• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 550 Views, 5 Comments

Forgotten Memories - ShadowVoltstreaker

The worst has happened. Shadow's invention has caused the six ponies to be stuck on earth! And, to top it all off, they have no memory of Equestria, making it seem like they've always been on earth. Will they ever be able to go back?

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Who are you?

~The Next Day~

I did my normal routine of waking up, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and combing my hair. I then grab my phone, keys, and Gamestop I.D.

I don’t have to be at work for another 40 minutes, and it usually takes me 20 minutes to get there, so I thought I’d go eat at Denny’s or something.

As I’m driving down the road to Denny’s I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, I don’t really text and drive though so I just decide to wait until I’m out of the car.

‘Buzz buzz buzz’

I don’t know how many times my phone vibrated, but it was one too many. It’s not a call though since the vibrations are too close together, so it’s nothing but texts. Ahead I see a red light so I figure I’ll wait until then to see who is texting me.

As soon as I slow down the light changes to green, “Oh come on!” I shout and speed up, going the normal speed limit. I sigh as I feel another few vibrations from my phone. I quickly glance down at my pocket before looking back at the road.

I look at the signs and billboards on the side of the road, one of them shows the nearest Dennys is 10 miles away. “Perfect.” I look in my rear view window and notice that the car behind me is, as a road rager would say, ‘Up my ass’ and normally, any sane person would use the most non-lethal way to get them off their ass, or just yell and scream about how close they are, but… last night I was watching some trolling videos… and I felt like this dickweed needed a lesson taught to him.

So I moved over to the other lane on my left, just to see if he would take the bait. He sped up and was soon right next to me, slowly getting ahead of me. I checked behind me and saw there was nobody, the same with him. So I swerved my car near his and swerved right back in my lane, causing him to slightly swerve before straightening out. He honked his horn at me, so I just simply rolled my window down, and politely flipped the bird.

That made him mad. Or at least I hope it did.

I checked in the rear view mirror again to make sure nobody was behind me and started to take my foot of the gas. If I would’ve sped up he would’ve gotten a good look at my license plate, and I’d rather that not happen, so I slowed down.

Only problem was, that he started slowing down more than me, by now the front of his car was behind my passenger door. I knew what he was doing, so I played along. I waited until he was behind my rear wheels. Then I hit the gas, a second ago I was going 40 mph, now I’m going 65 mph.

It worked, I got far enough ahead of him, and the exit was only a short ways away. I turned on my right turn signal and converged, then went down the road and got off the highway. ‘Buzz buzz buzz’

A little down the road I found the Dennys, parked, and checked my phone for the messages. It looks like the majority were from Zach… actually, they were all from Zach. All saying the same exact thing, “Dude I’m right behind you!”

I stared at the messages for a while before sighing and putting it back in my pocket, I then stand next to my car and count down, “3, 2, 1.”

A few seconds after I finish the car I swerved into pulls up into the space next to me and parks. Next I hear a door shut, then I see a really big guy, and when I say big, I mean this dude is at least 7’1… and his fucking arms look like he stole them from a bear and shaved them. “Starting to slightly regret what I did…” I mumbled to myself.

He walks up really close to me and says in the most intimidating voice, “You got a problem bro?”

Now when I’m scared I start to make jokes, and sometimes that doesn’t go over so well. “Well you’ve got the face for it but next time all you have to do is say ‘Problem?’ all right big guy?” I laugh.

That made him mad. His breathing got heavy and his hands were balled up into fists. “Look big guy, if we’re going to fight then let’s not do this next to my car, I don’t have Geico or Statefarm so my car insurance isn't what you'd call The Bee's knees.” I walked around him to the empty parking space next to my car and got ready for the worst. He turned to me and immediately charged. I sidestepped him and watched him stumble a little.

“You’re a fucking dead man.” He, again, said in the most intimidating voice.

“Well jokes didn’t work… how about a different approach?”

I sighed, cracked my fists and neck and looked at him with a smirk, “If you don’t want to wake up tomorrow, by all means, try again.” I was really hoping that bluff would work to some extent, but it only seemed to make him angrier!

