• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 918 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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“Quickly now, Rarity and Pinkie.” Princess Luna said, smiling slightly to herself as she led the two through the morning streets of Canterlot, passing ponies bowing to her as she led the way. “We mustn’t keep our guests waiting.” Luna did seem quite excited this morning, the two mares thought. As they passed the train station, they saw Shining Armor and Princess Cadence both being escorted to a private engine. They didn't turn to see the two mares, but if they did, Pinkie and Rarity would have waved to them. They continued on to the edge of the city where they came to the great cliff overlooking the gorge below. Luna sank to her knees and motioned Pinkie to come forward.

“We're going down, you two.” she said as Pinkie quietly climb onto her back, smiling and holding on tight as Luna spread her wings, Rarity spreading hers and following Luna through the crisp morning air. The alicorn flew toward a long flight of rugged stone steps leading down the gorge, Rarity flapping her wings as she followed Luna down the gorge. The three descended lower and lower, down into the gorge to the bay below. As they came closer to the water, Rarity could see what looked like a dock materializing. Coming closer, she saw it was more of a stone formation, but it did indeed looked like a dock. As they came to a stop, their hooves clopping as they landed one the rough terrain, Pinkie hopped off.

“Can we do that again?” she asked excitedly as Luna and Rarity both folded their wings neatly. “That was just awesome!”

“Patience, Pinkie Pie.” Luna said calmly. Turning to the body of water, Luna lowered her head to the ripping surface. “Marco?” she asked, Rarity and Pinkie both wondering what she was doing. “Marco?” she asked again to the mostly serene surface. Whatever she was doing, it didn't seem to work. Closing her eyes and sighing deeply, Luna straightened herself up in a dignified manner.

“SHIKINOMARU!” she called loudly, large bubbles floating to the surface almost immediately as she spoke. Pinkie and Rarity both watched with open mouths as the strangest creature they had ever seen emerged. It looked like a rather large, green turtle, but with skinny frog-like arms and legs and a large, beak-like mouth, while what looked like an old, rusty metal bowl sat on its head.

“Oh, it's only you, princess.” it said, it's breath a sickening smell. “I forgot you said you were coming today-”

“Marco, did you get drunk?” Luna asked in an unamused voice. The odd fellow scratched at his chin.

“Um, yes, princess, I did.” “After I specifically told you not to?” “Terribly sorry, princess.” the creature said with a deep bow, the bowl on his head bobbing back and forth slightly.

“What a dreadful creature.” Rarity said loudly, Marco glaring at her. “You would never see one such as I engaged in such deplorable behavior-”

“Well excuse me!” he said in a gruff voice. “If you haven't noticed, there aren't any other kappa around here and the high class night life isn't my thing, so my options are limited!” Rarity and the kappa glared right into the others eyes

“Enough of this.” Luna said nonchalantly, sitting in a dignified manner. “Marco, the ruby, please?” she said, the kappa saluting without a word and diving into the water once more, large bubbles shooting to the surface.

“What was that thing?” Rarity asked as the bubbles quickly disappeared.

“He said he was a kappa?” Pinkie pondered as she scuffed at the ground while she waited.

“His name is Shikinomaru, but he prefers us to call him Marco since he came to Canterlot.” Luna explained, smiling slightly. “He tends to the harbor in the city, although he has been known to indulge a little too much. Kappa come from a far away land and there aren't any around for him to spend time with.” she explained, the stone wall behind her crumbling away to reveal a secret passage a moment later. Without saying a word, Luna stared down the newly appeared stone steps. Rarity and Pinkie giving the other a brief look of uncertainty before following the princess. Fortunately, these steps were not as numerous as the ones coming down the gorge. After just a moment more of descending the steps, their hooves echoing as they walked, they saw Marco stretching in the center of an underwater cavern the kappa obviously called home, three large hanging lanterns illuminating the makeshift bedroom. It smelled heavily of tobacco and alcohol, they both thought in union as they descended the steps. Sure enough, there were a number of empty bottles strewn about and quite a few ashtrays full of stubby, burned cigars peppering the room. Looking around, the two Ponyville mares saw large chest made of rotted wood lined with rusty iron, a rough looking cot and a few potted cucumbers (each of them looking shiny and plump). They thought it was odd they had grown so well considering there was nowhere for sunlight to come through.

