• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,646 Views, 182 Comments

The Lovely Little Changeling - Ponyess

I have lived in Ponyville for a while, when I met her. I guess she took a liking in me?

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Comments ( 173 )

3856374 this will take forever, but what the Squeak, if it makes the story better, I'd even enjoy it.

that should be the first chapter, unless I missed more?

I guess neer = never, but in narration, that's bad.

There, that would be the details you pointed out for chapter 2 as well. or I hope I got all of them.

If you don't mind, I'm tempted to ask you to edit the entire story, along with the sequels, if it isn't too much to ask? the stories are short, I think.

Thanks for taking the time and putting in all the effort in helping me with the story. I appreciate it.

3869643 thanks, it was an interesting read, and a few things to think about

3877615 pasing and formal is something I relly should do something about, right along with any typos I still have in there.

I hope it still is enjoyable.

Well, not overly sure what is going on in the story as a whole tbh ^=^'
Read it all the way now. And can say you'd really need to run a spell check, unless it's intentional with the errors. Speech and pacing seems to swap tone quite often tbh. And can say I contemplated if they were antrho or feral in a couple places.

Overall, while it wouldn't call it bad, it's not particularly good either. It sorta partially just glides along.

3878155 preparing for, the act, and scooping up?
Ditzy was on all fours, in a fashion, and the expressions, but still?
if I'm not mistaken, certain parts aren't in fearal?
there may be some actual typos left, while others are intentional.
I enjoy putting in suggestive teases, if it is the right way of putting it?

this would be the state, where I improve the story, rather then continue building it larger.
a few suggestions to this point hopefully lift it up, as it were.

As much as I, like any wrighter would love the prises, the more level headed comments will help me, and the story more. :pinkiesmile:

3878338 Dunno if I'd call it "enjoyable", but I didn't want to bang my head against a wall, like with some other fics. So it' does okay in that area I guess.

And preparing for the act and scooping up? Where did I mention any of that?
"Tbh" stands for "To be honest".
And it was more how the scene was described, with her "hooves" and all that, made me a bit confused what they actually were. And yes, it mentions fingers and such. It just comes off as a little confusing to me, as there's not overall any direct indicators to the anatomy... though, some parts just confused me, like when someones "nibbles" (is this an intentional incorrect term for nipples?) grew several inches in size for no apparent reason whatsoever. And people's arousal was very vague and all over the place.
And I see. Mind if I ask how come the intentional incorrect grammar?
And not overly sure if I noticed any of said "suggestive teasers" tbh...
And again, honestly not sure where, if anywhere to suggest it to be changed, nor for what. I don't even know what your aim with this story is as a whole.

And I attempted to give feedback on it, found it hard to nail down something to do that on.

3880580 maybe it was a bit of a week way of putting it on my part,
in a wy I was trying to follow the stages of drama, using the 'Act' as th event of the story.

now as you mentioned, it makes sense, just that I didn't know of it.

the idea of the Anthro is basic for what I intended to say in the story, short as it is.
I'll have to go over the initial expressions, since there is more confusion then they were worth.

I'll have to go over the natomy as weel, but not sure how to address it, maybe some hints would help.
that's among the intentional 'errors' as you called it. maybe ithis hint just did not get through?
As I recall, there was a reason, even if it may have been lost, and the exact change was obvioulsy lost or confused as well?

if it wasn't clear, I'm trying to explore and exploit the use of changeling magic, to be more exciting then scary, as opposed to the scene of the 'Canterlot Weding', which would be the one moment of fame Changelings are known for.
I went over the story in hope to correct what you mentioned. probably mised something, but I found, and corrected several details that did not look as good as I had intended.

3881334 Not overly sure how that is working out tbh. I might not be the most qualified to determine that though.

Bit confused what you mean on the sense part...

And I know the story is antrho, I just quirked a brow at some descriptions in the story.

And well, you described the nipples as growing several 100 % in size and length. Could check up on the average size a bit? And well, not really sure how to intentionally get across that you intended to misspell things...
And how should I know? It's your intended misspellings. How am I to know which you wrote incorrectly on purpose?

And you mean body altering or?
And okies.

3885569 Yeah, Ilisted it as Anthro, since it is what I intended to ship, as it were, even if I managed to confuse this in the story, I hope I fixed this problem now.

If you put it in this light, I guess it does look odd, to say the lest. I did see it in more of an absolute measure of size, without statement as to the original size, if i'm not messing it up?
As to the 'Nibbles', it does still mean something, that could work as suggesting something more, rather then the pure typo, where nothing is added or changed. It may not cover all the bases, but should at least clear up some parts?

