• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 1,071 Views, 26 Comments

Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree - Ponyess

I'm Silly Filly, born earth type, even though my parents live in Clouds Dale, which did cause some fuzz. I moved to a small village, where I had a distant relative. This where my story begun but by no means the end of it.

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A Nightly Class: 9

Author's Note:

Rarity's POV

Hi, Silly!” I uttered, as I saw the horned fillie approach my Boutique.

Hi, Rarity. Nice to see you're still up. I hope you haven't had too much work today!” I pointed out in response.

Nothing serious happened at the tree house, I hope!” I enquired, in a curious, yet caring voice.

Not just that, I had the impression I was to ask a few things of you. Like the respected and responsible unicorn you are. Hoping I'm not getting anything wrong here. I noticed the beautifully crafter dresses earlier, guess they're hard to miss?” she pondered.

My consumers would swear by that. There is hard work behind every last one of them. I guess I can take pride in crafting them!” I expressed, with just a little bit of humility in her voice, like the element of Generosity she is.

I guess I got curious. How it would feel to wear something like that? Just that I have no opportunity, or reason to wear anything as elaborate, as these. Maybe a casual vest could work. Living in Ponyville and all?” she enquired.

I think I have an idea or two, as to where you're going with this. This will be a very interesting challenge for me. Though I guess we could talk more of it, over a cup of teas?” I suggested.

Tea sounds nice!” she responded, eager to see what she could conjure up for me, and what it was to set me back.

Both the work in hours, and the fabrics used would only come at a cost. I knew as much. I wasn't born yesterday. Besides, I had seen a few things, throughout the few limited years I had been around. Conclusions drawn and confirmed.

Have a seat?” I said, just as she had led me into the small kitchen behind the Boutique, pointing at the small chairs, standing under the table.

Thanks!” she responded, as I moved into the kitchen, and managed to sit in the indicated chair.

If I wasn't delusional, this first actual meeting, just the two of us was actually going quite well, by the looks of it. It was how I felt.

While I sat down, I could hear her rummage around, making the tea she had offered. I guess she may have felt like having a cup, possibly just looking for the convenient excuse, for her to slip into the kitchen, making it for herself? If I'm right, but I had no way of knowing where, or how the feeling came over me. I guess I'm still at large unaccustomed with the finer of actual Unicorns, even if I may pass for one, once I had put the artefact on?

Performing the magic, unicorn style would support their view, I couldn't deny it. The fact that the Tiara that the horn is a part of, couldn't just come off of my head, had I tried to simply lift it off, the way Diamond Tiara could have? Now, since it is merely a part of a larger set, but that's not why. The amulet on my neck, is associated with it, keeping certain spells active, when desired, as unaccustomed to it as I am, merely a fillie in any case.

Early Gray, Cloudsdale blend should suit you, even if you did leave before you had a chance to learn to enjoy the finesse of drinking tea!” she pronounced, as I poured a cup of tea for her, then another for myself.

I could clearly see the steam rising from the rather small cup. Since she had mentioned finesse, I figured smaller cups came with the set?

Once she had poured up the tea, she sat down delicately, in a demonstrative manner, showing how easy it was to her, after several years of practice, I had figured. Then she magically lifted the small cup to her lips, slowly sipping carefully on her hot brew, clearly enjoying it.

This how a respectable mare enjoy her tea. If you want to look distinctive, it is how you'll do it as well. Since we have all seen you perform magic, how ever much you may protest to actually have been a Unicorn, it is what will be expected from you!” I pronounced in a careful manner, with warmth radiating from her voice as she pointed it all out.

At first, the cup just shivered, then started to shake, before it finally shot up into the air, stopping a full foot up into the air, before it started to move towards me, still shivering slightly, before it visibly calmed down.

Impressive, for a fillie your age. I've seen mares doing worse. Now, if you're to drink up, so you can enjoy the finesse of it?” I pronounced.

The cup slowly wound its way to my lips, and I managed to sip the tea. It wasn't half as bad as I may have expected. On second thought, I could come to enjoy it. She had apparently managed to choose wisely, from what she knew. Even if this was mainly the knowledge in tease, but she had figured me pretty well too, I had to hoof it to her.

