• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 919 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Fluttershy watched the sun start to dip toward the west. Cadence and Shining Armor were probably at Ponyville by now. As she walked down the marvelous halls of the Canterlot castle. As she started down the third floor corridor, she got a chill she knew well. Hurrying down to the end of the corridor, she unlocked the door (Celestia having trusted Fluttershy with the castle's skeleton key) at the end and found Discord in a floating bathtub, shrieking as he turned to see her enter.

“Do you mind!?” he spat as he covered himself with a bathrobe.

“What are you up to?” Fluttershy groaned as she watched him, narrowing her eyes.

“Just taking a show-”

“Don't lie to me, Discord!” Fluttershy snapped.

“I wasn't” the draconequus reiterated, wrapping himself up in his robe, snapping his fingers as the tub disappeared. “I always come up with my best schemes when taking a nice relaxing bubble bath.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and started off, Discord floating up beside her.

“Oh, what's got your wings in a flutter?” he sneered as they returned to the corridor.

“Celestia told me to keep an eye on you, and that's just what I'm gonna do. Hmph!” Discord snorted in disdain as they both stuck their snouts up at the other. True, he loved nothing more than to cause mayhem and malfeasance among the ponyfolk, but Fluttershy just had that quality he couldn't put his claw on that kept him in check. He only huffed as the duo left the corridor and walked across an archway, the afternoon air comfortably warm.

Fluttershy, however, was not bothered by Discord, but the thought of what might happen should anyone or anything attack Canterlot while everypony else was away. Entering the main keep, she felt her mind drift back to the same thoughts she had been turning over since that morning. She had no idea how long she would be keeping watch over Canterlot (Applejack and Rainbow Dash were going to be gone for at least a few days at Appleoosa). Discord obviously noticed this because he nudged her shoulder, catching her attention.

“What say you we hit the tavern?” he asked. “They know me there.”

“Sorry, I don't drink.” Fluttershy said quickly in her usual wispy voice.

“Fine, I'll drink for the both of us, just come along.” he responded, Fluttershy giving a small smile at this. Maybe spending time with the rest of Canterlot would pep her up. Just as they came to the main hall, Fluttershy heard a familiar sound. As a smile spread across her face, she raced to the nearest window (not covered by stained glass), watching a familiar friend glide gracefully through the sky.

“Philomena!” Fluttershy called, beaming at the regal phoenix as she flew past the Canterlot spires for the castle. It had been so long since Fluttershy had seen her. Just as she came for the battlements of the castle wall, she burst into flames, Fluttershy shrieking at this. Gasping as a pile of soot fell to the cobblestones below, Futtershy stared in awe. The phoenix didn't seem ill or decrepit like when they met before. Why would she just burst into flames now?

“There was an arrow.”

Fluttershy turned to Discord, her eyes welling, seeing the look of suspicion on his face.

“Somepony shot her.” he said in a low voice, Fluttershy's eyes widening at this statement.

“Wh-wh-why would-” was all she said before Discord shot out from the window, narrowing his eyes as he made his way for the Canterlot clock tower. He could see somepony rush inside the alcove on the side. Clearly this was the assassin. Slinking inside, Discord looked around the oily, gleaming gears, unable to hear any hoofsteps as the mechanisms churned and clacked.

“I know you're in here.” he said loudly, a large golden mallet appearing in his clawed hands. “Come on out.” he growled as he shot up a large cog to see if he could spot the assailant. Looking this way and that, he saw nothing. Just then, he turned quickly and caught a crossbow bolt with his eagle claw, glaring as he spied a pony standing on a platform above him, a crossbow fitted onto a saddle they wore and their face hidden under a blue hood.

“Gotcha.” he said as he shot for the pony, swinging his mallet down with incredible force as the unknown figured jumped out of the way, flipping a switch with his hoof that fired another bolt, Discord just barely dodging it. Lunging, Discord watched helplessly as the pony jumped screaming from the platform down into the black of the clock tower, reaching out too late for the falling stranger. Discord growled and shook his head. There was no way of determining who this assassin was now.


The Entourage came to a stop just inside the courtyard walls as it returned to Canterlot, everypony eager to get some rest before they were off again. As the crew lined up for Celestia, she slowly made her way from the airship, still feeling slightly faint.

“Will you be okay, Princess?” Twilight asked as she joined her, Starlight and Flash Sentry saluting as they stepped into the courtyard.

“I'll be good as new as soon as I find Philomena.” the white alicorn breathed.

“You're pet phoenix?”

“My companion for many years.” Celestia stated. “Phoenix tears can heal most any wound of any kind, Twilight. You know this, I trust?”

“Of course.” the young alicorn responded. She had taken to studying phoenixes after the last time she encountered Philomena a year prior. As the two ascended the steps, they saw Princess Luna who was clearly waiting for them.

“I trust your meeting when well, Luna?” Celestia asked as she and Twilight came up beside her.

“As smooth as they could have gone, all things considered.” Luna said, Celestia raising an eyebrow at this. “We have far more important things to worry about right now, though.” she said as she entered the castle gates, Celestia and Twilight following her. “Discord gave chase to an unknown assassin...”

“An assassin!?” Twilight gasped, Celestia narrowing her eyes.

“Was he able to apprehend him?” she asked, Luna shaking her head.

“The assassin died while trying to escape in the clock tower, Discord giving chase.” Luna explained, Twilight getting a cold chill as she heard this knowledge.

