• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 550 Views, 5 Comments

Forgotten Memories - ShadowVoltstreaker

The worst has happened. Shadow's invention has caused the six ponies to be stuck on earth! And, to top it all off, they have no memory of Equestria, making it seem like they've always been on earth. Will they ever be able to go back?

  • ...

Fortune Caster

“Jordan’s up huh? After him and Chris you get to see your Dashie.” Slips said with a slight gag.

“And you go back to being my other self…” I say half-heartedly. “Wait a second.. something doesn’t add up here..”

“What are you talking about?” Slips and Sally ask at the same time.

“Well Slips was imprisoned on the sun right? Until you came and got him, right Sally?”

“Yeah. What’s your point?”

“Well if that’s true…. then while I was fighting Slipstream… who the hell was in my head?” the thought had been bothering me a little ever since I first learned about Slips.

“Oh that’s all?” Slips laughs, “It doesn’t surprise me that you hadn’t figured it out though, I mean you probably haven’t even thought about it longer than 15 seconds.”

“But if he really wants to know that badly, then go ahead and tell him. Just make it quick.”

“All right.” Slips smirks, “While it is true that I was a part of you at that time, I had no memory. And it is also true that the Slipstream you fought was me.. but then again it wasn’t. You see, before Sally freed me from my prison I told her that I had a… condition.”
I was eager to know what the condition was, “So stop stalling and tell me.”

“It’s simple. She was to take half of my power and conscious and leave it on the sun so that I’d still be able to exact my revenge when I escaped.” He began laughing, “So what you defeated was nothing more than a fake!” It.. kinda makes sense. But if that’s the case, then we destroyed the other half of his power… “Wrong!” Slips shouted. “It wasn’t destroyed, the other half of my power is in Equestria. When we return, all I must do is call upon it. Though, if it will correctly respond or not all depends on you. It is your body after all.”

“Well… I’ve mastered a fourth of your power, so all I have to do is master the rest. But how much will change when we get the rest of your power?” I ask with a noticeable amount of interest.

“Let’s see… increased speed, strength, knowledge, charm, you can incinerate any and everything, you can breathe fire, and also—“

“Did you say breathe fire? Let’s hurry this up, I really want to be able to do that!”

“All right, I’ll tell you more later. Sally, if you would be so kind.”

“Sure thing.” I hear Sally say as a hole appears below us, sucking us to the dark abyss below.

As we were falling I noticed that a light was beginning to show below us and began growing in intensity. “So how do you think Jordan’s room will look?” I asked Slips to try and pass the time.

“Well.. he does wander through the Everfree forest a lot, and he does have great combat ability.. So it could be anything really.”

“I see… Well, we’re about to find out.” The light momentarily blinded me, so when I landed I stumbled a little. When I could see again, I wasn’t all too surprised at what I saw, but it was still amazing.

A room decorated with golden tiled floors, simple white walls littered with plaques and weapon racks, and a door on the far right wall.

I expected to see Jordan, but he was nowhere in sight.. “Wait, shouldn’t Jordan be here?”

“Oh sorry, I’m right here.” A voice said from my left.

Startled, I jump to my right and land in Slips’ arms. He then looks at me with the most irritated face ever… “Rorry Raggy.” I say with my best Scooby Doo voice.

He then sighs and drops me, making me hit the ground on my side. “Wonderful comedy act there.” Jordan said with a laugh.

“Thanks. Anyways I’m sure Sally has told you all about where you are and what we’re doing.” He nods, “So let’s get a move on shall we buddy?”

After walking through that door I didn’t feel like describing, we came to a wide open field with beautiful flowers.. “Did you just say beautiful flowers?” Slips asked me.

“Yeah…” I hung my head in shame.

“You know what you have to do now don’t you?” he grinned.

“Yep.. I gotta kill and skin a deer with my bear hands to regain my manliness…” I said with a heavy sigh.

“Those are the rules Tristan. But if you need you can borrow my bear hands.” Jordan commented with a smirk.

“Oh hardy har har.” I replied mockingly.

“No seriously I have bear hands at home if you need them.”

“…Did.. did you get bear hands just for this one moment?”

He looked away and let out an irritating girly giggle…

“Don’t give me that!”

“Hey morons.” Slips said catching our attention. He then pointed out to something in the middle of the field.

Children? They’re running and playing with each other. One of them has a Light brown mane, possessing a silvery white streak, shining green eyes, and a pale yellow coat. But the others I’m not sure about… But, it’s not that I won’t describe their features..

I can’t.

They have no face.. no mane.. no tail.. and no color. They look as if they’re still waiting for their features to be added. “Hey Jordan.. do you know who those kids are?”

“I.. I know that they were my best friends when I was little. But, I can’t really remember their names or anything really…” he responded.

