abuse and a soft kiss Celestia drew back. A bright red circle the only reminder of the mouthful of squishy butt. Celestia took a few steps back and admired her squirming mate, feet kicking slightly as she pulled at her binds. Celestia smiled wryly as she traced the tip of her hoof across the sole of Acco's foot, making her squeal and giggle as Celestia drew an intricate pattern on her foot. "So tell me, do you think I'd make a good mare friend?" Celestia asked. Acco was completely unable to answer, babbling incoherently and doing her best not to laugh uncontrollably. "Ma'am please- please- sto-o-op!" Celestia continued to drag her hoof along the soft underside of Acco's foot. "Hmm? I'm sorry I didn't quite understand you." As Acco's face grew red and her mouth was held perpetually open Celestia pulled a bite gag from one of her closets. While her sexual encounters were few and far between, it also meant that over the years she accumulated a number of toy, aids, and other sexual devices. She fit the gag around Acco's head, muffling her laughs and giving her something to fill her mouth. "Comfortable?" Celestia cooed as she returned to tickling her guard's feet. Acco's muffled voice cried out as Celestia's hoof left her, replaced by a royal tongue dragging across her foot. Celestia ignored the musky taste and focused on the flexing flex and moved to her toes. Sucking on Acco's pinkie toe and making her let out a husky giggle into her gag. Celestia released her partner's toe and proceeded to trail a line of kisses from her calf to her thigh, stopping as she planted her muzzle between Acco's cheeks and took a deep breath, inhaling her partner's natural scent and flicking her tongue against her sex. Acco's eyes shot open as she felt the tip of Celestia's tongue split her lips and tickle her flower. She let out a pleased moan as the gag continued to stifle her cries. Celestia finished with her partner's sex, lapping up the slightest hint of liquid as she pulled back. "Truly a unique flavor." She noted with a laugh as she walked off to prepare a proper surprise for her exotic bound mate. Acco was left frazzled as Celestia went to work fitting on something she used when she wanted to be the giving party. "So smooth, squishy truly Luna was right about you humans." Celestia stifled a hoarse cry as she slid the leather harness on and inserted her half into her needy sex. A few steps later and she found herself standing over her presenting partner with a large faux stallion strapon dangling from her hips. Acco tried to look behind her but was immediately held in place by Celestia's magic. "Oh trust me, my loyal guard you will enjoy this." Acco's questions were swiftly answered as a warm slippery tongue pressed into her flower, trailing up and lapping over her button. Celestia gave a few glancing licks at Acco's backside before pressing her tongue against her musky hole and drove forward. Her extremely powerful tongue found a warm home deep in her backside as Acco clenched and flexed around the slippery royal tongue. She squirmed and pulled at her binding, lifting her feet and trying to rid herself of the incessantly exploring mare penetrating her rear with an extremely dextrous, extremely powerful, extremely large tongue. Celestia however was enjoying the flexing muscle she was planted in, letting the bound women's muscles squeeze and massage her tongue with Acco's hot insides. Celestia withdrew her tongue, leaving with a trail of saliva trailing from her now slickened backside. She added a final kiss into Acco's cheek before rearing up and hooking her forelegs around her partner's hips. Celestia magically flipped a switch on her strapon and was greeted with a buzzing in her groin. She held back a groan as the buzzing excited her sex and made her clit wink and rub itself against the latex harness, fueling her arousal further as she shakily lined her false member up with Acco's hole. "Let me make you mine." Celestia cooed as she pressed the fake stallion cock against Acco, holding back just enough to keep from entering her. "My little human, let me make you mine." Acco let out a howl as she bit into the gag, trying to keep from screaming as the solid rubber dildo was slowly slipped into her ass. She kicked her feet and gripped her thighs as she adjusted to the massive member in her tender rear. Celestia let out a soft moan as she rooted the strapon into her partner's ass and forced Celestia's end further inside her. She drew back slowly, holding on to her mate's thighs as she tried to keep composed. As detached as the strapon was, the nub on Celestia's end was just enough to fuel her. Celestia thrust the solid rubbed meat in and out of Acco's insides. Each buck and pull jostling her sex and causing the vibrating nub to spur her into the next thrust. Acco closed her eyes and pressed her forehead into the soft pillow Celestia had given her and tried to focus on the full feeling as Celestia rammed the fat hog deep inside her. Each inch and imperfection, each rib and fake vein ran across her hole and sent her body into a frenzy of confused signals and amazing warmth. Celestia leaned forward, resting more of her body against Acco's back, dominating her and using Acco's body as she pleased. Acco felt amazing as she realized her place, letting her stallion claim her backside and fill her with it's massive length. As Acco accepted it she started leaning forward as Celestia drew back, and slammed back as Celestia's hips met her own, forcing the flexible beast ravage her ass. She was reduced to ragged moans and cries as she imagined what this must look like. A bright white horse driving a black beast in and out of her newly punctured ass. She felt content being used for Celestia's pleasure, she gave up any and all resistance and enjoyed the full, warm feeling Celestia was bestowing upon her. Acco's mind was swimming as he pussy leaked like a faucet, dripping off her sex and staining the white sheets below. She was on fire as she rode from one gentle orgasm to another, letting the pain turn to pleasure as her ass conformed around her mate. Celestia was working on a different, slower building orgasm. She let the pressure build, pausing