• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 1,380 Views, 7 Comments

Celestia's Secrets - Yosh-E-O

Celestia reveals some truths behind why she hasn't exactly been upfront with Twilight and her friends about the events they've overcome through their adventures in friendship

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Celestia's Secrets

Celestia stood stoically before Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Thank you all for coming," she said. "There is much to explain and it is time that you all knew the truth."

"The truth about what?" asked Twilight.

"The truth," began Celestia. "Of Spike's origins."

"But, I thought…" Twilight trailed off as Celestia raised a hoof to silence her.

"I've kept much from you," stated Celestia. "And Spike's origins are perhaps one of the deepest truths in which I've kept."

"What do you mean?" asked Spike. His new wings drooping down as he looked to Celestia.

"You see," said Celestia. "About five hundred years ago, Equestria came under attack by a fierce horde of dragons."

Every pony in the room gasped.

"Attacked by dragons?" Spike asked.

"Yes," replied Celestia.

"But I never read anything in any history book about a dragon attack on Equestria?" said Twilight.

"You wouldn't have," replied Celestia. "Like the tale of my sister, Discord, and King Sombra, the near destruction of Equestria at the claws of dragons was left to legend. In time, it became no more than an old, pony's tale."

"I don't understand," stated Twilight. "Why have you hidden so many things away that have proven to only resurface later?"

"Because," replied Celestia. "If I had told you, or any pony, none of what has been accomplished would've came to be."

"Wait!" cried Spike. "What does this have to do with me?"

"You, Spike," stated Celestia. "You were the leader of the dragon horde in which nearly burned Equestria to the ground."

"Me?" gasped Spike.

Rarity quickly gave Spike a big, supportive hug.

"Not my Spikey-Wikey!" she proclaimed.

"Your real name, Spike," Celestia continued. "Was Dread Claw."

"Dread Claw?" asked Spike as he looked at his tiny hands.

"Yes," replied Celestia. "You and your army of dragons were making your final attack on Canterlot when I managed to put an end to your assault."

Spike's eyes began to fill with tears.

"So, I was, a, bad dragon?" he asked.

"Were is more precise," stated Celestia. "But, as you've proven in your second life, dragons can be good and trusted."

"Second life?" asked Spike as he looked himself over.

"You…" gasped Twilight.

"No," assured Celestia. "In the final battle, I used every ounce of mystical energy I had, including my own life force, to imprison Dread Claw in the very egg you hatched on the day I took you on as my student.

"What about the other dragons?"asked Spike.

"The use of my own, life force made my magical ability so strong that it cast the entire, dragon army beyond the boundaries of Equestria."

"Wow, Princess," stated Twilight. "That sounds amazing!"

"Well," said Celestia. "It didn't come without its price."

There was an awkward pause.

I had used so much of my life energy to seal away Dread Claw and banish the dragons that I started to lose the great power in which I once had."

There was another silence.

"Fortunately," Celestia continued. "Twilight Sparkle and all of you came along. It's not easy for me to admit, but I am not the Princess I used to be and could honestly have never done what you have all done since every one of you joined forces to return my beloved sister to her original form."

"Princess…" sobbed Spike. "I'm so sorry."

"Do not apologize, Spike," replied Celestia. "I honestly thought it would be Twilight who would give you back your wings. However, it would appear that Rarity was the one truly destined to ultimately give you a fitting, true form."

"Me?" asked Rarity.

"Yes," said Celestia. "You've all seen how Spike has changed size from time-to-time. This is because, deep down, he still is Dread Claw and Dread Claw was a dragon of many hundreds of years of age."

"So," said Apple Jack. "You're saying that little Spike here is older than any of us?"

"Yes," replied Celestia.

"Whoa!" cried Rainbow Dash. "That's awesome! Well, except for the nearly destroying Equestria part."

Twilight lowered her head.

"I feel so foolish," she stated. "Why did I not ever realize this?"

"You are no fool, Twilight Sparkle," assured Celestia. "You just got so caught up in your studies that you failed to realize how a baby dragon could be as smart as Spike is."

Spike coulodn't help but laugh.

"Twilight," stated Celestia. "Do you know that I typically had Spike's egg as an entrance exam for those unicorns who showed the most promise? Even if you had not hatched it, you still would've been admitted to the School for Gifted Unicorns. However, since you hatched it, I knew you were meant to be my student."

