• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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It had been just a few days since Rainbow Dash and Applejack had left for Appleoosa. Celestia was still feeling fatigued from her scorpion sting but was keeping close watch over Canterlot. There had been no word of Tirek save for an incident near Ponyville. She knew she had to send troops out that way as soon as possible.

Twilight watched the setting sun from the castle wall with Starlight as an airship approached Canterlot. Scratching a slight itch behind her ear, she wondered who could be coming to Canterlot without announcement. Hurrying down the stone steps, Starlight hurrying after her and calling her name, Twilight made her way for the grand gate of the castle. No doubt, Celestia and Luna would already be making their way to meet with these strangers.

“Listen to me, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight shrieked and froze as she heard the same voice from several nights before whisper in her ear again, Starlight stopping behind the purple alicorn.

“What's wrong, Twilight?” Starlight called, hurrying up beside her. “What's the matter?”

“Wh-wh-whispering...” Twilight stammered, shaking. Starlight looked perplexed.

“What whispering?” she asked. Twilight knew immediately Starlight couldn't hear what she heard, and the fact that she heard whispering once more meant she didn't imagine it the first time. Shaking her head, Twilight ran off from her friend, Starlight calling for her once more. Racing through the castle, trying in vain to chase her pondering of the whispers she heard, she came to the gate of the castle, Celestia and Luna nowhere to be seen. Not wasting anytime, Starlight coming back up to her, Twilight heaved the gates open to find the two alicorn princesses standing wait as the airship slowly drifted through the city, the propellers slowing down as it came to a land not at the docks, but right in the square before the castle. Starlight hurried through the gates and watched as the airship touched down, it's blue flags drifting in the wind current from the propellers.

“That's... that's Stable's crew.” Starlight said as they spotted the hatch on the side opening. As several pegasi disembarked, some wearing cloaks and some wearing uniforms, they made their way for the castle, each of them bowing as they came to meet with the princesses.

“Greetings, your highness.” one pegasus said, bowing directly in front of Celestia. He had a slightly gray coat and a short blue mane, was dresses in a blue uniform with small golden bars on the shoulders, clearly denoting him as the team's officer. “We of the Stable team wish to offer our services.” Starlight watched them suspiciously. She knew they weren't the most savory of soldiers.

“Why do you come with no prior comment?” Celestia asked in a dignified tone. “And why does your leader not meet with me?”

“Master Stable received word that there was an assassination attempt in Canterlot, your highness.” he explained, still bowing deeply. “He has humbly offered his services to fortify our capital city and protect your highness. He regrets to inform he has already taken to searching the stretches of Equestria for suspicious activity and cannot be hear in person.”

“Searching Equestria?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It is our duty to our homeland, Princess Luna.” he said, turning to bow to the blue alicorn. “As I understand, Tirek has made several advances on Equestria as of late.” None of them could argue with this, especially considering Starlight elected to become Twilight's bodyguard for the same reason.

“Very well, sir.” Celestia said, nodding to the pegasus officer. “We will accept your services and thank you for your devotion to Equestria.” The other princesses gave a bow to the pegasi. Even Starlight had to admit she was grateful for this new security for Canterlot. “Will you require quarter, sir...”

“Officer Current.” the stallion said with one final bow. “And that will not be necessary, your highness. We will keep to the airship.” he said, motioning his company to take to the castle. “Squadron 2, begin patrol of the castle at once. Obey the castle guard.” he said sharply, his squadron saluting with their wings as they bowed to the princesses and started past them into the castle grounds, Luna and Twilight turning to watch them.

“Squadron 4, patrol the town for suspicious activity. Do not harass civilians.” he called, a squad behind him saluting as well as they bowed to the princesses and made haste for the Canterlot streets. “Squadrons 1, 3 and 5, at ease.” he said, each of the pegasi starting off to the airship. “I am at your disposal, your highness. We will do our best not to intrude-”

“I trust you will be courteous without my input, officer.” she said, turning back to the castle. “Should you require anything, we will be hospitable to our best.” With that, Celestia left her audience, Current saluting as the four mares were unsure about all of this.


