• Published 2nd Jan 2014
  • 1,069 Views, 26 Comments

Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree - Ponyess

I'm Silly Filly, born earth type, even though my parents live in Clouds Dale, which did cause some fuzz. I moved to a small village, where I had a distant relative. This where my story begun but by no means the end of it.

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The Rainboom Flight Academy: 23

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash's POV

I had seen how much Rarity enjoyed to teach Nyx, for the short while she lived with Twilight, just as I had seen how much Twilight herself has been enjoying her time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Then I noticed how Rarity picked up a new Pony under her wing, er, horn. Apparently she doesn't just enjoy teaching, she seems to have a knack for it too. With that the inevitable thought struck me, could I do the same?

Naturally I have always been fond of Scootaloo. If it is in her inability to fly, but I prefer to see it as her admiration of myself. As egoistic as it may be, but at least it isn't at the expense of any other Pony, or Pegasus. This is where it all started, now I was realising, there are others eager to learn. They are looking up to me, I had to make the best and honourable thing. My loyalty demanded it out of me.

I was a hoofs-width from giving up on my lifelong dream at the academy, thankfully my point did get through, or they had not realised what they were endorsing before I made the point. Either way, I was reinstated at the position. The one position I should have had in the first place, that is.

Maybe I could be doing just as much good right here at home. We have a few exceptional foals in town, I think I will enjoy teaching them, just the way they have been doing in Cloudsdale at the academy. They deserve the chance I am giving them, from now on.

Aside from Scootaloo, there is also the new filly commonly known as Silly, aside from the Cake twin Pegasus. Even if they may be on very different levels, aside from different ages, I think I still could handle them.

If it does come out as egoistic, but it still is a chance this will further my position and chances with the Wonderbolts of Cloudsdale. Is there really a problem with it? I am still doing something good for these foals. Besides, it would help me be a better Pegasus myself. I do even get some extra flight time and a reason to be up and up there amongst the clouds. Thinking of it, I would win on most all fronts here. It doesn't have to be on regular paid weather service time either. Even if there is the chance we do clear the sky a few times when it is convenient.

Just that once the idea that this was going to be fun had taken me, there was no turning back and the other reasons were sliding back and out of the race. I am going to get this going. Even if I may consider asking Twilight a few questions later along the way.

If Twilight and Rarity are allowed to have their fun, why couldn't I?

Twilight, if you see Scootaloo, Silly or the Cake twins, let them know I am setting up my very own time for them. If you see any other foal who are deserving, maybe you could ask them if they are interested. I could make room for a few more!” I announced, as I happened to slip by the library to see if the new book was available.

I certainly would do that for you. I take it you caught on that it is fun. I could confirm that. I am sure Rarity would tell you the same, if you asked her!” Twilight responded with a sly grin on her face.

Thanks. I have seen her enjoying it too much for me to be left out. Maybe we should have a get together on this new trend?” I teased her.

Now we just need to convince Apple Jack, Flutter Shy and Pinkie Pie, too. Then we could have it as Princess times for our own joy as well? There is bound to be something they could enjoy doing with a small select group of dedicated foals, just as much as we already enjoy it?" She shut back.

How about you make it official on our next meeting, then? It isn't all that long until then, is it? If it is, make it a special unscheduled meeting!” I said as I slipped out the door.

Scoots!” I yelped as I saw Scootalloo, just after leaving the library.

Hiya, Dashie. How are you doing?” she returned as she heard me from a distance, trotting up to me the instant she noticed me.

Couldn't complain, Scoots. Glad to see you today. I had something to ask of you, something I had the impression you were burning for the two of us to do. Seems you will be the first, if you are up for it!” I responded.

The first? Since you just came from the library, but this isn't about books, right?” she enquired in a curious tone of voice.

Since Both Twilight and Rarity have their respective times, it hit me I had to try this too. Even if I still nurture the hope to be a Wonderbolt, it isn't going to happen just now and you aren't going there in a hurry either, so I am establishing a Rainboom Academy, for a select few fillies and colts of Ponyville. If for nothing else, you would spend quality time with me, similarly to what you have with Twilight!” I suggested.

Oh yeah, I sure do enjoy the Twilight Time, with our Princess. We all do. She even flies with me, and has permitted me to fly in her library. I haven't been to Rarity much, though Sweetie Belle, Silly Filly and Diamond Tiara seems to enjoy her company. Maybe Rarity discovered something when Nyx was with Twilight. I guess Silly reawakened it in her!” Scootaloo pondered.

I can only imagine she enjoys to have her hooves full. Makes her feel she does something worth while. Maybe we shouldn't blame her. We all knew Rarity enjoys to be in the centre of things. This would put her squarely into the spotlights, once more, even if the scene is rather small. Her generosity truly does shine through as well. Only now I want in on all the fun!” I pointed out.

