• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 1,367 Views, 75 Comments

Vamponies - wolf smith

I'm turned into a vampony by a friend, how will my life change

  • ...

Luna's son?

Author's Note:

Yea..changed my mind on some stuff, but it isn't all bad

The next morning I woke up and walked downstairs. There was a note, left by my mother.

"Dear Shadow, we will be gone all day, please be safe."

“Great, I have the whole day to myself after school.” I said aloud. I got ready and walked out to find Lightning waiting for me.

“Oh hello, Lightning.” I said smiling.

He was half asleep and woke with a jerk. “Ah! Oh you... hello.”

We began to walk and talk about different things, mostly school.

“Have you seen that pink mare?” He asked as he lifted off the ground a bit.

“Pinkie Pie?” That was the only pink mare I could think of.

“No, not her. The new student.” He said smiling.

I was confused as hell. “New student?”

“Yea, she looks hot.” He said, showing his fangs.

I shook my head as we saw the school. Lightning went his own way as I walked up to my teachers. Discord, Twilight, and some other pony. He was bluish. As I got closer I could make out what they were talking about.

“He’s a very good student, I am 100% sure you won’t have any problems, Night.” Discord said.

“Night?” I said out loud. They all turned, that was no normal pony.

“Ah, there’s my little student.” Discord said with a smile on his face.

“Uh hi, D-discord.” I said, starting to shiver. “W-who’s the unicorn?”

The unicorn started to chuckle. He had a tall horn and some type of a weird cutie mark.

“Why hello, Shadow.” The unicorn said. He held out a hoof for me to shake. “Name’s Night Wolfe.”

I shook his hoof, still shivering a bit. I noticed he had fangs, but was he a vampony? He was maybe taller than Luna.

“I see you have real pointy fangs.” I commented.

“Oh these? Heh. I got them from my mother.” Night said. He looked over to Discord and then Twilight.

“W-who’s your mother?” My voice was really shaky.

“Nightmare Moon, who is now Luna.” Discord spoke up.

I held my head. How could this happen? There’s no way. The ringing of the bell entered my head, snapping me back to the unicorn, spirit, and alicorn.

“Shouldn’t you be in the castle or something?” I asked Night, who chuckled a bit.

“I would if Celestia didn’t hate me.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Ok, so why are you here?” I looked over to Twilight, who was blushing. “Wait, you better, no.”

Night blushed a bit, but soon calmed down. “I’m the new magic teacher, I’ll be helping Twilight.”
Great, so one pony who has saved this land and now somepony who rules it, what more could I want! “Great. Anyways, glad to meet you.”

“Same to you.” He said, again smiling. “See you later.”

“Right.” I trotted off to history, where Discord was waiting for me.

“So, what do you think of Night?” He asked with more ponies coming in. I looked over and saw the new pony, her pink fur, pink eyes, and torn wings.

“Welcome class, today we have a new student.” Discord waved to the young mare. “ Come on now, it’s ok.”

She stayed still, looking away. Poor thing.

“Well anyways today....” I zoned out for most of the class. Nothing happened, really. I was just thinking about that unicorn. Something about him, just rubbed me the wrong way.

Anyways the rest of the day I kept bumping into that mare and at lunch I was talking with Lightning when he gave me a slip of paper.

“What’s this?” I looked at it, some type of address.

“Come here tonight, and bring your fangs.” He laughed a bit and then lunch was over.

I walked to my magic class and sure enough there was that unicorn and Twilight. Twilight entered as soon as the bell rang, but no Night.

“Where’s Night?” I asked, with a bit of crimson in my eyes. I was a bit hungry, but was able to hold off.

She giggled a bit and pointed to an unspecified behind me. I turned around and saw a black mist. My eyes widened.

“W-what’s that?!”, I screamed.

“Magic.” The mist stated, it was Night’s voice. “Power of darkness and chaos.”

The mist reformed into Night’s body. “Ah, yes.”

I calmed down, I think my dead heart jumped. “So that’s magic?”

Night laughed a bit. “Why yes, Shadow.”

The rest of the class Night and Twilight taught me a few new spells like the one Night used. After school I bumped into that same mare again. I ran into her, causing her to scream in pain. I hit her in the side.

“Oh Luna! Sorry.” I got up and laid her down to look at her wing. My mother was a doctor, but she never showed me how to heal a wing.

“Fuck, need Lightning, no, I can do this.” I saw a bit of blood in her wing, fighting the need to drink it I was able to get a bandage and fix it.

“There, sorry.” She was crying in pain still.

I laid beside her, trying to get her calm. “Shh, everything will be fine. The name’s Shadow.”