Three days had passed since Stable's mercenaries arrived in Canterlot of their own accord, and despite several suspicious glances and murmurs at first, it seemed their presence had improved the atmosphere of the grand city. They were courteous to the townsfolk and did not impose on the royal guard. Celestia was slowly getting better from her scorpion sting and she was keeping Philomena's egg well incubated, Fluttershy helping in any way she could.

Meanwhile, Twilight had asked Luna to help train her in swordplay. After her encounter with Tirek at the ruins of Starswirl's observatory, she felt the need to better herself. Down in Luna's study, the loud clacking of wooden swords filled the air as she tirelessly hounded Twilight with her skilled prowess. Turning quickly, Twilight narrowly blocked a powerful strike from Luna, buckling slightly as the blue alicorn looked right into her eyes as they both pressed on. Feeling her face grow hot, Twilight hopped back and shot forward with a lunge, Luna easily sidestepping her pupil and smacking her hard in the back with her weapon. Wincing, Twilight dropped to her knees, her sword dropping from her mouth. That last blow really hurt.

“Pick up your weapon.” Luna said darkly. “Stand at ready, Zerus.”

“What?” Twilight asked, turning to Luna.

“I said stand at ready, princess!” she snapped. “We continue.” Twilight shook her head and seized her weapon once more in her teeth, tuning back to Luna. Despite appearances, they both knew she was making progress. Lunging for another attack, Luna sidestepped once more, striking Twilight again, a large welt left on her back. Twilight buckled to her knees, giving a small shriek of pain.

“Are you done, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked, narrowing her eyes. Twilight immediately rounded back for Luna and lunged just as before, Luna performing the same evasive maneuver. When she swung for Twilight, however, the young alicorn kicked back quickly, turning back for Luna and deflecting her blow, taking this opportunity to parry her teacher, Luna stumbling as Twilight's weapon finally made contact. The two turned to the other, still gripping their weapons.

“That's enough for today, Twilight.” Luna said, dropping her training sword. Twilight eyed her. “You managed to finally land a blow on me... good work considering so few have been able to match me over the millennia.” Twilight blinked at this as Luna started off for the spiraling steps. “Are you coming, Twilight Sparkle?” she asked, Twilight nodding and tossing her training sword over beside Luna's, following the elder princess. Reaching the heavy wooden door to the main corridor, Luna opened it and led Twilight into the hall, a golden sunset filling the corridor. Looking around, she spotted Pinkie and Rarity chatting at the foot of a stairwell and hurried down to meet with them.

“Oh, hello Twilight.” Rarity greeted politely. “We were just talking about your birthday coming up next week.” Twilight smiled at this as a few guards patrolled by. A little celebration was just the fix they could use.

“Princess Celestia thinks we should make it into a big festival.” Pinkie said, Twilight certainly having a mixed feeling at this announcement. “She thinks it would raise up the spirits of everypony in Canterlot. Don't you think so?” Twilight didn't speak. True, she was more content with being a princess now, but was she ready to be at the center of a big celebration? For Canterlot, no less?

“I... I guess so.” Twilight said nervously. Rarity and Pinkie could both see their friend was unsure.

“Are you certain, Twilight?” the white pegasus asked, concern in her voice.

“If you don't wanna, we can still have a party with just us.” Pinkie added, giving a small smile. “Everypony will be able to make it, I'm sure. Even Rainbow Dash and Applejack in Appleoosa and even Shining Armor and Princess Cadence and Spike.” Twilight only shook her head.

“No,” she said firmly “if Princess Celestia thinks it will be for the good of Canterlot that we hold a festival for my birthday, then I will agree with her.” Twilight faked a smile that fooled her friends. “Everypony could use a celebration, so let's get to planning, girls.” she said proudly. Rarity and Pinkie both nodded and trotted off (Pinkie singing “This is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well, you're invited to a party 'cause we think you're really swell. Twilight's turning nineteen so help us celebrate, the cake will be delicious, the festivities first-rate”). Twilight's smile faded just a bit. She did like seeing her friends look so happy.

“If you don't feel this would be for the best, Twilight, you can tell me.”

Twilight turned quickly to see Celestia smiling down at her, several mercenaries patrolling behind her. Was she listening in on them?

