• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 1,542 Views, 8 Comments

Legend of the Lavender Alicorn - Grenazers

Long ago Equestria was almost destroyed by a large, monstrous beast. When everything else failed to stop the beast, it was a lone lavendar mare that finally defeated the creature.

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The legend

"Alright now come along children," said a light blue stallion with jade green hair, as he leads a group of multicolored foals into a building.

Today was the day of the class field trip. Mr. Bookmark was leading his class of eager student to their first trip at the Canterlot National Museum. The blue teacher watched in both amusement and confusion at how excited his students are. He didn't remember being this excited when he was their age.

Things sure has changed back then, he thought to himself.

As the stallion and the group of foals went inside, they were met by the museum docent. She was an orange-red unicorn with scarlet hair. Both adults greeted each other, then Bookmark told the rest of the foals to greet the mare. They all said "hi" to her and she responded back by introducing herself.

"Hi kids," the mare said sweetly. "My name is Ivory and I'll be your guide."

With all the greeting out of the way, the mare led the teacher and his students to an area where they will start their tour. Minutes passed and Ivory stopped at the history section of the museum. Normally she would go to each item and tell them the huge significance behind it.

However, she believed that the best way of for them to learn, is to look around room themselves. The foals all agreed on it and split up, some went separately, others went in groups. The mare couldn't help, but smile at the children. They were so interested in this old relic, she was worried that they will be bored on this trip.

As the foals explored the room, this left Bookmark with some alone time. He went up to Ivory and they began a conversation with each other.

While the two grown-ups were talking, the foals trotting around and inspecting each artifact on display. Some were painting depicting a pony or an important event in history, some were restored armor and weapons dating back before Equestria, and some were torn up scrolls and documents, written in an ancient language.

Among the many items, one stood out from the rest and it's gathering a large crowd of foals in front of it. Ivory saw this and broke up the conversation with Bookmark, to investigate what's going on. The orange-red unicorn trotted to the gathered crowd, with the blue stallion following behind her.

When they both got closer, they saw that all the foals staring at a painting. The painting itself depicts a picture of a large grotesque green monster and a small purple pony in cloak standing in front of the creature, facing it.

"Miss Ivory, what's that?" asked one of the foals.

"Well my little ponies, I'm glad you asked," Ivory replied as she worked her way through the crowd.

She then stopped next to the painting and faced the crowd. "This children, is a painting of one of Equestria's greatest hero. This painting depicts the pony last stand against this terrifying beast that almost destroyed our country. Would any of you kids like to hear the story?"

Immediately after asking, all the foals and even their teacher wanted to hear the story about this amazing hero. The mare cleared her voice and prepared to tell the tale.

"Our story begins with one ordinary little filly, despite having a normal life, this pony was destined for great things. This my little ponies, is the Legend of the Lavender Alicorn."


Once upon a time there was a little purple filly that lived in Canterlot.

At her age she was quite different from the other little foals. While they played and frolic, she always had her face deep in her books. The little filly enjoyed her books, whether they were fiction or non-fiction, she loved each and everyone of them.

Then came the day of her entrance exam to School for Gifted Unicorn, the test she had to perform remains a mystery to us to this day. However, many scholars believed that the young unicorn had trouble passing her test. It is said that when she succeeded, a large explosion of rainbow appeared in the skies.

Afterwards the little filly was taken in by the Sun Princess as her personal student. The reason the Princess chose this little pony was that she saw great potential in this one, she believes that if she nurture the filly's gift, she'll be able to prepare her for what lies ahead.

So for many years the little purple filly studied under the Sun Princess, she was taught how to master her magical abilities and was taught a few advanced spells. Eventually the little filly has grown up to be a young adult and had almost mastered all her teachings.

However, all the time together the Sun Princess overlooked one major thing for her student, making friends. While the purple mare wasn't socially inept, but she rarely made any friends. She believed that her studies are more important than hanging out.

Seeing this, the Sun Princess realized that you can't simply teach friendship, you have to experience it. So by command, she ordered her student to head to Ponyville, she told the young mare to supervise the preparation of the Summer Sun Celebration. The Princess hoped that by sending her there would make her socialize with the village's friendly populace.

Unknown to the Sun Princess, a long forgotten foe is returning and she is here to exact her vengeance against the one who banished her.

Then came the day of celebration, but instead of the Sun Princess it was another Princess.

The Moon Princess.

She has came back from her banishment to cast everlasting night for the ponies of Equestria.

Amidst this chaos the lavender mare and five other ponies, searched the mysterious Everfree forest for an artifact that can defeat the Moon Princess. Along the way the young mare bonded with the five other ponies in her group. She got to know more about them and grew a new-found respect for them.

Soon the six ponies found the artifact called the Elements of Harmony and used them to defeat the Moon Princess. Then something unexpected happened, the once menacing Moon Princess has transformed into a fragile, innocent looking blue alicorn.

