Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree

by Ponyess

First published

I'm Silly Filly, born earth type, even though my parents live in Clouds Dale, which did cause some fuzz. I moved to a small village, where I had a distant relative. This where my story begun but by no means the end of it.

I had lived most of my life in a far flung community, with a distant relative. My parents had sent me here as early as possible, since I'm an earth type pony, and thus had no real future with my parents in Cloudsdale.

Since I have no memory of them, I can't identify with them. I couldn't even really miss them, even if I still miss, what I don't have.

An incident changed my life, but lead up to making me into who I was to become. It's a choice, and I made it. This choice is what made me into who I'm about to become, since I can't turn back to what my parents had hoped for, or what I had been born into

Moving out, and embarking on the first of my adventures, in search of what I'm supposed to be. I had no intent of staying the blank flank I am now.

Prologue 1

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I can't say I do remember my parents, so this is mainly from what I have been told. My father, 'Radiant Thunder', and my mother 'Silent Rain', lives in Cloudsdale. Or they did, back when I was born.

Now, there is no chance an earth type Pony can live in Cloudsdale, since it is a Pegasi community in the first place. Only Pegasi can walk on the clouds, so I couldn't really stay there.

Once my mother had reared me, I had been hastily flown off, to a distant relative, in all the aspects of the word. She is merely a postcard address to them.

This was all very well and good? At least, I had an earthbound home, where I could roam on my own.

One fateful day, I had seen a falling star, only it had been inches short from hitting me in the head. I had been shaking, all the following week. I had not even dared to go out. Though I had picked up the small lump of star stuff.

Later, once I had dared to leave the house, I had ventured to a Shoppe, where the owner created artefacts. I had entered, and approached her, just after she had opened for the day.

Could you craft something out of this?” I had uttered, with some hope to my voice, in hopes, she could tame my fears, maybe?

If there is any crystal structure in it, I could. Question is, if it will be anything of any use? But I could have a look at it?” she pointed out.

I put forth the lump, placing it on the counter, and she lifted it up, a shimmering glow radiating from her horn. She carefully looked at it, for but a moment, before she put it back, on the counter.

By Celestia, that's not just a lump of star stuff, it's 'Star Silver', of all the materials you could possibly have picked up!” she pointed out, with a shimmer of giggle in her voice.

It is? What would you make out of it?” I just asked.

Either a bracelet, a Tiara, or shoes. All depending on your person and taste!” she considered.

If you made shoes of it, I'd be walking all over them all day. The neck lace would be a mere piece of jewellery. I'd go for the Tiara. That'd make me stand out, for once!” I suggested.

Then she pointed at a selection of sketches of what a tiara could be like.

I pointed at the one I found most interesting. There was a crescent moon along the line of my fore head. Then a delicate decorative effect, up front. Almost as if it had been a royal crown? That enticed me, and I guess it went well with my name?

That's a curious choice, making something the like, out of the material supplied!” she informed me in a somewhat amused tone of voice.

If you can make it into an artefact, since it is what your Shoppe is famed for?” I enquired.

It is in deed!” she responded, pride on her voice.

She once more lifted the small lump into the air, slowly heating it up magically. Then she slowly started to form it, into the desired form, adjusting it to fit my head.

Only then, something slipped into her mind, and a pointy shape slipped into the design. Maybe it is an imitation of the royal Alicorn's horn, even if it were mere three inches in length? It had been skilfully integrated into the design.

I noticed how the horn started to glow, as she was working her craft. I know the horn glow on a Unicorn working magic, but I'm referring to the 'horn' of my tiara.

Looking closer, much of the tiara looks fairly spindly to the eye, in my opinion. Though there most certainly is a royal touch to the design, such as she had made it, this far.

Ofhorce, I locked a secret into your tiara, for you to unlock!” she pointed out, as she had finished the work.

Then she placed the artefact onto my head, slowly, carefully navigating it into proper position.

For a royalty, like you, I should give you something a little extra!” she then pointed out, in a teasing manner.

There is a small amount of the star silver remaining. She used it, in order to craft an amulet. The 'Earth Pony Amulet', as it were. She was generous enough to slip a pair of blue diamond facets into it, for eyes.

I poured my bits on the counter. She soon deduced her price, before she pushed the remaining funds back to me.

Your name isn't by any chance 'Silly Filly'!” she then put forth.

It is!” I told her, before I left her Shoppe, the proud owner of two Artefacts, not just the one I had hoped for.

New In Town: 2

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I had taken the train to Ponyville. I had not bothered to take all that much with me. Just a saddle bag, full with the few belongings I could fill it with, the few things I placed a value on.

There is the Tiara, on the top of my head, and the Amulet, on my neck. That's the two most valuable things I ever owned. Then, I couldn't really take either off, in order to leave them behind, now could I? The horn of my tiara, glowing weakly, flickering from time to time, as if it was about to give up, or had not been coming into power, just yet.

The small amulet, eyes fairly dull for diamonds? Or just in my eyes. I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder, as the expression went?

Once I had hopped off of the train, I realised, there was a commotion, as if there had been a show put up, in the centre of the community. To my surprise, there is a scene, and they had indeed put up a magic show. The magician was called 'Trixie – the Great and Powerful', which I found amusing, but what do I know? I imagined, it was simply her cheesy stage name?

Only once I got up to the scene, I realised it had been going on for quite the while and now it was close to the end. This was when you do the ritualized challenges? It is what I heard. I saw an earth type Pony leave the scene, with some laughter.

I challenge you!” I called out, in the jest I had perceived.

And who are you, silly filly? Who dares challenge Trixie – the Great and Powerful?” she demanded.

I'm just the 'Jester from beyond the Everfree Forest'!” I replied.

I noticed, how she shuddered, as I pronounced 'the Everfree'. As if some memory haunted her, reawaken by my statement.

If I can handle an Earth Pony, I guess I can handle a Unicorn, if she is merely a filly, barely the age to know what a 'cutie mark' is?” she called out to her audience.

You know, I have seen Equestria from the apex. I guess you should fear the power of the 'Earth Pony Amulet'!” I boasted, in jest, just for the crowd.

This is the 'Alicorn Amulet'!” she boasted with a roar, indignantly, pointing at the amulet on her throat.

Ofhorse it is, but that's no match for the Earth Pony Amulet'!” I pointed out, teasing her further extending the jest.

At this point, the eyes of the amulet had started to glow, distinctly, before the twin beams shut out, hitting her squarely in the chest, leaving a warm feeling, and an electric tingling sensation.

What's that? You're challenging Trixie – the Great and Powerful?” she roared in disbelief.

That was the point. Though that's my weakest spell!” I pointed out, some glee dripping poison from my amused voice.

“That's not a spell, you're just teasing me!” she shouts out.

It may not be strong, but the effects will last, far longer then you dare dream of!” I teased her adding more amusement for the crowd.

That's when her horn started to glow. A red beam shooting out towards me. Only it never hit, but just vanished into thin air.

What's that?” she then retorted.

A fairly simple spell, I guess you never did learn of it. It's not known anywhere on this end of Equestria!” I teased.

You can't just ignore Trixie – the Great and Powerful!” she responded.

Oh, but that's exactly what I can!” I called out, into the crowd.

None can ignore Trixie – the Great and Powerful!” she roars out.

Trixie, the Pixie. I've had my fun, but now I'm bored. I think it's my bedtime now!” I whispered to her, making a point out of leaving the stage, as I simply jumped off of the stage and trotted of and into the anonymity of the crowd.

Little did I know, I had just killed of any chance of actual anonymity in this town.

Some ponies had been amused, some had found me refreshing, others had found me infuriating, whilst yet others wouldn't care less.

Maybe I should have paid more attention, instead of just enjoying this brief moment in time. Still, for now it is worth it. I had had my fun, while giving the villagers an impression of me.

On my way off of the stage, I had met up with a few Ponies who had found the moment both amusing and refreshing, they had enjoyed my joke at the expense of the Unicorn fashioning herself 'Trixie – the Great and Powerful'.

At School: 3

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Hi, Silly. I'm Apple Bloom!” the yellow Pony with red mane said.

Hi, I'm Silly Filly. You saw the magic show the other night?” I responded.

Yeah, everyone saw it. But, why did you have to challenge her?” she enquired, curiously.

Because it was fun? I thought the challenge was ritual, all in jest!” I told her.

With Trixie? There is no such thing!” she explained.

That's why she looked so funny?” I said.

I guess. What was that spell? Uh, your horn is still glowing. You're not doing any magic?” she tried to point out.

The first. Basically a tease spell, but it is great fun. It is, and no. It's always glowing like this. It'd glow just the same, if I brought down the sun, or was unconscious!” I concluded.

Now you're joking? You can't bring the sun down?” she asked.

I'm not doing that kind of magic, even if I could, that's Celestias job. I'm not even born a Unicorn, but an earth type, which's ok, if your parents lived in Cloudsdale?” I teased her.

You're not an earth type pony? The only earth type who can do anything, is 'Pinkie Pie', but she's so totally out there. Throwing parties at any and all, for whatever reason that crosses her mind!” she responded.

If I could lift the tiara from my head, you'd see. That's a two artefact set. I had it made, from a lump of Star Silver, that was but a few inches from taking me away. I was shivering, and did not go out, for over a week!” I told her.

That's Diamond Tiara!” she informed me, pointing at the pony with her left hoof.

Since you don't like her, I guess I should give her something to think about, before she come looking this way? I don't quite like the look of the air around her!” I pointed out.

Why do the eyes of the neck lace glow so menacing?” she asked me.

It's the tease spell. She'll keep out of your mane for months!” I reassured her, just as the brilliant beam shut out, hitting her squarely on the flank, just about squarely on the mark, as it goes.

That IS a harmless spell, right. Or Cheerlie will lecture you, till Nightmare Moon is back!” she pointed out.

Just as harmless as a Sugar Cube!” I teased.

That sent her spinning, giggling, and the annoying pony named 'Diamond Tiara' couldn't help, looking out way.

What's it with you blank flank this time?” the teased.

You really wanna know?” I asked the silly pony.

She said nothing, as she saw my tiara before she could utter a single insult and then her eyes feel upon my amulet.

I just explained that the spell is safer then a sugar cube, and the name is 'Silly Filly', just so you know, before you have a pond of frogs spilling out from your mouth!” I pointed out, matter of fact.

What spell?” she asked.

Just this!” I retorted, just as the eyes of the amulet went aglow, before the twin beams hit her muzzle.

It tingles!” Diamond Tiara whinnied.

There were spread giggles from all the fillies present, while the colts laughed in amused tones. I couldn't blame them, now could I? Even if it's not an integrated part of the spell, but rather a reaction to how she had expressed the effect it had on her.

That's the point, it is what the spell did to you!” I announced, in a teasing tone.

That must be the silliest spell in all of Equestria!” Sliver Spoon pointed out, in a more self-righteous tone of voice.

Even if it was, it's more powerful then you could conjure up, on your own!” Dinkie Doo teased.

Still cooler then anything I've seen a fillie perform on her own!” Scootaloo pointed out.

I sure can't even make up a single spell of my own. Even if I could perform a few simple once, already made up!” Sweetie Bell confessed.

Have you ever tried to make up a spell on your own, Sweetie Belle? Something silly, and simple, would be the best start. You need to be able to see it happen before you, before it actually can happen!” I suggested cheerfully.

Maybe there is a reason why we are blank flanks and Cutie Mark Crusaders. I can't even fly yet, and even infant Pegasi can do that!” Scootaloo suggested.

I guess that would make sense!” I conceded, as I cast my eyes down for a moment.

Class Dismissed: 4

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Maybe we'd go hit the 'Sugar Cube Corner?” I suggested.

Since you're new here, That's where Pinkie Pie rules. She'll throw you a party, like no other!” Sweetie Bell retorted, with a poorly disguised grin.

I think I could survive a party?” I pronounced, with feigned fear on my voice.

“She's the most hyped out pony there ever were!” Scootaloo retorted.

Is that pink pony Pinkie Pie?” I asked.

None other!” Scootaloo responded.

She is the coolest most awesome Pony who never flew!” she then continued.

Unless you hate parties, or is a total party-pooper, like the show stoppers like Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon?” Sweetie retorted, with a frown on her face.

All you need, is a Silly Filly, to save the day!” I teased the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, with a big grin on my face.

You truly is the Silly Filly!” Scotaloo pointed out.

I'm rather Silly Filly, then that stuck up Diamond Tiara!” I retorted.

So totally with you there, Silly!” they all spat, in chorus.

Besides, I'd rather be a crusader, even if I had to be blank, then a lost cause, like that!” I filled in, pointing over to the overly pompous annoyance.

She's a lost cause, that's the truth!” Apple responded.

Maybe I can't learn to fly, even as well as Flutter Shy. There may be a chance to hit the clouds, though. I just need to figure out the spell for it.” said Scootaloo.

You do realise, Flutter isn't quite as bad a flyer as some like to make her out to be, once she got past her shyness, and the emotions forced upon her, by some less than hospital Pegasi, back in Cloudsdale?” I humbly suggested.

Oh yeah, now as you mentioned, I do recall that Huricane Rainbow were entrusted for the Cloudsdale Weather!” Scootaloo pondered.

Maybe it is the time to chance the Sugar Cube, even if she isn't there when we arrived? The party would still be the best possible way to announce my arrival?” I pondered, in an effort to get from school, not that I did not like school, but I still do like to get out and play.

We just may?” Sweetie Belle pondered, remembering we were to pass her home on our way there.

Ofhorse, I just followed the three fillies, known as the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', in part, because they are my friends. Then again, class had been dismissed, and with that we left school, now slowly walking away.

There are apparently a few ponies I should keep clear of. Not quite worth the effort to confront them?” I pondered in a quiet voice.

On the top of that list, you'd find Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon. Not cool at all!” Scootaloo pointed out.

If only they had not been at our school, and in our class, to top it all off?” Apple Bloom continued.

Why does there have to be ponies like them at all?” Sweetie Belle snapped.

There could be more ponies like the three of you, instead for the likes of them!” I followed up, knowing they were all with me.

They all nodded quietly.

Pinkie Pie is nice, she put up all these cool parties. Rainbow Dash is just the coolest, and I guess Rarity is nice!” Apple Bloom stated.

Your folks aren't all that bad either, if only I had a family like yours!” Sweetie Belle responded.

I can only guess, it is part of the amulet magic? There is an artefact crafter where I lived, with a distant relative, way out at the fringe of Equestria. I moved there, since I couldn't live in Cloudsdale!” I continued.

A Quick Stop: 5

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As it were, we had ended up taking the road leading me right back home. I guess I should have expected it? Maybe no harm was done, after all.

She could as well see my new friend? Rarity would like to know who I was playing with. If she knew I had not picked up a bad crowd, it was keeping her feeling better, which I couldn't say I would mind. I'm not that kind of a bad pony.

The door chime went off, making its merry noises, just as we entered the small space of her Boutique. I knew it would, but I guess I did not mind. If I had, maybe I could circumvent it? Just did not care enough?

Hi Rarity, school is out for the day. Though you might like to see my new friend?” I pointed out, excitedly.

Hi, Crusaders. I did hear you got a new fillie in your class, but I heard she was earth type? Is that you, Silly?” she spoke, in a curious voice.

Hi, Rarity. I was born Earth type, by Pegasi, nonetheless, in Cloudsdale, of all places!” Silly Filly replied.

Yet, I know I do see a horn on your forehead!” Rarity pointed out, somewhat confused.

That's a part of an artefact. I had it made out of an asteroid that was inches from taking me away. And this is the 'Earth Pony Amulet'!” Silly pointed out, hoof pointing at the neck lace.

If it isn't a unicorn horn, how come it is clearly aglow, even now?”Rarity pointed out.

There is something about you!” Rarity pondered.

She was challenging Trixie the other day!” Scootaloo pointed out.

You did?” Rarity mused.

It was just in pure jest. Or it was how I perceived it, at the time. I've been told there is no such thing with her, but that was after the fact, no turning back now!” she said.

I thought I recognised you, now I know where I saw you. In Jest? I guess that was fun. Yes, there is no such thing in Trixies world. Though it is a great joke at her expense, the way it all went down. Just to see her twatted by a mere fillie, I guess this will be the talk of the town, for weeks to come!” Rarity pondered merrily.

Guess I've seen a few like it. I still don't have to back down, for any of them. I'm done, doing that. Then again, that doesn't mean I have to be all tough, I can be nice enough to recognise friends and beauty, when I see them. I've seen a friend in Sweetie Belle, for one. Just as I see beauty in the dresses you have on display. This is a lucky day!” Silly uttered.

Nice to see you, Silly!” Rarity said, as we left her Butique.

Likewise. Guess I'll see you some more later!” I responded, as we headed for Pinkie Pie at the Sugar Cube Corner.

At the Sugar Cube Corner: 6

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That's her, Pinkie Pie!” Scootallo pointed out, pointing a hoof at a pink poni, just as she came back, into the shop where she was working.

That's Pinkie Pie?” I just giggled.

It is!” Sweetie Belle stated.

Ok, I guess I need to 'say Hello', then?” I pointed out, just before blinking to just behind her.

All I needed to do, is to close my eyes, imagine I was standing, where I desire to be, which was just a step behind her, and slightly to the right. It's what I had come to realise, is another type of unicorn magic. This was the simplest of the Teleportation Spells.

Time to pull out the Party Calendar!” I then stated, as if I had been thinking of doing it, and a jest kind of fashion, just waiting to see, how she was to react.