“If you think we should hold a celebration for Canterlot, I see no reason to decline, your highness.” Twilight said in a proper tone. “The townsfolk need this after everything that's been happening.”

“Very well, Twilight.” Celestia said, turning. “If that's what you feel is right... you've grown up so much.” Smiling, Twilight hurried to catch up with Celestia.

“I guess it has been a long time since I was just a student.” Twilight said. “I'm still just learning everything, though.” Celestia nodded at this.

“It's not uncommon for somepony to learn all throughout their life.” she said as the left the castle for the courtyard, giving a small chuckle, Twilight turning to her.

“What's funny, Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“I just thought of what you said to me the night you first read the Mare in the Moon.” she said. Twilight's face flushed red. “You rushed in and said 'Help me, princess, I've never been so afraid in my life.' You were so cute.” Twilight turned away, smiling nervously. Still, she did find herself suddenly reminiscing on life growing up at the castle. It was such a wonderful experience, she wished she could do it all over again. Nevertheless, she thought as she and Celestia can to a stop near a garden with plump vegetables and fragrant herbs, watching the sunset, she wouldn't trade anything for the life she had now with her Ponyville friends.


Twilight surveyed the beautiful dress Rarity made for her birthday. It was fairly similar to the dress she made for the Grand Galloping Gala over a year ago, puffy, lacy and blue with bright stars around the hem.

“This is a new style I heard about.” Rarity explained, peering over it with her thick-rimmed glasses she only wore for dress making. “It's called 'Lolita' and it's reminiscent to old-fashion clothes from around one hundred years ago. That beastly Marco says it's popular in his homeland.” Twilight chortled as she thought of the kappa. She had met with him a few times since he came to Canterlot a few years before she left for Ponyville. He was usually polite toward her.

“It looks really pretty, Rarity.” she said smiling. Maybe this birthday wouldn't be so bad as she thought it would be. “I'll leave you to your work, okay?”

“But wait!” Rarity called, shooting to Twilight. “Is there anything it could use? Anything it's missing or has too much of?” Twilight gave a sigh at this. She knew Rarity was trying to make sure it was perfect after the mishap with her friends' dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala last year. Shaking her head, Twilight assuaged her friend.

“Rarity, it's perfect.” she said, Rarity looking Twilight over. “I trust your judgement and I know you'll make me a beautiful dress for my birthday.” At this, Rarity smiled and returned to her seamstress work. Everything was going well. Stepping out from Rarity's suite, Twilight walked to one of the gigantic windows at the edge of the hallway of the castle and watched the setting sun over the town. Canterlot always looked so beautiful in the sunset. It was her favorite time in the town. She really felt like she was a little pony again.

“Hi, Twilight.”

The purple alicorn turned to see Starlight strolling up toward her, smiling as she walked.

“I just checked in with Current.” she said, coming up beside her friend. “There's no suspicious activity going on. Good thing we have Stable's team here.” she said, both of them looking out the window as Current commanded troops in the distance. “I wasn't exactly sure we could trust them since Stable has a tendency to be too mercenary and such.” she went on, Twilight smiling as a troop of royal guards saluted to the mercenaries down below. “But I'm glad they're taking to defend Canterlot.” she finished as a troop of both royal guards and Stable mercenaries patrolled by. Twilight nodded in agreement. The ponies of Canterlot did seem so much more secure now that Stable's team was keeping watch of the city. In fact, it seemed the tension of Tirek's attacks had faded completely. It was almost as if the entire town had returned to the state it was in before Celestia had commissioned Twilight to Ponyville.

“So, feel like hitting the bar?” Twilight asked mischievously, Starlight staring at her. Even Twilight had to admit, this didn't seem quite like herself.

“But... but you're a princess-”

“You think a princess doesn't know how to drink?” Twilight asked mischievously. “C'mon, it'll be fun.” she said, starting off.