“Thank you, Marco. Now, the ruby?” Luna stated as the kappa nodded and threw open the old chest and threw his arms inside. In it, Pinkie and Rarity could see what could only be described as a load of junk. Broken musical instruments, rusty metal fixtures, oyster and abalone shells, sea creature bones, more empty bottles and a mess of other things. After a moment more of rummaging, Marco pulled what he was looking for free. It was a fancy, golden cigar holder with two fixtures. Stuffing it with two cigars he clearly rolled himself (Rarity rolling her eyes as he lit them up with a long matchstick), Marco pulled the rusty bowl from his head to reveal what looked like a water-filled basin on the top of his head. In the shallow water was a gorgeous red ruby in a spindly looking golden charm. Princess Luna powered her horn and took it from him, smiling as he quickly put the rusty bowl back on top of his head.

“I think you two will enjoy this.” she said in a slightly mischievous voice, Pinkie and Rarity wondering why she was still being so cryptic. Slowly she climbed into the water, both of them watching. “Well, don't just stand there.” she said, clearly enjoying their confusion. The two looked to Marco who motioned them to join her, talking a long puff from his cigars. Cautiously, they came to the water edge and slowly climbed into the pool of salty water. It was quite cold.

“Wh-what are we g-gonna do, princess?” Pinkie asked as she shivered. Luna said nothing as she placed the ruby on her collar, the trio glowing and feeling their bodies change. The first thing Pinkie and Rarity noticed was the water began to feel less cold, or at least their bodies adjusted very quickly to the cold. After a brief moment more, they felt their lower bodies shift and change. Unaware of what had happened, they simply bobbed at the top of the water. Princess Luna, however, dove under the surface. Immediately, they dove under to see what she was doing. To their surprise, they could see just as clearly under the water as when they were above the surface. Not only that, but they could breath perfectly well underwater as well.

“What's going on!?” Rarity breathed, Pinkie able to understand her perfectly as large bubbles floated from her mouth. Looking at each other, they both saw exactly why they were able to survive underwater. Their upper bodies were exactly the same as usual, but their lower bodies were now long, slender and covered with scales, Rarity having a long, flowing caudal fin (her wings now also long and flowing fins) while Pinkie's was large and fan-like.

“GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!” Pinkie shrieked as she waved her hooves for her fishy body.

“Pinkie, calm down.” Luna said as she swam up beside them, her tail sporting several glimmering fins similar to Rarity's. “There's no need to be alarmed. The ruby has transformed us into hippocampi.” she explained calmly.

“Hippo- what?” Rarity stammered, raising an eyebrow.

“We're seaponies!?” Pinkie gasped. “I thought seaponies were only a story.”

“The hippocampi are indeed real, Pinkie.” Luna said with a smile. “This charm has the ability to turn anypony into a hippocampus.” she explained. “We are to meet with queen Shubedu, the ruler of the hippocampi. Let us make haste at once.” she said, turning to swim off gracefully into the bay.

“Oooh, all this icky brine is going to be murder on my hair!” Rarity whined as they pushed their way out to the open sea.

“You must toughen up, child.” Luna scolded. “Learn to adapt to discomfort as I have.” fuming to herself, Luna turned back to the two mares quickly, a bulging vein then appearing on her head as Pinkie tried calling out to a young whale.

“And Pinkie Pie!” she barked. “Stop harassing the wildlife.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” said Pinkie innocently. “I think he was a foreigner anyw- Waaah! What is that!?” She called as a large and very hungry looking barracuda was slinking toward them with its toothy maw wide open. Narrowing her eyes, Luna fired a searing blue beam from her horn and encased the avaricious beast in a shell of ice.

“I've never seen creature like these!” Rarity stammered as the chunk of solid ice sank to the sandy floor. “Are we still in the bay?”

“Judging by the drop in temperature, the rising PSI of the water and the more sporadic marine wildlife,” Pinkie said in a dignified voice “I think we are nearing the Canterlot border and nearing the open sea.” Rarity and Luna both blinked in surprise. “What? I like the ocean.” Pinkie added, a disgruntled look on her face. Rolling her eyes, Pinkie swam off mumbling to herself. Immediately, Luna swam up beside her, Rarity tagging along behind them. Pinkie was right, Rarity thought. Although the water didn't exactly feel cold, the temperature was dropping as they swam further on, the white mare unable to stop herself from smiling as she silently marveled at the shimmering tails of her fellow party members. After a moment more of swimming, they finally came a great gorge. The two Ponyville mares looked at it in awe. While they floated and watched, Princess Luna swam briskly down into the depths of the massive underwater canyon. The two looked at each other with the same thought in mind. The alicorn seapony seemed to know where she was going, so they cautiously swam up behind her. As they descended lower and lower, they saw what looked like jagged mountain peaks, though they could tell very easily as they came closer that was not the case. Large, spire-like homes stretched up in the gigantic gorge, dotted with hollows and openings. This had to be the seapony village, they both thought. Sure enough, as they came closer, they saw the a number of seaponies, theirs coats blue and green, swimming for them, each of them holding crude-looking spears and blades, Pinkie and Rarity shooting behind the princess as she smirked.