“Who was the target?” Celestia asked as she followed the silent Luna into the grand hall, Fluttershy looking woefully saddened as she sat before a pedestal with something resting in it. As the alicorn trio came up on it, Twilight gasped loudly and Celestia glared at what they both saw. A shiny yellow egg with orange flame-like designs swirling over it.

“That settles it.” Celestia said as she levitated Philomena's egg from the pedestal. “Somepony must be tracking us for Tirek.”

“Princess, what-”

“A phoenix will revert back into an egg should it meet with an unnatural end, Princess Twilight.” Luna explained. “It's imperative we tend to the egg and keep it safe so that Philomena may hatch soon, without the threat of other hunter ponies.” Twilight nodded at this, Luna's words making sense.

“If you'll excuse me.” Celestia breathed as she hurried off with the phoenix egg. Twilight and Luna watched as she limped off silently for the steps to her study.


Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity were all asleep early that night and Discord was at the local pub drinking it up with the Canterlot night life again. They were all enjoying some small peace. The same could not be said for Twilight, Starlight and Luna and Flash Sentry as the three mares debriefed him on his recent excursions in Luna's private study. Books lined the walls and a few portraits of historical ponies hung here and there as the three stood around a fancy writing desk in the middle of the study, Flash sitting at it.

“So...” Starlight began in a suspicious tone, Luna tending to a small fire in the fireplace that warmed up the spacious room surprisingly well. “How long has it been since you've actually been field training, bro?” Flash gave a deep sigh at this.

“Not since I last returned to Canterlot.” he confessed.

“Then what have you been doing?” Twilight asked slowly.

“I've been trawling the Equestrian outbacks.” the orange pegasus responded. Luna gave him a suspicious look as he said this.

“Why would you do such a thing without our assistance, Flash Sentry?” she asked.

“To keep a low profile, your highness.” he said politely. Flash was always courteous to the princesses. "Alone, I can keep my presence hidden... with others... not so much-"

“So... what have you been doing for the last three months, Flash?” Starlight asked as Luna paced the study. Flash gave a deep sigh at this.

“I first went out into the badlands to see if I could dig up anything on Tirek or the dragons.” he explained. “Eventually, I came to the baphotaur temple in the dessert.”

“They have a temple?” Twilight parroted. “I thought they were a nomadic people.”

“They are.” he responded. “They infrequently make pilgrimage to the temple for Lock-Nah to honor him or pay respects to other baphotaur monarchs.” he went on, Luna turning quickly as she heard this name. “Lock-Nah was the legendary baphotaur mystic and one of the ancient Elements of Harmony-”

“A baphotaur was an ancient Element of Harmony!?” Twilight gasped. “Princess Luna, why didn't you tell us that at Manehatten, or even when Tirek first came to Canterlot!?” At this, Luna bowed and gave a small sigh.

“We didn't think it was relevant at first, Twilight.” she explained. “We had no idea things would unfold quite like this, that this Tirek was such a cunning and methodical adversary... it would seem we underestimated him as well.” she said, her ears drooping, shame dripping in her words. Twilight pitied Luna. She seemed more and more saddened as of late. “Please excuse me.” she added quickly as she left her study, the other three watching. Before they could let her mind wander, Starlight turned back to Flash quickly.

“Flash, what did you learn out there?” she asked, Twilight knowing exactly what she was getting at.

“What do you-”

“Flash, you wouldn't have returned to Equestria if you didn't learn something while you were out there.” Twilight added. Flash wondered why he even thought to try and fool them to begin with.

“I learned that when Lock-Nah, the ancient Element of Loyalty died, the baphotaur kingdom split up into nomadic clans that traveled the badlands practicing their magics. There's a number of different clans, but they're all hard to find because they're constantly on the move... only the temple mystics and elders stay at the temple... They had no idea who Tirek was when I asked them about him.” This news didn't seem at all shocking to Twilight or Starlight. Flash inhaled deeply as he remembered what else the baphotaur had told him.

“I also learned... most baphotaur don't live much longer than 400 or 500 years old.” he said, watching the dying fire. While Starlight raised an eyebrow at this, Twilight's insides turned to ice.

“But... but Rainbow Dash said-”

“Tirek claims to be more than 1200 years old.” Flash finished, Starlight's eyes going wide at this as well. “If that's true... Tirek must posses more power than any of us thought.” Twilight couldn't find her voice. Starlight watched the moon high in the sky.

“I've been trailing Tirek ever since... with little luck in finding him-”

“You're lone wolfing it again!?" Starlight called "Flash, you're not a colt anymore! You can't possibly hope to fight Tirek by yourself! That's just insane-”

“I need to do something, sis.” he sighed, knowing she was right. “I can't leave Equestria alone... and I can't afford to give my cover away by setting out with a garrison.”

“But Flash, you don't need to search for him.” Twilight said. “We've got everypony out combing the land for Tirek-”

“It's not enough... my fellow ponies need me. I need to try to find Tirek too.” Flash said glumly.

“We're all in this together, Flash.” Starlight said. “You don't need to do this alone.”

“Please, Flash... Everypony needs you, but so do we.” she said, having fought the urge to instead say “I need you”. Flash inhaled deeply at this and rose to leave.

“Give me the night to think it over.” he sighed as he passed the ember-filled fireplace. Twilight and Starlight both thought the same thing as he left them in the study. He would be gone by sunrise.


Luna stared at the Alicorn Amulet deep in the crystal mines, turning the same thought over and over in her head. She was considering a very risky gamble... she wanted to see him once more.