She soon stopped. “N-name’s Pinky...t-thanks.”

She has a caring voice, very smooth and soft. Her warm pink fur was like silk, the tips of her wings were ripped and torn. An hour passed and soon she got up and started on her way. I told her good bye, and after she followed suit I was off for that house Lightning told me about. I walked for about an hour and soon arrived.

The house wasn’t very big and I could hear ponies in there. Lightning soon opened the door.

“Hello, Shadow. I see you made it. Anyways, welcome.” He said smiling as he walked aside so I could get a look at all the ponies in the room. All different types.

“Uh..” I was speechless.

“Come on now...so many to meet.” Lightning said showing me in. There was a bowl of, wait, blood.

“Is that blood?” I asked looking at it.

He nodded smiling. He grabbed a cup and a spoon and poured some in the cup. I was looking at it the whole time, my mouth watering at the thought of the blood running down my throat. He handed me the drink and I looked at it.

“Go ahead, it’s ok.” He said getting himself a glass of the crimson liquid.

I took a drink of it, my eyes turned red. Lightning started to laugh.

“Ok ponies, the meeting is almost ready!” A voice called to everypony in the main room.

“Well Shadow, it’s time for you to see what being a vampony is all about.” Me and him walked to the new room that opened up and took a seat.

There were many different ponies. Unicorn, Earth, and Pegasus. There was a stage, one light showed there was a stand. Everypony got quiet and they looked up to the stand. A cloaked pony walked up to the stand and spoke,.

“Welcome everypony,” he had a dark tone in his voice. “We have a new pony in here, please stand.”

Lightning looked over to me and I stood, shaking a little.

“Please, tell us your name.”

“Uh... Shadow.” My voice was shaky.

“Thank you. Sorry my mother couldn’t be here tonight, she was busy with other things.” The pony said. “Now that we welcomed Shadow, let’s eat up.”

Everypony in the room cheered and we went back to the main room. I took a seat after getting another drink. I could here everypony around me talk about different things, many had drinks. I lied back and waited around, taking small sips from my drink. Night soon walked over to me and smiled.

“I see you are enjoying the blood.” He said.

“Very much, so rich.” I laughed. “You know, there’s something about you that I keeping thinking is wrong.”

“And what might that be-” There was a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it.

“Night? Oh yes, it is you.” It was mare’s voice. I looked over, my jaw dropped.

Luna was standing there talking to Night, almost like a mother to her son, maybe he wasn’t kidding. She walked in, nopony bowed at the princess. Why was that?

“Hello, Luna.” One of the ponies said.

“So, was everything ok?” Night asked Luna.

“Yep, just paperwork,” She looked down. “All day.”

I got another drink and looked over, she was coming this way. I started to hide, before Night called me out.

“Hi, Shadow, come meet my mother.”

It hit me, Night was here and now Luna. Oh sweet Celestia, my teacher was a vampony!

“Hello, Shadow, was it?” Luna asked.

I turned around, looking up at the lunar mare, she was shorter than Night.

“Yes, nice to meet you.” I was shaking like crazy.

I saw Night laugh behind her, she smiled. Two fangs were there, not only was Night one, but now Luna!

She grabbed a drink. “So, heard you were new to all of this.”

“Yes, your highness.” She cocked her head.

“No need, here we are all the same.” She took a sip of the drink and smiled.

“How many are there?” I asked, though frankly, I didn’t want to know.

“Counting Everypony in this room, maybe 50.” She looked over to everypony in the room. “Young Night here told me that you helped a poor mare.”

Oh great, now I’m being followed by a vampony. “Yes, I ran into her and helped her.”

She smiled and looked at her moon. “I think it’s time to call this party over, right Night?”

He turned back and waved to another pony who started to tell everypony to head home.

“See you later, Shadow." Lightning called to me. I started out before getting stopped, again.

“See me, before class.” Night said, before he started out.

“Yes, sir.”

When I got home there were two, very angry parents.

“Where were you?!” My mother screamed at me.

“I thought we told you not to be out at night!” My father yelled, and I think I heard glass break.

“I have the right mind to take that computer away, being out in this dark night.” My mother grabbed a drink of water. “Where were you?”

I thought for a minute, not know what to say. “I was not with my magic teacher.”

“WHAT?! Out with Twilight!” She dropped her drink.

“No, my new one, Night Wolfe.”

“Just go upstairs and go to sleep.” I did what my father told me and fell asleep right as my head hit the pillow. Wait, I just thought of something. Wasn't Twilight an alicorn? Maybe she’s just hiding her wings, but I have to make sure to ask.