He can’t remember them? That’s strange.. all of these guys’ memories weren’t destroyed, just repressed. So for him to not be able to remember their names or faces… It’s just weird. “A- All right, well if you remember..”


“Well well well, what have we here?” a slightly intimidating voice sounded.

A gust of wind began to move towards the kids, slowly taking the form and shape of a dark green colt with a light blue and yellow mane. He towered over the kids, but it looked like he was still only about 7 years old. “I thought I told you brats not to come here anymore.” The colt then pushed down two of the fillies.

“Hey leave them alone! This isn’t your area, it’s open to everyone!” Fortune shouted.

The green colt then bucked Fortune in the face, “I don’t want to hear a blank flank giving me orders. Now if you knew what was good for ya, you’d leave and follow my orders next time.”

His friends rushed to his side, helping him up and gasping at the sight of his bleeding muzzle.

I never did like bullying… I could never stand the sight of it, no matter where it was, no matter who was doing it… The main reason I don’t like it though, would be that it angers me beyond belief.

To the point that I could kill.

I remember when a kid in my school named Shaun was being bullied by someone named Tyler… I told him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen. I pleaded with him, but that just made him mad. He slammed Shaun into the wall, then turned to me…

The only thing I can recall after that, was waking up with bloody fists and clothes.. holding Tyler, by the throat.

I shake the memory out of my thoughts and turn away from the spectacle happening in front of me. I shut my eyes and ignored any and all sounds, waiting for it to be over with.

Moments later, Slips shakes me from my solitude, turns my body back around, and forces open my eyelids with his fingers. “Look.” I heard Slips say, “You have to get over that, for Jordan’s sake. Now watch closely.” He ordered.

I reluctantly complied, focusing my sight on Fortune.

And what I saw, brought a smile to my face, and a warmth to my heart.

Fortune had defended his friends, stopped the bully without bloodshed, and gotten his cutie mark… of which he was now staring cheerfully at.

I’m glad that he isn’t like me… and I’m even happier to know that that bully has received something that they all hate.


“After I’d gotten my cuite mark, I was so happy.” Fortune began, “I knew just by how I felt, that I was a protector. So I’d asked my parents to let me join the Royal Guard…” he looked to the sky and smiled, “But.. soon after getting me enrolled in BT for the guard.. they died.”

The scene before us disappeared, being replaced by that of a barracks type of area. In the bottom bunk of the bed, was Fortune, stretched out and staring at a picture frame. He sighed, got a bag from under his bunk, and gently placed the frame in it.

“I’d been in the Royal Guard for many months… but it wasn’t really for me. The training was simple, as were the instructions that I was given… but it wasn’t the kind of adventure that I had in mind. So with permission from my general, I requested a permanent leave from the guard. And after a lot of convincing, he allowed it.”

“So.. afterwards, what did you do?” Slips asked.

He chuckled, “I fell in love.”

“Wait you fell in love? I thought AJ was your first love?” me and Slips said in unison.

Jordan shook his head, “This was long before I met AJ…” he sighed and directed his gaze at the ground, “I loved this mare with everything I had… and I still do. But what she did to me was unforgivable.”

The white background was replaced with the outside of an apartment complex. The air was cool and the sky was dark, giving this new memory an ominous feel.

At the top level of the complex was a pony, standing in front of a door. We couldn’t see much so we flew up to get a better look… but it wasn’t a pretty sight.

The pony was Fortune… and he was standing with his face covered by his mane, and tears slowly streaming down his face. He then quickly turned around, and unsteadily flew away.

“Inside that room, my marefriend was having sex with some guy!” Jordan shouted.

I was speechless… and who wouldn’t be? He loved her to that extent and she betrayed him…

“Yeah, that’s the problem nowadays.” I heard Sally’s voice chime out as the area was replaced with the boring white area. “Trust is hard to come by, and even harder to get back.”

Jordan’s eyes shone, and images sped by in his eyes. When the light subsided, he looked back at the ground with a weak smile, “After seeing that I left and never went back. For a while I toured around, exploring many different areas, including the Everfree forest, and spent a little bit of time in the griffon homeland. Well” he chuckled, “that was until I saved AJ from a Manticore that got loose in her orchid. Spent some time with her and her family… and you know the rest… man I miss her.”

His body began fading, “Don’t worry, you’ll see her and Everypony else soon. Promise.” I said with a smile. “Good to have you back.”

He returned the smile with one of his own, “Good to be back.” And disappeared completely.

“All right, Solar is all that remains.” Slips said with a sigh of relief.

“May want to save that sigh of relief brotaco, after all.. Solar is still a member of the Guard.” I reminded him.

“Well then that’s good, more excitement.”

Suddenly, Sally began chuckling, slightly confusing me. “What’s so fun— AHHHHHH”

Comments ( 1 )

U should continue this story its great

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