There are a few aspects that may qualify as 'Alterations' as you put it. even i not all are as up front and obvious.
the enlarged nibbles/(nipples) should qualify, even if you discount the rest.

as to the top question, just give it a tease and see how it works out. if it failed, you're the wiser to know, rather then just an asumption?

3886557 I guessed so :P And it wasn't technically as much as "confuse" as it "threw you off course" per se.

Not entirely sure what you refer to here... size overall, or like, the nipples?
So, what does "nibbles" mean then? Not sure what you are suggesting though for it to clear up parts?

Well, like said: I can't figure out which are meant to be, and which aren't.

And give what a tease? And how exactly do you intend that I do that?

3897605 'threw of course'? maybe I'm assuming too much, but it did feel pretty clear what was going on, as I wriote the story, which may be a common mistake among writers?

Nibbles could look like a typo, but it does have a meaning, even if it may sound out of context?
if the 'Nipples' stand out, as in the story, they would be large enough to'Nibble'? does this 'suggestion sound too far fetched, and thus failing the tease intended?
I'm using other similiar expressions, like the 'Jigglies' since they supposedly jiggle, and aren't as large as Mellons. which is a direct link to the characters 'Nibbles'

If you're not sure, I guess I'd appreciate if you asked, hoping it isn't too much?

are there any other words/expressions or what-not confusing or derailing it in your eyes?

3899170 I meant that it made me think of something else going on more or less. Had a few "oh, so that's what's happening." And it is quite common. Also known as "GM/author logic" in which we know a story so well in our head, that several things that we find obvious, turns out to be far from obvious. Like, for me it's that I assume all people capable of figuring out sexual slang and references I use on females as a counterpart to the male term. But far from all seem capable of this.

Hope that made sense. And the description of that makes enough sense technically. Could be an idea to state you intend to use such words, or have a "translation" in the authors note for people. Not too sure what you try to "tease" though...
And not overly sure on the second, one, but guess it has a connection?

And that's not too much at all. Will just have to see if I can find those parts.

And think there was a few, But many of those have been commented on already. Just overall grammar seems a bit to the side.

3906587 if you ould elaborate on the first line?

I'd guess it would go by numerous different names, and it is a fairly common problem.

Even is there are comparabilities, but there is very little use of it, in a story, or text, since they don't seem to react of coreond the way we'd expect, short of the one, which basically is jus two versions of what is the same thing.

the problem is I have the idea people don't like this, maybe they prefer to stumble in ignorance and have an excuse to complain later?
if it is that tease, I guess it has some comparability to the 'Blow Job', and if you did it with the wrong partner, you ruin any future joy in it, because it went wrong so hoibly, it will never be possibnle to cover the initial mistakes.
besides, you do need to be very careull, trying something like it.
I enjoy playing with these kinds of words.

that'd send you off on a new explorstion, but it just may be fun and excitement in there?

I'm trying to work out the story, then the spelling, and the grammar. if the later fail, there is still no story, after all. :pinkiegasp:

3909008 I just meant that some parts had it a little unclear what they were about.

And yeah, it does, to what I know.

And I think I get what you meant by that.

And well, as said; it's not the best written, and people tend to mainly only care about porn that panders to the norm. Remember that people are picky.
And I see. Think I get what you mean by it. And tend to be a good thing to be careful with new things.
And I enjoy playing around by breaking norms :P

-and think I get what you mean here too. And perhaps.

And okies. And yeah, people tend to be rather picky with grammar in particular in certain areas.

3910731 sorry about that,
I hope I get better with that, both in story and comments.

still working on that, at least wih this story, it is about 'polishing the crome'.
I can be picky too :pinkiegasp:
new is what's fun, why read the same story with just a new name or author/writer?
sometimes, it is the way of getting a new story, pushing a few new ideas.

I just hope my readers enjoy the exploration I expose them to.

if it breaks the story or imercion, I guess I can see the point.
that's why I try my best to get the spelling and grammer right in the first place.

3910880 It's okay.
And practice makes perfect.

And okies.
And picky can be good, to a degree x3
And yeah, I personally don't get why the generic story concept is so popular.

And hopefully, it's kinda what those that want to read it are after.

Yeah, as long as it keeps the flow going right, it can work. Can't personally say if it works or not though.

3927082 I'm still working on that part.

if you're not picky, you let too many mistakes slip.

tried and proven? I'm not into kicking on the dead one-trick-poines.
not as long as I have new ponies to tease. lik this, I guess.

if not, they could go elsewhere, I have more and different stories to show.

if you have problems following the story, I'd imagine you get bored and leave, like the rest?
I imagine I do. I've left a few stories for boredome.

Now I just hope this story does keep ponies reading to the end.
or in this case, to the end of the seriece, even if it should be enjoyable on its own too.

3927403 Ok.

If you're too picky though, it can backfire.