Sweetie Belle is lucky, a Mare like Rarity isn't common, if you look for parents. It wasn't my parents' fault, how were they to know I was to turn out an Earth Type, of all the possibilities. Not that a Unicorn had fared better, in Cloudsdale, where they had chosen to live, like the Pegasi couple they were, and still would be, for all I knew.

Thanks. I have only limited experience magic in general, only the easy, uncomplicated spells, and I haven't really practised this before. Though I may dare stress that it is fun. Clearing my hooves of these things. I guess you'd know that feeling only too well, working here, creating new clothes and garments on a regular basis?” she suggested in a light tone, half by half a suggested giggles on the voice as I spoke.

Magic certainly does make my job easier!” I giggle.

If you've only done simple magic, what in Tartarus was the spell you pulled on Trixie, earlier?” I then burst out, giggling.

Oh, that. It is simple, compared to any traditional defensive spells, or dis-spelling it outright!” she responded.

On the one hoof, counter-spells commonly require you to know the spell you're countering, and take about as much out of you, as the other placed in it in the first place. I certainly couldn't match her on that point, even if I had known the spell. On the second hoof, there is apparently a gap, allowing the clever to simply bypass and ignore the spell all together. There is the chance, I had an advantage over her, for the simple reason, she didn't even know of the 'Earth Poni Amulet', let alone the powers it contain. I gues I couldn't blame her, since it is a new artefact I had made, just a few years ago, the only poni to know of it, isn't the Unicorn who crafter it out of the Star Silver I supplied her with. I since learned, the material do have special powers, particularly in this kind of cases. She also made the tiara, from the same lump of silver. The Amulet does have something special to it, if you saw the challenge at the stage?” I pondered.

Ah yeah. I saw it, who didn't? I guess there still will be dropped chins there for at least a week, from your initial stunt!” I pointed out, giggling, despite myself.

That's the simplest of all spells in the book, but you may be required to wear the Amulet. If for no other reason, then the way it channel the energy into the target body, or in her case, victim. It's harmless, but gives a very special print on whom ever it hit, for how long, I have no idea!” she spoke.

And you've not red up on these spells, or practices them? I just had this strangely amusing image of when Celestia is lecturing her pupil, several centuries from now, explaining that a young filly named 'Silly Filly' created these spells!” I pointed out.

You don't by any chance suggest it would put me on par with Star Swirl, right?” she responded.

I fear it may very well be the way you're going to be viewed. Your age alone, may put you right up there by his side!” I explained.

Add the way you handled Trixie, she's a cunning stage magician. She doesn't take lightly on how you just ignored her, as if she had been last nights trash?” I continued.

I guess I felt I had had enough of the attention. I had enjoyed it, but it was enough of the fun for just one night?” she suggested.

Ah yeah, a filly grows tired of too much of it. I guess I know the feeling, from time to time!” I moaned.

Well, I can always find more fun. Like when I dropped in on Pinkie Pie, by blinking in, behind her. Or when I want to find my way in the dark, I have my very own instant night light, right there, around my neck!” she pointed a hoof at the amulet, indicating the source.

I guess a pony could enjoy such a treat. Even Pinkie Pie enjoyed it, by the looks on your face. On the other hoof, I may be able to find you anywhere, as long as you wear the amulet around your neck?” I teased.

Since it is made out of star silver, and two diamond facets, I guess you could find it by either element, if you had a spell to find them in nature?” she suggested.

I so happen to have a spell to locate gems, that just may work!” I responded in a light, giggly tone of voice.

Then she just happened to notice, just how late it was.

I have enjoyed the company, but ponder how you'd see the idea. I was pondering a casual vest. By the looks of what I saw in your boutique, you're running the most elegant establishment I've ever seen!” she pointed out.

This may be Ponyville, but the casual vest should still make you look more elegant, making you stand out, even here!” I then responded.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Not that I want to boast or anything, but I guess I could still find a few good reasons. There are two certain fillies faces that may be some fun to see, next time. Though it is primarily for the proper look, who doesn't like to look her best, just for the joy of it? With a mare like you, creating the suit, there can be only joy in it!” she said.

If you come back tomorrow, I could take the measurements and pick the fabrics, so that I could get started!” I suggested.

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