• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 991 Views, 4 Comments

Destiny - lunabrony

Celestia is having a very important day. A day that will shape the events of Equestria... and history itself.

  • ...

There Can Be Only One

Author's Note:

Yes I realize this is NOT necessarily entirely fitting with canon events. Personally, though, I like to think it went down something like this. Feel free to agree or disagree, there are no right or wrong answers. I'm only here to entertain.

The Summer Sun celebration had once again arrived, and festivities were in full swing all across Canterlot. Ponies of all colors and races joined together for fellowship and merriment, gathered here in this wondrous place to give their thanks and praises to the sun and season. Not too long ago had been the crowning highlight of the entire event, when the princess of the sun herself had raised the solar source of energy in front of the gathered crowds.

The entire spectacle had been an overwhelming success.

Princess Celestia stood framed in the glittering sunlight that shone through one of the many stained glass windows of Canterlot Castle. From such a high perspective, she could easily see the enormous crowds gathered down below. It seemed every parent in Equestria had brought their colt or filly to the castle this weekend, and for good reason. It wasn't every day that the princess herself was tasked with choosing a new favorite protege.

She had seen so much potential in so many children already, and there were still several days left in which applicants could show off what they could do. She'd seen fillies fly circles around the royal guards, and unicorns perform all sorts of spectacular magical displays. Every single one of them talented and proud and hoping to impress her.

And most of them did, that was the problem. So many of them deserved the favored spot, but only one could have it.

Celestia stared upward into the calm sky, lines of worry etched across her face. The moon was not visible at this time of day, but she knew it was there. And she talked to it, as she had countless times before.

"Oh, Luna. It's times like this when I could really use your help," she sighed. "The years that separate us have grown so many I've lost track of them. Though I am especially burdened on this day of all days for which I am celebrated. So many festivities to praise the sun, and so few, if any, to honor the moon. What am I to do?"

Her melancholy prayer was interrupted by a royal guard knocking at the door. She gave a last look up at the sky before turning to greet whomever it was that had interrupted her rare time to herself.

"Your Excellence?"

"I've told you, call me Celestia."

"Very well. Your Excellence Celestia, I..."

The princess rolled her eyes.

"...came to see how you were faring. The line of applicants is quite extensive, and we're once again ready for you. Do you think we will begin soon?"

"Of course," she said. "Do you think we're doing the right thing?"

The guard looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Celestia spread a hoof across the crowd below. "Choosing like this. A new student. Especially after... what happened with the last one."

"That wasn't your fault, you know that. You did everything you could."

"I know." Celestia looked worried. "But I couldn't even protect my own sister, so many centuries ago. And then the ordeal with Sunset. There are so many things that I blame myself for, so many questions to ask. Could I have acted differently, or more quickly? Would an alternate route of action have changed how things turned out?"

"Luna wouldn't have wanted..." the guard began.

"You know nothing about what Luna wanted!" Celestia snapped, and quickly composed herself, wincing slightly at the startled look on the guards face. "I'm sorry. That subject is... sensitive."

"You did everything you could with Sunset," the guard said gently.

"And if she changes her mind I will gladly welcome her back. But there's nothing I can do for her right now."

"You never did say anything about what happened with that situation," the guard reminded her. "Only that she was taking an extended sabbatical."

"That's the only information you need to know," Celestia said firmly. "It is in my authority to decide what information is made available and to whom."

"Fair enough. And what of Luna?"

Celestia gazed upwards again. "Luna was my fault as well as her own. I shouldn't have pushed her aside. But regardless of what happened, I exhausted all other options. My heart still breaks when I think about her. In any case, a new student is needed. There are no backups, and should anything to happen to me..."

"Nothing will happen to you," the guard promised. "And there's always Cadance."

"Cadance is nowhere near ready."

Celestia sighed. "Anyway, enough of the past. How are the preparations going for those who have already applied?"

"Several hundred children have already been tested. You've flagged twenty three of them thus far for possible importance and we are currently gathering more background information on them."

"Good," Celestia said. "Who was the last one I wrote down?"

The guard checked a scroll. "A... Miss Lulamoon, I believe. However notes have been made that she may need to undergo anger management before any progress can begin. A promising candidate, I grant you, but... well... we don't need another Sunset Shimmer incident."

Celestia nodded. "And who's next in line to be tested?"

The guard consulted his notes. "There's a Miss Sparkle waiting for you."

"Of course. Is the room prepared?"

"Not yet. What should we have her do?"

Celestia rubbed her chin in thought. The tests varied and were completely randomized, this eliminated the possibility of cheating as no applicant knew what they would be asked to do until they entered the examination room.

"Give her the egg test, we haven't used that one in a few hours," Celestia advised.

"As you wish."

Celestia nodded once more and began heading for the door. "Very well, everything is in order. I'll watch from the viewing room as always and interrupt the proceedings if I feel the need."

She disappeared out through the door, issuing only one more command.

"Send her in."

Comments ( 4 )

an interesting take on things. My only critique is that when Twi was doing her test Celly was outside elsewhere on the grounds.:twilightsheepish:

3833537 Do you mean in the story or in the show? Because in the show Celestia didn't show up until Twilight started going all 'Palantir Freakout' So here Celestia noted she was only going to observe unless something happened.

3833563 In the show I believe when Twi freaks out it's shown that Celly is outside and see the tower exploding and suchs. Your fic made it sound to me like she was going to be closer by than that. She sort of gave the impression of walking somewhere outside before noticing Twi's loss of control.

I could be remembering wrong though.

Very nice take on Twilight's test day and Celestia'a actions through it. :twilightsmile:

But why it is tagged "comedy"?

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