• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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“You've come such a long, long way, Twilight... and I've watched closely from the very first time we met.” “Princess?” “To see the kind of pony you would grow to be... I've always been so proud of you, Twilight... now, if I may... I think it's time we turn the page to a new chapter, Twilight...”

Twilight stirred in her sleep as she dreamed of her memories of her life before becoming a princess again.

“Princess! Princess!”

“What's that matter, Twilight?”

“I finished reading the 'Mare in the Moon'... I've never been so scared in my life!”

“There there, little Twilight... no need to be afraid.”

Twilight shook awake, breathing somewhat heavily. If she wasn't dreaming about Tirek attacking everything she held dear, she was dreaming about her past. This wasn't right. She was content with being a princess. She was happy with her life again. Why did she dwell on the past like this?


The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon as the Airship zoomed up toward the eastern peaks. Rising up higher and higher through the clouds, Twilight, Celestia and Starlight watched as the airship finally peaked through the clouds and came to the decrepit remains of a kind of tower or stronghold. The two smaller mares gaped in awe as Celestia narrowed her eyes.

“The remains of the tower of Starswirl the Bearded.” she said slowly, powering her horn, her armor appearing on her body a moment later. “This is where we should begin our search, Twilight.”

The airship touched down at a rocky path, Starlight leading them to the exit hatch below deck.

“Why are we coming here, Princess?” Twilight asked as she fastened a warm cloak around her neck.

“Master Starswirl created the Harbinger Blade.” Celestia explained. “It's likely Tirek would come her to find some secrets to it... possibly even destroy it.” Twilight walked in since beside Celestia. Just then, however, Celestia spread her wing out to stop the young alicorn. Looking over her wing, Twilight saw a rattlesnake staring right at them, its tail sounding loudly.

“These peaks are crawling with deadly creatures.” Celestia said. “Mind your surroundings at all times, Twilight.” she said, levitating the snake lower down the mountain. Motioning Twilight to follow, Celestia began up the mountain once again. Twilight stepped this way and that as she avoided the large spiders and centipedes. She was shocked these creatures could survive in this environment. The two went on up the rocky pathway until they came to a drop off.

“Here.” Celestia said as she spread her wings, Twilight doing the same. The two princesses flew up the rest of the mountain. Celestia obviously didn't want them to over exert themselves, Twilight thought. Just as they flew up through a layer of clouds (both of them soaked as they flew through), they came up to the ruined tower. Twilight couldn't help but feel sad as she looked at the clearing she and Celestia flew down into. It was hardly a tower anymore. A few walls still stood but all manner of masonry, columns, rotted papyrus and parchment and a number of weathered instruments impossible to accurately identify filled the clearing.

“Master Starswirl devoted his life to the study of magic.” Celestia explained. “After the Crystal Empire, however, he went into exile.”

“Because he was the Element of Honesty.” Twilight said, Celestia closing her eyes. “Princess Luna told me.” Just then, Twilight turned as she heard the sound of falling rocks. Stepping to the edge, Twilight saw an orange feather. It looked as thought it had just fallen there. Could something be spying on them?


Twilight and Celestia both had been digging at the ruins for a long while that day, trying to see if they could find anything. It was uneventful and they hardly spoke to each other as they worked. However, they were no longer digging. Instead, they now stared down at the unearthed bones of another pony. Celestia narrowed her eyes slightly while Twilight's head swam with questions.

“Is that-” “No, Twilight. Lord Starswirl was set adrift at sea when he passed... these bones are recent... I can tell.” Twilight stared up at her mentor.

“Do... do you think Tirek sent them here?” she asked. The white alicorn only inhaled deeply.

“That is a possibility... Tirek may be employing mercenaries... but then again, these ruins are a prized location for thieves and raiders... I think this was likely just somepony grave robbing.”

Celestia turned away as Twilight looked down at the dry bones. She really wanted to believe Celestia, that this was likely a treasure hunter, but she couldn't shake the feeling... why would somepony work under Tirek? Would they truly be so reckless and greedy? Sighing, she looked up into the noonday sun as a strong wind blew at her mane.

“Twilight, over here!” Celestia called, shaking her from her thoughts. Twilight hurried over to Celestia to see her levitating a piece of parchment. It must have been buried for years by the looks of it.

“What is it, Princess?” she breathed, looking at it. She could tell it was written in an ancient Equestrian language.

“Runeolith.” Celestia said. “This was a dying language when I was your age.” she explained.

“What does it say, princess?” asked Twilight as she peered at it closely. Ancient texts was not something Twilight was well studied in at all.

“It's a history of the Alicorn Amulet.” Celestia said. “It says there were seven who were known to have donned it... the first two were slain... the third overpowered themself... the fourth was the only one to ever to be fooled into taking the amulet off...”

“Does it say who it was, princess?” Twilight asked. Celestia shook her head.

“It doesn't say who any of them were... except the last one... it was the dragon, Tristram, whose fiery breath caused the largest volcano Equestria had ever seen.”

“The Great Roost” Twilight whispered, Celestia nodding.

“The legendary Tristram's fires, fulled by the amulet, were hot enough to cause the Great Roost to erupt, unifying the dragons and giving them a place to call home... the only good that ever came of the Alicorn Amulet... but then the dragon disappeared, and the amulet with him...”

“And then Trixie found it.” Twilight sighed. “... and now we have it at Canterlot.”

“It's strange, though.” Celestia went on. “The Great Roost appeared about 500 years ago.”

“Why is that odd?” Twilight asked.