“But... but...” Starlight stammered, trying to find a reason to say no. In truth, they could both use a night to blow off steam. There had been no new word from Appleoosa or even Ponyville. Shaking her head, Starlight hurried alongside Twilight, her face turning a slight tinge of red. “I don't usually drink-”

“Then I'll get drunk for the both of us.” Twilight said proudly, Starlight turning quickly for the princess as she laughed loudly as they descended the steps to the castle courtyard. “I'm just joking.” Twilight sneered, Starlight chuckling. “Don't worry, I'm not the kind of pony that just gets drunk. You worry too much.” she said, chuckling as well as they pressed through the castle gates, two mercenaries lowering the drawbridge for them to cross the moat.

“You had me going there for a minute.” Starlight said as the walked through the streets of Canterlot. “Current surprisingly hasn't been drinking at all since he came here, so that means the bar will have a wealth of excess whiskey.” she taunted, Twilight giggling as they walked through the streets. These really were the best of times.


Twilight walked through the halls of the castle, ready to continue her swordplay training today with Luna. As she knocked on the door, there came no answer. Was Luna away today? Giving another knock, there came no answer still. Shrugging, Twilight strolled off. Maybe she'd see how Pinkie or Fluttershy were handling the festivities. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen much of Fluttershy or Discord. She wondered where they could be right now. Last she heard, Fluttershy was still helping to reform Discord after how long he spent away from everypony. Stepping out the main doors to the courtyard, a few mercenaries bowing to her as she walked by, Twilight saw Luna tending to the small garden she saw the day before.

“Oh, hello, sister.” Luna said turning to see Twilight instead. “Oh, it's just you, Princess Twilight.” Twilight walked up beside Luna and looked over the garden.

“You're the one tending to this garden, Princess Luna?” she asked, stepping up beside the blue alicorn as she poured a watering can over the rows, the sun hanging high in the sky.

“I always enjoyed gardening.” she explained smiling. “Zerus and I planted several gardens when he studied under me.” Twilight watched as Luna poured different amounts of water over the growing plants. She really knew a lot about her crops.

“Would you be interested in learning gardening, Princess Twilight?” she asked politely, setting the watering can down. Twilight looked the plants over once more.

“Growing things isn't really my strong suit.” she said nervously. “Anytime I tried to plant or grow something when I was studying under Princess Celestia, it all just ended up dying in a few days.” she said with a laugh. “It was always 'water this' or 'dilute that' or 'rotate those'. It made my head spin.” Luna chuckled at this. It would seem even a studious pony like Twilight couldn't pick up on everything.

“I'm guessing you want to continue your swordplay, Princess Twilight?” Luna asked as she strolled past her fellow princess and started up the steps to the castle. Nodding, Twilight hurried up beside her.

“I want to make sure I can learn it all fast-”

“Take the day off.” Luna said as they walked through the doors. Twilight blinked as they stepped inside the halls. Take the day off?

“But... but we've been training so hard.” she said. “You're so... adamant about me learning and-” “And I say you need time to rest.” Luna interjected. Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but she reconsidered it. Celestia said the same thing to her several times when she was growing up. Maybe she could use a break from all the sword fighting, she thought as they passed the tall windows of the corridor. They had been at it for a while.

“Okay, princess.” Twilight said with a nod. “I'll just relax today.” she said walking off, Luna smiling. It seemed the princesses all had more in common with each other than they originally believed.


Celestia looked through her spyglass from her spire as a few soldiers and mercenaries patrolled the Canterlot train station, smiling as more of the Stable team arrived on a steam engine, the sun drifting toward the west. She was glad so many ponies were devoted to Equestria. Just then, there came a knock down below. Stepping down the steps into her observatory, Celestia walked over to the heavy wooden door as there came another knock.

“Coming, coming.” she said pleasantly. She had finally fully recovered from her scorpion sting and felt quite relieved for the first time in days. Answering the door, she saw some few guards saluting as she answered. “May I help you, sirs?” she asked with a nod.

“Your highness,” one started “the phoenix egg is hatching.” Celestia smiled and hurried from the room. It was important she be there for Philomena to hatch. Phoenixes, like many creatures, bond with the first thing they see when they hatch, after all. As she hurried down the spiral steps, she entered a metal door at the edge of the corridor to the room of relics. Sure enough, Luna stood there as the orange and yellow egg shook on a mount in the center of the room. As she came up to it, Luna stepped away, waiting for it to hatch. As soon as she walked up to the egg, however, the metal door slammed open, Celestia and Luna both turning to see a number of armed mercenaries rush in, their saddle-fitted crossbows primed.