Uh, yeah. The Party Calendar!” she mumbled, as if speaking to herself.

Wait, who said that?” she then interrupted herself, as if she was interrupting a train of thought?

That would be me!” I then stated, as I moved out of her shadow.

I don't know you? Wait, I've seen you. You made Trixies show into a silly joke That was hilarious!” she blurted out.

It was fun, I'd confess!” I responded.

The entire town saw the show. Who'd miss out? A good show is always fun. We don't have all that many magic shows around here. Ponyville is after all merely a village, and an upstart at that, even if we're officially on Celestias good side, which I guess we're all grateful for!” Pinkie pointed out.

Why did you not enter the scene, or did I miss it? Even if it may be silly in her eyes, it's something Trixie couldn't pull off of her flank!” I teased Pinkie Pie, more for the hilarity of the proposition, then anything.

I didn't, but I guess that's a good point. I'm the only poni who could!” Pinkie mused at her own abilities.

Speaking of parties? I''ve heard you're the poni who throws the best parties. I was also told that you love doing it!” I pointed out.

Throwing parties? That would be me. And by the token, it sounds as if I owe you a party, as a new poni in Ponyville. By the looks, I need to fix one of these piñata. Both Fillies and colts alike love them. If you haven't had one, you're in for a real treat!” Pinkie declared.

I think I could survive a party, if you're as good at throwing them, as I've been told. I guess the piñata could be fun. I'd see you at the party, right?" I enquired curiously.

You'd see everyone, including both me, and the piñata!” she declared, as I left with the crusaders in tow.

A Night out – A Night Together: 7

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We could as well stay at the tree house?” Apple Bloom pondered.

Sounds like fun!” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

Um, you have a tree house?" I asked.

We sure do!” Said Apple Bloom.

It's Awesome!” interjected Scootaloo.

It is. I wish we had one, where I lived. Though there is the shoppe where they create artefacts, if you do feel like having it, and some idea as to why and what you liked?” I suggested.

Yours is fabulous!” Sweetie Bell pronounced.

It's the most awesome to ever grace the neck of a fillie!” Scootaloo chimed in emphatically.

Just wait and see, certain fillies will be envious of you, Silly. Mark my words!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

There was a giggles spreading all around the group, since this site was hilarious to behold, even if the fillie in question wasn't here, or it is because of it? Who liked to listen to her scornfully words?

I guess this will be a great night. I already like Ponyville. I have seen a few places, but the spirit of this village is clearly unmatched!” I pointed out.

You saw Coudsdale?” Scootallo enquired.

Yes, but I can't recall much of it, I was too young to remember, besides, it's no fun, unless you have wings?” I pondered quietly.

I guess Flutter Shy would beg to differ, from what I've heard!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

If she chose to live here, I guess you have a point. On the other hoof, there is something to Ponyville, something unrivalled!” I responded.

She was basically grounding herself on arrival. Falling off of the cloud, in the incident that lead to her Cutie Mark. That situation actually led to more than that one mark, though. You could call it a Rainboom Connection. Since it was Rainbow Dashes awesome Rainboom that connected all the six of them, all at once, when she did preform the Rainboom, that day. That part is a much warmer story!” Scootaloo announced, with a bit more of a smile on her face.

Now as you mentioned it, Scootaloo, I think that will be in the history books, and should be in the class, within a few years?” I pondered.

Since it isn't common among Pegasi to manage to perform it, most of us see this as a story, and little more!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Ofhorse, by this time, we had finally reached the farm. That's the sign, 'Sweet Apple Acres', right there before us, even if it is still a bit up and ahead. Still, I'm happy to see the sign.

At this point, I noticed an eager smile on Apple Blooms face, as she started picking up pace, and we simply fell in step with her, since none felt like being left behind. Like this, we were soon trotting in, into the farm, then to the house I had been promised to see.

Once I reached the place, I soon noticed it was quite impressive, for a tree house. I had to admit, it is looking like a real house I could have lived in, and inside, the feeling was thoroughly and pleasantly confirmed.

And Apple Jack just gave this to you?” I pondered, amazed and impressed by the house I had just entered.

Yeah, basically. She said she thought we'd make better use of it. We've worked on improving a few things, but it is still the house she hoofed over to us!” Apple Bloom proudly announces, smiling from ear to ear.

Sneaking Out: 8

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For some reason, I'm apparently awake. Is it the horn, waking me up, as if it had in mind, telling me something, or taking me some place, but if so, why and where?

I had gotten to my hooves, before slowly moving out, quietly, in order not to wake them up. I couldn't use magic to blink out of the tree house, firstly because the floor is on the top floor, as it were. Not that my horn would generate quite as much light during the spell, but I still did not feel comfortable doing it now.

Climbing down, once out, and the door closed, I noticed my necklace beamed forwards, casting light at where I was looking, how convenient, which only served to prove the initial supposition, it had desired for me to go some place, even if I had as of yet, no idea where or why, only that it wanted me to go now.

Since the house is deep into the Sweet Apple acres, I had to cross the farmlands, before I could even approach the village proper, into Ponyville.

The farm doesn't sleep, not until the fall of night, and apparently this is quiet now. Unlike the farm, the Carousel Boutique isn't limited to day hours, which is convenient, when I sneak out, to see Sweetie Bells sister, as she had been referred as. The Boutique was going by hours, depending on the demand on her time, depending on how much work she had to perform, on the day at hand, no matter season.

I guess I'd make for quite the site, walking securely along the road up to the village of Ponyville. Just as the sight should pull a few eyes my way, seeing as I'm merely a fillie, horn aglow and the amulet shining, leaving me with a twin beam of light, showing the way to where I'm heading.

Being as I had come buy the road from Sweet Apple Acres, and the Everfree Forest, is adding to the scene, for all I knew. They may as well see me as a ghastly spectre, from what should never have been?

Moving slowly, quietly along the streets, just after the sun was lowered by Celestia herself. I guess this did make for something worth seeing? Looking back at the day, in the manner I had put the Great and Powerful Trixie into a roaring laughter, from the amused crowd, she so skilfully had mastered, up and until I had showed up, seemingly from nowhere, just in order to mock her? I knew now, it may very well been how she saw the event, and thus how she would see me?

Somehow I felt faces drawn towards the windows of houses I passed. Faces drawn in wonder, then hastily pulled back. They apparently were fascinated by the sight, just as they had slight signs of fear, wonder and distrust. Were they seeing what their eyes told them was there? What is it out there? Surely it couldn't be merely a filly, even if she looked like the very one, who had so suddenly and unexpectedly ruined Trixies carefully plotted show. Casting her mood into dark and dreary ruins, just as if it was nothing?

I was about to laugh, before I changed my mind, realising, it was counter to why I'm here. Both in the village, and on the street I'm currently on. If I was to laugh, in the spirit of the feeling I had flashing by, I sure would have them frightened of me? I had no such desire.

Just moving on by, passing houses as I went, turning this way and that, until I reached the house I had been looking for, the destiny, the destination, of which I had been set out, moving towards. There still is light, thus there still is hope.

--- --- ---

A Nightly Class: 9

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Hi, Silly!” I uttered, as I saw the horned fillie approach my Boutique.

Hi, Rarity. Nice to see you're still up. I hope you haven't had too much work today!” I pointed out in response.

Nothing serious happened at the tree house, I hope!” I enquired, in a curious, yet caring voice.

Not just that, I had the impression I was to ask a few things of you. Like the respected and responsible unicorn you are. Hoping I'm not getting anything wrong here. I noticed the beautifully crafter dresses earlier, guess they're hard to miss?” she pondered.

My consumers would swear by that. There is hard work behind every last one of them. I guess I can take pride in crafting them!” I expressed, with just a little bit of humility in her voice, like the element of Generosity she is.

I guess I got curious. How it would feel to wear something like that? Just that I have no opportunity, or reason to wear anything as elaborate, as these. Maybe a casual vest could work. Living in Ponyville and all?” she enquired.

I think I have an idea or two, as to where you're going with this. This will be a very interesting challenge for me. Though I guess we could talk more of it, over a cup of teas?” I suggested.

Tea sounds nice!” she responded, eager to see what she could conjure up for me, and what it was to set me back.

Both the work in hours, and the fabrics used would only come at a cost. I knew as much. I wasn't born yesterday. Besides, I had seen a few things, throughout the few limited years I had been around. Conclusions drawn and confirmed.

Have a seat?” I said, just as she had led me into the small kitchen behind the Boutique, pointing at the small chairs, standing under the table.

Thanks!” she responded, as I moved into the kitchen, and managed to sit in the indicated chair.

If I wasn't delusional, this first actual meeting, just the two of us was actually going quite well, by the looks of it. It was how I felt.

While I sat down, I could hear her rummage around, making the tea she had offered. I guess she may have felt like having a cup, possibly just looking for the convenient excuse, for her to slip into the kitchen, making it for herself? If I'm right, but I had no way of knowing where, or how the feeling came over me. I guess I'm still at large unaccustomed with the finer of actual Unicorns, even if I may pass for one, once I had put the artefact on?

Performing the magic, unicorn style would support their view, I couldn't deny it. The fact that the Tiara that the horn is a part of, couldn't just come off of my head, had I tried to simply lift it off, the way Diamond Tiara could have? Now, since it is merely a part of a larger set, but that's not why. The amulet on my neck, is associated with it, keeping certain spells active, when desired, as unaccustomed to it as I am, merely a fillie in any case.

Early Gray, Cloudsdale blend should suit you, even if you did leave before you had a chance to learn to enjoy the finesse of drinking tea!” she pronounced, as I poured a cup of tea for her, then another for myself.

I could clearly see the steam rising from the rather small cup. Since she had mentioned finesse, I figured smaller cups came with the set?

Once she had poured up the tea, she sat down delicately, in a demonstrative manner, showing how easy it was to her, after several years of practice, I had figured. Then she magically lifted the small cup to her lips, slowly sipping carefully on her hot brew, clearly enjoying it.

This how a respectable mare enjoy her tea. If you want to look distinctive, it is how you'll do it as well. Since we have all seen you perform magic, how ever much you may protest to actually have been a Unicorn, it is what will be expected from you!” I pronounced in a careful manner, with warmth radiating from her voice as she pointed it all out.

At first, the cup just shivered, then started to shake, before it finally shot up into the air, stopping a full foot up into the air, before it started to move towards me, still shivering slightly, before it visibly calmed down.

Impressive, for a fillie your age. I've seen mares doing worse. Now, if you're to drink up, so you can enjoy the finesse of it?” I pronounced.

The cup slowly wound its way to my lips, and I managed to sip the tea. It wasn't half as bad as I may have expected. On second thought, I could come to enjoy it. She had apparently managed to choose wisely, from what she knew. Even if this was mainly the knowledge in tease, but she had figured me pretty well too, I had to hoof it to her.

Sweetie Belle is lucky, a Mare like Rarity isn't common, if you look for parents. It wasn't my parents' fault, how were they to know I was to turn out an Earth Type, of all the possibilities. Not that a Unicorn had fared better, in Cloudsdale, where they had chosen to live, like the Pegasi couple they were, and still would be, for all I knew.

Thanks. I have only limited experience magic in general, only the easy, uncomplicated spells, and I haven't really practised this before. Though I may dare stress that it is fun. Clearing my hooves of these things. I guess you'd know that feeling only too well, working here, creating new clothes and garments on a regular basis?” she suggested in a light tone, half by half a suggested giggles on the voice as I spoke.

Magic certainly does make my job easier!” I giggle.

If you've only done simple magic, what in Tartarus was the spell you pulled on Trixie, earlier?” I then burst out, giggling.

Oh, that. It is simple, compared to any traditional defensive spells, or dis-spelling it outright!” she responded.

On the one hoof, counter-spells commonly require you to know the spell you're countering, and take about as much out of you, as the other placed in it in the first place. I certainly couldn't match her on that point, even if I had known the spell. On the second hoof, there is apparently a gap, allowing the clever to simply bypass and ignore the spell all together. There is the chance, I had an advantage over her, for the simple reason, she didn't even know of the 'Earth Poni Amulet', let alone the powers it contain. I gues I couldn't blame her, since it is a new artefact I had made, just a few years ago, the only poni to know of it, isn't the Unicorn who crafter it out of the Star Silver I supplied her with. I since learned, the material do have special powers, particularly in this kind of cases. She also made the tiara, from the same lump of silver. The Amulet does have something special to it, if you saw the challenge at the stage?” I pondered.

Ah yeah. I saw it, who didn't? I guess there still will be dropped chins there for at least a week, from your initial stunt!” I pointed out, giggling, despite myself.

That's the simplest of all spells in the book, but you may be required to wear the Amulet. If for no other reason, then the way it channel the energy into the target body, or in her case, victim. It's harmless, but gives a very special print on whom ever it hit, for how long, I have no idea!” she spoke.

And you've not red up on these spells, or practices them? I just had this strangely amusing image of when Celestia is lecturing her pupil, several centuries from now, explaining that a young filly named 'Silly Filly' created these spells!” I pointed out.

You don't by any chance suggest it would put me on par with Star Swirl, right?” she responded.

I fear it may very well be the way you're going to be viewed. Your age alone, may put you right up there by his side!” I explained.

Add the way you handled Trixie, she's a cunning stage magician. She doesn't take lightly on how you just ignored her, as if she had been last nights trash?” I continued.

I guess I felt I had had enough of the attention. I had enjoyed it, but it was enough of the fun for just one night?” she suggested.

Ah yeah, a filly grows tired of too much of it. I guess I know the feeling, from time to time!” I moaned.

Well, I can always find more fun. Like when I dropped in on Pinkie Pie, by blinking in, behind her. Or when I want to find my way in the dark, I have my very own instant night light, right there, around my neck!” she pointed a hoof at the amulet, indicating the source.

I guess a pony could enjoy such a treat. Even Pinkie Pie enjoyed it, by the looks on your face. On the other hoof, I may be able to find you anywhere, as long as you wear the amulet around your neck?” I teased.

Since it is made out of star silver, and two diamond facets, I guess you could find it by either element, if you had a spell to find them in nature?” she suggested.

I so happen to have a spell to locate gems, that just may work!” I responded in a light, giggly tone of voice.

Then she just happened to notice, just how late it was.

I have enjoyed the company, but ponder how you'd see the idea. I was pondering a casual vest. By the looks of what I saw in your boutique, you're running the most elegant establishment I've ever seen!” she pointed out.

This may be Ponyville, but the casual vest should still make you look more elegant, making you stand out, even here!” I then responded.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Not that I want to boast or anything, but I guess I could still find a few good reasons. There are two certain fillies faces that may be some fun to see, next time. Though it is primarily for the proper look, who doesn't like to look her best, just for the joy of it? With a mare like you, creating the suit, there can be only joy in it!” she said.

If you come back tomorrow, I could take the measurements and pick the fabrics, so that I could get started!” I suggested.

--- --- ---

The Dead of Night: 10

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I'm feeling tired, and a bit sleepy. Now it was time to head back. I had to have some sleep, and if I did not sleep with my friends, they'd know I had been out. They'd feel betrayed, or I knew I would have, had I been them.

If it was late, when we went to bed, I was after all going to bed too, with the rest of the crusaders. Now it is much later.

It is dark, the streets empty and abandoned, short of me. Thankfully, I have night lights with me. The amulets eyes glow in the dark, beaming brightly at the road before me. If not for that, I would have been lost.

Now I simply trot along the streets, road up, and road down, slowly finding the way to where I was going. Starting with exiting the Ponyville proper. From the town limit, I continue in gallop towards the farm of the Apple family, the Sweet Apple Acres.

If the streets had been empty in the village, the road is early, with ghastly shadows haunting the living. You're right, that'd be me, right?

This is no place for a little fillie like myself to wander off in the dead of night, I knew as much, this only did confirm it. I wish I had gone earlier, or that I had not needed to go at all, why not wait until tomorrow?

Finding my way along the streets hadn't been that hard, I could clearly see the road, and I still do recall the way. I had never been away, more then an hour, or was it two or three? Either way, I still had found the Apples farm.

Once I crossed the boundaries to the farm I slowed down to a trot, in order ton to wake anyone up. Just as much as I did not want to wake anything else, making them see me. I'm way too close to the forest for that. Even if I had been close to another forest ot two before. This is the Everfree, not just a forest of friendly trees.

Trotting ever slower, quieter as I moved towards the tree with the house in it. This is the tricky part. Yet, I did find the tree. Only now I had made the light dim, before it went out entirely, just a hundred yards from the destination. It's a dark night, the moon is a crescent rim, nothing more. I guess it is the last day before it will turn back.

I slowly ascended the wooden ramp up to the door, slipping inside, as quietly as I could. I guess I'm not so bad at it, after all. Either that, or they purposefully ignored me, or were simply sleeping very hard?

Once I had closed the door after me, I slipped in under the quilt on my bed. Once my head had slipped down onto the pillow, it didn't take me long, before I had fallen asleep.

An Early Morning: 11

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Finally, the sun is coming up. Celestia has done her first duty of the day. Now I could see the hooves before me.

On the farm, at least on this farm, ponies did go up early. Apple Jack and Big Macintosh dutifully went to work. There wasn't a day they slept in, not if there is a task to be dealt with, or work to be finished. That's why they were so successful, and held in such high regards. At least, it was my impression.