Guess so... don't see why people want to read what they already just read though. And I'm not into praising and/or worshipping them xD
And heh, okies.

And yeah, people into generic crap better stay away from my work xD It's anything but bland.

And in general, I read VERY few stories lately. Had most my motivation and interest drained by bland mush and overall worthless shit in that area. I don't read much of anything.
Most stories, of the very few I've left, has often been due to lack of interest, but imagine it was part boredom too. The only major one I left was due to it just having gone too far batshit retarded, while starting to ignore the good parts, and fully neglecting to not have it half-assed.

And can hope, those into the content prolly would stick around.

if I wanted to read aon ld story, I can read the one I just favoured.
or I'm looking for something new.

I guess we may need a sign to keep them off of our butts, then?
I'm trying to be inventive and mke a new batch for each story, even if I may include aspects, but if you're in FiM, you can't just ditch the ponies?

I leave stories, if they don't keep me hooked. In part, this is why I comonly look for short stories, I guess.

I hope I can stay on target and keep you hooked, as it were.
even if this particular story is short, even with the sequels counted in. I'm plnning a few more for the joy of it, just to explore where they're going. There will after all be consequences from where they went now.

Then you're into what my story promised at first sight?

3929951 I can personally get if someone liked something, they'd want something similar, but to have more or less the same identical story, just played out again... I don't get the direct appeal in that.

And eh, they're generally too lazy to bother reading any warning, so meh.
And well, this site is for MLP fanfiction, it can't be humanized, and it needs to have some relevance to the pony world.

And I guess short stories have a strength in that. Though, they often can't get you emotionally involved.

And I've very rarely been hooked on anything tbh.
And okies, as long as you have fun doing them :P And exploring is neat.

And tbh, not overly sure what it even promises at first sight xD

3945035 if you like to read an identical story, read it again?
some writers are doing something like it, more ofthen then not on purpose.
at least, the sequel to this story has very little of what's in this story in focus.

if you don't pick up on warnings, you have only yourself to blame,
when you realise the story sucks.
how much out of the original ponies would be required for it to work?

s 'Short-Story' works on a different premice, compared with the long running 'Novel' story. it is more then just the matter of how many chapters there is.
maybe you would read a short story, if you're not looking for the strong connection, then?

I did enjoy this story. just hope this works for the readers too.
in this case, I used this OC changeling, to see how much fun she could have.
if she could be exciting to more then just herself, her partner and me?
now you may need certain interests(fetishes) to enjoy it fully?

in this story? would you prefer a more to the point synopsis?
she is required to be anthro for this, I guess, with hooves.

3945138 Yeah... I kinda get that feeling at times... if they only want to read the same thing over and over, why not just re-read it a week later or something? Or go into word and swap the names of the chars, presto, new story, literally.
And ok.

And main problem with many stories is that people are assholes and don't tag their stories properly, or even lie about it. Saying it's ex: "romance" or a "serious" fic, when it's just bland, generic crap/plain porn with cardboard characters/overall OOC.
And technically none, as long as they at least put some effort into it. Or if they don't want to do that: At least fucking bother to tag it correctly.

And I know the difference mostly.
And depends entirely on what it tries to be about.

And as said: as long as it works for those that want to read it.
and that tends to be a common premise.

And I dunno.
I know she's antrho, just said some descriptions made them come off as feral.

3957102 just gotta love the 'Presto' magics.

I hope my stories correspond to the chosen tags as least, even if the description may be off center for the story where it is currently.

speaking of which, the worst of all sins would be an OOC OC? since you can't even agree with yourself who the character you just created is.

I try to make a story(or plot) for my stories. even if some may not agree with the story or premises?

Anthro do get close to it, depending on how you use the Anthro? I guess I did make this a bit close, depending on preferences?

3957190 It is a quite fun word x3

And to what I know, your story is accurate enough with it's tags. Somehow many seem to be sloppy with tags and descriptions tbh...

And I dunno, I find any type of OOC to be bad. Unless some proper reason or explanation is given. But yeah, a OOC OC (if your own especially) would seem a bit odd.

And well, a story with a story is technically always more deep than one without?

There's technically a few versions of anrho, so would depend on how one uses it.

4041467 I taged it Anthro on purpose, since it is what it is about.

You may have noticed a few words and expressions in the story.
Since Anthro can be both hands and hooves, I guess this may not say,
but I did mention the nibbles and jigglies as well.

This story is written specifically for an Anthro scene, since it relay on both the hooves, and more human atributes in the same situation.

I hope I'm making sense, without being overly wordy or anything.

3959010 fun word?

These are the characters and aspects that are in the story.
maybe I'm not getting some descriptions spot on, but then it is because I wrote it by the time I published the story, and said story is much longer then what was posted at publication. this would be a fairly short story.

