• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 550 Views, 5 Comments

Forgotten Memories - ShadowVoltstreaker

The worst has happened. Shadow's invention has caused the six ponies to be stuck on earth! And, to top it all off, they have no memory of Equestria, making it seem like they've always been on earth. Will they ever be able to go back?

  • ...

We Found it...


I opened my eyes and just sat there, thinking about what Luna and Lucinda had just told me… I’m not sure how, but according to those two, me, Zach, Chris, Zeke, Kyle, Issac, Jordan, and Victor had all been living in Equestria before this... “No wait, she said me, Shadow, Fortune, Night, Crossback, and Solar had been living there… so there are two of us who weren’t mentioned, or hadn’t been there. Which one of us is it then?” I decided I had been lying in bed for too long so I threw the covers off my body, sat up, and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to think about what this means. “Well in any case” I smiled, “Equestria is actually real, and I just met with Luna! Wait, didn’t she say something about a letter that I wrote? I wonder where it is...” after a while of being lost in thought I finally snapped out of it and looked at the clock, “1 hour til I gotta head out for work eh? Guess I’d better get the day started… I’ll look for the letter when I get back home.”

At that note I got up, went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, and looked at the clock again. ‘6:40’ “Guess I’d better head out…” I mumbled to myself and grabbed my keys, phone, Gamestop card, the whole shebang. I hop into my car and decide not to do what I did before and drive carefully to Gamestop.

Walking inside Gamestop I say, “Harro Scruffy.”

“Sup.” He replies with a dead expression.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Are you seriously asking that after making us watch a reading of Sweet Apple Massacre?”

“Oh yeah that was a part of the deal wasn’t it?” I laughed.

Business was relatively slow, so I was able to talk with Zach about what Luna had told me. He is my best friend, so I’m sure that if I ever got sent to Equestria, I’d find a way to let him know, or find a way to take him with me.

“And that’s basically all that happened.” I finished.

“Well that sounds made up no matter how you look at it, luckily I know that Sally isn’t the kind of person to joke around about things like this. But there’s only one way to be sure…”

“And that’s to find the letter right?”

“Yep. But I wonder which of us hadn’t gone… You said that Jordan and Issac made OCs named Fortune Caster and Shadow Storm, so they’re ruled out. She knew you, so you’re ruled out. That leaves me, Zeke, Kyle, Victor, and Chris.”

“Yeah but how are we going to find out who’s wh-“

“Wait.” He interrupted me, “Zeke made an OC a while back and called him Flutter Night… so that could be Night, and Chris made an OC named Solar, so he’s also ruled out…”

“So it’s just you Kyle and Victor then. We can ask them after work.” I said and stood up, “Break time’s over.”

After work I sent a message to everyone telling them to meet me at my house after they get off work. “All right, I’ll meet you there Scruffy.” I said to Zach and hoped in my car.

A while later I pulled into my driveway with Zach behind me. I get out, walk to the door, unlock it and go inside. “So, you want anything to drink while we wait for the others?”

“Yeah.” He replied and shut the door, “By the way, you forgot about looking for the letter didn’t you?”

I froze in place for a moment then continued walking into the kitchen, “N-no. No I did not.” I stuttered out.

“You don’t have to lie, I know that you forget things easily. That’s why I’m here.” He chuckled.

“Yeah okay, I forgot.” I smiled, opened the fridge, grabbed a Mountain Dew and tossed it to him, “So where should we start looking?”

Slightly fumbling the soda he pops the tab and takes a sip, “Well. Where do you not think it is?”
I rolled my eyes, “in the fridge.”

“Stop being a smartass. Okay then, how about this: if you had to keep something somewhere that you know you’d always have access to, where would it be?”

I thought about extending my arms and saying, “My house.” But decided to take this seriously for some reason. “Well…” I began, “I’d guess somewhere in my room or the guest rooms, since those places aren’t really frequented by anyone other than me.”
He just stared at me, “I was expecting you to say something like, “everything you see here” but that was actually a proper response. Good for you.”

“Fuck off.” I replied.

“And you should fuck on.” He smiled and took another sip from the soda. Just then, we heard a few knocks at my door, “I’ll get it and fill the guys in on as much of this as I possibly can. They probably won’t believe me, so if not I’ll hand the torch over to you.”

“All right. And thanks.” I said and ran upstairs while he attended to the door. As soon as I got upstairs I heard the door open and then shut. “Gotta focus.” I told myself and went into the guest room to search. I looked under the mattresses, in them, in the dressers, in the closet, and in any of the boxes I could find. “Nothing.” I sighed and sat on the ground for a quick rest, “So if it’s not in here, then that leaves the bathroom, my room, and one more guest room. “Better get started.” I got up and exited the room, I was about to go into the next guest room when I heard Zach call me from downstairs.

I speed downstairs and see each of the guys sitting on the couch giving me sort of a stern look. “What is it?” I ask.

“Well. I told them.” Zach replied, “At first they didn’t believe me, but as soon as I told them the names that Luna told Luna and Lucinda told you… they had no choice.”

“No choice?” I repeated and looked at each of them.