Ofhorse, they dealt with the danger of the Everfree forest, since they were the first to be hit, almost every time a beat of the small but prosperous village. I had seen the village, and it isn't big, but what I had seen, told of unexpected wealth. A wealth well beyond expectation of a village like Ponyville was expected to be.

There is ofhorse the small details, a poni like Rainbow Dash managing the weather. The Mare named Rarity, her generosity, and how well she managed to stay on top of her boutique. I could imagine that Flutter Shy hadn't stayed on her hunches either, how much it was changing the fortunes, is out of my experience. Naturally, the Princess hadn't spared her part, granting the lands to the original settlers, but since it is where it is, next to the feared forest of Everfree, I guess she still got the sweater end of the deal.

The Apples had still paid a steep price, since both he parents of Big Mac, Apple Jack and Apple Bloom had been lost, snatched away before either of them should have been up to care for the farm on their own?

From what I had seen, the farm still did run like a well oiled business. The apple orchard, base of the cider they sold. They apparently worked very well together, for all I could see. My guess is that old Granny Smith still could hold up a fort, knowing and experienced, even if she was old.

Looking out, the sun was climbing sombrely. Then I hear, what I knew was my friends waking up. Friends I never knew I had, until I had set hoof on the grounds of Ponyville. The friends I could rely upon.

I chose to imagine Apple Bloom as honest as her older siblings, and Sweetie Bell as generous as her sister Rarity, at least, until they proved me wrong. I had made the choice, because I thought it is the right end of a relationship. I wanted them as my friends, and trusting them, is the only place to start. At least, it is where I came from.

Hailing from parents still living in Coudsdale, but I had nothing tying me to the place, since I had never been old enough to build memories at the time. Besides, I had never been there long enough to have the time to remember, either.

I had lived most of my time, with the distant relative, but I had not wanted to linger on it, maybe it was a sense of Exile? My parents had been forced to send me away.

Living far out on the rim, way out in the north and west, it wasn't my idea of where I liked to live, and thus I had left. I thought I had found my home, in Ponyville. I have friends, no bad memories pushing me out.

Silly. Are you already up and awake?” Sweetie Belle called out as she saw my shadow looming from the window I was facing.

Yes, it's me!” I responded.

The Scoots: 12

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”I need some action. Maybe we could take my scooter for a spin, see if we find something cool, something new to try for the one important reason behind everything!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“If we skip breakfast, and go to Sugar-Cube Corner, we could start with breakfast over at her place?”Sweetie Belle suggested hopefully, looking around for support.

“I'd love that, just hook the scooter up to the cart, and we could be going? Apple Bloom filled in, supporting the idea wholeheartedly.

“Who am I to say no? She did make the best Cup Cakes, after all!” I toned in.

Scootaloo had already jumped to the ground, as it is faster, and it did look cool. Even if she wasn't a true flyer, her wings did make for a safe landing. The next instant she was behind the scooter and managed the cart the rest of us was to sit on, while she scooted in to town, and ultimately to the Sugar-Cube Corner, where we intended to have our breakfast.

I followed the rest of the little group of fillies down the ladder to the scooter, and managed to get down, just after Scootaloo had finished her initial task. Once we had all settled on the cart, she started off towards town. Sicking and sacking between the crowds in high speeds along the streets. Thankfully most of the crowd had not gotten up and about, since it would have slowed us down considerably, even for a small village, like Ponyville.

Thankfully, nothing special happened en route, so we found ourselves outside, as the scooter came to a screeching halt, so we could hop off of the cart, and fill into the room where Pinkie Pie is standing, as she is tending the shop.

“Hi Pinkie!” we exclaimed in chorus, just as the door closed behind us, and the door chime slowly quieted down.

“Hi, fillies. Nice to see you this early in the morning. Time for breakfast?” she greeted us in her usual jolly mood.

“I'd have an Apple Muffin, since you're the one exception where I can have anything Apple that isn't baked on the Sweet Apple Acres!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“A Grape Fruit Muffin for me, please”Sweetie Belle continued.

“A Triple Chocolate Muffin for me!” Scootallo followed up.

“A Lemon and Cinnamon Cup Cake, for me!” I finished.

Pinkie Pie slowly started to pick out the chosen pastries, placing them on the individual plates, before slipping them on the cart, ready to deliver the latest order.

We all headed into the inner room to enjoy our breakfast. Once we came to the table, we found the usual comfortable hairs around it, and we sit down, waiting for her to serve us our much appreciated breakfast.

Minutes later she is back with us, this time at the table, pushing the cart before her. Placing plate by plate before us, ending up placing the cup cake before me, before she moved on to the juice, glass by glass, then serving cups of tea for me and Sweetie Belle.

She left us with a pot of tea on the table, and a small pitchette of juice. It's filled with cool, fresh squeezed orange juice.

As Pinkie pie left, I picked my cup cake, soon taking a bite out of it, enjoying the wonder of taste only Pinkie could make out of such a simple pastry. I managed to notice my friends had a similar experience, from what they had chosen for breakfast. I guess muffins was the staple choice for breakfast here?

“Cinnamon and lemon in a cup cake? I guess I've never heard of it!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“I was raised in an exotic city far from Coludsdale, Canterlot and Ponyville. Back there, Cinnamon and Lemon was common. It was my choice out of what was available. Chillie Cocolate and Ginger Apple was other common choices too. I just never caught on, with these choices. On the other hoof, there was none like Pinkie Pie there, either. I've started to regret it, but I guess I may never have met any of you, if I had stayed!” I replied.

Taking a sip of my tea, before I had a bite, nibbling my cup cake for a good moment. While I nibble my cup cake, I had an idea, pondering if it could truly work the way I envisioned it, even if it is intended as a fairly simple illusion spell, possibly connecting to a levitation spell. Just that you could never know, unless you actually tried it out in order to see it come to pass, and feel the effects of it.

I take a sip of my tea before I push my chair back and move out of it. Then I perform the spell, such as I had envisioned it. Since I wasn't a naturally born unicorn, the effect did not show, but the spell did take effect. I could clearly see how they reacted on the wings intended for this spell. Maybe I shouldn't have chosen bat wings, in part because mine now are electric blue, as opposed to the regular Pegasi wings that would have been yellow.

“How did you do that?” Sweetie Belle gasped in surprise, as she saw my new wings taking form on my back where I stood before them.

“It's a spell, maybe I could teach you!” I suggested.

“If you could do that, it would be at least 200 percent cooler!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“I could see their faces, both Diamond Tiara, staring at you when we next see them!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in an excited and amused tone of voice, giggles coming over her as she saw the image before her very eyes.

“You do realise there is no such thing as a winged Unicorn, right. It's an Alicorn!” Scootallo pointed out with an amused grin spreading all over her face as she made her point.

“That's right, I'd be an Alicorn, even if it may be an illusion only!” Sweetie Belle teased herself, as she tasted the sound of the situation.

“Does that work, even if I'm sporting bat wings?” I enquired.

“It should, but I have no idea. I've never heard anything like it. Both Celestia and Luna have regular Pegasi wings. The same goes for Cadence!” Apple Bloom pondered with a somewhat confused expression on her face.

“Woah!” Pinkie Pie emphasized, as she came back, since she was supposed to clean a few tables after guests who had left.

“Isn't the coolest to happen?” Scootaloo exploded.

“Ponies doesn't just grow wings, how ever cool it may have been. I guess it is about as cool as I could recall I've seen. Bat wings of all possible wings too?” Pinkie uttered in amazement.

“For once, I'm almost looking forwards to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Just to see the reactions on their faces. I imagine it would be priceless. Even if we're still all blank flanks, but we would still be the coolest gang of blank flanks to ever have been seen in Ponyville, if not Equestria!” Scootallo pointed out.

“Even if Both Celestia and Luna had been seen together as fillies, and as Alicorns, they still have mere regular Pegasi wings!”Sweetie Belle puts forth.

Yes, they have regular Pegasi wings, they always had, and I imagine they will have to the end of time, sometime way beyond the time I can imagine!” Pinkie Pie expressed.

--- --- ---

Errands: 13

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For now, I'm basically living in the tree house the Crusaders have for club house. With that, I'm helping out, cleaning up. It isn't worse, then just cleaning my room, so I have no cause for complaints.

Once I'm home from school, I go over, whatever home work I may have. Today I apparently didn't have any. On the other hoof, a fillie needs some time to play each day.

Thankfully I'm doing well in school, in part due to Cheerlies inspiration, but I guess I was doing well, even before I came to Ponyville.

I had withdrawn the spell giving me wings, before I left my home, early in the morning. For now I wanted to keep this a secret. In part, because I wanted to make the most bang for the bits. Coming to school with wings is one thing, but in this case I will need some more preparation, before I felt it is the time.

Once I had cleaned out the house I went over to Rarity, I figured I have a few detailed to look over with her. Aside from the fact that I felt I would very much enjoy a cup of tea with her, assuming she wasn't overly busy at this time of the day.

I still did have a muffin, and a glass of juice before I left the house. It's just an ordinary muffin, and orange juice, which would be for a meal, but not too much for me to be able to enjoy the tea with Rarity one I got there.

Since it still is broad daylight, I did not need my light. I guess I'm happy for the warm day, and sunny weather Rainbow Dash had scheduled for the day.

Trotting down the road in daylight isn't a challenge, not when you've been there in the dead of night and the path was dark and riddled with eery and scary shadows. I may have a few tricks up my sleeve, as that expression went. I come with my very own headlights for starters.

I may not be a large or strong pony, even for my age, but I can at least be quick, and pull a few fast once with what I have. I imagine I could blind any assailants who were approaching me, just as I could see myself a few hundred yards ahead at will.

Going into town is no challenge, it's just a short trot in daylight. Besides, I was looking forwards to going there. Question is, what was I to see. Should I give her a hint to my new spell, I had a few minutes to make up my mind. Though I guess I could allow it to a chance on what happens as I get there. The one thing I couldn't do at this point, is showing it openly, I'm not ready for it. Even if I know I'm going to make this a publish announcement.

I had slipped into the village, in a slow trot, slowing somewhat as I got into the more crowded streets of Ponyville. Unlike the night, daytime is commonly crowded on most of the streets. It didn't bother me, I guess I prefer it, in light of last nights trot, who's to blame me?

I soon found myself outside of the Boutique, and just as expected, it is open at this time of the day. If it hadn't, I guess I would have been shocked. It wasn't like her to close down in the middle of the day, unless she had a very good reason. If she had, I may not like to stick around, considering what I knew of her.

It isn't her I fear, but the cause of her not being here, if this would ever had been the case. Now I see the light come out in a warm hue from the windows. Not only is she at home, she's in her Boutique.

If she had not placed my vest in the window, I couldn't blame her since it is merely a casual vest. Even if I guess I could see a reasoning behind placing it there, if she finished it well before I came to pick it up. Ponyville is after all merely a small village, even if we do have a boom in the economy as of late. Much of the soul is still traced in the old farming community Princess Celestia had settled here, all the long centuries ago, as she granted the land to the earth ponies.

As I stepped up to the window, I noticed it wasn't overly crowded, it wouldn't be like her, she is much too stylish to fall into such an ease and cheap trap. She had no reason to prove how productive she had been. She merely placed a selection of tasteful suits up front, not the pricey, just a selection of what she could do for the next customer who came passing by, looking into the window.

After I had looked at what was posed up in her windows, I stepped up to the door, and went in. Then I looked around for a moment. I knew she had not finished my vest yet. It would be more than merely foolish and foalish to imagine she had finished it, as small and simple a suit as it my have been.

I found several suits, mainly dresses propped up on eq2uikins. Some in her two windows, and a few more in the room, or even up against the inner walls. They're impressive feats of work, at least, to me they are. Maybe in part, due to my age, and the fact that I'm not into fashion, for my line of work.

Then I spotted Rarity, where she sat, having a cup of tea, in her usual stylish manner. I guess it is in part why I had come in the first place, even if it was also because she was the mother of Sweetie Belle, who in turn is my friend. There is also the lure of the vest she had promised to create for me. If I didn't exactly need it, but I still found it interesting to have one. I was looking forwards to wearing it, and openly. Maybe it is in part due to my origin and upbringing. I have lived in a larger community, and I was born in Cloudsdale.

Come on in, have a cup of tea and share a moment with me!” Rarity pronounced from well inside.

Thanks, that would be lovely!” I responded.

I feel grateful she was alone, and wasn't busy at the moment. She could as well have been in the middle of an important deal, swamped by work or swallowed up in a new and intricate design of hers. As it was, she apparently had a break, and the tea already prepared.

I could clearly see her pulling out a cup and pouring the hot water up for me, steam slowly moving up from the cup. Was I enjoying her company too much. She's a mare, and I'm merely a fillie. Still, I felt she had plenty to teach me. The things my parents and relatives never had gotten the time to explain, or demonstrate for me.

Thank Celestia for classy Unicorns!” I said as I approached the table, before I picked up the cup, and sat down beside her.

I'd be inclined to agree, it is very fortunate and convenient to use magic when you're having a cup of tea, among other occasions!” she merely responded with a nod of her head.

I've come to notice that, as of late. Makes for a more relaxed time, while sharing a cup of tea, aside from all more practical details. Speaking of which, this is the place for me to learn a bit of these things!" I said, as I sat down, relaxing as I sipped on the tea.

I enjoy sharing my experience and knowledge with young fillies like you. I just have too few to share it with!” she pronounced.

Ponyville is a small village, but that's part of the charm. I can go out and play with my friends without a care, and know nothing dangerous will happen!” I suggested.

Yes, even this close to the forest, we can go out without a care. Though you remind me of another fillie who enjoyed to share a cup of tea with me!” she uttered, with a thoughtful look to her face.

Did she also desire to wear a vest, since you mentioned her?” I responded.

As a matter of fact, yes. She did, just for a reason very different from yours. It was Twilight who made the point, and it was valid at the time. But you don't even have wings!” she continued.

No, I don't. That's not what I'm trying to hide, even if it was an embarrassment for my parents, back hen I was born. I just found it fascinating. I like the stylish looks to wearing a well tailored vest!” said.

I'm eager to see the vest on you. I'm not making many vests, and rarely for fillies. I wish I had more ponies wearing them, but I guess this isn't the place for it?” she pointed out.

Maybe not!” I said.

I emptied the last of the tea, and she poured up more. It's such a joy, sitting here, just speaking to her. Almost as if she had been my mother, or sister. But I knew of no sister, since I had been too young when I moved out. Maybe I had an older sister at the time, and maybe I had a younger sister now.

Guess it is time for me to go back to work?” she said as I emptied the cup.

Thanks for the tea, and the moment together!” I said, as I left her to her work.

Then I walked out of the room, before leaving her boutique. From there I continued to the Sugar-Cube Corner, where I knew Pinkie Pie is working. Feeling jubilant, thinking of what we had been talking about.

I was trotting slowly, thinking of the vest, and what she had told me. It made perfect sense. It's a small village, so most ponies wear little to nothing. I still desire the vest, nonetheless.

As I entered Sugar-Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie is standing, where I had imagined her to stand, waiting for anyone who may feel the need for her pastries. In this case, that would be me.

Hiya, Silly!” Pinkie squealed joyfully at first glance.

Hi, Pinkie. Nice to see you're here. I'd like a few Muffins and Cup-Cakes!” I said, pointing at the pastries, indicating the specifics for her.

I'll pick them up for you!” she responded as she picked up my pastries.

Thanks!” I said as I poured bits on the counter, looking at her as she counted and gathered them up, leaving the few remaining for me to slip back.

See you soon!” she squealed happily as I left her to her work.

A Few Tests: 14

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First things first. It's good I could do this alone, before they came home. Castings small and simple spells isn't that much of a challenge. Like lifting a cup of tea, while I'm at Rarity's home.

Levitation is a very convenient spell, associated with small and light objects. I feel very comfortable with it. Just short of Rarity complimenting me on it, as it were.

There is the spell I used to light the path as I walked in the dark, I sure enjoyed it while in use. Blinking from a spot to another, it was fun, but the short distance, I need some case where I actually needed it, before I can put this on my list of awesome spells.

I have a few more, more or less amusing or short of pointless spells. The once I can't quite categorize too, ofhorse. Maybe it is good to have a range of spells, not just the few of the same type.

For now, I can levitate objects, blink from place to place, light the way, give the little tease, ignore spells against me, and make a good illusion, or impression of wings, but is this all I will ever be.

The most exciting of my tricks seems to be the wings, illusory or real, still exciting. I know they come with an unexpected, and unavoidable connotation, for a pony with a horn in her forehead. Now, this is exactly why I kept it under wraps. I don't w3ant to come out as an Alicorn. I'm barely going for Unicorn, even though I can handle a few small tricks. The tricks I have been enjoying this far. Maybe I could make a few more.

Now, all of a sudden, something hit me, an idea as hilarious as it was, but if it works, I could be popular and sought for, as much as hated and feared among others. It's a two edged blade I'm playing with, but I'm already on a very thin ice on this cake.

I wanted to be someone special, in my own right. I'm not just a copy of my parents, and here is a chance. Who's to stop me, or try to deny my what I'm apparently born to be.

Since the wings of my choice does look and feel real, but would they take my weight? I enjoy the looks of them, as I see the reflection of them in a mirror. Then a thought hit me, I could see the ponies I had missed the most throughout my life, even though I never got to know them. Knowing they couldn't be dead.

Had they died, I imagine I would have been told in some way. There had been no such talk. I had overheard talks about them, they were apparently doing well for themselves in Cloudsdale.