Again, he charged at me, so again I sidestepped him. But this time, he stopped, turned around, and tried to hit me with a right hook. Putting up my left arm I block the punch, but WOWZA that hurts!

I let my left arm drop to my side for a second to rest. “This is really pissing me off… I may have asked for this by provoking him, but I just can’t help but get pissed! I’m getting my ass handed to me for fucks sake!” Shaking the pain out of my arm I get into a fighting stance. “Come on big guy, nite nite time.”

That really got to him, he charged at me again, this time however, I stood and waited. As soon as he was close enough I hit him as hard as I could in the jaw.

Solid contact. He fell straight to the ground, leaving me as the victor with a hurt fist, “Man that stings.” I shook off my fist and blew on it to cool it down a little. Looking down at the guys face I saw that the place where I hit him… was actually steaming… “No way..” I kneeled down and got closer, “Dude… you’re uglier than my friends…”

After eating at Denny’s I went to work, clocked out at 6pm, and went home.

Walking inside I yawn and go over to the computer to get started on my OC. I gotta put the cutie mark on him, after that I’ll just derp around for a while. “Can’t wait to show them… looks like they gotta read sweet Apple Massacre, and I still get to play video games.” I said to myself as I Photoshoped in a Black N64 controller on my OC’s flank. “No longer a blank flank.” I smiled, “Hmm since I’m going to have colt 2 inside his head I’m going to have him be not only a voice… but a separate personality! Oh brain I loves you!” Saving the image as a .jpg I put it back in the folder and lean back, “Should I really have his cutie mark be a N64 controller? I mean if he went to Equestria then his talent would be totally fucking useless… maybe I can find another one… Come on brain, what item describes me?” I looked around the room, unable to find anything, I close my eyes and think about something to describe me.


Soulflight’s POV

Thanks to Mayor mare we found a house that was relatively cheap, but still very well maintained. It’s about 6 houses down from Rarity’s Boutique… “So much win.” I whispered to myself.

“Yep, now you can be ever so closer to your lovely Rarity.” Hottrot said as he jabbed me in the side.

We were walking home after the party, it was really fun… I got to talk with Rarity and Hottrot got to talk to, and prank, with Pinkie.
As I was talking to Rarity I noticed Spike was staring at me from under the table, I could tell from how he was looking at me that he was jealous… I’ve had ponies give me that look many times before… and it always bothers me, so I mouth the word “sorry.” To him when Rarity looks away for a moment. After I said that he nodded slightly and receded into the darkness under the table, I could still see the green tint of his eyes, but after a while it disappeared.

We finally got to our house and walked in, it was pretty standard. Living room with a couch and sofa, kitchen to the left, bathroom to the right. Upstairs were two bedrooms and two bathrooms with a shower, all standard. “All right Hottrot, I’m going to go to sleep, don’t stay up too late since we have to go out and buy some things in the morning.”

“Roger-dodger.” He replied and ran back downstairs to do whatever. Yawning heavily I walk into the first room and flop down on the bed, instantly passing out.


I was pacing back in forth in front of Vague Blaze, trying to figure something out. “So Vague, what are we going to do about your cutie mark? We need to change it to something that can actually benefit you if you were in Equestria, or if I RP with you.”

“Well… I actually like my cutie mark the way it is…” his ears drooped down and his gaze shifted to the ground.

I stopped, looked at him, and sighed. “Fine… but let’s change the meaning of your cutie mark, that should be just as good.”
He instantly perked back up and smiled, “Yeah! So what do you have in mind?”

“Well… since your talent is gaming…” I thought about it for a while, “I got nothing.”

“Oh my poor dear brother, never one for thinking.” A voice rang out from all around us, “And look at the predicament you’ve gotten yourself in… I’m very disappointed in you.”

Looking around I shout, “Sally? Where are you?”

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around, there she was…. Smiling. “Hello there.”

“Why are you here?” I asked flatly.

“Just came to see how my brother was doing, can’t I even do that?” she started pacing around me and Vague.

“Well you’ve seen me, you know I’m doing well, so what else do you want?”

