• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 550 Views, 5 Comments

Forgotten Memories - ShadowVoltstreaker

The worst has happened. Shadow's invention has caused the six ponies to be stuck on earth! And, to top it all off, they have no memory of Equestria, making it seem like they've always been on earth. Will they ever be able to go back?

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“Rock paper scissors!” me and Slips chant in unison.

I threw down rock, while he threw down scissors.

“I win again.” I sigh, “Can I choose now?”

“Best 34 out of 37!” he shouts even louder.

“Dammit Slips…” I ignore him and bring up anything about Victor I can remember. And, just like with Shadow, a door began to materialize, only this time.. in front of us.

There were no redeeming qualities that this door possessed, so I just simply twisted the door knob and walked inside.
As soon as Slips entered in behind me the door shut, and pure darkness surrounded us.

Then, 2 torches flickered to light on both sides of us. Then another set, then another… and another, until the whole room was lit by a circle of burning torches.

I take a single step, and a final two torches above a door are lit. Above the door are the words ‘Crossback’s Memories’ written in faded yellow paint.

I hesitated at first, but continued on, and took in every account of the door as I made my way towards it.

This door was unlike Shadow’s in every way.

First, instead of metal, it was made of pure, yet very worn glass, but glass all the same. Also it didn’t seem to have any sort of door knob or notch that I could see, so I’m not entirely sure how to open it.

But that wasn’t all.

There was a long crack down the middle, and one side was darker than the other. I didn’t know what it meant, but something wasn’t right..

I was now in front of it, trying to figure out what it was.. then I noticed.

It was changing.. the left side is me, but the right is now Slips…

“What the..” I say as I raise my right hand, finding it perfectly in sync with the mirror. I quickly move my body out of the range of the mirror and call Slips over to check it out.

“What?” he asks and moves in front of the mirror.

For a while nothing happened.. then the lighter side changed into me. “Whoa..” he whispered, and began moving his arm, finding it in perfect sync with the mirror. He then moved out of it’s range and said, “Dude that’s kinda freaky.. I mean, who the hell wants to have a half of you on their body?”

“…Fuck you.” I say after a pause. “Sally!” I shout.

“H-huh? What is it?” she sounded like she just woke up from a nap..

“Bring Victor here so we can get this over with!”

“All right..” she mumbled.

Again, a flash of light appeared beside me, and when it died down, Victor was standing next to me.

“Wait.. where am I?” he asked.

“Currently, nowhere. But as soon as you open that door, then we’ll be inside of your mind, then another door and we’ll be inside of your memories.”

“I.. see.” He mumbles.

“Confused?” Slips asked him.

He stared at Slips for a moment before replying, “N-no. It seems pretty straightforward.. all I have to do is open that door right? And look at my memories?”

“Yup. Remember, you trigger the doors to appear and place us into your memories.”

“Seems easy enough.” A smile cracked through for a moment before fading behind a slight frown.

He slowly approached the door, and the same as us, his features were reflected.

But I knew what would be reflected on the darker side..

The darker side of the mirror changed his half of the body into a pitch black form with red eyes. They stared at him, and he stared back.

For a while they stayed like that, neither willing to flinch.

Then it happened.

The dark silhouette gave a deep grin and faded away, cracking the mirror further along the line. The crack continued to advance throughout the mirror, until it could move no more.. The mirror broke, the shards of the mirror, instead of following the laws of gravity and falling to the floor, caved inwards, revealing a dark space that sucked in everything.

Including us.


I opened my eyes to find myself in… some sort of castle. The walls are black with green torches, in the far corner are two specially cut thrones and, from what I can see the ceiling is very high.. I lift myself up and look around, trying to find Slips and Victor. “Where are those two?”

“Up here!” Slips and Victor shout at me from one of the higher green torches to my left. After I make my way up to them I position myself so that I have a good view of whatever’s going to happen. “Any idea where we are Victor?” I ask him.

He looks around for a moment and shuts his eyes, “I think we’re—“ before he can finish two figures appear in the thrones, while six ponies appear below them.