Now, maybe I could have the chance for a closure, and rekindle my family, even though I now know this is where I belong. I don't want to live in Cloudsdale. I have all my friends here, so I just couldn't abandon them, now could I.

Going to Cloudsdale is something I may need to do, but I will be back soon. If I am going, I hope I could have a friend or two with me there, since it would change the experience for me, just as it would be to share the experience, from going alone, into conquering my past.

Standing on the platform of the house, I had conjured the wings of a bat pony, then spread them wide in order to take flight. It is an interesting test, and if it works, I could enjoy the fruits of my discovery. Maybe I could even enjoy it with my friends later.

I take a breath, then another, before I started to flap my newly conjured wings, only to realise I actually felt the air under my wings, but not only that, I also feel the air on my body. A minute of warming up, and building up confidence before I noticed I was actually taking off, and then flew up to the top of the house. I'm now standing on the top of what was to pass for my home.

Since this one test had actually worked, I once more spread my wings, only to slowly soar down and land on the ground, right under where I had stood, just a few minutes before.

While I had performed the test, I had noticed something, my friends are approaching. I had to break the news to them, but how, I didn't like to make it any less than it is, Sweetie Belle would have to make the point, if I could teach her how.

--- --- ---

My New Suit: 15

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I had just trotted off to Rarity at her Carousel Boutique. This time I had chosen to go earlier then the previous time. As exciting as it may be to go in the middle of the nigh, and to see my night light, I still prefer to go in daytime.

Not that it bothered me so much if it scared any pony, but they would just have to get used to me, since I intend to stay. I'm not doing anything wrong, so what's the hype all about? I'm just one more fillie who lives in the community. I have a few friends, and go to school, and enjoy Cheerlies classes.

Now I slipped into the small boutique, listening to the chimes, and then trying to figure where she was right now. I didn't need to ponder the matter for long.

“Hiya, Silly. I've managed to finish the work on your new suit. It's ready. I imagine it will look great on you!” Rarity chimed in, as she saw me.

“Hiya, Rarity. That's indeed great news. I'm looking forwards to trying it on, so that I can finally see and feel it!” I responded with an excitement to my voice and a smile on my face.

She may have promised me that it would be ready by today, but to actually see the vest, and to try it on, is not to be compared with a mere promise. Now I'm about to actually wear it.

“Come right up here, fillie, I'll help you put it on!” she continued with some excitement to her voice, and I could clearly see her smile as I moved into the small room behind her boutique.

“Thanks!” I pronounced, making my best not to squeal in excitement, so I just made due with a wide grin on my face, smiling from ear to ear, as it were, then I slowly moved up to where she stood, picking up the vest from the ponyquine it had been resting on, from the moment she started fashioning it.

“We Unicorns Must show all Ponies that we have class. Even if you say that you were born Earth Pony, and that your parents are Pegasi, what the next Pony see is your horn, even if it is silver grey and sparkles on and off constantly. With that, they're going to judge you by the same standards as they would judge any other Unicorn. The only other Pony born Earth Type who can do anything is Pinkie Pie, and you've already seen her. She is all over the place, unless she is depressed and feels lonely!” Rarity explained in a friendly manner, though her voice feels warm and highly present.

“Yes, I certainly saw Pinkie Pie. If I ever saw a hyper Pony, she would be the very definition of a hyper pony, I'd openly admit to that. She's an inspiration to me, just as I imagine she is an inspiration to any and all ponies who get in a proximity of her. We're lucky to have a Pony like her in our small Village. We certainly didn't, where I lived before. As helpful as Amulet Crafter of Vanhoover was towards me, I can't see her as an inspiration to an entire community. Sadly I can't say I recall anything of Cloudsdale, as much as I may desire to. If I had not been inspired by Pinkie Pie, I have you here, or I could have chosen Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash or Flutter Shy, to mention just a few!” I pondered.

Rainbow Dash inspired me, back in the day, just as she inspired numerous of other ponies, as she preformed the legendary Rainboom. There apparently haven't been anypony who managed to perform it, before or since. Since we're here, I take it you wouldn't say no to a cup of Tea!” she concluded.

“A cup of tea with you, I'd love that. We were reading about the Rainboom in school, but who hasn't? On the other hoof, since I'm seen as a Unicorn, maybe I could demonstrate my latest spell?”I responded eagerly.

“After your demonstation at Trrixie's show. I'm certain it will be worth my time. You're one or the most promising young fillies I've seen in Ponyville!” she responder.

Rarity managed to keep her gentle smile in place, as she finished heating the water for our tea.

“I could as well show the spell now, before the tea?” I enquired curiously.

As she nodded, I performed the intended spell, and the bat wings appeared on my back, and to my surprise did not just stay under the vest as one may have expected, but actually changed the design to allow me to fly.

I could clearly hear her gasp, as she saw how my spell worked. Not only giving me wings, but allowing me to wear the vest, as if she had made it for me to wear while flying.

I had just trotted off to Rarity at her Carousel Boutique. This time I had chosen to go earlier then the previous time. As exciting as it may be to go in the middle of the nigh, and to see my night light, I still prefer to go in daytime.

Not that it bothered me so much if it scared any pony, but they would just have to get used to me, since I intend to stay. I'm not doing anything wrong, so what's the hype all about? I'm just one more fillie who lives in the community. I have a few friends, and go to school, and enjoy Cheerlies classes.

Now I slipped into the small boutique, listening to the chimes, and then trying to figure where she was right now. I didn't need to ponder the matter for long.

“Hiya, Silly. I've managed to finish the work on your new suit. It's ready. I imagine it will look great on you!” Rarity chimed in, as she saw me.

“Hiya, Rarity. That's indeed great news. I'm looking forwards to trying it on, so that I can finally see and feel it!” I responded with an excitement to my voice and a smile on my face.

She may have promised me that it would be ready by today, but to actually see the vest, and to try it on, is not to be compared with a mere promise. Now I'm about to actually wear it.

“Come right up here, fillie, I'll help you put it on!” she continued with some excitement to her voice, and I could clearly see her smile as I moved into the small room behind her boutique.

“Thanks!” I pronounced, making my best not to squeal in excitement, so I just made due with a wide grin on my face, smiling from ear to ear, as it were, then I slowly moved up to where she stood, picking up the vest from the ponyquine it had been resting on, from the moment she started fashioning it.

“We Unicorns Must show all Ponies that we have class. Even if you say that you were born Earth Pony, and that your parents are Pegasi, what the next Pony see is your horn, even if it is silver grey and sparkles on and off constantly. With that, they're going to judge you by the same standards as they would judge any other Unicorn. The only other Pony born Earth Type who can do anything is Pinkie Pie, and you've already seen her. She is all over the place, unless she is depressed and feels lonely!” Rarity explained in a friendly manner, though her voice feels warm and highly present.

“Yes, I certainly saw Pinkie Pie. If I ever saw a hyper Pony, she would be the very definition of a hyper pony, I'd openly admit to that. She's an inspiration to me, just as I imagine she is an inspiration to any and all ponies who get in a proximity of her. We're lucky to have a Pony like her in our small Village. We certainly didn't, where I lived before. As helpful as Amulet Crafter of Vanhoover was towards me, I can't see her as an inspiration to an entire community. Sadly I can't say I recall anything of Cloudsdale, as much as I may desire to. If I had not been inspired by Pinkie Pie, I have you here, or I could have chosen Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash or Flutter Shy, to mention just a few!” I pondered.

Rainbow Dash inspired me, back in the day, just as she inspired numerous of other ponies, as she preformed the legendary Rainboom. There apparently haven't been anypony who managed to perform it, before or since. Since we're here, I take it you wouldn't say no to a cup of Tea!” she concluded.

“A cup of tea with you, I'd love that. We were reading about the Rainboom in school, but who hasn't? On the other hoof, since I'm seen as a Unicorn, maybe I could demonstrate my latest spell?”I responded eagerly.

“After your demonstration at Trrixie's show. I'm certain it will be worth my time. You're one or the most promising young fillies I've seen in Ponyville!” she responder.

Rarity managed to keep her gentle smile in place, as she finished heating the water for our tea.

“I could as well show the spell now, before the tea?” I enquired curiously.

As she nodded, I performed the intended spell, and the bat wings appeared on my back, and to my surprise did not just stay under the vest as one may have expected, but actually changed the design to allow me to fly.

I could clearly hear her gasp, as she saw how my spell worked. Not only giving me wings, but allowing me to wear the vest, as if she had made it for me to wear while flying.

“Good thing I have tried out a pair of wings. It was a gift from Twilight Sparkle. I will never forget the experience. Sadly that event ended in a horribly embarrassing moment on my part, and Rainbow Dash had to rescue not only me, but the entire team of Wonderbolts, which is an amusement. Just imagine one single Pegasus saving the entire team, and me in a single flight?” she mused, with a teasing but embarrassed smile on her face.

“These wings will never burn, or evaporate, like the once she gave you. Besides, you've learned the lesson from then, I hope!” I suggested with conviction to my voice and a smile on my face.

“I would very much hope so!” she responded, trying to convince herself she had, yet knowing it may very well not be the case.

A Rekindled Passed: 16

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Finally, the day had arrived, and it is time to go. I'm about to leave for my parents' home, with only my closest friends by my side, even though Rarity is with me too. Feels better to have her with me, I just can't quite put my hoof to why or how, it's just a foalish feeling I had, or is it.

I had cast my spell for myself first, then Rarity did the same. After that, Sweetie Belle managed to cast it for herself as well, as shaky as she was.

From here, I left it over to Rarity to cast the spell on Apple Bloom, since she can't do it on her own, since she still is an Earth Pony. This spell will stay out of her reach, I can't even teach her. I had managed to teach Sweetie Bell on my own, the spell had worked just as well on her, as it worked on Rarity, if it is because they're family, or if it is merely the case of being Unicorns. It worked, and that's the point.

Now I realised, just how great it was to fly. I never have had the chance, short of the few short test flights I had performed, back at Sweet Apple Acres. I had gone with my original design of bat wings, and so did they. I know I could have chosen another design, but I came to like this, the way I had started it.

I could see how Rarity enjoyed herself too, the Bat wings are different enough, from the wings she tried at the previous occasion. I cast glances back at Rarity and Sweetie Belle from time to time, enjoying and adoring their radiant white wings. Apple Bloom's wings a light white, matching her coat, only with a red gradient, matching her mane.

Scootaloo is heading our little herd, making an impression of flight, though Rarity is levitating her, since she still can't perform any form of actual flight on her own. Yet, once there, she will at least be capable of walking on the clouds, like the Pegasus she is.

It feels good to see Scootaloo flying before us, but strange to fly this high, since I have never been a flyer before. I guess it is still fun with our Bat wings. Certainly would help us stand out.

Ponyvilles weather is no surprise, by the looks of it, just a slight breeze, and next to no cloud coverage of the sky. It's warm, but I'm still glad I'm wearing the vest Rarity made for me, just the day before. I had realised, just how much of her effort had gone into it, as good as it looks, it is also keeping the wind out of my chest.

I don't know it is a wind, or if it is our Bat wings, but it felt as if we made good headway, flying over to Cloudsdale. If it is any part of the magic I had used, but I certainly don't feel all that winded or tired as one may have expected for the first time for an actual flight like this. It isn't as if I was trotting to the next town over either.

What shocked me, is how unfamiliar it felt to set hoof on the ground as we reached our destination of Cloudsdale. Maybe it is only this different to set hoof in Cloudsdale, or it could be an effect of my spell. It initially left me baffled and confused.

After a few minutes I grew used to it however, and after that it is just like a day in the park. Walking in the clouds, or rather, on the clouds. Now I had something to brag about when I got back to school, if I was looking for it. Only then I realised, the spell along would still be more to t6alk about, but should I try to explain, or would it be better to demonstrate the joy in first person. I'd have to ask Cheerlie about this, when I had the chance.

Then a face came before me in my mind, and it's fairly obvious and reasonable, it's Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon a step behind her. What she was to say, if I was pointing out what I've done, and where I had gone, as well as whom I had brought with me there. Then the look on her face almost made me choke on the roaring laughter.

Maybe it is just as well, we had managed to land on a fairly quiet street, not too far from the residential area, but luck had it that my parents would live close by. After just a short walk, I spotted a few Pegasi. Naturally it had to be Pegasi, who else would I find in Cloudsdale, since neither Unicorns, not Earth Ponies could walk on clouds. I guess a Princess like Celestioa, or Luna could, since they're Alicorns. Even Twilight could perform a spell, allowing a Unicorn to manage it.

The first Pegasus I asked is a light green, but with a blue mane and tail.

Does Radiant Thunder and Silent Rain live anywhere close by?” I asked the stallion.

Yeah, they do. They haven't moved out of their old home, where they've lived since they moved in together. It's just down the street, then to the right. It's house number fifteen!” he responded.

Thanks!” I responded, before I moved on, happy I had found the Ponies I was looking for.

Now I can get to know who my parents are, rather than what little remnants of old stories I had. Thankfully my friends still are just a few steps behind. I guess it was just as good we folded our wings tightly to our backs, or Ponies would start talking, or worse, scream and dash off right and left. Even if this may be just my imagination.

After a short trot, and taking the turn to the right as I had been told, we soon found ourself at the door of the house my parents still do live in. I lifted my hoof and knocked the door. The strange feeling came back, but I ignored it.

A moment later I hear steps, and a voice called out.

Who's there?” came the male voice.

Silly Filly. This is Radiant Thuner's home, right?” I responded.

The door went up, and the face of my father is popping out the door. He looks clearly surprised. He had heard of me moving to Ponyville, but that's the last he had heard of me. I imagine he had seen images of me, sent to him.

After a moment of confusion, his face lit up in recognition.

Oh, it's you my silly little fillie!” he burst out.

It's nice to finally see my old home, after all these years. Now I can at least tell what it looks like from my own memory, rather than tales told by others!” I pointed out, right to the point.

Come right in, my little fillie. Silent, you had better come right now, our daughter have come home!” he expressed, rising his voice so that his wife would hear him.

A new set of hoofsteps could be heard as the Mare bolted towards the door. Then she made a screeching halt, just in time not to bounce into me.

Hi, Silly. Nice to see you home for once. I know we sent you to the distant relative, but a Pony can't live here, unless she could walk on the clouds. You brought friends over, how nice of you!” she then continued.

Both Radiant Thunder and Silent Rain then moved to the side and allowed us to enter the house, leading us to the dining room.

Wait, aren't you by any chance Rarity?” Radiant enquired, as he recognised her.

Yes, that would be me. I guess Pegasi still do remember and recoginse me, since the incident where Rainbow Dash had to save the entire team of Wonderbolts. I guess that's an event that isn't forgotten quite so soon?” Rarity suggested.

That's not an event we're used to, even if Rainbow Dash may be a legendary mare all on her own. You're not by any chance sporting the beautiful Butterfly wings today, right?” Silent pondered.

Sorry, no Butterfly wings this time. Not so much because of the incident, but I chose Bat wings, for all of us!” I pointed out, expanding my wings.

A twin gasp was heard, as they saw my wings. Even if they had no preconception of Bats in Cloudsdale, Bat wings isn't what you expect to see on any Pony. Maybe I should have figured as much, but I certainly did leave an impression on the Pegasi who are my parents.

This is Sweetie Belle, a friend of mine and daughter of Rarity, this is Scootaloo, and this is Apple Bloom, sister to Apple Jack and Big Macintosh!” I concluded, pointing a hoof in order to indicate the respective fillie and friend.

Nice to meet you!” Sweetie Belle greeted my parents in her best behaviour.

Hi!” Apple Bloom continued, as she flexed her own new and temporary wings Rarity had given her for the trip over to my parents.

How do you do!” Scootaloo followed up, looking up at my parents.

Nice to meet you all fillies!” my parents greeted them in turn.

You're Pegasus, Scootaloo? I noticed you have regular wings!” Radiant pondered.

Yes!” she simply responded.

Did Twilight by any chance help you with the wings, Rarity?” Silent enquired, somewhat surprised, in a curious tone of voice.

No, she has nothing to do with our visit. I've conjured my wings myself, but only thanks to your daughter Silly Filly. I helped Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, but Silly Filly conjured her wings on her own, not only that, it's her spell. She even managed a spell to teach me the spell!” Rarity explained.

That's when both my parents dropped their chins right down to the floor with a thud.

Wait, you mean to say that our Earth Type Daughter not only conjured up the wings and the spell, but then moved on to teaching you the same spell?” Radiant chuckled, in disbelief.

That's exactly what I said. She's quite a remarkable young fillie!” Rarity responded.

I feel she is too remarkable for her foalish name!” Silent pondered in response.

Sounds right!” Rarity responded.

We had too little time with you, to get to know you. Maybe now we could. By the sound of your tale, we could give you a more fitting name now!” Radiant declared.

You know, we could have the new and revised name filed first thing, but it could wait for a cup of tea!” Silent interjected with a sly smile on her face.

Living in Cloudsdale apparently do come with a few advantages, endless supply of clear and clean water counted among them. Now Silent poured up water, before heating it in a boiler.

While the water heated up, Radiant carried cups to the table, then placed them on the table before us. He also placed a spoon beside each cup, and a small bowl of sugar and a presentable wooden box, containing a selection of fine teas.

Just choose your blend!” Silent suggested, as she pours up steaming hot water in each cup, one by one, as she moved around the table.

