• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 1,071 Views, 26 Comments

Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree - Ponyess

I'm Silly Filly, born earth type, even though my parents live in Clouds Dale, which did cause some fuzz. I moved to a small village, where I had a distant relative. This where my story begun but by no means the end of it.

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Prologue 1

Author's Note:

Silly Filly / Star Crusader's POV

I can't say I do remember my parents, so this is mainly from what I have been told. My father, 'Radiant Thunder', and my mother 'Silent Rain', lives in Cloudsdale. Or they did, back when I was born.

Now, there is no chance an earth type Pony can live in Cloudsdale, since it is a Pegasi community in the first place. Only Pegasi can walk on the clouds, so I couldn't really stay there.

Once my mother had reared me, I had been hastily flown off, to a distant relative, in all the aspects of the word. She is merely a postcard address to them.

This was all very well and good? At least, I had an earthbound home, where I could roam on my own.

One fateful day, I had seen a falling star, only it had been inches short from hitting me in the head. I had been shaking, all the following week. I had not even dared to go out. Though I had picked up the small lump of star stuff.

Later, once I had dared to leave the house, I had ventured to a Shoppe, where the owner created artefacts. I had entered, and approached her, just after she had opened for the day.

Could you craft something out of this?” I had uttered, with some hope to my voice, in hopes, she could tame my fears, maybe?

If there is any crystal structure in it, I could. Question is, if it will be anything of any use? But I could have a look at it?” she pointed out.

I put forth the lump, placing it on the counter, and she lifted it up, a shimmering glow radiating from her horn. She carefully looked at it, for but a moment, before she put it back, on the counter.

By Celestia, that's not just a lump of star stuff, it's 'Star Silver', of all the materials you could possibly have picked up!” she pointed out, with a shimmer of giggle in her voice.

It is? What would you make out of it?” I just asked.

Either a bracelet, a Tiara, or shoes. All depending on your person and taste!” she considered.

If you made shoes of it, I'd be walking all over them all day. The neck lace would be a mere piece of jewellery. I'd go for the Tiara. That'd make me stand out, for once!” I suggested.

Then she pointed at a selection of sketches of what a tiara could be like.

I pointed at the one I found most interesting. There was a crescent moon along the line of my fore head. Then a delicate decorative effect, up front. Almost as if it had been a royal crown? That enticed me, and I guess it went well with my name?

That's a curious choice, making something the like, out of the material supplied!” she informed me in a somewhat amused tone of voice.

If you can make it into an artefact, since it is what your Shoppe is famed for?” I enquired.

It is in deed!” she responded, pride on her voice.

She once more lifted the small lump into the air, slowly heating it up magically. Then she slowly started to form it, into the desired form, adjusting it to fit my head.

Only then, something slipped into her mind, and a pointy shape slipped into the design. Maybe it is an imitation of the royal Alicorn's horn, even if it were mere three inches in length? It had been skilfully integrated into the design.

I noticed how the horn started to glow, as she was working her craft. I know the horn glow on a Unicorn working magic, but I'm referring to the 'horn' of my tiara.

Looking closer, much of the tiara looks fairly spindly to the eye, in my opinion. Though there most certainly is a royal touch to the design, such as she had made it, this far.

Ofhorce, I locked a secret into your tiara, for you to unlock!” she pointed out, as she had finished the work.

Then she placed the artefact onto my head, slowly, carefully navigating it into proper position.

For a royalty, like you, I should give you something a little extra!” she then pointed out, in a teasing manner.

There is a small amount of the star silver remaining. She used it, in order to craft an amulet. The 'Earth Pony Amulet', as it were. She was generous enough to slip a pair of blue diamond facets into it, for eyes.

I poured my bits on the counter. She soon deduced her price, before she pushed the remaining funds back to me.

Your name isn't by any chance 'Silly Filly'!” she then put forth.

It is!” I told her, before I left her Shoppe, the proud owner of two Artefacts, not just the one I had hoped for.