I'm toying with the idea of making it into a chapter in a longer story, since some may enjoy it more, compared with the featured event?

Of OC and OOC is equal, an OOC OC is a double take failure.
using an OC from someone else, then OOC is still the same,
you can as well make your own OC if you can't conform to premade characters, for all I care. even as shallow as your OC would have been, if that's the case.

This could be red two ways, but what you're saying is that it is better, if something happen, rather then just listening to my own voice?

Aside from the gneral versions, anything that's half way is an Anthro?
I sometimes like playing with the slides. I include everything the story demands, for the concept(meme) to work, or I could as well leave it by the road side.

Unless the wings, horn(s) or tail is specific, and standing on their own,
it is by no means an anthro, it's a changed character, or it could be something else.

4041538 Yeah, the word "presto".

And okies.

And possibly,depends entirely what the current audience likes.

OC and OOC is not equal xP Though an OOC, OC would be kinda sloppy.
I personally prefer OC's as cardboard boxes. As then at least they're not ruining a proper character.

Erh, red two ways? Mind clarifying what you mean?

And well, generally, anything that's on two legs, with animal features is generally seen as antrho. But technically it'd be anything that shares both human and animal traits+features.
And well, as long as you don't suddenly change the design mid-story, as that'd just be weird... unless if it was for a shapeshifter, such as a changeling.

And didn't quite get the last part...

4048660 it is after all the audience that's 'judging' a story.

No, I guess they're not, but you can make a good OC, while a bad OOC, or vice versa, all depending.
If an OC feels flat, it is because the Author didn't plan ahead, and possibly just wrote a bad story. I hope this isn't an issue with this story, though.
An OOC is poor knowledge of the character written into the story, which feels even more sloppy to me. I could as well choosen an OC if I can't be bothered to know a character?
The problem becomes particularly alarming, if you OOC your own OC, in which case it is a question of if you should just drop the story altogether?

"Story with a Story" Either it is a 'Story', within which a story was told,
or it is a story, were something actually happened?
does it sound confusing?

Isn't that a case of an OOC form change?

You could slap aspect on a character, but does this make it into an Anthro?
There are other forms, like an angle with wings.
would a Satyr count as anthro, or a mermaid?

4049942 Well, technically yeah :P

And yes. It depends mainly on the author. And sometimes it's just due to them being lazy.or whatnot. And no, it's not a preeminent issue in this story.

And yeah, that generally tends to be my PoV to it. I mean, really, if they cba to write a character decently, why are they even using that character? To what I know though, they do it because they just want free advertisement. As people would prolly not get as much views if they just used their bad oc's. So instead they pretend to use "real" chars, and just make them grossly ooc at their convenience for the attention.
Imo, they can write their bland stories, but please, at least use OC's for the generic roles.

A bit. But yeah, there's technically several types of "stories". Like, many clopfics aren't "stories" at all per se.

OOC form change?

And aspect?
And not to what I know, they're "humanoid".

4076616 why bother publishing, if you don't care about your audience, even though you should write for your own pleasure, one way of the other.

Guess there is a reason why the story have likes and such.

There are better ways to get attention, isn't there?
maybe make a few nicities for a specific group, there are a few starved groups here, who would love you for including the character of ship alone.
I'd gamble that it is a good chance someone following you will risk reading your newxt story just for enjoying the one before too.

Bucheriong Canon characters in this manner is bad,
but a cutput character isn't much better for your story.

OCs gopt backgrounds?

I guess too much of a story instead of a mere plot can get in the way, if you're looking for pure clop.
maybe it is more of an exposition/strip tease you're looking for in these cases?

is that not when you're not quite sticking to what a character had been established to be like, in a none conforming manner?

I guess that is the 'Angle' we're commonly thinking of,
but I had the impression there are none-humanoid angles in the bible, even.
besides, I have stories where the angles certainly are not in a human form.
in one case, she is in a Centaur form, her name is 'Eponey'.

4076993 Because they want views? Popularity? I dunno.

And there generally is.

And there is. This one is a quiet safe, lazy way however. So many pick it due to that.
And yeah, there is as said. But now, they can just churn out the same, bland generic crap, and get tons of free upvotes by those that only, and always want the same, bland stories.
And that tends to be the thing with following. And that tends to also be why said lame "authors" get followers. Because they just churn out the same story over and over, snowballing people that only read that one story.

And yeah, it's just bad form imo.
And eh, it's better in the sense it doesn't mess with OOC.

And some OC's do.

It depends on the story. But yes, pure clop tends to favor porn over story.

Dunno if it's called that, but I know of a "relatively IC" that's sometimes used. Or a "alternate universe character".