“Good day to you-” was all Luna had said before the bared their weapons for her. Even she looked taken aback.

“You brought them here.” one seapony stallion said. Luna narrowed her eyes as he said this.

“Yes, I said I would bring my companions-”

“No, you brought these... these monsters!” a young mare snapped as she held her spear closer. Luna gave them both a glare as Pinkie and Rarity inched closer behind her. This wasn't what they signed up for. Just as Luna opened her mouth to speak, however, a glinting red shape caught her eye, the princess smiling as the seapony queen approached.

“It's an honor, queen.” Luna said as she gave a deep bow, the hostile seaponies lowering their weapons and bowing to their queen. She was quite large, as large as Luna was, also sporting a numbers a gliding, shimmering fins and wore a bronze headdress adorned with neat, shiny shells that looked more like jewels.

“My apologies, Princess Luna.” she said in a dignified tone, the seapony attackers swimming off at once. “A number of the warriors are growing angered now that sea monsters are intruding on our home. As we've lived relatively peacefully, they have arrived at a number of absurd conclusions, including accusing you and the Equestria ponies of summoning the beasts.”

“My apologies, as well.” Luna said, Pinkie and Rarity watching in awe. “I did not mean to frighten anypony so.” Smiling, she swam with the seapony monarch down into the hollow, the two mares following cautiously behind, peering from behind the princess at the other seaponies, each of them still clutching their weapons, wondering if they should stay with Luna or make a break for it.

“What have we gotten ourselves into?” Rarity whispered in a shaky voice.

“Wait, I got an idea!” Pinkie called, shooting from behind Luna and swimming up to a particularly gruff looking guard who eyed her suspiciously.

"Bah-weep-graaaahnah wheep ni ni bong." Pinkie greeted, the seapony glaring as he floated before her, other seaponies watching. "Bah-weep-graaaahnah wheep ni ni bong!" she proudly called. This time, though, the guard was unable to stop himself as he started to chuckle at the gibberish she parroted, a couple other seaponies snickering at her display.

“Pinkie Pie, what do you think you are doing?” Luna sharply said as the trio came for her.

“It's the universal greeting, of course.” the pink pony explained, Luna jerking Pinkie away from the guffawing crowd.

“We've come to appeal to the seapony kingdom, Pinkie Pie,” Luna said irritably “so please remain dignified.”

“Okie dokie lokie” Pinkie said again as the four came to a large grotto in the side of an adorned golden wall covered in sea foliage, Rarity crinkling her nose at it. Obviously, this was what the queen called home.

“Wow... that's a big wall.” Pinkie said as she followed the others inside. Rarity gave a disgusted scowl as she looked around the grime covered halls, artifacts and sculptures of unknowable design lining the messy corridors here and there.

“What is this place?” she asked, thinking Twilight would be most interested in visiting this grotto.

“This is a sunken fortress... seaponies came here after Atlantis was invaded.” explained the queen as she lead them further down the hall, Rarity wondering what this 'Atlantis' was.

“It's from an ancient war that raged before my sister and I ruled Equestria.” Luna added as the four came to a large hall. The hall was surprisingly clean compared to the halls they entered through. It was neatly lined with needle-like spires, beautifully crafted marble columns and the the center of the hall was a massive dish-like platform. Pinkie looked at it in awe as Rarity swam about, admiring the sudden change in atmosphere. As the pink seapony came closer, her mane starting to drift slowly to the side, she saw it looked like an enormous crab shell.

“Queen Shubedu.” Luna began in a proper tone. “I trust you remember our last meeting, cut short as it was?”

“Yes, Princess Luna.” the seapony queen retorted. “The land is awry with calamities and rouge beasts... as you can see, even our home beneath the surface has be harassed in your absence.” Luna nodded at this. It made sense to her. Why else would the seaponies have acted so hostile as the three entered their home?

“We will comply and lend our services in defending the Equestrian coast, Princess Luna, but I must ask,” the queen continued “what should happen should the forces continue to besiege my fellow ponies? And why did the beasts only come for us after you first met with me?” Luna looked very taken aback by this, her mane drifting to the side. There was no denying it. The queen was just as suspicious of her as her subjects, not noticing Pinkie suddenly looking all around the great hall.