It is the hosts duty to serve the guests, even if the guest happen to be a Unicorn, and the host isn't!” Rarity whispered to me and Sweetie Bell, explaining the situation.

I think I see your point, even if it feels wrong in a situation like this!” I whispered in response.

And we are the guests!” Sweetie Belle interjected in a quiet whisper.

Yes, Sweetie Belle, we are!” Rarity responded.

First I just waited for the tea to cool off, just as they did, then I quietly left my cup, seeing it floating towards me. Exhaling over the steaming tea, before I take a very slow and quiet sip of the brew.

Neither Rarity nor my old friends reacted to the act, simple and innocent as it is. Only then I picked up a small gasp from my parents. They apparently hadn't gotten used to my use of magic. Or if they thought Rarity was helping me.

Maybe it is in order, I explain how it came to be. It all started with the Amulet I had crafter for me, shortly after I came in possession of a small lump of silver. Both the Tiara and the bracelet on my neck. Shortly after that, I chose to move to Ponyville where I picked up my friends, after an amusing incident. I bumped into a Unicorn by the name of Trixie, who fashion herself as 'Great and Powerful', and enjoys performing her tricks on stage, which is where I found her. It is the amulet that granted me the power and ability to perform the jest on the stage. It is also the very same amulet that later allowed me to conjure the wings I now have on my back!” I pointed out, pointing my right hoof at the amulet as I mentioned it, then flexed my Bat wings as I mentioned them.

Mistake Revoked: 17

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It wasn't that long a distance, but it's enjoyable. I finally got to see my parents, now I have a memory of them. A memory I can truly claim is my own.

It is a walk in the park, the sun beaming down in delight. The only cloud on the sky the one I walk on. Even down in Ponyville, there was usually a few small cotton Candy clouds above.

The only sound I hear, is the sound of a breeze I never heard back home. I may hear the sound of hooves hitting the ground, as different as they are, from all and anything I could possibly compare them with. I'm after all an earthbound Pony. Or rather, I had been, up until now, that is.

Apparently, it is a fairly short walk, but I had enjoyed every step of it. Maybe it is to have my friends with me, but also to actually see my parents. I had been apart from them, for far too long, and it was slipping into my mind, just how much I had actually missed them. It's more of a wordless feeling than anything else, I can't put a hoof to it.

We're here!” Silent pointed out as we entered the building.

Finally. This really needs to be done and finalised. I can't have my daughter go down in history as 'Silly Filly', whatever you may feel comfortable going by, amongst your friends!” Radiant pointed out firmly, with a silly smile on his muzzle.

Thanks, Radiant!” I pronounced, still not feeling comfortable with calling him father, by any of the words for it.

Now we just need to decide what you will be called, from now on. It is an important decision. We're not going to change your name every other year. This time it will be for keeps, rather than something foalish one may call a little filly you know you're not going to see again!” Silent pointed out, in a more grave tone than her usual, to denote the seriousness in what she just said.

I finally had started to catch up with the situation, and the seriousness of it all, feeling a bit confused and insecure. I think I'd still be the same fillie with my friends, but other than that, I would have to change a bit of who I am, from the moment I leave this building. Before that, I'd have to know more of who I truly am, in order to present myself, from now on.

Can I still be 'Silly' with you, Crusaders?” I asked in a smaller and more insecure voice, and a silly smile to my face.

Certainly!” Sweetie Belle pronounced in a serious tone of voice.

Sure thing!” Scootaloo filled in.

You're still the same filly with all of us Crusaders!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

That would go for me to, if you don't mind!” Rarity assured confidently.

Great, there goes that worry. Though I guess I need to explain this at school, when we're back. This will be an awkward moment. Even if I foresee a few silly faces!” I put forth.

Things will change, from here on, I guess this could be seen as a small moving out gift from us. Even if you probably should have been given this several years ago!” Radiant suggested teasingly with a playful smile on his face.

With a certain pony, or foal on mind, I can't include 'Silver' in my name, it just couldn't feel right. Maybe 'Star Crusader' would be acceptable?” I enquired.

Yeah!” intoned Apple Bloom.

Yes, you certainly couldn't have a name associating you with that fillie, it would be all wrong!” Sweetie Bell continued.

I think I can see the point. Though she will be out of your life soon enough!” Rarity pointed out.

Yes, I know. It's just that, I'll still have to go through these years up until then, carrying the name with me!” I pointed out.

If you have made up your mind, it is time to make this final. Then it is legal!” Radiant expressed seriously.

Here is the form!” Silent pronounced just after she placed it on the table before me.

Thanks!” I replied with a warm smile just before I started to fill in the blank lines, making it official, my name would henceforth be 'Star Crusader'.

A moment the official Pegasus picked up the form and filed it away, just after reading through what I had just written.

The form is in order!” she pronounced.

Time to return to our home!” Silent suggested.

Sounds like an excellent Ides!” Rarity pointed out.

Since we can't hide our wings on the way back, most of Ponyville will see us before we're safely back home!” I pointed out, somewhere half way back to my parents' home.

Yes, they certainly will. Many may have seen me with the old Butterfly wings, but to see all of us with Bat wings, short of Scootaloo, this will be the talk of the town for moons to come!” Rarity promised, with an amused grin on her face.

“No point in messing my old wings up, as exciting as it may have been!” Scootaloo pointed out in response.

Now it will look as if you're hunted by a herd of bat ponies on your way home, Scoots!” Sweetie Belle teased, with a joyous grin, as she poked the jest through.

“Definitely more than twenty percent cooler!” Scootaloo declared in a victorious voice, just as we reached the door.

The Triumphant Return of Star Crusader: 18

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Once we had left my parents' home, we take to the air, Scootaloo still levitated up before us. Rarity is in the front, with Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom to her right and left, leaving me in the back of our Diamond formation.

Before we had managed to leave Cloudsdale air, I had noticed several Pegasi cheering us on, as we continue on a slow flight around the city, before we take off in the direction of our homes in Ponyville.

Since it is Cloudsdale we're leaving, we had decided on doing it in a triumphant manner worthy of Pegasi. How could we do it in any other way. Besides, I could as well show my heritage, for all it was worth.

The flight is fairly uneventful, and we don't fly all that fast, but it is a good moment to clear my head and to contemplate the changes of my life, such as they will hit me as I return to my home in Ponyville.

Since we came from Cloudsdale, we're coming in from fairly high, so we made an abrupt dive over the forest of Everfree, mainly for the effect, and for the joy of it. Just never going so low that we were taking chances over the forest, why would we do that anyway, there is no point. Picking up speed in the descent, and coming in pretty fast, as we go in for landing on the central square. By now, most every pony was there.

Scootaloo landed first in an impressive manner, before Rarity came down, closely followed by Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Then I made for the finale of the show.

Once firmly on the ground, Rarity reversed the spell on herself, and the two crusaders. Then I reversed my spell as well, only to reveal who we are, but this is when the surprise hits home. Looking back at my flank, only to find the mark. It is the crusader emblem, with a small change, it's a constellation version of it, the stars clearly visible, but there is no constellation on the sky, there never was.

Apparently most every pony had seen us on the final approach, but most of them are hiding in their respective homes, or whatever was the closest building they could find to slip inside. The owners hadn't protested, from what I could guess. The scenario close to what had happened when Zecora was new in the neighbourhood.

For some reason, a few fillies had been trapped on the scene, in the middle of town, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon clearly among them. Pinkie Pie was standing in the middle of the group, apparently laughing her head off, as if she had gone completely mad.

At first, this had actually scared the poor foals even more than my approach, which may be a good thing. Or entirely mental and utterly abhorrent, all depending on your perspective.

“Sorry dear foals, I couldn't help myself. The situation got extremely hilarious, when I saw myself standing her, trying to guard you against what was coming. We all know these Ponies!” Pinkie put forth.

“Oh yeah, who's scared of a few 'Blank Flanks'?” Diamond then burst out, laughing more than she though possible.

“You don't need to be scared of me, but it would be nice if you addressed me properly. It wouldn't be too much to ask of you, and unless you enjoy me calling you names, you are to call me Star Crusader, from now on!” I explained, before I pointed at my no longer blank flank, where my mark now is clearly visible, once I had withdrawn my spell.

“That's good. Though I think it is the Bats from the Everfree that scared everypony else. I've been there and seen the place, it isn't a place for Ponies, let along a mere filly of colt. Brave grown Ponies have been known to disappear in there!” Pinkie Pie pointed out with a crooked grin, as if she tried to play the 'Joker' or of a 'Bat Movie'.

“I don't like the Timber Wolves, they were in town, several months back. They're scary and mean!” Silver Spoon filled in with a scared look on her face.

“Fear isn't the way, just like Pinkie Pie told us. I don't know what your father Filthy Rich is teaching you, but by the looks of it, you could benefit from learning a few lessons from a Unicorn who knows class. I could help you become more than you show us, Diamond Tiara. You just need to accept what is offered!” Rarity put forth as an offer.

“Yeah, these vicious beasts. I could live happily without ever seeing, or even hearing a single word about them!”Diamond Tiara agreed eagerly.

“Guess I could agree with that!” the Crusaders nodded.

“I think I'll give you a little something as inspiration, in your quest to learn from Rarity!” I pointed out, as a small bubble emerged on the tip of my horn, then languidly floated towards Diamond Tiara.

“What's that strange bubble?” Silver Spoon squealed in surprised shock, before she could calm down.

She had been standing next to Diamond Tiara at the moment, but failed to notice the smile on Rarities face as the bubble appeared. Then she grew embarrassed, as she hears all the other fillies giggles, as they saw her reaction. This didn't look like a bright day to her.

“What is it? You're doing more of your fancy tricks on me, aren't you? It looks like a rather menacing Soap Bubble. That couldn't be it, could it?” Diamond Tiara enquired, not quite secure in what she thought she saw, and it did reflect in her voice too.

“No, Diamond Tiara, this would be a genuine gift to you, from Star Crusader. You better embrace the changes, or they will engulf you and tear you apart from the inside and out!” Rarity lectured, but her amusement couldn't quite be hidden.

“You can do with it, as you please. Though it could be your best Nightmare Night Suit ever, Diamond Tiara. I'm sure you'd scare anyone, if you came as a Bat. Well, short of us, that is!” I pointed out, just as the bubble hit her horn, leaving it tingle for a moment, before it just vanished, and the gift was received.

“I guess it would be fun, scaring a few more foals at this year's Nightmare Night!” she pondered, in a confused tone, before she realised what had actually happened.

She had apparently spread her wings without even thinking of it, maybe her subconscious still yearned for the notion, just to see if it could possibly work.

“Cool!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she saw wings sprouting from Diamond Tiara's back, apparently sharing the fascination of bats with Rainbow Dash.

“How about taking flight, we have a class to attend to. It isn't quite that bad, it isn't as if it is one of Cheerlie's more boring subjects, anyway. I'll be with you shortly, Crusaders, I'll just teaching her how to fly!” I pointed out with a smile.

“You're going to teach me how to fly, Star?” she uttered in surprise, not even catching the breath to consider.

“Yes, that's the idea. I'll have you out-fly Scootaloo in no time, and a few other Pegasi, before the day is out. You'd better believe it!” I teased her.

“Scootaloo never was a flyer, and she never will be. Though if I can at least compare my flying with any Pegasi, I guess it could be worth the effort. If you pull this off, I'd be tempted to replace Silver Spoon at my side. By the looks, you're easily outperforming her already. If only for the one annoyance, your friends are still Blank Flanks!” Diamond Tiara blurted out.

“Yes, they are. They still fly better than some Pegasi of Ponyville, on the first try!” I teased her, as I spread my wings and took off.

“How could I ever forget that?” Diamond Tiara sneezed, as she followed me up, into the air.

“You are going to love this!” I promised her.

“You know, there is a special freedom to flight. These wings are different in some strange ways.

“They're simple cool and effective, you'll see!” I responded with a sly grin, as I lead her up and out of the square.

“It's exciting!” she mused, as she followed me higher.

“Maybe this is why they are so proud, up in Cloudsdale? Maybe we should go there, next Nightmare Moon? Sure would spoil the mood for them?” I suggested.

“Wasn't that where you came from? But you never told a story from there!” She enquired.

“Yes, and yes. It is where I came from, but I never had a memory from the time, until now. I didn't find it all that impressive, so I guess it is the fact that it is where the Wonderbolts live and practice, that makes it special, aside from them heading the mane weather control, possibly. I'm enjoying the way the weather works!” I pondered.

“If we go there for Nightmare Moon, I'll see all I want, while we're there!” Diamond Tiara pondered.

A Mother's Joy, Cut short: 19

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Once I had learned of the fact that I'm pregnant, I have been looking forwards to the day I was to give birth, and to raise her together with her father, my stallion. I had spent months of planning, and looking forwards to the day.

Only when I got to know what my foal looks like, it hit home, she couldn't walk on clouds with us, since she is an Earth type Pony. Earth Ponies couldn't walk on the clouds with the rest of us. The fact brought me down fairly quickly.

The following weeks, I was taking leave of absence from my job. I couldn't keep track of things, and did a generally lousy job, at whatever I had before me.

In this state, I could care for no pony. Ofhorse the day came, and the birth went fairly smooth, thankfully. Just as I had been told, the filly is an Earth type Pony.

Together, we managed to gather our wits enough to care for her, but could only have her close enough to keep her from falling, so we had to take turns to stay awake, as if it made it any easier on us.

We called her 'Silly Filly, as a means of distract ourselves from what couldn't be changed. She did well, and fed eagerly at each meal. Maybe I should have taken greater pleasure from this fact, but in the state I was in, I couldn't.

As the time I was to wean her off of my milk grew closer, we had decided on taking her to a distant relative. She lives in a City on the firm ground, not up here in the clouds. We couldn't have her live in Ponyville at the time, due to the close proximity to the Everfree forest. Likewise we couldn't have her live in Canterlot, since it was a way too big and important place. For the same reasons, Manehatten was left out of the choices.

Then my Stallion came up with the idea, maybe Vanhoofer would be a more fitting place, since we did have a relative there. I'm still not comfortable with just giving her up, so a relative was the only option. At least we would know where she was, and that she would be safe. We could even go see her, if and when we had the time and desire to.

Only this never came to pass, we never did go there to see her. Maybe it was reminding me of a failure?

Yet, we did take her to the relative, as distant as she may be. Her home proved to be the peaceful place we had been looking for. Out of all available relatives, she had the only home, where we could feel our daughter could be safe. Maybe the moment had clouded our judgement, but this was how we felt at the time.

Besides, we couldn't just pull her out of there, if we changed our minds, after year, two or three. With that, it is where she lived her life, while we made our best out of what we had. Never even thinking of having a new foal.

Naturally we got word of the incident, but this was well after the fact, and there is nothing we could do about it. Besides, this could have happened anywhere. What we didn't hear about, is what she made out of her experience, short of the long lasting shock, when she simply stayed in her room.

By the time we did get wind of what happened, she had already moved to Ponyville. She is in the age for school, and apparently desired to see Ponyville. What we heard, she loves the school, and her new teacher.

From the time she had moved to Ponyville, the words about how she was doing was getting more detailed and frequent. Maybe that's a good thing. There is but the one bad thing, the two fillies that had a habit of bullying the other foals. Aside from this, the news was getting more and more positive.

She had managed to make a few friends, among others the three fillies that like herself were blank flanks. She was said to live in a tree house on the property belonging to one of these three fillies, even though the location could have been said to be less than ideal. The positive fact is that this orchard was owned by the Apple Clan, they are known even up here in the sky in Cloudsdale.

Then one day as we were conveniently both at home, there was a knock on the door, and Radiant, my Stallion had opened. To his surprise, Silly had been at the door. She had not been alone, but with her friends, including the mother to another of her friends by the name Rarity, who had made herself a name here too.

The first thing about her to stand out, is the horn in her forehead, a silver tiara, as it were, and the amulet around her neck. Such a curious design. Maybe one would call it innocent, or naïve, but there is a genuinely ingenious face to this as well, more so than meets the eye. The next thing we noticed, is the bat wings on her back, and the elegant and delicate casual vest on her chest. It isn't what we had expected, but it is still pleasing me no end.

Once we had invited them in over a cup of tea, Silly soon proved how much she had grown and developed, during the years we had been apart. She clearly carried herself as a distinguished Unicorn. Guess it is that should have been expected, even if it came to me as a surprise and even a small shock. Maybe this is what finally brought me out of the slump.

She had even gone as far as to tell us about the shoppe where she had acquired the Amulet and the Tiara. She had told us where it was, and described the Unicorn who had crafted it for her. Eagerly, she had demonstrated, just what the amulet had done for her.

She had given me the hope back, maybe we could have a family again, even if she couldn't live with us. We couldn't just pull her from the friends she had made for herself.

Then we had given her a real name in place of the foal's name she had gone by. Something she could proudly go by, wherever she would go. Before she had left us, in order to return to her new home with her friends, she had given us a closure on what had been our past. Now I can go on and live my life happily, the way we were supposed to.

A few weeks later, we had made a new attempt at completing our family with a new foal of our own. The success was expected, and the pregnancy was soon to be confirmed. I had not been able to keep the worries out of the picture, but the words of our daughter had still calmed me, each time I was losing it. I had reminded myself of her, and her triumphant return. She was the shining beacon in my every day life.

As expected, the result is what I had feared all these long months, but this time, I knew where to go, and how to deal with the problem. We had gone together, and searched out the place, the establishment still there. Just as the Mare she had told us about. She had looked just as sharp, as we had been told, as we entered the room.