At that time the Sun Princess arrived and explained the situation. She told the six ponies that the blue alicorn is her sister. Long ago the Moon Princess envied the attention her sister got with the subjects, this jealousy later turned her into the being Nightmare Moon. With no other choice the Sun Princess had to banish her sister to the moon. Now with her back she can finally reconcile with her long lost sister.

After that day not only did the Sun Princess got her sister back, but the lavender mare learned the value of friendship. So for the next couple of years the young mare lived in Ponyville and lots of adventures with her five friends. Together they faced dragons, manticores, timber wolves, hydras, and saved Equestria numerous times. All while learning friendship along the way.

Finally the day arrived when the young mare gets to achieve her destiny. After a series of events, the lavender unicorn ascended into an alicorn, earning her the title of Princess.

At first the Lavender Princess was all happy, she has finally finished all her studies. And now she was given the highest honor ever to be given to anypony. But, then she realized the downside of her new position. As a princess, she'll be given new responsibilities and power.

Over the course of the next few years, the Lavender alicorn was swamped with her royal duties. So busy with her new work, she barely had any time to spend with her friends. It was at this point did the young princess realized the downside to being an alicorn.

Being immortal, the lavender alicorn will outlive her friends. As they grow older, she would remain the same for the rest of her life. Soon in the next couple of decades, her friends moved on, finding their dreams, got married, started a family, and eventually died.

One by one, her friends reached the end of their lives and depart from this world. The lavender alicorn was saddened by her friends departure, but she didn't let it bother her duties. Right now the ponies of Equestria need her now, and she had to stay strong for them in this dire moment.

Recently there has been reports of attacks on any settlements near the Badlands. The Sun and Moon Princess thought it was just some rabid beast that wandered away from his home. So, they just sent a squad of their elite guards to deal with the beast.

Out of all the guard sent, only two returned. When they returned, one of them was badly injured and the second one had the look of terror on his face. The two royal sisters asked the spooked guard what happened. The guard told the two that his squad met up the creature. They tried hitting the beast, but it just shrugs off their attacks and easily slaughtered them.

Hearing how dangerous this beast is, both the royal sisters decided to take care of this monster themselves. Before leaving, the Sun Princess asked her former student to look after the kingdom while she and her sister dealt with the beast. The Lavender Princess agreed and watched the two alicorn spread their wings and took flight.

Three days had passed since they left and no words are heard from the two. Then on the fourth day a letter arrived for the Lavender Alicorn. The message was grim, the two princesses has failed to stop the beast and now it is heading towards their capital, Canterlot.

Upon reading this part, the princess ordered all available guards to assemble outside the city. She needed them to hold off the beast while she searched the archives for a way to defeat the creature.

The hours passed after her order and a large army of royal guards was positioned outside the city. All the commanders talked strategy and tactics among themselves, each adding different ways to deal with the beast.

By the time the beast arrived, the royal guards were ready for it. Standing in front is the Earth pony guards and their siege weapons. Upon seeing the beast the commander ordered all weapons aimed at it. Rows of catapults and Ballista fired. Their projectiles hit their marks, large boulders smacked onto the monster's flesh and the giant arrows piercing it as well.

Despite all this onslaught the beast continued to press forward, using its large scythe like legs to drag himself. Upon firing a second time, the beast raised its two large arms and caught two boulders. The beast then proceeds to throw back the large stones back at the guards.

This continued on as the beast grabs the projectiles and used them to destroy the rows of siege weapons in front of it. Up high in the clouds the pegasus commander watched as the Earth pony guards getting beaten. It was time for his troops to enact their plan.

At the beginning of this battle the pegasus made sure it was raining. They waited until the beast was soaked enough, so that they can drop the thunder, literally. Rows of thunder cloud hovered above the large green beast, with a synchronize kick from all the pegasus guards, they unleashed the biggest lighting storm ever seen in Equestria.

They combined attack hit the beast, hoping to electrocute the monster to death. At first the beast lay motionless, when they thought that they achieved victory it let out a loud roar, erupting their celebration. The beast then pulled out one of large arrows that pierced its flesh and hurled it at them.

This caught the pegasus force by surprise and they scattered, leaving the beast below enough time to charge into the frontine of earth ponies and destroy their siege weapons. Picking up their remaining projectiles, the beast uses them against the airborne ponies.

With both the group of ponies defeated, this left the large group of unicorns to stand alone against the large beast. As it draws closer all the lined up unicorns fire their magical energy at the beast, some fire rapidly, others fire long beams of energy.

They all aimed for the face, causing the creature to shield it with its hand. Unbeknownst to the large green beast, two small groups of unicorn has snuck behind it, levitating the huge arrows from the destroyed ballista. Concentrating hard enough, they flung these arrows in the back of the beast's head. This cause it to scream in pain, it lowered its hand leaving its face exposed.