Probably? And I dunno, haven't read that storybook in particular. So perhaps. And most probably.
And okay? xP

4106628 Views and popularity, I wouldn't ind these, but how much do I need to put up, in order to get it?

Personally, I would like to hope it is because it is actually a good story, but it could as well have been because they like you, or a character in the story, which make for a problem comparing stories by votes.

Ponding the 'Generic Crap', is like beating the since long very dead horse/Pony. I wouldn't bother with it. I can always have another story that will be entirely new for me. I need to complete my old stories.

I have a few OCs, but like to include several Canon characters from all the trotts of Pony life, just depending on what I need them to do. why create a new character, just to have a new OC-AppleJack? I have one, why create a new? Just hope I can keep all the characters in character.

IC, as opposed to OOC, I guess that would work, even if there may be a few more expressions? it is how you should write all your stories.

Uh, 'Story Book'? I guess you could cal it that. I probably haven't been thumping them too much neither.

4106956 Geez, sorry for the late rely. Stuff's been pretty meh.
And well, it really depends.Usually people seem to only go for the generic, spoonfed stories. As if scared by anything new.

And it's generally hard without asking people why they watch or fav something.

Yeah... honestly don't see how people can literally more or less just post the same exact identical story and get equally if not better views. Let along be praised for it.

Most include canon chars for free promotion as said. And imo, as long as the chars are the chars, I'd use them if they fit. But when people slap in ex. AJ and have them act like Suri or etc, then why even pick AJ for the role? And usually their only reasoning is that they like the chars design.

There prolly might be a few more. I dunno about that topic super hard.

Well, it literally is a book, that mainly contains stories... so in technical, and literal terms, it kinda fits.

4173785 if they like generic stuff, I'll never get a good base of followers/readers.
I'm not into beating the long dead one-trick-poni ..
I'd be more likely to pick up some new to original idea, you may have seen one or two on my lit of stories?

From time to time I do ask some new Poni.

Maybe we should call then new drafts of the same story, I guess they are bound to get better with time, but why prise it as a new story, when it isn't?

Personally, I include Canons, because they are part of the story I have to tell, but in part in order to explore who they are, and what is under the skin?
OOC sucks like crap, though it is in a way even worse,
if it was your own OC you run OOC with.

I like AJ too much to run her OOC, though I may fail to keep her all the way?

If I like the Design, I could name them differently, and make it clear they just happen to look very similiar?

oh ok .. :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

4174834 Eh... just gotta hope and aim for that you manage to attract the niche that likes your type of stuff.
And yeah... I am not a fan of the one trick either...
And can't say. Been too long. But there most likely are some in there.

And ask some new poni?

Yeah, at most it's a new draft... and they rarely do... just a bunch of generic crap, and some of them are less bland than the rest.

If the person use them with at least some sort of point other than "I like their look and want to include them for porn without giving any regard to their personality", it's quite fine to me tbh.
Personally would say it's worse if someone goes OOC with a canon char though. As then they take someone elses char.

And I try to run all canon chars I use as close to IC as I can.

And you could either make a char based on them, or be clear it's a alt universe with nothing or little related with the "canon" universe?

4250070 yeah, gotta love finding my 'Nieche'. I think I'm writing in a somewhat different and special style, so it makes sense to find the readers who can enjoy and appreciate it.

I should aim at perfecting my use of said style too, I guess?

new as in new to the site, or new to me, I guess?

Genericists are just kicking the long dead 'One-Trick-Poni', over and over, what's the fun in that?
A copy-poni, copying their own trash?:pinkiegasp:
I try to invent something new in each story I'm starting up, so it is the style over the theme for my fans, I guess.
Though I do stick with the same level of words and the like too, I guess.

Ha Ha, I can write a few Clops, but then it is the character written for the story, rather then the reverse, or so I hope.

well, Canon characters are part of the show.
it's just that if you can't even follow your own charcter, why bother writing.
still, how about picking OCs from others and OOC them?

IC is the divine Ideal I'm trying to follow, as I hope all others would. Same with all characters, OC or Canon ..

I enjoy using the AU tag for stories, when it feels right.
creatiung an OC based on a Canon can be just as tricky, but I guess it is a matter of style and preference?

Some characters allow for a very wide range of actions, like Pinkie Pie and Flutter Shy.
In part due to the age, and because they have been portraid doing so many different things.

If one like awesome, I guess Rainbow DEash or Twilight Sparkle would be your Poni?

4253553 Imo, it's generally a lot more rewarding than trying to pander to the norm. Like the majority of everyone else.

And generally, it can be good to aim to improve. Kinda what most should do heh :P Taking advice from your fans is often a good idea, but always keep in mind what your core interest is.

And I guess?