“Oh, on the contrary, you’re doing anything but well. Your other life was… actually, I’d rather let you find out for yourself.” She smiled.

“My other life? What the hell are you talking about?” I pressured her, I had to know what she meant.

“And you were so happy… it’s a pity. But, maybe those two can help you out.” She pointed her finger behind me. Turning around I see two… ponies, walking towards us.

“How did they even get here… wait…” looking closer at one of the ponies I noticed who it was, “No way… Princess Luna?!” I was stunned, but to calm myself I just chalked it up to all of Sally’s doing. I look behind me, but notice that Sally isn’t there… Looking back at the two ponies coming towards us I see that they both have a look of worry. “uhm, hello there, what are you two doing here?” I asked. They were looking from me, to Vague, then back to me, and it was making me dizzy watching them. “Hello? Anyone there?”

They both snapped out of it and the Princess look to Vague and said, “I did not know that you could create yourself in your pony form Blaze.”

“I… wait, what?” he looked confused, “yeah I’m just as confused as you are dude.” I guess he was talking to Clyded Flux. (A/N:Yes, I named him that.)

“Well this is awkward.” I said to divert the ponies attention to me, “So Vague I’m guessing that you had been talking to these two?”

“Uhm no, I’ve been with you ever since you created me, so how could I?”

“Then how do they know your name?”

“I’m a popular colt, the mares love me.” He shrugged.

“but you just said-“

“Sorry to interrupt…” the green Pegasus said, “but why haven’t any of you came home yet?”

Home? What’s she talking about? “Quick question… what do you mean home? I’m asleep in muy house right now… so I am home. And another question, what do you mean, any of you?”

Both she and Luna looked at me with disbelief, “Your home in Equestria! You, Shadow, Fortune, Crossback, Night, and… my Solar!” the green Pegasus shouted.

Equestria? But that place doesn’t exist… wait, didn’t Jordan and Issac make OCs named Fortune Caster and Shadow Storm? This is getting weird… “Ok Sally, ha ha you got me. Now come out and stop playing around.”

Upon request Sally showed up in between us all, “Hate to break the news to you… but if this were my doing, then you could easily break out of it. Besides, what could I gain from doing this to you?”

“But… that means…” I looked at Luna and the green Pegasus and shook my head, “No way…”

“Besides, If I wanted something out of you wouldn’t I use a pony you know? So ask yourself this” a grin creeped across her face as she started to fade, “Who is that green Pegasus?”

I stared at the green Pegasus and racked my brain, maybe I did see her in the show… or maybe she’s someone’s OC… “I… I don’t know who she is. And I have no idea what you guys are talking about! Another life? Come on this is just ridiculous.”

I could see tears start to form in both of their eyes, “You… really don’t know who we are? Have you forgotten about everything? About Slipstream, about everypony… about your Dashie?!” the green Pegasus screamed at me.

“My… dashie? This is just getting weirder and weirder… and why… why does my chest hurt?” I stared at the ponies, then looked to Vague, he had the same face of confusion that I had, but it also looked like he was… remembering something.

“It’s me… Lucinda. Please Blaze you have to remember!” she started to move towards me, but Luna put a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head.

“Blaze, or rather, Tristan. Do you remember the letter we gave you the night you got to Earth?” Luna asked me.

“Letter? The night I got to Earth? What are you talking about?” I had so many more questions, but I had no idea how to ask them, so for now, this would do.

“I see. Search your home for it, it may aid you in regaining your memory.” She put on a fake smile and turned away, “Goodbye.” Both ponies then vanished, leaving me and Vague alone to soak it all in.

“Tristan.” Vague finally spoke up.


“Search the house…”

“What? Why?”

“I know it sounds crazy” he paused and looked where the two ponies were a while ago, “but I feel like we do know them… Lucinda just sounds so familiar…”

I thought about it, trying to come up with some excuse to not look, but I was just as curious as him. “All right. I’ll look. Not like anything bad will happen if I do.” Materializing a mahogany door I say, “Knock on wood.” And knock on it three times before opening it.