Greetings, dear Pegasi, how may I help you?” she answered our worries.

Greetings. We're looking for an Amulet, since we heard you could craft it for us!” I responded.

Just a simple Pegasi Amulet, since your foal is bound to be an Earth type. I think this should be possible, quite possible indeed. You've come to the right place. Just a moment and I'll pick out the required components!” she muttered under her breath, as small lumps of metal flew out from various places, only to be followed by a pair of green facets of Sapphire.

I just stood agape, staring at how she assembled what was to be the Amulet for our daughter. Red copper, blue cobalt and white silver. Bit by bit the metals mingled into a face of an Earth Pony, even the green eyes. Then I noticed how the face changed slightly, as it tur5ned into the face of a Pegasus, before the wings formed on both sides of the face, making up as part of what was to keep the Amulet in place. Only there is nothing behind it.

If she put this on, it will bind to her, and her alone. She will be able to walk on clouds with you. She will even be capable of flight. Then she will be as good as the next Pegasus around her!” she pointed out.

I poured up a pile of bits on the counter before she had the time to name her price, in hope it would cover the cost.

She soon deduced the cost for both materials and her own work, before she pushed back the reminder of the coins.

If this works as well as promised, it's a very cheap life insurance. Aside from saving our family. I’ll be forever grateful and would happily recommend you, if someone needs a service like this!” Radiant said.

Metals are cheap, and a simple artefact like the amulet is little to no effort on my part. Since it is safe to use, unlike some other artefacts, it is just fun to help out!” the Unicorn had explained.

A few minutes later, we had walked out into the light of day, happy and self assured, rather than worried of a future that kept slipping out of our grasp.

--- --- ---

Artefacts and More: 20

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Maybe the most well-known Amulet, the Alicorn Amulet. It was accused for corrupting Trixie, but some would claim it was her impure purpose and feelings that caused her all the problems.

An amulet strengthen and improves magical powers, improving on the performance, channelling magical power for the wearer, or user, but does so, only based on what nature of the Amulet was originally fashioned into.

In Trixie's case, her feelings were foul, hate and jealousy ruling her actions out of proportion. Pushing the rest of her out of the way, focusing on the motivation behind the act easily pushed her well out of character, which later caused her to back-step, once she was freed of the Amulets influences, and her focus was reset to her normal self.

There is the Amulets of the Elements of Harmony, supposedly ruled by the Element of Magic. Known to have been wielded by Celestia and Luna in the past, until the fateful day when Celestia had felt herself pushed in the corner and thus forced into use all the six of the Elements in order to banish Luna to the Moon.

Since harmony draws its power from harmonious cooperation, it would have to be at its best, when the group of wielder work together, and the better they did so, in a tight-knit friendship, the stronger the effects would be.

This particular artefact was made to handle six elements, and thus it would be bound to be at its strongest with six ponies wielding it.

There is the Amulet Zecora asked Twilight Sparkle to use against Trixie later, that is suspected to have no real power, but this far that has never really been proven.

These Artefacts relay on a wearer, or user to amplify powers, but apparently very little had been known among the general populous.

If an Amulet is focusing a purpose, or drawing from feelings, they can be very powerful, and ultimately dangerous to wield, since excess is easily coming from these users.

If it is built upon the Harmony, it may be equally dangerous to rely upon, since missing one Element, or not being fully in tune, and you may lose everything, thus putting false hope to what you never really had.

Certain special materials are known to enhance the effects of an Amulet of Tiara, when they work magic.

If an Amulet is based around a state, like Naivety, it would easily find shortcuts, making spells simpler to use, then a Unicorn normally, or naturally would pick up on, though if done wrong, this could only be used for a few years. If coupled with a well-balanced personality with joys and a certain level of maturity and good judgement, it may still work well beyond expected ranges.

Elemental Artefacts could lend the wearer the aspects of being a different type of pony, so that an Earth Type Pony could be allowed to live in the clouds and fly as if born a Pegasus, though these commonly would work better for some, and most likely if the wearer had Pegasi ancestry. Though that may be speculative at best.

A Harmony Amulet would never truly hurt, since hurt doesn't only be against the purpose, it would hurt the harmony it was set up to create and strengthen, or even destroy it entirely.

Speculations has it, there may be numerous other types. Effects and purposes could be mixed almost endlessly, with the skilled crafter as the only true limitation, though materials used could damage, or strengthen the effects to a certain degree.

A Different Class: 21

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This will be a class for you young Unicorn fillies. Don't worry, I'll try to make it as fun and exciting as I can. Though you'll get to appreciate this more, once you've grown up to Mares!” Rarity started the class.

Only this time, apparently Sweetie Belle is also by the table. She is after all a Unicorn filly, just as the rest of us. I guess this will be interesting. Rarity poured up boiling water in our cups, one at the time.

Careful, the tea is hot!” Rarity pointed out with a smile.

I carefully lift the cup up, before exhaling over the unusually heated tea. I look at the steam as it slowly and deliberately move upwards, as the tea cool down to a comfortable temperature, before I take my first sip.

This isn't so bad. Almost like a birthday party, just stricter, and with different 'Friends'!” Diamond Tiara responded with a somewhat amused tone to her voice.

If you can keep that feeling to your life, you would be well-off. Life's too short for struggle and strife!” Rarity pointed out.

I like to see life like a cup of tea!” I pointed out, with a big grin.

Wait, if you rush it, you just get burnt, and if you're careless, you have a mess in your lap!” Sweetie Belle teased.

I think I'd rather eat my vegetables, then have a boiled tongue!” Diamond Tiara slipped with a mock sour face.

Vegetables, I usually like mine. At least so long as they feel fresh!” Sweetie Belle responded.

The pain of having your tongue boiled would just be awful, not fun at all. I couldn't wish that on any pony!” I pointed out.

That's why I told you fillies to be careful!” Rarity put forth.

Is this what classy Unicorns do?” Diamond Tiara enquired curiously, as she realised she never were truly introduced to anything important.

Yes, even the Royal Princesses themselves are doing it. Maybe I could actually take you to see Celestia and Luna, some day so you can see for yourself!” Rarity offered in a jovial tone of voice with a small giggle on her voice.

I certainly could get used to this, and if even the Royal Princesses do this, I guess I have to manage it too!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed in a low but excited key.

With your aspirations, I am certain this will be an experience well above and beyond what you have done before, and it just may help you out as well!” continued Rarity.

Are you offering me to actually see Ponies of true Importance? This would change everything for me. It's what I have been dreaming of, for as long as I can remember. Sounds like an Opportunity of a Lifetime to me!” stated Diamond Tiara.

That's exactly the point. Unlike other Ponies, I don't have hidden agendas, it's just a straightforward deal for your personal benefit. We'll be going there together and see the Princesses Their duties are heavy, so I need to plan when it's best to go. We can as well pass the time, enjoying a good cup of tea, practising how a proper Unicorn behaves!” Rarity pointed out.

Oh, I know everything about these Ponies and how they warp the deal up in impossible terms, hiding what is included!” Diamond Tiara stated with a devilish grin on her muzzle.

These Ponies and their ideas are corrupting you!” I said.

Exactly!” confirmed Sweetie Belle.

Your Loyalty is admirable. You just need to know whom you're loyal to and why, or it will get in the way of you and hindering you following your ideals!” Rarity concluded.

I have seen how Rainbow Dash struggles with her Loyalties. Just as I have seen how Apple Jack struggles with her Honesty. True ideals are hard to live by. I have also seen how well they are doing for themselves. If I could do half as well for myself in what I am to do, once I've grown up, I would be lucky and happy!” Diamond Tiara stated.

This would explain a great deal, at least now we know. I think you would be better off, just ignoring the Ponies you don't like!” Sweetie Belle suggested.

If you want to be admired, we certainly can help you realising the goal, without stepping on other ponies hooves too. Do not become a new Trixie, she isn't having as much fun as we may think!” I stated.

She enjoyed us staring at her. But you certainly ruined more than just her show, Silly. The way you ignored her would most likely put any Pony off!” Rarity said.

The show was over and I was bored. Why bother keeping it up, just for her enjoyment?" I enquired.

Apparently, my cup was empty, so I lifted the kettle and filled it up. Steaming water slowly flowed down into my cup and I enjoyed the moment of admiration from my fellow fillies.

Your turn, I know you can refill your cups too!” I stated, with a grin playing devilishly in the corners of my mouth.

My turn. This looks like fun!” stated Sweetie Belle, as she picked up the kettle shakily, pulling it to her cup and managed to fill it up with reasonable precision.

I can see that you are my Sister, Sweetie Belle. You can prepare your Tea all by yourself. Just some more practice and you can show your5self among important Unicorns!” Rarity appraised her Sister.

Thanks, Rarity, and I think we would all enjoy to see our Princesses!” Sweetie Belle responded, with a grateful smile on her face as she looks at her sister for a moment.

That makes it my turn!” Diamond Tiara suggested, as she did her best to lift the kettle, but barely managed to make it budge the first time around.

She made a serious of funny faces as she focused on the task ahead. Her effort obvious on her face, as her displeasure from her initial failure.

It's common to have problems with even as simple a task as the levitation of light objects the first times, Diamond Tiara. Don't worry. Just feel the magic flow, feel how it flows through your horn and focus it on lifting the kettle!” Rarity suggested in a friendly tone of voice.

Rarity moved the kettle a few inches closer to Diamond Tiara, just to demonstrate how it works. The distance can't make any difference, but feeling magic when you're focused on it did give her a feel for what she was looking for.

Woah, that's how magic feels like. I never had any idea. Thanks, Rarity!” she responded as she started to canalize the flow of magic and made it work her errands.

I could get used to this!” she then continued as the kettle lifted off of the surface of the table, as reluctant as it was.

The kettle soon gathered its wits and moved towards Diamond Tiara, before it even managed to get up high enough to pour up the hot water into her cup.

Serviceable, but you need more practice to master it. Then you will enjoy it!” Rarity commented with a reassuring tone to her voice.

You managed to get your cup of tea and you have a feel for magic, so you can practice on your own!”I added.

Yes, I have a cup of tea. It feels strange to handle magic like this. I never knew how it would feel, I guess I have wondered about it, from time to time!” Diamond Tiara pondered.

I certainly know how that feels. I felt much the same about Pegasi, but I don't need to worry about either anymore. I guess fate, or destiny had other plans for me. You will get to know that feeling too, Diamond Tiara!” I pointed out.

We all saw you fly. Though your choice of wings would be less then common or appreciated among Ponies of Ponyville!
Diamond Tiara pointed out.

Ponyville isn't exactly where Pegasi hang out and we were visiting Silly Filly's Parents, who live in Cloudsdale. They are quite nice, I think!” Sweetie Belle stated.

Our trip to and visit in Cloudsdale was quite nice and memorable. I've been there are few times, only this was a very special visit and in a very different way!” Rarity said.

That certainly was an experience I had never expected!”stated Sweetie Belle.

Going to Cloudsdale, as a Bat Pony, I certainly could see how you wouldn't expect that experience. I wasn't born a flyer at all, so how could I have expected this? As an Earth Pony, I had never expected to be speaking with you three like this either. How could I? It's a bit confusing, but I do enjoy this, nonetheless. I just need to integrate it into my life too!” Diamond Tiara pondered, trying to make sense of what had been passing during the latest event she was intertwined in.

As exciting as this may be to you, you may consider hiding your new gift!” Rarity Pointed out.

You're right, it is exciting. You challenged enough of things, just by showing up as Bat Ponies. If I'm sporting a Unicorn horn now, they may take me for a Changeling?” Diamond Tiara suggested.

It's Possible, but even if they don't, Ponies would find it very hard to handle you as a Unicorn!” Sweetie Belle pondered.

They have grown used to you as an Earth Pony, and a Bully. Maybe you could drop the bullying, and just avoid them? That would be nice to most of us. You don't have to be our best friend openly, just remember the joy you can have with us!” I suggested.

We certainly have fun together like this. Besides, I'm looking forwards to see the Royal Princesses. What Pony wouldn't love to see them in person, just once?” Diamond Tiara pondered.

--- --- ---

A Flight of Scootaloo: 22

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I know I can't fly, which is very embarrassing for me since I am a Pegasus. Yet I did fly with Rarity. She had apparently managed to allow me to fly on my own, in a manner of speaking.

They commonly say that Unicorns are the only Ponies using magic, but that isn't really true. If it wasn't for magic, none of us Pegasi could ever fly, and the Wonder-Bolts could most certainly have performed, what they do now. I have seen more than enough of their shows to say.

The flight had opened my eyes, now I know I love flying and why. I never really had the chance before. The only problem is that I never really did learn how to fly on my own, myself before.

It isn't as if there was anything wrong with my wings, as small as they may be. Compared with Bulk Biceps, they are still large enough for me to fly on my own. Looking at the event where the Cake Twin managed not only to fly, but even carry Pinkie Pie around in the house, and with great speed and agility at that, even as a small filly. Should that feat make me envious and hate the little filly, I simply can't bring myself down to the depths required to hate her, just because I haven't managed to learn how to fly.

I may idolize Rainbow Dash for her flight, but she is the best of us all. She isn't merely flying and it isn't really much of an effort to her. She's merely breezing around, making anything look easy. On the other hoof, she's the only Pony who has managed to perform the Rainboom, which explains why others thought it impossible and a myth, until they saw her doing it before their very eyes. You can't deny your own sight, or can you?

If Rarity had merely levitated me before her, I had been floating in midair before her, no point in trying anything, but if she lends me her magic, I could navigate anywhere around her and actually fly. This is what she had apparently done. That's why I know what flight actually feels like now, which only makes it all the harder to be stuck on the ground, since I can't really fly on my own.

Maybe I could ask her to do this again, but if I had to have her with me each and every time, it would feel as if she merely was my foal-sitter, it would rob too much of the fun. Besides, I know she wouldn't have the time to make all that many flights with me either.

With luck, Twilight Sparkle could perform the same spell for me. It's just that she is just as busy with her life as Rarity is. Besides, she is a Princess too. I can't just ask her to go fly with me, now could I? Besides, this is the only option, unless I could fly with a Pegasus?

If only I could come up into the air, maybe I could fly close to another Pegasus, like Rainbow Dash. She is the only one I dare hops would work, even if Flutter Shy proved to be a very good flyer, when it was put to the test. She had been hiding down in her cottage. When the Hurricane had to work, she had saved Rainbow Dash and Ponyville, because it was important enough for her to forgo her fears and shyness.

The pain of it all is, my wings have been more of a hindrance to me. I can't fly, so why have wings? If I did not have wings, I would have looked like a regular Earth Pony and none would have said a word.

Since I have wings now, I have to live with everything that came with being a Pegasus. I can live in Cloudsdale, if I can get up there, even if I can't fly. Yet, what's the point of living there if I couldn't fly. Maybe I have had a few problems with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Yet, what's that compared with how Flutter Shy had it up there in Cloudsdale? I haven't really asked her, Rainbow Dash had explained more than enough of the situation. Besides, she is doing very well down here in Ponyville with us.

In the end, this left me with only two options and three or four Ponies to ask for help. I'll just have to ask, but I need to consider whom to ask at each and every time. Maybe I could follow Rarity or Twilight Sparkle on occasions, or I could hope to catch Rainbow Dash practising. Even if I can't be on top if and when she chooses to perform her Rainboom, or even going anywhere close to the speed required for this.

Twilight, you think you could fly with me some day?" I had asked her.

That's a very interesting idea, Scootaloo. I heard of your adventure, guess that would be hard to avoid since it ended quite spectacularly on your return. I'm not exactly the best of flyers, so I need to practice. Maybe I could perform a spell for you, in order for you to fly with me. Would be plenty of fun!” Twilight pointed out.

Cool. Just kind of funny how Ponies expect you to fly, just because you have wings. I know the library is smaller than comfortable for you to fly around inside, but it could still work for a little foal like me, wouldn't you think? Just say when, if I haven't anything important, I'll be flying with you!” I suggested.

Yes, it is. Maybe it would be more natural for you, since you are born with wings as a Pegasus. That could be interesting, I guess we could have such a spell for the library, even if you are the only one to enjoy it? How about right now?” she responded.

I guess they do, which is part of my problem in the first place. On the other hoof, they expect you to fly too. Let's make this fun, just the way it is supposed to be. Yes, I am the only flightless Pegasus in Ponyville, maybe that's just as well. I can't be selfish enough to with it on any other Pony, Pegasus or not. Yes, have it done so we can test it?” I responded.

Apparently she was off, looking for the book, hiding the spell in question and found it just in time to respond.

Here it is, just the spell for what we need. Looks like the simplest flight spell I've ever seen. If it works, you'll be able to fly within the confines of my library from now on. Sounds cool to me. Once you've tried it out, we could have a short flight outside too, just to celebrate the occasion?” She proclaimed.

I could see her horn glowing as she spoke, indicating magic being performed. There is no direct indication as to what was actually done. Being a Pegasus, my wings are focused on what was happening. Unconscious sensing what happened around me. Simple but effective.

Apparently the spell works, it just is even less complicated than she had let on. It's a local spell, a mix between her old gravity spell and a levitation spell. Without specifying target or time frame, it may last until she cancelled it. I still feel the pull towards the floor, but also a strange pull away from the floor.