You are the best flyer, not just of Ponyville, but all of Equestria. How could I possibly turn down a chance to spend quality time with you, Dash? I guess I could share you with a few select others, just like I share Twilight with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They are my friends already. I guess I'll just have to see who the next flyer on your team would be?” she responded.

It is just a silly technicality that has kept me out of the Academy this far. I have been there and seen it, just as I was offered a spot in the Shadow bolts by Nightmare. I had to turn her down at the time. Now I have the pleasure to form my own Academy on my own terms and I am the star. Even if Ponyville is not exactly the centre of Pegasi might, I can still put together a team, and maybe mine will still beat the both of theirs. Then we are the once laughing in the end!” I put forth with an evil grin sneaking up on my face.

They wanted you on their team on the Equestria games. That would speak volumes. I think we are to have only too much fun. I just ponder, since it seems to be the magic I fall short on, maybe I could fly in your proximity? I did enjoy flying with both Twilight and Rarity. You did hear about the event when we came back from Silly's parents, right? Scootaloo enquired.

Since they like to win, I was the natural choice for them, I can't deny it and neither could they. I guess moments like this would. It would be worth a try. Even if I never really put too much thought to it. Maybe I should have. Both Rarity and Twilight are good friends, so I can see how you enjoy flying with them. Just as it is impossible to miss the spectacle your entry into Ponyville did create, the way that went down. You sure did a great entry, even if it was mainly due to Silly and her trickery!” I responded.

They do, but will have to do that without you in their team. I didn't either, until now. Maybe I was too full of my failure to consider how or why I couldn't fly. Now I have had the chance to actually fly, even if it is on borrowed magic. Now I have a chance to learn how to fly, so that I know, when I learn the magical part. Though I guess it is more than an expression, it did feel magical, when I did fly. You of all Ponies would know all about that. I guess she made a slip of the tongue, when she introduced herself to Trixie? She truly is a Jester from beyond the Everfree, even if it may be in ways other than she imagined!” she pondered as she slowly started to flap her little wings.

Maybe her wings are not quite as small as one may think of them to be. Not when certain other Ponies are taken into the comparison. Bulk Biceps wings are not really bigger, and he is considerably larger and heavier, even for a male Pony. Then we have the Cake twin. She sure has small enough wings, but could lift Pinkie Pie for a Chicken Race all across the house in great speed.

That looks good, Scoots!” I encouraged her as I saw her wings flapping, before I slowly lifted my own and started to flap.

You think, Dash. Thanks!” she responded.

Just a little bit harder, and you should be off of the ground!” I confirmed.

Oh yeah, I feel it!” she continued, just before her hooves dropped off of the ground.

Just a little bit more, then try to move forwards?” I responded.

Sure, like this?” she enquired, with some more hope to her voice, a slight hint of a giggle as she had realised she actually was off of the ground and she wasn't even flapping all that hard.

You're doing fine, Scoots. I'm sure we'll have some fun, even if you aren't exactly making Rainbooms. On the other hoof, I'm the only Pony to manage that!” I corrected myself at the end.

You sure did show them who is the flyer, Dash. I'm proud of you, and so are we all!” she put forth as she slowly started to inch forwards, still in the air.

We all have problems with flying in the beginning, something you sure heard Twilight curse over, at least once. Hay, even I had some problem in the beginning. I may be the best flyer Equestria stands to offer, but even I was a little filly in the beginning. I had to learn it all from scratch, just like you!” I pointed out.

Even you, Dashie?” she enquired with hints of doubt in her voice.

Yes, believe it or not, even I had some problems back then. Which reminds me of an event not too long ago. I was responsible for supplying Cloudsdale water and had to create a Hurricane. I had such high expectations before a few too many of Ponyvilles Pegasi bailed out. Only Flutter Shy of all Ponies saved my hide that day. Aside from the honour of Ponyville at large. Spit Fire had to bear witness of the event. She had to explain how Flutter Shy of all Pegasi saved the weather for them. She was the weakest of imaginable Pegasi at the time, in part due to her shyness. Though I guess her kindness won out, forcing her to finally do get off of the ground at the final moment. Oh well, kindness always wins the day in the end!” I put forth.

They used to call her a 'Push-Over' and a 'Door-Mat', as I recall, they still do on occasion. Though I think she is the bravest of all Ponies. Bravery is to challenge yourself when you are scared!” she pointed out.

They did, and they still do. Those mean bastards. At least she is doing much better here in Ponyville then she ever did in Cloudsdale. Funny thing, she fell down just outside Ponyville thanks to me, when I was trying to defend her honour. Some of these damned colts were teasing her for her weak flight!” I continued.

I truly am lucky to live in Ponyville, where you are!” she pointed out, giggling nervously.