“That brute Tirek must be watching us closer than we anticipated.” Rarity suddenly added, her voice dripping with disdain. Luna and Shubedu both looked at her, thinking the exact same thing. She was right. “He must be trying to force a rift between you both, your majesties.”

“Very astute, young Rarity.” Luna said, looking pensive. “I would not have come to this conclusion myself...”

“I remember you mentioned this Tirek.” Shubedu said, looking off into the open sea through a large crevice at the far end of the flooded hall, Pinkie inching just over the opening and peaking over it. “He must be very wise and practical... he does not seem to make the first move.”

“And he may even be watching us now.” Luna said cautiously. “... this beast grows more and more vile as we continue to investigate him.”

“Then we will do all in our power to stand and fight, Princess Luna.” the queen said in her dignified voice. “I will speak with my subjects immediately. They must be aware of how malicious a foe we are dealing with.”

“Well, this went off without too much a a problem.” Rarity said, her wing-like fins drifting slightly. Looking, she saw Pinkie still looking out through the crevice of the sunken fortress. “Pinkie, what's wrong?” The pink mare didn't blink as she watched the open water, her mane staring to flow out toward the big blue.

“There's a vortex!” she called suddenly as she swam under the giant crab shell. Luna and Rarity both watched blankly as she did so, but Shubedu looked out into the sea and gasped.

“How could I have not noticed it.” she called as she also swam away from the crevice. Sure enough, in mere seconds, Luna and Rarity both covered their ears as what sounded like an explosion filled the great hall, then suddenly being jerked with incredible force as they could both feel themselves being pulled away by a tearing force in the water, turning to swim away from it to no avail.

“We have to save them, your queeniness!” Pinkie called as she watched, clinging to the giant crab shell. Immediately, the seapony queen powered her horn, a loud echoing sound coming from the open sea. As Pinkie peaked over the shell, an enormous shape shot for the crevice, blocking the churning water. It was round but had long, spindly tendrils stretching from its body and completely covered the jagged tear in the wall. Immediately, Luna and Rarity shot with Pinkie and Shubedu out from the fortress.

“Thank you, Cancer, now go, save yourself!” she called back as they hurried through the hall and out from the grotto, the swift, sucking current returning.

“That vortex... it appeared so suddenly...” Pinkie said, breathing heavily (although they were underwater) as they came to a stop before the alert looking seaponies.

“But how could it have...” Shubedu began, her voice trailing off as her eyes grew wide. Pinkie watched as she floated there for a brief moment, her look of shock turning into a look of pure terror. Immediately, the queen shot before the watching seaponies quickly, knowing she had to evacuate them.

“My fellow seaponies-” was all she managed to say before another maelstrom began to tear nearby. Immediately, Luna and Shubedu powered their horns, shielding everypony from the twisting water.

“Curse you, Tirek!” Luna growled as the water began to grow more ferocious. Just then, however, Rarity swam up just inches from the barrier, squinting with her eyes.

“Something is in there...” she said with a glare. Before she could watch any longer, the maelstrom dissipated, a long, massive, slender silver fish with numerous tiny fins dotting its body, glaring at them from behind the barrier with its glowing yellow eyes.

“It is Rahab!” Shubedu called, staring in awe at the mammoth sea creature. “But why would she attack us!?” she breathed as she and Luna held the creature at bay, the shield still going strong as it crashed continually into the glowing barrier. They had no problem in holding it off, but the also had no idea how long the creature would continue its attack. As the seaponies watched in terror as their once-ally continued her assault, an enormous crab shot by and tackled it, wrestling with it before them.

“Cancer! Don't hurt her!” Shubedu called as she dropped her barrier, shooting for her giant friends. Immediately, several seaponies shot forward and seized their queen, holding her back as the two enormous sea creatures continued fighting, her headdress falling off as she gave a shriek, Rahab flinging the giant crab painfully into a rockface.

“That creature is clearly under a mind control spell.” Luna said as it turned back to them. “It won't be easy to get up close to it.

“Wait!” Pinkie called. “Queensie, do you have ruby coral?” she asked quickly as she turned to the royal seapony, Rarity and Luna wondering what she was getting at.

“Ridiculous.” a guard said suddenly as the two creatures continue fighting. “Ruby coral is not indigenous to this region-”

“Just a small bit.” the queen interjected. “We could use it.” she said as Pinkie nodded. The two of them swam toward the seafloor where they spotted her fallen headdress on a small cliff side, the queen scooping up the fallen headdress, everypony watching. As they came back to the battling creatures, they could see Cancer was starting to grow weak as he continued to fend of Rahab, the latter generating powerful cyclones that ripped at the mammoth crab.