"What about Sunset Shimmer?" asked Twilight.

"Sunset Shimmer actually came from the very world you chased after her in," replied Celestia. "She came through as a filly and was more than elated to be in a world filled with magical ponies. She had a feverish desire to learn, but an extreme level of impatience and, well, you know the rest."

"Is there anything else you aren't telling us?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Just one thing," said Celestia.

"And what's that?" asked Rarity as she held Spike tight.

"That, one day, I will need to step down as ruler of Equestria and, if she would, have Twilight Sparkle take my place."

"WHAT!" cried every pony in unison.

"I lack the power I once had to defend this land from those forces in which threaten it," she stated. "Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence are meant to be the future rulers of Equestria."

"But, I…" said Twilight.

"You have time, Twilight," assured Celestia. "Just please know that, without the Elements of Harmony, Equestria's true defense and power comes from its citizens and their belief in their leader. In time, they will respect you as much as they have me."

"What about me?" asked Spike. "You said I'm hundreds of years old."

"You are destined to, one day, be by Twilight's side and bring harmony between Equestria and the fire scorched lands beyond Caldera."

Spike thought on his friend, Tacki, who was actively working with Lucky Find in that area to establish relations with the dragons.

"What about Tacki, Toroth, and Lucky Find?" he asked.

"You all, including your buddy, Yosh, have a bright future ahead with Princess Twilight Sparkle." Stated Celestia. "Now, I must retire for a meeting with the King of Cameloo."

"You know what this means?" grinned Spike as he faced Rarity.

"I do, Spikey-Pooh," she replied while rubbing at his tummy.

Rarity faced the other ponies.

"If you'll excuse us," she said as she and Spike headed for the room they had been assigned while they were staying in Canterlot.

"Wow," said Twilight. "I'm to be Princess Celestia's successor?"

"Don't let it bother you, sugar cube," assured Apple Jack. "I imagine she won't be needing you to do that for quite some time."

"But, still…" said Twilight.

"Ah, come on!" cheered Pinkie Pie. "Think of all the amazingly, super-fun, good time, woop-woop parties you'll be able to have once you become the Princess of Canterlot!"

"I can't say I thought of it that way," stated Twilight.

"Well," said Rainbow Dash. "How's about we give your egghead a break and have a little race!"

"You know," said Twilight. "I think that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Get my mind off things."

"Great!" cried Rainbow Dash as she gently bucked Twilight. "You're it!"

Twilight smiled, spread her wings, and flew after Rainbow Dash.

"Ooh!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "A race! I love races! I'll go get my balloon!"

"I'll come with ya'," stated Apple Jack.

There was certainly a lot learned this day. And there would certainly be even more to be learned in the days that would follow.

To Be Continued?

Author's Note:

Just felt inspired to write a Follow-Up to "Love's True Form" that, hopefully, helps better bring all the stories I've shared so far up-to-speed.

I'm pretty sure I've made a few, little mistakes here-and-there. Constructive criticism is most welcome. Though, please do let me know what was good along with what was bad so I know where to focus my writing attention. Thank you!

Comments ( 7 )

A little fast in pace,:rainbowlaugh: could add a bit more depth in the players environment,:derpytongue2:
Keep going:pinkiehappy:

Agreed. :unsuresweetie: This story was meant to supplement "Love's True Form" but definitely could've benefited from a little more effort on my part to properly pull it off. :facehoof:

Thanks much for your thoughts. One cannot improve without input. :twistnerd:

To be honest seems a bit more confusing than adding more, but if the next story, which I assume there will be one, is written, it would probably make more sense.

I'm not sure. After this story I felt a bit upset with myself for taking Spike and Rarity into a sexual relationship. So I back peddled to doing some sillier, cutesy works before finally getting to where I'm at now with Ari Kunofsky's "Fallen Angel" series.

6379096 there is nothing wrong with a sexual relationship, not even in this case, especially with how you explained it. If your problem is the fact you brought sex into the MLP verse, then might I point out they alluded to it in the first place with Pound and Pumpkin Cake

The Baby Cakes definitely do show how couples do procreate. Perhaps I'll try to bring the idea to another level at some point? I do need to keep the tale of how the other two Ponies with Dragons fit into the entire mix. :)

6381207 glad I was able to help a bit

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