• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 919 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Spike tidied up one of the bookshelves in Twilight's home. He was going to make sure everything was nice and clean for when Shining Armor and Cadence came home from scoping out the Everfree Forest. They were all enjoying their time together, Spike always making sure to keep a close watch on the town while they were away. At night, however, they told stories, read books, played games and Cadence just loved how Spike cooked. Looking out the window, Spike smiled as he saw everypony going about their daily lives. Everything was just as it should be.

Just as he finished making Twilight's bed, he heard the door creak open. Thinking that was Shining armor and Cadence, Spike started down the steps.

“You two sure are back early.” Spike said as he came down the bend and froze. There was a cloaked figure standing wait for him, and he knew exactly who it was.

“T-T-Tirek...” Spike stammered, stepping slowly back up the steps as the menacing baphotaur dropped his hood, revealing his horned head, a wicked smile on his face.

“I've been waiting for this moment, Spike.” he hissed, stretching his pitch-black hand forward and casting a twisting spell for the tiny dragon, his cloak flapping about his armored body. Spike dropped to his knees and covered his face as it made contact, shuddering in a fit... but nothing happened to him. Tirek stood dumbfounded as Spike still quivered on the steps.

“What's going on?” he asked, eying his captive. “You are unaffected by my spell?” Spike looked up, wondering what he was talking about. Now that he looked Tirek over, he could see more and more of his body had turned black as night, with only his face and some of his left arm still red like before. “You resist greed, Spike?” Tirek asked, stepping slowly toward the tiny drake as he shot up the steps. He had to make his way to the balcony. It was the only way he could escape. Just as he started across the room, Tirek shot through the floor with a loud crash, looking straight into Spike's eyes.

“Take a moment to speak with me, Spike.” Tirek said calmly, Spike rushing back down the stairs. Sure enough, Tirek climbed down from the hole in the ceiling and shot for the little dragon. “I want to talk to you, Spike!” he snapped, Spike cowering back against the wall. “I want you to come with me, young dragon.” Spike shuddered as Tirek spoke. “You are unaffected by my spell that places dragons under my control... and you seem quite spirited and bright.” Spike would had raised an eyebrow if he wasn't so afraid right now.

“I can tell you where you come from, Spike.” he said, stepping closer to Spike as he scampered along the wall, trying to put space between him and Tirek. “The life you're destined to have, the dragon you are meant to be.” Spike hid behind the table in the middle of the house. “Tell me, does the name Scorpan mean anything to you?” Tirek asked, Spike slowly turning to Tirek. The looks on Spikes face made Tirek give a slight smile.

“No... it doesn't” Spike said blankly. “It's weird... but I feel something inside me when I hear that name... but I've never heard it before.”

“Unfortunate.” Tirek said darkly. “Nevertheless, would you come with me, Spike? There's a greater world for you by my side.” He said, holding out his hand. Glaring, Spike dove away from Tirek. Looking around, knowing he could never escape, he did the only thing he could think of.

“Twilight... I'm sorry.” he sobbed, breathing a large burst of fire on a shelf full of books, Tirek stumbling back as the wall shot up in flames like kindling.

“Dragons are fireproof.” Spike said, covering his head as he hid under some burning wreckage, Tirek stumbling backwards in shock.


Shining Armor and Cadence raced through the Everfree Forest. A long stream of smoke rose in the direction of Ponyville. Questions flooded their heads. What could have possibly happened in the short time that they were gone away? They entered Ponyville to the screams of ponies running about the small town. Neither saw anypony they knew. Finally, to their horror, they came to the source of the smoke. Cadence cried in terror as Shining Armor roared out in disbelief. Twilight's home stood engulfed in mammoth flames. Just then, however, a loud chopping filled the air. The two looked up to see a gleaming red broadsword slicing at the blackened door to Twilight's home. Shining Armor knew that blade well. Glaring, Tirek burst through the doorway, a large blast of flame shooting out from the doorway as a fresh burst of air entered the blazing tree, Tirek shooting out from the inferno, his cloak tattered and ragged.

“What have you done to my sister's house!?” Shining Armor roared, drawing the Harbinger Blade, glaring at the fiend.

“I did nothing!” Tirek spat, assuming a defensive position as Shining Armor lunged for him, slicing through the air for him. “I don't have the time or desire to fight you, Shining Armor.” Tirek taunted, countering the stallion's attack. The two struggled in place with the other, sweat beading on their foreheads. It would seem they were both in for quite a duel. Firing from his horn, Shining Armor hit Tirek in the eye with a blast of magic, sending him stumbling back, snarling and ranting. Taking his chance, Shining Armor jumped for Tirek to deliver a dire blow, but Tirek was quick. Flapping his wings, Tirek shot back from his enemy, still clasping the red blade.

“That wasn't very nice, Shining Armor.” he jeered, shooting a burst of lightning from his hand, Shining Armor barely blocking it with his sword, feeling his body jolt just slightly as the lightning shot through the powerful sword. If he could feel Tirek's attack this vividly through the Harbinger Blade, then Tirek must have amassed an incredible amount of power since he last challenged them.