Taking a closer look, I notice that the two figures in the thrones.. are Chrysalis and Discord, but why in the same place? “What’s going on here? Why are those two down there?”

“Because they’re my parents… and this is— was my home.” Victor spoke up.

I stare at him in shock and disbelief, “They’re your parents?! Why the fuck had you never said anything while we were in Equestria?!” I shout.

“How am I supposed to answer that now?!” he turns to me and shouts, “Who knows, maybe I did tell you and you just forgot like you always do!”

My stare of shock turns into one of anger..

I wasn’t expecting that.. but he’s right. I’m never one to pay attention, or even when I do… I just forget it the second something else comes into play.

Hell, I’d forget my name if it wasn’t on my driver’s license…

I always blame my forgetfulness on my brain… but it’s my fault, and mine alone.

I soften my glare and look away from him, “Sorry..” I mumble, “Listen, from now on I’ll stop putting the blame on others.. it’s about time I started shouldering all of the responsibility, and not just a part of it.”

I feel a hand hit me in the back, “No need for that..” Victor mumbles, “If you started doing that, then what would we do?”

I chuckle and look at Victor and Slips, I allow a smile to cross my face before I turn back to the scene unfolding below me.

“Ahh my lovely children.. how have you all been?” Chrysalis’ voice chimes with a noticeable amount of uninterest.

“Fine.” A masculine voice responds, each of the figures, besides one, remove their hoods, showing their faces.

“Could be better.” two feminine voices say.

“Bored…” another masculine voice says.

“Fine mother.” A third feminine voice says, slightly annoyed.

Chrysalis nods and looks to the final hooded figure, “And you Crossback? How are you doing?”

Crossback removes his hood, revealing his golden coat, horn, and eyes, “You ask that as if you care.”

“Watch your tone boy” Discord spat, “Is a simple ‘Hello mother and father I’m well’ too much to ask for? Hmm?!”

Crossback sighs, “Hello mother and father, I am well!” he says mockingly and disappears from sight, and along with him, went the castle area, and then came the white room.

“I take it you didn’t like your parents?” Slips says with a grin.

“Like them? I despise them.. they bred us just to fuel their need for revenge on the Heroes of Harmony.” Victor responded.

“Heroes of Harmony?”

“It was what we called the Elements.”

“I see.. So are you able to remember your siblings names’?”

He closed his eyes and waited a moment before speaking, “There’s Dee Ceit.. Bag O’ Tricks..” he hit the palm of his hand on his head, “Broken Oath.. Diamond Ring.. and Hurry Cane…”

“Gotta hand it to Discord, he sure can think up names.” Slips says with a slight grin.

“Discord named the girls and Chrysalis named the boys.” Victor responded with his eyes still closed.

“Seemed like he did a better job…” Slips mumbled.

“Ok guys focus, we need something that’ll spark a memory. Victor, can you remember anything?” I asked him.

He opened an eye to look at me, and then closed it. “I remember..” his teeth clenched, “How my siblings got me to unlock.. the other me.”

After he said that, a door to my left appeared.. made out of the best material in the world.. “Mahogany!” I shout and run towards it, eager to open it. But Slips grabs my collar and stops me when I’m an inch from it, “Dude why!?” I shout and flail my arms.

“Because I needed a little bit of entertainment.” He chuckled, the evil bastard..

Victor then runs in and opens the door, causing us all to be sucked into it, and me to be unable to experience the joy of Mahogany…

The darkness of the room is replaced by a cloudy dark blue sky and a few lights below, possibly from a town. “So.. what exactly is here?” I ask anybody nearby as I look around.

“This would be one of the places my siblings tried to unlock my Disharmic form..” Victor sighed.

“So what did they do?” I ask to no response. Then I see something in the distance, “Hey, what’s that?” I say as I make my way towards it.

