• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 1,070 Views, 26 Comments

Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree - Ponyess

I'm Silly Filly, born earth type, even though my parents live in Clouds Dale, which did cause some fuzz. I moved to a small village, where I had a distant relative. This where my story begun but by no means the end of it.

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A Mother's Joy, Cut short: 19

Author's Note:

Silent Breeze's POV

Once I had learned of the fact that I'm pregnant, I have been looking forwards to the day I was to give birth, and to raise her together with her father, my stallion. I had spent months of planning, and looking forwards to the day.

Only when I got to know what my foal looks like, it hit home, she couldn't walk on clouds with us, since she is an Earth type Pony. Earth Ponies couldn't walk on the clouds with the rest of us. The fact brought me down fairly quickly.

The following weeks, I was taking leave of absence from my job. I couldn't keep track of things, and did a generally lousy job, at whatever I had before me.

In this state, I could care for no pony. Ofhorse the day came, and the birth went fairly smooth, thankfully. Just as I had been told, the filly is an Earth type Pony.

Together, we managed to gather our wits enough to care for her, but could only have her close enough to keep her from falling, so we had to take turns to stay awake, as if it made it any easier on us.

We called her 'Silly Filly, as a means of distract ourselves from what couldn't be changed. She did well, and fed eagerly at each meal. Maybe I should have taken greater pleasure from this fact, but in the state I was in, I couldn't.

As the time I was to wean her off of my milk grew closer, we had decided on taking her to a distant relative. She lives in a City on the firm ground, not up here in the clouds. We couldn't have her live in Ponyville at the time, due to the close proximity to the Everfree forest. Likewise we couldn't have her live in Canterlot, since it was a way too big and important place. For the same reasons, Manehatten was left out of the choices.

Then my Stallion came up with the idea, maybe Vanhoofer would be a more fitting place, since we did have a relative there. I'm still not comfortable with just giving her up, so a relative was the only option. At least we would know where she was, and that she would be safe. We could even go see her, if and when we had the time and desire to.

Only this never came to pass, we never did go there to see her. Maybe it was reminding me of a failure?

Yet, we did take her to the relative, as distant as she may be. Her home proved to be the peaceful place we had been looking for. Out of all available relatives, she had the only home, where we could feel our daughter could be safe. Maybe the moment had clouded our judgement, but this was how we felt at the time.

Besides, we couldn't just pull her out of there, if we changed our minds, after year, two or three. With that, it is where she lived her life, while we made our best out of what we had. Never even thinking of having a new foal.

Naturally we got word of the incident, but this was well after the fact, and there is nothing we could do about it. Besides, this could have happened anywhere. What we didn't hear about, is what she made out of her experience, short of the long lasting shock, when she simply stayed in her room.

By the time we did get wind of what happened, she had already moved to Ponyville. She is in the age for school, and apparently desired to see Ponyville. What we heard, she loves the school, and her new teacher.

From the time she had moved to Ponyville, the words about how she was doing was getting more detailed and frequent. Maybe that's a good thing. There is but the one bad thing, the two fillies that had a habit of bullying the other foals. Aside from this, the news was getting more and more positive.

She had managed to make a few friends, among others the three fillies that like herself were blank flanks. She was said to live in a tree house on the property belonging to one of these three fillies, even though the location could have been said to be less than ideal. The positive fact is that this orchard was owned by the Apple Clan, they are known even up here in the sky in Cloudsdale.

Then one day as we were conveniently both at home, there was a knock on the door, and Radiant, my Stallion had opened. To his surprise, Silly had been at the door. She had not been alone, but with her friends, including the mother to another of her friends by the name Rarity, who had made herself a name here too.

The first thing about her to stand out, is the horn in her forehead, a silver tiara, as it were, and the amulet around her neck. Such a curious design. Maybe one would call it innocent, or naïve, but there is a genuinely ingenious face to this as well, more so than meets the eye. The next thing we noticed, is the bat wings on her back, and the elegant and delicate casual vest on her chest. It isn't what we had expected, but it is still pleasing me no end.

Once we had invited them in over a cup of tea, Silly soon proved how much she had grown and developed, during the years we had been apart. She clearly carried herself as a distinguished Unicorn. Guess it is that should have been expected, even if it came to me as a surprise and even a small shock. Maybe this is what finally brought me out of the slump.

She had even gone as far as to tell us about the shoppe where she had acquired the Amulet and the Tiara. She had told us where it was, and described the Unicorn who had crafted it for her. Eagerly, she had demonstrated, just what the amulet had done for her.

She had given me the hope back, maybe we could have a family again, even if she couldn't live with us. We couldn't just pull her from the friends she had made for herself.

Then we had given her a real name in place of the foal's name she had gone by. Something she could proudly go by, wherever she would go. Before she had left us, in order to return to her new home with her friends, she had given us a closure on what had been our past. Now I can go on and live my life happily, the way we were supposed to.

A few weeks later, we had made a new attempt at completing our family with a new foal of our own. The success was expected, and the pregnancy was soon to be confirmed. I had not been able to keep the worries out of the picture, but the words of our daughter had still calmed me, each time I was losing it. I had reminded myself of her, and her triumphant return. She was the shining beacon in my every day life.

As expected, the result is what I had feared all these long months, but this time, I knew where to go, and how to deal with the problem. We had gone together, and searched out the place, the establishment still there. Just as the Mare she had told us about. She had looked just as sharp, as we had been told, as we entered the room.

Greetings, dear Pegasi, how may I help you?” she answered our worries.

Greetings. We're looking for an Amulet, since we heard you could craft it for us!” I responded.

Just a simple Pegasi Amulet, since your foal is bound to be an Earth type. I think this should be possible, quite possible indeed. You've come to the right place. Just a moment and I'll pick out the required components!” she muttered under her breath, as small lumps of metal flew out from various places, only to be followed by a pair of green facets of Sapphire.

I just stood agape, staring at how she assembled what was to be the Amulet for our daughter. Red copper, blue cobalt and white silver. Bit by bit the metals mingled into a face of an Earth Pony, even the green eyes. Then I noticed how the face changed slightly, as it tur5ned into the face of a Pegasus, before the wings formed on both sides of the face, making up as part of what was to keep the Amulet in place. Only there is nothing behind it.

If she put this on, it will bind to her, and her alone. She will be able to walk on clouds with you. She will even be capable of flight. Then she will be as good as the next Pegasus around her!” she pointed out.

I poured up a pile of bits on the counter before she had the time to name her price, in hope it would cover the cost.

She soon deduced the cost for both materials and her own work, before she pushed back the reminder of the coins.

If this works as well as promised, it's a very cheap life insurance. Aside from saving our family. I’ll be forever grateful and would happily recommend you, if someone needs a service like this!” Radiant said.

Metals are cheap, and a simple artefact like the amulet is little to no effort on my part. Since it is safe to use, unlike some other artefacts, it is just fun to help out!” the Unicorn had explained.

A few minutes later, we had walked out into the light of day, happy and self assured, rather than worried of a future that kept slipping out of our grasp.

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