“Are you done, Shining Armor?” he sneered on, casting a new spell, small pillars of rock shooting up through the grassy ground and striking Shining Armor hard. He could feel himself growing lightheaded as Tirek continued to assault him with the earth. Roaring as he was the attack continued, Shining Armor spun in a circle, slicing down the extending shoots of rock and facing Tirek once more, a few small bruises left on his body. Lunging once more, the two matched blade, Shining Armor firing on his enemy once more, but Tirek was ready this time, catching Shining Armor's magic in his bare hand. This was not good. Pressing on with all his might, however, Shining Armor saw Tirek's eyes grow wide as he quickly seized the blade with both hands. Neither could muster enough focus for magic with the effort they were devoting to hold the other off.

“Looks like we're evenly matched, Shining armor.” Tirek growled, sweating profusely. “If there's one thing I learned from my last excursion... it's not to underestimate your kind.” he managed to stammer, taking a step toward the stallion, Shining Armor buckling slightly as his attacker pressed on. “I'm not about to lose, Shining Armor.” he breathed, both of them shaking as they pressed on.

“Neither am I...” Shining Armor managed to hiss, slowly forcing Tirek back. “You will pay for ever... for ever returning to Equestria!” They held the other in place, both their bodies shaking with fatigue. How could things possibly go from here?

“Shining Armor!” Spike called, stepping from the burning house, covered in soot, both he and Cadence turning to see him safe and sound. Seeing his distraction, Tirek swung his giant fist for Shining Armor's face, knocking him toward his wife and Spike.

“Should not an astute soldier such as you not remain focused, Shining Armor?” the baphotaur general taunted, lunging for him to deliver a final blow.

“Shining Armor!” Cadence shrieked, the stallion jumping up once more, blocking his attacker, feeling a great swell of zeal. For some reason, he didn't feel so fatigued anymore. He instead felt his mind clear and his focus restore on Tirek.

“Get out of Ponyville!” he snapped, managing to send Tirek stumbling backwards, the fiend amazed at what was happening. Tripping backwards, dropping the red blade as it reverted back to the broken unicorn horn, Tirek watched in terror as Shining Armor jumped for him, striking his armored torso hard with his weapon. It didn't pierce the mythril plate, but the shock of impact was incredible. He felt as if his entire body had been shattered as the impact sent him sliding backwards at high speed, straight into Twilight's burning home.

“And don't come back.” Shining Armor growled, watching with an icy glare as Tirek thrashed about in the raging fire, screeching and snarling. Shooting into the sky at high speed with his leathery wings, Tirek curved around and snatched up the red horn before flying off into the distance, Shining Armor dropping the Harbinger Blade and collapsing. The last thing he saw was Cadence ans Spike gathering around him.


Shining Armor walked slowly down the deserted streets of Ponyville, looking this way and that. Where was everypony? He had just woken up in the Ponyville hospital with nopony to explain as to how he had gotten there, having escaped through the window o avoid being spotted. Just as the moment of realization hit him, he raced down to the main street of Ponyville. He knew where he had to go. Shooting through an alley, however, he saw what he was dreading. Twilight's house was a completely loss, the trunk barely left standing at all. Bits and pieces of the grand tree still grew from the singed base, but it was in no way salvageable, several ponies looking over it filled with sorrow.

Coming closer, Shining Armor could hear a sob echoing in the silence. Walking closer, he could see Cadence comforting the crying little Spike. It really hurt to see him so saddened.

“This is all my fault!” Spike howled, his face dripping with tears. Shining Armor was taken aback by this comment.

“Spike, you did what you had to.” Cadence said quietly. “Tirek would have killed you or stolen you away.” Spike still wailed as he turned and buried his face in her shoulder.

“What's he talking about?” Shining Armor asked, some ponies gasping to see him well.

“Spike actually-”

“It was all my fault, Shining Armor!” he managed to say, sniffling as he cried. “Tirek... Tirek was comin' for me... so I... so I...” was all he said before he fell to the grass crying louder than before.

“Tirek broke in to Twilight's house while nopony was looking.” Cadence said. “He tried to kidnap Spike... so he did the only thing he could think to do.” she finished, her voice trailing off.

“He set fire to Twilight's house to alert us...” Shining Armor said quietly, looking down at the crying dragon.

“What will Twilight say... she'll send me away for sure... I'll never-” was all Spike wheezed before he felt himself lifted up off the ground and onto Shining Armor's back, the stallion smiling.

“What you did was very brave, Spike.” Shining Armor said as Spike stared and sniffled. “You did the right thing... Twilight would have given anything to make sure you'd be safe... even her home.” he assured, Spike looking at him in awe. “You're a real smart kid, Spike... we're glad you're safe.”

Spike sniffled and smiled weakly, holding his arms around Shining Armor's neck as the two started through town.

“Thanks, big bro...” Spike said quietly, happy to be part of the family