As I get nearer I see that it’s.. a blimp? Very simple design, but there’s something hanging out from the bottom of it.. “That would be the blimp they hung me out of to get me mad.. they bound my legs and wings so I wouldn’t be able to escape, and used something to render my magic unusable.”

In the distance color completely different from the one in front of us was beginning to appear. Below, there were bright green fields spanning as far as I could see, and above was a light blue sky with a few white clouds.

That however, wasn’t what caught my eye.

A flock of, as far as I could tell, ostrich were chasing someone, well, somepony. He was able to outrun them somehow, but eventually he would run out of juice.

“And that.. is where my siblings broke ostrich eggs on my head so that they would chase me down.. they bound my wings and again disabled my magic.. all so I could unlock my Disharmic form.”

There was a slight silence as we watched the scene below us unfold.

Then Slips spoke up, “So.. what caused your Disharmic form to finally show?”

Victor slapped his hand on his head and mumbled, “The ostrich one..”

As soon as he said that, the pony stopped running and faced the ostriches. Black mist began to swirl around him, and eventually overtake his body. The golden coat, mane, and tail, had been changed to a pure black.

He let out a loud growl, and then proceeded to..

Slaughter the ostrich.

When he was done, he looked towards us.. and I saw the anger in his burning red eyes. He broke out of the bindings on his wings and charged towards us, but not before the color in the room vanished, replaced by the stale white.

I look to Victor who has a slight look of terror in his eyes, “Well.. to avoid my pooping of the pants, I’m going to say that his siblings were behind us.” I say with a weak chuckle.

“Ok so what happened after your Disharmic form was unlocked?” Slips asked.

“For about a year we trained, making him obey their orders. One day.. after we had assisted my brother, Bag O’ Tricks in getting back his money after he was scammed out of it.. We passed by the castle courtyard and saw Princess Luna.”

After he said that, a door appeared, and without us opening it, we were sucked into it.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that we were in some sort of Café. Though, it was rather incomplete.

There was a door and window to the outside, but besides that there was only a booth with 5 ponies, who Victor identified as Himself, Diamond Ring, Dee Ceit, Hurry Cane, Broken Oath, and Bag O Tricks.

It looked as if they were celebrating, then Diamond Ring started to speak, "You know” she began, “we have yet to make our presence known in the world."

They looked confused, “What do you mean?” Broken Oath asked.

Bag O’ Tricks looked as if he knew what Diamond Ring was thinking, "You noticed that we passed one of the 'High and Mighty' rulers of Equestria on our way here. Well, what if, say, she went... missing?" he said with a cruel grin.

Crossback slammed his hooves on the table, "What are you talking about? You can't do something to a Princess."

"Shut up, Crossback. We can do anything we put our minds to.” Diamond Ring spat, “I say, at sunrise tomorrow, we bring Disharmony back."

Crossback looked shocked, he then flew up, and out the door.

And like last time, with him, went the color.. which was replaced by the all too familiar white area.

“They were planning to attack Luna? What happened after that?!” I shouted.

“They never got the chance. Later that night, I flew to the castle and went to where Luna was, then I threw a picture of me and my siblings at her.. on the back I wrote, “You're life is in danger. Arrest them." After that.. I got my cutie mark.”

“Ding ding ding! Congratulations! You’ve passed!” I hear Sally shout.

Victor’s eyes then began glowing, and I could see all the previous events unfold, all leading up to now.

When the glow faded he blinked his eyes, looked around and sighed, “So now you have your memory back?” I asked him.

“Yeah. Well, except the part about how we lost it in the first place.”

“I’ll tell you later.. I’m not sure if the memory of it will make you lose your memory.. its some freaky Men in Black stuff.” I chuckled.

“All right I guess.” His body began to disappear.

“See ya on the other side bud.” I smiled.

“Dude don’t say that, it sounds like we’re about to die!” he laughed, then disappeared all together.

I sighed, “Maybe we are.. on Earth.” I mumbled. I then slapped myself in the face, “All right then Slips, two down, two left. Who’s next, I’ll let you pick.”

He thought about it a while before replying, “Flutter Night.”