Personally don't see it, but a lot others seem to think it is.
And it's rather common. Seen dozen of more or less identical fics, just swapping the characters.
And even if I write a similar theme for some of my fics, I almost always have new content and genres in them.

It's a good aim to have at least imo. I mean, if one wants to write clop, at least pick the char for a purpose. (A decent one I mean xD)

And well, most people have oc's that just are bland cardboard cut-outs. So it's hard to go ooc with something that doesn't have a personality...
And doing ooc with another's character is just bad form.

And same here. In general, the only stories that really get "noticed" is ones that bother to do just that. So makes me wonder why so many are against it.

And AU?
And depends how much effort they put into it. Most technically do it all the time, taking ex: Twilight, making them nothing like Twilight, bar they look like her, and are named Twilight. I think it's mainly just being lazy, along with wanting free promotion.

And some do yes. Most just shove a char into a generic cardboard stereotype though.

And well, kinda. Basically imo, if they want a char that is ex: upbeat and hyper, then pick a char it can be applied too. Not just take one and pretend they are. Unless it's actually a decent alt universe fic.

4264344 Maybe the norm could be an outline of Canon, you can't write a story entirely within and make it look like a good new story?

So many things you could improve. Just gota get your story out, at some point?
I try to listen to advice once, if it click I try to take it to heart, or I just leave it in the waste-bin, where it belong with the trolls and flames wars. I have neither time nor room for that.

I rarely try to make a story similiar to any pre-existing, even though it has happened, once because the story was cathy and inspiring, another was just a mistake. (which was my own story in the first place) You may not think of it, but look at "No Man's Land"?

it's kind of clasical for 'Clop' to just be a back-grounder with no personality at all. That's the p story arch, in the first place, more plot then story. just screw the next pony in as many 'wholes' as you can have it? RL character, as opposed to a Person.

Crayon on cardbords? amusing lazyness, or just inability to create a character?
Just look at the Mane-six, try to aim at the depth of them?
This is part of why I love Pinkie Pie.
I kind of place myself in the scene, with a few modifications for the fic I''m running. Not just as in Ponies have hooves rather then hands?

so OOC is simply not acceptable to you?

Sounds like my storie in a "Nut-Shell', then?
may be a few trolls, and then the opy-cats, but still?

That's not AU, just a poor excuse for an OOC.
AU should have something more then that to it?
Ah yeah, free Pornification-propmotionists?

Gotta consider the feelings of the chocen character, is there a reason to pick AJ for this job?

Upbeat and hyper sounds like Pink. You could get away with cheezy, I guess.
there may be a few moe matches, if you're sure you know what you need?

I have numerous Pink stories, just for this reason.
I can work the rest of Main, and a few more, but then I could as wel go all out and OC?

4267406 The norm would be an awful outline xD It's utterly crap at most it does xP It's just there to fuck things up x3

There are technically unlimited number of things. But yeah, it has to be posted sometime.
And critique can be good to look over, and at times, assuming it's not just a douche, it can be worth pondering on what was said.

Imo, as long as effort was at least put into it, and it has SOME original-ish thought into it, it's decent at least.

And bland porn has no plot, no story. It's just mashed words about how big dicks are and how much they love them and that they should be praised xD

Cardboard cut out just refers to a character with no personality whatsoever. The only resemblance being that it somewhat LOOKS like the original character it's pretending to be. So yeah, a bit of both of those.
And the mane six got a quite notable and simple base personality.
And few modification can work. Usually implies alt universe though..

And not if it's done just out of half-assed lazy reasons just to get free promotion for some crap they churned out in an afternoon. Then they might as well just use their bland Douche McBag and Sluth Prostitutesson.
If they don't give a fuck about the character, don't use it.

And you lost me here. What seems like your story in a nut-shell?

And again: WHAT is AU?
If I got that last part though: Yes, some just use famous/popular names to jack up the promotion, despite the fact their fic would prolly be ignored if they didn't pretend it had characters people like.

And generally a good choice to plan what char to use and why. And pick AJ for what job?

Not overly sure what you are on again, again. But generally, there's a match for everything. Just have to look for it.

And don't follow what you are talking about for the last part either.

4280054 more fun to post your own stories/Ideas, then pick up a bland norm cliche.

Maybe that's part of my problem, too much to post, and no time checking if it actually worked? I try to check if things are related and corectly spelled and these things, but I have limits here.

I just put some effort into making a con story slip in. I'll just have to go over the story. Using an idea on how Pinkie Pie could introduce what I had in mind.

P is basically as bad a cliche as the R'n'B Alicorn?
Too many abuse them, for the serious writers to even touch them.
Guess I wouldn't mind a few praises from time to time, but I don't need them on each and every story I put up, just because I wrote them, or any the like.