Victor sighed and leaned back, “Yesterday, after listening to Sweet Apple Massacre, I went to sleep, mind you it took me an hour, but I digress, in my dream I was running, I’m not sure why, but I knew that I couldn’t stop. But then I ran into a dead end. When I turned around, there was this pitch black alicorn with a black mane and tail… and blood red eyes.” He paused and took in a deep breath, “He pinned me to the ground like I was an ant… I thought it was all over for me, but he backed away and growled at me. “Why do you forget Crossback? I will not allow this… I will not allow you to be so weak!” he turned his bak to me and began walking away, “You have two days Crossback. In two days, I will take back what is mine…” after he said that, he disappeared... And I woke up.” After he was done he took in a deep breath, “When I woke up I took no mind to it, but now… after hearing that ‘Crossback’ was one of the names you were told, I’m not so sure that was nothing…”

“I see… so, now we know that Crossback was Victor… and that means” I looked at Zach and Kyle, “You two are the ones that either weren’t mentioned, or weren’t with us.”

“This is just way too weird and confusing.” Jordan spoke up.

“Yeah I know, but things should become clearer if we find that letter, at least I hope…” I said, uncertain.

“This is just a hypothesis” Issac began, “But if we were to regain these memories, then it’s possible that our original memories, and our fake memories will clash.”

“What’s that mean?” Chris asked him.

“I’m not entirely sure, but it won’t be good. Just be ready for it, if you aren’t, then it’s possible that you’re likely to go insane.”
Zeke slapped him on the back and smiled, “Already there buddy.”

“Ok guys, lets start looking for the letter. The first guest room has already been looked over, so check in the bathroom, my room, and the other guest room. It’s highly likely to be in there.” I said and went back upstairs and into my room. When I got in my room I immediately started looking in the same way I did in the guest room. A few seconds later Zach and Victor came into my room and started searching as well.

“Whatcha think’ll happen when we find the letter?” Zach asked me.

“If there is one…” I heard Victor mumble.

“Well” I lifted my mattress to look and dropped it back down, “Hopefully something that’ll tell us about our lives when we were in Equestria. I just hope none of this is a coincidence. Knock on wood.” I joked.

“That dream seemed way too real to just be a coincidence in all of this…” Victor shuddered.

“Yeah, besides, we already agreed that Sally wouldn’t lie about something like this.” Zach said to reassure me.

“Yeah. You’re right.” I grinned, “Besides, I’d rather want to think that this is actually real, because then there’s a chance that we can go to Equestria!” I shouted. “well, back to Equestria.” I corrected myself and checked under my bed.

“Nothing in the guest room!” I heard Jordan shout.

“Same with the bathroom!” I heard Zeke chime in.

“This is just ridiculous!” I mumbled under my breath and got up from the floor then looked over at Victor, “Anything?”

“No, nothing here.” He replied.

“Nothing in here either” Zach said and came out from my closet holding a magazine, “Nothing but a shit load of porn.”

“How is it a shit load if it’s only 12?” I said.

“Oh so you’ve counted them have you?” he grinned and put it back in the closet.

I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it and moved over to the drawer next to my bed, “If it’s not in here then it’s probably not in this house.” I slowly put my hand on the knob, close my eyes, and open it.

Opening one eye I see a envelope, I then open both eyes and stare at it dumbfounded, “Well I’ll be damned… here it is.” I say and pick the envelope up in my hand.

“Is that really it?” I heard Zeke say from behind me.

Standing up and turning around I see Zeke, Kyle, Chris, Issac, Zach, Jordan, and Victor all looking at me with a sort of uncertainty, “Well, only one way to find out I suppose…” I said and delicately opened the envelope, I then take the letter inside of it out and let it fall to the floor. Unfolding the paper I take a deep breath and begin reading.

Dear Zach,

Yo. It's Tristan, well not exactly… I'm Vague Blaze now. A few months ago I got sent to Equestria somehow… I know it sounds strange but believe me man, its true. When I was on my way to work I got caught in some kind of Vortex that sent me here. Ever since then I'd been living here. And well, the princesses have found a way for me to return, however I'm staying. I'm dating Rainbow Dash and if I left I think she'd be heartbroken, and you know how much I hate to see a girl- well mare, cry. Tell my parents and everyone else about this, and tell them my mind is made up. I'm happy here in Equestria, so I hope that you can be happy for me too. Oh and just so you know this isn't fake, 12145618. Take care man, hope you have a great life.

“…So, I got caught in some kind of vortex thing that sent me there?” In my head some of this started clicking together, but not enough that was worth mentioning.

“Looks like it… you used the numbers, so this has to be real, which means everything else is as well.” Zach said with a smile.

“But… if it is true, then how do I get back?”

“You mean we, how do we get back.” Jordan corrected me.

“Well… this is just a long shot” Chris began, “but you know how in Fanfictions where the human goes to Equestria then goes back to earth and still has their powers and strengths that they built up?”

“Oh I see what you’re saying! We can use Unicorn magic to get back!” Issac shouted.

“But wait, it’s not like we were all Unicorns, besides, how would we even use magic?” I said, stating the obvious.

“You’ve been sort of a smart buzzkill lately…” Zach mumbled, “But he’s right, we have no idea how strong you guys were with your magic, nor how you can use it.”

“Well, maybe if we all concentrate on moving something really hard, it’ll move!” Issac smiled.

“I can’t tell if you’re serious or just fucking with us…” I shook my head, “But it’s worth a try.”

“What about the pegasi?” Chris pointed out, “they don’t have magic, so what if someone is a Pegasus?”

“Well… I believe that the wings on Pegasi are in an area similar to the shoulder blades, so try to move them like wings.” Victor said.

“Or like a chicken.” I heard Zeke mumble.

“You mean a Scootaloo.” I heard Zach chuckle.

I sighed and said, “Well, who’s first?”