We all are, it is how I met all the rest of my friends. It is also how I came to be friend with Twilight Sparkle and help her save the day. Not just for Ponyville, but for the entire of Equestria. These were challenges, but I don't regret being part of these adventures!” I put forth as we started to fly forwards, rather than just looking at her as she inched forwards.

That is the story you all told us, when we asked you about your respective Cutie marks? I still do recall it. Kind of funny how all your events tied so tightly together in the one event, even if none of you knew one another back then. Maybe that means more than you wanted to recognise? At least, now I could fly over a river all on my own!” she considered.

I guess I am a bit proud of how I inspired them all in the one instant. A single moment that changed everything. And now you are learning to fly. This is another moment, just as important, at least to the two of us, even if the rest of the world couldn't care less!” I suggested.

I was slowly inching away from her, just to get an idea as to how far away I could go. While she still could maintain her flight. Maybe it is in part to test my own ability as to see how much output I actually did have, if I did put my mind to it. I guess it was Twilight's influence? On the other hoof, I have influenced her and the rest of my friends to live with the things she influenced me into doing. I can even enjoy a good book or two, thanks to Twilight. I sure could afford to give her that much, couldn't I.

Could you try to fly a few feet higher?” I instructed her.

Sure, I think I should be able to get a few feet further up!” she responded as she flapped harder and harder until she started to pick up more speed on her way as she got higher up into the air.

Time for the next challenge, if you can turn right and left?” I incited with a slight grin.

If I can't turn, what's the point!” Scootalloo pondered in response.

Exactly!” echoed Pinkie Pie, as she had managed to sneak up on us from nowhere in particular, her habit catching her.

I guess you are prof of Earth Pony magic!” I teased her.

You think?” Pinkie merely echoed once more.

A Rock farm is a joke in and of itself, for all I care, why farm rocks. On the other hoof, I had inspired her into taking up serious humour and spreading the joy openly, rather then hiding away on her lonely farm, known and enjoyed by none.

You are the only Earth Pony who can levitate, like the one time when you were considerate of me by the pool side, the day you duplicated yourself. How ever you pulled that trick off, unless it isn't magic, performed by an Earth Pony? Or the time you crept up the wall in Flutter Shy's home and got her all desperately sad? Then you certainly are the fastest of all Ponies on the ground. I have to take to the sky to be that fast!” I pointed out.

Yeah, I am considerate. Though I guess it was fun to trick the pond out of a good splash as well. I tried to entertain every Pony at the same time, only to see it all slip right out of my hooves, causing me a slight depression as a result. I am not doing that again. It sure was fun, until Flutter Shy bursted off, crying her eyes off and Twilight explained how I had not said anything of what I had intended to tell her. That was a shock I hope never to face, ever again. Flying sure is fun, though I commonly use my balloons, or a contraption of what ever kind I have available at the time. You silly, I am an Earth Pony, so I have to be faster on land, wouldn't you say? Since you are a Pegasus, the air is where you are faster, thus you have to fly to be fast!” Pinkie Pie blurted out in a sudden torrent of words.

Then she burst out giggling like crazy, in a manner none other could, and her mane and tail curled up like snakes.

Only at this point, Scootaloo was spiralling around Pinkie Pie until she hit a brave height of seven yards, before levelling off.

You know, Dashie, you really make me feel special when you have Scoots flying around me like that!” Pinkie Pie then announced.

You are, Pinkie. Though your mane looks a bit too curled up for my taste, even for you. Or maybe it is on you it is starting to be scary?” I put forth.

Yeah, your mane is a bit curlier than we're used to, Pinkies!” Scootaloo pondered.

Thanks, Dashie. Always makes me feel all bubbly, when you say it. Too curly, how is that ever possible?” Pinkie Pie responded with a confused look on her face.

Didn't Twilight Sparkle try to get to the bottom with that? She failed and miserably so. She even burst into flames over your antics, if you remember, Pinkies?” I pointed out.

I sure do remember the day, it isn't as if I ever could forget it. I never forget anything, by the looks of it. That certainly was a doozy!” Pinkie Pie rambled on.

I guess I never saw you forgetting anything. Though you were a site to behold, Pinkie!” I put forth.

You are always fun and funny, Pinkie!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

You started to tutoring Scootaloo in flying, Dashie? I guess it was bound to happen. I just need to find some foals to tutor too, now!” Pinkie proclaimed.

Tutoring is all the latest rage, Pinkie. Besides, Scoots was just waiting for me to pick up on this cool trend!” I responded.

Yeah, I have noticed that, Dashie. Both Twilight and Rarity have their own little classes, already. Then you picked up on it. I just have to see if I could convince Silly. Maybe Snips and Snails too, they sure can be funny, when they put their minds to it!” Pinkie suggested.

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