I hope my characters feels alive, Conon as well as OCs ..
I try to pick the characters, as if I'm hiring someone to perform a job. Not just picking random names from a tombola.
Pinkie Pie is a common and easy to use character in my oppinion ..

I've found the Mane sixe to be quite complexpersonalities, if you're just picking episodes on proving what you need them to do.
Pink and shy the most notable, but Apples can be much more then meats the eye too.

Half-Asses, should be out the window ..
if only there was a searchable indexed clip library for refferences?


Alternative Univers = AU?

Apple Jack, as in farm work?

Pinkie Pie is Versetile, she can do so many things, and still get away with a good job.

4280395 Aye. Personally don't see too much use/point in just doing a generic cliché. At most perhaps if you're new to writing and just want to test the water.

And hm... that could be a part of it. Not being able to check that would potentially lead to that you don't know what "works" per se.

And well, a brief look over would still be better than none.

P? R'n'B? Please stop using short terms xD I can guess the "r'n'b" stands for "red and black" though.
And yeah... many things have been heavily abused sadly, up to the point most just disregard them more or less.
And can say the same here. Would be neat to at least ocasionally get a mention about your work. Quite annoying to just see people praise bland, run of the mill junk.

To me at least, character personality and the like is a big part of a story.
Can say I find it really neat in how you "pick a character" so to say. It's how I do it to a degree as well. I try to figure out what chars I'd want, but also which would fit the best for it.

Yeah, all the mane six are quite distinct. Can say I personally derp a little when someone refers to one single episode to justify the entire personality of a char though. And unless like, their entire story takes place in between that moment, it just seems stupid.

Yeah... really don't get why people half ass. Most of them can't handle things being half-assed in the opposite way.
And search-able tags would be really good. And/or like, a box people could check whether or not it was just a bland porn fic, or if it actually has a story to it.


Ah, okay, get it. For some reason not that high on short terms today.

And well, if you want to pick a pony for farm work, AJ seems like the kinda most obvious for it tbh.

And well, to a degree yes xP

4304249 maybe it could be compared with practicing painting by copying old pain-tings? seems the only legitimate reason to do it, but then you don't sell said painting as an original either?

I have made a few 'Hit and Miss' stories in the past, but it never stopped me from writing, I just left said stories behind once I realised the mistake.

I slipped a con story in, with a nice pink pretext. I had her setting it up in the foirst place.
Now I just have to go over and rewright the story to current standards of my writing too.

Personality? Red and Black Alicorns ..

if I can find a Premice for a story containing a Cliche, where the effect only show up after you've red a full chapter or more before you can meet the Alicorn, as it were. I used this trick to slip the Alicorn into a story on a Challenge on the Ragers group before.
I guess this could be quite fun, since they don't know what's to come, before they had invested interest in the story?(fic)

Can you even write a story entirely Devoid of Characters? if not, you have to make them as good as the rest of your story elements. or they're holding you and the story back, wouldn't they?

when I do refer to an episode or similiar event, I try to find as wide as possible reffrence points for what I had in mind. both old and new episodes. though I have a few on the Smile HD tube clip too.
Speaking of derps, I toy with the idea of giving her en Element, just for the fun of seeing her out there. she's so enthusiastic, untill it all breaks, and she fall down. kind of like Pinkies?

"Half-Ass"? as in Mules? or just poorly considered Premises and poorly executed Ponies?(stories)
I think I could use just a bit help pulling my stories out in the light of viewers joy, since they seems to value long chapters.

there should be a list of these Shorts that goes with the MLP: FiM?(if you don't know the MLP) :scootangel:

Apples are farmers. Then again, or on the other hoof, so are the Pies?
Just never see the Pie farm, aside from the short scene?
Speaking of the Pies, I just pulled an image out of a clip, looking like pinkie Pie, only she is Unicorn, and her Mane has a very different style. she is apparently at Canterlot, Unicorn school with Twilight? (BBBFF)

She has her limits, and severl of them are stated clearly in canon.

4305142 I guess that's a kinda good comparison.

And that's a good thing to be able to do. Far to few seem to even bother learning from their mistakes.

And okay?

I've seen quiet a few write stories entirely devoid of "characters" per se. Just has some bland clichés and cardboard in them.

And ok. And well... there is technically only six elements...

And as in poorly executed things. Just going totally sloppy and lazy on it. And most could do with a pre-reader or such.

And eh?

4322483 Copying a Master may work with drawing or pain-ting, but not in writing.
I guess insperation from said story works, but that's the limit?

learning from mistakes would be among the cheaf reasons for me to migrate my stories here, since I have actual FeedBack, evn if I encounter a few Trolls too.
Just that it would be hard to judge my stories, since they're written over time, and it isn't apparent which was written when.