“Cancer!” Shubedu called tearfully, racing for her companion as Luna held her hoof out to stop her, Pinkie catching the falling headdress as she tossed it aside.

“Why do we need the headdress?” Luna asked as she generated another barrier, the crab ramming the possessed Rahab into the glowing shield.

“Ruby coral can be used as a powerful weapon.” Pinkie explained as she swam up beside the alicorn. “It can penetrate whirlpools when used as a spear.”

“It's the only way we can stop Rahab without really hurting her.” Shubedu added, barely able to stand the ongoing battle. “Please, Luna, do this for me.” she said in a shuddering voice. “I can't hurt my friend.” The other seaponies looked at the alicorn seapony, pleading looks upon their faces.

“Very well.” Luna said, taking the headdress with her magic, spying a thin but very sharp looking piece of coral. “Rarity, you have a discerning eye.” Luna said, the white seapony turning to her as she . “Tell me when I should attack.” Rarity gulped but nodded, turning to the glowing barrier, watching the two struggle. Narrowing her eyes, hearing the queen gasp and plead as the crustacean grew weaker, Rarity could feel her skin burn with tension. Luna narrowed her eyes as the crab grew less adamant, smashed into the barrier again and again.

“Rarity, please-”

“Wait for it, princess...” Rarity growled, not blinking.

“Please, Luna-”

“I said wait, queen...” Rarity watched as the crab forced its opponent back.

“Rarity, now!”

“No, Pinkie!” Rarity breathed, glaring and gritting her teeth. The slender Rahab sent Cancer flying from view from above the hollow.

“Now!” she called, Luna dropping the barrier, Rahab shooting for them as she shot the red spike straight through the twisting waters that enveloped it, striking right between the creature's eyes as it barreled right past them and into the side of the ruined fortress.

“Come, your highness!” Luna called as she shot with Shubedu for the growling creature as it fell down into the depression beneath the seapony's gorge. The two came for the beast as it slowly came to its senses, Shubedu and Luna both lowering their horns for its head, the princess casting her restoration spell while the queen cast the strongest healing spell she could on her gargantuan friend, falling deeper and deeper into the blackness.

“Princess, did it work?” Rarity called with no answer.

“Is she okay, Queenie?” called Pinkie. Still no response. Just as the crowd of seaponies inched closer, they all shot back as the slender Rahab shot up from the trench, Shubedu and Luna riding her with great smiles on their faces. Rahab sang out an echoing, serene siren song as she coiled up through the seapony's gorge, a small whirlpool materializing, dragging the motionless Cancer from the overlooking cliff, Shubedu swimming to meet with him and powering her horn.

“Wake up, now, Cancer.” she said in a motherly voice as a number of the crabs wounds healed, its beady eyes opening as she continued to cast her spell. “You did so well.” she said as Cancer nuzzled her. Every seapony cheered as their home was saved, Pinkie hollering and whooping as Rarity chortled at her friend. Luna smiled at them both as they joined the crowd, Rahab gliding gracefully through the waters as she, Shubedu and Cancer rode along with her on the joyous sea entity. Pinkie and Rarity really saved the day, she thought.


“I'm so happy the queen obliged to help defend Equestria.” Rarity said as the trio swam to the hollow Luna lead them to before. “She seems so kindly and so-” “Queensie sure was happy we could help her, huh, your highness?” Pinkie said as she shot between Rarity and Luna, smiling as she twirled about. “Cancer and Rahab both seemed really nice an' friendly, too.”

“Thank you both for coming with me today.” Luna said as the surfaced into Marco's cavern, Rarity not even caring as the kappa lay before them, completely drunk into submission, three empty bottles lying around him. As she swam to the edge of the small pool of water, Luna removed the spindly amulet from her collar, her lower body returning from a flowing fish tail to a pony's flank, Rarity and Pinkie's doing the same.

“Let's report back to the castle.” she said as she climbed from the water, shaking herself dry. Pinkie and Rarity, however, flopped onto the rocky floor, feeling a sudden rush of fatigue from swimming so much.

“Oh, you'll get used to that, don't worry.” Luna said as she started up the stairs “I was just the same as you two.” she added, ascending out of view as they both groaned, Marco suddenly beginning to snore loudly.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to my best friend darkruler64 for helping me out with this chapter.