The large group of unicorn saw the beast lower its hand, on order by their commander, all the unicorn charge up their horns. Within seconds a large glow appeared on their horns. When the last unicorn fully charge up his horn, they all unleashed it upon the beast's face, causing a big explosion.

All the ponies watched as the smoke around the beast's face started to dissipate. To all their shock and horror, the creature's face was horribly scarred, but this was not what shocked them. Instead it was the fact that the beast was regenerating. The once cuts and gashes were slowly sealing themselves, only leaving traces of blood stains on its face.

Once its face was healed, the beast let out a loud ear-piercing roar and charged at the battalion of unicorns. They frantically fired at the beast, but it proves to be ineffective.

After it was done with them the beast made a beeline to the city of Canterlot. As the city was in view, it was stopped by a lone pony in a purple cloak.

Seeing the little pony in its way, the beast wasted no time and raised its hand in the air and slammed it onto the pony.

When its hand, made impact it didn't feel the pony. As it lifted its hand, the beast found no trace of the cloaked pony. Suddenly the beast felt a burning pain in one of its eyes. Looking up, it saw the cloak pony, with her hood down, revealing her glowing horn. On her back was a pair of purple feathery wings, flapping in the air.

Recognizing the pony as an alicorn, the beast tried to crush the tiny pony with its hands. Fortunately for the Lavender Alicorn, she easily dodge the beast's attacks.

It is said that the battle between these two lasted for hours, with the princess trying everything in her powers to slay the beast and the beast itself is trying to crush the annoying pony. Both opponents were unable to slay each other because of the creature's regenerative abilities and the princess unlimited power.

This battle would have last longer if the young princess hadn't ended it. The Lavender Alicorn realized that a prolonged battle will only destroy Equestria if this goes any longer. It was time to cast a dangerous and unexperimented spell.

The Lavender Alicorn flew above the colossal beast and began her spell. Soon huge bright rings appeared around the beast, surrounding it. Seconds after it appeared, the princess went onto the second step of the spell. The ring around beast started to shine a bright and blinding light, making everypony in the area cover their eyes. Those that were able to see through the blinding light saw the silhouette of the beast slowly dissipating piece by piece.

However, the beast wasn't the only one that was dissipating. Up high in the sky the Lavender Alicorn started to lose pieces of her body, the longer the spell goes. Afterwards the spell was finished and the beast was gone, and so was the princess.

The aftermath of this event left the ponies victorious against the beast, but at a cost of losing their princess. After the two royal princesses returned and heard of the news, this left the Sun Princess in a depressed state. She has lost her former student and felt responsible for her lost.

Luckily for the Sun Princess, her sister was there to comfort her. Soon after they held a funeral for the Lavender Alicorn and many ponies attended to pay their respect to the hero that saved Equestria. Each pony giving a small speech of their beloved princess.

This went on for a while, everypony saying things from inspirational to not bottling up your emotion. The funeral ended when the Sun Princess gave her speech. In her speech she talked about how she met the Lavender Alicorn when she was just a little filly. She went on about all the great moment she spent with her, and told everypony that she is proud of all the accomplishment she ever did. The one thing she does regret was not being strong to stop the beast, otherwise she would have never sacrificed herself.

After the funeral the Sun Princess ordered a monument to be made in front of Canterlot's library, honoring the Lavender Alicorn.


"And to this day her statue still stands in front of the Old Canterlot's library," Ivory finished her tale, leaving all the foals awestruck.

"Miss Ivory, did that really happened?" questioned one of the colorful foals.

"Well not exactly," she explained. "Most of the of information have been lost in the past, and while we managed to get the key events, we the stuff in between is lost to us. So many scholars had to fill in the between with numerous research. Some the same other, other different."

"Can you give us an example?" ask the teacher, Bookmark.

"Well I do remember this one entry, where apparently the Lavender Alicorn went crazy over a tardiness."

This got a few giggles and laughs from the group of foals.

"Wow that sound ridiculous," said the blue stallion.

"No kidding," she then turned her attention to the foals. "Well kids I think it's time to move on to the other part of our tour." The orange-red mare turned around and led the group to their next destination, leaving the painting of the Lavender Alicorn behind.

Comments ( 8 )

The grammar could be beter but it is a nice story

Interesting way of telling a story. Don't think I've seen it done like this before.

It has quite a bit of potential, but like RainLight said above, you need to work on the grammar and such. It isn't really good enough for me to like or favourite, but I won't thump it down either. Keep writing and reading, and you'll get better bit by bit :pinkiesmile:

Did the story picture inspire this story or did you just have someone (or yourself) make it for you?


The picture inspired me write to that story.


The grammar could be beter but it is a nice story

could be beter but it



learn to correct your own grammar before criticising other's!

it was a lone lavendar mare

not sure if serious

The Legend of Spyro vibe here.

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