and letting the buzzing nub bring her closer and closer as she grinded her hips against her mare's. "Oh...oh dear subject." Celestia groaned out shakily as she held their hips together and wiggled the hard shaft inside Acco. "It's comeing-" Celestia drew back and started driving in and out as fast as she could. "Dear God it's coming!" Celestia gritted her teeth as her thrusts grew harder. Acco was reduced to one continuous moan, broken up as each thrust hit their deepest point and drew back. Her ass struggling to comprehend the sudden emptiness followed by sudden fullness. Celestia hit her final mark, jamming her hips forward and picking her mate's ass off the bed and holding her in the air as the sun goddess let go of nearly a years worth of stress all at once. Her sex exploded in juices as she let out an incredibly loud moan, her magic going haywire and working to find a way out of her body, quickly moving the electric sensation from her sex through her stomach and out her horn. Meanwhile Hat and Octavia walked calmly from the local pub. "Hat...are you drunk?" Hat shook his head. "No... I don't think so." Octavia nodded happily, stopping in the road and falling to her rump. "Well I am. Carries?" she held her hooves out and made a hugging gesture. Hat let out a tired sigh and scooped up the tipsy mare. "Thank you Hat. I love you." Hat rubbed the mare's back as he walked her towards her apartment. "I know Octavia...I know. It's okay." Octavia tightened her body around his arm. "Don't tell me it's okay! It's not okay.... Hat...I'm sad...." Hat rubbed his friends back lightly. "I know Octavia...it's okay...just let it out- Holy shit!" A flash of lightning lit up the night, quickly sundering an ear shattering boom and sending lumber framing and roofing high into the air from Celestia's tower. "Sweet shit!" Hat ran under an shop overhand and watched as the sudden flash turned into an impromptu lightning storm. "What happened!? Is the world ending!?" Octavia screamed as she clamped onto Hat like a vise. "Hat, Hat, Hat!?" Octavia called out the rain downpour grew insanely loud. Hat pried the mare off his arm and set her down. "When the rain stops head home and lock the door. Don't open it until I get back okay!?" "What!?" Octavia screamed as Hat ran towards the castle. "Don't fucking leave me here!" Hat ignored her and ran to check on the tower. Meanwhile Celestia released her partners backside as her horn sparked and legs buckled. The sudden rain dousing her and Acco, cooling off both of them and relaxing the natural tension in the room. Celestia was left panting as she stared at Acco's bright red ass, watching the cold water roll over her taut skin. Celestia took a deep breath as she slowly regained the feeling in her groin. "Celestia!?" Hat's voice boomed as the door flung open. "Sweet shit women, what happened!?" Hat stared up at the gaping hole in her roof. "What the hell?!" Celestia turned to Hat with a tired smile. "Thank you Hat...thank you for this." she suddenly flopped onto her side as the rain continued to soak the spent duo. Hat took a deep breath as he looked at the stunning scene before him. "Holy shit princess...get some.... Get. Some." > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hat and Acco sat atop Celestia's tower. The damage done to the tower needed to be fixed immediately and they were off duty for several reasons. Acco continually shifted as the duo went to work repairing the roof. Hat continued to chuckle as another load of shingles was brought up. "Thanks Night Shade, good girl." The day bound bat mare bringing the supplies bowed and flew off to find more supplies. Hat moved next to Acco and gave her rear a quick pat. "Hows the ass?" Acco let out a shrill squeal and tightened her body as the soreness was aggravated by the leather harness pulled tight against her. "Mother fucker!" she kicked at Hat, only managing to make the soreness worse, she grabbed on to the newest beam and steadied herself. "I hate you. You said one night, one easy night. You never said shit about any rope!" Hat let out a airy laugh and moved away from the sore guardswomen. "Well if I had mentioned the rope you would have said no! And you stayed dumb ass! I could have...well, I probably could have found her someone else. But let's fucking face it, you're hot!" Hat went to task pounding a few nails in. "And I told you I'd take care of this, you should be sitting on a doughnut in your living room, not in a harness at the top of the freaking castle!" Acco found her hammer and wrapped its safety strap around her wrist. "I can work! I just...it's fine!" Acco promptly tried to hammer a nail in and aggravated her bum even further, dropping the hammer and clutching her rear. "Why!? You said she would be gentle, you said it would be one night, that's it!" Acco hugged the roof as she tried to calm down. "Hat...I was lied to." Hat shimmied back over to Acco. "Alright maybe a lie of omission, but I didn't know she was gonna do anal! I had no fucking idea. Now I'm gonna get you off this tower, buy you some frozen peas, and let come what may." Hat grabbed the pulley and started lowering himself and the bruised bum towards the balcony. Hat stepped down and carried the penetrated guard in his arms. "Gonna go and get some ice cream first okay?" Acco curled up in Hat's grip. "Walk slower...the bouncing hurts." Hat stared down the stairwells as Acco tried to relax. "Well...you're gonna hate this then." "Ow- ow- ow- ow-" Acco moaned loudly as each step jostled her uniform and made her panties ride up against her sore backside. "Was it worth it? I mean...Celestia seemed really happy, you seemed...uh...tired." Acco let her head fall back against Hat's forearm. "Just, stop talking. It happened, I wouldn't do it again...but it was...interesting. Ow-...." "Interesting...define interesting." "Hat...shut up before you find yourself under a stallion." "Ha-ha...that's not funny." Hat grumbled as he carried the feisty girl down the stairs and towards future treats. "Well...it is our job to serve the princesses...and...you di--" "They won't- ow- find your body." Acco groaned as she tried to ignore the burning sensation in her rear.