There was but the one thing to do, so I stretched my wings out as if to fly. Starting with a few tentative flaps, before I fell myself easing up and away from the floor so I keep flapping, and harder to see just how far it would take me. Then I realised, I'm actually flying, as if I had been used to it.

Cool, it really works!” I just pronounced as I got clear off of the floor, then started to fly around along the shelves along the wall.

Yes. You're indeed flying. That was insanely simple. As if a foal could perform it, if they had known it in the first place. Since it worked, maybe we can as well get going? I feel like taking a flight outdoors now!” she proclaimed, with an eager grin on her face.

You sure have your way with magic, Twilight. That works as sure as clockwork. At least twenty percent cooler. Let's get out, trying these wings in plain daylight, shall we?” I responded, as I slowly moved down to the floor, grinning from ear to ear.

Ok, let's go. I sure could use some of the flight time and so could you!” she pointed out just as I was back on eye level with her and she pushed the door open.

Spike, you keep the library open while I'm out, flying with Scootaloo!” she then continued as a side note.

Sure thing, Twilight!” he responded from within the fortress of a library.

Thanks, Spike. I don't know what I would have done without you!” she then finished as we moved out the door, leaving the library behind.

He sure does earn his pay, working for you. Even if he has been messing up on a few occasions. No Pony would have done as much for your library as he does. We had better get going, can't keep him waiting all day?” I responded.

Yes, no Pony would have worked as well and dependably as he does, even with the small spots on his record counted. We better get into the air, looks like almost too much fun!” she pointed out, and her horn momentarily brightening up, glowing as she cast a new spell, allowing me to fly freely in her presence.

Exactly, you're lucky having him since he is the only known Dragon in all of Equestria. Some may argue it is generous of you to share him with Rarity and the rest of us, but I think it is merely wise, since it keeps him busy and content. Pondering if it would work, giving him wings to fly within the library, it could help him in his work. Besides, he may enjoy flying as much as we do?” I pondered.

I have heard of the notion from time to time and it has crossed my mind. Yet, just as you said, it is the best for all of us. We've seen what he could have done under different circumstances. He is after all a Dragon. Yes, I've come to see how enjoyable flight could be. Even if I haven't quite mastered it enough to get that thrill out of it, maybe I never will. Unlike you, I'm not born a Pegasus, I'm used to walk the Earth, like any Unicorn would be. This will take me some time to get used to. Just like I have and will keep enjoying our 'Twilight Time', I still enjoy learning with you now. Apparently, you're teaching me a part of the joy of flight I had never expected to have!” she then responded with a grin playing on her face.

I could very well imagine you would have heard of it, you are listening so it would be inevitable. I can't deny him the benefits, your library would be enhanced in the process too. I sure do enjoy it, and I know that both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle enjoy it just as much. We're lucky to have you as a teacher. Not to say that Cheerly is a bad teacher, she is the best teacher a Filly or Colt could hope for, but your subjects go well beyond her classes. Besides, I guess we enjoy your company, even before you got a Princess and a celebrity too. On the other hoof, the best teacher is she who can truly listen to her students and learn from them too!” I pondered thoughtfully.

Yes, that could help him in his work for me, I can't really deny it. Only question is if he would enjoy it. Maybe I should ask him when I get back home. That's the impression I had too. To me, the joy has grown beyond the simple matte of learning and teaching. I love the time we have together. I've heard that Rarity have a similar get together with a few fillies. This would be why you don't see as much of them. She told me she enjoy spreading the knowledge of etiquette to Fillies who aspire to be sophisticated like Unicorns. I think I have seen effects of her work already!” she commented.

Maybe that is the most important question in this case. If he likes it, it is good. If he doesn't, it is bad. She took a liking in Nyx earlier, now she took a liking in Silly. She seems to have a soft spot for gifted Fillies with a high level of curiosity and interest in the sophisticated life of a Unicorn. 'Guess I couldn't blame her? It is who she is, just like learning and knowledge is your side. It wasn't just your affinity for Magic that brought you in under Celestias wing in the first place. You wouldn't have gotten her attention, if you had never put in the work that brought you out into the light. If you had not had the curiosity, you had been with the common Unicorn, never to be noticed. Most are happy with that life, yet for some of us, it simply isn't enough. Besides, we do have a few exceptional and very remarkable friends!” I put forth.

All of a sudden, taking off had been an easy thing. Staying up is just as easy, as it turned out. All I even was that one tiny push with the magic I never had.

Sometimes, the best teacher is the one who is just learning herself, just like you are now. Who would have guessed. Every Pony swears on that the master is the best teacher, like Celestia, yet she never taught me how to like. The same may be said about Rainboiw Dash, she never taught me to fly either. Somehow, I have an experience, not too different from when I was using the reverse gravity spell in order to reach the Chrystal Heart, in order to save the Chystal Empire!” she put forth with a strange grin from ear to ear.

That is an Epic episode we will never be allowed to forget. Cheerlie will be teaching that part of history, till she drop!” I suggested.

It is History. That is a curious image. I never expected to be a living part of history, or make any real contribution to it. Now I seem to be doing it most every day. I have my share of these, for a lifetime already. If the most important I do from now on is to teach you how to fly, I will be content with that!” she then confessed.

You probably better not tell any Pony that, though I could see your point. Just look at how long Celestia has been a Princess, she rarely does anything historically important, even if her rule is brilliant!” I put forth.

Yes, her reign has been unprecedented. She is lucky she has us. By the way, I think I will give him these wings right when we get back, not so much as a reward, but just for the fun of it, and how they will help him in his work, I guess!” she then exclaimed.

--- --- ---

The Rainboom Flight Academy: 23

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I had seen how much Rarity enjoyed to teach Nyx, for the short while she lived with Twilight, just as I had seen how much Twilight herself has been enjoying her time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Then I noticed how Rarity picked up a new Pony under her wing, er, horn. Apparently she doesn't just enjoy teaching, she seems to have a knack for it too. With that the inevitable thought struck me, could I do the same?

Naturally I have always been fond of Scootaloo. If it is in her inability to fly, but I prefer to see it as her admiration of myself. As egoistic as it may be, but at least it isn't at the expense of any other Pony, or Pegasus. This is where it all started, now I was realising, there are others eager to learn. They are looking up to me, I had to make the best and honourable thing. My loyalty demanded it out of me.

I was a hoofs-width from giving up on my lifelong dream at the academy, thankfully my point did get through, or they had not realised what they were endorsing before I made the point. Either way, I was reinstated at the position. The one position I should have had in the first place, that is.

Maybe I could be doing just as much good right here at home. We have a few exceptional foals in town, I think I will enjoy teaching them, just the way they have been doing in Cloudsdale at the academy. They deserve the chance I am giving them, from now on.

Aside from Scootaloo, there is also the new filly commonly known as Silly, aside from the Cake twin Pegasus. Even if they may be on very different levels, aside from different ages, I think I still could handle them.

If it does come out as egoistic, but it still is a chance this will further my position and chances with the Wonderbolts of Cloudsdale. Is there really a problem with it? I am still doing something good for these foals. Besides, it would help me be a better Pegasus myself. I do even get some extra flight time and a reason to be up and up there amongst the clouds. Thinking of it, I would win on most all fronts here. It doesn't have to be on regular paid weather service time either. Even if there is the chance we do clear the sky a few times when it is convenient.

Just that once the idea that this was going to be fun had taken me, there was no turning back and the other reasons were sliding back and out of the race. I am going to get this going. Even if I may consider asking Twilight a few questions later along the way.

If Twilight and Rarity are allowed to have their fun, why couldn't I?

Twilight, if you see Scootaloo, Silly or the Cake twins, let them know I am setting up my very own time for them. If you see any other foal who are deserving, maybe you could ask them if they are interested. I could make room for a few more!” I announced, as I happened to slip by the library to see if the new book was available.

I certainly would do that for you. I take it you caught on that it is fun. I could confirm that. I am sure Rarity would tell you the same, if you asked her!” Twilight responded with a sly grin on her face.

Thanks. I have seen her enjoying it too much for me to be left out. Maybe we should have a get together on this new trend?” I teased her.

Now we just need to convince Apple Jack, Flutter Shy and Pinkie Pie, too. Then we could have it as Princess times for our own joy as well? There is bound to be something they could enjoy doing with a small select group of dedicated foals, just as much as we already enjoy it?" She shut back.

How about you make it official on our next meeting, then? It isn't all that long until then, is it? If it is, make it a special unscheduled meeting!” I said as I slipped out the door.

Scoots!” I yelped as I saw Scootalloo, just after leaving the library.

Hiya, Dashie. How are you doing?” she returned as she heard me from a distance, trotting up to me the instant she noticed me.

Couldn't complain, Scoots. Glad to see you today. I had something to ask of you, something I had the impression you were burning for the two of us to do. Seems you will be the first, if you are up for it!” I responded.

The first? Since you just came from the library, but this isn't about books, right?” she enquired in a curious tone of voice.

Since Both Twilight and Rarity have their respective times, it hit me I had to try this too. Even if I still nurture the hope to be a Wonderbolt, it isn't going to happen just now and you aren't going there in a hurry either, so I am establishing a Rainboom Academy, for a select few fillies and colts of Ponyville. If for nothing else, you would spend quality time with me, similarly to what you have with Twilight!” I suggested.

Oh yeah, I sure do enjoy the Twilight Time, with our Princess. We all do. She even flies with me, and has permitted me to fly in her library. I haven't been to Rarity much, though Sweetie Belle, Silly Filly and Diamond Tiara seems to enjoy her company. Maybe Rarity discovered something when Nyx was with Twilight. I guess Silly reawakened it in her!” Scootaloo pondered.

I can only imagine she enjoys to have her hooves full. Makes her feel she does something worth while. Maybe we shouldn't blame her. We all knew Rarity enjoys to be in the centre of things. This would put her squarely into the spotlights, once more, even if the scene is rather small. Her generosity truly does shine through as well. Only now I want in on all the fun!” I pointed out.

You are the best flyer, not just of Ponyville, but all of Equestria. How could I possibly turn down a chance to spend quality time with you, Dash? I guess I could share you with a few select others, just like I share Twilight with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They are my friends already. I guess I'll just have to see who the next flyer on your team would be?” she responded.

It is just a silly technicality that has kept me out of the Academy this far. I have been there and seen it, just as I was offered a spot in the Shadow bolts by Nightmare. I had to turn her down at the time. Now I have the pleasure to form my own Academy on my own terms and I am the star. Even if Ponyville is not exactly the centre of Pegasi might, I can still put together a team, and maybe mine will still beat the both of theirs. Then we are the once laughing in the end!” I put forth with an evil grin sneaking up on my face.

They wanted you on their team on the Equestria games. That would speak volumes. I think we are to have only too much fun. I just ponder, since it seems to be the magic I fall short on, maybe I could fly in your proximity? I did enjoy flying with both Twilight and Rarity. You did hear about the event when we came back from Silly's parents, right? Scootaloo enquired.

Since they like to win, I was the natural choice for them, I can't deny it and neither could they. I guess moments like this would. It would be worth a try. Even if I never really put too much thought to it. Maybe I should have. Both Rarity and Twilight are good friends, so I can see how you enjoy flying with them. Just as it is impossible to miss the spectacle your entry into Ponyville did create, the way that went down. You sure did a great entry, even if it was mainly due to Silly and her trickery!” I responded.

They do, but will have to do that without you in their team. I didn't either, until now. Maybe I was too full of my failure to consider how or why I couldn't fly. Now I have had the chance to actually fly, even if it is on borrowed magic. Now I have a chance to learn how to fly, so that I know, when I learn the magical part. Though I guess it is more than an expression, it did feel magical, when I did fly. You of all Ponies would know all about that. I guess she made a slip of the tongue, when she introduced herself to Trixie? She truly is a Jester from beyond the Everfree, even if it may be in ways other than she imagined!” she pondered as she slowly started to flap her little wings.

Maybe her wings are not quite as small as one may think of them to be. Not when certain other Ponies are taken into the comparison. Bulk Biceps wings are not really bigger, and he is considerably larger and heavier, even for a male Pony. Then we have the Cake twin. She sure has small enough wings, but could lift Pinkie Pie for a Chicken Race all across the house in great speed.

That looks good, Scoots!” I encouraged her as I saw her wings flapping, before I slowly lifted my own and started to flap.

You think, Dash. Thanks!” she responded.

Just a little bit harder, and you should be off of the ground!” I confirmed.

Oh yeah, I feel it!” she continued, just before her hooves dropped off of the ground.

Just a little bit more, then try to move forwards?” I responded.

Sure, like this?” she enquired, with some more hope to her voice, a slight hint of a giggle as she had realised she actually was off of the ground and she wasn't even flapping all that hard.

You're doing fine, Scoots. I'm sure we'll have some fun, even if you aren't exactly making Rainbooms. On the other hoof, I'm the only Pony to manage that!” I corrected myself at the end.

You sure did show them who is the flyer, Dash. I'm proud of you, and so are we all!” she put forth as she slowly started to inch forwards, still in the air.

We all have problems with flying in the beginning, something you sure heard Twilight curse over, at least once. Hay, even I had some problem in the beginning. I may be the best flyer Equestria stands to offer, but even I was a little filly in the beginning. I had to learn it all from scratch, just like you!” I pointed out.

Even you, Dashie?” she enquired with hints of doubt in her voice.

Yes, believe it or not, even I had some problems back then. Which reminds me of an event not too long ago. I was responsible for supplying Cloudsdale water and had to create a Hurricane. I had such high expectations before a few too many of Ponyvilles Pegasi bailed out. Only Flutter Shy of all Ponies saved my hide that day. Aside from the honour of Ponyville at large. Spit Fire had to bear witness of the event. She had to explain how Flutter Shy of all Pegasi saved the weather for them. She was the weakest of imaginable Pegasi at the time, in part due to her shyness. Though I guess her kindness won out, forcing her to finally do get off of the ground at the final moment. Oh well, kindness always wins the day in the end!” I put forth.

They used to call her a 'Push-Over' and a 'Door-Mat', as I recall, they still do on occasion. Though I think she is the bravest of all Ponies. Bravery is to challenge yourself when you are scared!” she pointed out.

They did, and they still do. Those mean bastards. At least she is doing much better here in Ponyville then she ever did in Cloudsdale. Funny thing, she fell down just outside Ponyville thanks to me, when I was trying to defend her honour. Some of these damned colts were teasing her for her weak flight!” I continued.

I truly am lucky to live in Ponyville, where you are!” she pointed out, giggling nervously.

We all are, it is how I met all the rest of my friends. It is also how I came to be friend with Twilight Sparkle and help her save the day. Not just for Ponyville, but for the entire of Equestria. These were challenges, but I don't regret being part of these adventures!” I put forth as we started to fly forwards, rather than just looking at her as she inched forwards.

That is the story you all told us, when we asked you about your respective Cutie marks? I still do recall it. Kind of funny how all your events tied so tightly together in the one event, even if none of you knew one another back then. Maybe that means more than you wanted to recognise? At least, now I could fly over a river all on my own!” she considered.

I guess I am a bit proud of how I inspired them all in the one instant. A single moment that changed everything. And now you are learning to fly. This is another moment, just as important, at least to the two of us, even if the rest of the world couldn't care less!” I suggested.

I was slowly inching away from her, just to get an idea as to how far away I could go. While she still could maintain her flight. Maybe it is in part to test my own ability as to see how much output I actually did have, if I did put my mind to it. I guess it was Twilight's influence? On the other hoof, I have influenced her and the rest of my friends to live with the things she influenced me into doing. I can even enjoy a good book or two, thanks to Twilight. I sure could afford to give her that much, couldn't I.

Could you try to fly a few feet higher?” I instructed her.

Sure, I think I should be able to get a few feet further up!” she responded as she flapped harder and harder until she started to pick up more speed on her way as she got higher up into the air.

Time for the next challenge, if you can turn right and left?” I incited with a slight grin.

If I can't turn, what's the point!” Scootalloo pondered in response.

Exactly!” echoed Pinkie Pie, as she had managed to sneak up on us from nowhere in particular, her habit catching her.

I guess you are prof of Earth Pony magic!” I teased her.

You think?” Pinkie merely echoed once more.

A Rock farm is a joke in and of itself, for all I care, why farm rocks. On the other hoof, I had inspired her into taking up serious humour and spreading the joy openly, rather then hiding away on her lonely farm, known and enjoyed by none.

You are the only Earth Pony who can levitate, like the one time when you were considerate of me by the pool side, the day you duplicated yourself. How ever you pulled that trick off, unless it isn't magic, performed by an Earth Pony? Or the time you crept up the wall in Flutter Shy's home and got her all desperately sad? Then you certainly are the fastest of all Ponies on the ground. I have to take to the sky to be that fast!” I pointed out.

Yeah, I am considerate. Though I guess it was fun to trick the pond out of a good splash as well. I tried to entertain every Pony at the same time, only to see it all slip right out of my hooves, causing me a slight depression as a result. I am not doing that again. It sure was fun, until Flutter Shy bursted off, crying her eyes off and Twilight explained how I had not said anything of what I had intended to tell her. That was a shock I hope never to face, ever again. Flying sure is fun, though I commonly use my balloons, or a contraption of what ever kind I have available at the time. You silly, I am an Earth Pony, so I have to be faster on land, wouldn't you say? Since you are a Pegasus, the air is where you are faster, thus you have to fly to be fast!” Pinkie Pie blurted out in a sudden torrent of words.

Then she burst out giggling like crazy, in a manner none other could, and her mane and tail curled up like snakes.