“What's going on here?” Luna demanded, glaring at the pegasi. Celestia covered the clicking egg with her wing.

“Give us the phoenix egg and we'll leave.” one mercenary said. “Tirek's orders.” The two narrowed their eyes. They had been employed by Tirek this whole time? These mercenaries were a savvy bunch.

“Get out of our home.” Luna said sharply, narrowing her eyes and her horn began to pulsate. “We will make you regret it if you don't.” Immediately, they fired on the two, Luna placing a barrier around them as the bolts snapped and deflected on contact. Glaring, stepping forward, Luna lowered her horn, blasting them all and sending them through the wall of the castle. “Stay here, sister.” Luna said, spreading her wings. “It's time to cleanse some rats.” she scowled, shooting through the hole she torn in the castle wall. Sure enough, she saw mercenaries flying this way and that, firing bolts on guards and townsfolk who had taken up arms. This was not good. At the dock, she could see the airship rising. She had to disable it. There was no telling what was going to happen if it got up and moving. Shooting through the sky, she weaved to and fro between attacking mercenaries, some with their wings armored and some with crossbows. Coming to the airship, she fired at a pair of small propellers, the ship tilting somewhat. Instantly, a barrage of bolts shot up for her as she narrowly shielded herself from harm. As she held her barrier in place, however, more and more bolts shooting up at her, there was no way she could attack the rest of the propellers. Glaring, still generating her barrier, Luna shot down at the ship and into the crowd of attacking pegasi, sending them flying this way and that, a number of them sailing over the edges of the ship. Dropping her barrier, she dove for the dazed attackers and smacked them hard with her wings, knocking them senseless. In a flash, she dove out of the way of more crossbow fire, narrowly avoiding the skewering shots. The mercenaries she walloped weren't so lucky.

“Leave Canterlot!” Luna roared, running at blinding speed, keeping just one step ahead of the hail of crossbow bolts. Lowering her horn, she sent a whip of energy for the attacking ponies, knocking them away. As several reloaded their crossbows, Luna made a dive for them, tackling the pegasi and kicking them all about. Just then, the airship began to tilt more toward the side. Looking up, the propellers were beginning to spin faster. It would be long until they steadied the flying ship. She had to be fast. Shooting up, she fired another shot at one of the giant propellers, the ship tilting forward to the ground as it stopped spinning. The mercenaries all stumbled and slid on the deck of the ship, save one. Current, Stable's trusted friend and second-in-command, stood at the bridge, watching the blue pegasus fly about and cripple the ship, his face wearing no expression. As the ship began to sink downward to the ground, the uniformed pegasus spread his glinting, armored wings to balance himself. Looking at the streets of Canterlot, he could see the mercenaries heavily entrenched with Canterlot's royal guard. They had spent the last week casing the city and its military, fending them off and stealing the phoenix fledgling was thought not to be a trick, yet it seemed both sides were fairly even matched... save for the princess.

Shooting into the pink sky, his face still emotionless, Current shot behind Luna and sliced into her side, sending her spiraling down to the deck of the ship. Flapping her wings, she came to a rocky landing and glared up at her attacker.

“Come down here and face me, coward!” she called for him. Rather than comply, Current shot for a disabled propeller and cut a large, sharp blade down with his armored wing and threw it down at the princess, Luna blasting it away with her horn. He did the same maneuver once more, sending several blades down for her as she jumped out of the way, each of them jamming through the wooden floor of the deck. Having had enough, Luna shot up for him, firing at him as he dodged her horn's torrent. Shooting for her, the gray stallion swung his wings down for her neck, but she was quick and she countered with her horn. The two looked into the others eyes, not blinking once. He was strong, but she wasn't about to give up. Shoving him away, Luna shot for him once more as he quickly swung once again, the two locking once more. Just then, there came the sound of roaring propellers. Was the airship lifting back up? As Luna was distracted by this, Current shot around and kicked her hard in the face, knocking her through the air as she saw another airship on the rise. Reinforcements! Just as Current smiled, the airship coming from the setting sun fired two rounds at the dropping airship, both Current and Luna staring in disbelief as it quickly crashed to the ground. As it came closer, they saw why. It was the Entourage. Starlight's team had arrived to help.

