• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 550 Views, 5 Comments

Forgotten Memories - ShadowVoltstreaker

The worst has happened. Shadow's invention has caused the six ponies to be stuck on earth! And, to top it all off, they have no memory of Equestria, making it seem like they've always been on earth. Will they ever be able to go back?

  • ...

The Only Way

My eyes shoot open and I look around, “I-I’m still in my house…?” I take my hands off my head and place them at my side. As I do, my left arm brushes my still extended wing, startling me for a second.

I smile and flex my wings, “I’ve missed you two…” I fold them against my back and chuckle, “Well Shadow was completely wrong, I haven’t gone insane.”

“You so sure about that?”

“Yep. Because if I was insane then that’d make everything that I’ve just experienced a lie, which would in turn make you, me, and everything that I’ve seen in this world unreal.”

“…Definitely insane.”

“Doesn’t matter, right now all that matters is getting everyone else their memories back, then getting back to Equestria.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“Well…” I thought, “the way I remembered was by experiencing something that happened in Equestria that had a huge impact on my life.”

“Then what had a huge impact on their lives? It’s not like you know their past.”

“No, but remember how we found out what Sally did to me, Mom, and Dad?” I quizzed Slipstream.

“We’re going into their dreams to look at their memories aren’t we?”


“All right. That’s a surprisingly good plan that you came up with, good for you.”

“Screw off. Now let’s go and tell them.” I then turned around and ran upstairs, then went into my room…
They were all still trying to either use their wings or cast magic… “Uhm, guys?” No response. If someone walked by this house they’d think that there was an orgy going on in here. That should give you all a visual of what I’m experiencing…
“4th wall broken. It’s good to be back.”

Knowing that I’d be unable to get their attention, I put my left hand in my pocket, extended my wings, and flapped them as hard as I could, making each of them cover their faces. And speaking of covers… they are now on the floor.

Issac is the first to stare, followed by Zeke, Zach, Victor, Jordan, Chris, and Kyle. “Well, now that I’ve gotten your attention…” I take a deep breath, “I have great news! So, what do you guys want? Good news or bad news first?”

They exchange glances and at more or less the same time reply, “Good news.”

I smile, “well the good news is a few things. The first is that I’ve gotten back my memory.” Issac opens his mouth to say something but I quickly say, “Please hold all questions until the end of the presentation.” Making them all pay attention. “Now the next piece of news is that I haven’t gone insane from the memories.”

“Yes you have.”

“Fuck off.” I reply to myself, “Now then, the 3rd thing is that I have an idea of how to get all of your memories back.” This makes them all let out a sigh of relief. “And the rest is more about things that go on inside my head. So you guys don’t really need to know any of that.” I harden my gaze and take in a small breath, “Now for the bad news…”

“There isn’t any bad news. What do you have planned?”

I look at each of them and turn my back to them. I then let out a soft, silent fart that I’ve been holding in for quite some time, turn around, and use my wing to push it towards them. “You guys are going to hate this…” I can feel a smile start to come on, so I know I don’t have much time, “wait… do I smell popcorn?”

Each of the guys take a whiff of the air to try and smell the imaginary popcorn, only to get a nice deep inhale of my flatulence. A few of them cough non-stop and run out the room, others just made the a hilarious disgusted face and bolted out. After being the only one in the room I turned around, left the room, and closed the door.

I vault down the stairs and find everyone sprawled out on the couch gasping for air, “Now that I’ve most definitely gotten your attention I’ll tell you how I plan on getting your memories back.”

Zach lifts his head up off the couch for a moment to look at me, then slams it back down and, in a voice muffled by the couch, says “One day, I will fart in your mouth while you sleep.”

“Fart… in mouth…. While sleep… Ok, got all that down. I’ll just set the date to three days from today.”

“Thank you Slips. Now then, the way I plan to get all of you memories back… is through each of your dreams.”

“Our.. Dreams? Can you even do that?” Kyle asked and looked at me with a shocked expression.

“Yes. I did it to Sally, so doing it to you guys should be no problem at all.” I said with a proud smile. I did enter the memories of a… something, so it’s not like this will be any harder.

“Unless she let you see them.”

“I won’t acknowledge that.”

“Who are you talking to?” Issac asked with a confused expression.

“Slipstream. A half pony, half dragon who was banished to the sun for the attempted murder of Luna and Celestia’s parents.”

“Got any proof? You have been known for trolling, so this could just be a poor attempt at it.” Jordan asked with a grin.

I was hurt, “Poor attempt at trolling? Now see here ol’ chap, I may have been known for trolling poor unsuspecting fools.. but that doesn’t mean I’d lie about something like this.” I let out a sigh, “But, if you want proof, then I guess I can activate a portion of the Veil for you…”

“Veil? What’s that?” they all asked in unison.

“The Ardourian Veil… I inherited it from Slipstream when he took control of my body to exact his revenge on Celestia and Luna.”