The chapter seems to work, and the first story was accepted.

Maybe my story wasn't exactly the best, but it had no complaints on the Alicorn, as such, so I guess the point works.
Maybe if enough of us came up with creative premises, and wrote good stories, there would be little to no clichies left?
sadly, we can't stop the bad writers ..

of the Harmony, but they stated that Cadenc e is Element of Love, which apparently wasn't considered required for Harmony to work.
maybe it was just too hard to gather enough to ignite the gem?

the problem is when the icons get away with it, just because they have a Reputation.
I'd make use of an Editor, if there is one willing to put up the time?

4323429 Well, in most the time, it's not even a "master" they copy per se. Just a bland cliche or overdone stereotype.
And depends what type of story they are after.

And well, feedback mainly is to come from proofreading, but second hand feedback is nice too.
And it can be a bit hard to judge if there's quality gaps so to say.

And that's good.

And well, there will almost always be clichés. But one can still do a bad one, or a good one... or a decent.

And I don't recall them stating that. Only recall that she is the princess of love. Or something.
Her empire uses the crystal heart, not the elements.

Icons get away with it? Didn't catch the last part there.

4332820 back in the time of Painters they were.
now they are just main-scream crap ideas. kind of sad how this went down the slippery slope?

Cliche stories would be along the lines of I could write this too, only so much cooler, then I just add 'Da Cool OC' kind of character?

to me, FeedBack could be ProofReader, Editor Friends or readers alike.
if the changes or ideas wasn't in this version or story, maybe they will improve the next story, or just my mood, all the same and good?

Yeah, it is, or we wouldn't be enjoying the story right here?

Good, bad or indifferent?
if you can pull them good enough, are they still cliches?

To a point, it may be a matter of interpretation, or mixing up Canon with Head-Canons?

if the Writer has too high prices, none dare speak against them.
Kind of like with the story "the Emperors new Suit" kind of situation?

even the best Authors does do mistakes, but do we point them out?

4334879 Yeah... but even the best ideas get bland if overused. Well, technically almost all.

Generally "da cool OC" tends to be hated xP ... unless a popular person makes them, then people tend to love said retarded OC x3 Ofc, depends what type of "cool" you refer too.

Well, proofreaders check before stuff is posted, to ensure even the first readers get a bit better experience. But doing it later with more feedback from several can be a good idea.

Well, said "decent", but guess it's kinda the same meaning?
And yes, they're just good cliché. Like there's "good b-movies" or "good-popcorn movies", they're technically not "interesting/good", but they're still good. Like, how you can make good, plain noodles. It's just plain noodles, but they're still well done.

And it could be up for interpretation or mixing things up. Depends what story and what one is after.

Yeah, more or less like that. Like the emperors new suit to a degree.
And some point them out, usually to be ignored/neglected, scoffed at or swarmed by angry, blindly loyal fans. Some few rare good authors listen though.

4359742 That is why it is merely a 'Good' Idea. it allowes you to overt-use it. A truely great and original idea is in how you use what you have in an Original way, thus avoiding the problem of Clicieations?

it may be a bit more common then comfort would allow for them to be the Red'n'Black Alicorn? yeah, if the Idon 'AkA Emperor' is writing, anything is accepted out of hands(or hooves), as it were. we need to poke the stories down, when we see them.

For me, it seems as if they have to wait till I have published, since there aren't enough interested to be there in time to prevent the mistakes to get out. We need to be readers, before we're complaining about a few mistakes?

Most Movies and stories have some Clichies, because we don't even realise they are.
I like the idea with your 'Plain Noodles'.
Guess it is in wording it like this, you get your story above the tree tops?

Maybe we have too many of these Emperors, and they are too likely to be revered and worsiped, as if they were unfailable Gods.
If the bad stories came before the good once, or after, we'll just have to check, case by case. I haven't been reading enough to say.

There are only so many likely ideas in our beloved Equestria, so we may have to start mixing before we had expected.
Maybe you want to write a Sad-Fic, but only have happy ideas, mixing them up could be the opening you're looking for?

I have a few ideas for new stories, like a 'Planet of the Equus', go figure what that will be about?

4361817 Holy cabbage, I am way late with this reply, sorry about that.

And I guess that's accurate?

And I think I get what you referred to there. (really too hot to think over here atm)

Overall, it's quite hard to get a hold of proofreaders tbh.

And I think that wording might work. But yeah, clichés are usually overused.

And emperors? You mean "popular authors" or what?

And there are quite a lot of them, sadly way too many just churn the same shizz over and over and over. Because they think that's all taht can ever be done with them. And trying to work on what one has can be a good idea.

And sounds like something based on planet of the apes?

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