“Took you long enough!” Starlight called up from the ground, both her wings armored and her mane disheveled. She had clearly been in the thick of fighting. Just then, Current shot down and tackled the orange pegasus. Climbing to her feet, she narrowly blocked the slice of Current's wing.

“Stable said he wanted you dead if nothing else.” Current said, looking more annoyed than angry, his team flying off as the Entourage fired on the attackers. “It doesn't make much a difference to me, but he is my leader.” he went on, swinging for her with his wings as she swung back. As they looked each other over, Current swung his wings once more for her but they stopped just a foot away from his opponent. Turning, he could see Twilight holding a katana in her mouth, smirking at him, her Element on her head.

“Sorry, Current.” she said, shoving him back. As he got his footing back, he swung for her with his wings.

“So the new princess wants to play?” Current taunted as they matched blades. Swinging lazily for her, she pressed on, catching him off guard. Her sword training had really paid off, it seemed. How was she able to keep up with him after just a week or so of training? Swinging this way and that, Twilight quickly turned the tides and forced Current back. He had really underestimated her. Just then, she rushed him, knocking him over into a fountain with a loud splash. Starlight cheered at her friend's accomplishment.

“You're really handy with that blade, Twilight.” she said proudly, Luna landing beside them a moment later.

“I dunno, this sword feels awkward.” she said, looking the katana clasped in her mouth over. “I just grabbed the first sword I saw to fight with. This isn't even the kind of sword I trained with-”

“Training with me will make any versatile in no time.” Luna said proudly. Were they really making light of this attack? What was going on, he wondered. Standing up in the fountain, he looked them over, his wings still spread. At this, all three of them smirked and stood at ready. There was no way he could handle three of them at once.

“Just wait until next time. I won't go easy on you, new princess.” he spat, flying off. Just as the three spread their wings in perfect synchronization, several bolts fired at them, , Luna powering a barrier between them as the pegasi covered their leader's escape. Just as Current disappeared into the sunset, the last remaining mercenaries flew off, the trio ready to give chase, but they were all quickly smacked out of the sky like flies by a gigantic golden mallet. Discord had just stopped the last of them.

“Like I'd weasel my way into the last part?” he said mischievously, the trio staring at him. What was he doing this whole time, just waiting for that... probably, now that they thought about it.


Canterlot castle was in fairly decent shape despite the chaos earlier. Order was quickly restored to Canterlot and the guards quickly doubled their patrols. It seemed most everypony had managed to survive the attack with no real damage, and those who were injured were being tended to promptly.

Twilight, Luna and Starlight had gathered with Celestia in the room of relics and looked over the adorable little phoenix chick as she happily chirped at them, the moon glowing through the castle windows.

“How long until Philomena's big enough for her tears to heal again?” Twilight asked as she watched some unicorn guards tend to the hole Luna blew in the wall earlier.

“Just a few months.” Celestia explained. “It's a good thing everypony is safe.” she said, watching the townsfolk tidy up the town.

“Those slimy traitors really had us fooled.” Starlight said her smile fading. “Things could have really gotten a lot worse if we weren't as ready as we were.”

“Those of Canterlot never let their guard down.” Luna said proudly, Twilight nodding. Just then, a guard hurried to them, Celestia stepping toward him.

“Your highness!” he said sharply. “Urgent news from Appleoosa.” he said, giving a letter with a priority stamp on the edge. Narrowing her eyes, tearing it open quickly, Celestia looked it over, but her look of concern was quickly replaced with a look of amusement. The other three mares were confused to say the least.

“Princess?” Twilight asked, Celestia stifling a small laugh and read aloud;

“'Dear Princess Celestia. We have urgent news. The Stable pegasus mercenary team has been employed by Tirek. Do not trust them if they come to Canterlot. Your loyal subject, Applejack.'”

The three others stared for just a moment before they laughed as well. Why couldn't that letter have arrived just one day earlier?