“Why… are you talking to someone like that?” Chris asked me.

I sighed, “Look, I’ll give you the whole run down when we’re in Equestria and back together with… Everypony, I hate explaining things twice. For now, I’ll show you the Veil so you know I’m not bullshitting.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I knew from before that I only needed to think about something that made me mad.

I remembered when I got into a fight with that bear outside of Denny’s.. the way I was getting my ass handed to him was infuriating! And by a bear no less! I should be able to easy beat a bear with my bare hands!

“Control yourself! Quickly! If you don’t channel that anger into a part of your body away from the ground, then this whole area and everything in it will be incinerated!”

I quickly calmed myself and channeled the Veil into my right hand. Opening my eyes I sigh, “Been a while since I’ve used this… and I almost lost control.” I look down at my hand and almost scream in terror. The skin and meat from my hand is completely gone, leaving only black bones that are engulfed in flames. “Wh-what the hell? Is this because I’m not in my Pony form?”

“Yes… This is why I told you to channel it somewhere else. A pony’s hooves are tough, easily able to trot over a pit of flames. Modifications had to be made while I was in your mind as a human, but this is the farthest I’ve gotten.”

I quickly release the Veil and watch as the skin crawls over my fingers and encases them, bringing my hand back to the way it was previously… I then look up at each of the guys faces.

They each have a horrified expression on their face, and it looks like they’re about to run. “Well you guys were the ones who wanted me to prove that I really got my memory back…” I flex my hand again, “though, when I was a pony the only thing that happened was my mane turned a dark red and black, and my coat turned bright red.”

Still no response from any of them, “Hey, you guys still with me?” I walk over and wave my hand in each of their faces, they all give the same reply.


“I… guess they passed out from the shock.”

I looked over and Zach and felt my eye twitch, “Yeah, but did they have to do it with their eyes open?”

“Well we're in luck, now you can enter their dreams and search through their memories.”

I walk to each of them and shut their eyes closed, “Ok. You have a way to get me to sleep? Otherwise It’ll be a good hour or so before I pass out.”

“Let me think.. Ok, this should work.”

“What sho—“ The last thing I remember is hearing a loud ‘thump’ go off in my head, before darkness, my old friend, embraces me.


“Owww… what the hell did you do Slips?” I asked him as I got up and surveyed the area. I was in a pure white room, the same as the one earlier. A hand is given out to me, and without thinking I take it’s offer for assistance. As soon as I’m up I realize that none of this clicks. “Wait.. who are you?”

In front of me is a guy my height with medium black hair, red eyes, and…

I look at my clothes, then to his, then back to mine, “Why… are your clothes an inverted version of mine?”

He scratches his head and grins, “Because fuck you, that’s why.”

“And why does your voice sound like Slips’?” I ask, startled.

He facepalms and says, “I know you aren’t this stupid…”

I stare at him a little longer, taking in his features and his voice… “Slips!” I shout and point at him.

After clapping he says, “There ya go, now was that so hard you moron?”

“Incredibly, why are you in human form? And why are you in everything that’s opposite of me?” I reply to him.

He sighs, “Because” he pauses and takes a deep breath, “Technically after all of these years, I AM you, so I WOULD look like you, BUT after regaining my memories my features changed, and it looks like they settled on an inverted you.” he then mumbled, "Frankly, I think I look ridiculous."

“Oh. That makes sense I suppose…” I look off into the distance, “So whose dream should we enter first?”

“I vote on Issac’s.” he answered immediately.

“Why him?”

“Is it bad to want to know how he got to be so inventive? Besides… he has a pretty strong killing intent.” He grins heavily and chuckles ominously.

“uhm… ok.” I think about everything that I know about Issac, in both his current life, and his past.

In the distance I can see a door beginning to form, “There it is!” I point and run towards it, the closer I get the more I notice about it.

First of all, it’s a metal door that looks like it can easily shield someone who decides to use it around a heavy explosion. Also, about a quarter from the top, it looks like there’s one of those weird slidey thingys that lets you see what’s inside, similar to a peep hole.

I stop running as soon as I’m a few feet from it, and begin a slow walk. By now, Slips is right beside me, going the exact same speed I am, “awkward..” I mumble.

Without any warning, the door begins to open inward. Behind it is a dark space with a single white light in the distance.

Taking a deep breath I look at Slips and see that he’s looking at me with a serious expression. I swallow hard and nod my head, “L-let’s do this.” I stutter out. He nods and runs inside, fading into the darkness. I then run in behind him.

The door behind me closes and I begin to feel wind lap at my body and flow off my back.

It was only then that I realized what was happening…

I was falling.

Author's Note:

Whoops. It'd been a long time since I'd put anything up so I thought that I'd do it before I left for school.
Sorry for the wait, and hope it doesnt happen again to this extent.