Only at this point, Scootaloo was spiralling around Pinkie Pie until she hit a brave height of seven yards, before levelling off.

You know, Dashie, you really make me feel special when you have Scoots flying around me like that!” Pinkie Pie then announced.

You are, Pinkie. Though your mane looks a bit too curled up for my taste, even for you. Or maybe it is on you it is starting to be scary?” I put forth.

Yeah, your mane is a bit curlier than we're used to, Pinkies!” Scootaloo pondered.

Thanks, Dashie. Always makes me feel all bubbly, when you say it. Too curly, how is that ever possible?” Pinkie Pie responded with a confused look on her face.

Didn't Twilight Sparkle try to get to the bottom with that? She failed and miserably so. She even burst into flames over your antics, if you remember, Pinkies?” I pointed out.

I sure do remember the day, it isn't as if I ever could forget it. I never forget anything, by the looks of it. That certainly was a doozy!” Pinkie Pie rambled on.

I guess I never saw you forgetting anything. Though you were a site to behold, Pinkie!” I put forth.

You are always fun and funny, Pinkie!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

You started to tutoring Scootaloo in flying, Dashie? I guess it was bound to happen. I just need to find some foals to tutor too, now!” Pinkie proclaimed.

Tutoring is all the latest rage, Pinkie. Besides, Scoots was just waiting for me to pick up on this cool trend!” I responded.

Yeah, I have noticed that, Dashie. Both Twilight and Rarity have their own little classes, already. Then you picked up on it. I just have to see if I could convince Silly. Maybe Snips and Snails too, they sure can be funny, when they put their minds to it!” Pinkie suggested.

--- --- ---

Pinks for Pinks: 24

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Some pony had planted an idea in my head. I may not know where it came from, but now I need to have my own class, for my own little group of fillies and colts. Whom to pick, or had they already picked me, before they knew I was to have this class.

There is always that new Pony I got to know as Silly Filly, she sure seems to Puny to spread some joy and laughter around herself, with a few tricks and pranks thrown in for good measure.

Remembering another scene, there are Snips and Snails, maybe I could teach them some joy along the way. As for these two, maybe I could convince a certain Unicorn to have some time with them. They did admire her quite a lot, for the short time she was here in Ponyville at the time. I know she needs some Pony to look up to her, they would be just right for her. Maybe she could teach them a few good tricks, while they keep her down on the ground. I just need to figure out, just where she is hiding right now, unless she is performing her regular trick on a stage anywhere else in Equestria, and beyond.

Where would she be right now. Oh, but ofhorse. She is at the club house at the Sweet Apple Acres, cleaning up. Going there is a breeze, for a Pony like me. With that, I turned my steps to where I had to go, trotting off and then got into a comfortable gallop. No need for a rush, it isn't as if I was chasing any Pony right now, she is staying where she is for a good while longer.

I just slowed down to a slow trot before approaching the farm. Comfortably trotting along the road all the way to the tree, where I momentarily stopped, before moving up the tree the same way I did in Flutter Shy's home. Easy peasy. A few minutes I stand before the door, knocking, though I couldn't help giggling, finding my mane slightly more curled then usual.

Who's there?” came from the other side of the door, though I knew it had to be Silly, who else would be there at this time.

Pinkie Pie!” I responded with an amused giggle on my voice.

Pinkie, Pinkie. Come right in!” she responded, just before the door slid up without as much as a single creak, with a slight sparkling glow at the handle.

Hi, Silly!” I greeted her as I entered the small home of hers, even though it is officially the club house of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and is on the Sweet Apple Acres.

Hi, Pinkie. How did you get up, you are no Pegasus or Unicorn. Though I am still glad to see you here, Pinkie!” I responded.

Just followed the trunk of the tree up. No, silly. I'm still an Earth Pony, though I guess I am a Pie first and foremost. If you had met my sister Maud, I guess you would have understood. That is all that matters. I do anything for a smile, you know!” I pointed out.

"That kind of sounds as if you had messed with gravity, to me. It is still Unicorn magic, as if I am the fillie to make fun of that? I thought as much. A Pie, like Apple Bloom is an Apple, then? I guess that makes sense. That is what every Pony told me, over and over!” she then put forth.

That is Twilight Sparkles domains. On the other hoof, I do have a few antics on the field. Even if most of them defy even her logic. We all saw you come flying like a bat from Cloudsdale, after Scootaloo. Apples are Honesty to the core, something I love and respect them for. I am the element of Laughter, smiles are what I live for!” I put forth with a wide grin.

They all love you for it, as do I. You are the light in the end of the tunnel of life!” she then shot back at me.

Speaking of smiles, you know Twilight has a little meeting with a few of the fillies, just as Rarity has hers. Now I just saw Rainbow Dash had established one of her own. There is but a single conclusion and you are the first fillie on my list. You know the little trick you pulled on me a few days back?” I pondered.

I've heard of her 'Twilight Time', but Rarity is the best to teach us what it means to be a Unicorn in Ponyville. Not just because she is one, but because she has met so many of the important Ponies and strive to be the best, while still sticking to whom she is and her generosity. Dashie, I guess she couldn't pass up all the cool it promised her. I couldn't blame her. If you want me on your new 'Pinkie Time', I wouldn't miss it for the world!” I responded frankly, but with a sly grin on my face.

Twilight has had hers for a good while, so I would be more surprised if you missed, considering you are with the Crusaders, who just so happen to be your friends. That is Rarity, all-right. Then it is time for 'Smile Smile Smile!” I put forth.

Twilight Sparkle, she sure has enjoyed the Twilight Time with the Crusaders for a long time, even if there was a short episode when every foal wanted in on it, although most wanted in, more for the chance to be close to our local Princess and latest Celebrity. I know Rarity did enjoy to tutor Nyx in the finer etiquette of the high Unicorns, in part because Nyx was so curious and did enjoy learning from her. Nyx did have a very special talent, something we couldn't blame Rarity for picking up on and enjoy. You could say that Twilight did a good job, finding and raising Nyx when she did. Since both Rarity and Twilight Sparkle enjoy their time, I wanted to see if I could have as much fun, doing something for the community and teach a few colts and fillies something!” Pinkie explained.

There can be but one Pinkie Pie, that's you. Since you figured out all your tricks by yourself in such a short time, you certainly are gifted. Even if I don't have and never will develop a Pinkie Sense, or anything like it, I could still learn something from you and enjoy doing it. As fun as it would be to have you all by myself, but I think you could handle a few more foals while you are at it, just a question of who's the lucky once to spend this special time with you!” I suggested with a smile.

Maybe I should ask Silver Spoon, since she is not with Diamond Tiara at Rarity's Tea Times? Maybe I could teach her how to smile and enjoy herself without stepping on other Ponies' hooves? I think I would love the challenge alone. Most Ponies in Ponyville already know how I love challenges. Not that I care to split up friendships, so I hope I am not building a wedge between the two. I could still take on a foal or two, aside from you and Silver Spoon, if she chooses to accept my offer!” she pondered in a torrent of words.

If she thinks you are important enough for her. If she is convinced she will enjoy herself and have enough fun to make it worth her while. We both know you could teach her something, something she probably would enjoy too. None knows fun and parties, like you do, Pinkie Pie. Oh, but wait, maybe we should take her out on a little excursion, only to happen to go through the Everfree forest? If it is any Pony I would have by my side while going there, you are the Pony, even if I guess I would love to have you around anywhere at most any time!” I concluded.

Then it is settled, Silver Spoon will have the second seat with me. Maybe we should celebrate it with a party for the select few fillies who are invited? If that doesn't draw her attention, what would? She needs some fun, I know she deserves it just as much as her friend Diamond Tiara. From the way she is reasoning, we just need to announce it in a fashion that she can never ignore. The more of you who are not permitted entrance, the more important it is for her to be in there!” Pinkie pointed out with a sly grin.

You certainly do know every Pony in Ponyville. No wonder they all love you. They would be lost without you, from what I could see. Well, it would be free cake too, who wouldn't want to go? Maybe tonight, just an hour before dusk was the ideal time for this?” she suggested.

Yes, I do know every Pony in Ponyville intimately. Just as I know my parties, like no Pony else, which is why they say; 'No Party like a Pinkie Pie Party', which is true. A party without Cake is no Party, not since we have fillies on this party. An hour before Dusk is an interesting time to choose for going where you suggested we should go. I hope you bring your Night Light with you, Silly!” I pointed out.

I have heard them putting it in so many ways, yet explaining the same thing. Both Silver Spoon and I are Fillies, so yeah, the Cake is indispensable. Wouldn't leave home without it. If it doesn't impress on her, I don't know what would!” she pondered.

Guess I will see you later tonight, Silly. You sure did wonders, cleaning up here, not as much as a speck of dust. Rarity would love to have you over, cleaning up her place, if you do a job as spotless as this. Nice to see you, Silly. I'll pick up Silver Spoon, then I'll see you on the way to the forest?” I pointed out on my way to the door.

Wouldn't miss it for the world, this promises to be a blast. Could as well, or it would be no point in doing it at all. Maybe, she is such a lovely Mare. Go pick her up and I'll see you!” she responded.

I went down the tree, the same way I went up. Easy peasy. From there I trotted along the path to the edge of the orchard, before I made it into a canter, enjoying the breeze in my still curly mane. I sure did enjoy the company of Silly. I rarely saw any Pony as enjoyable as her.

--- --- ---

Silver Spoon, by Night Light: 25

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Pinkie Pie had been over, just a few hours ago. I had agreed to her proposal, mainly because I had nothing better to do at the time. Diamond Tiara had been on her new Tea Time at Rarity's Boutique, with a few select Fillies at the time.

Maybe I had just done it in spite in order to make myself feel more important? Pinkie Pie is always fun, or funny. Whatever she was up to.

The time she had mentioned, did make me wonder. Why in all of Equestria would she pick a time as late? Even I knew it would be close to when Celestia would call the sun down. Then Luna brought her Moon to bear, beaming down on us, calling the night forth.

I could clearly hear a knocking on the door. Knowing the time, I knew it was for me and Pinkie Pie would be on the other side. When opportunity is knocking on the door, don't knock it.

Pinkie Pie!” I exclaimed as I pulled the door open.

Hiya, Silver Spoon. You are ready, I take it!” she merely pointed out.

Oh yeah. I sure am. Since you asked, I don't have to ask if it is going to be fun!” I declared.

I see you know better than to ask me that. Let's be off, I know this is to be the best Picnic you have been on this far!” she teased with a grin slyer than I had seen haunting her face.

I'm off with Pinkie Pie!” I merely announced as I walked out, Pinkie Pie closing the door behind me before there was a chance to respond.

Once she had closed the door, I follow her along the street, quietly for a while.

“You need a little excitement, so I figured I could have you out on a special picnic. Although I guess I should admit, I am enjoying this myself, too. Just the two of us, none to disturb the moment!” she blurted out as we turned of from the street and onto another.

“If we are on the confession street, I guess I could as well admit to being a bit surprised when you asked me. My parents may not be the best of friends to either you or your closer friends, just like I never really was the best of friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders? On the other hoof, you seem to be friend to every Pony in Ponyville. Besides, our community has changed as of late. I can't ignore it. It is well beyond Twilight Sparkle becoming Alicorn and Princess too!” I suggested.

You are not your parents and you have become nicer to the Crusaders, maybe this is the perfect time. Yes, I am friends with every Pony, which should by all rights include you, even if some may see conflicting interests there. You could either be part of the coming changes, or be crushed by them. To me, the first priority has always been to see every Pony smile, even if it includes Mules, Donkeys and even a few Griffons, which isn't a problem on my part, I just want to see them all smile. I hope that isn't too much to ask. Since both Twilight Sparkle and Rarity have expressed joy in their new activities, tutoring fillies, just like yourself, it is high time I pick up on it and see if I could do the same. I just provide different entertainment, compared with them!” Pinkie pointed out.

Sounds like an idea in my taste. I don't like the idea of the changes crushing me, more than any other Pony would. If you wanted to take time for a picnic with me, I guess I can't complain!” I responded, just as she turned in on the next street.

With the new Castle, Ponyville is about to become important. We are no longer living in a mere rural village on the outskirts of a dangerous forest, even if the forest is by no means safe. I had the impression there is a nice clearing, not too far off, where we could enjoy our little picnic. Just a few stark shadows for a more intense scene, which is exactly why I chose to go out when I did!” she teased.

We have a Princess present, living among us. It draws new Ponies and wealth into our community. I have heard Filthy mentioning this. I guess I couldn't miss noticing the effects either. I guess you have noticed, or heard Rarity mentioning she is getting more Ponies, asking for her services? It was already starting as Twilight was stationed in her library, but now it is obvious. Maybe that is why they never take me on a simple picnic, these days?” I pondered.

Now Pinkie Pie turned in on yet another road, clearly leading to the forest, Everfree forest, but I had not quite noticed it just yet. I had to hoof it to her, she is great at claiming and keeping the attention of Ponies, both the individuals and the crowd. Maybe I am admiring her for it, even more so than I had admitted even to myself.

All of a sudden, I see a bright light, almost as if it had been the sun about to raise, which I knew couldn't be the case. The light never rose more than a few feet off of the ground. Then I hear a set of hooves, a Pony is coming closer. She is apparently a fillie my age. If she had been living in the village for more than a few months, I would have recognised her, or at least it is what I wanted to tell myself.

Silly services. I am with you in order to chase a few shadows off of your tails. You'll need it soon enough, considering this is the road leading into the Everfree forest. Not the same path Nyx was told to go, but it is just as dark a path as she was tricked onto. You all knew how that was to end up, good thing some Pony managed to save her from that little prank!” Silly pronounced clearly.

I guess the light could be convenient right now. As you said, it is a very dark path!” I pondered weakly.

I guess we can proceed now, since we have all the light would could handle!” Pinkie Pie suggested with a giggle lacing her voice in a poisonously sly tone to it.

How was I to know she could muster such undertones to her personality? We had all known her for the fun and games, the laughter and partying, the all nighters. Maybe we had imagined it? The seriousness to her person never truly did hit home. A party is supposed to be fun, how could it be a deadly serious business to any Pony?

I thought you were an Earth Pony, Silly, so how could you possibly bring this bright and focused a light with you? I can't even see a lantern. Uh, and why is your horn glowing like that? It is frightening in an odd way I can't quite put my hoof to!” I inquired.

Yes, technically I am still the same Earth Pony you always knew me to be, just as I have always been. Fate hoofed me this Amulet, it is what allows me to channel the magical power, thus giving off the light. It has always been like this. Didn't Twilight Sparkle's horn act in a similar manner, back when she was battling Tirek, Pinkie? Since we are friends, I guess you can call me Silly, if you like Silver!” Silly responded.

It may have been immensely more pronounced, but yes, it did act in a similar manner. One Pony isn't supposed to harness the magnitude, the power of four Alicorns, like she did at the time. It was clearly more than was good for her at the time. The battle could never have been won with sheer power, when they had that magnitude on their horns![” Pinkie responded, in a more lecturing tone.

Twilight had overloaded her horn, in a manner of speaking, if we can't contain the power, it would give this impression of a leakage. I am new at this, just as Twilight was at the time. Maybe we can learn to handle more in a more comfortable and comforting manner with time? Although I have a feeling this will keep the beasts of the Everfree night away as well. If not, I have a few tricks in reserve. Pinkie Pie, you do know how to act in this forest, right?” Silly concluded.

Yes, Granny Pie taught me all about it. I explained it to my friends a while back, when we were in the neighbourhood. If you can laugh at the scary faces you think you see, you are doing fine. On the other hoof, I love to be scared from time to time. Most of you have seen it in Ponyville!” Pinkie put forth.

Is that why you dressed up as a Chicken at Nightmare Night, Pinkie? I think I recall seeing you with balloons tied around your waist, screaming at the top of your lungs, flailing madly with your hooves suspended in the air, moving forwards, stopping, only to ask if anyone wanted to Panic with you? Only none caught your idea. You truly are a riot of laughter, where ever you show up, Pinkie Pie!” I proclaimed in response.

I was right, you are learning from me already. I think you can be a great mare, one day, not too far from now!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

We all have our ways. Maybe laughter isn't all that bad, after all? I sure am enjoying this more than I could have expected. Just that some Parents wouldn't approve of your teaching methods, I fear!” I pondered.

Teasing methods, you mean? Maybe they would have preferred how I taught Diamond Tiara a certain trick, even if I doubt they enjoy the trick I taught her!” Silly pointed out.

You did teach her the trick of how you got your wings? Or are you talking about the horn that allowed her to accept the trick? These are exceptional and revolutionary, from what I could see. I doubt her parents are ecstatic about either, though!” Pinkie pondered.

How did you even come up with the idea, Silly?” I inquired.

”Sometimes, you have to see over the fence. If you could see how others use their specific magic, as opposed to how you use your Earth Pony magic, the world is no longer the same. Pegasi use their wings, Unicorns use their horns. We all focus and channel the very same magic. We only do it differently and with very different results. Exactly how to describe how you channel your magic is still beyond me, I just do it on reflex!” Silly explained.

Wait, where are all the scary faces I was promised earlier? I can't see a single one of them. Just silly old trees. Maybe I could enjoy to see over that fence too? Never know when it is convenient. Maybe the reflex would explain a few things, if only I could see where it came from!” I put forth.

Sorry to cut this short, but we are here. Time for our little picnic!” Pinkie Pie announced.

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