“Starswirl died about 1200 years ago... I don't know who could have written this...”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but couldn't find the words.

“I never knew he had worn the amulet-” was all Celestia said before jumping back as a black crystal shard shot for the parchment. Celestia and Twilight turned to see the baphotaur general, dressed in a heavy cloak, covered with golden down feathers.

“You may want to give me that, Celestia.” Tirek said, stepping into the ruined clearing, trotting on a spindly spider. Glaring, he stepped closer, Celestia drawing her sword as Twilight donned her Element of Harmony. “You don't belong here... nopony does.” Tirek went on. “Best be on your way-”

“You followed us here, didn't you?” Twilight said darkly. “What do you want?”

“You know my demands.” Tirek said maliciously. “If I am not given the amulet, Equestria dies... is that what you want, princesses?”

“There's two of us and one of you, Tirek!” Twilight called, trying to maintain her cool. “Even you know that makes for better odds.”

“Quite right, young princess.” Tirek said, smiling slightly. Twilight always hated the look on his face when he smiled. “That is why I came prepared.”

Before either of the princesses could say a word, the ground shook, rocks and debris flying from the center of the clearing. Stretching out of it was what looked like a gigantic snake, about the size of a bear, but it had giant frills at its neck and long, slender, skeletal arms.

“It's a naga!” Celestia called as it grimaced down at the two alicorns. The two flew off as it opened its mouth and spat hot venom for them, singeing the ground slightly as it made contact. While Twilight zoomed around trying to evade the creature's grasping arms, firing shining lights it the air as it chased her, Celestia matched blades in midair with Tirek, his cloak and Celestia's armor shining brilliantly in the sun's glare.

“My, my, Celestia.” the fiend tutted. “Do you really think you can take me?” Celestia said nothing. “You couldn't defeat Great Master Sombra, so what makes you think you could possibly harm me?”

“You will fool me into a blind rage, Tirek?” Celestia said through gritted teeth as she pressed on with her sword. “I am not so easily swayed.” she added, forcing him back, firing a golden beam at him. Tirek, flapping his bat-like wings, swooped under her attack and parried, landing a powerful blow on her shoulder. While the armor protected her from suffering a deep slice, the impact was incredible, Celestia falling down to the tower's ruins.

“I'm not finished, Tirek!” she called up to him. The wicked general only smiled down at her, holding his red blade in his pitch black hand. “What are you doing, beast?” Celestia called up to him, spreading her wings. Just before she could take off once more, however, she felt a sharp pain in her hind leg. Looking behind her, she saw a tiny yellow scorpion that had just stung her. It was a dangerous breed, she could tell, just by looking at it.

“I hope you've some medicine on hand, Celestia!” Tirek taunted. “Otherwise you're going to feel really sick in no time... but that's the least of your worries." he sneered, Celestia turning to see the naga turn back to her and stretch its hand for her. Just as she raised her sword to defend herself, an orange glare shot between them, knocking the creature's hand back.

“I don't think so!” Celestia's rescuer called. Looking through the glaring sun, Celestia saw...

“Flash Sentry, at your service, Princess Celestia.” the stallion said giving a short bow to her. The naga slithered for him, spraying venom for him as he dove quickly under its attack, curving back up to kick it in its fringed face.

“This wasn't the fight I was hoping for!” Tirek called, shooting for Flash, holding his sword high to attack. Swinging, Tirek glared as Twilight caught the blade with her glowing horn.

“This ends now, Tirek!” she growled, her Element glowing as well. “Surrender.”

“What a thing to say.” Tirek said with his wicked smirk. “Celestia is poisoned, my pet has your friend held at bay, and you are no match for me, even with your precious Element of Harmony.” he said as he flew back, firing bolts of orange light for Twilight. The young alicorn maneuvered through them as baphotaur swung for her again, Twilight barely catching his blade.

“You have no sword of your own.” Tirek went on with zest. “You've had no training of any kind. My power grows by the day. And you think you can defeat me?”

“I also think you talk too much.” Twilight smirked, shoving him back. “Besides, we came prepared.” Before Tirek could respond to this, the deafening sound of the Entourage's engine and propellers filled the noon air.

“Sis! A little help?” Flash called as he kicked the naga's clawed hand back once more, Celestia beginning to breathe heavily as she fired on the creature.

“Number One! Give the signal!” Starlight called, her first lieutenant pulling a leaver. Within seconds, the whole side of the airship was dotted with cannons. Tirek looked furious.

“Looks like we're one step ahead of you, good general.” Twilight said in a cool tone, the sound of exploding cannon fire echoing loudly. Tirek turned just in time to dodge a ball of iron as it shot for him. Starlight had her own cannon on the bridge that she was aiming at him with!

“Saver your empty victory, Twilight Sparkle!” Tirek snapped, flying off as the naga, pummeled with cannon fire, barreled underground. The day was theirs.


The airship flew full throttle back to Canterlot. Celestia rested below deck, given an antidote to the scorpion venom. It was clear to see they had only just made it in time. She would not be back to full strength for some time.

“How are you, your highness?” Starlight said bowing.

“I was seconds away from dying from scorpion venom... how do you think I feel?” she groaned. Starlight bowed once more.

“My sincerest apology, princess. I will take leave and join Princess Twilight Sparkle and my brother up deck, your highness.”

“Very well, Captain.” Celestia said as the orange mare left her. Celestia felt cold. Not because of the numbing feeling of the scorpion sting, but because of what Tirek said to her.